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Eliminar 'in-vitro/CalcGM_Noise_LMU_multipleFiles.py'

Ragmon Garcia Cortadella 3 anni fa
1 ha cambiato i file con 0 aggiunte e 495 eliminazioni
  1. 0 495

+ 0 - 495

@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Created on Fri Oct 05 15:49:46 2018
-@author: aemdlabs
-from PhyREC.NeoInterface import NeoSegment#, ReadMCSFile
-import PhyREC.SignalAnalysis as Ran
-import PhyREC.PlotWaves as Rplt
-import quantities as pq
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-import numpy as np
-import neo
-import deepdish as dd
-import csv
-from datetime import datetime
-from scipy import integrate
-def ReadMCSFile(McsFile, OutSeg=None, SigNamePrefix=''):
-    import McsPy.McsData as McsData
-    Dat = McsData.RawData(McsFile)
-    Rec = Dat.recordings[0]
-    NSamps = Rec.duration
-    if OutSeg is None:
-        OutSeg = NeoSegment()
-    for AnaStrn, AnaStr in Rec.analog_streams.iteritems():
-        if len(AnaStr.channel_infos) == 1:
-            continue
-        for Chn, Chinfo in AnaStr.channel_infos.iteritems():
-            print 'Analog Stream ', Chinfo.label, Chinfo.sampling_frequency
-            ChName = str(SigNamePrefix + Chinfo.label)
-            print ChName
-            Fs = Chinfo.sampling_frequency
-            Var, Unit = AnaStr.get_channel_in_range(Chn, 0, NSamps)
-            sig = neo.AnalogSignal(pq.Quantity(Var, Chinfo.info['Unit']),
-                                   t_start=0*pq.s,
-                                   sampling_rate=Fs.magnitude*pq.Hz,
-                                   name=ChName)
-            OutSeg.AddSignal(sig)
-    return OutSeg
-def ReadLogFile(File):
-    Fin = open(File)
-    reader = csv.reader(Fin, delimiter='\t')
-    LogVals = {}
-    ValsPos = {}
-    for il, e in enumerate(reader):
-        if il == 0:
-            for ih, v in enumerate(e):
-                ValsPos[ih] = v
-                LogVals[v] = []
-        else:
-            for ih, v in enumerate(e):
-                par = ValsPos[ih]
-                if (par=='Vgs') or (par=='Vds') or (par=='Vref'):
-                    LogVals[par].append(float(v.replace(',','.')))
-                elif par == 'Date/Time':
-                    LogVals[par].append(datetime.strptime(v, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
-                else:
-                    LogVals[par].append(v)
-    deltas = np.array(LogVals['Date/Time'])[:]-LogVals['Date/Time'][0]
-    LogVals['Time'] = []
-    for d in deltas:
-        LogVals['Time'].append(d.total_seconds())
-    Fin.close()
-    return LogVals
-def GetSwitchTimes(Sig, Thres=-1e-4, Plot=True):
-    s = Sig.GetSignal(None)
-    ds = np.abs(np.diff(np.array(s), axis=0))
-    if Plot:
-        plt.figure()
-        plt.plot(s.times, s)
-        plt.plot(s.times[1:], ds)
-    ds = Sig.duplicate_with_new_array(signal=ds)
-    Times = Ran.threshold_detection(ds,
-                                    threshold=Thres,
-                                    RelaxTime=5*pq.s)
-    return Times
-def MeanStd(Data, var):
-    Arr = np.zeros([len(Data.keys()),len(Data[Data.keys()[0]][var])])
-    for iT,TrtName in enumerate(Data.keys()):
-        Arr[iT,:] = Data[TrtName][var][:,0]
