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update masks-builder-voxel-counter.py

Christian O. Häusler hace 3 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 235 adiciones y 233 borrados
  1. 235 233

+ 235 - 233

@@ -2,11 +2,6 @@
 author: Christian Olaf Häusler
 created on Wednesday, 31 March 2021
-    - change ouput path to 'sub-*/masks'
-    - in line with BIDS structure?
 from glob import glob
@@ -17,93 +12,81 @@ import os
 import re
 import scipy.ndimage
+# constants
+# path of the subdataset providing templates and transformatiom matrices
+TNT_DIR = 'inputs/studyforrest-data-templatetransforms'
+# the path that contains mask (input and output purpose)
+ROIS_PATH = 'masks'
+# the path to check for which subjects we have (filtered) functional data
+# that were used to localize the PPA via movie and audio-description
+SUBJS_PATH_PATTERN = 'inputs/studyforrest-ppa-analysis/sub-??/' + \
+    'run-?_*-ppa-ind.feat'
 def find_files(pattern):
+    def sort_nicely(l):
+        '''Sorts a given list in the way that humans expect
+        '''
+        convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
+        alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
+        l.sort(key=alphanum_key)
+        return l
     found_files = glob(pattern)
     found_files = sort_nicely(found_files)
     return found_files
-def sort_nicely(l):
-    '''Sorts a given list in the way that humans expect
-    '''
-    convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
-    alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key)]
-    l.sort(key=alphanum_key)
-    return l
-def create_audio_FoV_mask(subj, out_fpath):
+def create_audio_FoV_mask(subj, filt4d_fpath, out_fpath):
+    '''creates a binarized 3D image taken from a 4D time-series
-    '''
-    # create the 3D image (non-binarized)
     if not os.path.exists(out_fpath):
-        print('creating audio FoV mask for subject', subj)
-        # filter pathes for current subject and stimulus
-        # (subjs_pathes is global variable)
-        ao_pathes = [x for x in subjs_pathes if subj in x and 'audio' in x]
-        # to get the audio FoV, we gonna look in a 4D image and slice one TR
-        filt4d_fpath = os.path.join(ao_pathes[0], 'filtered_func_data.nii.gz')
         # download data via datalad if needed
         if not os.path.exists(filt4d_fpath):
             subprocess.call(['datalad', 'get', filt4d_fpath])
-        print('input:', filt4d_fpath)
-        print('output:', out_fpath)
         # load the time-series
         filt4d_img = nib.load(filt4d_fpath)
         filt4d_data = filt4d_img.get_fdata()
         # slice the a TR
         filt3d_data = filt4d_data[:, :, :, 20]
+        # binarize the image
+        ao_fov_bin = np.copy(filt3d_data)
+        ao_fov_bin[ao_fov_bin < 1] = 0
+        ao_fov_bin[ao_fov_bin >= 1] = 1
         # create a nifti image
-        filt3d_img = nib.Nifti1Image(
-            filt3d_data,
-            filt4d_img.affine,
-            header=filt4d_img.header
-        )
-        # save the image
-        out_fpath = os.path.join(
-            ROIS_PATH,
-            subj,
-            'audio_fov.nii.gz'
-        )
+        ao_fov_img = nib.Nifti1Image(ao_fov_bin,
+                                     filt4d_img.affine,
+                                     header=filt4d_img.header)
         # actual saving
-        nib.save(filt3d_img, out_fpath)
+        nib.save(ao_fov_img, out_fpath)
-        filt3d_img = nib.load(out_fpath)
+        ao_fov_img = nib.load(out_fpath)
-    return filt3d_img
+    return ao_fov_img
-def create_gray_matter_mask(subj, gray_matter_fpath):
+def create_gray_matter_mask(subj, gray_matter_fpath, out_fpath):
-    in_file = os.path.basename(gray_matter_fpath)
-    out_fpath = gray_matter_fpath.replace(
-        in_file,
-        'gray_matter_bin.nii.gz')
-    out_fpath = out_fpath.replace('/in_bold3Tp2', '')
     if not os.path.exists(out_fpath):
         gray_matter_img = nib.load(gray_matter_fpath)
         gray_matter_data = gray_matter_img.get_fdata()
         # following step probably unnecessary
         gray_matter_bin = np.copy(gray_matter_data)
         # binarize the data
+        # DEPENDS ON THE CURRENT INPUT FILE (brain_seg.nii.gz)
         gray_matter_bin[gray_matter_bin != 2] = 0
         gray_matter_bin[gray_matter_bin == 2] = 1
@@ -120,86 +103,126 @@ def create_gray_matter_mask(subj, gray_matter_fpath):
