#110 Additional NP files with and without SYNC channel

sprenger menggabungkan 4 komit dari NeuralEnsemble/np-sync menjadi NeuralEnsemble/master%! (template.HTML=8 bulan lalu)s

This PR includes additional NP data recorded with Open Ephys and SpikeGLX.

New files:

Open Ephys

  • v0.6.x_neuropixels_with_sync: Dataset recorded with SYNC channel enabled


NP2_data recorded with commercial version of NP2 4 shanks (probe type 2013).

  • NP2_with_sync: 385 channels, last is sync
  • NP2_no_sync: 384 channels, without sync
  • NP2_subset_with_sync: 121 channels, last is sync
This PR includes additional NP data recorded with Open Ephys and SpikeGLX. New files: ### Open Ephys - v0.6.x_neuropixels_with_sync: Dataset recorded with SYNC channel enabled ### SpikeGLX NP2_data recorded with commercial version of NP2 4 shanks (probe type 2013). - NP2_with_sync: 385 channels, last is sync - NP2_no_sync: 384 channels, without sync - NP2_subset_with_sync: 121 channels, last is sync
sprenger komentar 8 bulan lalu

Hi @alejo91! Thanks for the contribution! Everything looks good to me, I only added two commits to lock the files.

Hi @alejo91! Thanks for the contribution! Everything looks good to me, I only added two commits to lock the files.
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