-    return np.mean(Arr,0), np.std(Arr,0)
-def MeanStdGM(Data):
-    Arr = np.zeros([len(Data.keys()),len(Data[Data.keys()[0]])])
-    for iT,TrtName in enumerate(Data.keys()):
-        Arr[iT,:] = Data[TrtName]
-    return np.mean(Arr,0), np.std(Arr,0)
-def Integrate(PSD, Freqs, Fmin, Fmax):
-    indices = np.where((Freqs >= Fmin) & (Freqs<=Fmax))
-    print( Freqs[indices])
-    Irms = np.sqrt(integrate.trapz(PSD[indices], Freqs[indices]))      
-    return Irms 
-         'SE2':'Ch05',
-         'SE3':'Ch01',
-         'SE4':'Ch02',
-         'SE5':'Ch22',
-         'SE6':'Ch06',
-         'SE7':'Ch16',
-         'SE8':'Ch37',
-         'SE9':'Ch20',
-         'SE10':'Ch10',
-         'SE11':'Ch24',
-         'SE12':'Ch08',
-         'SE13':'Ch14',
-         'SE14':'Ch04',
-         'SE15':'Ch18',
-         'SE16':'Ch33',
-         'SE17':'Ch34',
-         'SE18':'Ch60',
-         'SE19':'Ch38',
-         'SE20':'Ch64',
-         'SE21':'Ch40',
-         'SE22':'Ch56',
-         'SE23':'Ch42',
-         'SE24':'Ch70',
-         'SE25':'Ch66',
-         'SE26':'Ch65',
-         'SE27':'Ch68',
-         'SE28':'Ch67',
-         'SE29':'Ch55',
-         'SE30':'Ch62',
-         'SE31':'Ch58',
-         'SE32':'Ch69',
-         'ME1':'Ch57',
-         'ME2':'Ch61',
-         'ME3':'Ch53',
-         'ME4':'Ch63',
-         'ME5':'Ch52',
-         'ME6':'Ch41',
-         'ME7':'Ch49',
-         'ME8':'Ch51',
-         'ME9':'Ch46',
-         'ME10':'Ch45',
-         'ME11':'Ch44',
-         'ME12':'Ch39',
-         'ME13':'Ch54',
-         'ME14':'Ch43',
-         'ME15':'Ch50',
-         'ME16':'Ch47',
-         'ME17':'Ch32',
-         'ME18':'Ch27',
-         'ME19':'Ch30',
-         'ME20':'Ch29',
-         'ME21':'Ch28',
-         'ME22':'Ch25',
-         'ME23':'Ch26',
-         'ME24':'Ch07',
-         'ME25':'Ch21',
-         'ME26':'Ch11',
-         'ME27':'Ch17',
-         'ME28':'Ch15',
-         'ME29':'Ch13',
-         'ME30':'Ch31',
-         'ME31':'Ch19',
-         'ME32':'Ch09'}
-                          #Col, Row  
-                  'Ch57':(0,2),
-                  'Ch56':(0,3),
-                  'Ch55':(0,4),
-                  'Ch54':(0,5),
-                  'Ch53':(0,6),
-                  'Ch52':(0,7),
-                  'Ch51':(0,8),
-                  'Ch50':(0,9),
-                  'Ch49':(0,10),
-                  'Ch60':(1,0),
-                  'Ch61':(1,1),
-                  'Ch62':(1,2),
-                  'Ch63':(1,3),
-                  'Ch64':(1,4),
-                  'Ch65':(1,5),
-                  'Ch43':(1,6),
-                  'Ch44':(1,7),
-                  'Ch45':(1,8),
-                  'Ch46':(1,9),
-                  'Ch47':(1,10),
-                  'Ch70':(2,0),
-                  'Ch69':(2,1),
-                  'Ch68':(2,2),
-                  'Ch67':(2,3),
-                  'Ch66':(2,4),
-                  'Ch42':(2,5),
-                  'Ch41':(2,6),
-                  'Ch40':(2,7),
-                  'Ch39':(2,8),
-                  'Ch38':(2,9),
-                  'Ch37':(2,10),
-                  'Ch01':(3,0),
-                  'Ch02':(3,1),
-                  'Ch03':(3,2),
-                  'Ch04':(3,3),
