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'dotmap scans/' ändern

loved_alien 1 vuosi sitten
1 muutettua tiedostoa jossa 1 lisäystä ja 1 poistoa
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      dotmap scans/

+ 1 - 1
dotmap scans/

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ The following attributes are present in each individual dataset:
 - **dot_y_pos:** y position of dot for each trial (from 0 to 4)
   - shape:`1 x n_trials`
 - **cond_trials:** dot intensity of green and UV channel for each trial (in 8-bit)
-  - shape:`1 x n_trials`
+  - shape:`1 x n_trials x n_channels`
 - **pupil_trials:** mean pupil size for each trial
   - shape:`1 x n_trials`
 - **locomotion_trials:** mean locomotion speed for each trial