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  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: 'Christian O.'
  4. lastname: Häusler
  5. affiliation: 'Psychoinformatics Lab, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Brain & Behaviour (INM-7), Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany; Institute of Systems Neuroscience, Medical Faculty, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany'
  6. id: 'ORCID:0000-0002-0936-317X'
  7. -
  8. firstname: 'Simon B.'
  9. lastname: Eickhoff
  10. affiliation: 'Psychoinformatics Lab, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Brain & Behaviour (INM-7), Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany; Institute of Systems Neuroscience, Medical Faculty, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany'
  11. id: 'ORCID:0000-0001-6363-2759'
  12. -
  13. firstname: Michael
  14. lastname: Hanke
  15. affiliation: 'Psychoinformatics Lab, Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Brain & Behaviour (INM-7), Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany; Institute of Systems Neuroscience, Medical Faculty, Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany'
  16. id: 'ORCID:0000-0001-6398-6370'
  17. title: 'Processing of visual and non-visual naturalistic spatial information in the "parahippocampal place area": from raw data to results'
  18. description: 'This repository contains the fMRI data, annotations, analysis scripts to generate the results, and results in Häusler C.O. & Hanke M. (submitted) as Datalad datasets ('
  19. keywords:
  20. - fMRI
  21. - 'naturalistic stimulus'
  22. - 'spatial perception'
  23. - vision
  24. - language
  25. - speech
  26. - narrative
  27. - studyforrest
  28. - datalad
  29. license:
  30. name: 'Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication'
  31. url: ''
  32. funding:
  33. - 'BMBF, 01GQ1112'
  34. - 'NSF, 1129855'
  35. references:
  36. -
  37. id: ''
  38. reftype: IsReferencedBy
  39. citation: 'Häusler, C. O. & Hanke M. (2016). Dataset 1 in: An annotation of cuts, depicted locations, and temporal progression in the motion picture "Forrest Gump". F1000Research.'
  40. -
  41. id: ''
  42. reftype: IsReferencedBy
  43. citation: 'Häusler, C. O. & Hanke M. (2020). studyforrest-paper-speechannotation. OSF.'
  44. resourcetype: Dataset
  45. templateversion: 1.2