     return img
-# main program #
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    # some hardcoded sources
-    # path of the subdataset providing templates and transformatiom matrices
-    TNT_DIR = 'inputs/studyforrest-data-templatetransforms'
+def dilate_mask(in_file, out_file):
+    '''
+    '''
+    if not os.path.exists(out_file):
+        input_img = nib.load(in_file)
+        # get data from image
+        input_data = input_img.get_fdata()
+        # dilate the data
+        dil_data = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(input_data)
+        # some cleaning
+        dil_data[dil_data == False] = 0
+        dil_data[dil_data == True] = 1
+        # save the dilated mask
+        new_img = nib.Nifti1Image(dil_data,
+                                  input_img.affine,
+                                  input_img.header)
+        # save it
+        nib.save(new_img, out_file)
+    else:
+        new_img = nib.load(out_file)
+    return new_img
-    # the path that contains mask (input and output purpose)
-    ROIS_PATH = 'rois-and-masks'
-    # the path to check for which subjects we have (filtered) functional data
-    # that were used to localize the PPA via movie and audio-description
-    SUBJS_PATH_PATTERN = 'inputs/studyforrest-ppa-analysis/sub-??/' + \
-        'run-?_*-ppa-ind.feat'
+def count_voxels():
+    '''
+    '''
+# main program #
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # find all masks that are available in MNI space
+    masks_in_mni = find_files(os.path.join(ROIS_PATH, 'in_mni', '*.*'))
+    # which mask are actually relevant (at the moment?)
+    relevant_masks = [
+        ('Group PPA', 'grp_PPA_bin.nii.gz'),
+        ('Group FFA', 'grp_FFA_bin.nii.gz'),
+        ('Group PPA (diluted)', 'grp_PPA_bin_dil.nii.gz'),
+        ('Group FFA (diluted)', 'grp_FFA_bin_dil.nii.gz')
+        # ('posterior parahippocampal g.', 'harv-oxf_prob_Parahippocampal Gyrus, posterior division.nii.gz'),
+        # ('anterior temporal fusiform c.', 'harv-oxf_prob_Temporal Fusiform Cortex, anterior division.nii.gz'),
+        # ('temp. occ. fusiform c.', 'harv-oxf_prob_Temporal Occipital Fusiform Cortex.nii.gz'),
+        # ('lingual gyrus', 'harv-oxf_prob_Lingual Gyrus.nii.gz')
+    ]
+    # get all subjects from existing directories
     subjs_pathes = find_files(SUBJS_PATH_PATTERN)
     subjs = [re.search(r'sub-..', string).group() for string in subjs_pathes]
-    # some filtering (which is probably not necessary)
+    # some filtering
     subjs = sorted(list(set(subjs)))
-    masks_in_mni = find_files(os.path.join(ROIS_PATH, 'in_mni', '*.*'))
-    for subj in subjs:
+    for subj in subjs[:1]:
         # create the subject-specific folder in case it does not exist
-        os.makedirs(os.path.join(ROIS_PATH, subj), exist_ok=True)
-        # get AV 3D example from 4D 'filtered_func_data.nii.gz'
-        audio_fov_fpath = os.path.join(
-            ROIS_PATH,
-            subj,
-            'in_bold3Tp2',
-            'audio_fov.nii.gz')
-        # functions returns an 3D image of AO run-1
-        # in case the file does not exists it creates the image from 4D data
-        audio_fov_img = create_audio_FoV_mask(subj, audio_fov_fpath)
-        # binarize the image
-        audio_fov_data = audio_fov_img.get_fdata()
-        audio_fov_bin = np.copy(audio_fov_data)
-        audio_fov_bin[audio_fov_bin < 1] = 0
-        audio_fov_bin[audio_fov_bin >= 1] = 1
-        # create the binarized (!) gray matter mask
-        gray_matter_fpath = os.path.join(
-            ROIS_PATH,
-            subj,
-            'in_bold3Tp2',
-            'brain_seg.nii.gz')  # preliminary input
-        # functions returns the binarized image
-        # and, if needed, creates the image on-the-fly
-        gray_matter_bin_img = create_gray_matter_mask(subj, gray_matter_fpath)
-        # get data from image
-        gray_matter_bin_data = gray_matter_bin_img.get_fdata()
-        # dilate the gray matter
-        gray_matter_bin_dil = scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(gray_matter_bin_data)
-        gray_matter_bin_dil[gray_matter_bin_dil == False] = 0
-        gray_matter_bin_dil[gray_matter_bin_dil == True] = 1
-        # DEBUGGIN / CHECKING: save the dilated image
-        img = nib.Nifti1Image(gray_matter_bin_dil,
-                              gray_matter_bin_img.affine,
