podcasts.tsv 13 KB

  1. 2003-11-15 Brian Eno The Long Now
  2. 2003-12-13 Peter Schwartz The Art Of The Really Long View
  3. 2004-01-10 George Dyson There s Plenty of Room at the Top Long term Thinking About Large scale Computing
  4. 2004-02-14 James Dewar Long term Policy Analysis
  5. 2004-03-13 Rusty Schweickart The Asteroid Threat Over the Next 100 000 Years
  6. 2004-04-10 Daniel Janzen Third World Conservation It s ALL Gardening
  7. 2004-05-15 David Rumsey Mapping Time
  8. 2004-06-12 Bruce Sterling The Singularity Your Future as a Black Hole
  9. 2004-07-10 Jill Tarter The Search for Extra terrestrial Intelligence Necessarily a Long term Strategy
  10. 2004-08-14 Phillip Longman The Depopulation Problem
  11. 2004-09-11 Danny Hillis Progress on the 10 000 year Clock
  12. 2004-10-16 Paul Hawken The Long Green
  13. 2004-11-13 Michael West The Prospects of Human Life Extension
  14. 2004-12-04 Ken Dychtwald The Consequences of Human Life Extension
  15. 2005-01-15 James Carse Religious War In Light of the Infinite Game
  16. 2005-02-26 Roger Kennedy The Political History of North America from 25 000 BC to 12 000 AD
  17. 2005-03-12 Spencer Beebe Very Long term Very Large scale Biomimicry
  18. 2005-04-09 Stewart Brand Cities Time
  19. 2005-06-11 Robert Neuwirth The 21st Century Medieval City
  20. 2005-07-16 Jared Diamond How Societies Fail And Sometimes Succeed
  21. 2005-08-13 Robert Fuller Patient Revolution Human Rights Past and Future
  22. 2005-09-24 Ray Kurzweil Kurzweil s Law
  23. 2005-10-06 Esther Dyson Freeman Dyson George Dyson The Difficulty of Looking Far Ahead
  24. 2005-11-15 Clay Shirky Making Digital Durable What Time Does to Categories
  25. 2005-12-10 Sam Harris The View from the End of the World
  26. 2006-01-14 Ralph Cavanagh Peter Schwartz Nuclear Power Climate Change and the Next 10 000 Years
  27. 2006-02-14 Stephen Lansing Perfect Order A Thousand Years in Bali
  28. 2006-03-11 Kevin Kelly The Next 100 Years of Science Long term Trends in the Scientific Method.
  29. 2006-04-15 Jimmy Wales Vision Wikipedia and the Future of Free Culture
  30. 2006-05-13 Chris Anderson Will Hearst The Long Time Tail
  31. 2006-06-27 Brian Eno Will Wright Playing with Time
  32. 2006-07-15 John Rendon Long term Policy to Make the War on Terror Short
  33. 2006-09-23 Orville Schell China Thinks Long term But Can It Relearn to Act Long term
  34. 2006-10-14 John Baez Zooming Out in Time
  35. 2006-11-04 Larry Brilliant Katherine Fulton Richard Rockefeller The Deeper News About the New Philanthropy
  36. 2006-12-01 Philip Rosedale Second Life What Do We Learn If We Digitize EVERYTHING
  37. 2007-01-27 Philip Tetlock Why Foxes Are Better Forecasters Than Hedgehogs
  38. 2007-02-16 Vernor Vinge What If the Singularity Does NOT Happen
  39. 2007-03-10 Brian Fagan We Are Not the First to Suffer Through Climate Change
  40. 2007-04-28 Frans Lanting Life s Journey Through Time
  41. 2007-05-12 Steven Johnson The Long Zoom
  42. 2007-06-09 Paul Hawken The New Great Transformation
  43. 2007-06-29 Francis Fukuyama The End of History Revisited
  44. 2007-08-18 Alex Wright Glut Mastering Information Though the Ages
  45. 2007-09-15 Rip Anderson Gwyneth Cravens Power to Save the World
  46. 2007-10-13 Juan Enriquez Mapping the Frontier of Knowledge
  47. 2007-11-10 Rosabeth Moss Kanter Enduring Principles for Changing Times
  48. 2007-12-15 Joline Blais Jon Ippolito At the Edge of Art
  49. 2008-01-12 Paul Saffo Embracing Uncertainty the secret to effective forecasting
  50. 2008-02-05 Nassim Nicholas Taleb The Future Has Always Been Crazier Than We Thought
  51. 2008-02-26 Craig Venter Joining 3.5 Billion Years of Microbial Invention
