Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 17 KB

  1. import logging
  2. import pathlib as pl
  3. import shutil
  4. import sys
  5. import tempfile
  6. import time
  7. from pkg_resources import get_distribution
  8. from .flags import FlagsManager
  9. from view.python_core.gdm_generation import get_roi_gdm_traces_dict, get_gdm_file
  10. from .measurement_list import MeasurementList
  11. from .measurement_list.importers import get_setup_extension
  12. from .movies import export_movie
  13. from .overviews import generate_overview_image, generate_overview_image_for_output
  14. from .overviews.ctv_handlers import get_ctv_handler
  15. from .p1_class import get_empty_p1, get_p1
  16. from .rois.roi_io import get_roi_io_class
  17. import gc
  18. class VIEW(object):
  19. def __init__(self, flags=None, terminal_output_verbose=True):
  20. """
  21. Initializes a VIEW object with default flags
  22. """
  23. self.flags = FlagsManager()
  24. if flags is not None:
  25. self.flags.update_flags({"STG_MotherOfAllFolders": flags["STG_MotherOfAllFolders"]})
  26. self.flags.update_flags({k: v for k, v in flags.items() if k not in ["STG_MotherOfAllFolders"]})
  27. self.flags.update_flags({"VIEW_batchmode": True})
  28. self.measurement_list = None
  29. self.p1 = None
  30. self.log_file = self.setup_logging(terminal_output_verbose)
  31. logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(
  32. f"VIEW object initialized for offline use. Version: {get_distribution('view').version}")
  33. def __del__(self):
  34. del self.flags
  35. self.delete_data()
  36. def delete_data(self):
  37. try:
  38. self.p1.__del__()
  39. del self.measurement_list
  40. except AttributeError as ae:
  41. pass
  42. self.p1 = None
  43. self.measurement_list = None
  44. gc.collect()
  45. def setup_logging(self, terminal_output_verbose):
  46. my_logger = logging.getLogger("VIEW")
  47. my_logger.propagate = False
  48. my_logger.setLevel(level=logging.INFO)
  49. if not my_logger.hasHandlers():
  50. temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
  51. view_log_dir_path = pl.Path(temp_dir) / "VIEW_logs"
  52. view_log_dir_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
  53. log_file_path = view_log_dir_path / f"VIEW_started_at_{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')}.log"
  54. formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s [VIEW] [%(levelname)-5.5s] %(message)s")
  55. file_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file_path)
  56. file_handler.setLevel(level=logging.INFO)
  57. file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
  58. my_logger.addHandler(file_handler)
  59. if terminal_output_verbose:
  60. stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
  61. stream_handler.setLevel(level=logging.DEBUG)
  62. stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
  63. my_logger.addHandler(stream_handler)
  64. log_file = str(log_file_path)
  65. else:
  66. file_handler = [x for x in my_logger.handlers if isinstance(x, logging.FileHandler)][0]
  67. log_file = file_handler.baseFilename
  68. return log_file
  69. def update_flags(self, flags):
  70. """
  71. Updates VIEW flags with <flags>
  72. :param flags: dict, keys are flag names, values are flag values
  73. :return: None
  74. """
  75. self.flags.update_flags(flags)
  76. def update_flags_from_ymlfile(self, yml_filename):
  77. """
  78. Updates VIEW flags with flags from YML file
  79. :param yml_filename: str, path on file system to a YML flags file
  80. :return: None
  81. """
  82. self.flags.read_flags_from_yml(yml_filename)
  83. self.flags.update_flags({"VIEW_batchmode": True})
  84. def initialize_animal(self, animal):
  85. """
  86. Initializes the flag "STG_ReportTag" to <animal>. Tries to find and load the measurement list file
  87. for the animal <animal>. Raises FileNotFoundError if not found.
