RNs_gcamp.pro 6.1 KB

  1. pro RNs_gcamp
  2. common data
  3. common vars
  4. common CFD
  5. common CFDconst
  6. ;tiff: 0,45,2,10,17,21,2,1,7
  7. ;on raw data: 0,45,2,10,15,240,2,1,7,5 does not work yet
  8. ;coordinates: 0,45,2,9,17,21,4,1,7,4
  9. ;New TIFFs : 1,45,2,10,21,33,4,1,7,4,0
  10. ;New coordinates: 1,45,2,9,21,21,4,1,7,4
  11. ;export glomeruli time courses: 0,45,2,11,15,x,4,0,7,0,x,x
  13. colortable = 0;0;43;41 ;45 for TIFF output, 0 for black/white
  14. ;set flags here
  15. ;loading the data and calculate signals
  16. flag[view_loadExp] = 3;3;4 ; 0 for old setup, to 1 for Visicam, 2 for confocal
  17. flag[view_CalcMethod] = 3500; 3550: bleachcorrect,excludstim
  18. ;3150: bleachcorrect,excludstim,withinAl
  19. ;3750: bleachcorrect, excludestim, addnoise
  20. ;4950; 3 (original data); 10 for fura ; for bleaching is incluiding in 9 and 10 ;***** normalerweise 7 oder 8, schnelle Berechnung 0
  21. flag[csm_median] = 0; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!change!!!!!!! 0: no correction, 1: median in space fixed values, 2: space and time fixed values; 3: space and time, using flag values
  22. flag(csm_median_space)= 3
  23. flag(csm_median_time) = 0
  24. flag[csm_movement] = 0; movement correction; 3: to include the movcorr from mathias´ program
  25. flag[CSM_DataShift] = 1 ; shift data instead of mask
  26. flag[le_shrinkFaktor] = 1 ;no shrinkfaktor with 1
  27. flag[RM_separateLayers] = 0 ;separates the layers in exportGlomeruli and SingleOverviews
  28. ;view the data analysis
  29. flag[view_reportMethod] =1003;1003: for mathias´program; 11;10;-1 ; check in subloop.pro
  30. ; 10: TIFF-Ausgabe, 11: Traces-Berechnung, 12 : Movie; 13 : stack of tiff files; 19:CTV + Glodatamix; 14: .RAW; 15: single tiff files
  31. firstframe = 1 ;for movie output
  32. lastframe = 4
  33. ;spacefilter: ft_radius wird nur benutzt, wenn FilterSpaceFlag gesetzt ist
  34. ;der zusätzliche SpaceFilter wird nur ausgeführt, wenn er gt 2 ist.
  35. flag[ft_radius] =3 ; setting 5 gives ca 25microns squares with 20x Obj in traces calculation
  36. FilterSpaceFlag = 0 ;***** normalerweise 1, schnelle Berechnung 0
  37. FilterSpaceSize = 0;***** normalerweise 2, schnelle Berechnung 0
  38. FilterTimeFlag = 0
  39. FilterTimeSize = 0
  40. flag[so_indiScale] = 3;7;1500;1101; 3 ; ShowOverviews : 0:scale according to values in control window
  41. ; 1 = scale each overviewframe to its own min/max
  42. ; 2 = scale to min/max of all
  43. ; 3 to central region of individual frame
  44. ; 5 to selected area of individual frame
  45. ; setting also affects scaling in the movie output, see exprotmovie.pro
  46. ; 7 in export movie: bottom fixed, top in area region
  47. scalemax = 3.000
  48. scalemin = -1.0
  49. flag[rm_fotoOK] =0;1;1;5 ; draw coordinate positions in TIFF output as white squares
  50. flag[so_method] = 0 ; ShowOverviews Method: 1: mittleres Signal wŠhren Stimulus
  51. ;0 for selecting CTV_method in the file CurveToValue.pro in ShowOverviews folder
  52. ;10 for selecting CTV_method in the file Overview10ctv.pro in ShowOverviews folder
  53. ;11 for correlation
  54. flag[RM_differentViews] = 0 ;mirrors right ALs following the name in the list
