Fig.3a - Extended Data Fig.11a 200930/Acq12h03_doubleSineShifted_phaseNamp1000line2line_zoom0315_4096x1024_unidir
Fig.3d - Extended Data Fig.11b 200814/Acq15h19_doubleSineShifted_phaseNamp1000line2line_zoom025_4096x887_unidir
Fig.3e - Extended Data Fig.11c
Data structure
acqParam.mat stores acquisition parameters
acqWphaseShift0001.mat stores vibrometry data
cmdPIV_rolling_Pass_32_4_step1stPass16_Clahe500_minInt0_maxInt04.mat stores extracted velocity data
./figures stores images as in Fig.3 and Extended Data Fig.11
For 200930_processing/Acq14h21[...]/masks: stores masks defining regions of interest to compute displacement of tissue and lapillus in Fig.3e, and related data
Two Matlab scripts are used to generate these figures:
loads the data,
reshapes the data set to reconstruct the movie of mechanical tissue deformation in response to acoustic stimulation,
sets particle image velocimetry (PIV) parameters including image pre-processing,
computes local displacement from one frame to the next along x and y directions, using the PIVlab Matlab library (GitHub - Shrediquette/PIVlab: Particle Image Velocimetry for Matlab, official repository, tested with version 2.31 - to use 3.0, a few new parameters must be defined, see code).
loads the motion data (output from previous code)
computes the first Fourier component, and convert to proper unit (velocities in um/s and displacement amplitude in um)
plots the results
compute mean values of displacement amplitude and phase within region of interests