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Piret Kleis 2 years ago
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@@ -4,16 +4,17 @@ Created on Wed Oct 14 11:18:44 2020
 @author: kleisp
 This is a script for getting matrices of snippets around the stimulation pulses in PACK-expressing mice, 
-this can later be used for plotting the snippets on top of each other (in this file below) and for line length calculations (in another file)
-0.1 Hz and 0.05 Hz need to be treated separately
-need to load dictionaries containing recIDs with corresponding smrs for using raw data
+which can later be used for plotting the snippets on top of each other and for line length
+Note that recordings with 0.1 Hz and 0.05 Hz illumination need to be treated separately
+One needs to load dictionaries containing recIDs with corresponding smr filenames for using raw data
 dict- dictionary
 stim- light pulse
 pre- before light pulse
 post-after light pulse
 snipmat- matrix containing snippets
 import os
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ os.chdir('C:\EAfiles\EAdetection')
 import core.ea_management as eam
-#%% define functions to extract snippets before and after the stim
+#%% (1) define functions to extract snippets before and after the stim
 ''' 'pre' or 'post' are the snippet length in seconds, here 2 is used, sr=sampling rate (here 500)'''
 # get the spike trace before stimulation (pre):
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ def get_snipmat_post(datatrace, recID, post, stimtimes,  sr):
         snipmat[tt] = spiketrace
     return snipmat   
-#%% defining the function to get line length of each snippet(snipmat line length)
+#%% (2) defining the function to get line length of each snippet(snipmat line length)
 def get_snipmat_linelength(snipmat_pre, snipmat_post, linelength_dict_pre, linelength_dict_post, recID):  
@@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ def get_snipmat_linelength(snipmat_pre, snipmat_post, linelength_dict_pre, linel
         linelength_dict_post[recID]['mean post-pulse linelength/second']=np.mean(linelength_s_list) 
         linelength_dict_post[recID]['mean post-pulse linelength']=np.mean(linelength_list)  
         linelength_dict_post[recID]['pulse number']=count
 #%% in order to exclude unwanted recordings
 pathtobadrecIDs = 'C:\EAfiles\ID_Dateien\\badrecIDs.txt' 
@@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ with open (pathtobadrecIDs,'r') as f:
     badrecIDs = badrecIDs + badIDs
-#%% Example of using the script to extract the snipmats
+#%% (3) Example of using the script to extract the snipmats
 #Saline PACK mice 0.05Hz: get snipmat dicts (for before and after 0.05 Hz pulses) (downsampled data)
@@ -182,7 +184,7 @@ outfile = open(filename, 'wb') #write binary: mit Erlaubnis zu (über)schreiben
 pickle.dump(snipmat_005Hz_post_controls, outfile)
-#%% Example of using the script to create dictionaries with line length before and after 0.05Hz pulses from snipmats above
+#%% (4) Example of using the script to create dictionaries with line length before and after 0.05Hz pulses from snipmats above
 ymlfiles = glob('C:\EAfiles\yml_setup_PK43\*.yml') #takes all yml files from this folder