  88. :param animal: string, name/tag of the animal
  89. """
  90. self.flags.update_flags({
  91. "STG_ReportTag": animal
  92. })
  93. lst_file = self.flags.get_existing_lst_file()
  94. if lst_file is None:
  95. raise FileNotFoundError(f"Could not find a list file for animal={animal} "
  96. f"in {self.flags['STG_OdorInfoPath']}")
  97. self.measurement_list = MeasurementList.create_from_lst_file(
  98. lst_fle=lst_file, LE_loadExp=self.flags["LE_loadExp"])
  99. def initialize_animal_from_list_file(self, list_file):
  100. """
  101. Extracts the stem of the list file name and uses it as animal name ("STG_ReportTag"). Initializes the specified
  102. animal list
  103. :param list_file:
  104. """
  105. self.measurement_list = MeasurementList.create_from_lst_file(
  106. lst_fle=list_file, LE_loadExp=self.flags["LE_loadExp"])
  107. assert self.measurement_list.animal_name is not None, "Something went wrong!"
  108. self.flags.update_flags({"STG_ReportTag": self.measurement_list.animal_name})
  109. def get_current_animal(self):
  110. self.check_if_animal_is_initialized()
  111. return self.flags['STG_ReportTag']
  112. def check_if_animal_is_initialized(self):
  113. """
  114. Raises an error if no animal has been initialized
  115. """
  116. if self.measurement_list is not None:
  117. measurement_list_name = pl.Path(self.measurement_list.last_measurement_list_fle).name
  118. if measurement_list_name.startswith(f"{self.flags['STG_ReportTag']}."):
  119. return # all good
  120. raise ValueError("No animal initialized, "
  121. "please initialize first VIEW with an animal using the method 'initialize_animal'")
  122. def get_measus_for_current_animal(self, analyze_values_to_use=None):
  123. """
  124. Returns a list of "measu" values for the currently initialized animal, for which the corresponding entry in the
  125. column 'Analyze' is one among <analyze_to_use>. If <analyze_values_accepted> is None,
  126. then all measus for the animal are returned
  127. :return: list of int
  128. """
  129. self.check_if_animal_is_initialized()
  130. return self.measurement_list.get_measus(analyze_values_accepted=analyze_values_to_use)
  131. def get_measu_label_for_current_animal(self, measu):
  132. """
  133. Returns the measurement label for the measurement corresponding to <measu> based of current flag settings.
  134. :raises: AssertionError if animal is not initialized
  135. :return: str, measurent label
  136. """
  137. self.check_if_animal_is_initialized()
  138. return self.flags.get_measurement_label(measurement_row=self.measurement_list.get_row_by_measu(measu))
  139. def load_measurement_data_from_current_animal(self, measu):
  140. """
  141. Loads the measurement from current animal with the specified <measu>
  142. :param measu: int
  143. :return: str, label of the measurement as specified by the flag "LE_labelColumns"
  144. """
  145. self.check_if_animal_is_initialized()
  146. self.flags.update_flags({"STG_Measu": measu})
  147. measu_label, self.p1 = self.measurement_list.load_data(flags=self.flags, measu=measu)
  148. return measu_label
  149. def calculate_signals(self):
  150. """
  151. Calculates signals using the raw data currently loaded and using current flag values. Raises an ValueError if
  152. no raw data has been loaded
  153. :returns: None
  154. """
  155. if self.p1 is not None:
  156. self.p1.calculate_signals(self.flags)
  157. else:
  158. raise ValueError("No raw data has been loaded. Load some raw data and try calculating signals again!")
  159. def load_measurement_data(self, animal, measu):
  160. """
