notes.txt 1.2 KB

  1. One can create a new dataset with 'datalad create [--description] PATH'.
  2. The dataset is created empty
  3. The command "datalad save [-m] PATH" saves the file
  4. (modifications) to history. Note to self:
  5. Always use informative, concise commit messages.
  6. The command 'datalad clone URL/PATH [PATH]'
  7. clones a dataset from e.g., a URL or a path.
  8. If you clone a dataset into an existing
  9. dataset (as a subdataset), remember to specify the
  10. root of the superdataset with the '-d' option.
  11. There are two useful functions to display changes between two
  12. states of a dataset: "datalad diff -f/--from COMMIT -t/--to COMMIT"
  13. and "git diff COMMIT COMMIT", where COMMIT is a shasum of a commit
  14. in the history.
  15. The datalad run command can record the impact a script or command has on a Dataset.
  16. In its simplest form, datalad run only takes a commit message and the command that
  17. should be executed.
  18. Any datalad run command can be re-executed by using its commit shasum as an argument
  19. in datalad rerun CHECKSUM. DataLad will take information from the run record of the original
  20. commit, and re-execute it. If no changes happen with a rerun, the command will not be written
  21. to history. Note: you can also rerun a datalad rerun command!