#112 Add brw (v4.0) test file for BioCam in raw format, closes #111

samuelgarcia fusionadas 4 achegas de NeuralEnsemble/add_brw_v4.0_raw en NeuralEnsemble/master hai 10 meses
  • add new test file with raw content
  • add documentation of older file format
  • rename documentation of newer file format
  • reformat README in markdown and added explanations
* add new test file with raw content * add documentation of older file format * rename documentation of newer file format * reformat README in markdown and added explanations
Alessio Buccino comentado hai 10 meses'

Looks great to me! Sorry for the delay @ mahlzahn

Looks great to me! Sorry for the delay @ mahlzahn
Samuel Garcia comentado hai 10 meses'

Hi. thank you for this contribution. What is the licence for the PDF documentation. Do we have the right to distribute then here ?

Hi. thank you for this contribution. What is the licence for the PDF documentation. Do we have the right to distribute then here ?
Robert Wolff comentado hai 10 meses'

The documentation of the new format was not uploaded by me (I just changed the name).

The documentation of the old format was uploaded by me. It is available from https://resources.3brain.com/f1/downloads/BrainWave_Documentation_for_BRWv.%203.x_and_BXRv.%202.x_FileFormats_v1.2.0.pdf (also on web.archive.org)

I don’t have distribution rights. If you prefer to remove them from here, we can do of course. I may contact 3Brain to ask for permission.

The documentation of the new format was not uploaded by me (I just changed the name). The documentation of the old format was uploaded by me. It is available from https://resources.3brain.com/f1/downloads/BrainWave_Documentation_for_BRWv.%203.x_and_BXRv.%202.x_FileFormats_v1.2.0.pdf (also on web.archive.org) I don’t have distribution rights. If you prefer to remove them from here, we can do of course. I may contact 3Brain to ask for permission.
Robert Wolff comentado hai 10 meses'

I got positive answer from 3Brain to share the documentation (@samuelgarcia, you should be in CC, too). Thus, I adjusted the README and also uploaded the new version of the documentation (the git commit message includes also the relevant parts of e-mail exchange).

I got positive answer from 3Brain to share the documentation (@samuelgarcia, you should be in CC, too). Thus, I adjusted the README and also uploaded the new version of the documentation (the git commit message includes also the relevant parts of e-mail exchange).
Samuel Garcia comentado hai 10 meses'

Hi Robert . I receive the email to put also the documentation. Thanks a lot. I merge this.

Hi Robert . I receive the email to put also the documentation. Thanks a lot. I merge this.
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