Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 8.7 KB

  1. import os
  2. import json
  3. import h5py
  4. import numpy as np
  5. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  6. from scipy import signal
  7. def when_successful(traj, x_isl, y_isl, r_isl, t_sit):
  8. """
  9. traj - t, x, y - a matrix Nx3 of position data, equally sampled!
  10. """
  11. splits = np.where( (traj[:, 1] - x_isl)**2 + (traj[:, 2] - y_isl)**2 < r_isl**2 )[0]
  12. df = np.where(np.diff(splits) > 5)[0] # idxs of periods of starts
  13. if len(splits) > 0:
  14. periods = [[0, df[0] if len(df) > 0 else len(splits)-1]]
  15. if len(df) > 1:
  16. for point in df[1:]:
  17. periods.append( [periods[-1][1] + 1, point] )
  18. if len(df) > 0:
  19. periods.append([periods[-1][1] + 1, len(splits)-1])
  20. for period in periods:
  21. if traj[splits[period[1]]][0] - traj[splits[period[0]] - 5][0] > t_sit: # -5 is a hack
  22. return traj[splits[period[0]]][0] + t_sit
  23. return None
  24. def calculate_performance(tl, trial_idxs, cfg):
  25. """
  26. Returns a matrix of time_bins x metrics, usually (12 x 7) of
  27. performance_median, performance_upper_CI, performance_lower_CI, chance_median, chance_upper_CI, chance_lower_CI, time
  28. """
  29. arena_r = cfg['position']['floor_r_in_meters']
  30. target_r = cfg['experiment']['target_radius']
  31. t_sit = cfg['experiment']['target_duration']
  32. timepoints = cfg['experiment']['timepoints']
  33. s_duration = cfg['experiment']['session_duration']
  34. trial_time = tl[trial_idxs[:, 1].astype(np.int32)][:, 0] - tl[trial_idxs[:, 0].astype(np.int32)][:, 0]
  35. correct_trial = (trial_idxs[:, 5] == 1)
  36. time_bin_length = 5 # in secs
  37. N_time_slot = int(cfg['experiment']['trial_duration'] / time_bin_length) # 12 bins
  38. time_x_2plot = (np.arange(N_time_slot) + 1) * time_bin_length
  39. amount_trials = len(trial_time)
  40. amount_correct = np.zeros(N_time_slot, dtype=np.int32)
  41. for i, t_bin in enumerate(time_x_2plot):
  42. amount_correct[i] = len(np.where(trial_time < t_bin)[0])
  43. proportion_correct = amount_correct / amount_trials
  44. # bootstrapping real trials
  45. bs_count = 1000
  46. proportion_correct_bs = np.zeros((bs_count, N_time_slot))
  47. confidence_interval_real = np.zeros((2, N_time_slot))
  48. for i in range(N_time_slot):
  49. for bs in range(bs_count):
  50. temp_index = np.random.randint(0, amount_trials, amount_trials)
  51. temp_correct = np.zeros(amount_trials)
  52. temp_correct[:amount_correct[i]] = 1
  53. proportion_correct_bs[bs, i] = temp_correct[temp_index].sum() / float(amount_trials)
  54. confidence_interval_real[0, i] = np.percentile(proportion_correct_bs[:, i], 84.1) - np.median(proportion_correct_bs[:, i])
  55. confidence_interval_real[1, i] = np.percentile(proportion_correct_bs[:, i], 15.9) - np.median(proportion_correct_bs[:, i])
  56. # creating list of fake islands that will not overlap with target islands
  57. no_fake_islands = 1000
  58. fake_island_centers_x = np.empty((no_fake_islands, amount_trials))
  59. fake_island_centers_y = np.empty((no_fake_islands, amount_trials))
  60. fake_island_centers_x[:] = np.nan
  61. fake_island_centers_y[:] = np.nan
  62. for i in range(amount_trials):
  63. X_target, Y_target = trial_idxs[i][2], trial_idxs[i][3]
  64. count = 0
  65. while np.isnan(fake_island_centers_x[:, i]).any():
  66. angle = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand()
  67. r = arena_r * np.sqrt(np.random.rand())
  68. x_temp = r * np.cos(angle) # add center of the arena if not centered
  69. y_temp = r * np.sin(angle) # add center of the arena if not centered
  70. if np.sqrt((x_temp - X_target)**2 + (y_temp - Y_target)**2) > 2 * target_r and \
  71. np.sqrt(x_temp**2 + y_temp**2) < arena_r - target_r:
  72. fake_island_centers_x[count, i] = x_temp
  73. fake_island_centers_y[count, i] = y_temp
  74. count += 1
  75. # surrogate islands work, now calculate the chance performance
  76. surrogate_correct = np.zeros((no_fake_islands, amount_trials))
  77. pos_downsample = 10 # think about reducing
  78. for trial in range(amount_trials):
  79. temp_index = np.arange(trial_idxs[trial][0], trial_idxs[trial][1], pos_downsample).astype(np.int32)
  80. temp_traj = tl[temp_index]
  81. temp_traj[:, 0] -= temp_traj[0][0] # time relative to trial start
  82. for surr in range(no_fake_islands):
