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The data and scripts necessary to reproduce the results (Figs. 7-12) are all contained in the compressed file "data-sim-PlosCB.tar.gz". The code should run as-is under any Linux distribution, provided that the necessary open-source software is installed. All software should be available also for MacOS (not tested).
Most software is also available for Windows. However, a replacement for the plotting software XmGrace is needed, as well as some editing to the scrips because of path handling.
For assistance please contact: davide.bernardi (at) bccn-berlin.de
1) C++ code:
2) Python 2.7 + numpy/scipy. Using Anaconda is recommended to create a python 2 compatible environment (www.anaconda.com)
3) HTCondor queuing system to manage the large number of simulation trials (https://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/index.html)
4) Plotting software xmgrace (https://plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/Grace)
INSTRUCTIONS: 1) After installing all required software packages, unzip "data-sim-PlosCB.tar.gz" and open a terminal in the "build" subdirectory.
2) Prepare the Makefile by using cmake:
cmake ../network_source_code -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
3) Build the C++ executable by typing make
4) To run all simulations and make all plots, move back to the main directory and call the main script ./main_script.py
5)./main_script --help
for more options
./main_script.py --par ./parameter_sets/myparameters.parameters
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