  52. 2008-04-29 Niall Ferguson Peter Schwartz Historian vs. Futurist on Human Progress
  53. 2008-05-22 Iqbal Quadir Technology Empowers the Poorest
  54. 2008-06-28 Paul Ehrlich The Dominant Animal Human Evolution and the Environment
  55. 2008-07-24 Edward Burtynsky The 10 000 year Gallery
  56. 2008-08-09 Daniel Suarez Daemon Bot mediated Reality
  57. 2008-09-09 Neal Stephenson ANATHEM Book Launch Event
  58. 2008-09-13 Peter Diamandis Long term X Prizes
  59. 2008-10-04 Huey Johnson Green Planning at Nation Scale
  60. 2008-11-18 Drew Endy Jim Thomas Synthetic Biology Debate
  61. 2008-12-20 Rick Prelinger Lost Landscapes of San Francisco
  62. 2009-01-17 Saul Griffith Climate Change Recalculated
  63. 2009-02-14 Dmitry Orlov Social Collapse Best Practices
  64. 2009-03-21 Daniel Everett Endangered languages lost knowledge and the future
  65. 2009-04-09 Gavin Newsom Cities and Time
  66. 2009-05-06 Michael Pollan Deep Agriculture
  67. 2009-05-19 Paul Romer A Theory of History with an Application
  68. 2009-07-29 Raoul Adamchak Pamela Ronald Organically Grown and Genetically Engineered The Food of the Future
  69. 2009-08-18 Wayne Clough Smithsonian Forever
  70. 2009-09-15 Arthur Ganson Machines and the Breath of Time
  71. 2009-10-10 Stewart Brand Rethinking Green
  72. 2009-11-19 Sander van der Leeuw The Archaeology of Innovation
  73. 2009-12-05 Rick Prelinger Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 4
  74. 2010-01-14 Wade Davis The Wayfinders Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World
  75. 2010-02-01 Stewart Brand Brian Eno Alexander Rose Long Finance The Enduring Value Conference
  76. 2010-02-25 Alan Weisman World Without Us World With Us
  77. 2010-03-05 Beth Noveck Transparent Government
  78. 2010-04-02 David Eagleman Six Easy Steps to Avert the Collapse of Civilization
  79. 2010-05-04 Nils Gilman Deviant Globalization
  80. 2010-06-17 Ed Moses Clean Fusion Power This Decade
  81. 2010-07-13 Frank Gavin Five Ways to Use History Well
  82. 2010-07-28 Jesse Schell Visions of the Gamepocalypse
  83. 2010-08-03 Martin Rees Life s Future in the Cosmos
  84. 2010-10-16 Emily Levine Jill Tarter Long Conversation 4 of 19
  85. 2010-10-16 Jem Finer Saul Griffith Long Conversation 2 of 19
  86. 2010-10-16 John Perry Barlow Violet Blue Long Conversation 7 of 19
  87. 2010-10-16 Robin Sloan Jill Tarter Long Conversation 5 of 19
  88. 2010-10-16 Saul Griffith Emily Levine Long Conversation 3 of 19
  89. 2010-10-16 Stewart Brand Jem Finer Long Conversation 1 of 19
  90. 2010-10-16 Violet Blue Robin Sloan Long Conversation 6 of 19
  91. 2010-10-17 Danese Cooper Peter Schwartz Long Conversation 13 of 19
  92. 2010-10-17 Jane McGonigal Tiffany Shlain Long Conversation 18 of 19
  93. 2010-10-17 John Perry Barlow Ken Wilson Long Conversation 8 of 19
  94. 2010-10-17 Katherine Fulton Paul Hawken Long Conversation 16 of 19
  95. 2010-10-17 Ken Foster Pete Worden Long Conversation 11 of 19
  96. 2010-10-17 Melissa Alexander Ken Foster Long Conversation 10 of 19
  97. 2010-10-17 Melissa Alexander Ken Wilson Long Conversation 9 of 19
  98. 2010-10-17 Paul Hawken Tiffany Shlain Long Conversation 17 of 19
  99. 2010-10-17 Peter Schwartz Pete Worden Long Conversation 12 of 19
  100. 2010-10-17 Stewart Brand Jane McGonigal Long Conversation 19 of 19
  101. 2010-10-17 Stuart Candy Danese Cooper Long Conversation 14 of 19
  102. 2010-10-17 Stuart Candy Katherine Fulton Long Conversation 15 of 19
  103. 2010-10-27 Lera Boroditsky How Language Shapes Thought
  104. 2010-11-16 Rachel Sussman The World s Oldest Living Organisms
  105. 2010-12-17 Rick Prelinger Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 5
  106. 2011-01-19 Philip K. Howard Fixing Broken Government
