Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 2.5 KB

  1. from PySide6.QtGui import QAction
  2. from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMenu
  3. from .active_suite import spec as active_suite
  4. def add_cmd_actions_to_menu(parent, receiver, api, menu=None, cmdkwargs=None):
  5. """Slot to populate (connected) QMenu with dataset actions
  6. Actions' `triggered` signal will be connected to a `receiver` slot.
  7. Typical usage is to connect a QMenu's aboutToShow signal to this
  8. slot, in order to lazily populate the menu with items, before they
  9. are needed.
  10. If `menu` is `None`, the sender is expected to be a QMenu.
  11. """
  12. if menu is None:
  13. menu = parent.sender()
  14. group_separator = menu.addSeparator()
  15. # generate a submenu for each unique group specification
  16. # across all commands in the dataset API
  17. submenus = {
  18. group: QMenu(group, parent=menu)
  19. for group in set(
  20. cmdspec['group'] for cmdspec in api.values()
  21. if 'group' in cmdspec
  22. )
  23. }
  24. for cmdname, cmdspec in api.items():
  25. # we create a dedicated action for each command
  26. action = QAction(cmdspec.get('name', cmdname), parent=parent)
  27. # the name of the command is injected into the action
  28. # as user data. We wrap it in a dict to enable future
  29. # additional payload
  30. adata = dict(__cmd_name__=cmdname, __api__=api)
  31. # put on record, if we are generating actions for a specific
  32. # dataset
  33. if cmdkwargs is not None:
  34. adata.update(cmdkwargs)
  35. action.setData(adata)
  36. # all actions connect to the command configuration
  37. # UI handler, such that clicking on the menu item
  38. # brings up the config UI
  39. action.triggered.connect(receiver)
  40. # add to menu
  41. # sort and group actions by some semantics
  42. # e.g. all commands from one extension together
  43. # to avoid a monster menu.
  44. # if the menu lookup knows a better place to put a command
  45. # based on the command interface class, it will be used
  46. # instead of the main menu
  47. target_menu = submenus.get(cmdspec.get('group'), menu)
  48. target_menu.addAction(action)
  49. for group, submenu in sorted(
  50. submenus.items(),
  51. # sort items with no sorting indicator last
  52. key=lambda x: active_suite.get('api_group_order', {}).get(
  53. x[0], ('zzzz'))):
  54. # skip menus without actions
  55. if not submenu.actions():
  56. continue
  57. menu.insertMenu(group_separator, submenu)