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LIF reader implemented with time information

Giovanni Galizia 1 year ago

+ 238 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Log2List for setupD
+created June2022, based on pervious VTK2021 log2list
+@author: galizia
+    1) read a .log file (Till Photonics), create a .lst file for this animal
+    2) read a .txt file that comes from PAL/Chronos (Barcode Reader), add odor information to .lst file
+    Data should be in subfolder 01_DATA
+    List file goes into subfolder 02_LISTS
+    Within Till, names are ODOR-CONC_NUMBER,
+    e.g. ISOE-5_10
+from view.python_core.measurement_list import MeasurementList
+from view.python_core.measurement_list.importers import get_importer_class
+from view.python_core.flags import FlagsManager
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import pandas as pd
+import logging
+# ------------------- Some parameters about experimental setup, data structure and output file type --------------------
+# 3 for single wavelength Till Photonics Measurements
+# 4 for two wavelength Till Photonics Measurements
+# 20 for Zeiss Confocal Measurements
+LE_loadExp = 3
+# Mother of all Folders of your dataset
+# On Windows, if you copy paths from the file explorer, make sure the string below is always of the form r"......"
+#STG_STG_STG_MotherOfAllFolders = r"/home/ajay/Nextcloud/VTK_2021/bee/HS_210521_test"
+#STG_STG_STG_MotherOfAllFolders = r"/Users/galizia/Documents/DATA/VTK_test/YT_VTK"
+#STG_STG_STG_MotherOfAllFolders = r"/Users/galizia/Documents/DATA/HS_210521_test"
+STG_MotherOfAllFolders = r"/Users/galizia/Nextcloud/VTK_2021/Bee_alarm_2022" # 01_DATA
+# path of the "Data" folder in VIEW organization containing the data
+# On Windows, if you copy paths from the file explorer, make sure the string below is always of the form r"......"
+STG_Datapath = r"01_DATA"
+# path of the "Lists" folder in VIEW organization containing the list files
+# On Windows, if you copy paths from the file explorer, make sure the string below is always of the form r"......"
+STG_OdorInfoPath = r"02_LISTS"
+# Choose measurement list output extension among ".lst", ".lst.xlsx", ".settings.xlsx"
+# VIEW does not support writing .xls list files anymore (nonetheless, it can read them and revise/update them to .xlsx)
+measurement_output_extension = ".lst.xlsx"
+# ------------------- A dictionary containing default values for metadata.----------------------------------------------
+# ------------------- Only metadata included in this dictionary will be written ----------------------------------------
+# ----Note that columns of the output measeurement list files will have the same order as below.------------------------
+default_values = OrderedDict()
+default_values['Measu'] = 0  # unique identifier for each line, corresponds to item in TILL photonics log file
+default_values['Label'] = "none"
+default_values['Odour'] = 'odor?'  # stimulus name, maybe extracted from label in the function "custom_func" below
+default_values['OConc'] = 0  # odor concentration, maybe extracted from label in the function "custom_func" below
+default_values['Analyze'] = -1  # whether to analyze in VIEWoff. Default 1
+default_values['Cycle'] = 0  # how many ms per frame
+default_values['DBB1'] = 'none'  # file name of raw data
+default_values['UTC'] = 0  # recording time, extracted from file
+default_values['PxSzX'] = '4.6'  # um per pixel, 1.5625 for 50x air objective, measured by Hanna Schnell July 2017 on Till vision system, with a binning of 8
+default_values['PxSzY'] = '4.6'  # um per pixel, 1.5625 for 50x air objective, measured by Hanna Schnell July 2017 on Till vision system, with a binning of 8
+default_values['Lambda'] = 0  # wavelength of stimulus. In TILL, from .log file, In Zeiss LSM, from .lsm file
+# These will be automatically filed for LE_loadExp=4
+default_values['dbb2'] = 'none'  # file name of raw data in dual wavelength recordings (FURA)
+# To include more columns, uncomment entries below and specify a default value.
+# #
+# block for first stimulus
+# default_values['StimON'] = -1  # stimulus onset, unit: frames, count starts at frame 1.
+# default_values['StimOFF'] = -1  # stimulus offset, unit: frames, count starts at frame 1.