-                  'Ch05':(3,4),
-                  'Ch06':(3,5),
-                  'Ch30':(3,6),
-                  'Ch31':(3,7),
-                  'Ch32':(3,8),
-                  'Ch33':(3,9),
-                  'Ch34':(3,10),
-                  'Ch11':(4,0),
-                  'Ch10':(4,1),
-                  'Ch09':(4,2),
-                  'Ch08':(4,3),
-                  'Ch07':(4,4),
-                  'Ch29':(4,5),
-                  'Ch28':(4,6),
-                  'Ch27':(4,7),
-                  'Ch26':(4,8),
-                  'Ch25':(4,9),
-                  'Ch24':(4,10),
-                  'Ch12':None,
-                  'Ch59':None,
-                  'Ch13':(5,1),
-                  'Ch14':(5,2),
-                  'Ch15':(5,3),
-                  'Ch16':(5,4),
-                  'Ch17':(5,5),
-                  'Ch18':(5,6),
-                  'Ch19':(5,7),
-                  'Ch20':(5,8),
-                  'Ch21':(5,9),
-                  'Ch22':(5,10)}
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    Path = 'C:/Users/RGarcia1/Dropbox (ICN2 AEMD - GAB GBIO)/TeamFolderLMU/Wireless/Characterization/'
-    Files = [
-             '28062019/B12142O30-T4/2019-06-29T17-07-11B12142O30-T4-1mVVgsSweep-ICN2-2',
-             '28062019/B12142O37-T2/2019-06-29T18-00-36B12142O37-T2-1mVVgsSweep-ICN2-PostEthx2-Pt',
-             '03072019/B12142O37-T5/2019-07-03T09-55-56B12142O37-T5-ACDC-1mVsine-Pt-PostEth',
-             '03072019/B12142O37-T6/2019-07-03T10-18-36B12142O37-T6-ACDC-1mVsine-Pt-PostEth',
-             '03072019/B12142O30-T6/2019-07-03T08-31-00B12142O30-T6-ACDC-1mVsine-Pt-PostEth',
-             '03072019/B12142O30-T9/2019-07-03T10-43-12B12142O30-T9-ACDC-1mVsine-Pt-PostEth',
-             '04072019/B12784O18-T1/2019-07-05T08-04-13B12784O18-T1-1mVVgsSweep-PostEth-ICN2',
-             '23072019/B12784O18-T2/2019-07-23T16-18-20B12784O18-T2-ACDC-PostEth-1mV_2',
-             '23072019/B12784O18-T3/2019-07-23T18-55-56B12784O18-T3-ACDC-PostEth-PostLong',]############
-    LogFiles = [
-                '28062019/B12142O30-T4/B12142O30-T4-PreEth-ACDC1mV-AgAgCl-2.txt',
-                '28062019/B12142O37-T2/B12142O37-T2-ACDC-PostEthx2-Pt.txt',
-                '03072019/B12142O37-T5/B12142O37-T5-ACDC-Pt-PostEth.txt',
-                '03072019/B12142O37-T6/B12142O37-T6-ACDC-Pt-PostEth.txt',
-                '03072019/B12142O30-T6/B12142O30-T6_Pt_PostEth-ACDC.txt',
-                '03072019/B12142O30-T9/B12142o30-T9-ACDC-Pt-PostEth.txt',
-                '04072019/B12784O18-T1/B12784O18-T1-ACdc-postTH.txt',
-                '23072019/B12784O18-T2/B12784O18-T2-ACDC-PostEth_Cy2.txt',
-                '23072019/B12784O18-T3/B12784O18-T3-ACDC-PostEth-PostLong.txt']
-    UrmsTot = {}
-    IrmsTot = {}
-    GmTot = {}
-    IdsTot = {}
-    VGS = {}
-    for iFile, File in enumerate(Files):
-        StartCycle = -1
-        LogFile = Path + LogFiles[iFile]
-        InFileM = Path + File + '.h5'
-        InFileS = Path + File + '_2.h5'
-        LogVals = ReadLogFile(LogFile)
-        delta = np.mean([t-LogVals['Time'][it] for it, t in enumerate(LogVals['Time'][1:])])*pq.s
-        Delay = delta * StartCycle
-        DCch = ('ME5', 'ME7', 'ME29', 'ME31', 'SE5', 'SE7', 'SE29', 'SE31')