  161. Loads the measurement with the specified <measu> for the specified animal.
  162. :param animal: str, name of the animal, (usually name of the list file/vws file without extension)
  163. :param measu: int
  164. :return: str, label of the measurement as specified by the flag "LE_labelColumns"
  165. """
  166. # self.measurement_list can be not None only if an animal had been initialized and
  167. # when an animal has been initialized, flag 'STG_ReportTag' gets set
  168. if not(self.measurement_list is not None and self.flags["STG_ReportTag"] == animal):
  169. self.initialize_animal(animal)
  170. return self.load_measurement_data_from_current_animal(measu)
  171. def load_measurement_data_without_list_file(
  172. self, raw_data_files, sampling_rate, LE_loadExp, animal='unspecified_animal'):
  173. """
  174. Load data into VIEW directly from raw data files without needing measurement list files
  175. :param sequence raw_data_files: list of raw data files. Must be compatible with the flag `LE_loadExp`
  176. :param float sampling_rate: in Hz, number of frames measured per second
  177. :param LE_loadExp: value of the flag of the same name, please see its documentation
  178. :param str animal: optional animal tag
  179. """
  180. self.flags.update_flags({"LE_loadExp": LE_loadExp})
  181. self.p1 = get_empty_p1(LE_loadExp=self.flags["LE_loadExp"])
  182. # needed for looking if a usable area file exists
  183. self.flags.update_flags({'STG_ReportTag': animal})
  184. self.p1.load_without_metadata(filenames=raw_data_files, flags=self.flags, sampling_rate=sampling_rate)
  185. def export_movie_for_current_measurement(self):
  186. """
  187. Export a movie with the current flag settings and for the measurement data currently loaded
  188. :return: str, path of the movie output file written or output directory for when mv_exportFormat='single_tif'
  189. """
  190. if self.p1.sig1 is None:
  191. self.calculate_signals()
  192. movie_dir_path = pl.Path(self.flags.get_op_movie_dir())
  193. movie_dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
  194. measurement_row = self.measurement_list.get_row_by_measu(self.flags["STG_Measu"])
  195. user_spec_label = self.flags.get_measurement_label(measurement_row)
  196. op_filepath_stem = str(movie_dir_path / user_spec_label)
  197. if self.p1.sig1 is None:
  198. self.calculate_signals()
  199. return export_movie(flags=self.flags, p1=self.p1,
  200. full_filename_without_extension=op_filepath_stem)
  201. def get_roi_info_for_current_animal(self):
  202. """
  203. Reads and returns ROI information for the current animal
  204. :return: roi_data_dict, roi_file
  205. roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and roi data objects as values
  206. roi_file: str, file from which ROI information was taken
  207. """
  208. roi_data_dict, roi_file = get_roi_io_class(self.flags["RM_ROITrace"]).read(flags=self.flags)
  209. return roi_data_dict, roi_file
  210. def get_gdm_file_for_current_measurement(self, roi_data_dict=None):
  211. """
  212. Creates and returns a GDMFile object containing a list of GDMRow object, each of which contains metadata and
  213. the time trace associated with a ROI.
  214. If <roi_data_dict> is None, ROIs are interpreted using the flags RM_ROITrace
  215. :param dict roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and roi data objects as values
  216. :return: roi_data_dict, gdm_file
  217. roi_data_dict: a dictionary with ROI labels as keys and ROI data objects as values
  218. gdm_file: view.python_core.gdm_generation.gdm_data_classes.GDMFile object
  219. """
  220. roi_label_gdm_traces_dict, roi_data_dict = self.get_roi_gdm_traces_dict(roi_data_dict)
  221. gdm_file = get_gdm_file(p1=self.p1, flags=self.flags)
  222. return gdm_file, roi_data_dict
  223. def get_roi_gdm_traces_dict(self, roi_data_dict=None):
  224. """