+# default_values['StimLen'] = 0  # stimulus onset in ms from beginning - alternative to StimON
+# default_values['StimONms'] = -1  # stimulus length in ms - alternative to StimOFF
+# #
+# block for second stimulus
+# default_values['Stim2ON'] = 0  # stimulus onset, unit: frames, count starts at frame 1.
+# default_values['Stim2OFF'] = 0  # stimulus offset, unit: frames, count starts at frame 1.
+# default_values['Stim2Len'] = 0  # stimulus onset in ms from beginning - alternative to StimON
+# default_values['Stim2ONms'] = -1  # stimulus length in ms - alternative to StimOFF
+# #
+# default_values['Age'] = -1
+# default_values['Sex'] = 'o'
+# default_values['Side'] = 'none'
+# default_values['Comment'] = 'none'
+# #
+# default_values['MTime'] = 0
+# default_values['Control'] = 0
+# default_values['Pharma'] = 'none'
+# default_values['PhTime'] = 0
+# default_values['PhConc'] = 0
+# default_values['ShiftX'] = 0
+# default_values['ShiftY'] = 0
+# default_values['StimISI'] = 0
+# default_values['setting'] = 'none'
+# default_values['dbb3'] = 'none'
+# default_values['PosZ'] = 0
+# default_values['Countl'] = 0
+# default_values['slvFlip'] = 0
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------- A function used to modify list entries after automatic parsing of metadata -------------------------
+# ----------------- This function indicates what needs to be done for a row --------------------------------------------
+# ----------------- The same is internally applied to all rows of the measurement list----------------------------------
+def get_odorinfo_from_label(label):
+    # format for label is: concentration to the right, with a minus sign
+    # Odor next to it, separated by underscore
+    # IMPERARIVE: only ONE "-"
+    # format ISOE-2_13 or MOL_18
+    # is the information for a concentration present? Detect "-"
+    parts = label.split("_")
+# take first part
+    parts = parts[0]
+    parts = parts.split("-")
+    odor = parts[0]
+    if len(parts) > 1:
+        concentration = '-' + parts[1] 
+    else:
+        concentration = '0'
+    return [odor, concentration]
+def custom_func(list_row: pd.Series, animal_tag: str) -> pd.Series:
+    list_row['StimON']   = 24
+    list_row['StimLen']  = 1000 
+    list_row['Stim2ON']  = 36
+    list_row['Stim2Len'] = 1000 
+    list_row['Comment']  = 'AlarmPheromone'
+    list_row['Line']     = 'bee'
+    # Examples:
+    # list_row["StimON"] = 25
+    (list_row["Odour"],list_row["OConc"]) = get_odorinfo_from_label(list_row["Label"])
+    # if list_row["Measu"]
+    # get Odor from another file based on the value of <animal_tag> and list_row["Label"]
+    return list_row
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ------------------ A function defining the criteria for excluding measurements ---------------------------------------
+# ------------------ Currently applicable only for tillvision setups ---------------------------------------------------
+def measurement_filter(s):
+    # exclude blocks that have in the name "Snapshot" or "Delta"
+    # or that do not have any "_"
+    name = s["Label"]
+    label_not_okay = name.count('Snapshot') > 0 or name.count('Delta') > 0 or name.count('_') < 1
+    label_okay = not label_not_okay
+    # exclude blocks with less than two frames or no calibration
+    atleast_two_frames = False
+    if type(s["Timing_ms"]) is str:
+        if len(s["Timing_ms"].split(' ')) >= 2 and s["Timing_ms"] != "(No calibration available)":
+            atleast_two_frames = True
+    return label_okay and atleast_two_frames
+# ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
+# ------------------ names of columns that will be overwritten by old values -------------------------------------------
+# ------ these will only be used if a measurement list file with the same name as current output file exists -----------
+overwrite_old_values = ["Line", "PxSzX", "PxSzY", "Age", "Sex", "Prefer",
+                        "Comment", "Analyze", "Odour", "OConc"]
+# ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    # initialize a FlagsManager object with values specified above
+    flags = FlagsManager()
+    flags.update_flags({"STG_MotherOfAllFolders": STG_MotherOfAllFolders,
+                        "STG_OdorInfoPath": STG_OdorInfoPath,
+                        "STG_Datapath": STG_Datapath})
+    # initialize importer
+    importer_class = get_importer_class(LE_loadExp)
+    importer = importer_class(default_values)
+    # open a dialog for choosing raw data files
+    # this returns a dictionary where keys are animal tags (STG_ReportTag) and
+    # values are lists of associated raw data files
+    animal_tag_raw_data_mapping = importer.ask_for_files(default_dir=flags["STG_Datapath"])
+    # make sure some files were chosen
+    assert len(animal_tag_raw_data_mapping) > 0, IOError("No files were chosen!")
