Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 6.4 KB

  1. import nixio
  2. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  3. from brian2 import units
  4. from dirDefs import homeFolder
  5. import os
  6. from neoNIXIO import dataArray2AnalogSignal, multiTag2SpikeTrain, simpleFloat
  7. from mplPars import mplPars
  8. import seaborn as sns
  9. import quantities as qu
  10. sns.set(rc=mplPars)
  11. simSettleTime = 600 *
  12. simStepSize = 0.1 *
  13. simDuration = 450 *
  14. totalSimDur = simSettleTime + simDuration
  15. IntDurs = [
  16. (20, 10),
  17. (20, 16),
  18. (33, 10),
  19. (33, 16),
  20. (33, 20),
  21. (50, 10),
  22. (50, 16),
  23. (50, 20),
  24. (100, 10),
  25. (100, 16),
  26. (100, 20)
  27. ]
  28. pulseInts = sorted(set([x[0] for x in IntDurs]))
  29. pulseDurs = sorted(set([x[1] for x in IntDurs]))
  30. showBefore = 75 *
  31. showAfter = -30 *
  32. DLInt1ModelProps = "DLInt1Aynur"
  33. DLInt2ModelProps = "DLInt2Try2"
  34. DLInt1SynapsePropsE = 'DLInt1_syn_try2_e'
  35. # DLInt1SynapsePropsE = ""
  36. DLInt1SynapsePropsI = 'DLInt1_syn_try2_i'
  37. # DLInt1SynapsePropsI = ""
  38. DLInt1SynapseProps = "".join((DLInt1SynapsePropsE, DLInt1SynapsePropsI))
  39. DLInt2SynapseProps = 'DLInt2_syn_try2'
  40. # DLInt2SynapseProps = ""
  41. DLInt1DLInt2SynProps = "DLInt1_DLInt2_try1"
  42. # DLInt1DLInt2SynProps = ""
  43. DLInt1SynapseProps = "".join((DLInt1SynapsePropsE, DLInt1SynapsePropsI))
  44. opDir = os.path.join(homeFolder, DLInt1ModelProps + DLInt2ModelProps,
  45. DLInt1SynapseProps + DLInt2SynapseProps + DLInt1DLInt2SynProps)
  46. fig1, axs1 = plt.subplots(nrows=len(pulseDurs), ncols=len(pulseInts),
  47. figsize=(14, 11.2), sharex='col')
  48. fig2, axs2 = plt.subplots(nrows=len(pulseDurs), ncols=len(pulseInts),
  49. figsize=(14, 11.2), sharex='col')
  50. for IntDur in IntDurs:
  51. pulseInt = IntDur[0]
  52. pulseDur = IntDur[1]
  53. inputParsName = 'pTShortInt{:2d}Dur{:2d}'.format(pulseInt, pulseDur)
  54. opDirWith = os.path.join(homeFolder, DLInt1ModelProps + DLInt2ModelProps,
  55. DLInt1SynapseProps + DLInt2SynapseProps + DLInt1DLInt2SynProps,
  56. inputParsName)
  57. OPNixFileWith = os.path.join(opDirWith, 'SimResults.h5')
  58. opDirWithout = os.path.join(homeFolder, DLInt1ModelProps + DLInt2ModelProps,
  59. DLInt1SynapseProps + DLInt2SynapseProps,
  60. inputParsName)
  61. OPNixFileWithout = os.path.join(opDirWithout, 'SimResults.h5')
  62. nixFile =, nixio.FileMode.ReadOnly)
  63. blk = nixFile.blocks["Simulation Traces"]
  64. dlint1MemV = blk.data_arrays["DLInt1 MemV"]
  65. dlint1SpikesMT = blk.multi_tags["DLInt1 Spikes"]
  66. dlint2MemV = blk.data_arrays["DLInt2 MemV"]
  67. dlint2SpikesMT = blk.multi_tags["DLInt2 Spikes"]
  68. sinInput = blk.data_arrays["Input Vibration Signal"]
  69. joSpikesMT = blk.multi_tags["JO Spikes"]
  70. dlint1MemVAS = dataArray2AnalogSignal(dlint1MemV)
  71. dlint2MemVAS = dataArray2AnalogSignal(dlint2MemV)
  72. sinInputAS = dataArray2AnalogSignal(sinInput)
  73. dlint1SpikesST = multiTag2SpikeTrain(dlint1SpikesMT, sinInputAS.t_start, sinInputAS.t_stop)
  74. dlint2SpikesST = multiTag2SpikeTrain(dlint2SpikesMT, sinInputAS.t_start, sinInputAS.t_stop)
  75. joSpikesST = multiTag2SpikeTrain(joSpikesMT, sinInputAS.t_start, sinInputAS.t_stop)
  76. nixFileWithout =, nixio.FileMode.ReadOnly)
  77. blkWithout = nixFileWithout.blocks["Simulation Traces"]
  78. dlint2MemVWithout = blkWithout.data_arrays["DLInt2 MemV"]
  79. dlint2SpikesMTWithout = blkWithout.multi_tags["DLInt2 Spikes"]
  80. dlint2MemVASWithout = dataArray2AnalogSignal(dlint2MemVWithout)
  81. dlint2SpikesSTWithout = multiTag2SpikeTrain(dlint2SpikesMTWithout,
  82. sinInputAS.t_start, sinInputAS.t_stop)
  83. rowInd = pulseDurs.index(pulseDur)
  84. colInd = pulseInts.index(pulseInt)
  85. axs1[rowInd, colInd].plot(simpleFloat(dlint1MemVAS.times /,
  86. simpleFloat(dlint1MemVAS / qu.mV), 'b-', lw=1)
  87. # mew needs setting for seaborn.
