Tsay_CEY_030907_0_1405022.csv 113 KB

  1. transcription,ort,xcod,exp,com,segment_onset,segment_offset,speaker_id,speaker_role,speaker_type,words,raw_filename
  2. "你 e0 小紅帽@s, 著1 無3? ","li2 e0 xiao3hong2mao4@s, tioh8 bo0?",Nh DE Nb VH T,NA,NA,1585,2856,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  3. <你 敢1 有 欲 愛2 聽> [//] 你 有 聽 過 彼1 小紅帽@s e0 故事 無3? ,<li2 kam2 u7 beh4 ai3 thiann1> [//] li2 u7 thiann1 kue3 he1 xiao3hong2mao4@s e0 koo3su7 bo0?,Nh D V_2 D D VE Nh V_2 VE Di Nep Nb DE Na T,NA,NA,4209,8296,INV,Investigator,NA,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  4. 講@s 故事@s a02. ,jiang3@s gu4shi4@s a0.,VE Na T,NA,NA,8890,10132,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  5. 沒有@s. ,mei2you3@s.,VJ,NA,NA,9990,10762,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  6. 小紅帽@s a02. ,xiao3hong2mao4@s a0.,Nb T,NA,NA,10739,11900,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  7. "我 講 彼1 小紅帽@s e0 故事@s 予2 你 聽, 好 無3? ","gua2 kong2 he1 xiao3hong2mao4@s e0 gu4shi4@s hoo7 li2 thiann1, ho2 bo0?",Nh VE Nep Nb DE Na VK Nh VE VH T,NA,NA,11764,13952,INV,Investigator,NA,11,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  8. 無愛. ,bo5ai3.,D,NA,NA,13778,14823,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  9. 無愛 oo02. ,bo5ai3 oo0.,D T,NA,NA,14959,15888,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  10. 你 無愛 聽 小紅帽@s e0 故事@s? ,li2 bo5ai3 thiann1 xiao3hong2mao4@s e0 gu4shi4@s?,Nh D VE Nb DE Na,NA,NA,15760,17258,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  11. 足 好聽 e0 ne0. ,ciok4 ho2thiann1 e0 ne0.,Dfa VH DE T,NA,NA,17009,18141,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  12. 我 無愛. ,gua2 bo5ai3.,Nh D,NA,NA,18120,19368,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  13. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,19586,20132,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  14. 毋愛 oo02? ,m7ai3 oo0?,D T,NA,NA,21304,21798,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  15. 我 講 予2 你 聽 a02. ,gua2 kong2 hoo7 li2 thiann1 a0.,Nh VE VK Nh VE T,NA,NA,21628,22841,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  16. 無愛. ,bo5ai3.,D,NA,NA,23278,24381,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  17. "無2 行1, 咱 來 你 房間. ","bo5 kiann5, lan2 lai5 li2 pang5king1.",Cbb VA Nh VA Nh Nc,NA,NA,24101,25576,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  18. 我 房間@s 有 [/] 有 玩具@s oo02. ,gua2 fang2jian1@s u7 [/] u7 wan2ju4@s oo0.,Nh Nc V_2 V_2 Na T,NA,NA,26841,29587,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  19. www. ,www.,???,making some musical sounds as uncovering something,NA,29960,31650,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  20. "ua0, 遮 濟 玩具@s. ","ua0, ciah4 cue7 wan2ju4@s.",I Dfa VH Na,NA,NA,32247,34418,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  21. 咱 來 耍 你 e0 玩具@s. ,lan2 lai5 sng2 li2 e0 wan2ju4@s.,Nh D VC Nh DE Na,NA,NA,34202,35787,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  22. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,35797,37272,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  23. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,39930,41700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  24. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,42062,43421,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  25. 來 耍 la0. ,lai5 sng2 la0.,D VC T,NA,NA,43374,44477,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  26. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,INV and CHI were playing legos,44419,45359,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  27. 我 會曉 耍 ne0. ,gua2 e7hiau2 sng2 ne0.,Nh D VC T,NA,NA,45127,46624,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  28. 這1 是 按呢 鬥. ,ce1 si7 an3ne1 tau3.,Nep SHI D VC,NA,NA,46772,47748,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  29. 欲 按怎 耍? ,beh4 an3nua2 sng2?,D D VC,NA,NA,48121,49177,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  30. 這1 是 按呢 鬥. ,ce1 si7 an3ne1 tau3.,Nep SHI D VC,NA,NA,49157,50068,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  31. "ai0io0, 這1 是 啥物貨? ","ai0io0, ce1 si7 siann2mih8hue3?",I Nep SHI Nh,NA,NA,50353,51734,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  32. 哪會 藏 佇 內底? ,nai9 chang3 ti7 lai7te2?,D VC P Ncd,NA,NA,54334,55454,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  33. 你 e0 內底 有 藏 玩具@s hoonn0? ,li2 e0 lai7te2 u7 chang3 wan2ju4@s hoonn0?,Nh DE Ncd V_2 VC Na T,NA,NA,56214,57874,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  34. 著1 無3? ,tioh8 bo0?,VH T,NA,NA,58217,58826,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  35. 無1 a03 la0. ,bo5 a0 la0.,D Di T,NA,NA,59301,60265,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  36. 無1 a03 oo02. ,bo5 a0 oo0.,D Di T,NA,NA,60839,61501,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  37. "你 看, 遮2 閣 啥物? ","li2 khuann3, cia1 koh4 siann2mih8?",Nh VC Ncd D Nep,NA,NA,61350,62627,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  38. 棉被 內底 哪會 有 這1? ,mi5phue7 lai7te2 nai9 u7 ce1?,Na Ncd D V_2 Nep,NA,NA,65609,67367,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  39. 石頭@s. ,shi2tou2@s.,Na,NA,NA,67455,68714,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  40. 石頭@s oo02. ,shi2tou2@s oo0.,Na T,NA,NA,69047,70104,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  41. 是 <我 e0 xxx> [//] 我 e0 被. ,si7 <gua2 e0 xxx> [//] gua2 e0 phue7.,SHI Nh DE ??? Nh DE Na,NA,NA,70414,72469,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  42. 你 e0 被 內底 哪會 有 石頭@s? ,li2 e0 phue7 lai7te2 nai9 u7 shi2tou2@s?,Nh DE Na Ncd D V_2 Na,NA,NA,72928,74931,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  43. 有 la0. ,u7 la0.,V_2 T,NA,NA,76168,77068,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  44. 遐 奇怪. ,hiah4 ki5kuai3.,Dfa VH,NA,NA,77651,78847,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  45. "a0, 你 e0 帽仔 我 敢1 會當 戴? ","a0, li2 e0 bo7a2 gua2 kam2 e7tang3 ti3?",I Nh DE Na Nh D D VC,NA,NA,79098,80590,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  46. 我 幫 你 戴. ,gua2 pang1 li2 ti3.,Nh P Nh VC,NA,NA,81993,83038,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  47. 好 a02. ,ho2 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,83027,83514,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  48. 你 幫 我 戴. ,li2 pang1 gua2 ti3.,Nh P Nh VC,NA,NA,83340,84199,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  49. 敢1 戴 會1 落? ,kam2 ti3 e7 lue3?,D VB[ +vrv] D VB[ +vrr],NA,NA,86132,87015,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  50. 未. ,be7.,D,NA,NA,86986,87525,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  51. "ua0, 我 e0 頭殼 傷1 大1 个. ","ua0, gua2 e0 thau5khak4 siunn1 tua7 e5.",I Nh DE Na Dfa VH Nf,NA,NA,87565,91130,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  52. 你 e0 帽仔 傷1 小 个 a03. ,li2 e0 bo7a2 siunn1 sio2 e5 a0.,Nh DE Na Dfa VH Nf Di,NA,NA,90977,92480,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  53. 戴 未 落. ,ti3 be7 lue3.,VB[ +vrv] D VB[ +vrr],NA,NA,92388,93148,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  54. 我 欲 耍 你 e0 ne0. ,gua2 beh4 sng2 li2 e0 ne0.,Nh D VC Nh DE T,NA,NA,93495,95863,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  55. 我 欲 耍 你 e0 ne0. ,gua2 beh4 sng2 li2 e0 ne0.,Nh D VC Nh DE T,NA,referring to the toys brought by INV,97518,99224,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  56. 好 a02. ,ho2 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,98667,99201,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  57. 拍 予3 開1 a02. ,phah4 hoo7 khui1 a0.,VC Comp VH T,NA,NA,100142,101048,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  58. "等@s 一下@s 我 送 你 我 e0, 好 無3? ","deng3@s yi1xia4@s gua2 sang3 li2 gua2 e0, ho2 bo0?",VC Nd Nh VD Nh Nh DE VH T,NA,CHI poured out the toys,101118,103718,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  59. 好 a02. ,ho2 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,104166,104648,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  60. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,104871,106804,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  61. hoo0. ,hoo0.,I,NA,NA,107963,108538,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  62. 還@s 有@s. ,hai2@s you3@s.,D V_2,NA,NA,108439,109263,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  63. 還@s 有@s. ,hai2@s you3@s.,D V_2,NA,NA,110053,110772,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  64. 還@s 有@s oo02. ,hai2@s you3@s oo0.,D V_2 T,NA,NA,110970,111666,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  65. 有 紮 冰箱 無3? ,u7 cah4 ping1siunn1 bo0?,V_2 VC Na T,NA,NA,112390,114392,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  66. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,114741,115077,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  67. 紮 冰箱 a02. ,cah4 ping1siunn1 a0.,VC Na T,NA,NA,115071,116041,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  68. 你 有 看著 a02. ,li2 u7 khuann3tioh8 a0.,Nh V_2 VE T,NA,NA,116169,116999,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  69. 這1 敢1 是 冰箱? ,ce1 kam2 si7 ping1siunn1?,Nep D SHI Na,NA,NA,116941,117922,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  70. 是 無3? ,si7 bo0?,SHI T,NA,NA,118334,118821,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  71. www. ,www.,???,pretended to laugh,NA,119938,120454,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  72. 冰箱 hoonn0. ,ping1siunn1 hoonn0.,Na T,NA,NA,120396,121331,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  73. "a0, 咱 足 久 無1 耍 敲電話. ","a0, lan2 ciok4 ku2 bo5 sng2 kha3tian7ue7.",I Nh Dfa VH D VC VB,NA,NA,122945,124738,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  74. 恁 e0 電話 會當 提 來 耍 無3? ,lin2 e0 tian7ue7 e7tang3 theh8 lai5 sng2 bo0?,Nh DE Na D VC D VC T,NA,NA,124669,126335,INV,Investigator,NA,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  75. 咱 來 耍 敲電話 a02. ,lan2 lai5 sng2 kha3tian7ue7 a0.,Nh D VC VB T,NA,NA,126919,128550,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  76. 你 有 +/. ,li2 u7 +/.,Nh V_2,NA,NA,129633,130457,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  77. 你 無1 耍 oo02. ,li2 bo5 sng2 oo0.,Nh D VC T,NA,NA,129766,130707,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  78. 我 無1 電話 a02. ,gua2 bo5 tian7ue7 a0.,Nh VJ Na T,NA,NA,130939,131966,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  79. 我 無 彼1 玩具@s e0 電話. ,gua2 bu5 he1 wan2ju4@s e0 tian7ue7.,Nh VJ Nep Na DE Na,NA,NA,131738,133317,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  80. 你 敢1 是 有 [/] 有 彼1 玩具@s e0 +/. ,li2 kam2 si7 u7 [/] u7 he1 wan2ju4@s e0 +/.,Nh D SHI V_2 V_2 Nep Na DE,NA,NA,134171,136708,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  81. 佇 客廳@s. ,ti7 ke4ting1@s.,VCL Nc,NA,NA,136412,137648,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  82. 佇 遐1 a02. ,ti7 hia1 a0.,VCL Ncd T,NA,NA,137906,139613,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  83. 客廳@s a02. ,ke4ting1@s a0.,Nc T,NA,NA,139439,140310,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  84. 你 去 提 a02. ,li2 khi3 theh8 a0.,Nh D VC T,NA,NA,140159,141215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  85. 客廳@s oo02? ,ke4ting1@s oo0?,Nc T,NA,NA,141772,142562,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  86. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,142481,143131,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  87. 你 去 提. ,li2 khi3 theh8.,Nh D VC,NA,NA,143142,144013,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  88. 我 曷 知影 你 囥 佇 客廳@s 佗位? ,gua2 ah8 cai1iann2 li2 khng3 ti7 ke4ting1@s to2ui7?,Nh D VK Nh VC P Nc Ncd,NA,NA,144125,146052,INV,Investigator,NA,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  89. <佇 內1> [//] 遐1 內底 a02. ,<ti7 lai7> [//] hia1 lai7te2 a0.,VCL Ncd Ncd Ncd T,NA,NA,146488,149274,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  90. 提起來 a03. ,theh8khi2lai5 a0.,VB Di,NA,NA,149260,150345,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  91. 好 a03. ,ho2 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,150238,150806,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  92. 好 la0. ,ho2 la0.,VH T,NA,NA,151493,151882,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  93. 彼1le0 我 今仔2 欲 用. ,he1le0 gua2 cim2a2 beh4 iong7.,Nep Nh Nd D VC,NA,NA,151841,152857,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  94. 你 欲 食 啥物? ,li2 beh4 ciah8 siann2mih8?,Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,153655,155617,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  95. m0 你 會曉 煮 啥物? ,m0 li2 e7hiau2 cu2 siann2mih8?,I Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,156255,158287,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  96. 咧 煮 馬桶@s. ,teh4 cu2 ma3tong3@s.,D VC Na,NA,NA,158952,160973,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  97. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,160949,162319,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  98. 煮 馬桶@s. ,cu2 ma3tong3@s.,VC Na,NA,NA,162344,163099,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  99. "來, 你 頭拄仔 哪會 無1 去 馬桶@s 遐1 放尿? ","lai5, li2 tha5tu2a2 nai9 bo5 khi3 ma3tong3@s hia1 pang3jio7?",VA Nh Nd D D VCL Na Ncd VA,NA,NA,163285,166768,INV,Investigator,NA,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  100. 哪會 佇 外口? ,nai9 ti7 gua7khau2?,D VCL Ncd,NA,NA,166582,167789,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  101. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,169566,170111,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  102. 你@s [//] 這@s 是@s 馬桶@s. ,ni3@s [//] zhe4@s shi4@s ma3tong3@s.,Nh Nep SHI Na,NA,NA,169937,172294,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  103. 等@s 一下@s 要@s 尿尿@s 的@s. ,deng3@s yi1xia4@s yao4@s niao4niao4@s de0@s.,VC Nd D VA DE,NA,NA,172164,173673,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  104. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,173998,174602,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  105. a01 這2le0 le02? ,a0 cit4e0 le0?,Dk Nep T 175747_177071,NA,NA,175124,175879,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  106. 你 有 啥物? ,li2 u7 siann2mih8?,Nh V_2 Nep,NA,NA,177698,179219,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  107. 我 無1 啥物. ,gua2 bo5 siann2mih8.,Nh VJ Nep,NA,NA,179404,180565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  108. 你 無1 啥物 oo02. ,li2 bo5 siann2mih8 oo0.,Nh VJ Nep T,NA,NA,180774,181773,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  109. 我 有 +... ,gua2 u7 +...,Nh V_2,NA,NA,181622,183096,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  110. 我 欲 +/. ,gua2 beh4 +/.,Nh VC,NA,NA,183387,184037,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  111. 有 菜菜@s 爾爾1. ,u7 cai4cai4@s nia9.,V_2 Na T,NA,NA,183388,184977,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  112. 我 欲 食 綠豆湯. ,gua2 beh4 ciah8 lik8tau7thng1.,Nh D VC Na,NA,NA,184917,187146,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  113. 沒@s 有@s. ,mei2@s you3@s.,D V_2,NA,NA,187297,187947,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  114. ai0io0. ,ai0io0.,I,NA,NA,188133,188516,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  115. a01 你 e0 鼻仔 是 按怎? ,a0 li2 e0 phinn7a2 si7 an3cuann2?,Dk Nh DE Na SHI VH,NA,NA,188400,189665,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  116. 沒@s 有@s. ,mei2@s you3@s.,D V_2,NA,NA,189758,190374,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  117. <你 e0 鼻仔 哪會 流血> [>]? ,<li2 e0 phinn7a2 nai9 lau5hueh4> [>]?,Nh DE Na D VA,NA,NA,190699,192498,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  118. <我 欲 耍 這1> [<]. ,<gua2 beh4 sng2 ce1> [<].,Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,190792,192173,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  119. 我 欲 耍 這1. ,gua2 beh4 sng2 ce1.,Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,192429,193903,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  120. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,194333,195018,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  121. a01 你 愛2 共我 講 oo02. ,a0 li2 ai3 ka9 kong2 oo0.,Dk Nh D P VE T,NA,NA,199580,200776,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  122. 講 內底 有 啥物 oo02. ,kong2 lai7te2 u7 siann2mih8 oo0.,VE Ncd V_2 Nep T,NA,NA,200590,201995,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  123. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,203740,205284,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  124. "倒2起來, 好 無3? ","to3khi2lai5, ho2 bo0?",VB VH T,NA,NA,205783,206666,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  125. 