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'can not' -> 'cannot'
Michael Hanke 7 months ago

+ 1 - 1

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ can share our mid-term and final projects easily!"
 "But today, let's only focus on how to install a dataset", she continues.
 "Damn it! Can we not have longer lectures?", you think and set alarms to all of the
 upcoming lecture dates in your calendar.
-There is so much exciting stuff to come, you can not miss a single one.
+There is so much exciting stuff to come, you cannot miss a single one.
 "Psst!" a student from the row behind reaches over. "There are
 a bunch of audio recordings of a really cool podcast, and they have been shared in the form

+ 1 - 1

@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ this excerpt.
    $ git log -p -n 3
 We have highlighted the important part of this rather long commit summary.
-Note that you can not see any ``.mp3``\s being added to the dataset,
+Note that you cannot see any ``.mp3``\s being added to the dataset,
 as was previously the case when we :dlcmd:`save`\d PDFs that we
 downloaded into ``books/``. Instead,
 DataLad stores what it calls a *subproject commit* of the subdataset.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ If outputs already exist...
 Looking at the resulting image, you wonder whether 400x400 might be a tiny bit to small.
 Maybe we should try to resize it to 450x450, and see whether that looks better?
-Note that we can not use a :dlcmd:`rerun` for this: if we want to change the dimension option
+Note that we cannot use a :dlcmd:`rerun` for this: if we want to change the dimension option
 in the command, we have to define a new :dlcmd:`run` command.
 To establish best-practices, let's specify the input even though it is already present:
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ DataLad usually gives content to :term:`git-annex` to store and track.
 git-annex, let's just say, takes this task *really* seriously. One of its
 features that you have just experienced is that it *locks* content.
-If files are *locked down*, their content can not be modified. In principle,
+If files are *locked down*, their content cannot be modified. In principle,
 that's not a bad thing: It could be your late grandma's secret cherry-pie
 recipe, and you do not want to *accidentally* change that.
 Therefore, a file needs to be consciously *unlocked* to apply modifications.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ to manage the file system in a DataLad dataset (:ref:`file system`).
    Importantly, a hash function will generate the same character sequence for the same file content, and once file content changes, the generated hash changes, too.
    Basing the file name on its contents thus becomes a way of ensuring data integrity:
-   File content can not be changed without git-annex noticing, because file's hash, and thus its key in its symlink, will change.
+   File content cannot be changed without git-annex noticing, because file's hash, and thus its key in its symlink, will change.
    Furthermore, if two files have identical hashes, the content in these files is identical.
    Consequently, if two files have the same symlink, and thus link the same file in the object-tree, they are identical in content.
    This can save disk space if a dataset contains many identical files: Copies of the same data only need one instance of that content in the object tree, and all copies will symlink to it.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ for him to access and work with.
 This is indeed a common real-world use case: Two users on a shared
 file system sharing a dataset with each other.
-But as we can not easily simulate a second user in this handbook,
+But as we cannot easily simulate a second user in this handbook,
 for now, you will have to share your dataset with yourself.
 This endeavor serves several purposes: For one, you will experience a very easy
 way of sharing a dataset. Secondly, it will show you
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ the file and is accessible, though, git-annex will get the content.
 Therefore, for the books in your dataset, retrieving contents works because you
 and your room mate share the same file system. If you'd share the dataset
 with anyone without access to your file system, ``datalad get`` would not
-work, because it can not access your files.
+work, because it cannot access your files.
 But there is one book that does not suffer from this restriction:
 The ``bash_guide.pdf``.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -148,5 +148,5 @@ this in the original ``DataLad-101`` directory, and do not forget to save it.
 .. [#f1] Maybe you wonder what the location ``mih@medusa`` is. It is a copy of the
          data on an account belonging to user ``mih`` on the host name ``medusa``.
          Because we do not have the host names' address, nor log-in credentials for
-         this user, we can not retrieve content from this location. However, somebody
+         this user, we cannot retrieve content from this location. However, somebody
          else (for example, the user ``mih``) could.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ provide helpful information for you as well!", says your
 room mate. "How could you get any insightful notes that
 I make in my dataset, or maybe the results of our upcoming
 mid-term project? Its a bit unfair that I can get your work,
-but you can not get mine."
+but you cannot get mine."
 .. index::
    pair: register file with URL in dataset; with DataLad