  83. x_fake, y_fake = fake_island_centers_x[surr, trial], fake_island_centers_y[surr, trial]
  84. fake_island_time_finish = when_successful(temp_traj, x_fake, y_fake, target_r, t_sit)
  85. if fake_island_time_finish is not None:
  86. surrogate_correct[surr, trial] = fake_island_time_finish
  87. # now i have to do the same curve as in the real correct, but for the matrix surrogate_correct
  88. surr_for_deleting = np.array(surrogate_correct)
  89. proportion_correct_bs_fake = np.zeros((bs_count, N_time_slot))
  90. confidence_interval_bs_fake = np.zeros((2, N_time_slot))
  91. for time_slot in range(N_time_slot):
  92. fake_trials_to_remove = np.where(trial_time < (time_slot + 1) * time_bin_length)[0]
  93. for trial in fake_trials_to_remove:
  94. #idxs = np.logical_or(surrogate_correct[:, trial] == 0, surrogate_correct[:, trial] > trial_time[trial])
  95. idxs = np.where( (surrogate_correct[:, trial] == 0) | (surrogate_correct[:, trial] > trial_time[trial]) )[0]
  96. for idx in idxs:
  97. surr_for_deleting[idx, trial] = np.nan
  98. scwr = surr_for_deleting.flatten()
  99. scwr = scwr[~np.isnan(scwr)]
  100. for bs in range(bs_count):
  101. temp_index = np.random.randint(0, len(scwr), amount_trials)
  102. temp_correct = np.logical_and(scwr[temp_index] < (time_slot + 1) * time_bin_length, scwr[temp_index] > 0)
  103. proportion_correct_bs_fake[bs, time_slot] = temp_correct.sum() / float(amount_trials)
  104. confidence_interval_bs_fake[0, time_slot] = np.percentile(proportion_correct_bs_fake[:, time_slot], 84.1) - np.median(proportion_correct_bs_fake[:, time_slot])
  105. confidence_interval_bs_fake[1, time_slot] = np.percentile(proportion_correct_bs_fake[:, time_slot], 15.9) - np.median(proportion_correct_bs_fake[:, time_slot])
  106. # compute performance metrics
  107. c_median = 100 * np.median(proportion_correct_bs_fake, axis=0)
  108. c_lower_CI = 100 * confidence_interval_bs_fake[1]
  109. c_upper_CI = 100 * confidence_interval_bs_fake[0]
  110. p_median = 100 * np.median(proportion_correct_bs, axis=0)
  111. p_lower_CI = 100 * confidence_interval_real[1]
  112. p_upper_CI = 100 * confidence_interval_real[0]
  113. return np.column_stack([p_median, p_lower_CI, p_upper_CI, c_median, c_lower_CI, c_upper_CI, time_x_2plot])
  114. def dump_performance_to_H5(h5name, ds_name, dataset):
  115. with h5py.File(h5name, 'a') as f:
  116. if not 'analysis' in f:
  117. anal_group = f.create_group('analysis')
  118. anal_group = f['analysis']
  119. if ds_name in anal_group:
  120. del anal_group[ds_name]
  121. anal_group.create_dataset(ds_name, data=dataset)
  122. def get_finish_times(session_path):
  123. # loading session
  124. session = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(session_path))
  125. h5name = os.path.join(session_path, session + '.h5')
  126. jsname = os.path.join(session_path, session + '.json')
  127. with open(jsname, 'r') as f:
  128. cfg = json.load(f)
  129. with h5py.File(h5name, 'r') as f:
  130. tl = np.array(f['processed']['timeline']) # time, X, Y, speed
  131. trial_idxs = np.array(f['processed']['trial_idxs']) # idx start, idx end, X, Y, R, trial result (idx to tl)
  132. islands = np.array(f['raw']['islands']) # tgt_x, tgt_y, tgt_r, d1_x, etc..
  133. # compute finish times
  134. finish_times = np.zeros((islands.shape[0], int(islands.shape[1]/3) ))
  135. for i, trial in enumerate(trial_idxs):
  136. traj = tl[int(trial[0]):int(trial[1])]
  137. current = islands[i].reshape((3, 3))
  138. for j, island in enumerate(current):
  139. finish_time = when_successful(traj, island[0], island[1], island[2], cfg['experiment']['target_duration'])
  140. if finish_time is not None:
  141. finish_times[i][j] = round(finish_time, 2)
  142. return finish_times
  143. def get_finish_times_rates(finish_times):
  144. isl_no = finish_times.shape[1]
  145. rates = np.zeros((isl_no + 1,)) # last one is when no island was successful
  146. for i in range(isl_no):
  147. isl_idx = isl_no - i - 1
  148. successful = finish_times[finish_times[:, isl_idx] > 0]
  149. count = 0
  150. for succ_trial in successful:
  151. finished_earlier = [x for x in succ_trial if x > 0 and x < succ_trial[isl_idx]]
  152. if len(finished_earlier) == 0:
  153. count += 1
  154. rates[isl_idx] = count
  155. # add fully unsuccessful trials
  156. rates[-1] = len([x for x in finish_times if x.sum() == 0])
  157. return rates