  107. 2011-02-10 Mary Catherine Bateson Live Longer Think Longer
  108. 2011-03-23 Matt Ridley Deep Optimism
  109. 2011-04-06 Alexander Rose Millennial Precedent
  110. 2011-04-14 Ian Morris Why the West Rules For Now
  111. 2011-05-04 Tim Flannery Here on Earth
  112. 2011-06-08 Carl Zimmer Viral Time
  113. 2011-06-28 Peter Kareiva Conservation in the Real World
  114. 2011-07-26 Geoffrey B. West Why Cities Keep on Growing Corporations Always Die and Life Gets Faster
  115. 2011-09-15 Timothy Ferriss Accelerated Learning in Accelerated Times
  116. 2011-10-18 Laura Cunningham Ten Millennia of California Ecology
  117. 2011-12-01 Brewster Kahle Universal Access to All Knowledge
  118. 2011-12-09 Rick Prelinger Lost Landscapes of San Francisco 6
  119. 2012-01-18 Lawrence Lessig How Money Corrupts Congress and a Plan to Stop It
  120. 2012-02-23 Jim Richardson Heirlooms Saving Humanity s 10 000 year Legacy of Food
  121. 2012-03-07 Mark Lynas The Nine Planetary Boundaries Finessing the Anthropocene
  122. 2012-04-21 Edward O. Wilson The Social Conquest of Earth
  123. 2012-04-24 Charles C. Mann Living in the Homogenocene The First 500 Years
  124. 2012-05-23 Susan Freinkel Eternal Plastic A Toxic Love Story
  125. 2012-06-06 Benjamin Barber If Mayors Ruled the World
  126. 2012-08-01 Cory Doctorow The Coming Century of War Against Your Computer
  127. 2012-08-21 Elaine Pagels The Truth About the Book of Revelations
  128. 2012-09-06 Tim O Reilly Birth of the Global Mind
  129. 2012-10-09 Steven Pinker The Decline of Violence
  130. 2012-11-14 Lazar Kunstmann Jon Lackman Preservation without Permission the Paris Urban eXperiment
  131. 2012-11-29 Peter Warshall Enchanted by the Sun The CoEvolution of Light Life and Color on Earth
  132. 2013-01-18 Terry Hunt Carl Lipo The Statues Walked What Really Happened on Easter Island
  133. 2013-02-20 Chris Anderson The Makers Revolution
  134. 2013-03-20 George Dyson No Time Is There The Digital Universe and Why Things Appear To Be Speeding Up
  135. 2013-04-18 Nicholas Negroponte Beyond Digital
  136. 2013-05-22 Stewart Brand Reviving Extinct Species
  137. 2013-06-19 Ed Lu Anthropocene Astronomy Thwarting Dangerous Asteroids Begins with Finding Them
  138. 2013-07-30 Craig Childs Apocalyptic Planet Field Guide to the Everending Earth
  139. 2013-08-14 Daniel Kahneman Thinking Fast and Slow
  140. 2013-09-18 Peter Schwartz The Starships ARE Coming
  141. 2013-10-16 Adam Steltzner Beyond Mars Earth
  142. 2013-11-19 Richard Kurin American History in 101 Objects
  143. 2014-01-22 Brian Eno Danny Hillis The Long Now now
  144. 2014-03-25 Mariana Mazzucato The Entrepreneurial State Debunking Private vs. Public Sector Myths
  145. 2014-04-23 Tony Hsieh Helping Revitalize a City
  146. 2014-05-21 Sylvia Earle Tierney Thys Oceanic
  147. 2014-06-11 Stefan Kroepelin Civilization s Mysterious Desert Cradle Rediscovering the Deep Sahara
  148. 2014-07-17 Adrian Hon A History of the Future in 100 Objects
  149. 2014-08-07 Anne Neuberger Inside the NSA
  150. 2014-09-17 Drew Endy The iGEM Revolution
  151. 2014-10-21 Larry Harvey Why The Man Keeps Burning
  152. 2014-11-13 Kevin Kelly Technium Unbound
  153. 2015-01-14 Jesse Ausubel Nature is Rebounding Land and Ocean sparing through Concentrating Human Activities
  154. 2015-01-28 Stewart Brand Paul Saffo Pace Layers Thinking
  155. 2015-02-18 David Keith Patient Geoengineering
  156. 2015-04-01 Paul Saffo The Creator Economy
  157. 2015-04-15 Michael Shermer The Long Arc of Moral Progress
  158. 2015-05-12 Beth Shapiro How to Clone a Mammoth
  159. 2015-06-10 Neil Gaiman How Stories Last
  160. 2015-07-23 Ramez Naam Enhancing Humans Advancing Humanity
  161. 2015-08-11 Sara Seager Other Earths. Other Life.
