123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146 |
- import os
- from os import path
- from glob import glob
- import numpy as np
- import pandas as pd
- import h5py
- import datashader as ds
- import datashader.transfer_functions as tf
- # from plots import plot_occupancy_projections
- HDF_FORMAT = 'fixed'
- def strip_sessions(pos):
- """Remove the beginning and end of each session's tracking data, using its position XYZ info."""
- # Get Only the data after entry into the arena for each session.
- def get_first_index(pos):
- indices = np.where(
- (pos.Y < .2) # Rat is low.
- & (pos.Z.abs() < .2) # Rat is inside the Arena.
- )
- return indices[0][0] if len(indices[0]) > 0 else 0
- def get_last_index(pos):
- indices = np.where(
- (.20 < np.abs(pos.X)) # Rat is off board
- & (np.abs(pos.X) < .45) # Rat is still close to board, though.
- & (pos.Y > .06) # Rat is above the floor, not sitting on it.
- & (pos.Y < .20) # Rat is below the board.
- & (np.sign(pos.X) == np.sign(pos.X.diff())) # Rat is moving away from the board.
- & (np.abs(pos.X.diff() / pos.Time.diff()) > .08) # Rat is moving away from the board at speed.
- & ((pos.Y.diff() / pos.Time.diff()) < -.20)
- )
- return indices[0][0] if len(indices[0]) > 0 else 0
- get_window = lambda df: df.iloc[(get_first_index(df) + 300):get_last_index(df) + 28 ]
- pos = pos.groupby('Session_id').apply(get_window)
- pos.reset_index('Session_id', inplace=True, drop=True)
- return pos
- def filter_sessions(pos):
- """Remove Bad Sessions"""
- pos = pos.groupby('Session_id').filter(lambda df: (np.abs(df.X) > .38).any() == False )
- pos = pos.groupby('Session_id').filter(lambda df: (np.abs(df.Y) > .49).any() == False )
- return pos.copy()
- def add_relative_time(pos):
- # Get Relative Time in Session
- pos = pos.copy()
- normalize = lambda t: (t - t.min()) / (t.max() - t.min())
- pos['TimeNormed'] = pos.groupby('Session_id').Time.apply(normalize)
- return pos
- def smooth_trajectories(df, **rolling_kwargs):
- """Transform Data (Velocity and Acceleration)"""
- pos_s = df.copy()
- g = pos_s.groupby('Session_id')
- for dim in 'XYZ':
- pos_s[dim] = g[dim].rolling(**rolling_kwargs).mean().values
- pos_s['Vel' + dim] = g.apply(lambda df: df[dim].diff() / df.Time.diff()).values
- pos_s['Acc' + dim] = g.apply(lambda df: df['Vel' + dim].diff() / df.Time.diff()).values
- return pos_s
- def get_jump_trajectory(df, search_size=100, win_size=40):
- def get_end_of_fall(df):
- end = np.where(df.VelY == np.min(df.VelY.iloc[-search_size:]))[0][0]
- return df.iloc[(end - win_size):end]
- falls = df.copy().groupby('Session_id').apply(get_end_of_fall)
- falls.reset_index('Session_id', drop=True, inplace=True)
- return falls
- def get_jump_point(df, session_filter='VelY < -.3'):
- """Get last frame of falling: The minimum VelY"""
- jumps = df.groupby('Session_id').apply(lambda df: df[df.VelY == df.VelY.min()])
- jumps.reset_index('Session_id', inplace=True, drop=True)
- jumps = jumps.query(session_filter)
- return jumps.copy()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Load Data
- fname = '../data/VRCliff_AllData.h5'
- if not path.exists(fname):
- os.system("python merge_sessions.py")
- pos = pd.read_hdf(fname, '/Position').dropna()
- pos.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) # Because original file put frame as index.
- sessions = pd.read_hdf(fname, '/Session')
- sessions.set_index('id', inplace=True)
- # Correct for different Board Height
- sessions['BoardCorrection'] = sessions.BoardHeight.apply(lambda x: -.01 if x > .15 else 0)
- boardcorr = pd.merge(pos[['Session_id']], sessions[['BoardCorrection']], left_on='Session_id', right_index=True,)
- pos.Y.update(pos.Y + boardcorr.BoardCorrection)
- # Process, Clean, Filter Data
- pos = strip_sessions(pos)
- pos = filter_sessions(pos)
- pos = add_relative_time(pos)
- pos_s = smooth_trajectories(pos, window=15, center=True, min_periods=9, win_type='hamming')
- falls = get_jump_trajectory(pos_s, search_size=100, win_size=40)
- jumps = get_jump_point(falls, session_filter='VelY < -.3')
- # # Save Cleaned Data to a new file.
- # savename = '../data/VRCliff_AllData_cleaned.h5'
- # pos.to_hdf(savename, '/Position', format='table')
- # sessions.to_hdf(savename, '/Session', format='table')
- # ###########
- # Correct_for Left Cliff Condition (onlyh in RealCliff=Left condition)
- # dfsub = sessions.query('CliffType == "Real" & CliffSide == "L"')
- # swap_lr = lambda x: {'L': 'R', 'R': 'L', np.nan: np.nan}[x]
- # sessions.loc[dfsub.index, 'JumpSide'] = dfsub.JumpSide.apply(swap_lr)
- # todo: Move Left Cliff correction to earlier in the process.
- # Evaluate Whether jump was on correct side or not
- # sessions['JumpRight'] = ((sessions.JumpSide == 'R') - 0.5) * 2
- # sessions['Correct'] = sessions.JumpSide != sessions.CliffSide
- # #########
- # falls.to_hdf(fname, '/Falls', format=HDF_FORMAT)
- # jumps.to_hdf(fname, '/Jumps', format=HDF_FORMAT)