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add scripts for t-test of correlations

Christian O. Häusler 2 tahun lalu
4 mengubah file dengan 267 tambahan dan 3 penghapusan
  2. 112 0
  3. 20 3
  4. 135 0


+ 112 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+Functions for calculating the statistical significant differences between two dependent or independent correlation
+The Fisher and Steiger method is adopted from the R package
+and is described in detail in the book 'Statistical Methods for Psychology'
+The Zou method is adopted from
+Credit goes to the authors of above mentioned packages!
+Author: Philipp Singer (
+from __future__ import division
+__author__ = 'psinger'
+import numpy as np
+from scipy.stats import t, norm
+from math import atanh, pow
+from numpy import tanh
+def rz_ci(r, n, conf_level = 0.95):
+    zr_se = pow(1/(n - 3), .5)
+    moe = norm.ppf(1 - (1 - conf_level)/float(2)) * zr_se
+    zu = atanh(r) + moe
+    zl = atanh(r) - moe
+    return tanh((zl, zu))
+def rho_rxy_rxz(rxy, rxz, ryz):
+    num = (ryz-1/2.*rxy*rxz)*(1-pow(rxy,2)-pow(rxz,2)-pow(ryz,2))+pow(ryz,3)
+    den = (1 - pow(rxy,2)) * (1 - pow(rxz,2))
+    return num/float(den)
+def dependent_corr(xy, xz, yz, n, twotailed=True, conf_level=0.95, method='steiger'):
+    """
+    Calculates the statistic significance between two dependent correlation coefficients
+    @param xy: correlation coefficient between x and y
+    @param xz: correlation coefficient between x and z
+    @param yz: correlation coefficient between y and z
+    @param n: number of elements in x, y and z
+    @param twotailed: whether to calculate a one or two tailed test, only works for 'steiger' method
+    @param conf_level: confidence level, only works for 'zou' method
+    @param method: defines the method uses, 'steiger' or 'zou'
+    @return: t and p-val
+    """
+    if method == 'steiger':
+        d = xy - xz
+        determin = 1 - xy * xy - xz * xz - yz * yz + 2 * xy * xz * yz
+        av = (xy + xz)/2
+        cube = (1 - yz) * (1 - yz) * (1 - yz)
+        t2 = d * np.sqrt((n - 1) * (1 + yz)/(((2 * (n - 1)/(n - 3)) * determin + av * av * cube)))
+        p = 1 - t.cdf(abs(t2), n - 3)
+        if twotailed:
+            p *= 2
+        return t2, p
+    elif method == 'zou':
+        L1 = rz_ci(xy, n, conf_level=conf_level)[0]
+        U1 = rz_ci(xy, n, conf_level=conf_level)[1]
+        L2 = rz_ci(xz, n, conf_level=conf_level)[0]
+        U2 = rz_ci(xz, n, conf_level=conf_level)[1]
+        rho_r12_r13 = rho_rxy_rxz(xy, xz, yz)
+        lower = xy - xz - pow((pow((xy - L1), 2) + pow((U2 - xz), 2) - 2 * rho_r12_r13 * (xy - L1) * (U2 - xz)), 0.5)
+        upper = xy - xz + pow((pow((U1 - xy), 2) + pow((xz - L2), 2) - 2 * rho_r12_r13 * (U1 - xy) * (xz - L2)), 0.5)
+        return lower, upper
+    else:
+        raise Exception('Wrong method!')
+def independent_corr(xy, ab, n, n2 = None, twotailed=True, conf_level=0.95, method='fisher'):
+    """
+    Calculates the statistic significance between two independent correlation coefficients
+    @param xy: correlation coefficient between x and y
+    @param xz: correlation coefficient between a and b
+    @param n: number of elements in xy
+    @param n2: number of elements in ab (if distinct from n)
+    @param twotailed: whether to calculate a one or two tailed test, only works for 'fisher' method
+    @param conf_level: confidence level, only works for 'zou' method
+    @param method: defines the method uses, 'fisher' or 'zou'
+    @return: z and p-val
+    """
+    if method == 'fisher':
+        xy_z = 0.5 * np.log((1 + xy)/(1 - xy))
+        ab_z = 0.5 * np.log((1 + ab)/(1 - ab))
+        if n2 is None:
+            n2 = n
+        se_diff_r = np.sqrt(1/(n - 3) + 1/(n2 - 3))
+        diff = xy_z - ab_z
+        z = abs(diff / se_diff_r)
+        p = (1 - norm.cdf(z))
+        if twotailed:
+            p *= 2
+        return z, p
+    elif method == 'zou':
+        L1 = rz_ci(xy, n, conf_level=conf_level)[0]
+        U1 = rz_ci(xy, n, conf_level=conf_level)[1]
+        L2 = rz_ci(ab, n2, conf_level=conf_level)[0]
+        U2 = rz_ci(ab, n2, conf_level=conf_level)[1]
+        lower = xy - ab - pow((pow((xy - L1), 2) + pow((U2 - ab), 2)), 0.5)
+        upper = xy - ab + pow((pow((U1 - xy), 2) + pow((ab - L2), 2)), 0.5)
+        return lower, upper
+    else:
+        raise Exception('Wrong method!')
+print(dependent_corr(.40, .50, .10, 103, method='steiger'))
+print(independent_corr(0.5 , 0.6, 103, 103, method='fisher'))
+#print dependent_corr(.396, .179, .088, 200, method='zou')
+#print independent_corr(.560, .588, 100, 353, method='zou')

