812 B

Dataset Structure

The dotmap scans are provided as .h5 files. They contain the recorded neuronal responses to colored sparse noise stimuli.

The following attributes are present in each individual dataset:

  • dot_x_pos: x position of dot for each trial (from 0 to 7)
    • shape:1 x n_trials
  • dot_y_pos: y position of dot for each trial (from 0 to 4)
    • shape:1 x n_trials
  • cond_trials: dot intensity of green and UV channel for each trial (in 8-bit)
    • shape:1 x n_trials x n_channels
  • pupil_trials: mean pupil size for each trial (not present for scans with pupil dilation)
    • shape:1 x n_trials
  • locomotion_trials: mean locomotion speed for each trial
    • shape:1 x n_trials
  • activity_trials: mean activity per neuron for each trial
    • shape:n_neurons x n_trials