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Elimina 'code/matlab/H5_raster.m'

Delete H5_raster script
Stefano Diomedi 2 mēneši atpakaļ
1 mainītis faili ar 0 papildinājumiem un 131 dzēšanām
  1. 0 131

+ 0 - 131

@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-% The script plots the neural and behavioural data contained in a .h5 file of the Diomedi et al., 2023 dataset
-% in the form of a raster plot
-% authors: Francesco E. Vaccari
-% date: 10/2022 
-clear all; clc; close all;
-currentFolder = pwd;
-parentFolder = fileparts(fileparts(currentFolder));
-[filename,path_folder_data] = uigetfile('*.h5','Select a h5 dataset',[parentFolder '\data']);
-str = '/DATA/unit_01'; %it can be either unitXX, unitXX/conditionYY or unitXX/conditionYY/trialZZ
-[spikes, markers, all_strings] = get_all_data_from_level_h5([path_folder_data filename],str); %extract data
-str2readmk = ['/DATA/unit_01/condition_01/trial_01/event_markers']; 
-marker_labels = h5readatt([path_folder_data filename],str2readmk,'Marker labels'); %extract names of event markers
-hold on
-for count = 1:length(spikes)
-    clmap = jet(length(markers{count}));
-    scatter(spikes{count},count,'|','k')
-    sz = 30;
-    c = linspace(1,10,length(markers{count}));
-    if count == length(spikes)
-        for mk = 1:size(markers{count},2)
-            tmp = scatter(markers{count}(mk),1*count,sz,clmap(mk,:),'filled','DisplayName',marker_labels{mk});
-            dots(mk) = tmp;
-        end
-    end
-    scatter(markers{count},ones(size(markers{count}))*count,sz,clmap,'filled')
-hold off
-ylim([0 count+1])
-xlabel('Time (ms)')
-ylabel('Trial #')
-title('Raster Plot')
-function [spikes, markers, all_strings] = get_all_data_from_level_h5(filename,str)
-% The function extracts the spikes and the markers from a .h5 dataset
-% INPUT: 
-%     filename = a string that identify the h5 file from which extract data
-%     str = the group from which extract the data. The function
-%     automatically extracts every dataset of the group
-%     spikes = contains the extracted spike timing for each dataset
-%     markers = contains the extracted marker timing for each dataset
-%     all_strings = keeps track of the datasets extracted
-% Francesco E. Vaccari 10/2022 
-if ~isempty(strfind(str,'trial'))
-    lev = 4;
-elseif ~isempty(strfind(str,'condition'))
-    lev = 3;
-elseif ~isempty(strfind(str,'unit'))
-    lev = 2;
-elseif ~isempty(strfind(str,'DATA'))
-    lev = 1;
-    disp('str is not correct')
-info = h5info(filename,str);
-count = 1;
-switch lev
-    case 4
-        spikes{count} = h5read(filename,[str '/spike_trains']);
-        markers{count} = h5read(filename,[str '/event_markers']);
-    case 3
-        for trial = 1:length(info.Groups)
-            str_trial = [str '/trial_' sprintf('%02d',trial)];
-            spikes{count} = h5read(filename,[str_trial '/spike_trains']);
-            markers{count} = h5read(filename,[str_trial '/event_markers']);
-            all_strings{count} = str_trial;
-            count = count+1;
-        end
-    case 2
-        str2check = str; %check how many conditions for this unit
-        info2check = h5info(filename,str2check);
-        num_cond = length(info2check.Groups);
-        for cond = 1:length(info.Groups)
-            str2check = [str '/condition_' sprintf('%02d',cond)]; %check how many trials for this unit / condition
-            info2check = h5info(filename,str2check);
-            num_trial = length(info2check.Groups);
-            for trial = 1:length(info.Groups(cond).Groups)
-                str_trial = [str '/condition_' sprintf('%02d',cond) '/trial_' sprintf('%02d',trial)];
-                spikes{count} = h5read(filename,[str_trial '/spike_trains']);
-                markers{count} = h5read(filename,[str_trial '/event_markers']);
-                all_strings{count} = str_trial;
-                count = count+1;
-            end
-        end
-    case 1
-        for neu = 1:length(info.Groups)
-            str2check = [str '/unit_' sprintf('%02d',neu)]; %check how many conditions for this unit 
-            info2check = h5info(filename,str2check);
-            num_cond = length(info2check.Groups);
-            for cond = 1:num_cond
-                str2check = [str '/unit_' sprintf('%02d',neu) '/condition_' sprintf('%02d',cond)]; %check how many trials for this unit / condition
-                info2check = h5info(filename,str2check);
-                num_trial = length(info2check.Groups);
-                for trial = 1:num_trial
-                    str_trial = [str '/unit_' sprintf('%02d',neu) '/condition_' sprintf('%02d',cond) '/trial_' sprintf('%02d',trial)];
-                    spikes{count} = h5read(filename,[str_trial '/spike_trains']);
-                    markers{count} = h5read(filename,[str_trial '/event_markers']);
-                    all_strings{count} = str_trial;
-                    count = count+1;
-                end
-            end
-        end
-spikes = spikes'; markers = markers'; all_strings = all_strings';