好 a02. ,ho2 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,206550,207130,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  126. 倒2落來. ,to3loh8lai5.,VB,NA,NA,208709,209510,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  127. 倒2出來. ,to3chut4lai5.,VB,NA,NA,209578,210391,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  128. 我 愛2 這1. ,gua2 ai3 ce1.,Nh VJ Nep,NA,NA,210716,211842,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  129. 你 欲 這1 oo02. ,li2 beh4 ce1 oo0.,Nh VC Nep T,NA,NA,212144,212968,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  130. 這1 是 啥物 菜@s? ,ce1 si7 siann2mih8 cai4@s?,Nep SHI Nep Na,NA,NA,214407,216044,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  131. 還@s 有@s. ,hai2@s you3@s.,D V_2,NA,NA,216683,217832,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  132. 這1 是 啥物 a02? ,ce1 si7 siann2mih8 a0?,Nep SHI Nep T,NA,NA,218298,219784,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  133. 彼1 拍開 a02. ,he1 phah4khui1 a0.,Nep VC T,NA,NA,220622,223490,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  134. 遮2 a02. ,cia1 a0.,Ncd T,NA,NA,224382,224916,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  135. 這2 爿. ,cit4 ping5.,Nep Ncd,NA,NA,224695,225473,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  136. 無愛 看. ,bo5ai3 khuann3.,D VC,NA,NA,226228,227493,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  137. 你 無愛 看 oo02. ,li2 bo5ai3 khuann3 oo0.,Nh D VC T,NA,NA,227423,228306,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  138. 我 欲 提 蛋蛋@s. ,gua2 beh4 theh8 dan4dan4@s.,Nh D VC Na,NA,NA,229064,231119,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  139. 蛋蛋@s 愛2 囥 咧1 遮2 hoonn0. ,dan4dan4@s ai3 khng3 teh4 cia1 hoonn0.,Na D VC P Ncd T,NA,NA,231433,233093,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  140. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,233429,234033,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  141. 這@s 是@s 會使 提. ,zhe4@s shi4@s e7sai2 theh8.,Nep SHI D VC,NA,NA,234080,235670,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  142. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,238778,239555,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  143. "你 看, 伊 彼1 冰箱 嘛 有 戴 帽仔 ne0. ","li2 khuann3, i1 he1 ping1siunn1 ma7 u7 ti3 bo7a2 ne0.",Nh VC Nh Nep Na D V_2 VC Na T,NA,NA,239660,241750,INV,Investigator,NA,10,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  144. www. ,www.,???,pretending eating,NA,241808,244141,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  145. 食 冰棒@s. ,ciah8 bing1bang4@s.,VC Na,NA,NA,244884,245918,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  146. 蓋2 le01. ,kham3 le0.,VC Di/T,NA,NA,247698,248917,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  147. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,248975,249474,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  148. 這1 +//. ,ce1 +//.,Nep,NA,NA,250321,250786,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  149. 阿媽. ,a1ma2.,Na,NA,NA,250658,251413,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  150. 蓋2 le01. ,kham3 le0.,VC Di/T,NA,NA,251568,252984,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  151. "oo0, 彼2le0 你 紮來 e0. ","oo0, hit4e0 li2 cah4lai5 e0.",I Nep Nh VC DE,NA,NA,253425,254412,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  152. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,254917,255405,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  153. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,255814,256145,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  154. 我 欲 做1 這1 a03. ,gua2 beh4 co3 ce1 a0.,Nh D VC Nep Di,NA,NA,256833,257936,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  155. 彼1 啥物? ,he1 siann2mih8?,Nep Nep,NA,NA,258249,259004,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  156. 你 欲 食 啥物? ,li2 beh4 ciah8 siann2mih8?,Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,258389,259666,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  157. 我 欲 食 彼1. ,gua2 beh4 ciah8 he1.,Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,259550,260467,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  158. 彼1 啥物? ,he1 siann2mih8?,Nep Nep,NA,NA,261339,262105,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  159. bo5. ,bo5.,VJ,NA,NA,261804,262442,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  160. "彼1 花菜 a02, 著1 無3? ","he1 hue1chai3 a0, tioh8 bo0?",Nep Na T VH T,NA,NA,263197,265960,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  161. <阮 有> [//] 兜 有 這1 爾爾1. ,<gun2 u7> [//] tau1 u7 ce1 nia9.,Nh V_2 Nc V_2 Nep T,NA,NA,266773,268457,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  162. 彼1 啥物? ,he1 siann2mih8?,Nep Nep,NA,NA,268816,269931,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  163. 毋 知影. ,m7 cai1iann2.,D VK,NA,NA,270325,270999,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  164. enn0 薑. ,enn0 kiunn1.,I Na,NA,NA,271312,272729,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  165. 你 欲 食 薑 無3? ,li2 beh4 ciah8 kiunn1 bo0?,Nh D VC Na T,NA,NA,273381,274669,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  166. 薑 食落 會1 按怎? ,kiunn1 ciah8lue3 e7 an3nua2?,Na VB D VH,NA,NA,274948,276155,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  167. "馦馦, 是 無3? ","hiam1hiam1, si7 bo0?",VH SHI T,NA,NA,277831,279689,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  168. 足 馦 足 馦 e0 hoonn0? ,ciok4 hiam1 ciok4 hiam1 e0 hoonn0?,Dfa VH Dfa VH DE T,NA,NA,281271,282647,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  169. 這1 是 啥物? ,ce1 si7 siann2mih8?,Nep SHI Nep,NA,referring to the toy bathtub,284901,286434,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  170. "m0, 這1 是 按呢. ","m0, ce1 si7 an3ne1.",I Nep SHI VH,NA,NA,287072,288280,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  171. 囥 按呢. ,khng3 an3ne1.,VC VH,NA,NA,288187,288872,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  172. a01 遮2 會當 漏1水 a02. ,a0 cia1 e7tang3 lau3cui2 a0.,Dk Ncd D VA T,NA,NA,288860,290277,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  173. 漏1水 會當 按怎? ,lau3cui2 e7tang3 an3nua2?,VA D VH,NA,NA,291449,292726,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  174. 這1 欲 創 啥 e0? ,ce1 beh4 chong3 siann2 e0?,Nep D VC Nh DE,NA,NA,293039,294409,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  175. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,295594,296151,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  176. <坐 飛機@s www> [/] <坐 飛機@s www> [/] <坐 飛機@s www> [/] <坐 飛機@s www> [/] 坐 飛機@s www. ,<ce7 fei1ji1@s www> [/] <ce7 fei1ji1@s www> [/] <ce7 fei1ji1@s www> [/] <ce7 fei1ji1@s www> [/] ce7 fei1ji1@s www.,VA Na ??? VA Na ??? VA Na ??? VA Na ??? VA Na ???,NA,"INV and GRM wanted CHI to see the picture cards, but CHI was still playing with the toys",296393,307256,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  177. 我 看 這1 是 啥物? ,gua2 khuann3 ce1 si7 siann2mih8?,Nh VE Nep SHI Nep,NA,NA,308223,309471,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  178. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,308532,309451,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  179. "oo0, 這1 咱 嘛 有 ne0. ","oo0, ce1 lan2 ma7 u7 ne0.",I Nep Nh D V_2 T,NA,NA,309463,310893,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  180. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,311460,312017,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  181. 恁 兜 有 種2 無3? ,lin2 tau1 u7 cing3 bo0?,Nh Nc V_2 VC T,NA,NA,311461,312420,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  182. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,312239,312648,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  183. 有. ,u7.,V_2,NA,NA,312567,312863,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  184. 這1 咱 有 種2 oo02. ,ce1 lan2 u7 cing3 oo0.,Nep Nh V_2 VC T,NA,NA,313227,314140,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  185. 你 來 看. ,li2 lai5 khuann3.,Nh D VC,NA,NA,314026,314637,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  186. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,315145,316185,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  187. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,315299,315916,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  188. 是 佇 阿公 遐1. ,si7 ti7 a1kong1 hia1.,SHI P Na Ncd,NA,NA,316547,318259,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  189. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,318393,318782,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  190. 要@s 尿尿@s 囉@s. ,yao4@s niao4niao4@s luo0@s.,D VA T,NA,NA,319296,320732,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  191. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,321112,321855,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  192. 尿尿@s 囉@s. ,niao4niao4@s luo0@s.,VA T,NA,NA,321934,323062,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  193. 要@s 尿尿@s. ,yao4@s niao4niao4@s.,D VA,NA,NA,323670,324966,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  194. 它@s 要@s 尿尿@s. ,ta1@s yao4@s niao4niao4@s.,Nh D VA,NA,NA,324919,326140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  195. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,325798,327335,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  196. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,327389,327966,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  197. 尿尿@s. ,niao4niao4@s.,VA,NA,NA,329553,330164,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  198. "siu0, 坐 le01. ","siu0, ce7 le0.",D VA Di/T,NA,NA,330110,331768,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  199. 恁 兜 +... ,lin2 tau1 +...,Nh Nc,NA,NA,332070,332514,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  200. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,332479,332846,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  201. "oo0, 足 濟 項. ","oo0, cok4 ce7 hang7.",I Dfa VH Nf,NA,NA,332480,333467,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  202. 這1 +/. ,ce1 +/.,Nep,NA,NA,333433,333746,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  203. "e01, 恁 兜 有 種2 這1 無3, hannh02, 阿穎? ","e0, lin2 tau1 u7 cing3 ce1 bo0, hannh0, a1ying3?",I Nh Nc V_2 VC Nep T T Nb,NA,NA,333434,334872,INV,Investigator,NA,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  204. "a0, 有 oo02. ","a0, u7 oo0.",I V_2 T,NA,NA,335058,335754,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  205. 有. ,u7.,V_2,NA,NA,335865,336386,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  206. 這1 啥物 a02? ,ce1 siann2mih8 a0?,Nep Nep T,NA,NA,337075,337638,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  207. <種2 佇 佗位> [>]? ,<cing3 ti7 to2ui7> [>]?,VC P Ncd,NA,NA,337929,338654,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  208. <我 毋 知影> [<]. ,<gua2 m7 cai1iann2> [<].,Nh D VK,NA,NA,337958,338834,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  209. 菜瓜 a02. ,chai3kue1 a0.,Na T,NA,NA,339873,340732,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  210. 菜瓜 佇 後壁 pa0. ,chai3kue1 ti7 au7piah4 pa0.,Na VCL Ncd T,NA,NA,341057,342764,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  211. 菜瓜 佇 後壁 oo02. ,chai3kue1 ti7 au7piah4 oo0.,Na VCL Ncd T,NA,NA,343329,344359,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  212. 咱 想欲 騎車 來. ,lan2 siunn7beh4 khia5chia1 lai5.,Nh VE VA VA,NA,NA,345092,346932,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  213. 這1 啥物? ,ce1 siann2mih8?,Nep Nep,NA,NA,348318,349578,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  214. 你 有 紮 洗衫機 無3? ,li2 u7 cah4 se2sann1ki1 bo0?,Nh V_2 VC Na T,NA,NA,350435,352060,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  215. henn0 [>]. ,henn0 [>].,I,NA,NA,352027,352910,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  216. 彼1 洗衫仔機. ,he1 se2sann1a2ki1.,Nep Na,NA,NA,352062,353113,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  217. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,352852,353362,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  218. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,353049,353386,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  219. hoo0. ,hoo0.,I,NA,NA,353339,353722,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  220. "oo0, 去 予1 你 臆著. ","oo0, khi3 hoo7 li2 ioh4tioh8.",I D P Nh VE,NA,NA,353345,354343,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  221. 巧 [/] 巧 [/] 巧. ,khiau2 [/] khiau2 [/] khiau2.,VH VH VH,NA,NA,354707,355938,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  222. 欲 洗 衣服@s a03. ,beh4 se2 yi1fu2@s a0.,D VC Na Di,NA,NA,357421,359087,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  223. e01. ,e0.,I,NA,NA,359383,359923,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  224. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,359690,360091,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  225. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,361028,361626,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  226. 你 洗 衣服@s 哪會 洗 人1? ,li2 se2 yi1fu2@s nai9 se2 lang5?,Nh VC Na D VC Na,NA,NA,361586,363118,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  227. 馬桶@s oo02. ,ma3tong3@s oo0.,Na T,NA,NA,361812,362903,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  228. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,363655,363957,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  229. 彼1 你 e0 馬桶@s hioo02? ,he1 li2 e0 ma3tong3@s hioo0?,Nep Nh DE Na T,NA,NA,365702,366753,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  230. "hannh02, 敢1 是? ","hannh0, kam2 si7?",T D SHI,NA,NA,368557,369242,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  231. 洗 a03. ,se2 a0.,VC Di,NA,NA,371741,372252,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  232. 予2 伊. ,hoo7 i1.,VD Nh,NA,NA,372362,372960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  233. "ho0, 你 洗 a03. ","ho0, li2 se2 a0.",I Nh VC Di,NA,NA,372815,373558,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  234. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,373901,374412,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  235. 我 欲 xxx. ,gua2 beh4 xxx.,Nh VC ???,NA,NA,374929,376119,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  236. 這1 是@s 啥物? ,ce1 shi4@s siann2mih8?,Nep SHI Nep,NA,NA,377403,379006,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  237. 彼1 [/] 彼1 是 洗衫機 e0 蓋3 a02. ,he1 [/] he1 si7 se2sann1ki1 e0 kua3 a0.,Nep Nep SHI Na DE Na T,NA,NA,379975,383365,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  238. 彼1 本來 是 蓋2 佇 遮2 e0. ,he1 pun2lai5 si7 kham3 ti7 cia1 e0.,Nep D SHI VC P Ncd DE,NA,NA,384670,386093,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  239. 蓋2 未 落 ne0. ,kham3 be7 lue3 ne0.,VB[ +vrv] D VB[ +vrr] T,NA,NA,388517,390107,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  240. 彼1 是 啥物? ,he1 si7 siann2mih8?,Nep SHI Nep,NA,referring to a toy for washing hands,391033,392241,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  241. 這1 這1 [/] 這1 遮2 捘落 就 有 水1 a02. ,ce1 ce1 [/] ce1 cia1 cun7lue3 to7 u7 cui2 a0.,Nep Nep Nep Ncd VB D V_2 Na T,NA,NA,392903,397129,INV,Investigator,NA,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  242. a01 你 會當 +/. ,a0 li2 e7tang3 +/.,Dk Nh D,NA,NA,397057,397881,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  243. 洗面 a02. ,se2bin7 a0.,VA T,NA,NA,397399,398345,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  244. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,398304,398774,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  245. 洗面槽. ,se2bin7co5.,Nc,NA,NA,398310,398797,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  246. 這1 a02. ,ce1 a0.,Nep T,NA,NA,398854,399591,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  247. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,399673,400033,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  248. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,399766,400305,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  249. 洗手 洗面 a02. ,se2chiu2 se2bin7 a0.,VA VA T,NA,NA,400753,402280,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  250. 這1 拿去@s 買@s 東西@s. ,ce1 na2qu4@s mai3@s dong1xi1@s.,Nep VC VC Na,NA,NA,402793,404657,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  251. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,405385,405704,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  252. 