123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378 |
- function [ufresult]=unfold_lab(sub_num)
- %%
- cfg = struct();
- cfg.subject = num2str(sub_num);
- cfg.filtering='causal';
- cfg.mainfolder = ['/net/store/nbp/projects/IntoTheWild/Daten/EEG/Lab/VP' cfg.subject '/preprocessed/' cfg.filtering];
- tmp = load(fullfile(cfg.mainfolder,['4_ITW_Lab_subj' cfg.subject '_cleaningTimes.mat']));
- cfg.cleantimes = tmp.rej(:,1:2);
- cfg.file = ['3_ITW_Lab_subj' cfg.subject '_channelrejTriggersXensor.set'];
- tmp = pop_loadset('filename',['2_ITW_Lab_subj' cfg.subject '_bandpass_resample_deblank.set'],'filepath',cfg.mainfolder,'loadmode','info');
- tmp.chanlocs(find(strcmp({tmp.chanlocs.labels},'CzAmp2'))).labels = 'Iz';
- tmp=pop_chanedit(tmp, 'lookup','/net/store/nbp/projects/IntoTheWild/EEG_analysis/eeglab13_5_4b/plugins/dipfit2.3/standard_BESA/standard-10-5-cap385.elp');
- cfg.urchanlocs= tmp.chanlocs;
- cfg.avgref=1;
- cfg.saccade=1;
- cfg.regularize=0;
- tmp = load(fullfile(cfg.mainfolder,['6_ITW_Lab_subj' cfg.subject '_ICAcleancont.mat']));
- cfg.badcomponents = tmp.comps_to_rej;
- cfg.timewin=[-0.5 1];
- %% load EEG data
- EEG = pop_loadset('filename',cfg.file,'filepath',cfg.mainfolder);
- EEG = pop_select(EEG,'nochannel',{'AUX1','AUX2'});
- %% Load ICA and clean
- addpath('/net/store/nbp/projects/EEG/blind_spot/amica')
- mod = loadmodout12(fullfile(cfg.mainfolder,'amica'));
- EEG.icaweights = mod.W;
- EEG.icasphere = mod.S;
- EEG.icawinv = [];EEG.icaact = [];EEG.icachansind = [];
- EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG);
- EEG = pop_subcomp(EEG,cfg.badcomponents);
- %% interpolate missing channels
- % ET channels (Gaze etc.) not interpolated
- alldel = {'CzAmp2' 'BIP1' 'BIP2' 'BIP3' 'BIP4' 'BIP5' 'BIP6' 'BIP7' 'BIP8' 'AUX1' 'AUX2' 'AUX3' 'AUX4' 'AUX5' 'AUX6' 'AUX7' 'AUX8','TIME', 'L_GAZE_X', 'L_GAZE_Y', 'L_AREA','R_GAZE_X', 'R_GAZE_Y', 'R_AREA', 'INPUT', 'L-GAZE-X', 'L-GAZE-Y', 'L-AREA','R-GAZE-X', 'R-GAZE-Y', 'R-AREA', 'INPUT'};
- %remove VEOG from EEG, as there is no corresponding location
- EEG = pop_select(EEG, 'nochannel', {'VEOG'});
- if cfg.avgref
- %calculate avg ref
- EEG = pop_reref( EEG, []); %Participants’ averages were then re-referenced to a common average reference. (Rossion & Caharel, 2011)
- end
- idxs = ~ismember({cfg.urchanlocs.labels},alldel);
- %interpolate missing channels
- EEG= pop_interp(EEG,cfg.urchanlocs(idxs),'spherical');
- %% adjust for trigger delay
- % as calculated from photosensor
- if sub_num<36
- trigger_delay=0.0102; %10.2ms
- else
- trigger_delay=0.0348; %34.8ms
- end
- for evt=1:length(EEG.event)
- if str2num(EEG.event(evt).type)<=5 %only for stim onset [1 2 3 4 5]
- assert(str2num(EEG.event(evt).type)>0)
- EEG.event(evt).latency = EEG.event(evt).latency + (trigger_delay*EEG.srate);
- end
- end
- EEG = eeg_checkset(EEG);
- %% adjust cleaning times to be between 1 and length of data
- [a,b]=find(cfg.cleantimes(:,1)<1);
- if ~isempty(a)
- cfg.cleantimes(a,1)=1;
- end
- [a,b]=find(cfg.cleantimes(:,1)>length(EEG.data));
- if ~isempty(a)
- cfg.cleantimes(a,:)=[];
- end
- [a,b]=find(cfg.cleantimes(:,2)>length(EEG.data));
- if ~isempty(a)
- cfg.cleantimes(a,2)=length(EEG.data);
- end
- numstim=0;
- %% for each fixation we need to save ALL the necessary information in the EEG structure
- % for e = 1:length(EEG.event)
- for e = length(EEG.event):-1:1
- % 1-5 stimulus
- % 180 stim offset
- % 200 exp start
- % 255 exp stop
- % if the trigger is a fixation
- if ismember(EEG.event(e).type, ...
