Naima_020515_0_2694768.csv 196 KB

  1. transcription,mor,gra,pho,mod,com,sit,segment_onset,segment_offset,speaker_id,speaker_role,speaker_type,words,raw_filename
  2. yyy yyy yyy to examine someone's teeth . ,inf|to v|examine adj|someone&dn-POSS n|tooth&PL .,1|2|INF 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,stʊˈwɪ f s tə ɪɡˈzæ̃mən səmwənz ˈtiθ,* * * ˈtuː ɪɡˈzæmən ˈsʌmˌwʌnz ˈtiːθ,unsure about last z,NA,0,4813,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  3. xxx I'm playing with my legos like yyy examine the teeth . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|play-PRESP prep|with det:poss|my n|lego-PL prep|like v|examine det:art|the n|tooth&PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|8|JCT 8|3|CJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|3|PUNCT,* ɑm ˈpleɪŋ wəð maɪ ˈlɛɡo ˈlaɪk ˈdɪə ˈzæ̃mən də ˈtis,* ˈaɪm ˈpleɪɪŋ ˈwɪθ ˈmaɪ ˈlɛɡoʊz ˈlaɪk * ɪɡˈzæmən ðə ˈtiːθ,NA,NA,4813,11760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  4. "someone ‹is ,› is very excited ‹to ,› to see yyy ‹at ,› ‹at ,› at the doctor . ",pro:indef|someone cop|be&3S cm|cm aux|be&3S adv|very part|excite-PASTP prep|to cm|cm inf|to v|see prep|at cm|cm prep|at cm|cm prep|at det:art|the n|doctor .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|6|AUX 5|6|JCT 6|2|XJCT 7|6|JCT 8|7|LP 9|10|INF 10|7|XJCT 11|10|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|10|JCT 14|13|LP 15|13|ENUM 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|2|PUNCT,ˈsʌmən ˈɪz ɪz ˈviwi ɪksaɪɾə ˈtʊz tə ˈsi ˈtjuə ˈæ ˈæ ˈæt də ˈdæktə,ˈsʌmˌwʌn ˈɪz ˈɪz ˈvɛɹiː ɪkˈsaɪtəd ˈtuː ˈtuː ˈsiː * ˈæt ˈæt ˈæt ðə ˈdɑktəɹ,NA,NA,11760,18891,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  5. yyy sitting on it . ,part|sit-PRESP prep|on pro:per|it .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈleɪsiən ˈsɪɾiŋ ɑn ət,* ˈsɪtɪŋ ˈɑn ˈɪt,NA,NA,18891,20941,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  6. "xxx yyy is waiting ‹to ,› to have her tooth checked . ",aux|be&3S part|wait-PRESP prep|to cm|cm inf|to v|have det:poss|her n|tooth v|check-PAST .,1|2|AUX 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|LP 5|6|INF 6|2|XJCT 7|8|DET 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|COMP 10|2|PUNCT,* ˈlosiən əz ˈweɪɾiŋtʰ ˈtʌ tə ˈhæv hɜ˞ ˈtʊθ tʃekt,* * ˈɪz ˈweɪtɪŋ ˈtuː ˈtuː ˈhæv həɹ ˈtuːθ ˈʧɛkt,NA,NA,20941,27645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  7. "‹yes ,› she's waiting . ",co|yes cm|cm pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|wait-PRESP .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,ˈjɛs ʃiəz ˈweɪɾɛŋ,ˈjɛs ˈʃiːz ˈweɪtɪŋ,NA,NA,27645,30330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  8. until he yyy +... ,conj|until pro:sub|he +...,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,n̩ˈtɪl hi ˈdʊ,ənˈtɪl ˈhiː *,NA,NA,30330,33376,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  9. "xxx ‹they're ,› they're laughing cause [: because] they want to yyy . ",pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES cm|cm pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|laugh-PRESP conj|because pro:sub|they v|want prep|to .,1|2|SUBJ 2|6|CJCT 3|2|LP 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|CJCT 10|9|JCT 11|6|PUNCT,* ˈdeɪə deɪə ˈlæfɪŋ kəz ˈdeɪ ˈwɑn tu ˈtu,* ˈðɛɹ ˈðɛɹ ˈlæfɪŋ ˈkɑz ˈðeɪ ˈwɑnt ˈtuː *,NA,NA,33376,39408,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  10. "xxx ‹and ,› xxx and they want +... ",coord|and cm|cm coord|and pro:sub|they v|want +...,1|5|LINK 2|1|LP 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,* ˈɪnd ən * ˈdeɪ wɑnt,* ˈænd * ˈænd ˈðeɪ ˈwɑnt,NA,NA,39408,44193,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  11. "he's a doctor of ‹they [?] ,› xxx . ",pro:sub|he~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|doctor prep|of pro:sub|they cm|cm .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|LP 8|2|PUNCT,ˈhiz ə ˈdæktɜ˞ əv deɪ *,ˈhiːz ə ˈdɑktəɹ ˈʌv ˈðeɪ *,NA,NA,44193,52946,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  12. yyy he's laughing . ,pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|laugh-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,əˈwʊndə ˈhiz ˈlæfɪŋ,* ˈhiːz ˈlæfɪŋ,NA,NA,52946,55411,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  13. "the panda+bear wants ‹to ,› to do it too . ",det:art|the n|+n|panda+n|bear v|want-3S prep|to cm|cm inf|to v|do pro:per|it adv|too .