issue_template.yml 2.3 KB

  1. name: Gooey issue
  2. # For documentation concerning the Github form schema see
  3. #
  4. description: Gooey issue
  5. body:
  6. - type: dropdown
  7. attributes:
  8. label: Is it a new bug?
  9. description: "Before filing an issue, please take some time to
  10. browse through [existing issues](
  11. If it has been reported already, please add a comment to it instead of
  12. opening a new issue."
  13. options:
  14. - I did not find an existing issue about my problem
  15. validations:
  16. required: true
  17. - type: textarea
  18. attributes:
  19. label: What is the problem?
  20. description: "Please summarize the issue briefly. Add screenshots if they
  21. help to illustrate it, or copy-paste error messages"
  22. placeholder: "Example: The App is unresponsive when I click on Help"
  23. - type: textarea
  24. attributes:
  25. label: What steps will reproduce the problem?
  26. description: "How do you trigger this bug? Please walk us through it step
  27. by step."
  28. placeholder: |
  29. Example:
  30. 1. Open the App from the Desktop shortcut.
  31. 2. Select Documents as the root folder.
  32. 3. Click the Help Tab. The app freezes and becomes unresponsive.
  33. validations:
  34. required: true
  35. - type: textarea
  36. attributes:
  37. label: Additional context
  38. description: "Is there anything else that would be useful to know in this
  39. context? Please also copy-paste relevant output from the Command log,
  40. Error log, or the background Terminal."
  41. - type: checkboxes
  42. id: installer
  43. attributes:
  44. label: How did you install the App?
  45. options:
  46. - label: Via the Windows installer
  47. - label: Using pip (``pip install datalad-gooey``)
  48. - label: Using brew (``brew install datalad-gooey``)
  49. - label: Using conda (``conda install -c forge datalad-gooey``)
  50. - label: Not sure
  51. - label: Other
  52. - type: textarea
  53. attributes:
  54. label: System information
  55. description: "Please tell us more about your system, including
  56. operating system and software versions. The more information we
  57. get, the better. You can copy-paste this information from
  58. 'Help' -> 'Diagnostic infos'"