123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162 |
- %% collectUnfold_calculateTFCE.m
- % This script collects all unfold data and calculates the TFCE
- cd '/net/store/nbp/users/agert/itw'
- init_itw
- projectFolder=['/net/store/nbp/projects/IntoTheWild'];
- codingscheme = 'mashup';
- filtType='causal';
- phase='WLFO';
- timewin=[-500 1000];
- %% Collecting unfold
- d2nd = [];
- for subj = [8 9 29:36 38:41 44 45 48 51:53]
- fPath = fullfile(projectFolder,['/Daten/EEG/' phase '/unfold_' phase '/' filtType '/']);
- fPath = fullfile(fPath,['ufresult_subj' num2str(subj) ,'_allElec_' codingscheme '_' num2str(timewin(1)) '-' num2str(timewin(2)) '_regularized0.mat']);
- try
- fprintf('loading subject %i \n',subj)
- d = load(fPath);
- ufresult=d.ufresult;
- ufresult = uf_predictContinuous(ufresult,'predictAt',{{'sac_amplitude',[0.5 1 2.5 5 7.5 10]},{'fix_avgpos_y',linspace(500,1500,5)},{'fix_avgpos_x',linspace(900,3000,5)},{'samebox',1}});
- % I don't have to add marginals, as I am interested in the pure
- % betas = differences between conditions
- if strcmp(phase,'Lab') && subj==51 % sub 51 does not have predictore sacAmp -> adjust structure accordingly
- tmpBeta(:,:,1:11)=ufresult.beta(:,:,1:11);
- tmpBeta(:,:,12:17)=nan(128,length(ufresult.times),6);
- tmpBeta(:,:,18:24)=ufresult.beta(:,:,12:18);
- tmpBeta_nodc(:,:,1:11)=ufresult.beta_nodc(:,:,1:11);
- tmpBeta_nodc(:,:,12:17)=nan(128,length(ufresult.times),6);
- tmpBeta_nodc(:,:,18:24)=ufresult.beta_nodc(:,:,12:18);
- ufresult.beta=tmpBeta;
- ufresult.beta_nodc=tmpBeta_nodc;
- if ~isempty(d2nd)
- ufresult.param=d2nd.param;
- end
- end
- % first subject: initialize d2nd (2nd-level analysis)
- if isempty(d2nd)
- d2nd = ufresult;
- d2nd.unfold(1) = d2nd.unfold;
- d2nd.subject = subj;
- d2nd.chanlocs = ufresult.chanlocs;
- d2nd.codingscheme = codingscheme;
- else
- d2nd.unfold(end+1) = ufresult.unfold;
- d2nd.beta(:,:,:,end+1) = ufresult.beta;
- d2nd.beta_nodc(:,:,:,end+1) = ufresult.beta_nodc;
- d2nd.subject(end+1) = subj;
- end
- catch e
- display(['problem with subject ',num2str(subj), ': ' ,e.message])
- end
- end
- %% TFCE
- elecfind = @(x)find(strcmp(x,{d2nd.chanlocs.labels}));
- cfg = [];
- cfg.chan = 1:length(d2nd.chanlocs); % the other channels are eye-movement channels from the Eye-EEG toolbox
- cfg.blcorrect = 0;
- cfg.save = 1;
- ept_tfce_nb = ept_ChN2(d2nd.chanlocs,0);
- cfg.nperm=10000;
- cfgPlot = [];
- cfgPlot.highlighted_channel= [elecfind('PO8') elecfind('P8') elecfind('PO7') elecfind('P7')];
- cfgPlot.colormap = {{'div','RdYlBu'},'seq'};
- cfgPlot.topoalpha = 0.05; % where to put the significance dots?
- cfgPlot.individualcolorscale = 'row'; % different rows have very different interpretation
- cfgPlot.time = [-0.2 0.5]; % we will zoom in
- cfgPlot.n_topos = 14; %every 50 ms
- cfgPlot.quality = 100; % put higher for better quality
- paramNames={d2nd.param.name};
- cfg.effecttype = 'prev'; %'prev' or 'curr' - only relevant for HF
- paramlist = {'HF'};%HF,'interaction','samebox'};
- data=0;
- %%
- for param = paramlist
- switch param{1}
- case 'HF'
- [~,paramPos]=find(ismember(paramNames,[cfg.effecttype '_HF']));
- assert(~isempty(paramPos))
- data = squeeze(d2nd.beta(cfg.chan,:,paramPos,:));
- data=data*2; %because the data is effect coded
- case 'interaction'
- [~,paramPos]=find(ismember(paramNames,'humanface:prevhumanface'));
- assert(~isempty(paramPos))
- data = squeeze(d2nd.beta(cfg.chan,:,paramPos,:));
- data=data*2;
- case 'samebox'
- [~,paramPos]=find(ismember(paramNames,'samebox_1'));
- assert(~isempty(paramPos))
- data = squeeze(d2nd.beta(cfg.chan,:,paramPos,:));
- otherwise
- error('wrong condition')
- end
- if cfg.blcorrect
- data = bsxfun(@minus,data,mean(data(:,d2nd.times<0,:),2));
- end
- [res,info] = be_ept_tfce_diff(struct('nperm',cfg.nperm,'neighbours',ept_tfce_nb(cfg.chan,:)),permute(data,[3 1 2]));
- cfgPlot.pvalues = res.P_Values;
- TFCEresults.res=res;
- TFCEresults.info=info;
- TFCEresults.channels=d2nd.chanlocs;
- TFCEresults.times=d2nd.times;
- %% actual plotting
- tmpPVal = log10(res.P_Values); % change p-values to log-scale
- hA = plot_topobutter(cat(3,mean(data,3),tmpPVal),d2nd.times,d2nd.chanlocs,cfgPlot);
- hA.topo.colorbar{2}.XTick = log10([0.001 0.005 0.05]);
- hA.topo.colorbar{2}.TickLabels = [0.001 0.005 0.05];
- if strcmp(param,'interaction')
- figurename = [codingscheme ' ' param{1} ', iter:' num2str(cfg.nperm) ', time:' num2str(timewin(1)) ' to ' num2str(timewin(2))];
- elseif strcmp(param,'samebox') || strcmp(param,'boxn2')
- figurename = [codingscheme ' ' param{1} ', iter:' num2str(cfg.nperm) ', time:' num2str(timewin(1)) ' to ' num2str(timewin(2))];
- else
- figurename = [codingscheme ' main effect: ' cfg.effecttype ', iter:' num2str(cfg.nperm) ', time:' num2str(timewin(1)) ' to ' num2str(timewin(2))];
- end
- title(figurename)
- drawnow
- set(gcf,'Position',[5 515 2550 571])
- drawnow
- end