+    for animal_tag, raw_data_files in animal_tag_raw_data_mapping.items():
+        # automatically parse metadata
+        metadata_df = importer.import_metadata(raw_data_files=raw_data_files,
+                                               measurement_filter=measurement_filter)
+        # inform user if no usable measurements were found
+        if metadata_df.shape[0] == 0:
+  "No usable measurements we found among the files "
+                         f"chosen for the animal {animal_tag}. Not creating a list file")
+        else:
+            # create a new Measurement list object from parsed metadata
+            measurement_list = MeasurementList.create_from_df(LE_loadExp=LE_loadExp,
+                                                              df=metadata_df)
+            # apply custom modifications
+            measurement_list.update_from_custom_func(custom_func=custom_func, animal_tag=animal_tag)
+            # set anaylze to 0 if raw data files don't exist
+            flags.update_flags({"STG_ReportTag": animal_tag})
+            measurement_list.sanitize(flags=flags,
+                                      data_file_extensions=importer.movie_data_extensions)
+            # construct the name of the output file
+            out_file = f"{flags.get_lst_file_stem()}{measurement_output_extension}"
+            # write measurement file to list
+            measurement_list.write_to_list_file(lst_fle=out_file, columns2write=default_values.keys(),
+                                                overwrite_old_values=overwrite_old_values)

+ 35 - 25

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ from readlif.reader import LifFile
 def read_lif(lif_file, measu, load_data=True):
-<<<<<<< HEAD
     Read a measurement from a lif file into numpy array. 
     :param str lif_file: path of lif file
     :param int measu: which measurement in the lif file to load
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ def read_lif(lif_file, measu, load_data=True):
     p1_metadata['Cycle'] =["settings"]["FrameTime"] #seconds per frame?
     p1_metadata['PxSzX'] =["scale"][0] #x-size
     p1_metadata['PxSzY'] =["scale"][1] #y-size
-    p1_metadata['SampFreq'] =["scale"][3] #frames per second?
+    p1_metadata['SampFreq'] = 1000*["scale"][3] #frames per second?
     p1_metadata['FrameSizeX'] = this_measurement.dims.x #pixel number in x
     p1_metadata['FrameSizeY'] = this_measurement.dims.y #pixel number in x
     p1_metadata['NumFrames'] = this_measurement.dims.t #pixel number in x
@@ -52,26 +51,39 @@ def read_lif(lif_file, measu, load_data=True):
     p1_metadata['dbb1'] = this_measurement.path
     p1_metadata['Label'] =
     p1_metadata['Comment'] = "Leica .lif file"
-    '''
-    I cannot fine the UTC time information yet
-                p1_metadata['UTC'] = 
-                p1_metadata['MTime'] = 
-    animal.xml_header contains a time stamp high and low, maybe that can be used:
-    animal.xml_header
-    Out[107]: '<LMSDataContainerHeader Version="2">
-    <Element Name="glom17_210923_bee11.lif" Visibility="1" CopyOption="1" UniqueID="18ec6190-1c45-11ec-ac11-0050622017eb">
-    <Data><Experiment Path="E:\\users\\marco\\glom17_210923_bee11.lif" IsSavedFlag="1">
-    <TimeStamp HighInteger="30912593" LowInteger="3678550032"/>
-    </Experiment></Data>\r\n\t\t<Attributes><Attribute>___Saving</Attribute>
-    </Attributes><Memory Size="0" MemoryBlockID="MemBlock_433"/>
-    <Children><Element Name="Sequence 001" Visibility="1" CopyOption="1" UniqueID="6e50af8f-1c46-11ec-ac11-0050622017eb">
-    <Data><Collection ChildTypeTest="AcceptAll"><ChildTypeList/>
-    <TimeStamp HighInteger="30912595" LowInteger="839636880"/>
-    <Attachment Name="ACQUISITION_EVENT" Application="LAS AF" Version="1.0">
-    <Event Name="Job 1_012" TimeStampHigh="30912595" TimeStampLow="839586880" Type="5" Description="" RelativeTime="0.5284902" ShowInGraph="True" ShowInEventList="True" TrigChannel="-1" TriggerID="0"/><Event Name="Job 1_012" TimeStampHigh="30912595" TimeStampLow="839946880" Type="9" Description="" RelativeTime="0.031" ShowInGraph="True" ShowInEventList="True" TrigChannel="2" TriggerID="0"/></Attachment></Collection></Data>\r\n\t\t\t\t<Memory Size="0" MemoryBlockID="MemBlock_541"/><Children><Element Name="Job 1_012" Visibility="1" CopyOption="1" UniqueID="6e50af92-1c46-11ec-ac11-0050622017eb"><Data><Image TextDescription="            
-    '''    
+    #calculate experiment time.