彼1 會當 拿去@s 買@s 東西@s. ,he1 e7tang3 na2qu4@s mai3@s dong1xi1@s.,Nep D VC VC Na,NA,NA,405386,407398,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  253. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,406138,406440,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  254. 彼1 籃仔 會用e0 去 買@s 東西@s. ,he1 na5a2 e7ing7e0 khi3 mai3@s dong1xi1@s.,Nep Na D D VC Na,NA,NA,406188,407784,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  255. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,407731,407978,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  256. 我 共 你 買 冰淇淋@s 好 a03. ,gua2 ka7 li2 be2 bing1qi2lin2@s ho2 a0.,Nh P Nh VC Na VH Di,NA,NA,408401,410352,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  257. 無愛. ,bo5ai3.,D,NA,NA,410806,411308,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  258. 無愛. ,bo5ai3.,D,NA,NA,411730,412116,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  259. 買 可口可樂@s. ,be2 ke3kou3ke3le4@s.,VC Na,NA,NA,412577,413715,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  260. 好 無3? ,ho2 bo0?,VH T,NA,NA,415471,415758,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  261. 我 欲 這1 一@s 個@s 物件. ,gua2 beh4 ce1 yi1@s ge0@s mih8kiann7.,Nh VC Nep Neu Nf Na,NA,NA,416718,418744,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  262. 我 去 客廳@s 提 一@s 個@s 物件. ,gua2 khi3 ke4ting1@s theh8 yi1@s ge0@s mih8kiann7.,Nh VCL Nc VC Neu Nf Na,NA,NA,419064,421038,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  263. hm0? ,hm0?,I,NA,NA,421363,421984,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  264. 欲 提 啥物 物件? ,beh4 theh8 sann2mih8 mih8kiann7?,D VC Nep Na,NA,NA,421364,422257,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  265. 欲 提 啥物 a02? ,beh4 theh8 siann2mih8 a0?,D VC Nep T,NA,NA,421926,422948,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  266. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,424717,425547,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  267. "oo0, <伊 嘛> [/] 伊 嘛 感冒 甲1 鼻1 [/] 鼻仔 攏 痛 甲2. ","oo0, <i1 ma7> [/] i1 ma7 kam2moo7 kah4 phinn7 [/] phinn7a2 long2 thiann3 kah8.",I Nh D Nh D VH Comp Na Na Neqa VH T,NA,NA,426009,429730,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  268. 你 看 鼻空 一1 爿 按呢 強欲 塞 le01. ,li2 khuann3 phinn7khang1 cit8 ping5 an3ne1 kiong5beh4 sat4 le0.,Nh VE Na Neu Ncd VH D VC Di/T,NA,NA,430016,431705,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  269. a01 伊 [/] 伊 這2le0 +... ,a0 i1 [/] i1 cit4e0 +...,Dk Nh Nh Nep,NA,NA,431907,432917,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  270. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,433010,433347,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  271. "+, 鼻空 遐1 哪會 +/. ","+, phinn7khang1 hia1 nai9 +/.",Na Ncd D,NA,NA,433097,433881,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  272. 彼1 一1 空 e0 la0. ,he1 cit8 khang1 e0 la0.,Nep Neu VH DE T,NA,NA,433811,434595,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  273. 拿到@s 囉@s. ,na2dao4@s luo0@s.,VC T,NA,NA,434519,435965,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  274. "oo0, 這1 啥物 a02? ","oo0, ce1 siann2mih8 a0?",I Nep Nep T,NA,NA,435969,437838,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  275. 這1 是 我 e0. ,ce1 si7 gua2 e0.,Nep SHI Nh DE,NA,NA,437759,438752,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  276. 你 e0 啥? ,li2 e0 siann2?,Nh DE Nh,NA,NA,439091,439858,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  277. 這1 啥物? ,ce1 siann2mih8?,Nep Nep,NA,NA,439800,440316,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  278. 啥物 人1 做1 e0? ,sann2mih8 lang5 co3 e0?,Nep Na VC DE,NA,NA,440287,441181,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  279. 這1 是 阮 媽媽 做1. ,ce1 si7 guan2 ma9ma9 co3.,Nep SHI Nh Na VC,NA,referring to a rope made of rubber bins,441373,443823,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  280. <毋 是> [/] 毋 是 盈蘭@s oo02? ,<m7 si7> [/] m7 si7 ying2lan2@s oo0?,D SHI D SHI Nb T,NA,NA,444038,445571,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  281. hannh02? ,hannh0?,T,NA,NA,447366,447860,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  282. 我 閣 有 一1 个 物件 phang3kian3去. ,gua2 koh4 u7 cit8 e5 mih8kiann7 phang3kian3khi3.,Nh D V_2 Neu Nf Na VH,NA,NA,448641,450789,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  283. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,451811,452612,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  284. 閣 有 啥物 物件? ,koh4 u7 sann2mih8 mih8kiann7?,D V_2 Nep Na,NA,NA,452310,453378,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  285. 我 有 <一1 个> [/] 一1 个 物件 phang3kian3去. ,gua2 u7 <cit8 e5> [/] cit8 e5 mih8kiann7 phang3kian3khi3.,Nh V_2 Neu Nf Neu Nf Na VH,NA,NA,453687,456375,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  286. 按呢 oo02. ,an3ne1 oo0.,VH T,NA,NA,456905,457375,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  287. phang3kian3 a03 oo02. ,phang3kian3 a0 oo0.,VH Di T,NA,NA,457102,457891,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  288. 是 按怎 phang3kian3 a03? ,si7 an3nua2 phang3kian3 a0?,SHI D VH Di,NA,NA,458837,460125,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  289. <揣著 a03> [/] 揣著 a03. ,<chue7tioh8 a0> [/] chue7tioh8 a0.,VC Di VC Di,NA,NA,460537,461751,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  290. <你 這1> [/] 你 這1 欲 按怎 耍 hannh02? ,<li2 ce1> [/] li2 ce1 beh4 an3nua2 sng2 hannh0?,Nh Nep Nh Nep D D VC T,NA,NA,461997,463675,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  291. 你 共 我 教. ,li2 ka7 gua2 ka3.,Nh P Nh VC,NA,NA,463601,464373,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  292. 我 未曉. ,gua2 be7hiau2.,Nh VJ,NA,NA,464555,465437,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  293. 你 未曉 oo02. ,li2 be7hiau2 oo0.,Nh VJ T,NA,NA,465628,466365,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  294. 這1 是 +/. ,ce1 si7 +/.,Nep SHI,NA,NA,467073,467520,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  295. 我 遐1 有. ,gua2 hia1 u7.,Nh Ncd V_2,NA,NA,467237,468061,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  296. 盈蘭@s [/] 盈蘭@s in1 提 彼1 耍 啥物? ,ying2lan2@s [/] ying2lan2@s in1 theh8 he1 sng2 siann2mih8?,Nb Nb Nh VC Nep VC Nep,NA,NA,468625,470663,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  297. 這1 按呢. ,ce1 an3ne1.,Nep VH,NA,NA,471965,472673,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  298. "oo0, 跳@s. ","oo0, tiao4@s.",I VA,NA,NA,473229,474054,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  299. "oo0, 跳@s [/] 跳@s [/] 跳@s e0 hoonn0. ","oo0, tiao4@s [/] tiao4@s [/] tiao4@s e0 hoonn0.",I VA VA VA DE T,NA,NA,473861,476212,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  300. hm0. ,hm0.,I,NA,NA,476189,476415,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  301. "a0, 彼1 xxx oo02. ","a0, he1 xxx oo0.",I Nep ??? T,NA,NA,479166,480181,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  302. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,480594,480994,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  303. 彼1 按呢 xxx oo02. ,he1 an3ne1 xxx oo0.,Nep VH ??? T,NA,NA,480925,481801,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  304. a01 你 講 提 這1 啥物 玩具@s? ,a0 li2 kong2 theh8 ce1 siann2mih8 wan2ju4@s?,Dk Nh VE VC Nep Nep Na,NA,NA,482387,484303,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  305. 來@s 了@s. ,lai2@s le0@s.,VA T,NA,NA,484474,485101,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  306. 來@s 囉@s. ,lai2@s luo0@s.,VA T,NA,NA,484985,485832,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  307. a01 你 這1 是 啥? ,a0 li2 ce1 si7 siann2?,Dk Nh Nep SHI Nh,NA,NA,485924,486958,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  308. 溜溜球@s. ,liu1liu1qiu2@s.,Na,NA,NA,488118,489250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  309. "oo0, 這1 溜溜球@s oo02. ","oo0, ce1 liu1liu1qiu2@s oo0.",I Nep Na T,NA,NA,489516,490491,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  310. "你 耍 予2 我 看, 好 無3? ","li2 sng2 hoo7 gua2 khuann3, ho2 bo0?",Nh VC VK Nh VC VH T,NA,NA,490481,491532,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  311. 欲 按怎 耍? ,beh4 an3nua2 sng2?,D D VC,NA,NA,491468,492257,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  312. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,492434,493125,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  313. "oo0, <跤1 會1 痛> [/] 跤1 會1 痛. ","oo0, <kha1 e7 thiann3> [/] kha1 e7 thiann3.",I Na D VH Na D VH,NA,NA,492486,493914,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  314. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,494113,494403,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  315. 未 a02. ,be7 a0.,D T,NA,NA,494757,495326,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  316. 跤1 去 蹔1著 遐2 e0 玩具@s. ,kha1 khi3 cam3tioh8 hia1 e0 wan2ju4@s.,Na D VC Neqa DE Na,NA,NA,494758,496193,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  317. 未 痛. ,be7 thiann3.,D VH,NA,NA,495729,496716,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  318. 未 痛 oo02. ,be7 thiann3 oo0.,D VH T,NA,NA,497029,497691,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  319. 未 痛 a02. ,be7 thiann3 a0.,D VH T,NA,NA,497394,498241,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  320. 未 痛 oo02. ,be7 thiann3 oo0.,D VH T,NA,NA,498224,498984,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  321. 我 閣 有 一1 个 兩1 个 玩具@s la0. ,gua2 koh4 u7 cit8 e5 nng7 e5 wan2ju4@s la0.,Nh D V_2 Neu Nf Neu Nf Na T,NA,NA,498699,501357,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  322. 閣 有 啥物 玩具@s? ,koh4 u7 siann2mih8 wan2ju4@s?,D V_2 Nep Na,NA,NA,502853,503892,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  323. 這1. ,ce1.,Nep,NA,NA,503076,503627,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  324. <揣著 a03> [/] 揣著 a03. ,<chue7tioh8 a0> [/] chue7tioh8 a0.,VC Di VC Di,NA,NA,504215,504726,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  325. 揣著 a03. ,chue7tioh8 a0.,VC Di,NA,NA,505034,505580,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  326. "oo0, xxx. ","oo0, xxx.",I ???,NA,NA,505102,507476,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  327. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,507934,508161,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  328. 我 有 一1 个 玩具@s. ,gua2 u7 cit8 e5 wan2ju4@s.,Nh V_2 Neu Nf Na,NA,NA,508691,509899,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  329. 你 提來 遮2 耍 la0. ,li2 theh8lai5 cia1 sng2 la0.,Nh VB Ncd VC T,NA,NA,510551,511625,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  330. 你 提去 遐1 我 a7 耍 未 著 a02. ,li2 theh8khi3 hia1 gua2 a7 sng2 be7 tioh8 a0.,Nh VB Ncd Nh D VC[ +vrv] D VC[ +vrr] T,NA,NA,511532,513459,INV,Investigator,NA,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  331. 我 有 一1 个 溜溜球@s. ,gua2 u7 cit8 e5 liu1liu1qiu2@s.,Nh V_2 Neu Nf Na,NA,NA,514163,516810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  332. hoonn01. ,hoonn0.,I,NA,NA,516629,517407,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  333. "oo0, 你 e0 溜溜球@s 哪會 遐 濟 个? ","oo0, li2 e0 liu1liu1qiu2@s nai9 hiah4 ce7 e5?",I Nh DE Na D Dfa VH Nf,NA,NA,516924,518590,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  334. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,518748,519421,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  335. "予2 我 一1 个, 好 無3? ","hoo7 gua2 cit8 e5, ho2 bo0?",VD Nh Neu Nf VH T,NA,NA,519686,520649,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  336. 無愛. ,bo5ai3.,D,NA,NA,521011,521528,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  337. 是按怎? ,si7an3cuann2?,D,NA,NA,521895,522580,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  338. 你 有 兩1 个 a02. ,li2 u7 nng7 e5 a0.,Nh V_2 Neu Nf T,NA,NA,522476,523259,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  339. a01 你 一1 个 予2 我 a02. ,a0 li2 cit8 e5 hoo7 gua2 a0.,Dk Nh Neu Nf VD Nh T,NA,NA,523184,524333,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  340. 好 無3? ,ho2 bo0?,VH T,NA,NA,525244,525656,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  341. www. ,www.,???,"making ""ha-ha"" laughing sounds",NA,525781,528260,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  342. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,528179,528707,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  343. 啥物 a02? ,siann2mih8 a0?,Nep T,NA,NA,528707,529444,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  344. a01 你 一1 个 予2 我 a02. ,a0 li2 cit8 e5 hoo7 gua2 a0.,Dk Nh Neu Nf VD Nh T,NA,NA,530046,531010,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  345. 你 遐 濟 个. ,li2 hiah4 ce7 e5.,Nh Dfa VH Nf,NA,NA,530946,531660,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  346. "阿穎 a02, 你 欲 去 佗? ","a1ying3 a0, li2 beh4 khi3 tah4?",Nb T Nh D VCL Ncd,NA,NA,532516,534316,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  347. 提 [/] 提 電話 la0. ,theh8 [/] theh8 tian7ue7 la0.,VC VC Na T,NA,NA,535504,537135,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  348. 你 遮2 毋 是 有 一1 个? ,li2 cia1 m7 si7 u7 cit8 e5?,Nh Ncd D SHI V_2 Neu Nf,NA,NA,537245,538528,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  349. 彼2 个 彼2 款 e0 廳 共 鉸掉 e0. ,hit4 e5 hit4 khuan2 e0 thiann1 ka7 ka1tiau7 e0.,Nep Nf Nep Nf DE Nc P VC DE,NA,NA,540721,543147,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  350. 閣 有 一1 个 a02. ,koh4 u7 cit8 e5 a0.,D V_2 Neu Nf T,NA,NA,545443,546389,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  351. 無1 彼2 个 聽 e0. ,bo5 hit4 e5 thiann1 e0.,VJ Nep Nf VE DE,NA,NA,546201,547188,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  352. www. ,www.,???,singing,NA,547140,549398,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  353. 去 共 鉸鉸掉 a03. ,khi3 ka7 ka1ka1tiau7 a0.,D P VB Di,NA,NA,548717,549761,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  354. www. ,www.,???,singing,NA,549569,552314,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  355. hoo0. ,hoo0.,I,NA,NA,551782,552536,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  356. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,552436,552773,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  357. 咱 來 耍 敲電話 he02. ,lan2 lai5 sng2 kha3tian7ue7 he0.,Nh D VC VB T,NA,NA,553276,554686,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  358. 欲 耍 爸爸 媽媽 彼1. ,beh4 sng2 pa1pa1 ma9ma9 he1.,D VC Na Na Nep,NA,NA,555071,556893,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  359. 好 a02. ,ho2 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,557418,558137,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  360. 我 欲 耍 媽媽. ,gua2 beh4 sng2 ma9ma9.,Nh D VC Na,NA,CHI was dialing the toy phone,559020,560099,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  361. <a01 這1 誠 gau5> [//] 毋 知 xxx 佇 佗 共 鉸鉸掉. ,<a0 ce1 ciann5 gau5> [//] m7 cai1 xxx ti7 tueh4 ka7 ka1ka1tiau7.,Dk Nep Dfa VH D VK ??? P Ncd P VB,NA,NA,560825,563164,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  362. www. ,www.,???,playing with the toy phone,NA,562868,568394,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  363. "hm0, 伊 這1 掣掉去 a03. ","hm0, i1 ce1 chuah4tiau7khi3 a0.",I Nh Nep VB Di,NA,NA,563744,565369,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  364. hm0. ,hm0.,I,NA,NA,565282,565654,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  365. ue0. ,ue0.,I,NA,NA,570258,570884,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  366. ue0. ,ue0.,I,NA,NA,572142,572839,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  367. 彼1 壞掉@s a03 la0. ,he1 huai4diao4@s a0 la0.,Nep VH Di T,NA,It meant the line which connected the telephone transmitter and the telephone set,573709,576264,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  368. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,576240,577506,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  369. "hoo0, 壞掉@s a03. ","hoo0, huai4diao4@s a0.",I VH Di,NA,NA,576496,577494,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  370. hioo0. ,hioo0.,I,NA,NA,577396,577825,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  371. 彼1 壞掉@s a03. ,he1 huai4diao4@s a0.,Nep VH Di,NA,NA,577500,578464,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  372. 壞掉@s a03 就 著1 a03. ,huai4diao4@s a0 to7 tioh8 a0.,VH Di D VH Di,NA,NA,579094,580244,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  373. "a0, 看 有 縛 佇 遮2 e0. ","a0, khuann3 u7 pak8 ti7 cia1 e0.",I VE V_2 VC P Ncd DE,NA,NA,580480,582047,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  374. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,581928,582137,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  375. 