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|LP 6|7|INF 7|3|XJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,də ˈpæ̃ndəmɪə wɑnts tə tə du ət ˈtu,ðə ‹ˈpændə ˈbɛɹ› ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈtuː ˈduː ˈɪt ˈtuː,NA,NA,55411,59173,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  14. "yyy he's not the ‹doctor ,› the man's [: man is] the daddy . ",pro:sub|he~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|the n|doctor cm|cm det:art|the n|man cop|be&3S det:art|the n|daddy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|5|DET 5|2|PRED 6|5|LP 7|8|DET 8|9|SUBJ 9|5|CMOD 10|11|DET 11|9|PRED 12|2|PUNCT,ˈhʊz ˈhiz nɑt ðə dɑktə ðə ˈmæ̃nz ðə ˈdædi,* ˈhiːz ˈnɑt ðə ˈdɑktəɹ ðə ˈmænz ðə ˈdædiː,NA,NA,59065,73816,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  15. "‹yyy ,› yyy looking before they ‹stake [?]› . ",cm|cm part|look-PRESP conj|before pro:sub|they v|stake .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|XMOD 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CJCT 6|1|PUNCT,ˈɛ hi ˈlʊkiŋ bəfɔɜ˞ ðeɪ ˈsteɪkʰ,* * ˈlʊkɪŋ bəˈfɔɹ ˈðeɪ ˈsteɪk,NA,NA,73816,78615,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  16. "‹xxx ,› stay where they're going panda . ",cm|cm v|stay pro:rel|where pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP n|panda .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|2|PUNCT,* ˈsteɪ wɛ dɪ ˈɡoŋ pæ̃ndə,* ˈsteɪ ˈwɛɹ ˈðɛɹ ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈpændə,NA,NA,78615,82093,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  17. stay where you're going panda . ,v|stay pro:rel|where pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP n|panda .,1|0|ROOT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|1|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,ˈsteɪ wɪ juə ˈɡoiŋ pæ̃ndə,ˈsteɪ ˈwɛɹ ˈjɔɹ ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈpændə,NA,NA,82093,84608,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  18. that's what he's saying ‹to [?]› panda . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|say-PRESP prep|to n|panda .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|CPRED 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,ˈdæ vətʰ hi ˈseɪiŋ tə ˈpæ̃ndə,ˈðæts ˈwʌt ˈhiːz ˈseɪɪŋ ˈtuː ˈpændə,NA,NA,84608,89808,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  19. cause [: because] they're not paying attention . ,conj|because pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|pay-PRESP n|attention .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,kəz ˈdeɪə nɑtə peɪŋ əˈtɛnʃɪntʰ,ˈkɑz ˈðɛɹ ˈnɑt ˈpeɪɪŋ əˈtɛnʃən,NA,NA,89808,93778,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  20. "xxx yyy ‹banana ,› ‹banana ,› banana . ",n|banana cm|cm n|banana cm|cm n|banana .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|LP 5|1|ENUM 6|1|PUNCT,* ˈɪzə bəˈnæ̃nə bəˈnæ̃nə bəˈnæ̃ːnə,* * bəˈnænə bəˈnænə bəˈnænə,"Original Orthography: [xxx] [yyy] [banana ,] [banana ,] [bana:na .]",NA,93778,98733,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  21. "‹banana ,› ‹banana ,› ‹banana ,› ‹banana ,› ‹banana ,› ‹banana ,› xxx . ",n|banana cm|cm n|banana cm|cm n|banana cm|cm n|banana cm|cm n|banana cm|cm n|banana cm|cm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|LP 5|1|ENUM 6|5|LP 7|1|ENUM 8|7|LP 9|1|ENUM 10|9|LP 11|1|ENUM 12|1|LP 13|1|PUNCT,bəˈnæ̃nə bəˈnæ̃mə bəˈnæ̃ːnə bəˈnæ̃nə bəˈnæ̃nə bəˈnæ̃ːnə *,bəˈnænə bəˈnænə bəˈnænə bəˈnænə bəˈnænə bəˈnænə *,"Original Orthography: [banana ,] [banana ,] [bana:na ,] [banana ,] [banana ,] [bana:na ,] [xxx .]",NA,98733,109345,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  22. I'm making +/. ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|make-PRESP +/.,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈʌ meɪkiŋ,ˈaɪm ˈmeɪkɪŋ,NA,NA,109345,112983,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  23. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,112983,121243,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  24. Mommy I need +... ,n:prop|Mommy pro:sub|I v|need +...,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi aɪ ˈnid,ˈmɑmiː ˈaɪ ˈniːd,NA,NA,121243,124396,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  25. what d'you [: do you] need ? ,pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|need ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,124396,127118,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  26. "‹yyy ,› I need you to make this ‹stable ,› on the yellow . ",cm|cm pro:sub|I v|need pro:per|you inf|to v|make det:dem|this n|stable cm|cm prep|on det:art|the n|yellow .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|INF 6|3|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|8|LP 10|6|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪləˈʌ aɪ ˈnid ju tu meɪk dɪs ˈsteɪbl̩ ɑn ðə ˈjɛlo,* ˈaɪ ˈniːd ˈjuː ˈtuː ˈmeɪk ˈðɪs ˈsteɪbəl ˈɑn ðə ˈjɛloʊ,NA,NA,127118,132981,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  27. I made it stable . ,pro:sub|I v|make&PAST pro:per|it n|stable .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,aɪ ˈmeɪd ət ˈsteɪbəl,ˈaɪ ˈmeɪd ˈɪt ˈsteɪbəl,NA,NA,132981,135900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  28. at the moment . ,prep|at det:art|the n|moment .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,135900,151580,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  29. what's Mommy doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Mommy part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwʊsə mɑmeɪ ˈduɛŋ,ˈwʌts ˈmɑmiː ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,151580,153255,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  30. "just straightening up a little bit , that's all . ",adv|just part|straighten-PRESP prep|up det:art|a adj|little n|bit cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:indef|all .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|2|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|2|CJCT 10|9|PRED 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,153255,155931,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  31. "xxx ‹yyy ,› Mommy make this stable . ",cm|cm n:prop|Mommy v|make det:dem|this n|stable .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,* ˈaʊ mɑmi ˈmeɪk dɪs ˈsteɪbəl,* * ˈmɑmiː ˈmeɪk ˈðɪs ˈsteɪbəl,NA,NA,155931,159913,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  32. "oh , you want some help ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|help ?,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,159913,161770,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  33. "I wanna ‹put ,› I wanna put on a ‹yellow ,› and make it stable . ",pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to v|put&ZERO cm|cm pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to part|put&PASTP prep|on det:art|a n|yellow cm|cm coord|and v|make pro:per|it n|stable .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|2|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|ENUM 8|9|INF 9|7|XJCT 10|9|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|7|LP 14|2|CONJ 15|14|COORD 16|17|MOD 17|15|OBJ 18|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ wənə pʰ ˈʌ wənə pʊd ɑn ə ˈjɛlo ˈɛn meɪk ət ˈsteɪbəl,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnə ˈpʊt ˈaɪ ˈwɑnə ˈpʊt ˈɑn ə ˈjɛloʊ ˈænd ˈmeɪk ˈɪt ˈsteɪbəl,"Original Orthography: [I] [wanna] [p < ut > ,] [I] [wanna] [put] [on] [a] [yellow ,] [and] [make] [it] [stable .]",NA,161770,166516,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  34. I'm putting it +... ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|put-PRESP pro:per|it +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,əm ˈpʊɾiŋ ət,ˈaɪm ˈpʌtɪŋ ˈɪt,NA,NA,166516,167578,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  35. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,167578,168365,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  36. ‹no [?]› I yyy +/. ,co|no pro:sub|I +/.,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈʊwə ˈaɪ ˈdɪʔ,ˈnoʊ ˈaɪ *,NA,NA,168365,170328,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  37. you did it . ,pro:per|you v|do&PAST pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,170328,171043,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  38. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,171043,172485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  39. "‹xxx ,› yyy +/. ",cm|cm +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈɪz,* *,NA,NA,172485,175880,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  40. here's the rocky beach . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|rock&dn-Y n|beach .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,176080,178148,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  41. "‹xxx ,› xxx . ",cm|cm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* *,* *,NA,NA,178148,181638,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  42. the panda's [: panda is] scared of his ‹muzzle [?]› . ,det:art|the n|panda aux|be&3S part|scare-PASTP prep|of det:poss|his n|muzzle .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,hɪʔ ˈpæ̃ndəz ˈskiəɾ əv həz ˈmʌzʊə,ðə ˈpændəz ˈskɛɹd ˈʌv ˈhɪz ˈmʌzəl,NA,NA,181638,184876,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  43. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,184876,185988,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  44. "his ‹muzzle [?] ,› yyy cause [: because] he thinks his ‹mother [?]› is ‹yyy ,› yyy +/. ",det:poss|his n|muzzle cm|cm conj|because pro:sub|he v|think-3S det:poss|his n|mother cop|be&3S cm|cm +/.,1|2|DET 2|9|SUBJ 3|2|LP 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|9|CJCT 7|8|DET 8|9|SUBJ 9|0|ROOT 10|9|LP 11|9|PUNCT,hɪz ˈmʌzə ˈkʌ kəz ˈhi sɪŋks hɪz ˈmʌdə ɪ ˈdɑkʊ ˈdɑtʰ,ˈhɪz ˈmʌzəl * ˈkɑz ˈhiː ˈθɪŋks ˈhɪz ˈmʌðəɹ ˈɪz * *,NA,NA,185988,192028,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  45. or his muzzle ? ,coord|or det:poss|his n|muzzle ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,192675,193745,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  46. he wants to +... ,pro:sub|he v|want-3S inf|to +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OM 4|2|PUNCT,hi ˈwɑntθ ˈtu,ˈhiː ˈwɑnts ˈtuː,NA,NA,193745,196511,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  47. "go in a pond ‹but ,› his ‹mom ,› his ‹mother ,› ‹says ,› ‹no ,› it might be cold . ",v|go prep|in det:art|a n|pond conj|but cm|cm det:poss|his n|mom cm|cm det:poss|his n|mother cm|cm v|say-3S cm|cm qn|no cm|cm pro:per|it mod|might cop|be adv|cold .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|13|LINK 6|5|LP 7|8|DET 8|13|SUBJ 9|8|LP 10|11|DET 11|8|ENUM 12|11|LP 13|19|CJCT 14|13|LP 15|13|ENUM 16|15|LP 17|19|SUBJ 18|19|AUX 19|1|CJCT 20|19|JCT 21|1|PUNCT,ˈɡoʔ ɪn ə ˈpɑn bət hɪz ˈmɑ hɪz ˈmʌzəs ˈseɪ ˈno ˈɪt maɪt bi ˈkold,ˈɡoʊ ˈɪn ə ˈpɑnd ˈbʌt ˈhɪz ˈmɑm ˈhɪz ˈmʌðəɹ ˈsɛz ˈnoʊ ˈɪt ˈmaɪt ˈbiː ˈkoʊld,Original Orthography: say < s >,NA,196511,205346,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  48. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,205000,208418,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  49. I see . ,pro:sub|I v|see .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,208418,209058,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  50. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,209058,209963,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  51. "xxx ‹yyy (.)› panda ‹came [?] ,› yyy the panda is ‹a ,› is a water bear . ",n|panda v|come&PAST cm|cm det:art|the n|panda cop|be&3S det:art|a cm|cm aux|be&3S det:art|a n|water n|bear .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|LP 9|12|AUX 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|6|PRED 13|2|PUNCT,* ‹ˈsɑdə (.)› ˈpæ̃ndə keɪm ˈðʌ ðə ˈpæ̃nə ˈɪð ə ɪð ə ˈwɑdɜ˞ beɪɜ˞,* ‹* (.)› ˈpændə ˈkeɪm * ðə ˈpændə ˈɪz ə ˈɪz ə ˈwɑtəɹ ˈbɛɹ,NA,NA,209963,215718,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  52. a water bear ? ,det:art|a n|water n|bear ?,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,215718,217410,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  53. want some help doing that ? ,v|want qn|some n|help part|do-PRESP comp|that ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|QUANT 3|1|OBJ 4|3|XMOD 5|4|OBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,217410,219346,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  54. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈɡjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,219346,220238,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  55. I'm gonna put ‹these (.)› in +... ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|put&ZERO pro:dem|these adv|in +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,ˈhaɪ ɡʊnə pʊt ‹ˈdiz (.)› ˈɪnd,ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈpʊt ‹ˈðiːz (.)› ˈɪn,NA,NA,220238,222950,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  56. "yyy on the ‹top ,› and this 0is ‹gonna [?]› be +... ",prep|on det:art|the n|top cm|cm coord|and pro:dem|this 0aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to cop|be +...,1|8|JCT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|LP 5|1|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|8|AUX 8|0|ROOT 9|10|INF 10|8|COMP 11|8|PUNCT,ˈʌp^tə ɑn ðə ˈtɑp ə ˈnɪs dʒʊn bi,* ˈɑn ðə ˈtɑp ˈænd ˈðɪs ˈɡɑnə ˈbiː,NA,NA,222950,227453,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  57. a big cherry picker . ,det:art|a adj|big n|cherry n|pick&dv-AGT .,1|4|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ɑ ˈbɪɡ ˈtʃɛwi pɪkɜ˞,ə ˈbɪɡ ˈʧɛɹiː ˈpɪkəɹ,NA,NA,227453,230820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  58. yyy +... ,NA,NA,ˈdɪf,*,NA,NA,230543,231675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  59. xxx they want to get their tooth checked . ,pro:sub|they v|want inf|to v|get det:poss|their n|tooth v|check-PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|2|PUNCT,* ˈdeɪ wɑn tə ɡɛt dɛ ˈtuθ tʃɛkʰ,* ˈðeɪ ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈðɛɹ ˈtuːθ ˈʧɛkt,NA,NA,231675,235680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  60. "‹yyy ,› he 0is a big cherry picker . ",cm|cm pro:sub|he 0cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|big n|cherry n|pick&dv-AGT .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|DET 5|6|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|PRED 8|3|PUNCT,ˈheɪ ˈhi ə bɪɡ ˈtʃɛwi pɪkɜ˞,* ˈhiː ə ˈbɪɡ ˈʧɛɹiː ˈpɪkəɹ,NA,NA,235680,238946,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  61. he's a big cherry picker . ,pro:sub|he~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|big n|cherry n|pick&dv-AGT .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|5|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,ˈhiɾ ə bɪɡ ˈtʃɛwi pɪkə,ˈhiːz ə ˈbɪɡ ˈʧɛɹiː ˈpɪkəɹ,NA,NA,238946,241193,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  62. the panda is . ,det:art|the n|panda cop|be&3S .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,də ˈpæ̃ndə ɪz,ðə ˈpændə ˈɪz,NA,NA,241193,242623,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  63. look at that panda . ,v|look prep|at det:dem|that n|panda .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,242623,244121,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  64. "‹yyy ,› I want to make ‹it ,› ‹yyy ,› more stable . ",cm|cm pro:sub|I v|want inf|to v|make pro:per|it cm|cm cm|cm qn|more n|stable .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|LP 8|3|LP 9|10|QUANT 10|3|OBJ 11|3|PUNCT,ˈhɪʔ ˈaɪ wɑn tə meɪk ət əˈwild mɔ ˈsteɪbəl,* ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈmeɪk ˈɪt * ˈmɔɹ ˈsteɪbəl,NA,NA,244121,249021,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  65. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,249021,251191,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  66. I want to make it yyy more stable . ,pro:sub|I v|want inf|to v|make pro:per|it adv|more adj|stable .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|7|JCT 7|4|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,ˈæ wən tə meɪk əd ˈm̩ ˈmɔə ˈsteɪbəl,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈmeɪk ˈɪt * ˈmɔɹ ˈsteɪbəl,NA,NA,251191,254146,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  67. well you know to be more stable you should go on the kitchen floor . ,co|well pro:per|you v|know inf|to cop|be adv|more v|stable pro:per|you mod|should v|go prep|on det:art|the n|kitchen n|floor .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|JCT 7|10|SUBJ 8|7|OBJ 9|10|AUX 10|3|COMP 11|10|JCT 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|11|POBJ 15|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,254146,259396,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  68. "I want Mommy ‹to ,› ‹to ,› I want Mommy to make it stable . ",pro:sub|I v|want n:prop|Mommy prep|to cm|cm prep|to cm|cm pro:sub|I v|want n:prop|Mommy inf|to v|make pro:per|it n|stable .