+        # extract measurement time - which is only in the XML of the full LIF file, and not in this_measurement
+        # see /pyview/view/python_core/
+        # i.e. if changes are necessary here, do them also there
+    root = ET.fromstring(animal.xml_header)
+    #times = root[0][0][0][0].attrib
+        #  time stamps are not correct - I do not know why yet (15.6.2022)
+        # that is: there are less time stamps in the XML file than measurements in the .lif file
+        # therefore, I cannot attribute the right time to each measurements
+    print('Now using UTC from first frame in measu: ', measu)
+#timestamp of first frame in measurement measu!
+    time = root.findall(".//TimeStampList")[measu].text[:15]
+    timeStamp = int(time, 16)
+    #windows uses 1. Januar<y 1601 as reference
+    #
+    EPOCH_AS_FILETIME = 116444736000000000  # January 1, 1970 as MS file time
+    measurementtime = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp((timeStamp - EPOCH_AS_FILETIME) / HUNDREDS_OF_NANOSECONDS)
+    print('Lif-File time in ',measurementtime) #for debugging
+    # UTC, e.g. 1623229504.482
+    UTC = measurementtime.timestamp()
+    #meta_info.update({'UTCTime':UTC})
+    p1_metadata['UTC'] = UTC
+    # MTime is the time passed with respect to the very first measurement in this animal
+    time = root.findall(".//TimeStampList")[0].text[:15]
+    timeStamp = int(time, 16)
+    measurementtime_first = dt.datetime.utcfromtimestamp((timeStamp - EPOCH_AS_FILETIME) / HUNDREDS_OF_NANOSECONDS)
+    MTime = measurementtime - measurementtime_first
+    #format this timedelta
+    minutes, seconds = divmod(MTime.seconds + MTime.days * 86400, 60)
+    hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
+    p1_metadata['MTime'] = '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(hours, minutes, seconds)
         #load data
     if load_data:
         # load this dataset
@@ -104,9 +116,7 @@ def read_tif_2Dor3D(tif_file, flip_y=True, return_3D=False, load_data=True):
     data: numpy.ndarray in XY or XYT format
     metadata: dictionary if present, else None
-    """
     # if tif_file is str, convert it to path
     Read a TIF file into numpy array. TIF file axes are assumed to be TYX or YX. Also works for OME Tiff files,
     e.g. Live Acquisition, or FIJI
     :param str tif_file: path of tif file
@@ -119,7 +129,7 @@ def read_tif_2Dor3D(tif_file, flip_y=True, return_3D=False, load_data=True):
     # if tif_file is str, convert it to path
->>>>>>> a476b63c975103c2cd6357311bbcd521129766f9
+    # a476b63c975103c2cd6357311bbcd521129766f9
     if type(tif_file) == str:
         tif_file = pl.Path(tif_file)

+ 37 - 6

@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import logging
 import pprint
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-import datetime
+import datetime 
 from readlif.reader import LifFile
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ class Lif_Importer(BaseImporter):
             return 0, -1
-    def convert_lsm_metadata_to_lst_row(self, fle, measu, this_measurement, default_row):
+    def convert_lsm_metadata_to_lst_row(self, fle, measu, this_measurement, root, default_row):
         Convert values from  lif metadata to .lst nomenclature
         for a particular measurement
@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ class Lif_Importer(BaseImporter):
         # fle is string, convert to path and extract file name
         lst_line["Label"] =
         # converting from seconds to milliseconds
-        lst_line["Cycle"] =["settings"]["FrameTime"] #seconds per frame?