+ 1 - 1

@@ -356,6 +356,6 @@ The next section will talk about them.
          that unambiguously identifies information.
 .. [#f5] Please note that not all configurations can be written to files other than ``.git/config``.
-         Some of the files introduced in the next section will not be queried by Git, and in principle, it is a good thing that one can not share arbitrary configurations together with a dataset, as this could be a potential security threat.
+         Some of the files introduced in the next section will not be queried by Git, and in principle, it is a good thing that one cannot share arbitrary configurations together with a dataset, as this could be a potential security threat.
          In those cases where you need dataset clones to inherit certain non-sticky configurations, it is advised to write a custom procedure and distribute it together with the dataset.
          The next two sections contain concrete usecases and tutorials.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ unstaged modification.
    $ git checkout .gitmodules
    $ datalad status
-Note, though, that the ``.gitattributes`` file can not be modified with a :gitcmd:`config`
+Note, though, that the ``.gitattributes`` file cannot be modified with a :gitcmd:`config`
 command. This is due to its different format that does not comply to the
 ``section.variable.value`` structure of all other configuration files. This file, therefore,
 has to be edited by hand, with an editor of your choice.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ your horizon about configurations of datasets:
   in a :gitcmd:`config` command.
 - The ``.gitattributes`` file is the only configuration file the :gitcmd:`config`
-  command can not write to, because it has a different layout. However, run-procedures or
+  command cannot write to, because it has a different layout. However, run-procedures or
   the user can write simple rules into it that determine which files are annexed
   and which are stored in Git.

+ 3 - 3

@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ syllabus, this should be done via :term:`GitHub`.
    Web-hosting services like GitHub and :term:`GitLab` integrate wonderfully with
    DataLad. They are especially useful for making your dataset publicly available,
    if you have figured out storage for your large files otherwise (as large content
-   can not be hosted for free by GitHub). You can make DataLad publish large file content to one location
+   cannot be hosted for free by GitHub). You can make DataLad publish large file content to one location
    and afterwards automatically push an update to GitHub, such that
    users can install directly from GitHub/GitLab and seemingly also obtain large file
    content from GitHub. GitHub can also resolve subdataset links to other GitHub
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ reproduce your data science project easily from scratch (take a look into the :r
       $ cd midtermproject
       $ datalad get input/iris.csv
-   Nice, this worked well. The output files, however, can not be easily
+   Nice, this worked well. The output files, however, cannot be easily
    .. runrecord:: _examples/DL-101-130-121
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ reproduce your data science project easily from scratch (take a look into the :r
    With this, you realize again how letting DataLad take care of linking input,
    output, and code can make your life and others' lives so much easier.
    Applying the YODA principles to your data analysis was very beneficial indeed.
-   Proud of your midterm project you can not wait to use those principles the
+   Proud of your midterm project you cannot wait to use those principles the
    next time again.
     .. image:: ../artwork/src/reproduced.svg

