LIF_test.yml 2.5 KB

  1. CTVM_Method: 0
  2. CTV_FeatureNumber: 0
  3. CTV_Method: 22
  4. CTV_MethodFile: pyVIEW_PROGS/
  5. CTV_StimulusNumber: 0
  6. CTV_firstframe: 20
  7. CTV_lastframe: 30
  8. CTV_scalebar: true
  9. Data_Mean_Filter: 3
  10. Data_Mean_Filter_space: 3
  11. Data_Mean_Filter_time: 0
  12. Data_Median_Filter: 0
  13. Data_Median_Filter_space: 3
  14. Data_Median_Filter_time: 0
  15. GDM_chunkPostStim: 0.0
  16. GDM_chunkPreStim: 0.0
  17. GDM_outputType: full_traces
  18. GDM_withinArea: false
  19. LELog_ExcludeSeconds: 3
  20. LELog_InitialFactor: 3
  21. LE_BleachCorrMethod: None
  22. LE_BleachCutBorder: 10.0
  23. LE_BleachExcludeArea: false
  24. LE_BleachExcludeStimulus: true
  25. LE_BleachStartFrame: 2
  26. LE_CalcMethod: 3
  27. LE_DefaultBackgroundRange: (3, 20)
  28. LE_PrestimEndBackground: 0
  29. LE_ScatteredLightFactor: 0.0
  30. LE_ScatteredLightRadius: 50.0
  31. LE_StartBackground: 4
  32. LE_StimulusBasedBackground: false
  33. LE_labelColumns: ('Measu', 'Label', 'Odour', 'OConc')
  34. LE_loadExp: 21
  35. RM_ROIThreshold: 0.75
  36. RM_ROITrace: 0
  37. RM_Radius: 10
  38. RM_differentViews: false
  39. SO_MV_colortable: 13
  40. SO_MV_scalemax: 1.0
  41. SO_MV_scalemin: 0.0
  42. SO_Method: 0
  43. SO_bgColor: w
  44. SO_cutborder: 0
  45. SO_fgColor: k
  46. SO_fontName: None
  47. SO_indiScale3factor: 0.2
  48. SO_individualScale: 3
  49. SO_lowerThreshPositiveResps: a0
  50. SO_percentileScale: false
  51. SO_percentileValue: 0.0
  52. SO_reverseIt: false
  53. SO_rotateImage: 0
  54. SO_scaleLegendFactor: 1.0
  55. SO_showROIs: 0
  56. SO_thresholdOn: none
  57. SO_thresholdScale: full
  58. SO_thresholdShowImage: foto1
  59. SO_upperThreshNegativeResps: a0
  60. SO_withinArea: false
  61. SO_xgap: 30
  62. STG_Datapath: 01_DATA
  63. STG_Measu: 4
  64. STG_MotherOfAllFolders: '!!parent of this file will be used!!'
  65. STG_OdorAreaPath: 05_AREA
  66. STG_OdorInfoPath: 02_LISTS
  67. STG_OdorReportFile: Lif_out
  68. STG_OdorReportPath: 06_OUTPUT
  69. STG_OdormaskPath: 05_COOR
  70. STG_ProcessedDataPath: Processed Data
  71. STG_ReportTag: Lif_test
  72. STG_TempArchivePath: not set yet
  73. Signal_FilterSpaceFlag: false
  74. Signal_FilterSpaceSize: 3.0
  75. Signal_FilterTimeFlag: false
  76. Signal_FilterTimeSize: 3.0
  77. VIEW_CorrSignals: false
  78. VIEW_InitCorr: -1
  79. VIEW_batchmode: false
  80. mv_FirstFrame: 1
  81. mv_LastFrame: -1
  82. mv_SpeedFactor: 1.0
  83. mv_bgColor: k
  84. mv_bitrate: 1024k
  85. mv_correctStimulusOnset: 0
  86. mv_cutborder: 0
  87. mv_displayTime: 0.8
  88. mv_exportFormat: libx264
  89. mv_fgColor: w
  90. mv_fontName: None
  91. mv_indiScale3factor: 0.2
  92. mv_individualScale: 3
  93. mv_lowerThreshPositiveResps: a0
  94. mv_markStimulus: 1
  95. mv_percentileScale: false
  96. mv_percentileValue: 0.0
  97. mv_reverseIt: true
  98. mv_rotateImage: 0
  99. mv_scaleLegendFactor: 100.0
  100. mv_showROIs: 1
  101. mv_suppressMilliseconds: false
  102. mv_thresholdOn: none
  103. mv_thresholdScale: full
  104. mv_thresholdShowImage: foto1
  105. mv_upperThreshNegativeResps: a0
  106. mv_withinArea: false
  107. mv_xgap: 40
  108. mv_ygap: 40