+        cycle = float(["settings"]["FrameTime"]) #milliseconds per frame, Leica gives microseconds
+        lst_line["Cycle"] = 1000*cycle
         lst_line["Lambda"] = 0 # TODO
-        lst_line['UTC'] = 0 # TODO # excel_datetime(lsm_metadata["ScanInformation"]["Sample0time"]).timestamp()
         # convert from meters to micrometers
         lst_line["PxSzX"] =["scale"][0]
         lst_line["PxSzY"] =["scale"][1] #y-size
@@ -330,7 +330,37 @@ class Lif_Importer(BaseImporter):
         lst_line['FrameSizeY'] = this_measurement.dims.y #pixel number in x
         lst_line['NumFrames'] = this_measurement.dims.t #pixel number in x
         lst_line['Comment'] = "Leica .lif file"
+        # extract measurement time - which is only in the XML of the full LIF file, and not in this_measurement
+        # see /pyview/view/python_core/measurement_list/
+        # i.e. if changes are necessary here, do them also there
+        #  time stamps are not correct - I do not know why yet (15.6.2022)
+        # that is: there are less time stamps in the XML file than measurements in the .lif file
+        # therefore, I cannot attribute the right time to each measurements
+        print('Now using UTC from first frame in measu: ', measu)
+    #timestamp of first frame in measurement measu!
+        time = root.findall(".//TimeStampList")[measu].text[:15]
+        timeStamp = int(time, 16)
+        #windows uses 1. Januar<y 1601 as reference
+        #
+        EPOCH_AS_FILETIME = 116444736000000000  # January 1, 1970 as MS file time
+        HUNDREDS_OF_NANOSECONDS = 10000000
+        measurementtime = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp((timeStamp - EPOCH_AS_FILETIME) / HUNDREDS_OF_NANOSECONDS)
+        print('Lif-File time in ',measurementtime) #for debugging
+        # UTC, e.g. 1623229504.482
+        UTC = measurementtime.timestamp()
+        #meta_info.update({'UTCTime':UTC})
+        lst_line['UTC'] = UTC
+        # MTime is the time passed with respect to the very first measurement in this animal
+        time = root.findall(".//TimeStampList")[0].text[:15]
+        timeStamp = int(time, 16)
+        measurementtime_first = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp((timeStamp - EPOCH_AS_FILETIME) / HUNDREDS_OF_NANOSECONDS)
+        MTime = measurementtime - measurementtime_first
+        #format this timedelta
+        minutes, seconds = divmod(MTime.seconds + MTime.days * 86400, 60)
+        hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
+        lst_line['MTime'] = '{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(hours, minutes, seconds)
+        #lst_line['MTime'] = deltatime.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
         return pd.DataFrame(lst_line).T
@@ -339,6 +369,7 @@ class Lif_Importer(BaseImporter):
         this_lst_frame = pd.DataFrame()
         lif_alldata = LifFile(fle) # this is the full lif fila, all data
+        root = ET.fromstring(lif_alldata.xml_header) #this is the full metadata as XML
         # iterate all measurements
         for fle_ind, measurement in enumerate(lif_alldata.get_iter_image()):
@@ -349,7 +380,7 @@ class Lif_Importer(BaseImporter):
         # this also excludes z-stacks
             if this_measurement.dims.t > 1:
-                lst_line = self.convert_lsm_metadata_to_lst_row(fle, fle_ind, this_measurement,
+                lst_line = self.convert_lsm_metadata_to_lst_row(fle, fle_ind, this_measurement, root,
                 #lst_line["MTime"] = self.get_mtime(utc=lst_line["UTC"][0], first_utc=first_utc)