test_lsdir.py 4.2 KB

  1. from pathlib import Path
  2. from ..lsdir import GooeyLsDir
  3. import stat
  4. from unittest.mock import patch
  5. from datalad.api import create
  6. from datalad.support.exceptions import IncompleteResultsError
  7. from datalad.tests.utils_pytest import (
  8. assert_equal,
  9. assert_in,
  10. assert_raises,
  11. get_deeply_nested_structure,
  12. has_symlink_capability,
  13. with_tempfile,
  14. with_tree,
  15. )
  16. dataset_content = [
  17. {'path': 'directory_untracked', 'type': 'directory'},
  18. {'path': 'link2dir', 'type': 'symlink'},
  19. {'path': 'link2subdsdir', 'type': 'symlink'},
  20. {'path': 'link2subdsroot', 'type': 'symlink'},
  21. {'path': 'subdir', 'type': 'directory'},
  22. {'path': '.datalad', 'type': 'directory'},
  23. {'path': '.gitattributes', 'type': 'file'},
  24. {'path': '.gitmodules', 'type': 'file'},
  25. {'path': 'subds_modified', 'type': 'dataset'},
  26. ]
  27. content_wo_symlinks = [
  28. item for item in dataset_content if item.get('type') != 'symlink'
  29. ]
  30. # Test _lsfiles with dataset
  31. @with_tempfile
  32. def test_lsfiles(path=None):
  33. ds = get_deeply_nested_structure(path)
  34. abnormal_filename = list(Path(path).glob('*file_modified_'))[0]
  35. abnormal_filename.unlink()
  36. # Since this is a dataset, check that _lsfiles is called and not _iterdir
  37. with patch("datalad_gooey.lsdir._iterdir") as _iterdir,\
  38. patch("datalad_gooey.lsdir._lsfiles") as _lsfiles:
  39. GooeyLsDir.__call__(ds.pathobj)
  40. _lsfiles.assert_called()
  41. _iterdir.assert_not_called()
  42. # Write results to list
  43. lsfiles_res = list(GooeyLsDir.__call__(ds.pathobj))
  44. # In case we are on a filesystem without symlink capability,
  45. # use content without symlinks
  46. content = dataset_content
  47. if not has_symlink_capability():
  48. content = content_wo_symlinks
  49. # Test result outputs
  50. assert_equal(len(lsfiles_res), len(content))
  51. for item in lsfiles_res:
  52. assert_in(
  53. {
  54. 'path': Path(item.get('path')).name,
  55. 'type': item.get('type'),
  56. }, content)
  57. # test inaccessible directory (except on a crippled filesystem)
  58. if not ds.repo.is_managed_branch():
  59. new_dir = Path(path) / 'interim_dir' / 'inaccessible_dir'
  60. new_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
  61. existing_permissions = stat.S_IMODE(new_dir.stat().st_mode)
  62. new_permissions = existing_permissions ^ stat.S_IXUSR ^ stat.S_IRUSR ^ stat.S_IWUSR
  63. new_dir.chmod(new_permissions)
  64. with assert_raises(IncompleteResultsError):
  65. res = list(GooeyLsDir.__call__(Path(path) / 'interim_dir'))
  66. assert_equal(len(res), 1)
  67. assert_equal(res[0].get('status'), 'error')
  68. assert_equal(res[0].get('message'), 'Permissions denied')
  69. dir_tree = {
  70. "random_file1.txt": "some content",
  71. "some_dir": {
  72. "file_in_dir.txt": "some content in file in dir",
  73. },
  74. "subdataset": {
  75. "random_file2.txt": "some content in file in subdataset",
  76. }
  77. }
  78. directory_content = [
  79. {'path': 'random_file1.txt', 'type': 'file', 'state': 'untracked'},
  80. {'path': 'subdataset', 'type': 'dataset', 'state': 'untracked'},
  81. {'path': 'some_dir', 'type': 'directory', 'state': 'untracked'}
  82. ]
  83. # Test _iterdir with directory tree not in dataset/git repo
  84. @with_tree(tree=dir_tree)
  85. def test_iterdir(root=None, mockdef=None):
  86. # Create and save subdataset
  87. sub_ds = create(Path(root) / "subdataset", force=True)
  88. sub_ds.save(to_git=True)
  89. # Since this is a directory (not git repo or dataset),
  90. # check that _iterdir is called
  91. with patch("datalad_gooey.lsdir._iterdir") as _iterdir:
  92. GooeyLsDir.__call__(Path(root))
  93. _iterdir.assert_called()
  94. # Write results to list and test outputs
  95. iterdir_res = list(GooeyLsDir.__call__(Path(root)))
  96. assert_equal(len(iterdir_res), len(directory_content))
  97. for item in iterdir_res:
  98. assert_in(
  99. {
  100. 'path': Path(item.get('path')).name,
  101. 'type': item.get('type'),
  102. 'state': item.get('state'),
  103. }, directory_content)
  104. # Test .git
  105. @with_tempfile(mkdir=True)
  106. def test_git_directory(temp_dir_name: str = ""):
  107. new_dir = Path(temp_dir_name) / '.git'
  108. new_dir.mkdir()
  109. res = list(GooeyLsDir.__call__(Path(temp_dir_name)))
  110. assert_equal(len(res), 0)