#57 Add NWB files

sprenger злито 6 комітів з NeuralEnsemble/nwb до NeuralEnsemble/master 3 роки тому
Legouée відкоментовано 3 роки тому

Add NWB files for testing purposes for the NWBIO class of Neo : https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/python-neo

Add NWB files for testing purposes for the NWBIO class of Neo : https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/python-neo
sprenger відкоментовано 2 роки тому

Hi @legouee, did you already start working on the additional NWB files that you describe in the README?

Hi @legouee, did you already start working on the additional NWB files that you describe in the README?
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