This repository contains processed electrophysiology and morphology data used for investigating the honeybee interneuron DL-Int-1 responsive to waggle dance vibration signals.
Reference: Kumaraswamy A., Ai H., Kai K., Ikeno H., Wachtler T. (2019) "Adaptations during maturation in an identified honeybee interneuron responsive to waggle dance vibration signals". In: eNeuro. DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0454-18.2019.
Preprint: Kumaraswamy A., Ai H., Kai K., Ikeno H., Wachtler T. (2018) "Adaptations of honeybee auditory interneurons during maturation". In: bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/469502
The morphology of each DL-Int-1 are represented by multiple SWC files. Each file contains a subregion of DL-Int-1 (see the reference above for description):
Contains membrane potential and vibration stimulus traces in NIX format. They data in them can be accessed using the library GJEphys (see Usage Guidelines).
Contains DL-Int-1 morphologies reconstructed from LSM images of single dye filled neurons using Ikeno et al 2018.
Contains DL-Int-1 morphologies after spatial registration using Reg-MaxS-N. Each subfolder contains morphologies using a specific pair of DL-Int-1 morphologies as templates, which is encoded in the name of the folder. A suffix "_xpcScaled" indicates that newly emerged adult morphologies were scaled up by x% before registering them with forager morphologies.