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Morphological reconstructions and electrophysiological recordings of vibration sensitive honeybee neurons belonging to two maturation levels

This repository contains processed electrophysiology and morphology data used for investigating the honeybee interneuron DL-Int-1 responsive to waggle dance vibration signals.

Reference: Kumaraswamy A., Ai H., Kai K., Ikeno H., Wachtler T. (2019) "Adaptations during maturation in an identified honeybee interneuron responsive to waggle dance vibration signals". In: eNeuro. DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0454-18.2019.

Preprint: Kumaraswamy A., Ai H., Kai K., Ikeno H., Wachtler T. (2018) "Adaptations of honeybee auditory interneurons during maturation". In: bioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/469502

General Notes

  1. A list of neuron IDs as well as their associated age classification is provided in the file "Metadata_age.xlsx"
  2. Neuron morphology data is stored in SWC format.
  3. Electrophyiology data is stored in NIX format.
  4. The morphology of each DL-Int-1 are represented by multiple SWC files. Each file contains a subregion of DL-Int-1 (see the reference above for description):

    • WN: Whole Arborization
    • MB: Main Branch
    • DB: Dorsal Branch
    • VB: Ventral Branch

Folder Specific Notes


Contains membrane potential and vibration stimulus traces in NIX format. They data in them can be accessed using the library GJEphys (see Usage Guidelines).


Contains DL-Int-1 morphologies reconstructed from LSM images of single dye filled neurons using Ikeno et al 2018.


Contains DL-Int-1 morphologies after spatial registration using Reg-MaxS-N. Each subfolder contains morphologies using a specific pair of DL-Int-1 morphologies as templates, which is encoded in the name of the folder. A suffix "_xpcScaled" indicates that newly emerged adult morphologies were scaled up by x% before registering them with forager morphologies.