DL-101-168-160 618 B

  1. ### DVC
  2. $ git add --all
  3. $ git commit -m "Add SGD pipeline"
  4. $ dvc commit
  5. $ git push --set-upstream origin sgd-pipeline
  6. $ git tag -a sgd -m "Trained SGD as DVC pipeline."
  7. $ git push origin --tags
  8. $ dvc push
  9. [sgd-pipeline c400246] Add SGD pipeline
  10. 5 files changed, 83 insertions(+)
  11. create mode 100644 dvc.lock
  12. create mode 100644 dvc.yaml
  13. create mode 100644 metrics/accuracy.json
  14. To /home/me/pushes/data-version-control
  15. * [new branch] sgd-pipeline -> sgd-pipeline
  16. branch 'sgd-pipeline' set up to track 'origin/sgd-pipeline'.
  17. To /home/me/pushes/data-version-control
  18. * [new tag] sgd -> sgd
  19. 3 files pushed