+ 20 - 3

@@ -489,6 +489,7 @@ def run_the_predictions(zmap_fpathes, subjs):
         # the list for the dataframe that will build from the list
         for_dataframe = []
+        for_dataframe_func_vs_anat = []
         # compute the anatomical prediction for every subject first
         empirical_arrays = []
@@ -550,6 +551,7 @@ def run_the_predictions(zmap_fpathes, subjs):
                                           func_pred_arrays[idx]) for idx
                                           in range(len(empirical_arrays))]
             # print the result of the currently used runs / stimulus
             print('subject\temp. vs. anat\temp. vs. cms')
@@ -563,16 +565,31 @@ def run_the_predictions(zmap_fpathes, subjs):
             elif stim == 'AV':
                 predictor = 'movie'
-            func_lines = [[subj, predictor, runs, corr[0]] for subj, corr in zip(subjs, emp_vs_func)]
+            func_lines = [[subj, predictor, runs, corr[0]]
+                          for subj, corr in zip(subjs, emp_vs_func)]
             # list of line for the dataframe
+            # compute the correlations of prediction from anatomy vs.
+            # prediction from functional alignment (with currently used
+            # no. of runs
+            func_vs_anat = [stats.pearsonr(func_pred_arrays[idx],
+                                           anat_pred_arrays[idx]) for idx
+                                           in range(len(func_pred_arrays))]
+            func_vs_anat_lines = [[subj,  f'{stim}-vs-anat', runs, corr[0]]
+                                  for subj, corr in zip(subjs, func_vs_anat)]
+            for_dataframe_func_vs_anat.extend(func_vs_anat_lines)
         # add the correlations of prediction from anatomy vs. empirical data
         anat_lines = [[subj, 'anatomy', 0, corr[0]]
                       for subj, corr in zip(subjs, emp_vs_anat)]
         # put the correlations per subject into the dataframe
+        for_dataframe.extend(for_dataframe_func_vs_anat)
         # prepare the dataframe for the current model
         df = pd.DataFrame(for_dataframe, columns = ['sub',
@@ -615,7 +632,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         for x in VIS_VPN_COPES.items()]
     print('\nTransforming VIS z-maps into MNI and into other subjects\' space')
-    transform_ind_ppas(zmap_fpathes, subjs)
+###    transform_ind_ppas(zmap_fpathes, subjs)
     run_the_predictions(zmap_fpathes, subjs)
@@ -625,6 +642,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         for x in VIS_VPN_COPES.items()]
     print('\nTransforming AO z-maps into MNI and into other subjects\' space')
-    transform_ind_ppas(zmap_fpathes, subjs)
+###    transform_ind_ppas(zmap_fpathes, subjs)
     run_the_predictions(zmap_fpathes, subjs)

+ 135 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+created on Mon March 29th 2021
+author: Christian Olaf Haeusler
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from glob import glob
+from nilearn.input_data import NiftiMasker, MultiNiftiMasker
+from scipy import stats
+import argparse
+import copy
+import ipdb
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import nibabel as nib
+import numpy as np
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import corrstats
+def parse_arguments():
+    '''
+    '''
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description='loads data from VIS runs and denoises them'
+    )
+    parser.add_argument('-indir',
+                        required=False,
+                        default='test',
+                        help='input directory')
+    parser.add_argument('-run',
+                        required=False,
+                        default='1',
+                        help='run to be tested')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    indir = args.indir
+    run =
+    return indir, run
+def find_files(pattern):
+    '''
+    '''
+    def sort_nicely(l):
+        '''Sorts a given list in the way that humans expect
+        '''
+        convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
+        alphanum_key = lambda key: [convert(c) for c in re.split("([0-9]+)", key)]
+        l.sort(key=alphanum_key)
+        return l
+    found_files = glob(pattern)
+    found_files = sort_nicely(found_files)
+    return found_files
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # read command line arguments
+    in_dir, run = parse_arguments()
+    stimulus, stim = 'movie', 'AV'  # vs. 'audio-description', 'AO'
+    runA = 7
+    runB = 8
+    df = pd.read_csv('test/corr-empVIS-vs-func.csv')
+    corrsAna = df.loc[df['prediction from'] == 'anatomy', 'Pearson\'s r']
+    corrsAna = corrsAna.values
+    # perform Fisher's z-transformation
+    corrsAnaZ = np.arctanh(corrsAna)
+    # get corrleation between empirical and prediction from CMS
+    allRuns = df.loc[df['prediction from'] == stimulus, ['runs', 'Pearson\'s r']]
+    for runA in list(range(1, 8)):
+        runB = runA + 1
+        # get correlations functional vs. empirical for run A
+        corrsRunA = allRuns.loc[allRuns['runs'] == runA, 'Pearson\'s r']
+        corrsRunA = corrsRunA.values
+        # perform Fisher's z-transformation
+        corrsRunAZ = np.arctanh(corrsRunA)
+        # compare run 1 (and just run 1) to correlation anatomy vs. empirical
+        if runA == 1:
+            print(f'Run {runA} vs Anatomy:')
+            # independent t-test
+            tValue, pValue = stats.ttest_ind(corrsRunAZ, corrsAnaZ)
+            tValue = round(tValue, 2)
+            pValue = round(pValue, 4)
+            print(f'independent:\tt={tValue}, p={pValue}')
+            # dependent t-test
+            tValue, pValue = stats.ttest_rel(corrsRunAZ, corrsAnaZ)
+            tValue = round(tValue, 2)
+            pValue = round(pValue, 4)
+            print(f'dependent:\tt={tValue}, p={pValue}\n')
+        # get correlations functional vs. empirical for run B
+        corrsRunB = allRuns.loc[allRuns['runs'] == runB, 'Pearson\'s r']
+        corrsRunB = corrsRunB.values
+        # perform Fisher's z-transformation
+        corrsRunBZ = np.arctanh(corrsRunB)
+        print(f'Run {runA} vs {runB}:')
+        # independent t-test
+        tValue, pValue = stats.ttest_ind(corrsRunAZ, corrsRunBZ)
+        tValue = round(tValue, 2)
+        pValue = round(pValue, 5)
+        print(f'independent:\tt={tValue}, p={pValue}')
+        # dependent t-test
+        tValue, pValue = stats.ttest_rel(corrsRunAZ, corrsRunBZ)
+        tValue = round(tValue, 2)
+        pValue = round(pValue, 5)
+        print(f'dependent:\tt={tValue}, p={pValue}\n')
+        # get correlations between predictions from CMS and anatomy
+#         allRuns = df.loc[df['prediction from'] == f'{stim}-vs-anat', ['runs', 'Pearson\'s r']]
+#         corrsFunAnaRunA = allRuns.loc[allRuns['runs'] == runA, 'Pearson\'s r']
+#         corrsFunAnaRunA = corrsFunAnaRunA.values
+#         allRuns = df.loc[df['prediction from'] == f'{stim}-vs-anat', ['runs', 'Pearson\'s r']]
+#         corrsFunAnaRunB = allRuns.loc[allRuns['runs'] == runB, 'Pearson\'s r']
+#         corrsFunAnaRunB = corrsFunAnaRunB.values