#97 Add Plexon PL2 dataset

samuelgarcia scala 2 commity/ów z NeuralEnsemble/add/pl2 do NeuralEnsemble/master 1 rok temu
sprenger skomentował 1 rok temu

This PR adds a dataset in PL2 format as provided on the plexon website. The dataset is slightly larger than the 10MB threshold (11.1MB), but the smallest dataset available so far. To be replace by a smaller dataset when available.

@samuelgarcia What do you think?

Solves #96

This PR adds a dataset in PL2 format as provided on the plexon website. The dataset is slightly larger than the 10MB threshold (11.1MB), but the smallest dataset available so far. To be replace by a smaller dataset when available. @samuelgarcia What do you think? Solves #96
sprenger skomentował 1 rok temu
@samuelgarcia Ping?
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