-                              gray_matter_bin_img.header)
-        nib.save(img,
-                 os.path.join(ROIS_PATH, subj, 'gray_matter_bin_dil.nii.gz'))
+        os.makedirs(os.path.join(subj, ROIS_PATH), exist_ok=True)
+        # create (binarized) audio-description FoV mask
+        # by slicing and binarizing a 4D image ('filtered_func_data.nii.gz')
+        ao_pathes = [x for x in subjs_pathes if subj in x and 'audio' in x]
+        # to get the audio FoV, we gonna look at run-1 (index = 0)
+        input_4d_fpath = os.path.join(ao_pathes[0],
+                                      'filtered_func_data.nii.gz')
+        # the output file
+        ao_out_fpath = os.path.join(subj,
+                                    ROIS_PATH,
+                                    'in_bold3Tp2',
+                                    'audio_fov.nii.gz')
+        # call the function that creates the mask, writes it to file,
+        # and returns the mask as an image
+        ao_fov_img = create_audio_FoV_mask(subj,
+                                           input_4d_fpath,
+                                           ao_out_fpath)
+        # create the (binarized) gray matter mask
+        gm_in_fpath = os.path.join(subj,
+                                   ROIS_PATH,
+                                   'in_bold3Tp2',
+                                   'brain_seg.nii.gz')
+        # create the output path
+        in_file = os.path.basename(gm_in_fpath)
+        out_fpath = gm_in_fpath.replace(in_file,
+                                        'gm_bin.nii.gz')
+        # call the function that creates the mask, writes it to file,
+        # and returns the mask as an image
+        gm_img = create_gray_matter_mask(subj,
+                                         gm_in_fpath,
+                                         out_fpath)
+        # create a dilated mask by calling a function that dilates a mask
+        # read from file, writes the dilated mask
+        # and returns the dilated mask as an image
+        in_fpath = out_fpath
+        out_fpath = in_fpath.replace('gm_bin.nii.gz', 'gm_bin_dil.nii.gz')
+        # get the image
+        gm_dil_img = dilate_mask(in_fpath, out_fpath)
         # intersection of FoV & dilated mask
-        gray_mat_dil_fov = gray_matter_bin_dil * audio_fov_bin
+        gm_dil_in_fov = gm_dil_img.get_fdata() * ao_fov_img.get_fdata()
         # prepare saving
-        img = nib.Nifti1Image(gray_mat_dil_fov,
-                              gray_matter_bin_img.affine,
-                              gray_matter_bin_img.header)
-        # save
-        nib.save(img,
-                 os.path.join(ROIS_PATH,
-                              subj,
-                              'gray_matter_bin_dil_fov.nii.gz'
-                              )
-                 )
+        img = nib.Nifti1Image(gm_dil_in_fov,
+                              gm_img.affine,
+                              gm_img.header)
+        # save dilated gray matter in FoV
+        out_fpath =  os.path.join(subj,
+                                  ROIS_PATH,
+                                  'in_bold3Tp2',
+                                  'gm_bin_dil_fov.nii.gz')
+        # save it
+        nib.save(img, out_fpath)
+        # following part counts voxels in some baseline areas
+        # and voxels in an incrementally increased area of the brain by
+        # merging single masks
         # AV 3D example from 4D 'filtered_func_data.nii.gz'
         # filter all subjects' runs (AO and AV) for current sub's AV
@@ -208,116 +231,95 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         example_4d_fpath = os.path.join(av_pathes[0],
         filt4d_img = nib.load(example_4d_fpath)
-        filt4d_data = filt4d_img.get_fdata()
-        filt3d_movie_example = filt4d_data[:, :, :, 20]
-        # DEBUGGIING / CHECKING: save the image
+        filt3d_example = filt4d_img.get_fdata()[:, :, :, 20]
         # mask movie data with audio FoV
-        movie_fov = filt3d_movie_example * audio_fov_bin
+        movie_in_ao_fov = filt3d_example * ao_fov_img.get_fdata()
         print('Non-zero voxels in:')
-        print('20th TR of movie run-1:\t',
-              np.count_nonzero(filt3d_movie_example))
-        print('FoV mask:\t\t',
-              np.count_nonzero(audio_fov_bin))
-        print('FoV applied to movie:\t',