敢1 是 鬥 遮2 e0? ,kam2 si7 tau3 cia1 e0?,D SHI VC Ncd DE,NA,NA,583956,585059,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  376. 毋 [/] 毋 是. ,m7 [/] m7 si7.,D D SHI,NA,NA,584589,585315,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  377. 這1 索仔 cuann9 縛 佇 遮2 爾爾1. ,ce1 soh4a2 cuann9 pak8 ti7 cia1 nia9.,Nep Na D VC P Ncd T,NA,NA,585255,586752,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  378. hoo0. ,hoo0.,I,NA,NA,587001,587964,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  379. "歹去 a03 a02, 阿穎. ","phainn2khi3 a0 a0, a1ying3.",VH Di T Nb,NA,NA,589945,592069,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  380. 我 用 la0. ,gua2 iong7 la0.,Nh VC T,NA,NA,592514,593211,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  381. 我 會曉 用. ,gua2 e7hiau2 iong7.,Nh D VC,NA,NA,593147,594105,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  382. 你 會曉 修理 oo02. ,li2 e7hiau2 siu1li2 oo0.,Nh D VC T,NA,NA,594294,595316,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  383. 你 會曉. ,li2 e7hiau2.,Nh VJ,NA,NA,594295,594846,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  384. i0? ,i0?,I,NA,NA,598623,599169,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  385. 來. ,lai5.,VA,NA,NA,601097,601410,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  386. 鬥 進去@s 就@s 好@s 了@s. ,tau3 jin4qu4@s jiu4@s hao3@s le0@s.,VC VA D VH T,NA,NA,604229,606000,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  387. 鬥 進去@s 就@s 好@s 了@s. ,tau3 jin4qu4@s jiu4@s hao3@s le0@s.,VC VA D VH T,NA,NA,606240,607377,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  388. 好@s 了@s. ,hao3@s le0@s.,VH T,NA,NA,610275,610931,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  389. 好 a03. ,ho2 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,612187,612611,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  390. 好去 a03. ,ho2khi3 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,613688,614146,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  391. 用起來 oo02. ,iong7khi2lai5 oo0.,VB T,NA,NA,613734,614767,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  392. 愛2 用 黏 e0. ,ai3 iong7 liam5 e0.,D P VH DE,NA,NA,614884,616266,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  393. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,616482,616731,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  394. 用 黏 e0. ,iong7 liam5 e0.,P VH DE,NA,NA,616604,617312,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  395. 貼. ,tah4.,VC,NA,NA,616605,616940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  396. 好 a03. ,ho2 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,617166,617602,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  397. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,617431,617675,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  398. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,618209,618523,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  399. 修理好 a03. ,siu1li2ho2 a0.,VB Di,NA,NA,618972,619843,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  400. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,619884,620191,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  401. 修理好 a03 hoonn0. ,siu1li2ho2 a0 hoonn0.,VB Di T,NA,NA,620061,620943,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  402. 好 a03. ,ho2 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,621578,621827,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  403. 開1 a03. ,khui1 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,621856,622176,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  404. 謝謝@s. ,xie4xie4@s.,VJ,NA,NA,622643,623374,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  405. 彼1 是 我 修理 e0 oo02. ,he1 si7 gua2 siu1li2 e0 oo0.,Nep SHI Nh VC DE T,NA,NA,624949,626401,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  406. "hoo0, 你 修理 e0 oo02. ","hoo0, li2 siu1li2 e0 oo0.",I Nh VC DE T,NA,NA,626407,627441,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  407. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,626616,627464,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  408. 你 有 gau5. ,li2 u7 gau5.,Nh V_2 VH,NA,NA,627325,628057,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  409. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,628242,628532,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  410. ue0. ,ue0.,I,NA,NA,629595,630332,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  411. ue0. ,ue0.,I,NA,NA,630373,631203,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  412. 你 xxx. ,li2 xxx.,Nh ???,NA,NA,632411,633410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  413. 你 是 啥物 人1? ,li2 si7 siann2mih8 lang5?,Nh SHI Nep Na,NA,NA,633927,634990,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  414. "ue0, 你 啥物 人1? ","ue0, li2 sann2mih8 lang5?",I Nh Nep Na,NA,NA,634895,636387,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  415. 蔡恩穎@s. ,cai4en1ying3@s.,Nb,NA,NA,636644,637259,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  416. 你 a7 無1 講. ,li2 a7 bo5 kong2.,Nh D D VE,NA,NA,637330,637870,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  417. 掛掉 a03. ,kua3tiau7 a0.,VC Di,NA,NA,637817,638677,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  418. "a0, a01 啥物 人1 a02? ","a0, a0 sann2mih8 lang5 a0?",I Dk Nep Na T,NA,NA,638841,640153,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  419. 哪會 按呢. ,nai9 an3ne1.,D VH,NA,NA,640054,640606,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  420. 敢2 共 我 掛掉 a03. ,kann2 ka7 gua2 kua3tiau7 a0.,VL P Nh VC Di,NA,NA,640536,641749,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  421. 你 無1 共 講 你 e0 名. ,li2 bo5 ka7 kong2 li2 e0 mia5.,Nh D P VE Nh DE Na,NA,NA,643428,644647,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  422. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,644739,645366,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  423. "我 [//] 你 無1 講 你 e0 名, 我 曷 知影 你 啥物 人1. ","gua2 [//] li2 bo5 kong2 li2 e0 mia5, gua2 ah8 cai1iann2 li2 siann2mih8 lang5.",Nh Nh D VE Nh DE Na Nh D VK Nh Nep Na,NA,NA,645296,647281,INV,Investigator,NA,12,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  424. 你 閣 欲 去 佗 la0? ,li2 koh4 beh4 khi3 tah4 la0?,Nh D D VCL Ncd T,NA,NA,652087,653282,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  425. 沒有@s 啦@s. ,mei2you3@s la0@s.,VJ T,NA,CHI closed and locked the door,654245,654878,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  426. 鎖 le01 阿公 未當 入來 a03. ,so2 le0 a1kong1 be7tang3 jip8lai5 a0.,VC Di/T Na D VA Di,NA,NA,657387,658461,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  427. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,658457,659148,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  428. hoonn01. ,hoonn0.,I,NA,NA,659122,659453,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  429. <你 無愛> [/] 你 無愛 予2 +/. ,<li2 bo5ai3> [/] li2 bo5ai3 hoo7 +/.,Nh D Nh D VK,NA,NA,659123,660033,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  430. 阿公 無愛 入來. ,a1kong1 bo5ai3 jip8lai5.,Na D VA,NA,NA,659726,661014,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  431. 伊 無愛 入來 oo02. ,i1 bo5ai3 jip8lai5 oo0.,Nh D VA T,NA,NA,661238,661969,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  432. 你 無愛 予2 阿公 入來 oo02. ,li2 bo5ai3 hoo7 a1kong1 jip8lai5 oo0.,Nh D VK Na VA T,NA,NA,662315,663616,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  433. 阿公 無愛 入來 a02. ,a1kong1 bo5ai3 jip8lai5 a0.,Na D VA T,NA,NA,664559,666300,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  434. 按呢 oo02. ,an3ne1 oo0.,VH T,NA,NA,666504,666991,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  435. hoonn01. ,hoonn0.,I,NA,NA,666906,667788,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  436. 我 [/] 我 阿媽 xxx. ,gua2 [/] gua2 a1ma2 xxx.,Nh Nh Na ???,NA,pointing at the card,667278,668851,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  437. "oo0, 阿穎, 你 看 恁 兜 有 種2 這1 無3. ","oo0, a1ying3, li2 khuann3 lin2 tau1 u7 cing3 ce1 bo0.",I Nb Nh VE Nh Nc V_2 VC Nep T,NA,NA,669337,671630,INV,Investigator,NA,10,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  438. 我 欲 去 [/] 去 挽 草莓@s a03. ,gua2 beh4 khi3 [/] khi3 ban2 cao3mei2@s a0.,Nh D D D VC Na Di,NA,NA,673458,676052,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  439. "hoo0, 你 欲 挽 草莓@s oo02. ","hoo0, li2 beh4 ban2 cao3mei2@s oo0.",I Nh D VC Na T,NA,NA,676440,677520,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  440. 閣 欲 去 挽 草莓@s? ,koh4 beh4 khi3 ban2 cao3mei2@s?,D D D VC Na,NA,NA,676881,678066,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  441. "草莓@s 攏 挽了 a03, 敢1 猶閣 有? ","cao3mei2@s long2 ban2liau2 a0, kam2 a2koh4 u7?",Na Neqa VB Di D D V_2,NA,NA,677974,679727,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  442. 著1 a02. ,tioh8 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,679588,679924,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  443. 無1 草莓@s a03. ,bo5 cao3mei2@s a0.,VJ Na Di,NA,NA,679859,680550,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  444. 有 la0. ,u7 la0.,V_2 T,NA,NA,680660,681560,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  445. 有 pa0. ,u7 pa0.,V_2 T,NA,NA,682109,682829,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  446. 無1 a03 la0. ,bo5 a0 la0.,VJ Di T,NA,NA,683178,683793,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  447. 昨昏2 姊姊 攏 挽了 a03. ,cang9 ce9ce9 long2 ban2liau2 a0.,Nd Na Neqa VB Di,NA,NA,683735,685558,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  448. 有 la0. ,u7 la0.,V_2 T,NA,NA,684356,685633,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  449. ua0. ,ua0.,I,NA,NA,686261,686545,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  450. "阿媽, 有 la0. ","a1ma2, u7 la0.",Na V_2 T,NA,NA,686476,688229,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  451. 有 oo02. ,u7 oo0.,V_2 T,NA,NA,688167,688730,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  452. "好, 抑無 較 晏 才 來 挽, 好 無3? ","ho2, ah8bo5 khah4 uann3 ciah4 lai5 ban2, ho2 bo0?",VH Cbb Dfa VH D D VC VH T,NA,NA,689131,690501,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  453. 無2 你 今仔2 閣 提 這1le0 去 +... ,bo5 li2 cim2a2 koh4 theh8 ce1le0 khi3 +...,Cbb Nh Nd D VC Nep VCL,NA,NA,690270,691512,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  454. 無愛. ,bo5ai3.,D,NA,NA,691006,691662,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  455. "+, 未使得 oo02. ","+, be7sai2cit4 oo0.",D T,NA,NA,691779,692459,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  456. 較停仔 才 挽 la0. ,khah4thing5a2 ciah4 ban2 la0.,D D VC T,NA,NA,691780,692905,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  457. 阮 先 耍耍 le01. ,gun2 sing1 sng2sng2 le0.,Nh D VB Di/T,NA,NA,692806,693845,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  458. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,693973,694141,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  459. a01 才 做夥 去 挽. ,a0 khah4 co3hue2 khi3 ban2.,Dk D D D VC,NA,NA,693974,695209,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  460. "ua0, 你 看, 伊 彼1 筍仔 敢1 是 阿公 割起來 彼1? ","ua0, li2 khuann3, i1 he1 sun2a2 kam2 si7 a1kong1 kuah4khi2lai5 he1?",I Nh VC Nh Nep Na D SHI Na VB Nep,NA,NA,694295,697035,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,11,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  461. hoonn01? ,hoonn0?,I,NA,NA,698211,698675,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  462. 人1 無愛 按呢. ,lang5 bo5ai3 an3ne1.,Nh D VH,NA,NA,699899,701884,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  463. www. ,www.,???,sighing,NA,702252,703146,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  464. 你 外口 遐1 哪會 有 一1 隻 遮 大1 隻 e0 狗仔 hannh02? ,li2 gua7khau2 hia1 nai9 u7 cit8 ciah4 ciah4 tua7 ciah4 e0 kau2a2 hannh0?,Nh Ncd Ncd D V_2 Neu Nf Dfa VH Nf DE Na T,NA,NA,703239,706020,INV,Investigator,NA,13,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  465. 佇 彼1 樹仔 跤2 遐1 a02. ,ti7 he1 chiu7a2 kha1 hia1 a0.,VCL Nep Na Ncd Ncd T,NA,NA,706274,707719,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  466. 彼1 是@s 伯公 的@s. ,he1 shi4@s peh4kong1 de0@s.,Nep SHI Na DE,NA,NA,707902,709382,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  467. 彼1 伯公 e0 oo02. ,he1 peh4kong1 e0 oo0.,Nep Na DE T,NA,NA,709935,710782,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  468. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,711107,711421,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  469. ai0io0. ,ai0io0.,I,NA,NA,711897,713238,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  470. 伯公 in1 e0 la0. ,peh4kong1 in1 e0 la0.,Na Nh DE T,NA,NA,712054,712959,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  471. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,713787,714252,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  472. 伊 會1 共 我 咬 無3? ,i1 e7 ka7 gua2 ka7 bo0?,Nh D P Nh VC T,NA,NA,714176,715273,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  473. e01. ,e0.,I,NA,NA,714692,715243,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  474. 伊 會1 www oo02. ,i1 e7 www oo0.,Nh VK ??? T,barking,NA,716407,717580,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  475. 伊 會1 www oo02. ,i1 e7 www oo0.,Nh VK ??? T,barking,NA,717980,718712,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  476. 伊 會1 www 按呢 oo02. ,i1 e7 www an3ne1 oo0.,Nh VK ??? VH T,barking,NA,719305,720535,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  477. "ai0io0, 我 會1 驚. ","ai0io0, gua2 e7 kiann1.",I Nh D VK,NA,CHI took a toy,721319,722416,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  478. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,722682,722972,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  479. 會1 像 這2 隻 按呢 oo02. ,e7 chiunn7 cit4 ciah4 an3ne1 oo0.,D VG Nep Nf VH T,NA,NA,723346,724402,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  480. 夠 濟 +/. ,kau3 ce7 +/.,Dfa VH,NA,NA,728180,728830,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  481. www. ,www.,???,imitating the sound made by the toy,NA,728183,728938,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  482. 夠 濟 毛 e0. ,kau3 ce7 moo1 e0.,Dfa VH Na DE,NA,NA,730331,731295,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  483. 有夠 濟 毛 e0 oo02. ,u7kau3 ce7 moo1 e0 oo0.,Dfa VH Na DE T,NA,NA,731480,732357,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  484. 抑無 莫 耍 這2 [/] 這2 隻. ,ah8bo5 mai3 sng2 cit4 [/] cit4 ciah4.,Cbb D VC Nep Nep Nf,NA,NA,733066,734442,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  485. 我 欲 敲 +... ,gua2 beh4 kha3 +...,Nh D VC,NA,NA,735910,736735,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  486. hann0? ,hann0?,I,NA,NA,738758,739181,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  487. 六@s 八@s 六@s. ,liu4@s ba1@s liu4@s.,Neu Neu Neu,NA,NA,738897,739663,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  488. 按呢 六@s 八@s 六@s. ,an3ne1 liu4@s ba1@s liu4@s.,VH Neu Neu Neu,NA,NA,740238,741608,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  489. 你 欲 敲去 佗? ,li2 beh4 kha3khi3 tueh4?,Nh D VCL Ncd,NA,NA,741683,742368,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  490. 我 敲 毋 著1 去. ,gua2 kha3 m7 tioh8 khi3.,Nh VC D VH T,NA,NA,743528,744892,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  491. 你 敲 毋 著1 去. ,li2 kha3 m7 tioh8 khi3.,Nh VC D VH T,NA,NA,745434,746125,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  492. 我 欲 六@s 八@s 六@s. ,gua2 beh4 liu4@s ba1@s liu4@s.,Nh VC Neu Neu Neu,NA,NA,746088,747852,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  493. 你 敲 六@s 八@s 六@s oo02. ,li2 kha3 liu4@s ba1@s liu4@s oo0.,Nh VC Neu Neu Neu T,NA,NA,748769,750087,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  494. 二七二零四二八@s. ,er4qi1er4ling2si4er4ba1@s.,Nb,NA,NA,750931,753369,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  495. 二七二零@s +... ,er4qi1er4ling2@s +...,Nb,NA,NA,753428,754136,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  496. 零四二八@s oo02. ,ling2si4er4ba1@s oo0.,Nb T,NA,NA,753904,755128,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  497. 彼1 <啥物 人1> [/] 啥物 人1 e0 電話? ,he1 <sann2mih8 lang5> [/] sann2mih8 lang5 e0 tian7ue7?,Nep Nep Na Nep Na DE Na,NA,NA,754036,756457,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  498. www. ,www.,???,"making the ""phong"" sound",NA,756875,757699,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  499. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,757935,758364,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  500. 二七二零四二八@s 啥物 人1 e0 電話? ,er4qi1er4ling2si4er4ba1@s siann2mih8 lang5 e0 tian7ue7?,Nb Nep Na DE Na,NA,NA,758243,760536,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  501. 敢1 恁 雙福 e0? ,kam2 lin2 siang1hok4 e0?,D Nh Nc DE,NA,NA,761308,762435,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  502. 不要@s 給@s 你@s 看@s. ,bu4yao4@s gei3@s ni3@s kan4@s.,D VD Nh VC,NA,NA,762743,764003,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  503. a01 好. ,a0 ho2.,Dk VH,NA,NA,764403,765181,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  504. "hoo0, 不要@s [/] 不要@s. ","hoo0, bu4yao4@s [/] bu4yao4@s.",I D D,NA,NA,765448,766569,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  505. 我 欲 來 耍 冰箱 a03. ,gua2 beh4 lai5 sng2 ping1siunn1 a0.,Nh D D VC Na Di,NA,NA,766667,768606,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  506. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,768957,769242,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  507. 去 提 看 有 啥物 來 冰 le01? ,khi3 theh8 khuann3 u7 sann2mih8 lai5 ping1 le0?,D VC VE V_2 Nep D VHC Di/T,NA,NA,769149,770408,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  508. 你 提. ,li2 theh8.,Nh VC,NA,NA,770252,770588,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  509. "a0, 你 e0 糖果@s 提 去 冰. ","a0, li2 e0 tang2guo3@s theh8 khi3 ping1.",I Nh DE Na VC D VHC,NA,NA,770454,771655,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  510. 較緊 le02. ,khah4kin2 le0.,D T,NA,NA,771541,771982,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  511. oo0! ,oo0!,I,NA,NA,772543,773303,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  512. 未使 [>]. ,be7sai2 [>].,VH,NA,NA,773164,774685,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  513. 會1 a02. ,e7 a0.,VK T,NA,NA,774580,775021,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  514. 冰 le01 較 碇 oo02. ,ping1 le0 khah4 ting7 oo0.,VHC Di/T Dfa VH T,NA,NA,774892,775884,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  515. 較 好 哺 a02. ,khah4 ho2 poo7 a0.,Dfa D VC T,NA,NA,775751,776726,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  516. "henn0, 冰 le01. ","henn0, ping1 le0.",I VHC Di/T,NA,NA,777641,778564,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  517. 這1 會使 開1 無3? ,ce1 e7sai2 khui1 bo0?,Nep D VC T,NA,NA,780634,781887,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  518. 我 開1. ,gua2 khui1.,Nh VC,NA,NA,782422,783356,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  519. 會1 a02. ,e7 a0.,D T,NA,NA,784716,785163,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  520. 攏 會當 開1 a02. ,long2 e7tang3 khui1 a0.,Neqa D VC T,NA,NA,785036,786307,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  521. "ua0, 予1 你 共 開1 一下 害去 a03 ne0. ","ua0, hoo7 li2 ka7 khui1 cit8e7 hai7khi3 a0 ne0.",I P Nh P VC Nd VH Di T,NA,NA,786736,788693,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  522. 你 看. ,li2 khuann3.,Nh VE,NA,NA,788809,789389,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  523. <我 閣 欲 冰> [/] 我 閣 欲 冰 可口可樂@s. ,<gua2 koh4 beh4 ping1> [/] gua2 koh4 beh4 ping1 ke3kou3ke3le4@s.,Nh D D VHC Nh D D VHC Na,NA,NA,788810,791337,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  524. 你 欲 食 啥物? ,li2 beh4 ciah8 siann2mih8?,Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,791722,792877,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  525. m0 我 欲 食 綠豆湯 a02. ,m0 gua2 beh4 ciah8 lik8tau7thng1 a0.,I Nh D VC Na T,NA,NA,793516,795478,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  526. "我 一直 講 我 欲 食 綠豆湯, 你 攏 猶未 煮 予2 我 食. ","gua2 it4tit8 kong2 gua2 beh4 ciah8 lik8tau7thng1, li2 long2 a2be7 cu2 hoo7 gua2 ciah8.",Nh D VE Nh D VC Na Nh D D VC VK Nh VC,NA,NA,795277,798046,INV,Investigator,NA,14,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  527. 猶未 le02. ,a2be7 le0.,D T,NA,NA,799351,800401,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  528. 等@s 一下@s 喔@s. ,deng3@s yi1xia4@s o0@s.,VC Nd T,NA,NA,800274,801086,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  529. 我 做1 老闆@s oo02. ,gua2 co3 lao3ban3@s oo0.,Nh VG Na T,NA,NA,801603,803019,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  530. 你 欲 耍 老闆@s oo02? ,li2 beh4 sng2 lao3ban3@s oo0?,Nh D VC Na T,NA,NA,803442,804586,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  531. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,805120,805683,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  532. 好 a02. ,ho2 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,805121,805654,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  533. 老闆@s. ,lao3ban3@s.,Na,NA,NA,806907,807854,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  534. hm0. ,hm0.,I,NA,NA,808196,808690,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  535. 我 欲 食 +/. ,gua2 beh4 ciah8 +/.,Nh D VC,NA,NA,808708,809764,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  536. 猶未 耍 le01 la0. ,a2be7 sng2 le0 la0.,D VC Di/T T,NA,NA,809555,811303,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  537. 猶未 le02 oo02. ,a2bue7 le0 oo0.,D T T,NA,NA,811554,812297,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  538. 我 叫是 你 開始 a03 le02. ,gua2 kio3si7 li2 khai1si2 a0 le0.,Nh VE Nh VH Di T,NA,NA,812088,813348,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  539. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,813261,813539,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  540. 好 a03. ,ho2 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,813772,814254,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  541. 好 a03 hioo02. ,ho2 a0 hioo0.,VH Di T,NA,NA,814440,815003,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  542. 猶未 [/] 猶未. ,a2be7 [/] a2be7.,D D,NA,NA,814991,816031,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  543. 這1 愛2 蓋2 le01. ,ce1 ai3 kham3 le0.,Nep D VC Di/T,NA,NA,816068,816962,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  544. "hoo0, 欲 蓋2 le01 a03 hioo02? ","hoo0, beh4 kham3 le0 a0 hioo0?",I D VC Di/T Di T,NA,NA,818103,819188,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  545. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,819078,819682,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  546. 彼1 門. ,he1 mng5.,Nep Na,NA,NA,819409,820123,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  547. 彼1 hello@s:eng kitty@s:eng e0 冰箱 ne0. ,he1 hello@s:eng kitty@s:eng e0 ping1siunn1 ne0.,Nep FW FW DE Na T,NA,NA,820291,822079,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  548. "ng0, 揤2 無1 落3 oo02. ","ng0, chih8 bo5 lue3 oo0.",I VC D Di T,NA,NA,824024,825289,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  549. 較 出力 le01. ,khah4 chut4lat8 le0.,Dfa VA Di/T,NA,NA,825667,826219,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  550. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,826091,826463,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  551. hm0. ,hm0.,I,NA,NA,826474,826892,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  552. "hoo0, 誠 gau5. ","hoo0, ciann5 gau5.",I Dfa VH,NA,NA,826730,827734,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  553. 好 a03. ,ho2 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,827589,828100,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  554. hm0. ,hm0.,I,NA,NA,828456,828670,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  555. 你 欲 食 啥物? ,li2 beh4 ciah8 siann2mih8?,Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,828457,829547,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  556. 我 欲 食 綠豆湯. ,gua2 beh4 ciah8 lik8tau7thng1.,Nh D VC Na,NA,NA,830319,831480,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  557. "來, 綠豆湯. ","lai5, lik8tau7thng1.",VA Na,NA,NA,832225,833363,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  558. 遮2. ,cia1.,Ncd,NA,NA,832509,833328,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  559. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,834111,834518,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  560. 用 這1le0 做1 碗. ,iong7 ce1le0 co3 uann2.,VC Nep VG Nf,NA,NA,834582,835412,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  561. 較緊 le02. ,khah4kin2 le0.,D T,NA,NA,835290,835818,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  562. "e01, 這1 是 欲 用 e0 la0. ","e0, ce1 si7 beh4 iong7 e0 la0.",I Nep SHI D VC DE T,NA,NA,836712,839713,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  563. 這1 是 啥物? ,ce1 si7 siann2mih8?,Nep SHI Nep,NA,NA,839774,840587,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  564. 抑無 <用 彼2 个 杯仔> [>]. ,ah8bo5 <iong7 hit4 e5 pue1a2> [>].,Cbb VC Nep Nf Na,NA,NA,842574,843682,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  565. <你 欲 來去> [<] +/. ,<li2 beh4 lai5khi3> [<] +/.,Nh D VCL,NA,NA,842806,843868,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  566. 彼2 个 杯仔 較 大1 个. ,hit4 e5 pue1a2 khah4 tua7 e5.,Nep Nf Na Dfa VH Nf,NA,NA,843799,844942,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  567. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,845893,846340,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  568. "好, 用 這2le0. ","ho2, iong7 cit4le0.",VH VC Nep,NA,NA,846180,846958,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  569. 用 這2 个 杯仔 共我 貯. ,iong7 cit4 e5 pue1a2 ka9 te2.,VC Nep Nf Na P VC,NA,NA,846181,847719,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  570. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,847637,848137,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  571. 這1. ,ce1.,Nep,NA,NA,848522,849050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  572. 你 欲 +... ,li2 beh4 +...,Nh D,NA,NA,851212,852042,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  573. 煮煮 [/] 煮煮. ,cu2cu2 [/] cu2cu2.,VB VB,NA,NA,851926,853035,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  574. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,852959,853488,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  575. "來, 給@s 你@s 吃@s. ","lai5, gei3@s ni3@s chi1@s.",VA VD Nh VC,NA,NA,853402,854981,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  576. "oo0, 今仔2 幾點 a03? ","oo0, cim2a2 kui2tiam2 a0?",I Nd Nd Di,NA,referring to the toy clock,854552,856334,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  577. 好 a02. ,ho2 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,855628,856122,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  578. xxx a03. ,xxx a0.,??? Di,NA,NA,856830,857875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  579. 六點 a03. ,lak8tiam2 a0.,Nd Di,NA,NA,857946,858689,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  580. a01 你 會曉 +//. ,a0 li2 e7hiau2 +//.,Dk Nh VJ,NA,NA,858509,859153,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  581. 伊 真正 會曉 看 oo02? ,i1 cin1ciann3 e7hiau2 khuann3 oo0?,Nh D D VE T,NA,NA,858967,860018,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  582. 未曉. ,be7hiau2.,VJ,NA,NA,860316,860757,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  583. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,860827,862191,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  584. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,861187,862917,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  585. 閣 會1 臆. ,koh4 e7 ioh4.,D D VE,NA,NA,862709,863417,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  586. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,863614,863991,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  587. 我 有 教會@s e0. ,gua2 u7 jiao4hui4@s e0.,Nh V_2 Nc DE,NA,NA,863615,864601,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  588. 有 音樂@s oo02. ,u7 yin1yue4@s oo0.,V_2 Na T,NA,NA,864736,866280,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  589. 十一@s a03. ,shi2yi1@s a0.,Neu Di,NA,NA,866881,868007,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  590. 快點@s 吃@s. ,kuai4dian3@s chi1@s.,D VC,NA,CHI adjusted the pointer of the toy clock,867827,869192,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  591. hoo0. ,hoo0.,I,NA,NA,869743,870178,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  592. "e01, <你 欲 濫 xxx> [//] 你 欲 濫 冰塊@s 無3? ","e0, <li2 beh4 lam7 xxx> [//] li2 beh4 lam7 bing1kuai4@s bo0?",I Nh D VC ??? Nh D VC Na T,NA,NA,872054,875247,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  593. 欲 [/] 欲 [/] 欲. ,beh4 [/] beh4 [/] beh4.,D D D,NA,NA,875177,876187,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  594. "hoo0, 傷1 燒 a03. ","hoo0, siunn1 sio1 a0.",I Dfa VH Di,NA,NA,876185,877282,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  595. 我 欲 食 [//] 食 較 涼 le02. ,gua2 beh4 ciah8 [//] ciah8 khah4 liang5 le0.,Nh D VC VC Dfa VH T,NA,NA,877137,878710,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  596. 你 提 幾 个 冰角? ,li2 theh8 kui2 e5 ping1kak4?,Nh VC Neu Nf Na,NA,NA,881800,883681,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  597. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,884078,884501,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  598. 兩@s 個@s. ,liang3@s ge0@s.,Neu Nf,NA,NA,884513,885395,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  599. 兩@s 個@s 喔@s. ,liang3@s ge0@s o0@s.,Neu Nf T,NA,NA,885395,886306,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  600. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,886776,887211,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  601. www. ,www.,???,pretended to smell the food,NA,888021,889432,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  602. "e01, 哪會 無1 予2 我 湯匙? ","e0, nai9 bo5 hoo7 gua2 thng1si5?",I D D VD Nh Na,NA,NA,889303,890998,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  603. 阿媽. ,a1ma2.,Na,NA,NA,891858,892369,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  604. hioo0. ,hioo0.,I,NA,NA,891928,892468,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  605. a01 哪會 無1 湯匙? ,a0 nai9 bo5 thng1si5?,Dk D VJ Na,NA,NA,892468,893362,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  606. 湯匙@s la0. ,tang1chi2@s la0.,Na T,NA,NA,893925,894860,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  607. 哪會 無1 湯匙仔? ,nai9 bo5 thng1si5a2?,D VJ Na,NA,NA,895362,896238,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  608. < 我@s 拿@s> [/] 我@s 拿@s. ,<wo3@s na2@s> [/] wo3@s na2@s.,Nh VC Nh VC,NA,NA,895954,897248,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  609. 在@s 這裡@s. ,zai4@s zhe4li3@s.,VCL Ncd,NA,NA,897153,897908,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  610. "hoo0, 好. ","hoo0, ho2.",I VH,NA,NA,897919,898471,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  611. "hoo0, 好 [/] 好 [/] 好. ","hoo0, ho2 [/] ho2 [/] ho2.",I VH VH VH,NA,NA,898018,899190,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  612. 這1 是@s 新 e0 oo02. ,ce1 shi4@s sin1 e0 oo0.,Nep SHI VH DE T,NA,NA,899220,900881,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  613. 這1 新 e0 oo02. ,ce1 sin1 e0 oo0.,Nep VH DE T,NA,NA,900933,901653,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  614. "hioo0, 好. ","hioo0, ho2.",I VH,NA,NA,901550,902061,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  615. "hoo0, 好. ","hoo0, ho2.",I VH,NA,NA,901551,901968,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  616. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,901956,902339,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  617. www. ,www.,???,NA,NA,902270,903820,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  618. "oo0, 這1 較 大1 支 較 好 汲 oo02. ","oo0, ce1 khah4 tua7 ki1 khah4 ho2 khat4 oo0.",I Nep Dfa VH Nf Dfa D VC T,NA,NA,903754,905414,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  619. "hm0, 好食 [/] 好食. ","hm0, ho2ciah8 [/] ho2ciah8.",I VH VH,NA,NA,905298,906569,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  620. 你 欲 食 無3? ,li2 beh4 ciah8 bo0?,Nh D VC T,NA,NA,906897,907611,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  621. hann0? ,hann0?,I,NA,NA,907821,908361,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  622. 你 欲 閣 食 無3? ,li2 beh4 koh4 ciah8 bo0?,Nh D D VC T,NA,NA,908578,909628,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  623. 欲 a02. ,beh4 a0.,D T,NA,NA,909553,910174,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  624. 閣 一1 碗. ,koh4 cit8 uann2.,D Neu Nf,NA,NA,910053,910633,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  625. 來. ,lai5.,VA,NA,NA,910494,910866,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  626. 擲掉. ,tan3tiau7.,VC,NA,NA,912635,913245,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  627. "a0, 按呢 共 擲掉. ","a0, an3ne1 ka7 tan3tiau7.",I VH P VC,NA,NA,913533,914595,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  628. 