+ 2 - 2

@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ In this particular case, this is because it was an attempt to push from ``DataLa
 to the ``roommate`` sibling that was created in chapter :ref:`chapter_collaboration`.
 This is a special case of pushing, because it -- in technical terms -- is a push
 to a non-bare repository. Unlike :term:`bare Git repositories`, non-bare
-repositories can not be pushed to at all times. To fix this, you either want to
+repositories cannot be pushed to at all times. To fix this, you either want to
 checkout another branch
 in the ``roommate`` sibling or push to a non-checked out branch in the ``roommate``
 sibling. Alternatively, you can configure ``roommate`` to receive the push with
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ A similar warning message may appear when adding a sibling that is a pure Git
    by mistake due to absent connection etc
 These messages indicate that the sibling ``github`` does not carry an annex.
-Thus, annexed file contents can not be pushed to this sibling. This happens
+Thus, annexed file contents cannot be pushed to this sibling. This happens
 if the sibling indeed does not have an annex (which would be true, for example,
 for siblings on :term:`GitHub`, :term:`GitLab`, :term:`Bitbucket`, ..., and
 would not require any further action or worry), or

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ appreciate the pre-crafted examples and tasks the handbook provides.
 different errors and know many caveats and principles already, but I certainly
 will mess something up at one point. How can I get help, or use the history of
 the dataset to undo what I screwed up? Also, I'm not sure whether I know what I
-can and can not do with the files inside of my dataset... What if I would
+can and cannot do with the files inside of my dataset... What if I would
 like to remove one, for example?”
 Therefore, this upcoming chapter is a series of tutorials about common

+ 3 - 3

@@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ section.
        fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
    Git seems pretty insistent (given the amount of error messages) that
-   it can not seem to find a Git repository at the location the ``.git/config``
+   it cannot seem to find a Git repository at the location the ``.git/config``
    file specified. Luckily, we can provide this information. Edit the file with
    an editor of your choice and fix the path from
    ``url = ../mock_user/DataLad-101`` to
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ annexed file into Git.
 Consider you intend to share the cropped ``.png`` images you created from the
 ``longnow`` logos. Would you publish your ``DataLad-101`` dataset so :term:`GitHub`
 or :term:`GitLab`, these files would not be available to others, because annexed
-dataset contents can not be published to these services.
+dataset contents cannot be published to these services.
 Even though you could find a third party service of your choice
 and publish your dataset *and* the annexed data (see section :ref:`sharethirdparty`),
 you're feeling lazy today. And since it
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@ We will demonstrate this by generating an empty file:
    $ dd if=/dev/zero | head -c 18520 > a.pdf
    $ datalad save -m "add some file" a.pdf
-DataLad will safeguard dropping content that it can not retrieve again:
+DataLad will safeguard dropping content that it cannot retrieve again:
 .. runrecord:: _examples/DL-101-136-178
    :workdir: dl-101/DataLad-101

+ 1 - 1

@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ To conclude this section, let's remove all untracked contents from
 the dataset. This can be done with :gitcmd:`clean`: The command
 :gitcmd:`clean -f` swipes your dataset clean and removes any untracked
-**Careful! This is not revertible, and content lost with this commands can not be recovered!**
+**Careful! This is not revertible, and content lost with this commands cannot be recovered!**
 If you want to be extra sure, run :gitcmd:`clean -fn` beforehand -- this will
 give you a list of the files that would be deleted.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ repository's ``https`` url. This does not require a user account on Gin.
    * Browser bar: ``<user>/<repo>``
    * Copy-paste "HTTPS clone": ``<user>/<repo>.git``
-   A dataset cloned from ``<user>/<repo>.git``, however, can not retrieve annexed files!
+   A dataset cloned from ``<user>/<repo>.git``, however, cannot retrieve annexed files!
 .. runrecord:: _examples/DL-101-139-107
    :language: console

+ 1 - 1

@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ For a **collection** layout, the ``--project`` parameter determines the group na
 Publishing datasets recursively
-When publishing a series of datasets recursively, the ``--project`` argument can not be used anymore - otherwise, all datasets in the hierarchy would attempt to create the same group or project over and over again.
+When publishing a series of datasets recursively, the ``--project`` argument cannot be used anymore - otherwise, all datasets in the hierarchy would attempt to create the same group or project over and over again.
 Instead, one configures the root level dataset, and the names for underlying datasets will be derived from this configuration:
 .. index::

