#44 Dead pull requests #32 and #33

PeterNSteinmetz tarafından 3 yıl önce kere açıldı · 2 yorum
Peter N. Steinmetz 3 yıl önce olarak yorumlandı

Both PRs #32 and #33 are generating a 500 error but are still on the pull requests page. I assume these were deleted from the history durin the history reset. Perhaps they can be removed from the database here?

Both PRs #32 and #33 are generating a 500 error but are still on the pull requests page. I assume these were deleted from the history durin the history reset. Perhaps they can be removed from the database here?
sprenger 3 yıl önce olarak yorumlandı

Hi @PeterNSteinmetz, unfortunately I don't see a way on how we can solve this as it is an server internal issue. I raised an issue with the gin developers already, see G-Node/Info#47

Hi @PeterNSteinmetz, unfortunately I don't see a way on how we can solve this as it is an server internal issue. I raised an issue with the gin developers already, see https://gin.g-node.org/G-Node/Info/issues/47
Peter N. Steinmetz 3 yıl önce olarak yorumlandı

Nothing to be done for now then. Closing.

Nothing to be done for now then. Closing.
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