-              np.count_nonzero(movie_fov))
-        print('(dil.) gray m. in FoV:\t',
-              np.count_nonzero(gray_mat_dil_fov))
-        print('(dil.) gray m. in FoV on movie data:',
-              np.count_nonzero(gray_mat_dil_fov * filt3d_movie_example), '\n')
-        relevant_masks = [
-            ('Group PPA', 'grp_PPA_bin.nii.gz'),
-            ('Group FFA', 'grp_FFA_bin.nii.gz'),
-            ('Group PPA (diluted)', 'grp_PPA_bin_dil.nii.gz'),
-            ('Group FFA (diluted)', 'grp_FFA_bin_dil.nii.gz')
-#             ('posterior parahippocampal g.', 'harv-oxf_prob_Parahippocampal Gyrus, posterior division.nii.gz'),
-#             ('anterior temporal fusiform c.', 'harv-oxf_prob_Temporal Fusiform Cortex, anterior division.nii.gz'),
-#             ('temp. occ. fusiform c.', 'harv-oxf_prob_Temporal Occipital Fusiform Cortex.nii.gz'),
-#             ('lingual gyrus', 'harv-oxf_prob_Lingual Gyrus.nii.gz')
-        ]
-        ####################################################################
-        # VOXEL-ANZAHL in der individuellen PPA?
-        merged_masks = np.array([])
-        for name_n_fname in relevant_masks:
-            name, fname = name_n_fname
-            # get the complete path for the file
-            fpath = os.path.join(ROIS_PATH, subj, fname)
-            # load the file
-            mask_img = nib.load(fpath)
-            # get the actual data of the image
-            mask_data = mask_img.get_fdata()
-            # binarize the probabilistic map
-            mask_data[mask_data > 0] = 1
-            # prepare saving the binarized mask
-            img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_data,
-                                  mask_img.affine,
-                                  mask_img.header)
-            # save it
-            # nib.save(img, fname.replace('.nii.gz', '_bin.nii.gz'))
-            # restrict current mask to FOV
-            mask_data_fov = mask_data * audio_fov_bin
-            ###########################################################
-            # check number of individual PPA voxels in FOV
-            # restrict current FOV to gray-matter
-            mask_data_fov_gm = mask_data_fov * gray_matter_bin_dil
-            ###########################################################
-            # check if number of individual PPA voxel in gray-matter mask
-            # count overall number of voxels of the current mask
-            # that remain after masking with FoV & gray matter
-            print(f'{name} has {np.count_nonzero(mask_data_fov_gm)}' +
-                    f' voxels (of {np.count_nonzero(mask_data)}) in' +
-                    ' GM of audio FoV')
-            if not merged_masks.any():
-                merged_masks = mask_data_fov_gm
-                continue
-            else:
-                # create the new merged masks
-                new_merged_masks = merged_masks + mask_data_fov_gm
-                new_merged_masks[new_merged_masks > 0] = 1
-                # current number of all voxels
-                current_no_vox = np.count_nonzero(new_merged_masks)
-                # count the number exclusively newly added voxels
-                exclusively_new = mask_data_fov_gm - merged_masks
-                exclusively_new[exclusively_new <= 0] = 0
-                new_vox = np.count_nonzero(exclusively_new)
-                print(f'{name} adds {new_vox} new voxels to previous' +
-                      f' {np.count_nonzero(merged_masks)}' +
-                      f' voxels (={current_no_vox})')
-                # prepare for next loop
-                merged_masks = new_merged_masks
-                # add next masks to previous merged_masks_bin
-                # binarize again
-                # VOXEL-ANZAHL der individuellen PPA in merged Mask
-                ##########################################################
-                # VOXEL-ANZAHL der individuellen PPA,
-                # die durch die exklusiv neuen Voxel dazukommen
-        print('\nFinal mask size:', np.count_nonzero(merged_masks), '\n\n')
-        # checken, ob alle Voxel in VIS (und AO) PPA innerhalb der Maske sind
-        # group PPA in subject space:
-        # e.g. '/studyforrest-paper-ppa/rois-and-masks/sub-01/grp_PPA_bin.nii.gz'
-        # group PPA in MNI:
-        # 'studyforrest-paper-ppa/rois-and-masks/bilat_PPA_prob.nii.gz'
-        # wie wurde die erstellt?
