#102 Add new BioCAM file format

sprenger обедини 1 ревизии от NeuralEnsemble/brainwave40 във NeuralEnsemble/master преди 1 година


As discussed here, 3Brain is switching to a newer architecture for their .brw file format, namely for compatibility with their multiwell MEAs.

This file was recorded on a BioCAM DUPLEX using Brainwave 5.

Hi, As discussed [here](https://github.com/NeuralEnsemble/python-neo/issues/1156), 3Brain is switching to a newer architecture for their .brw file format, namely for compatibility with their multiwell MEAs. This file was recorded on a BioCAM DUPLEX using Brainwave 5.
sprenger коментира преди 1 година

Hi @baptistegrimaud, thanks for providing the file and description. Looks perfect to me.

Hi @baptistegrimaud, thanks for providing the file and description. Looks perfect to me.
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