  162. 2015-09-22 Saul Griffith Infrastructure and Climate Change
  163. 2015-10-07 James Fallows Civilization s Infrastructure
  164. 2015-10-28 Andy Weir The Red Planet for Real
  165. 2015-11-24 Philip Tetlock Superforecasting
  166. 2016-01-12 Eric Cline 1177 B.C. When Civilization Collapsed
  167. 2016-02-10 Stephen Pyne Fire Slow Fire Fast Fire Deep
  168. 2016-03-15 Jane Langdale Radical Ag C4 Rice and Beyond
  169. 2016-04-12 Priyamvada Natarajan Solving Dark Matter and Dark Energy
  170. 2016-05-03 Walter Mischel The Marshmallow Test Mastering Self Control
  171. 2016-06-21 Brian Christian Algorithms to Live By
  172. 2016-07-15 Kevin Kelly The Next 30 Digital Years
  173. 2016-08-10 Seth Lloyd Quantum Computer Reality
  174. 2016-09-21 Jonathan Rose The Well Tempered City
  175. 2016-10-05 David Eagleman The Brain and The Now
  176. 2016-11-02 Douglas Coupland The Extreme Present
  177. 2017-01-05 Steven Johnson Wonderland How Play Made the Modern World
  178. 2017-02-02 Jennifer Pahlka Fixing Government Bottom Up and Outside In
  179. 2017-03-14 Bjorn Lomborg From Feel Good to High Yield Good How to Improve Philanthropy and Aid
  180. 2017-04-11 Frank Ostaseski What the Dying Teach the Living
  181. 2017-05-24 Geoffrey B. West The Universal Laws of Growth and Pace
  182. 2017-06-06 James Gleick Time Travel
  183. 2017-07-25 Carolyn Porco Searching for Life in the Solar System
  184. 2017-08-08 Nicky Case Seeing Whole Systems
  185. 2017-09-07 David Grinspoon Earth in Human Hands
  186. 2017-10-31 Renee Wegrzyn Engineering Gene Safety
  187. 2017-11-21 Elena Bennett Seeds of a Good Anthropocene
  188. 2018-01-23 Charles C. Mann The Wizard and the Prophet
  189. 2018-02-27 Michael Frachetti Open Source Civilization and the Unexpected Origins of the Silk Road
  190. 2018-03-14 Steven Pinker A New Enlightenment
  191. 2018-04-24 Kishore Mahbubani Has the West Lost It Can Asia Save It
  192. 2018-05-23 Benjamin Grant Overview Earth and Civilization in the Macroscope
  193. 2018-06-20 Chris D. Thomas Are We Initiating The Great Anthropocene Speciation Event
  194. 2018-07-17 George P. Shultz Perspective
  195. 2018-08-07 Juan Benet Long Term Info structure
  196. 2018-09-13 Julia Galef Soldiers and Scouts Why our minds weren t built for truth and how we can change that
  197. 2018-10-14 Stewart Brand Whole Earth Catalog 50th Anniversary Celebration
  198. 2018-10-30 Mary Lou Jepsen Toward Practical Telepathy
  199. 2018-11-20 Niall Ferguson Networks and Power
  200. 2019-01-15 Martin Rees Prospects for Humanity
  201. 2019-02-26 John Brockman Possible Minds
  202. 2019-03-14 Chip Conley The Modern Elder and the Intergenerational Workplace
  203. 2019-04-03 Jeff Goodell The Water Will Come
  204. 2019-05-05 Ian McEwan Machines Like Me
  205. 2019-06-05 David Byrne Good News Sleeping Beauties
  206. 2019-06-25 Mariana Mazzucato Rethinking Value