-        TrigChannel = 'SE29'
-        TrigThres = 5e-5
-        Vgs = np.array(LogVals['Vgs'])
-        Vds = LogVals['Vds'][0]
-        VGS[File] = Vgs
-        ivgain1 = 12e3*pq.V  
-        ivgain2 = 101
-        ACgain = 10*1
-        DCgain = 1*pq.V
-        Fsig = 10
-        StabTime = 10*pq.s
-        GuardTime = 1*pq.s
-        BW = 100
-        ivgainDC = 118.8*pq.V #the gain (1e6) is already applied to the saved signal  ## Check this gain
-        ivgainAC = 1188*pq.V 
-        Rec = ReadMCSFile(InFileM,
-                          OutSeg=None,
-                          SigNamePrefix='M')
-        Rec = ReadMCSFile(InFileS,
-                          OutSeg=Rec,
-                          SigNamePrefix='S')
-    # %% Detect Vgs switch time and arrange DC signals into SlotsDC 
-        plt.close('all')  
-        plt.ion() 
-        SwTimes = GetSwitchTimes(Sig=Rec.GetSignal(TrigChannel),
-                                 Thres=TrigThres,
-                                 Plot=False)
-        SlotsDC = []
-        for sig in Rec.Signals():
-            if sig.name not in DCch:
-                continue
-            SlotsDC.append(Rplt.WaveSlot(sig,))
-        SwTimes = LogVals['Time']*pq.s+SwTimes[0]+Delay
-    #%% calc IV  DC
-        DevDCVals = {}
-        Ids = {}
-        for sl in SlotsDC:
-            Ids[sl.name] = []
-            for isw, (t, vg) in enumerate(zip(SwTimes, Vgs)):
-                ts = SwTimes[isw]+delta
-                TWind = (t+StabTime, ts-GuardTime)
-                s = sl.GetSignal(TWind, Units='V')
-                vio = np.mean(s).magnitude
-                ids = (vio*101-(-vg+Vds))/12e3 #apply hardware gain calibration
-                Ids[sl.name].append(ids)
-        IdsTot[File.split('/')[1]] = Ids    
-    #%%  Calc GM and integrated noise Irms
-        GM = {}
-        Irms = {}
-        Urms = {}
-        fig, (AxPsd, Axt) = plt.subplots(2,1)     
-        fig2, (AxPs, Axt) = plt.subplots(2,1)  
-        for sig in Rec.Signals():
-            if sig.name[0:3] == 'SEn': #discard encoder channels
-                continue
-            GM[sig.name] = []
-            Irms[sig.name] = []
-            Urms[sig.name] = []
-            for isw, (t, vg) in enumerate(zip(SwTimes, Vgs)):
-                if isw == len(SwTimes)-1:
-                    ts = sl.Signal.t_stop
-                else:
-                    ts = SwTimes[isw+1]
-                TWind = (t+StabTime, ts-GuardTime)
-                s = sig.GetSignal(TWind, Units ='V')
-                if s.name in DCch:
-                    s = (s*ivgain2-(-vg+Vds)*pq.V)/ivgain1
-                else:
-                    s = s/(ivgain1*ACgain/ivgain2)
-                PS = Ran.PlotPSD((s,),
-                                  Time = TWind,
-                                  Ax=AxPs,
-                                  FMin=1,
-                                  Label=str(vg),
-                                  scaling='spectrum')
-                ps = PS[sig.name]['psd']
-                Fps = PS[sig.name]['ff']
-                indicesPeak = np.where( ((Fps >= Fsig-4) & (Fps<=Fsig+4)))   
-                IDSpeak = np.sqrt(ps[np.argmax(ps[indicesPeak])+indicesPeak[0][0]]+
