Julia Sprenger 9eb5fa783a gin commit from nit-ope-de04 1 anno fa
dataset_1 161ac3ca79 gin commit from nit-ope-de04 2 anni fa
dataset_2 56ff9cd024 gin commit from nit-ope-de04 2 anni fa
dataset_3 56ff9cd024 gin commit from nit-ope-de04 2 anni fa
dataset_4 e6495330b3 gin commit from h-laptop 1 anno fa
README.md 9eb5fa783a gin commit from nit-ope-de04 1 anno fa


CellExplorer Datasets

The the datasets 1, 2 and 3 are a shortened versions of public datasets by provided by David Tingley

Original sources:


  • dataset_2 and dataset_3 contain mat files with version different from mat version 5.
  • dataset_2: sessionInfo is saved as mat version 7.3.
  • dataset_3: spikes.cellinfo is saved as mat version 7.3
  • dataset_4: is a stubbed version of the original dataset (see above). There are two folders inside, one saved in the old matlab format and other in the new one (hdf5). They were stubbed with the following program. The binary files were stubbed to the first 1000 frames by using a SlicingRecorder in SpikeInterface.
Title Electrophysiology Testing Data
Authors Sprenger,Julia;Institut de Neurosciences de La Timone, CNRS & Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France;ORCID:0000-0002-9986-7477
Garcia,Samuel;Centre de Recherche en Neuroscience de Lyon, CNRS, Lyon, France;ORCID:0000-0001-6389-9779
Description Collection of testing data in various electrophysiology file formats.
License Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) (https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/)
References Neo (RRID:SCR_000634) [RRID:SCR_000634] (IsSupplementTo)
SpikeInterface (RRID:SCR_021150) [RRID:SCR_021150] (IsSupplementTo)
Keywords Neuroscience
File Format
Test Data
Resource Type Dataset