licenses.rst 5.1 KB

  1. .. index:: copyright, licenses
  2. Copyright and licenses
  3. ----------------------
  4. This handbook is made available under the terms of the `Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-SA)`_.
  5. The copyright holders for the book content are the respective individual contributors of particular content, as recorded in the version history of the handbook's Git repository.
  6. This book may contain copyrighted and/or trademarked materials, the use of which may not have been specifically authorized by the respective owner.
  7. These are included for educational purposes in an effort to explain issues relevant to decentralized data management and other topics covered in this book.
  8. We believe that this constitutes a "fair use" of the materials as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
  9. Use of these materials that go beyond "fair use" may require permissions to be obtained from the respective owner.
  10. These copyright/trademark holders are not affiliated with the authors or any of the authors’ representatives.
  11. They do not sponsor or endorse the contents, materials, or processes discussed within this book.
  12. The remainder of this sections amends the general copyright and license declaration of the book with additional information on used 3rd-party materials.
  13. .. the following content descriptions shall also work in an offline/paper
  14. context, hence need to use references to book structures rather then
  15. deep-links to some file content
  16. unDraw illustrations
  17. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  18. The handbook includes numerous illustrations obtained from Katerina Limpitsouni's undraw project (, covered by the following terms:
  19. Copyright 2023 Katerina Limpitsouni
  20. All images, assets and vectors published on unDraw can be used for free.
  21. You can use them for noncommercial and commercial purposes.
  22. You do not need to ask permission from or provide credit to the creator or unDraw.
  23. More precisely, unDraw grants you an nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use the assets provided from unDraw for free, including for commercial purposes, without permission from or attributing the creator or unDraw.
  24. This license does not include the right to compile assets, vectors or images from unDraw to replicate a similar or competing service, in any form or distribute the assets in packs or otherwise.
  25. This extends to automated and non-automated ways to link, embed, scrape, search or download the assets included on the website without our consent.
  26. Regarding brand logos that are included:
  27. Are registered trademarks of their respected owners.
  28. Are included on a promotional basis and do not represent an association with unDraw or its users.
  29. Do not indicate any kind of endorsement of the trademark holder towards unDraw, nor vice versa.
  30. Are provided with the sole purpose to represent the actual brand/service/company that has registered the trademark and must not be used otherwise.
  31. YODA illustration
  32. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  33. The "YODA" cartoon used in chapter :ref:`chapter_yoda` is derived from, which was made available under `CC0`_ terms.
  34. .. _Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY-SA):
  35. .. _CC0:
  36. Fonts (PDF version)
  37. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  38. The PDF version of the handbook contains the following fonts with their respective licenses.
  39. All fonts are either standard or embedded.
  40. * STIXGeneral-Regular; license is based on the `SIL Open Font License`_
  41. * STIXGeneral-Italic; license is based on the `SIL Open Font License`_
  42. * STIXGeneral-Bold; license is based on the `SIL Open Font License`_
  43. * STIXMathSans-Regular; license is based on the `SIL Open Font License`_
  44. * Lato-BOLD; licensed under the `SIL Open Font License`_
  45. * InsonsolataN-Regular; licensed under the `SIL Open Font License`_
  46. * InsonsolataN-Bold; licensed under the `SIL Open Font License`_
  47. * LMSansDemiCond10-Regular; licensed under the `GUST Font license`_
  48. * MLSans10-Bold; licensed under the `GUST Font license`_
  49. * CCIcons; licensed under a `CC-BY 4.0 License`_
  50. * Font Awesome; licensed under the `SIL Open Font License`_
  51. .. _SIL Open Font License:
  52. .. _GUST Font license:
  53. .. _CC-BY 4.0 License:
  54. Box icons (PDF version)
  55. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  56. * The `"Window" SVG vector <>`_ for Windows Wits is released in the `public domain`_.
  57. * The `Idea and creativity symbol of a lightbulb SVG vector <>`_ for Find-out-more's is released in the `public domain`_.
  58. * The icon for Gitusernotes is derived from the `Git Pull Request SVG Vector <>`_, which is released under the `MIT License`_.
  59. .. _MIT License:
  60. .. _public domain: