201_oddball.vhdr 7.9 KB

  1. Brain Vision Data Exchange Header File Version 1.0
  2. ; Data created by the Vision Recorder
  3. [Common Infos]
  4. Codepage=UTF-8
  5. DataFile=201_oddball.eeg
  6. MarkerFile=201_oddball.vmrk
  7. DataFormat=BINARY
  8. ; Data orientation: MULTIPLEXED=ch1,pt1, ch2,pt1 ...
  9. DataOrientation=MULTIPLEXED
  10. NumberOfChannels=32
  11. ; Sampling interval in microseconds
  12. SamplingInterval=2000
  13. [Binary Infos]
  14. BinaryFormat=IEEE_FLOAT_32
  15. [Channel Infos]
  16. ; Each entry: Ch<Channel number>=<Name>,<Reference channel name>,
  17. ; <Resolution in "Unit">,<Unit>, Future extensions..
  18. ; Fields are delimited by commas, some fields might be omitted (empty).
  19. ; Commas in channel names are coded as "\1".
  20. Ch1=Fp1,,0.0406901,µV
  21. Ch2=Fz,,0.0406901,µV
  22. Ch3=F3,,0.0406901,µV
  23. Ch4=F7,,0.0406901,µV
  24. Ch5=FT9,,0.0406901,µV
  25. Ch6=FC5,,0.0406901,µV
  26. Ch7=FC1,,0.0406901,µV
  27. Ch8=C3,,0.0406901,µV
  28. Ch9=T7,,0.0406901,µV
  29. Ch10=TP9,,0.0406901,µV
  30. Ch11=CP5,,0.0406901,µV
  31. Ch12=CP1,,0.0406901,µV
  32. Ch13=Pz,,0.0406901,µV
  33. Ch14=P3,,0.0406901,µV
  34. Ch15=P7,,0.0406901,µV
  35. Ch16=O1,,0.0406901,µV
  36. Ch17=Oz,,0.0406901,µV
  37. Ch18=O2,,0.0406901,µV
  38. Ch19=P4,,0.0406901,µV
  39. Ch20=P8,,0.0406901,µV
  40. Ch21=TP10,,0.0406901,µV
  41. Ch22=CP6,,0.0406901,µV
  42. Ch23=CP2,,0.0406901,µV
  43. Ch24=Cz,,0.0406901,µV
  44. Ch25=C4,,0.0406901,µV
  45. Ch26=T8,,0.0406901,µV
  46. Ch27=FT10,,0.0406901,µV
  47. Ch28=FC6,,0.0406901,µV
  48. Ch29=FC2,,0.0406901,µV
  49. Ch30=F4,,0.0406901,µV
  50. Ch31=F8,,0.0406901,µV
  51. Ch32=Fp2,,0.0406901,µV
  52. [Coordinates]
  53. ; Electrode Position File: C:\Users\admin-local\Desktop\actiCAP for LiveAmp 32 Channel\CLA-32.bvef
  54. Ch1=1,-90,-72
  55. Ch2=1,45,90
  56. Ch3=1,-60,-51
  57. Ch4=1,-90,-36
  58. Ch5=1,-113,-18
  59. Ch6=1,-69,-22
  60. Ch7=1,-31,-46
  61. Ch8=1,-45,0
  62. Ch9=1,-90,0
  63. Ch10=1,-113,18
  64. Ch11=1,-69,21
  65. Ch12=1,-31,46
  66. Ch13=1,45,-90
  67. Ch14=1,-60,51
  68. Ch15=1,-90,36
  69. Ch16=1,-90,72
  70. Ch17=1,90,-90
  71. Ch18=1,90,-72
  72. Ch19=1,60,-51
  73. Ch20=1,90,-36
  74. Ch21=1,113,-18
  75. Ch22=1,69,-21
  76. Ch23=1,31,-46
  77. Ch24=1,0,0
  78. Ch25=1,45,0
  79. Ch26=1,90,0
  80. Ch27=1,113,18
  81. Ch28=1,69,21
  82. Ch29=1,31,46
  83. Ch30=1,60,51
  84. Ch31=1,90,36
  85. Ch32=1,90,72
  86. [Comment]
  87. BrainVision Recorder Professional - V. 1.21.0303
  88. A m p l i f i e r S e t u p
  89. ============================
  90. Number of channels: 32
  91. Sampling Rate [Hz]: 500
  92. Sampling Interval [µS]: 2000
  93. Channels
  94. --------
  95. # Name Phys. Chn. Resolution / Unit Low Cutoff [s] High Cutoff [Hz] Notch [Hz] Gradient Offset
  96. 1 Fp1 1 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  97. 2 Fz 2 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  98. 3 F3 3 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  99. 4 F7 4 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  100. 5 FT9 5 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  101. 6 FC5 6 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  102. 7 FC1 7 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  103. 8 C3 8 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  104. 9 T7 9 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  105. 10 TP9 10 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  106. 11 CP5 11 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  107. 12 CP1 12 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  108. 13 Pz 13 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  109. 14 P3 14 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  110. 