#99 New MED data

sprenger NeuralEnsemble/new-med-data 에서 NeuralEnsemble/master 로 2 commits 를 머지했습니다 1 년 전
Daniel Crepeau 코멘트됨, 1 년 전

Added a new, small (< 0.5 MB) dataset for the MED file format. This new dataset contains data with gaps as well as channels with multiple sampling frequencies.

Added a new, small (< 0.5 MB) dataset for the MED file format. This new dataset contains data with gaps as well as channels with multiple sampling frequencies.
sprenger 코멘트됨, 1 년 전

Hi @dancrepeau1! Thanks for providing the new dataset and adding it directly in git-annex. I added one commit to lock the files to not have duplicates when downloading the file content. Not really relevant for this PR since the files are small, but a good practice for larger files.

Hi @dancrepeau1! Thanks for providing the new dataset and adding it directly in git-annex. I added one commit to lock the files to not have duplicates when downloading the file content. Not really relevant for this PR since the files are small, but a good practice for larger files.
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