  225. Returns a dictionary of roi labels and corresponding time traces as numpy arrays.
  226. If <roi_data_dict> is None, ROIs are interpreted using the flags RM_ROITrace
  227. :param dict roi_data_dict: dict with roi labels as keys and roi data objects as values
  228. :return: roi_data_dict, gdm_file
  229. roi_data_dict: a dictionary with ROI labels as keys and ROI data objects as values
  230. roi_label_gdm_traces_dict: a dictionary with ROI labels as keys and corresponding time traces as values
  231. """
  232. if self.p1.sig1 is None:
  233. self.calculate_signals()
  234. if roi_data_dict is None:
  235. roi_data_dict, roi_file = get_roi_io_class(self.flags["RM_ROITrace"]).read(
  236. flags=self.flags, measurement_label=self.p1.metadata.ex_name)
  237. roi_label_gdm_traces_dict = get_roi_gdm_traces_dict(p1=self.p1, flags=self.flags, roi_data_dict=roi_data_dict)
  238. return roi_label_gdm_traces_dict, roi_data_dict
  239. def generate_ctv_response_frame_for_current_measurement(self):
  240. """
  241. Reduce 3D signal into 2D response frame by applying CTV function as defined by flags
  242. :return: response_frame, 2D numpy.ndarray
  243. """
  244. if self.p1.sig1 is None:
  245. self.calculate_signals()
  246. ctv_handler = get_ctv_handler(flags=self.flags, p1=self.p1)
  247. return ctv_handler.apply(self.p1.sig1)
  248. def generate_overview_for_current_measurement(self):
  249. """
  250. Generate an overview of the measurement data currently loaded based on current flags and returns it
  251. :return: overview_frame, data_limits, overview_generator_used
  252. overview_frame: 2D numpy.ndarray, the overview image in XY format with origin at bottom left
  253. data_limits: tuple, the lower and upper limits of data in overview image
  254. overview_generator_used: OverviewColorizerAnnotator object used to generate overview
  255. """
  256. if self.p1.sig1 is None:
  257. self.calculate_signals()
  258. return generate_overview_image(flags=self.flags, p1=self.p1)
  259. def generate_overview_for_output_for_current_measurement(self):
  260. """
  261. Generates overview frame and transforms it so that it can be readily used either for plt.imshow or for
  262. saving with tifffile.imsave
  263. :return: overview_frame, data_limits
  264. overview_frame: 2D numpy.ndarray, the overview image in YX format with origin at top right
  265. data_limits: tuple, the lower and upper limits of data in overview image
  266. """
  267. if self.p1.sig1 is None:
  268. self.calculate_signals()
  269. return generate_overview_image_for_output(flags=self.flags, p1=self.p1)
  270. def backup_files(self, files, target_directory):
  271. """
  272. Copies all files in <files> to the target directory, inserting "last_used" before suffix
  273. :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system
  274. :param target_directory: str, pointing to a directory on the file system
  275. """
  276. for file in files:
  277. file_path = pl.Path(file)
  278. target_filename = f"{file_path.stem}_last_used{file_path.suffix}"
  279. target_file = pl.Path(target_directory) / target_filename
  280. logging.getLogger("VIEW").info(f"Backing up {file} to {target_file}")
  281. shutil.copy(file, str(target_file))
  282. def backup_script_flags_configs_for_GDMs(self, files):
  283. """
  284. Copies all files in <files> to the traces output folder of the animal currently initialized
  285. :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system
  286. """
  287. target_directory = self.flags.get_animal_op_dir()
  288. self.backup_files(files + [self.log_file], target_directory)
  289. def backup_script_flags_configs_for_movies(self, files):
  290. """
  291. Copies all files in <files> to the movies output folder of the animal currently initialized
  292. :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system
  293. """
  294. target_directory = self.flags.get_op_movie_dir()
  295. self.backup_files(files + [self.log_file], target_directory)
  296. def backup_script_flags_configs_for_tapestries(self, files):
  297. """
  298. Copies all files in <files> to the tapestries output folder for the animal <animal>
  299. :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system
  300. """
  301. # view_obj = cls()
  302. # view_obj.update_flags_from_ymlfile(yml_file)
  303. # view_obj.initialize_animal(animal)
  304. #
  305. target_directory = self.flags.get_op_tapestries_dir()
  306. #
  307. # # logging does not write anything if the created object is not returned?? Manually writing version
  308. # with open(, 'w') as fh:
  309. # fh.write(f"VIEW object initialized for offline use. Version: {get_distribution('view').version}")
  310. self.backup_files(files + [self.log_file], target_directory)
  311. def get_current_setup_extension(self):
  312. return get_setup_extension(self.flags["LE_loadExp"])
  313. def get_measu_label(self, measu):
  314. return self.flags.get_measurement_label(measurement_row=self.measurement_list.get_row_by_measu(measu))
  315. def backup_script_flags_configs_for_processed_data_output(self, files, format_name):
  316. """
  317. Copies all files in <files> to the output folder for processed data for format in `format_name`.
  318. :param files: list of strings, each pointing to a file on the file system
  319. """
  320. target_directory = self.flags.get_processed_data_op_path(format_name)
  321. self.backup_files(files + [self.log_file], target_directory)