愛2 下1 較 濟 冰角 oo02. ,ai3 he7 khah4 ce7 ping1kak4 oo0.,D VC Dfa VH Na T,NA,NA,914264,915838,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  629. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,919012,919557,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  630. 你 彼1 是 冰角 pa0. ,li2 he1 si7 ping1kak4 pa0.,Nh Nep SHI Na T,NA,NA,919013,920463,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  631. "e01, 這1 是 泡@s 牛奶@s pa0. ","e0, ce1 si7 pao4@s niu2nai3@s pa0.",I Nep SHI VC Na T,NA,NA,920659,922668,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  632. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,922989,923581,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  633. 我 倒2 牛奶@s. ,gua2 to3 niu2nai3@s.,Nh VC Na,NA,NA,925715,927091,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  634. 好 la0. ,ho2 la0.,VH T,NA,NA,926998,927404,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  635. 遐1 倒2 牛奶 就 好. ,hia1 to3 gu5ling1 to7 ho2.,Ncd VC Na D VH,NA,NA,927259,928600,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  636. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,928652,929024,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  637. 欲 予2 娃娃@s 食 oo02? ,beh4 hoo7 wa2wa2@s ciah8 oo0?,D VK Na VC T,NA,NA,935893,936781,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  638. 欲 予2 娃娃@s 食 oo02? ,beh4 hoo7 wa2wa2@s ciah8 oo0?,D VK Na VC T,NA,NA,936822,937681,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  639. "好, 予2 娃娃@s 食. ","ho2, hoo7 wa2wa2@s ciah8.",VH VK Na VC,NA,NA,937692,938778,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  640. 你 按呢 共 灌 oo02. ,li2 an3ne1 ka7 kuan3 oo0.,Nh VH P VC T,NA,NA,938192,939300,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  641. 伊 會1 浡出來 ne0. ,i1 e7 phu7chut4lai5 ne0.,Nh D VC T,NA,NA,939975,941368,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  642. 來. ,lai5.,VA,NA,NA,942140,942587,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  643. 灌了 a03. ,kuan3liau2 a0.,VB Di,NA,NA,942775,943426,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  644. 攏 [/] 攏 流出來 a03 ne0. ,long2 [/] long2 lau5chut4lai5 a0 ne0.,Neqa Neqa VA Di T,NA,NA,943225,944589,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  645. 較緊 le02. ,khah4kin2 le0.,D T,NA,NA,945878,946476,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  646. 提 衛生紙 來 拭. ,theh8 ue7sing1cua2 lai5 chit4.,VC Na D VC,NA,NA,946342,947323,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  647. 阮 [/] 阮 兜 有 種2 彼1 oo02. ,guan2 [/] guan2 tau1 u7 cing3 he1 oo0.,Nh Nh Nc V_2 VC Nep T,NA,pointing at the peanut on the card,947419,949288,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  648. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,949341,949886,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  649. "henn0, 咱 兜 有 種2 彼1. ","henn0, lan2 tau1 u7 cing3 he1.",I Nh Nc V_2 VC Nep,NA,NA,949754,950862,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  650. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,950740,951083,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  651. 彼1 豆豆@s la0. ,he1 dou4dou4@s la0.,Nep Na T,NA,NA,951135,951896,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  652. 猶未 好 le02. ,a2be7 ho2 le0.,D VH T,NA,NA,951286,952610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  653. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,952563,952900,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  654. 彼1 豆豆@s hoonn0. ,he1 dou4dou4@s hoonn0.,Nep Na T,NA,NA,952633,953742,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  655. 猶未 好. ,a2be7 ho2.,D VH,NA,NA,954194,955094,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  656. 猶未 好 le02 la0. ,a2be7 ho2 le0 la0.,D VH T T,NA,NA,955091,956008,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  657. 好@s 了@s. ,hao3@s le0@s.,VH Di,NA,NA,956397,957088,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  658. 吃完@s 了@s. ,chi1wan2@s le0@s.,VC Di,NA,NA,957012,958016,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  659. 猶未. ,a2be7.,D,NA,NA,958016,958649,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  660. 吃@s 可樂@s. ,chi1@s ke3le4@s.,VC Na,NA,NA,958289,959363,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  661. "來@s, 你@s 要@s 吃@s. ","lai2@s, ni3@s yao4@s chi1@s.",VA Nh D VC,NA,NA,959299,960530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  662. 猶未 煮好 le02. ,a2be7 cu2ho2 le0.,D VB T,NA,NA,960441,961462,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  663. 可樂@s 也 愛2 煮 oo02. ,ke3le4@s a7 ai3 cu2 oo0.,Na D D VC T,NA,NA,962101,963198,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  664. 蓋2起來. ,kham3khi2lai5.,VB,NA,NA,962102,963140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  665. 恁 兜 敢1 有 種2 這1? ,lin2 tau1 kam2 u7 cing3 ce1?,Nh Nc D V_2 VC Nep,NA,NA,966580,967979,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  666. 有. ,u7.,V_2,NA,NA,970136,970583,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  667. 佇 田1 裡 遐1 有 種2. ,ti7 chan5 li2 hia1 u7 cing3.,P Na Ncd Ncd V_2 VC,NA,NA,970524,971645,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  668. hoonn01? ,hoonn0?,I,NA,NA,972254,972603,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  669. 阿穎 敢1 有 去 田1 裡 遐1? ,a1ying3 kam2 u7 khi3 chan5 li2 hia1?,Nb D V_2 VCL Na Ncd Ncd,NA,NA,972701,974170,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  670. "有, 我 chua7 伊 去 挽 豆仔. ","u7, gua2 chua7 i1 khi3 ban2 tau7a2.",V_2 Nh VC Nh D VC Na,NA,NA,975077,976256,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  671. 咱 猶未 生 le01 la0. ,lan2 a2be7 senn1 le0 la0.,Nh D VC Di/T T,NA,NA,976099,977266,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  672. hoonn01? ,hoonn0?,I,NA,NA,977939,978218,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  673. 猶未 生 le01. ,a2be7 senn1 le0.,D VC Di/T,NA,NA,977940,978845,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  674. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,978653,978996,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  675. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,978654,979252,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  676. "這1 番麥, 著1 無3? ","ce1 huan1beh8, tioh8 bo0?",Nep Na VH T,NA,NA,979066,980129,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  677. 你@s 要@s 吃@s 糖果@s 嗎@s? ,ni3@s yao4@s chi1@s tang2guo3@s ma0@s?,Nh D VC Na T,NA,NA,984238,986253,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  678. 要@s 嗎@s? ,yao4@s ma0@s?,D T,NA,NA,986869,987565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  679. 我@s 幫@s 你@s 用@s. ,wo3@s bang1@s ni3@s yong4@s.,Nh P Nh VC,NA,NA,987728,988715,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  680. 我 欲 食 口香糖@s. ,gua2 beh4 ciah8 kou3xiang1tang2@s.,Nh D VC Na,NA,NA,988697,990346,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  681. 好@s. ,hao3@s.,VH,NA,NA,990238,990929,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  682. "阿穎, 恁 兜 敢1 有 這1? ","a1ying3, lin2 tau1 kam2 u7 ce1?",Nb Nh Nc D V_2 Nep,NA,NA,994491,996117,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  683. 無1. ,bo5.,VJ,NA,NA,997620,998166,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  684. 無1. ,bo5.,VJ,NA,NA,998401,999080,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  685. 這1 啥物? ,ce1 siann2mih8?,Nep Nep,NA,NA,998894,999510,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  686. 有 a02. ,u7 a0.,V_2 T,NA,NA,999167,999858,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  687. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,1000110,1000540,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  688. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1000383,1000760,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  689. 有. ,u7.,V_2,NA,NA,1000621,1000946,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  690. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,1000807,1001167,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  691. 芋仔. ,oo7a2.,Na,NA,NA,1001621,1002254,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  692. 有 芋仔. ,u7 oo7a2.,V_2 Na,NA,NA,1002782,1003752,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  693. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1003705,1004112,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  694. "henn0, 芋仔 hoonn0. ","henn0, oo7a2 hoonn0.",I Na T,NA,NA,1004118,1005029,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  695. 玉蜀黍@s. ,yu4shu3shu3@s.,Na,NA,NA,1004896,1006046,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  696. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1006359,1006789,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  697. 玉蜀黍@s. ,yu4shu3shu3@s.,Na,NA,NA,1006406,1007213,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  698. 玉蜀黍@s 頭拄仔 遐1 嘛 有 hoonn0. ,yu4shu3shu3@s tha5tu2a2 hia1 ma7 u7 hoonn0.,Na Nd Ncd D V_2 T,NA,NA,1006896,1009381,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  699. "a0, 哪會 xxx 攏 共 倒倒2出來 a03. ","a0, nai9 xxx long2 ka7 to3to3chut4lai5 a0.",I D ??? Neqa P VB Di,NA,NA,1009273,1011218,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  700. 然後@s 這1 是@s 冰塊@s 喔@s. ,ran2hou4@s ce1 shi4@s bing1kuai4@s o0@s.,D Nep SHI Na T,NA,NA,1013116,1015624,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  701. 好 la0. ,ho2 la0.,VH T,NA,NA,1015809,1016314,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  702. "e01, 阿媽 敢1 有 種2 這1? ","e0, a1ma2 kam2 u7 cing3 ce1?",I Na D V_2 VC Nep,NA,NA,1017353,1018972,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  703. 無1 種2 彼1. ,bo5 cing3 he1.,D VC Nep,NA,NA,1019942,1020714,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  704. 有 無3? ,u7 bo0?,V_2 T,NA,NA,1021131,1021799,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  705. "阿穎, 咱 敢1 有 種2 彼1? ","a1ying3, lan2 kam2 u7 cing3 he1?",Nb Nh D V_2 VC Nep,NA,NA,1022505,1023608,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  706. 無1. ,bo5.,D,NA,NA,1023660,1024299,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  707. 無1 hoonn0. ,bo5 hoonn0.,D T,NA,NA,1024381,1024985,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  708. 無1 hoonn0. ,bo5 hoonn0.,D T,NA,NA,1024596,1025333,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  709. 這1 啥物 你 敢1 知? ,ce1 sann2mih8 li2 kam2 cai1?,Nep Nep Nh D VK,NA,NA,1025710,1026947,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  710. 彼1 啥物? ,he1 sann2mih8?,Nep Nep,NA,NA,1028238,1028790,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  711. 茄仔. ,kio5a2.,Na,NA,NA,1028790,1029231,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  712. 毋 知. ,m7 cai1.,D VK,NA,NA,1029016,1029951,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  713. 彼1 茄仔 la0. ,he1 kio5a2 la0.,Nep Na T,NA,NA,1029970,1030847,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  714. 茄仔 oo02. ,kio5a2 oo0.,Na T,NA,NA,1030945,1031526,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  715. 我 欲 食 這1. ,gua2 beh4 ciah8 ce1.,Nh D VC Nep,NA,NA,1031352,1032153,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  716. "你 共我 煮, 好 無3? ","li2 ka9 cu2, ho2 bo0?",Nh P VC VH T,NA,NA,1031903,1032995,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  717. "好, 來. ","ho2, lai5.",VH VA,NA,NA,1033749,1034225,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  718. 無1 ne0. ,bo5 ne0.,VJ T,NA,NA,1034080,1035102,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  719. "你 煮 茄仔, 好 無3? ","li2 cu2 kio5a2, ho2 bo0?",Nh VC Na VH T,NA,NA,1035918,1036969,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  720. ua0! ,ua0!,I,NA,NA,1036858,1038025,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  721. "囥 [//] 囥 杯仔 內底, 好 無3? ","khng3 [//] khng3 pue1a2 lai7te2, ho2 bo0?",VC VC Na Ncd VH T,NA,NA,1038484,1039993,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  722. 欲 提出來. ,beh4 theh8chut4lai5.,D VB,NA,NA,1041402,1042203,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  723. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1042023,1042505,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  724. 這1 是@s 冰塊@s 喔@s. ,ce1 shi4@s bing1kuai4@s o0@s.,Nep SHI Na T,NA,NA,1044918,1046508,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  725. "好, 冰塊@s. ","ho2, bing1kuai4@s.",VH Na,NA,NA,1046977,1048132,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  726. 冰塊@s 囥 咧1 遮2. ,bing1kuai4@s khng3 leh4 cia1.,Na VC P Ncd,NA,NA,1048458,1050460,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  727. 冰塊@s 愛2 囥 咧1 遐1 ne0. ,bing1kuai4@s ai3 khng3 leh4 hia1 ne0.,Na D VC P Ncd T,NA,NA,1050762,1052637,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  728. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,1052500,1052836,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  729. 你 遮2 a7 有 le02. ,li2 cia1 a7 u7 le0.,Nh Ncd D V_2 T,NA,NA,1052627,1053306,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  730. 你 遐1 足 濟 a03. ,li2 hia1 cok4 ce7 a0.,Nh Ncd Dfa VH Di,NA,NA,1053173,1054206,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  731. 你 彼1 傷1 大1 e0 a03. ,li2 he1 siunn1 tua7 e0 a0.,Nh Nep Dfa VH DE Di,NA,NA,1056163,1057603,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  732. 冰塊@s 會1 下1 未 落 a02. ,bing1kuai4@s e7 he7 be7 lue3 a0.,Na D VB[ +vrv] D VB[ +vrr] T,NA,NA,1057429,1058897,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  733. 好 a03. ,ho2 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,1059890,1060482,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  734. 毋好 車倒 oo02. ,m7ho2 chia1to2 oo0.,D VC T,NA,NA,1065097,1066339,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  735. 彼1 傷1 濟 la0. ,he1 siunn1 ce7 la0.,Nep Dfa VH T,NA,NA,1066206,1069399,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  736. ua0. ,ua0.,I,NA,NA,1071121,1071957,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  737. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1071632,1072113,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  738. 未 落3 la0. ,be7 lue3 la0.,D Di T,NA,NA,1072512,1074851,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  739. 排@s 一@s 排@s. ,pai2@s yi1@s pai2@s.,VC Neu Nf,NA,NA,1077714,1078602,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  740. "一@s 個@s, 兩@s 個@s, 三@s 個@s, 四@s 個@s, 五@s 個@s, 六@s 個@s, 七@s 個@s. ","yi1@s ge0@s, liang3@s ge0@s, san1@s ge0@s, si4@s ge0@s, wu3@s ge0@s, liu4@s ge0@s, qi1@s ge0@s.",Neu Nf Neu Nf Neu Nf Neu Nf Neu Nf Neu Nf Neu Nf,NA,NA,1079527,1089117,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  741. "oo0, 這1, <買 這1> [//] chai7 這1 嘛 好 la0, hoonn0? ","oo0, ce1, <be2 ce1> [//] chai7 ce1 ma7 ho2 la0, hoonn0?",I Nep VC Nep VC Nep D VH T T,NA,NA,1087615,1090059,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  742. "八@s 個@s, 六@s 個@s, 四@s 個@s. ","ba1@s ge0@s, liu4@s ge0@s, si4@s ge0@s.",Neu Nf Neu Nf Neu Nf,NA,NA,1090389,1094853,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  743. "阿媽, 你 幫 我 下1 la0. ","a1ma2, li2 pang1 gua2 he7 la0.",Na Nh P Nh VC T,NA,NA,1098001,1099765,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  744. "好, 來. ","ho2, lai5.",VH VA,NA,NA,1099435,1099905,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  745. 我 幫 你 下1. ,gua2 pang1 li2 he7.,Nh P Nh VC,NA,NA,1099748,1100509,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  746. "阿媽 [//] 阿 [/] 阿穎, 恁 敢1 有 種2 這1? ","a1ma2 [//] a1 [/] a1ying3, lin2 kam2 u7 cing3 ce1?",Na ??? Nb Nh D V_2 VC Nep,NA,NA,1100860,1103158,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  747. 這2le0. ,cit4e0.,Nep,NA,NA,1103809,1104325,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  748. 無1. ,bo5.,D,NA,NA,1105086,1105579,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  749. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1106096,1106908,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  750. 無1 oo02. ,bo5 oo0.,D T,NA,NA,1106595,1107326,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  751. 彼1 無1. ,he1 bo5.,Nep D,NA,NA,1106885,1107431,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  752. 小黃瓜@s. ,xiao3huang2gua1@s.,Na,NA,NA,1107303,1108296,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  753. "henn0, 小黃瓜@s 無1. ","henn0, xiao3huang2gua1@s bo5.",I Na D,NA,NA,1108220,1109201,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  754. 匏仔 le02? ,pu5a2 le0?,Na T,NA,NA,1109902,1110726,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  755. 匏仔 敢1 有? ,pu5a2 kam2 u7?,Na D V_2,NA,NA,1111132,1112073,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  756. 有. ,u7.,V_2,NA,NA,1112230,1112804,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  757. 有. ,u7.,V_2,NA,NA,1113010,1113388,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  758. 匏仔 咱 有 種2 hoonn0. ,pu5a2 lan2 u7 cing3 hoonn0.,Na Nh V_2 VC T,NA,NA,1113011,1114003,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  759. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1113980,1114781,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  760. 種2 彼1. ,cing3 he1.,VC Nep,NA,NA,1115743,1116539,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  761. 種2 佇 佗位? ,cing3 ti7 to2ui7?,VC P Ncd,NA,NA,1116312,1117293,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  762. 你 無1 講. ,li2 bo5 kong2.,Nh D VE,NA,NA,1118829,1119456,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  763. 種2 佇 火龍果@s 遐1. ,cing3 ti7 huo3long2guo3@s hia1.,VC P Na Ncd,NA,NA,1119311,1120524,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  764. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1120588,1121024,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  765. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,1122500,1123081,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  766. 佇 後壁 遐1 oo02. ,ti7 au7piah4 hia1 oo0.,VCL Ncd Ncd T,NA,NA,1122501,1123884,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  767. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1124233,1124778,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  768. 好@s 了@s. ,hao3@s le0@s.,VH Di,NA,NA,1127016,1127561,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  769. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,1127747,1128484,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  770. "oo0, 恁 敢1 有 種2 這1? ","oo0, lin2 kam2 u7 cing3 ce1?",I Nh D V_2 VC Nep,NA,NA,1128002,1129703,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  771. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,1129750,1130330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  772. 無1. ,bo5.,D,NA,NA,1131734,1132355,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  773. 無1 a02. ,bo5 a0.,D T,NA,NA,1132367,1133092,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  774. henn0 [/] henn0. ,henn0 [/] henn0.,I I,NA,NA,1133002,1133437,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  775. 蕹菜 無1. ,ing3chai3 bo5.,Na D,NA,NA,1133298,1134006,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  776. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,1133826,1134244,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  777. 蕹菜 無1 hoonn0. ,ing3chai3 bo5 hoonn0.,Na D T,NA,NA,1133832,1134923,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  778. hm0. ,hm0.,I,NA,NA,1134737,1135132,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  779. 還有@s 濫 這1. ,hai2you3@s lam7 ce1.,Caa VC Nep,NA,NA,1135819,1137950,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  780. a01 這1 le02? ,a0 ce1 le0?,Dk Nep T,NA,NA,1138717,1139495,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  781. 也 無1. ,a7 bo5.,D D,NA,NA,1141145,1142103,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  782. 這1 蘆筍 嘛 無1? ,ce1 loo5sun2 ma7 bo5?,Nep Na D D,NA,NA,1142173,1143229,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  783. "henn0, 蘆筍 嘛 無1. ","henn0, loo5sun2 ma7 bo5.",I Na D D,NA,NA,1142811,1144181,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  784. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1144042,1144437,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  785. a01 這1 le02? ,a0 ce1 le0?,Dk Nep T,NA,NA,1148221,1148831,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  786. "e01, 冰塊@s. ","e0, bing1kuai4@s.",I Na,NA,NA,1148366,1149301,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  787. "阿穎, 這1 le02? ","a1ying3, ce1 le0?",Nb Nep T,NA,NA,1150696,1151561,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  788. "阿穎, 彼1 啥? ","a1ying3, he1 sann2?",Nb Nep Nh,NA,NA,1150829,1151793,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  789. 無1. ,bo5.,VJ,NA,NA,1151793,1152374,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  790. 刺瓜仔. ,chi3kue1a2.,Na,NA,NA,1152188,1153064,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  791. 彼1 無1. ,he1 bo5.,Nep D,NA,NA,1153174,1153719,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  792. 無1. ,bo5.,D,NA,NA,1153243,1153754,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  793. "henn0, 愛2 買. ","henn0, ai3 be2.",I D VC,NA,NA,1153568,1154335,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  794. 你 愛1 食 這1 無3? ,li2 ai3 ciah8 ce1 bo0?,Nh VL VC Nep T,NA,NA,1154544,1155768,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  795. 刺瓜仔 a02. ,chi3kue1a2 a0.,Na T,NA,NA,1156926,1157762,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  796. 你 欲 食 無3? ,li2 beh4 ciah8 bo0?,Nh D VC T,NA,NA,1158064,1158790,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  797. u7 a0. ,u7 a0.,V_2 T,NA,NA,1158960,1159511,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  798. 有 la0. ,u7 la0.,V_2 T,NA,NA,1159500,1159970,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  799. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1159830,1160155,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  800. 來. ,lai5.,VA,NA,NA,1159998,1160416,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  801. 刺瓜仔 伊 欲 食. ,chi3kue1a2 i1 beh4 ciah8.,Na Nh D VC,NA,NA,1160149,1161118,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  802. "來, <提 來 煮> [/] 提 來 煮. ","lai5, <theh8 lai5 cu2 > [/] theh8 lai5 cu2.",VA VC D VC VC D VC,NA,NA,1160619,1162198,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  803. "較緊, 煮 刺瓜仔 湯. ","khah4kin2, cu2 chi3kue1a2 thng1.",D VC Na Na,NA,NA,1162166,1163466,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  804. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,1164479,1164914,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  805. "好, 你 緊 le02. ","ho2, li2 kin2 le0.",VH Nh VH T,NA,NA,1165257,1165768,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  806. 你 遐1 e0 冰塊@s 先 煮好. ,li2 hia1 e0 bing1kuai4@s sing1 cu2ho2.,Nh Ncd DE Na D VB,NA,NA,1165646,1166911,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  807. 換 煮 刺瓜仔 la0. ,uann7 cu2 chi3kue1a2 la0.,VL VC Na T,NA,NA,1166766,1167956,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  808. "oo0, 這1 啥物? ","oo0, ce1 siann2mih8?",I Nep Nep,NA,NA,1173384,1175706,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  809. oo0! ,oo0!,I,NA,NA,1175578,1176205,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  810. 可樂@s. ,ke3le4@s.,Na,NA,NA,1175579,1176373,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  811. 可樂@s oo02. ,ke3le4@s oo0.,Na T,NA,NA,1176381,1177501,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  812. 可樂@s. ,ke3le4@s.,Na,NA,NA,1176665,1177257,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  813. a01 內底 一1 粒 一1 粒 彼1 啥物? ,a0 lai7te2 cit8 liap8 cit8 liap8 he1 siann2mih8?,Dk Ncd Neu Nf Neu Nf Nep Nep,NA,NA,1177547,1179503,INV,Investigator,NA,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  814. 食 e0. ,ciah8 e0.,VC DE,NA,NA,1179984,1180541,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  815. 食 e0 oo02. ,ciah8 e0 oo0.,VC DE T,NA,NA,1180988,1182004,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  816. oo0! ,oo0!,I,NA,NA,1182135,1183105,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  817. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1182948,1183853,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  818. www. ,www.,???,pretending eating,NA,1182949,1184300,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  819. 食 e0. ,ciah8 e0.,VC DE,NA,NA,1184097,1184881,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  820. "e01, 愛2 真 e0 ne0. ","e0, ai3 cin1 e0 ne0.",I D VH DE T,NA,NA,1184196,1185769,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  821. "a0, 愛2 真 e0 oo02! ","a0, ai3 cin1 e0 oo0!",I D VH DE T,NA,NA,1185621,1187124,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  822. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1186440,1188024,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  823. a01 假1 e0 就 好 a03. ,a0 ke2 e0 to7 ho2 a0.,Dk VH DE D VH Di,NA,NA,1188330,1189322,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  824. henn0 la0. ,henn0 la0.,I T,NA,NA,1189485,1190112,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  825. "我 食了了, 你 較停仔 就 無通仔 耍 a03. ","gua2 ciah8liau2liau2, li2 khah4thing5a2 to7 bo5thang1a2 sng2 a0.",Nh VB Nh D D D VC Di,NA,NA,1189486,1191430,INV,Investigator,NA,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  826. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1191302,1191824,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  827. 著1 無3? ,tioh8 bo0?,VH T,NA,NA,1191816,1192239,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  828. www. ,www.,???,pretending eating,NA,1193061,1194210,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  829. 好食 [/] 好食. ,ho2ciah8 [/] ho2ciah8.,VH VH,NA,NA,1194413,1195412,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  830. 這1 甜 e0 oo02. ,ce1 tinn1 e0 oo0.,Nep VH DE T,NA,NA,1195756,1196755,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  831. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,1196180,1196946,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  832. hoonn01? ,hoonn0?,I,NA,NA,1196667,1197004,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  833. a0. ,a0.,I,NA,NA,1197811,1198484,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  834. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1198473,1198989,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  835. 伊 真正 共 倒2落. ,i1 cin1ciann3 ka7 to3lue3.,Nh D P VB,NA,NA,1198879,1199808,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  836. a01 你 真正 共 食落 oo02. ,a0 li2 cin1ciann3 ka7 ciah8lue3 oo0.,Dk Nh D P VB T,NA,NA,1199012,1200719,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  837. 你 閣 欲 看 啥物 a02? ,li2 koh4 beh4 khuann3 siann2mih8 a0?,Nh D D VC Nep T,NA,CHI wrapped herself with the curtain,1200864,1202188,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  838. 洗身軀 [/] 洗身軀 [/] 洗身軀. ,se2sin1khu1 [/] se2sin1khu1 [/] se2sin1khu1.,VA VA VA,NA,NA,1202022,1205505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  839. 洗身軀 oo02. ,se2sin1khu1 oo0.,VA T,NA,NA,1205615,1206701,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  840. a01 你 欲 去 佗位? ,a0 li2 beh4 khi3 to2ui7?,Dk Nh D VCL Ncd,NA,NA,1208685,1210124,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  841. 再見@s. ,zai4jian4@s.,VB,NA,NA,1209973,1210983,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  842. 你 欲 去 佗? ,li2 beh4 khi3 tueh4?,Nh D VCL Ncd,NA,NA,1211906,1212637,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  843. 呸 口香糖@s. ,phui3 kou3xiang1tang2@s.,VC Na,NA,NA,1213780,1215150,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  844. "oo0, 呸 口香糖@s. ","oo0, phui3 kou3xiang1tang2@s.",I VC Na,NA,NA,1215320,1216388,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  845. "oo0, 呸 口香糖@s oo02. ","oo0, phui3 kou3xiang1tang2@s oo0.",I VC Na T,NA,NA,1215552,1216801,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  846. 我 欲 耍 爸爸 媽媽 彼1. ,gua2 beh4 sng2 pa1pa1 ma9ma9 he1.,Nh D VC Na Na Nep,NA,NA,1216388,1218507,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  847. a01 你 呸 佇 佗位? ,a0 li2 phui3 ti7 to2ui7?,Dk Nh VC P Ncd,NA,NA,1218507,1219912,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  848. 洗身軀 [/] 洗身軀 [/] 洗身軀. ,se2sin1khu1 [/] se2sin1khu1 [/] se2sin1khu1.,VA VA VA,NA,NA,1219111,1221932,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  849. 好 a03. ,ho2 a0.,VH Di,NA,NA,1221763,1222437,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  850. 換 你 洗身軀 a03. ,uann7 li2 se2sin1khu1 a0.,VL Nh VA Di,NA,NA,1222425,1223836,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  851. 換 我 a03 oo02. ,uann7 gua2 a0 oo0.,VC Nh Di T,NA,NA,1223708,1224631,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  852. hoo0 [/] hoo0 [/] hoo0. ,hoo0 [/] hoo0 [/] hoo0.,I I I,NA,NA,1224440,1225972,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  853. "hoo0, se2ho2 a0. ","hoo0, se2ho2 a0.",I VC Di,NA,NA,1225421,1226112,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  854. 你 洗好 a03. ,li2 se2ho2 a0.,Nh VC Di,NA,NA,1226238,1227254,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  855. "洗好 a03, 較緊 le02. ","se2ho2 a0, khah4kin2 le0.",VC Di D T,NA,NA,1228680,1229289,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  856. 來 煮菜 a03. ,lai5 cu2chai3 a0.,D VA Di,NA,NA,1229074,1229986,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  857. 緊 le02. ,kin2 le0.,VH T,NA,NA,1229937,1230459,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  858. 煮 刺瓜仔. ,cu2 chi3kue1a2.,VC Na,NA,NA,1230448,1231475,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  859. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,1231115,1231591,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  860. 我 腹肚 枵 a03 ne0. ,gua2 pak4too2 iau1 a0 ne0.,Nh Na VH Di T,NA,NA,1231394,1232828,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  861. 你 煮飯 a02. ,li2 cu2png7 a0.,Nh VA T,NA,NA,1232733,1233725,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  862. "e01, 你 愛2 洗身軀. ","e0, li2 ai3 se2sin1khu1.",I Nh D VA,NA,NA,1233203,1235356,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  863. 阿媽 煮飯. ,a1ma2 cu2png7.,Na VA,NA,NA,1233763,1234866,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  864. "好, 等le0 才 洗 a02. ","ho2, tan2le0 ciah4 se2 a0.",VH D D VC T,NA,NA,1235435,1236538,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  865. a01 你 先 煮 la0. ,a0 li2 sing1 cu2 la0.,Dk Nh D VC T,NA,NA,1236300,1237421,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  866. henn0 la0. ,henn0 la0.,I T,NA,NA,1236410,1237432,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  867. 我 腹肚 枵 欲 先 食飯. ,gua2 pak4too2 iau1 beh4 sing1 ciah8png7.,Nh Na VH D D VA,NA,NA,1237177,1239597,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  868. 切 [/] 切 [/] 切 [/] 切. ,chiat4 [/] chiat4 [/] chiat4 [/] chiat4.,VC VC VC VC,NA,NA,1237178,1238416,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  869. 切 [/] 切 [/] 切 [/] 切. ,chiat4 [/] chiat4 [/] chiat4 [/] chiat4.,VC VC VC VC,NA,NA,1238968,1240082,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  870. 切切 le01. ,chiat4chiat4 le0.,VB Di/T,NA,NA,1239641,1240413,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  871. 切好 a03 oo02. ,chiat4ho2 a0 oo0.,VB Di T,NA,NA,1240228,1241168,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  872. "來, 用 這1le0 煮 a03 la0. ","lai5, iong7 ce1le0 cu2 a0 la0.",VA VC Nep VC Di T,NA,NA,1241087,1242323,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  873. 這1le0 較 大1 个 la0. ,ce1le0 khah4 tua7 e5 la0.,Nep Dfa VH Nf T,NA,NA,1242242,1243269,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  874. <我 閣 愛1 食> [/] 我 閣 愛1 食 這1. ,<gua2 koh4 ai3 ciah8> [/] gua2 koh4 ai3 ciah8 ce1.,Nh D VL VC Nh D VL VC Nep,NA,NA,1243446,1245699,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  875. 香菇. ,hiunn1koo1.,Na,NA,NA,1246181,1247231,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  876. "阿穎, 你 愛1 食 啥物? ","a1ying3, li2 ai3 ciah8 siann2mih8?",Nb Nh VL VC Nep,NA,NA,1248221,1249754,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  877. 你 家己 來 揀 he02. ,li2 ka1ki7 lai5 king2 he0.,Nh Nh D VC T,NA,NA,1250555,1252110,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  878. 緊 le02. ,kin2 le0.,VH T,NA,NA,1252894,1253422,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  879. "oo0, 你 愛1 [//] 上2 愛1 食 這1. ","oo0, li2 ai3 [//] siong7 ai3 ciah8 ce1.",I Nh VL Dfa VL VC Nep,NA,NA,1253405,1254786,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  880. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,1256299,1257291,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  881. 這1 啥? ,ce1 sann2?,Nep Nh,NA,NA,1256795,1257509,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  882. 香菇@s. ,xiang1gu1@s.,Na,NA,NA,1256796,1257555,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  883. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1257486,1257851,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  884. 香菇@s. ,xiang1gu1@s.,Na,NA,NA,1257695,1258345,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  885. 香菇@s. ,xiang1gu1@s.,Na,NA,NA,1257696,1258409,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  886. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,1258159,1258531,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  887. "阿穎, 你 愛1 食 啥物, 你 家己 來 揀. ","a1ying3, li2 ai3 ciah8 sann2mih8, li2 ka1ki7 lai5 king2.",Nb Nh VL VC Nep Nh Nh D VC,NA,NA,1259459,1261427,INV,Investigator,NA,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  888. 緊 le02. ,kin2 le0.,VH T,NA,NA,1261224,1261700,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  889. 你 做1 囡仔. ,li2 co3 gin2a2.,Nh VG Na,NA,NA,1261770,1263593,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  890. 我 做1 囡仔 oo02. ,gua2 co3 gin2a2 oo0.,Nh VG Na T,NA,NA,1264147,1265076,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  891. 我 欲 做1 媽媽. ,gua2 beh4 co3 ma9ma9.,Nh D VG Na,NA,NA,1266553,1267761,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  892. 好 [/] 好. ,ho2 [/] ho2.,VH VH,NA,NA,1267750,1268313,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  893. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,1267755,1268231,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  894. "hoo0, 囡仔. ","hoo0, gin2a2.",I Na,NA,NA,1268074,1269200,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  895. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1269264,1271685,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  896. 我 欲 +... ,gua2 beh4 +...,Nh D,NA,NA,1272930,1274567,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  897. "a01 你 閣 愛1 食 啥物, 你 家己 來 選. ","a0 li2 koh4 ai3 ciah8 siann2mih8, li2 ka1ki7 lai5 suan2.",Dk Nh D VL VC Nep Nh Nh D VC,NA,NA,1274768,1276434,INV,Investigator,NA,10,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  898. 緊 le02. ,kin2 le0.,VH T,NA,NA,1276289,1276840,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  899. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,1277545,1278312,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  900. "好, 來. ","ho2, lai5.",VH VA,NA,NA,1278033,1278555,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  901. 阿媽 +/. ,a1ma2 +/.,Na,NA,NA,1278358,1279002,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  902. 辣椒@s 你 欲 無3? ,la4jiao1@s li2 bueh4 bo0?,Na Nh VC T,NA,NA,1278532,1279751,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  903. 欲 下1 辣椒@s 無3? ,beh4 he7 la4jiao1@s bo0?,D VC Na T,NA,NA,1280076,1281139,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  904. hann0? ,hannh0?,I,NA,NA,1280454,1280878,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  905. 等@s 一下@s. ,deng3@s yi1xia4@s.,VC Nd,NA,NA,1280982,1282352,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  906. "好, 等@s 一下@s. ","ho2, deng3@s yi1xia4@s.",VH VC Nd,NA,NA,1282538,1283554,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  907. 我@s 去@s 拿@s 一@s 個@s 物件 oo02. ,wo3@s qu4@s na2@s yi1@s ge0@s mih8kiann7 oo0.,Nh D VC Neu Nf Na T,NA,NA,1285434,1287495,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  908. 給@s 你@s 喔@s. ,gei3@s ni3@s o0@s.,VD Nh T,NA,NA,1288543,1289547,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  909. 欲 提 啥? ,beh4 theh8 siann2?,D VC Nh,NA,NA,1290287,1291263,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  910. 提 啥物 物件? ,theh8 sann2mih8 mih8kiann7?,VC Nep Na,NA,NA,1293030,1293918,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  911. 我@s 給@s 你@s 猜@s. ,wo3@s gei3@s ni3@s cai1@s.,Nh VD Nh VE,NA,NA,1293135,1294592,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  912. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1295004,1296862,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  913. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1295062,1297378,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  914. "oo0, 伊 今天@s 的@s 國語@s 講 界 濟 hoonn0. ","oo0, i1 jin1tian1@s de0@s guo2yu3@s kong2 kai3 ce7 hoonn0.",I Nh Nd DE Na VE Dfa VH T,NA,NA,1297184,1299552,INV,Investigator,NA,9,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  915. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1299445,1300072,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  916. 國語 講 遐 濟. ,kok4gi2 kong2 hiah4 ce7.,Na VE Dfa VH,NA,NA,1299567,1300699,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  917. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,1300884,1301401,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  918. 一定@s 要@s 給@s 你@s 猜@s 的@s. ,yi1ding4@s yao4@s gei3@s ni3@s cai1@s de0@s.,D D VD Nh VE DE,NA,NA,1300885,1302580,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  919. xxx. ,xxx.,???,NA,NA,1302803,1303743,INV,Investigator,NA,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  920. 好. ,ho2.,VH,NA,NA,1302804,1303221,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  921. 變@s [/] 變@s [/] 變@s. ,bian4@s [/] bian4@s [/] bian4@s.,VH VH VH,NA,showing the stuck paper to INV,1303175,1304498,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  922. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1304353,1305160,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  923. 我 猶未 臆 le01 lioo0. ,gua2 a2be7 ioh4 le0 lioo0.,Nh D VE Di/T T,NA,NA,1305113,1306750,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  924. a01 你 就 變出來 a03. ,a0 li2 to7 pian3chut4lai5 a0.,Dk Nh D VC Di,NA,NA,1306840,1308251,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  925. "來, 你 欲 佗 一1 張? ","lai5, li2 beh4 tueh4 cit8 tiunn1?",VA Nh D Nep Neu Nf,NA,NA,1308196,1310013,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  926. m0 你 有 啥物? ,m0 li2 u7 siann2mih8?,I Nh V_2 Nep,NA,NA,1310692,1312155,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  927. 我 看. ,gua2 khuann3.,Nh VE,NA,NA,1311923,1312602,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  928. "ua0, 你 e0 貼紙@s 攏 列了了 a03. ","ua0, li2 e0 tie1zhi3@s long2 liah4liau2liau2 a0.",I Nh DE Na Neqa VB Di,NA,NA,1313107,1315313,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  929. "ua0, 攏 空空 a02. ","ua0, long2 khang1khang1 a0.",I Neqa VH T,NA,NA,1314379,1316451,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  930. a7 無1 a02. ,a7 bo5 a0.,D D T,NA,NA,1316283,1317188,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  931. 攏 列了了 去 a03. ,long2 liah4liau2liau2 khi3 a0.,Neqa VB T Di,NA,NA,1316352,1317490,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  932. "a0, <我 欲 這2 張> [/] 我 欲 這2 張. ","a0, <gua2 beh4 cit4 tiunn1> [/] gua2 beh4 cit4 tiunn1.",I Nh VC Nep Nf Nh VC Nep Nf,NA,NA,1317191,1318480,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  933. 未使. ,be7sai2.,VH,NA,NA,1318457,1319235,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  934. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1319467,1320413,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  935. 彼2 張 遐 水2 a02. ,hit4 tiunn1 hiah4 sui2 a0.,Nep Nf Dfa VH T,NA,NA,1320558,1321917,INV,Investigator,NA,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  936. 我 就 上2 愛1 這2 張 a02. ,gua2 to7 siong7 ai3 cit4 tiunn1 a0.,Nh D Dfa VL Nep Nf T,NA,NA,1321717,1323499,INV,Investigator,NA,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  937. 未使. ,be7sai2.,VH,NA,NA,1323563,1324469,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  938. "hoo0, 按呢 oo02. ","hoo0, an3ne1 oo0.",I VH T,NA,NA,1325235,1327847,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  939. 未使 oo02. ,be7sai2 oo0.,VH T,NA,NA,1325236,1325543,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  940. 我 攏 無1 a02. ,gua2 long2 bo5 a0.,Nh Neqa VJ T,NA,NA,1328277,1329693,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  941. 空空 a02. ,khang1khang1 a0.,VH T,NA,NA,1329594,1330657,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  942. "hoo0, 無彩 你 買 遐爾 濟 錢. ","hoo0, bo5chai2 li2 be2 hiah4ni7 ce7 cinn5.",I VH Nh VC Dfa VH Na,NA,NA,1329603,1331519,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  943. 攏 予人 提了了. ,long2 hong9 theh8liau2liau2.,Neqa P VB,NA,NA,1331339,1332192,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  944. oo0. ,oo0.,I,NA,NA,1331589,1332645,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  945. "oo0, 遐1 閣 有. ","oo0, hia1 koh4 u7.",I Ncd D V_2,NA,NA,1331983,1332883,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  946. "oo0, <遮2 有> [/] 遮2 有. ","oo0, <cia1 u7> [/] cia1 u7.",I Ncd V_2 Ncd V_2,NA,NA,1332686,1333696,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  947. 著1. ,tioh8.,VH,NA,NA,1333522,1333829,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  948. "oo0, 這1 是 啥物 e0? ","oo0, ce1 si7 sann2mih8 e0?",I Nep SHI Nep DE,NA,NA,1334514,1335820,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  949. 這1 皮卡丘@s. ,ce1 pi2ka3qiu1@s.,Nep Nb,NA,NA,1335826,1336958,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  950. 界 大1 張. ,kai3 tua7 tiunn1.,Dfa VH Nf,NA,NA,1336761,1337643,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  951. 未使. ,be7sai2.,VH,NA,NA,1337408,1338221,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  952. 按呢 oo02. ,an3ne1 oo0.,VH T,NA,NA,1338334,1338996,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  953. 皮卡丘@s 按呢 未使 oo02. ,pi2ka3qiu1@s an3ne1 bue7sai2 oo0.,Nb VH VH T,NA,NA,1338473,1340157,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  954. hm0. ,hm0.,I,NA,NA,1340197,1340627,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  955. 彼1 是@s 我@s 要@s 給@s 姊姊 的@s. ,he1 shi4@s wo3@s yao4@s gei3@s ce9ce9 de0@s.,Nep SHI Nh D VD Na DE,NA,NA,1340531,1342870,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  956. 佗 一1 个 姊姊? ,tueh4 cit8 e5 ce9ce9?,Nep Neu Nf Na,NA,NA,1342920,1343965,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  957. 大姊@s. ,da4jie3@s.,Na,NA,NA,1344322,1345146,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  958. 大姊@s oo02. ,da4jie3@s oo0.,Na T,NA,NA,1345343,1346162,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  959. e01. ,e0.,I,NA,NA,1345344,1345988,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  960. 大姊@s oo02. ,da4jie3@s oo0.,Na T,NA,NA,1346086,1346789,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  961. "大@s 姊姊@s 這1 a7 無1 提, 提 這1. ","da4@s jie3jie3@s ce1 a7 bo5 theh8, theh8 ce1.",VH Na Nep D D VC VC Nep,NA,NA,1346516,1349105,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  962. hioo0. ,hioo0.,I,NA,NA,1349096,1349636,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  963. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,1349433,1350159,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  964. 皮卡丘@s +/. ,pi2ka3qiu1@s +/.,Nb,NA,NA,1349944,1350582,INV,Investigator,NA,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  965. "hm0, 真的@s 煩@s. ","hm0, zhen1de0@s fan2@s.",I D VHC,NA,NA,1349945,1351401,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  966. 這麼@s 煩@s. ,zhe4me0@s fan2@s.,Dfa VHC,NA,NA,1351610,1352376,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  967. www. ,www.,???,laughing,NA,1352153,1353087,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  968. 這1 是 +... ,ce1 si7 +...,Nep SHI,NA,NA,1352861,1354016,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  969. 我 欲 xxx. ,gua2 beh4 xxx.,Nh VC ???,NA,NA,1353914,1355848,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  970. 等 le01 a02. ,tan2 le0 a0.,VC Di/T T,NA,NA,1356300,1357258,INV,Investigator,NA,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  971. 我 看 未 著. ,gua2 khuann3 be7 tioh8.,Nh VC[ +vrv] D VC[ +vrr],NA,NA,1357014,1357850,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  972. 你 提 遐 遠. ,li2 theh8 hiah4 hng7.,Nh VC Dfa VH,NA,NA,1357647,1358918,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  973. 你 佇 遮2 a02. ,li2 ti7 cia1 a0.,Nh VCL Ncd T,NA,NA,1359670,1361034,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  974. 看著 a03. ,khuann3tioh8 a0.,VE Di,NA,NA,1360878,1361725,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  975. 你 [/] 你 提 來 我 看 la0. ,li2 [/] li2 theh8 lai5 gua2 khuann3 la0.,Nh Nh VC D Nh VC T,NA,NA,1361560,1363115,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  976. hioo0 la0. ,hioo0 la0.,I T,NA,NA,1362953,1363678,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  977. "你 <離 遐 遠> [>], 欲 哪會 看 有. ","li2 <li5 hiah4 hng7> [>], beh4 nai9 khuann3 u7.",Nh VC Dfa VH D D VE V_2,NA,NA,1363458,1365699,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  978. <a01 你 xxx> [<]. ,<a0 li2 xxx> [<].,Dk Nh ???,NA,NA,1363768,1365510,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  979. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,1365820,1366505,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  980. 莫 予2 我 唸. ,mai3 hoo7 gua2 liam7.,D VK Nh VE,NA,NA,1366267,1367539,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  981. 有夠 吵 e0. ,u7kau3 cha2 e0.,Dfa VH DE,NA,NA,1367318,1368317,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  982. 按呢 oo02. ,an3ne1 oo0.,VH T,NA,NA,1368502,1369158,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  983. 毋好 唸. ,m7ho2 liam7.,D VE,NA,NA,1369170,1369936,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  984. 伊 講 啥物 a02? ,i1 kong2 sann2mih8 a0?,Nh VE Nep T,NA,NA,1370325,1371237,INV,Investigator,NA,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  985. 啥物 足 +/. ,siann2mih8 ciok4 +/.,Nep Dfa,NA,NA,1370987,1372072,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  986. "<講 咱> [//] 講 +""/. ","<kong2 lan2> [//] kong2 +""/.",VE Nh VE,NA,NA,1371831,1372830,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  987. "+"" 恁 莫 共 我 唸. ","+"" lin2 mai3 ka7 gua2 liam7.",Nh D P Nh VE,NA,NA,1372673,1373550,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  988. "+"" 有夠 吵 e0. ","+"" u7kau3 cha2 e0.",Dfa VH DE,NA,NA,1373300,1374142,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  989. 按呢 la0. ,an3ne1 la0.,VH T,NA,NA,1373875,1374508,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  990. "hoo0, www. ","hoo0, www.",I ???,laughing,NA,1374290,1375973,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  991. 阮 是 共 你 講話 ne0. ,guan2 si7 ka7 li2 kong2ue7 ne0.,Nh SHI P Nh VA T,NA,NA,1376156,1377520,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  992. 阮 有 共 你 唸. ,guan2 u7 ka7 li2 liam7.,Nh V_2 P Nh VE,NA,NA,1377306,1378350,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,5,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  993. henn0 a02. ,henn0 a0.,I T,NA,NA,1377967,1378681,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  994. 莫 吵. ,mai3 cha2.,D VH,NA,NA,1378455,1379784,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  995. "好, 莫 吵. ","ho2, mai3 cha2.",VH D VH,NA,NA,1379709,1380574,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  996. 我 看 你 有 幾 个 皮卡丘@s e0? ,gua2 khuann3 li2 u7 kui2 e5 pi2ka3qiu1@s e0?,Nh VE Nh V_2 Neu Nf Nb DE,NA,NA,1379710,1381636,INV,Investigator,NA,8,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  997. 毋好 予1 提 予2 我 e0 貼紙簿@s. ,m7ho2 hoo7 theh8 hoo7 gua2 e0 tie1zhi3bu4@s.,D P VC VD Nh DE Na,NA,NA,1381511,1383439,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  998. henn0. ,henn0.,I,NA,NA,1383578,1384013,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,1,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  999. 遐 濟 . ,hiah4 ce7 .,Dfa VH,NA,NA,1383579,1385308,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1000. 你 遐 濟 皮卡丘@s e0 oo02? ,li2 hiah4 ce7 pi2ka3qiu1@s e0 oo0?,Nh Dfa VH Nb DE T,NA,NA,1385424,1387223,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1001. "hoo0, henn0 a02. ","hoo0, henn0 a0.",I I T,NA,NA,1385720,1387310,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,3,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1002. 姊姊 e0 xxx +/. ,ce9ce9 e0 xxx +/.,Na DE ???,NA,NA,1387769,1388692,GRM,Grandmother,FEM,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1003. 莫 吵. ,mai3 cha2.,D VH,NA,NA,1388541,1389644,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1004. 我 講 莫 吵 就 莫 吵. ,gua2 kong2 mai3 cha2 to7 mai3 cha2.,Nh VE D VH D D VH,NA,NA,1389348,1391420,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1005. <好 la0> [/] <好 la0> [/] 好 la0. ,<ho2 la0> [/] <ho2 la0> [/] ho2 la0.,VH T VH T VH T,NA,NA,1391145,1392190,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1006. <莫 吵> [/] 莫 吵. ,<mai3 cha2> [/] mai3 cha2.,D VH D VH,NA,NA,1391969,1392880,INV,Investigator,NA,2,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1007. www. ,www.,???,singing,NA,1395891,1401168,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1008. a01 你 閣 欲 耍 啥物? ,a0 li2 koh4 beh4 sng2 siann2mih8?,Dk Nh D D VC Nep,NA,NA,1398775,1400174,INV,Investigator,NA,6,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha
  1009. 我 無愛 耍 a03. ,gua2 bo5ai3 sng2 a0.,Nh D VC Di,NA,NA,1401739,1403191,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Tsay_CEY_030907.cha