Read Me.txt 1.8 KB

  1. GraphPad Prism v9.4.0.673 x64
  2. -----------------------------
  3. 1. During the registration process the program will open a link to its
  4. homesite and it will contains some info about your system.
  5. So better be safe than sorry and disable your Internet connection
  6. before anything.
  7. 2. Install Prism.
  8. 3. You *ABSOLUTLY* need to block Prism main executable (prism.exe) from
  9. accessing Internet!
  10. Either by blocking it in firewall or by adding this line to Windows
  11. hosts file:
  13. If the program is not properly blocked from accessing Internet
  14. you'll get an error on launch (and it will exit):
  15. "This is not a valid license."
  16. If that happens you need to review your setup.
  17. 4. Start our keygen and generate a serial number.
  18. 5. Start Prism and process to the activation:
  19. Copy/paste the serial from the keygen in the "Serial number" field,
  20. click "Next Step".
  21. The program will show you your Machine ID and open an URL to the
  22. activation online form.
  23. Enter the Machine ID in the keygen then press "Generate Activation Code".
  24. In Prism, press "Enter Activation Code", copy/paste the code in the
  25. "Activation Code" field, check to accept the EULA, press "Start Using Prism".
  26. Prism is now activated.
  27. 6. Copy "start_prism.exe" in the program folder (where "prism.exe" is located).
  28. The default path is:
  29. "C:\Program Files\GraphPad\Prism 9"
  30. Create a shortcut in a handy place for it ie: on the Desktop or in the QuickLaunch Bar).
  31. Use it to start Prism every time you want to use it. This will update your license file
  32. on each run so it never force you to go online to activate.
  33. The program itself is not patched in any way (you can run updates...).
  34. Enjoy it!
  35. -----------------------
  37. the joy of Downloading!