  55. flag[LE_UseFirstBuffer] = 1;0;
  56. flag[so_morphoBackgr] = 0;150;150
  57. flag[so_morphoBackgrNeg]= 0;95;105
  58. flag[so_withinMask] =0
  59. flag[CTV_scalebar] = 0
  60. flag[LE_StartBackground] = 4; frame where background calculation starts (in general startbackground:stim_on frames are used for background calculation)
  61. flag[LE_PrestimEndBackground] = 0 ;How many frames before stimulus to stop with background. Default: 2
  62. flag[RM_ROITrace] =0
  63. flag[VIEW_ScatterLightFactor] = 1;for the 3xxx and 4xxx family with scattered light correction, this factor gives the strength of the unsharp mask. Default: 1
  64. ; no change flags
  65. CorrectFlag = 0;1;0 ;0:unkorrigiert, 1:luftkorrigiert
  66. flag[macSystem] = 0
  67. flag[view_initCorr] = -1;3;-1;1050;21;21;17 ; initial correction when loading data, -1 (= 15) for no correction at all (save memory)
  68. flag[batchMode] = 1
  69. flag[le_AskForAir] = 0;1;0
  70. flag[trueColour] = 1
  71. flag[rm_plotTrace] = 0;1 ; reportMask, plots traces to screen when set
  72. flag[rm_printAscii] = 0 ; ReportMask,
  73. flag[rm_PrintLine] = 1 ; ReportMask
  74. flag[view_MultiExp] = 0 ; 0 for single experiment
  75. flag[pta_plottimerange] = 0 ; PlotTraceArray if set, takes range from control window
  76. flag[pta_plotMeanValue] = 0 ; PlotTraceArray
  77. ;pfade für Clementina
  78. auswertungMother = 'K:\RNs\'
  79. DatenMother = 'K:\RNs\Data\'
  80. ;path settings for all measurements
  81. ;location of the coordinate files
  82. flag[stg_OdorMaskPath] = auswertungMother+ 'Coor\' ;woher kommt die Maske ?
  83. ;path for the .lst files
  84. flag[stg_OdorInfoPath] = auswertungMother+ 'Lists\'
  85. ;ReportPath, place for the IDL output
  86. ;flag[stg_OdorReportPath] = auswertungMother+ 'IDLoutput\' ;wohin soll die Ausgabe ? und pharma (ttx, ptx, etc)
  87. flag[stg_OdorReportPath] = auswertungMother+ '\IDLoutput\' ;for concentration exps
  88. ;flag[stg_OdorReportPath] = 'H:\ana\analysis_LNs\IDLoutput\'; in external hard disk
  89. ;flag[stg_OdorReportPath] = auswertungMother+ 'synII\IDLoutput\' ;for concentration exps
  90. longMeasurements = 1
  91. shortMeasurements = 0
  92. ;one block for each animal follows, with specic settings
  93. IF longMeasurements THEN begin
  94. flag[CTV_method] =301;-222;-3791;-12;-379;50;21;100;21 ;22: take 3 frames aroung lastframe - 3 frames around firstframe
  95. firstframe = 7 ;for movie output
  96. lastframe = 13
  97. average_flag = 0 ; set to 0 for single measurements, 1 for averages, 2 for both
  98. RNs_measu_gcamp, DatenMother ;, average_flag
  99. endIF ;longMeasurements
  100. IF shortMeasurements THEN begin
  101. flag[view_CalcMethod] = 12554; 5 (original data); 10 for fura ; for bleaching is incluiding in 9 and 10 ;***** normalerweise 7 oder 8, schnelle Berechnung 0
  102. firstframe = 1 ;for movie output
  103. lastframe = 4
  104. flag[CTV_method] = 22;50;21;100;21 ;22: take 3 frames aroung lastframe - 3 frames around firstframe
  105. ;flag[CTV_method] = 300;50;21;100;21 ;22: take 3 frames aroung lastframe - 3 frames around firstframe
  106. ;colortable = 0
  107. ;CorrectFlag = 1
  108. endIF ;shortMeasurements
  109. end