-                                 ps[np.argmax(ps[indicesPeak])+indicesPeak[0][0]+1]+
-                                 ps[np.argmax(ps[indicesPeak])+indicesPeak[0][0]-1])
-                gm = IDSpeak*1000/0.707
-                GM[sig.name] = np.append(GM[sig.name],gm)
-                PSD = Ran.PlotPSD((s,),
-                      Time = TWind,
-                      Ax=AxPsd,
-                      FMin=1,
-                      Label=str(vg),
-                      scaling='density')
-                psd = PSD[sig.name]['psd'][:,0]
-                Fpsd = PSD[sig.name]['ff']
-                irms = Integrate(psd, Fpsd, 1.9, 1.9*3.3)
-                Irms[sig.name] = np.append(Irms[sig.name],irms*2) #
-                # square root of 2 adjusts the 1/f integrated noise to a 1 order of magnitude frequency range
-                Irms[sig.name] = Irms[sig.name]
-                Urms[sig.name] = Irms[sig.name]/GM[sig.name]
-            plt.close('all')   #close psd figures created
-        UrmsTot[File.split('/')[1]] = Urms
-        IrmsTot[File.split('/')[1]] = Irms
-        GmTot[File.split('/')[1]] = GM
-    plt.figure()
-    GMmean, GMstd = MeanStdGM(GM)
-    plt.plot(Vgs-0.70, GMmean*1000/0.1,'k',label = '1 metal layer')
-    plt.fill_between(Vgs-0.70, GMmean*1000/0.1-GMstd*1000/0.1, GMmean*1000/0.1+GMstd*1000/0.1,color = 'k',alpha =0.3)
-    plt.xlabel('V$_{gs}$ - V$_{CNP}$ (V)')
-    plt.ylabel('G$_m$ (mS/V)')
-    plt.legend()
-    plt.figure()
-    IrmsMean, IrmsStd = MeanStdGM(Irms)
-    plt.semilogy(Vgs-0.70, IrmsMean,'k',label = 'rms')
-    plt.fill_between(Vgs-0.70, IrmsMean-IrmsStd, IrmsMean+IrmsStd ,color = 'k',alpha =0.3)
-    plt.figure()
-    UrmsMean, UrmsStd = MeanStdGM(Urms)
-    plt.semilogy(Vgs-0.70, UrmsMean,'k',label = '1 metal layer')
-    plt.fill_between(Vgs-0.70, UrmsMean-UrmsStd, UrmsMean+UrmsStd ,color = 'k',alpha =0.3)
-    plt.xlabel('V$_{gs}$ - V$_{CNP}$ (V)')
-    plt.ylabel('U$_{rms}$ (A)')
-    plt.legend()
-    dd.io.save('GmIrmsUrmsIds10Probe_2.h5',(GmTot, IrmsTot, UrmsTot, IdsTot))
-    #%% plot map Urms
-    plt.figure()
-    A=np.log10(np.ones((11,6))*5e-17)
-    import matplotlib.colors as colors
-    for Trt in Urms.keys():
-        ch = MCSMapI[Trt]
-        A[MCSMapFacingDown[ch][1],MCSMapFacingDown[ch][0]] = (Urms[Trt][9])*1e6
-    plt.imshow(A, interpolation='nearest', vmin=3, vmax=30, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=3, vmax=30))
-    plt.grid(True)
-    cbar=plt.colorbar()
-    plt.xlabel('column',fontsize=12)
-    plt.ylabel('row',fontsize=12)
-    cbar.set_label('U$_{gs-rms}$ ($\mu$V)', rotation=270, labelpad=15,fontsize=13)
-    #%% plot map Gm
-    plt.figure()
-    A=np.log10(np.ones((11,6))*5e-17)
-    import matplotlib.colors as colors
-    for Trt in Urms.keys():
-        ch = MCSMapI[Trt]
-        A[MCSMapFacingDown[ch][1], MCSMapFacingDown[ch][0]] = (GM[Trt][9]*1000/0.1)
-    plt.imshow(A, interpolation='nearest', vmin=1, vmax=3, norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=1, vmax=3))
-    plt.grid(True)
-    cbar=plt.colorbar()
-    plt.xlabel('column',fontsize=12)
-    plt.ylabel('row',fontsize=12)
-    cbar.set_label('G$_{m}$ (mS/V)', rotation=270, labelpad=15,fontsize=13)