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[7] Implemented temporary file cleanup

A cleanup mechanism for temporary files
has been implemented.
at-robins hace 10 meses

+ 11 - 0

@@ -214,3 +214,14 @@ impl From<diesel::result::Error> for SeqError {
+impl From<std::time::SystemTimeError> for SeqError {
+    fn from(error: std::time::SystemTimeError) -> Self {
+        Self::new(
+            "std::time::SystemTimeError",
+            SeqErrorType::InternalServerError,
+            error,
+        )
+    }

+ 17 - 0

@@ -13,10 +13,13 @@ use parking_lot::Mutex;
 use service::{
     pipeline_service::{load_pipelines, LoadedPipelines},
+    temp_file_service::TemporaryFileManager,
 /// The intervall in seconds in which the pipeline execution process is updated.
+/// The intervall in seconds in which temporary data is inspected.
 async fn main() -> Result<(), SeqError> {
@@ -59,6 +62,20 @@ async fn main() -> Result<(), SeqError> {
             log::error!("Updating the pipeline execution failed with error: {:?}", err);
+    // Setup temporary file management.
+    let temp_file_manager_config = web::Data::clone(&app_config);
+    std::thread::spawn(move || {
+        let temp_file_manager = TemporaryFileManager::new(temp_file_manager_config);
+        loop {
+            std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::new(
+                0,
+            ));
+            if let Err(err) = temp_file_manager.update() {
+                log::error!("Managing temporary data failed with error: {:?}", err);
+            }
+        }
+    });
     // Setup the application.
     Ok(HttpServer::new(move || {

+ 1 - 0

@@ -2,4 +2,5 @@ pub mod container_service;
 pub mod execution_service;
 pub mod multipart_service;
 pub mod pipeline_service;
+pub mod temp_file_service;
 pub mod validation_service;

+ 104 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+use std::{fs::DirEntry, time::SystemTime};
+use actix_web::web;
+use crate::application::{
+    config::Configuration,
+    error::{SeqError, SeqErrorType},
+/// The maximum age in seconds a temporary download file is kept before being deleted.
+const MAX_AGE_TEMPORARY_DOWNLOAD: u64 = 60 * 60 * 24;
+/// A manager for temporary files, e.g. automatic deletion.
+pub struct TemporaryFileManager {
+    config: web::Data<Configuration>,
+impl TemporaryFileManager {
+    /// Creates a new `TemporaryFileManager`.
+    ///
+    /// # Parameters
+    ///
+    /// * `config` - the application's [`Configuration`]
+    pub fn new(config: web::Data<Configuration>) -> Self {
+        Self { config }
+    }
+    /// Updates the file manager.
+    pub fn update(&self) -> Result<(), SeqError> {
+        log::info!("Managing temporary files...");
+        let temp_download_path = self.config.temporary_download_path();
+        // Checks all temporary download files / folders and collects errors.
+        let errors: Vec<std::io::Error> = std::fs::read_dir(temp_download_path)?
+            // Log errors and return processable files / folders.
+            // Continues despite errors to at least clean up all the data that can be cleaned up. 
+            .filter_map(Self::filter_log)
+            // Filters old temporary data.
+            .filter_map(|entry| {
+                Self::filter_log(Self::dir_entry_created(&entry))
+                    .and_then(|created| Self::filter_log(created.elapsed()))
+                    .filter(|lifetime| lifetime.as_secs() > MAX_AGE_TEMPORARY_DOWNLOAD)
+                    .map(|_| entry.path())
+            })
+            // Tries to delete old data and collects errors.
+            .filter_map(|entry| {
+                match if entry.is_dir() {
+                    log::info!("Deleting temporary download directory {}.", entry.display());
+                    std::fs::remove_dir_all(entry)
+                } else {
+                    log::info!("Deleting temporary download file {}.", entry.display());
+                    std::fs::remove_file(entry)
+                } {
+                    Ok(_) => None,
+                    Err(err) => Some(err),
+                }
+            })
+            .collect();
+        if !errors.is_empty() {
+            // Returns errors if present.
+            let combined_error = errors.into_iter().fold(String::new(), |mut acc, error| {
+                acc.push_str(&error.to_string());
+                acc.push('\n');
+                acc
+            });
+            Err(SeqError::new(
+                    "std::io::Error",
+                    SeqErrorType::InternalServerError,
+                    combined_error,
+                    "An unforseen error occured during temporary file management. Please consult the logs.",
+                ))
+        } else {
+            // Returns if successful.
+            log::info!("Done managing temporary files.");
+            Ok(())
+        }
+    }
+    /// Gets the metadata of the directory entry.
+    ///
+    /// # Parameters
+    ///
+    /// * `entry` - the diretory entry
+    fn dir_entry_created(entry: &DirEntry) -> Result<SystemTime, std::io::Error> {
+        entry.metadata()?.created()
+    }
+    /// Filters and logs errors.
+    ///
+    /// # Parameters
+    ///
+    /// * `value` - the value to filter and log
+    fn filter_log<T, E: Into<SeqError>>(value: Result<T, E>) -> Option<T> {
+        match value {
+            Ok(inner) => Some(inner),
+            Err(err) => {
+                // Automatically logs the error.
+                let _err: SeqError = err.into();
+                None
+            },
+        }
+    }