- {'L_fixation' 'R_fixation'})
- EEG.event(e).urtype = EEG.event(e).type;
- % if it is a meaningful fixation
- EEG.event(e).type = 'fixation';
- continue
- end
- % if the trigger was the beginning of a trial
- if str2num(EEG.event(e).type) <= 5
- EEG.event(e).urtype = EEG.event(e).type;
- EEG.event(e).type = 'stimulus';
- end
- % recode all fix that are not Face or None to "OtherHeads"
- if strcmp(EEG.event(e).type, 'stimulus')
- isStim=1;
- else
- isStim=0;
- end
- if isStim==1
- numstim=numstim+1;
- if EEG.event(e).humanface==1
- EEG.event(e).curr='HF';
- elseif EEG.event(e).car==1
- EEG.event(e).curr='Car';
- elseif EEG.event(e).obj==1
- EEG.event(e).curr='Obj';
- elseif EEG.event(e).none==1
- EEG.event(e).curr='None';
- else
- %first in a trial has no prevprev, therefore we define it as
- %'outside' as outside will not be analysed (easiest solution)
- EEG.event(e).curr='outside';
- end
- if EEG.event(e).prevhumanface==1
- EEG.event(e).prev='HF';
- elseif EEG.event(e).prevcar==1
- EEG.event(e).prev='Car';
- elseif EEG.event(e).prevobj==1
- EEG.event(e).prev='Obj';
- elseif EEG.event(e).prevnone==1
- EEG.event(e).prev='BlockBeginning';
- end
- if EEG.event(e).prevprevhumanface==1
- EEG.event(e).prevprev='HF';
- elseif EEG.event(e).prevprevnone==1
- EEG.event(e).prevprev='None';
- else
- %first in a trial has no prevprev, therefore we define it as
- %'outside' as outside will not be analysed (easiest solution)
- EEG.event(e).prevprev='BlockBeginning';
- end
- end
- end
- %% save information about saccaded and fixations
- if sum(strcmp({EEG.event.type},'L_saccade'))>0
- ixSac = find(strcmp({EEG.event.type},'L_saccade'));
- else
- ixSac = find(strcmp({EEG.event.type},'R_saccade'));
- end
- ixFix = find(strcmp({EEG.event.type},'fixation'));
- %find blinks
- ixBlk=find(cellfun(@(x)strcmp(x,'R_blink'),{EEG.event.type}));
- if isempty(ixBlk)
- ixBlk=find(cellfun(@(x)strcmp(x,'L_blink'),{EEG.event.type}));
- end
- latSac = [EEG.event(ixSac).latency];
- latFix = [EEG.event(ixFix).latency];
- latBlk = [EEG.event(ixBlk).latency];
- endSac = latSac+[EEG.event(ixSac).duration];
- endBlk = latBlk+[EEG.event(ixBlk).duration];
- % put the velocity for blink sac/data loss sections to NaN
- for ixS=1:length(ixSac)
- blkStarAftertSacStart=find(latBlk>=latSac(ixS),1,'first');
- blkStopBeforeSacStop=find(endBlk<=endSac(ixS),1,'last');
- if blkStarAftertSacStart== blkStopBeforeSacStop
- EEG.event(ixSac(ixS)).sac_vmax=NaN;
- end
- end
- for e = 1:length(latFix)
- % for each fixation, find the closest saccade before the event and copy
- % the saccade information
- % when Sac --> Fix, then lat(Fix) - lat(Sac) should be positive
- ix = find((latFix(e) - latSac) > 0,1,'last');
- if ~isempty(ix)
- for fn = {'sac_endpos_x','sac_endpos_y','sac_amplitude','sac_startpos_x','sac_startpos_y','sac_vmax'}
- EEG.event(ixFix(e)).(fn{1})= EEG.event(ixSac(ix)).(fn{1});
- end
- end
- end
- % remove all fixation with saccade velocity of 0 (= blink saccades)
- for ixF=1:length(ixFix)
- if EEG.event(ixFix(ixF)).sac_vmax==0
- EEG.event(ixFix(ixF)).type='blinkFix';
- end
- end
- ixFix = find(strcmp({EEG.event.type},'fixation'));
- latFix = [EEG.event(ixFix).latency];
- % remove all fixations close to a blink/data loss section
- if ~isempty(ixBlk)
- ixBlk=fliplr(ixBlk);
- for iB=ixBlk
- blkStop=EEG.event(iB).latency+EEG.event(iB).duration;
- delFix=find(abs(latFix-blkStop)<50);
- if ~isempty(delFix)
- for dF=1:length(delFix)
- EEG.event(ixFix(delFix(dF))).type='blinkFix';
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for e = 1:length(latSac)
- % for each fixation, find the closest saccade before the event and copy