  88. axs1[rowInd, colInd].plot(simpleFloat(dlint1SpikesST.times /,
  89. [4] * dlint1SpikesST.shape[0],
  90. 'b|', ms=8, mew=1)
  91. axs1[rowInd, colInd].plot(simpleFloat(sinInputAS.times /,
  92. simpleFloat(-50 + (sinInputAS * 5) /
  93. , 'k-', lw=1)
  94. axs1[rowInd, colInd].set_xlim([(simSettleTime - showBefore) /,
  95. (totalSimDur + showAfter) /])
  96. axs2[rowInd, colInd].plot(simpleFloat(dlint2MemVAS.times /,
  97. simpleFloat(dlint2MemVAS / qu.mV), 'b-', lw=1)
  98. axs2[rowInd, colInd].plot(simpleFloat(dlint2MemVASWithout.times /,
  99. simpleFloat(-45 + (dlint2MemVASWithout / qu.mV)),
  100. 'r-', lw=1)
  101. axs2[rowInd, colInd].plot(simpleFloat(dlint2SpikesST.times /,
  102. [12] * dlint2SpikesST.shape[0],
  103. 'b|', ms=8, mew=1)
  104. axs2[rowInd, colInd].plot(simpleFloat(dlint2SpikesSTWithout.times /,
  105. [6] * dlint2SpikesSTWithout.shape[0],
  106. 'r|', ms=8, mew=1)
  107. axs2[rowInd, colInd].plot(simpleFloat(sinInputAS.times /,
  108. simpleFloat(-105 + (sinInputAS * 7.5) /
  109. , 'k-', lw=1)
  110. axs2[rowInd, colInd].set_xlim([(simSettleTime - showBefore) /,
  111. (totalSimDur + showAfter) /])
  112. for rowInd in range(axs1.shape[0]):
  113. for colInd in range(axs1.shape[1]):
  114. ax = axs1[rowInd, colInd]
  115. ax.set_ylim([-60, 10])
  116. ax.yaxis.tick_right()
  117. ax.set_yticklabels([""] * len(ax.get_yticks()))
  118. ax.set_xticklabels([""] * len(ax.get_xticks()))
  119. for rowInd in range(axs2.shape[0]):
  120. for colInd in range(axs2.shape[1]):
  121. ax = axs2[rowInd, colInd]
  122. ax.set_ylim([-120, 20])
  123. ax.yaxis.tick_right()
  124. ax.set_yticklabels([""] * len(ax.get_yticks()))
  125. ax.set_xticklabels([""] * len(ax.get_xticks()))
  126. for ind, val in enumerate(pulseInts):
  127. axs1[0, ind].set_title(str(val))
  128. axs2[0, ind].set_title(str(val))
  129. for ind, val in enumerate(pulseDurs):
  130. axs1[ind, 0].set_ylabel(str(val))
  131. axs2[ind, 0].set_ylabel(str(val))
  132. fig1.tight_layout()
  133. fig2.tight_layout()
  134. fig1.savefig(os.path.join(opDir, 'DLInt1Summary.png'), dpi=150)
  135. fig2.savefig(os.path.join(opDir, 'DLInt2Summary.png'), dpi=150)