+        print('FoV of audio-description:\t',
+              np.count_nonzero(ao_fov_img.get_fdata()))
+        print('FoV overlayed on movie:\t\t',
+              np.count_nonzero(movie_in_ao_fov))
+        print('FoV overlayed on (dil.) gray m.:',
+              np.count_nonzero(gm_dil_in_fov))
+#         merged_masks = np.array([])
+#         for name_n_fname in relevant_masks:
+#             name, fname = name_n_fname
+#             # get the complete path for the file
+#             fpath = os.path.join(ROIS_PATH, subj, fname)
+#             # load the file
+#             mask_img = nib.load(fpath)
+#             # get the actual data of the image
+#             mask_data = mask_img.get_fdata()
+#             # binarize the probabilistic map
+#             mask_data[mask_data > 0] = 1
+#             # prepare saving the binarized mask
+#             img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_data,
+#                                     mask_img.affine,
+#                                     mask_img.header)
+#             # save it
+#             # nib.save(img, fname.replace('.nii.gz', '_bin.nii.gz'))
+#             # restrict current mask to FOV
+#             mask_data_fov = mask_data * audio_fov_bin
+#             ###########################################################
+#             # check number of individual PPA voxels in FOV
+#             # restrict current FOV to gray-matter
+#             mask_data_fov_gm = mask_data_fov * gray_matter_bin_dil
+#             ###########################################################
+#             # check if number of individual PPA voxel in gray-matter mask
+#             # count overall number of voxels of the current mask
+#             # that remain after masking with FoV & gray matter
+#             print(f'{name} has {np.count_nonzero(mask_data_fov_gm)}' +
+#                     f' voxels (of {np.count_nonzero(mask_data)}) in' +
+#                     ' GM of audio FoV')
+#             if not merged_masks.any():
+#                 merged_masks = mask_data_fov_gm
+#                 continue
+#             else:
+#                 # create the new merged masks
+#                 new_merged_masks = merged_masks + mask_data_fov_gm
+#                 new_merged_masks[new_merged_masks > 0] = 1
+#                 # current number of all voxels
+#                 current_no_vox = np.count_nonzero(new_merged_masks)
+#                 # count the number exclusively newly added voxels
+#                 exclusively_new = mask_data_fov_gm - merged_masks
+#                 exclusively_new[exclusively_new <= 0] = 0
+#                 new_vox = np.count_nonzero(exclusively_new)
+#                 print(f'{name} adds {new_vox} new voxels to previous' +
+#                         f' {np.count_nonzero(merged_masks)}' +
+#                         f' voxels (={current_no_vox})')
+#                 # prepare for next loop
+#                 merged_masks = new_merged_masks
+#                 # add next masks to previous merged_masks_bin
+#                 # binarize again
+#                 # VOXEL-ANZAHL der individuellen PPA in merged Mask
+#                 ##########################################################
+#                 # VOXEL-ANZAHL der individuellen PPA,
+#                 # die durch die exklusiv neuen Voxel dazukommen
+#         print('\nFinal mask size:', np.count_nonzero(merged_masks), '\n\n')
+#         # checken, ob alle Voxel in VIS (und AO) PPA innerhalb der Maske sind
+#         # group PPA in subject space:
+#         # e.g. '/studyforrest-paper-ppa/rois-and-masks/sub-01/grp_PPA_bin.nii.gz'
+#         # group PPA in MNI:
+#         # 'studyforrest-paper-ppa/rois-and-masks/bilat_PPA_prob.nii.gz'
+#         # wie wurde die erstellt?