- % the saccade information
- % when Sac --> Fix, then lat(Fix) - lat(Sac) should be positive
- ix = find((latSac(e) - latFix) > 0,1,'last');
- if ~isempty(ix) && ~isempty( EEG.event(ixFix(ix)).prev)
- for fn = {'prev','curr'}
- EEG.event(ixSac(e)).(fn{1})= EEG.event(ixFix(ix)).(fn{1});
- end
- EEG.event(ixSac(e)).type='saccade';
- end
- end
- %% Remove large saccades
- fprintf('\n\n %u large saccades (>40) will be removed. \n\n\n', length(find([EEG.event.sac_amplitude]>40)))
- EEG.event(cellfun(@(x)(x>40),{EEG.event.sac_amplitude})) = [];
- %% Config
- EEG.unfold = [];
- cfgDesign = [];
- cfgDesign.splinespacing = 'quantile';
- cfgDesign.eventtypes = {
- {'fixation'} % fixation onset
- {'stimulus'}}; % stimulus onset
- if sub_num==51 %51 has only 2 relevant sac before fix - maybe due to stopping recording between trials
- cfgDesign.formula = {
- 'y~1 + spl(fix_avgpos_x,5) + spl(fix_avgpos_y,5)'
- 'y~1 + cat(curr) + cat(prev)+ humanface:prevhumanface'};
- else
- cfgDesign.formula = {
- 'y~1 + spl(fix_avgpos_x,5) + spl(fix_avgpos_y,5) + spl(sac_amplitude,5)'
- 'y~1 + cat(curr) + cat(prev)+ humanface:prevhumanface'};
- end
- cfgDesign.codingschema = 'effects';
- cfgDesign.mashup=1;
- % if codingschema=effects -> reference cat is the last one
- % if codingschema=reference -> reference cat is the first one
- if strcmp(cfgDesign.codingschema, 'effects')
- cfgDesign.categorical = {
- 'curr',{'Car','HF','Obj'};
- 'prev',{'BlockBeginning','Car','HF','Obj'};
- };
- elseif strcmp(cfgDesign.codingschema, 'reference')
- cfgDesign.categorical = {
- 'curr',{'Obj','HF','Car','BlockBeginning'};
- 'prev',{'Obj','HF','Car','BlockBeginning'};
- };
- end
- cfgFit = [];
- cfgFit.precondition = 1;
- cfgFit.lsmriterations = 1500;
- % if subset of channels is wanted:
- % elecfind = @(x)find(strcmp(x,{EEG.chanlocs.labels}));
- % cfgFit.channel = [elecfind('PO8')];
- cfgFit.channel = 1:length(EEG.chanlocs);
- if cfg.regularize
- cfgFit.method='glmnet';
- cfgFit.glmnetalpha = 0;
- end
- EEG = uf_designmat(EEG,cfgDesign);
- % if we want a mashup design, exchange everything <1 with 0, in all
- % uninteresting parameters
- if cfgDesign.mashup
- parampos=find(ismember(EEG.unfold.colnames,{'prev_Car','curr_Car','prev_BlockBeginning'}));
- for p=1:length(parampos)
- pos=find(EEG.unfold.X(:,parampos(p))<0);
- EEG.unfold.X(pos,parampos(p))=0;
- end
- %the interaction is basically only the multiplicatiom of curr and prev
- interactpos=find(ismember(EEG.unfold.colnames,{'humanface:prevhumanface'}));
- mainpos =find(ismember(EEG.unfold.colnames,{'curr_HF','prev_HF'}));
- EEG.unfold.X(:,interactpos)=EEG.unfold.X(:,mainpos(1)).*EEG.unfold.X(:,mainpos(2));
- end
- %% Add cyclical regressor
- % if cfgDesign.cyclicalAngle
- % EEG = scenes_add_cyclical(EEG);
- % end
- %% Timeshift the design matrix
- for t=1:size(cfg.timewin,1)
- cfgTimeshift = [];
- cfgTimeshift.timelimits = cfg.timewin(t,:);
- EEG = uf_timeexpandDesignmat(EEG,cfgTimeshift);
- EEG = uf_continuousArtifactExclude(EEG,'winrej',cfg.cleantimes);
- %% Fit it iteratively
- EEG= uf_glmfit(EEG,cfgFit);
- %% Make a massive uni-variate fit without de-convolution
- EEGepoch = uf_epoch(EEG,'winrej',cfg.cleantimes,'timelimits',cfgTimeshift.timelimits);
- EEGepoch= uf_glmfit_nodc(EEGepoch);
- %% Save the data
- ufresult = uf_condense(EEGepoch);
- save(['/net/store/nbp/projects/IntoTheWild/Daten/EEG/Lab/unfold_Lab/' cfg.filtering '/ufresult_subj' num2str(sub_num) '_allElec_mashup_' num2str(cfg.timewin(t,1)*1000) '-' num2str(cfg.timewin(t,2)*1000) '_regularized' num2str(cfg.regularize) '.mat'],'ufresult')
- disp('successfully saved')
- end