.gitignore 1.1 KB

  1. #######################################
  2. # Ignore backup and fsl_sub log files #
  3. #######################################
  4. *~
  5. *.*~
  6. *sh.e*
  7. *sh.o*
  8. *.e[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*
  9. *.o[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*
  10. ###################
  11. # Matlab specific #
  12. ###################
  13. # Windows default autosave extension
  14. *.asv
  15. # OSX / *nix default autosave extension
  16. *.m~
  17. # Compiled MEX binaries (all platforms)
  18. *.mex*
  19. # Simulink Code Generation
  20. slprj/
  21. sccprj/
  22. # Session info
  23. octave-workspace
  24. # Simulink autosave extension
  25. *.autosave
  26. ################
  27. # HCP specific #
  28. ################
  29. # Ignore Eclipse Project files
  30. *.project
  31. *.buildpath
  32. *.pydevproject
  33. # Ignore gradient coefficients files. These are sometimes proprietary and
  34. # should not be checked in to a repository.
  35. *.grad
  36. #################
  37. # atom specific #
  38. #################
  39. .ftpconfig
  40. ######################
  41. # OS generated files #
  42. ######################
  43. CVS
  44. *.o
  45. *.pyc
  46. .DS_Store
  47. .DS_Store?
  48. ._*
  49. .Spotlight-V100
  50. .Trashes
  51. ehthumbs.db
  52. Thumbs.db
  53. .AppleDouble
  54. .LSOverride
  55. .DocumentRevisions-V100
  56. .fseventsd
  57. .TemporaryItems
  58. .VolumeIcon.icns
  59. Desktop.ini
  61. *.cab
  62. *.msi
  63. *.msm
  64. *.msp
  65. *.lnk
  66. .directory
  67. .Trash-*
  68. core.*