+ 1 - 1

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Let's say you have a dataset with three files:
 - ``subject_1.dat``
 - ````
-Consider that all of these files are annexed. While the information in ``experiment.txt`` is fine for everyone to see, ``subject_1.dat`` and ``subject_2.dat`` contain personal and potentially identifying data that can not be shared.
+Consider that all of these files are annexed. While the information in ``experiment.txt`` is fine for everyone to see, ``subject_1.dat`` and ``subject_2.dat`` contain personal and potentially identifying data that cannot be shared.
 Nevertheless, you want collaborators to know that these files exist.
 By publishing only the file contents of ``experiment.txt`` with

+ 1 - 1

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ a very valuable resource.
 Parallelize subdataset processing
-DataLad can not yet parallelize processes that are performed
+DataLad cannot yet parallelize processes that are performed
 independently over a large number of subdatasets. Pushing across a dataset
 hierarchy, for example, is performed one after the other.
 Unix however, has a few tools such as `xargs <>`_

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Nothing. All of the files in your dataset are always unlocked, and actually *can not* be locked at all.
+Nothing. All of the files in your dataset are always unlocked, and actually *cannot* be locked at all.
 Consequently, there will be nothing to show for ``datalad status`` afterwards (as shown a few paragraphs below).
 This is due to a file system limitation, and will be explained in more detail in chapter :ref:`chapter_gitannex`.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1029,7 +1029,7 @@ DataLad and DVC aim to solve the same problems: Version control data, sharing da
 DataLad provides generic solutions to these issues, while DVC is tuned for machine-learning pipelines.
 Despite their similar purpose, the looks, feels and functions of both tools are different, and it is a personal decision which one you feel more comfortable with.
 Using DVC requires solid knowledge of Git, because DVC workflows heavily rely on effective Git practices, such as branching, tags, and ``.gitignore`` files.
-But despite the reliance on Git, DVC barely integrates with Git -- changes done to files in DVC can not be detected by Git and vice versa, DVC and Git aspects of a repository have to be handled in parallel by the user, and DVC and Git have distinct command functions and concepts that nevertheless share the same name.
+But despite the reliance on Git, DVC barely integrates with Git -- changes done to files in DVC cannot be detected by Git and vice versa, DVC and Git aspects of a repository have to be handled in parallel by the user, and DVC and Git have distinct command functions and concepts that nevertheless share the same name.
 Thus, DVC users need to master Git *and* DVC workflows and intertwine them correctly.
 In return, DVC provides users with workflow management and reporting tuned to machine learning analyses. It also provides a somewhat more lightweight and uniform across operating and file systems approach to "data version control" than git-annex used by DataLad.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ To find out more about centralized storage solutions, you may want to checkout t
 DataLad installation on a cluster
-Users of a compute cluster generally do not have administrative privileges (sudo rights) and thus can not install software as easily as on their own, private machine.
+Users of a compute cluster generally do not have administrative privileges (sudo rights) and thus cannot install software as easily as on their own, private machine.
 In order to get DataLad and its underlying tools installed, you can either `bribe (kindly ask) your system administrator <>`_ [#f1]_ or install everything for your own user only following the instructions in the paragraph :ref:`norootinstall` of the :ref:`installation page <install>`.

+ 1 - 1

@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ your dataset to be messy, if you want to be.
       $ datalad save -m "SERVICE COMMIT - IGNORE. This commit only serves to appropriately reference the subdataset in the public showroom dataset"
    This allows to automatically push all section branches (not accidentally synced or adjusted annex branches) with
-   git push. Note: requires git push; datalad publish can not handle this atm (see
+   git push. Note: requires git push; datalad publish cannot handle this atm (see
    .. runrecord:: _examples/DL-101-179-110
       :language: console

+ 2 - 2

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ If you can, try to avoid trouble with unicode
 Lucky are the people with boring names without accents and special characters.
-The others may have an extra bit of fun in their lives when software can not handle their names.
