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Title of dataset:
Neural correlates of side specific odour memory in mushroom body output neurons

Authors, Affiliations:
Martin F. Strube-Bloss*1, Martin P. Nawrot2 and Randolf Menzel3
Author affiliations:
1 Department of Behavioral Physiology & Sociobiology, Theodor-Boveri-Institute of Bioscience, Biocenter University of Würzburg, Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
2 Martin Paul Nawrot, Computational Systems Neuroscience, Institute for Zoology, Department of Biology, University of Cologne, Biocenter University of Cologne, Zülpicher Straße 47b, 50674 Cologne, Germany
3 Randolf Menzel, Institut für Biologie - Neurobiologie, Freie Universität Berlin,
Königin-Luise-Str. 28/30, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Brief description of dataset:

The dataset includes recordings of mushroom body output neurons (MBON). Before, during and after unilateral conditioning. The conditioning was performed at the antennae contralateral to the recording position. Tests before and after conditioning were performed to both antennae.

Reward conditioning, Lateralization, extracellular long term recordings, mushroom body output neurons, honeybees.

Original publication (citation and doi, if available) / other References:
Strube-Bloss, M. F., Nawrot, M. P., and Menzel, R. (2016) Neural correlates of side-specific odour memory in mushroom body output neurons, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, The Royal Society 283. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1270

Brief description of each file or set of files:
Data consist of [MPEG-2 ts video files]. There are two types of files:
•	Type one: The file contains the spiking events (time points) of a single MBON-unit. For example “bee44_Unit1”.
•	Type two: The file contains the time points of the stimulus marker. For example “bee44_StimcCSm”.
The bee number [bee44] indicates, that both files are from the same animal and share the same timeline. Type one: The unit number [Unit1] indicates the unit´s name (1, 2…x). For example, there exist three Units recorded in bee44 (bee44_Unit1; bee44_Unit2 and bee44_Unit3). Type two: The Stimulus type [Stim(c)CS(m)] indicates the type of stimulus which was presented. In the present case it was the contralateral (c) CS minus (m). An ipsilateral CS plus would be indicates as: Stim(i)CS(p).
Martin Strube-Bloss před 7 roky
5 změnil soubory, kde provedl 109047 přidání a 0 odebrání
  1. 20 0
  2. 20 0
  3. 52113 0
  4. 56864 0
  5. 30 0

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+  3.7100550e+001	
+  9.8942100e+001	
+  1.7783675e+002	
+  2.3963620e+002	
+  2.5506745e+002	
+  3.4913640e+002	
+  4.2690555e+002	
+  4.8943100e+002	
+  5.6772715e+002	
+  6.1468105e+002	
+  9.7200875e+002	
+  1.0347827e+003	
+  1.1119620e+003	
+  1.1746317e+003	
+  1.1904422e+003	
+  1.2842377e+003	
+  1.3624625e+003	
+  1.4241846e+003	
+  1.5011630e+003	
+  1.5480068e+003	

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+  2.1517500e+001	
+  1.1488305e+002	
+  1.3054585e+002	
+  2.0893280e+002	
+  2.8641890e+002	
+  3.0182500e+002	
+  3.8025250e+002	
+  4.7389420e+002	
+  5.2074285e+002	
+  5.5228175e+002	
+  9.5673790e+002	
+  1.0501950e+003	
+  1.0655219e+003	
+  1.1433499e+003	
+  1.2215655e+003	
+  1.2372765e+003	
+  1.3155309e+003	
+  1.4087196e+003	
+  1.4550203e+003	
+  1.4858305e+003	

Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 52113 - 0

Rozdílová data souboru nebyla zobrazena, protože soubor je příliš velký
+ 56864 - 0

+ 30 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+  3.6925700e+001	
+  6.8556400e+001	
+  1.6200005e+002	
+  2.0851040e+002	
+  2.8656850e+002	
+  3.4904545e+002	
+  4.4291355e+002	
+  4.5842715e+002	
+  5.5105030e+002	
+  6.1276110e+002	
+  6.5892660e+002	
+  7.0557640e+002	
+  7.3664605e+002	
+  7.5217015e+002	
+  7.8324335e+002	
+  8.1420410e+002	
+  8.4552020e+002	
+  8.6115970e+002	
+  9.0775815e+002	
+  9.3883565e+002	
+  9.8587310e+002	
+  1.0172452e+003	
+  1.0948972e+003	
+  1.1415805e+003	
+  1.2196768e+003	
+  1.2824695e+003	
+  1.3754954e+003	
+  1.3912085e+003	
+  1.4847723e+003	
+  1.5472987e+003