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Dataset of human medial temporal lobe neurons during a visual working memory task


We present an electrophysiological dataset recorded from thirteen subjects during a visual working memory task. Subjects were epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial monitoring for localization of epileptic seizures. Subjects performed a ...

Downloading the data

Using gin

Create an account on gin and download the gin client as described here. On your computer, log in using

gin login

Clone the repository using:

gin get USZ_NCH/Human_MTL_units_visual_WM   

Large data files will not be downloaded automatically. To get them, use

gin get-content <filename>

Downloaded large files will be locked (read-only). You must unlock the files using

gin unlock <filename>

To remove the contents of a large file again, use

gin lock <filename>
gin remove-content <filename>

See here for detailed information on how to use gin.

Using git annex

Make sure git and git-annex are installed on your computer. Create an account on gin and upload your public SSH key to your gin profile. Then clone the repository using

git clone

Large data files will not be downloaded automatically. To get them, use

git annex get <filename>

Downloaded large files will be locked (read-only). You must unlock the files using

git annex unlock <filename>

To remove the contents of a large file again, use

git annex --force lock <filename>
git annex drop <filename>

See the git annex documentation for details.

Using the web browser

Download the latest release as a zip file by clicking on Releases on the main page at This zip file will contain all small (text) files only, while large data files will not be downloaded automatically and an empty placeholder will be put in their place. To get the full content of such a large file , download these files individually as needed from the web interface by clicking on them in the repository browser.

Repository structure

Main directory

Contains Subject_Characteristics.pdf which describes subjects and NIX_File_Structure.pdf which describes the structure of the nix files.

Directory code_MATLAB

Contains a MATLAB script (Load_Data_Example_Script.m) with code snippets to read data and task related information.

Directory data_nix

Contains nix files for each session of the task. Each file is named with the format:
Data_Subject_<subject number>_Session_<session number>.h5


Updated versions of the data and codes will be provided at:


For questions on the dataset or the task, contact

Related Publications

P Boran E, Hilfiker P, Stieglitz L, Sarnthein J, Klaver P. Persistent neuronal firing in the medial temporal lobe supports performance.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

See LICENSE.txt for the full license.