15 P7 15 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  111. 16 O1 16 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  112. 17 Oz 17 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  113. 18 O2 18 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  114. 19 P4 19 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  115. 20 P8 20 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  116. 21 TP10 21 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  117. 22 CP6 22 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  118. 23 CP2 23 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  119. 24 Cz 24 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  120. 25 C4 25 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  121. 26 T8 26 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  122. 27 FT10 27 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  123. 28 FC6 28 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  124. 29 FC2 29 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  125. 30 F4 30 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  126. 31 F8 31 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  127. 32 Fp2 32 0.0406901 µV DC 131 Off
  128. LiveAmp SN: LA-056309-0523
  129. LiveAmp hardware revision: 5
  130. Firmware version: 4.71
  131. Sensor and trigger extension SN: STE-056305-0185
  132. Sensor and trigger extension hardware revision: 1
  133. Sensor and trigger extension firmware version: 1.14
  134. Library version:
  135. Use Active/Dry Electrodes: Yes
  136. S o f t w a r e F i l t e r s
  137. ==============================
  138. Disabled
  139. Data/Gnd/Ref Electrodes Selected Impedance Measurement Range: 25 - 60 kOhm
  140. Impedance [kOhm] at 10:53:04 :
  141. Fp1: 17
  142. Fz: 2
  143. F3: 2
  144. F7: 18
  145. FT9: 196
  146. FC5: 35
  147. FC1: 0
  148. C3: 11
  149. T7: 6
  150. TP9: 0
  151. CP5: 3
  152. CP1: 24
  153. Pz: 9
  154. P3: 8
  155. P7: 3
  156. O1: 22
  157. Oz: 14
  158. O2: 0
  159. P4: 5
  160. P8: 12
  161. TP10: 4
  162. CP6: 7
  163. CP2: 8
  164. Cz: 6
  165. C4: 5
  166. T8: 10
  167. FT10: 0
  168. FC6: 0
  169. FC2: 0
  170. F4: 1
  171. F8: 0
  172. Fp2: 13
  173. Gnd: 3
  174. Ref: 0
  175. Data/Gnd/Ref Electrodes Selected Impedance Measurement Range: 25 - 60 kOhm
  176. Impedance [kOhm] at 11:13:36 :
  177. Fp1: 17
  178. Fz: 0
  179. F3: 0
  180. F7: 18
  181. FT9: 10
  182. FC5: 37
  183. FC1: 0
  184. C3: 9
  185. T7: 6
  186. TP9: 0
  187. CP5: 0
  188. CP1: 29
  189. Pz: 4
  190. P3: 0
  191. P7: 3
  192. O1: 21
  193. Oz: 11
  194. O2: 0
  195. P4: 0
  196. P8: 9
  197. TP10: 0
  198. CP6: 7
  199. CP2: 1
  200. Cz: 6
  201. C4: 0
  202. T8: 8
  203. FT10: 0
  204. FC6: 0
  205. FC2: 0
  206. F4: 0
  207. F8: 0
  208. Fp2: 4
  209. Gnd: 3
  210. Ref: 0
  211. Data/Gnd/Ref Electrodes Selected Impedance Measurement Range: 25 - 60 kOhm
  212. Impedance [kOhm] at 12:39:21 :
  213. Fp1: not connected
  214. Fz: not connected
  215. F3: not connected
  216. F7: not connected
  217. FT9: not connected
  218. FC5: not connected
  219. FC1: not connected
  220. C3: not connected
  221. T7: not connected
  222. TP9: not connected
  223. CP5: not connected
  224. CP1: not connected
  225. Pz: not connected
  226. P3: not connected
  227. P7: not connected
  228. O1: not connected
  229. Oz: not connected
  230. O2: not connected
  231. P4: not connected
  232. P8: not connected
  233. TP10: not connected
  234. CP6: not connected
  235. CP2: not connected
  236. Cz: not connected
  237. C4: not connected
  238. T8: not connected
  239. FT10: not connected
  240. FC6: not connected
  241. FC2: not connected
  242. F4: not connected
  243. F8: not connected
  244. Fp2: not connected
  245. Gnd: not connected
  246. Ref: not connected