+The others may have an extra bit of fun in their lives when software cannot handle their names.
 Even though certain names look identical across file systems or operating systems, their underlying unicode character sequences can differ.
 For example, the character "é" can be represented as the single Unicode character u+00E9 (latin small letter e with acute), or as the two Unicode characters u+0065 and u+0301 (the letter "e" plus a combining acute symbol).
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Avoid illegal characters
 Different operating systems disallow certain characters in file names, and things will be messy if you were to share a file with a character that works on your machine with a machine that regards it as illegal.
 Let's start easy, and with characters that you can actually find on your keyboard...
-On Unix systems, the forward slash ``/`` can not be used in file names.
+On Unix systems, the forward slash ``/`` cannot be used in file names.
 This is because this character is used to denote directory boundaries.
 On Windows systems, on the other hand, there is quite a long list of characters:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ However, since I want to go back to my home folder, it's much faster to run:
    $ cd ~
-Windows similarly knows the ``.`` and ``..`` shortcuts, but can not handle the ``~`` shortcut.
+Windows similarly knows the ``.`` and ``..`` shortcuts, but cannot handle the ``~`` shortcut.
 In order to quickly get home, you could use
 .. code-block::

+ 1 - 1

@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ share and publish with DataLad.
 .. figure:: ../artwork/src/student.svg
    :width: 70%
-.. find-out-more:: I can not/do not want to code along...
+.. find-out-more:: I cannot/do not want to code along...
    :name: fom-lazy

+ 1 - 1

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ responds a week later with the fixed script, but in the meantime
 Bob already performed some miscellaneous changes to his script as well.
 Identifying and integrating her fix into his slightly changed script
 takes him half a day. When he finally finishes his analysis, he wants to
-publish code and data online, but can not find a way to share his data
+publish code and data online, but cannot find a way to share his data
 together with his code.

+ 2 - 2

@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ directories of several TB in size, *and* computationally heavy analyses, the
 compute cluster is quickly brought to its knees: Insufficient memory and
 IOPS starvation make computations painstakingly slow, and hinder scientific
 progress. Despite the elaborate and expensive cluster setup, exciting datasets
-can not be stored or processed, as there just doesn't seem to be enough disk
+cannot be stored or processed, as there just doesn't seem to be enough disk
 Therefore, the challenge is two-fold: On an infrastructural level, institute XYZ
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ different approaches.
 In their ``$HOME``, researchers are free to do whatever they want as long as it
 is within the limits of their machines or their user accounts (100GB). Thus,
 researchers can explore data, test and develop code, or visualize results,
-but they can not create complete dataset copies or afford to keep an excess of
+but they cannot create complete dataset copies or afford to keep an excess of
 unused data around.
 Only ``$COMPUTE`` has the necessary hardware requirements for expensive computations.
 Thus, within ``$HOME``, researchers are free to explore data

+ 1 - 1

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ data collection. After completion, he continued to work on validation analyses t
 prove the functionality and usefulness of his software. Next to a directory in which he developed
 his code, and directories with data he tested his code on, he now also has other directories
 with different data sources used for validation analyses.
-"This can not take too long!" Steve thinks optimistically when he finally sits down to write up a paper.
+"This cannot take too long!" Steve thinks optimistically when he finally sits down to write up a paper.
 His scripts run his algorithm on the different data collections, create derivatives of his raw data,

+ 1 - 1

@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ to work on autonomously. The data are already collected, and everyone involved
 is certain that Megan will be fine performing the analyses she has
 experience with. Her supervisor confidently proposes the research project as a
 conference talk Megan should give at the end of her stay. Megan is excited about the
-responsibility and her project, and can not wait to start.
+responsibility and her project, and cannot wait to start.
 On the first day, her supervisor spends an hour to show her the office,
 the coffee machine, and they chat about the high-level aspects