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|4|LP 6|4|ENUM 7|6|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|4|CPOBJ 10|9|OBJ 11|12|INF 12|10|XMOD 13|14|MOD 14|12|OBJ 15|2|PUNCT,ˈæ wən mɑmi tʊ t ɑ wən ˈmɑmi ɾə meɪk ət steɪbəl,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈmɑmiː ˈtuː ˈtuː ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈmɑmiː ˈtuː ˈmeɪk ˈɪt ˈsteɪbəl,NA,NA,259396,263896,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  69. "well , I would move it to +//. ",co|well cm|cm pro:sub|I mod|will&COND v|move pro:per|it prep|to +//.,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,263896,277308,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  70. xxx no this is more flat . ,qn|no pro:dem|this cop|be&3S qn|more n|flat .,1|2|QUANT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,* ˈno ˈdɪs əz mɔ ˈflæt,* ˈnoʊ ˈðɪs ˈɪz ˈmɔɹ ˈflæt,NA,NA,277308,279678,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  71. this is more yyy . ,pro:dem|this cop|be&3S pro:indef|more .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈðɪz ɪz mɔ ˈn̩dæʔ,ˈðɪs ˈɪz ˈmɔɹ *,unsure about ʔ,NA,279678,281993,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  72. no don't ! ,co|no mod|do~neg|not !,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,ˈnoː ˈdoːnt,ˈnoʊ ˈdoʊnt,Original Orthography: [no:] [do:n't !],NA,281993,285273,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  73. don't straighten up . ,mod|do~neg|not v|straighten adv|up .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,ˈdon streɪtɪn ˈʌp,ˈdoʊnt ˈstɹeɪtən ˈʌp,NA,NA,285273,287358,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  74. I wanna be messy . ,pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to aux|be adj|mess&dn-Y .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ wənə bi ˈmɛsi,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnə ˈbiː ˈmɛsiː,NA,NA,287358,289598,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  75. I wanna be messy . ,pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to aux|be adj|mess&dn-Y .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈɑ wənə bi ˈmɛsi,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnə ˈbiː ˈmɛsiː,NA,NA,289598,303753,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  76. I think maybe this will be a good idea . ,pro:sub|I v|think adv|maybe pro:dem|this mod|will cop|be det:art|a adj|good n|idea .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|PRED 10|2|PUNCT,ˈɡaɪ θiŋk meɪbi ˈdɪs wl̩ bi ə ˈɡʊd aɪˈdiə,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈmeɪbiː ˈðɪs ˈwɪl ˈbiː ə ˈɡʊd aɪˈdiːə,NA,NA,303753,307948,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  77. "I'm ‹making ,› if I ‹were [?]› ‹make [= making] [?]› this on ‹top ,› ‹and ,› this'll make it yyy more stable . ",pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|make-PRESP cm|cm conj|if pro:sub|I cop|be&PAST v|make det:dem|this prep|on n|top cm|cm coord|and cm|cm pro:dem|this~mod|will v|make pro:per|it adv|more n|stable .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|LP 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|ENUM 9|17|XJCT 10|9|NJCT 11|10|POBJ 12|9|LP 13|9|CONJ 14|13|COORD 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|AUX 17|8|COMP 18|17|OBJ 19|17|JCT 20|19|POBJ 21|3|PUNCT,ˈæ meɪkiŋ ɪf ˈaɪ wəl meɪk ˈdɪs ɑn ˈtɑp ˈɛn ˈnɪsl̩ meɪk ət ˈɡʊ mɔ ˈsteɪbəl,ˈaɪm ˈmeɪkɪŋ ˈɪf ˈaɪ wəɹ ˈmeɪk ˈðɪs ˈɑn ˈtɑp ˈænd ˈðɪsɫ ˈmeɪk ˈɪt * ˈmɔɹ ˈsteɪbəl,NA,NA,307948,316516,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,17,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  78. if I put it on a yellow . ,conj|if pro:sub|I v|put&ZERO pro:per|it prep|on det:art|a n|yellow .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,əf ˈʌ pʊɾ əɾ ɑn ə ˈjɛlo,ˈɪf ˈaɪ ˈpʊt ˈɪt ˈɑn ə ˈjɛloʊ,NA,NA,316516,319875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  79. "‹and ,› and ‹this ,› this xxx stable on top . ",coord|and cm|cm coord|and pro:dem|this cm|cm det:dem|this n|stable prep|on n|top .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|4|LP 6|7|DET 7|3|COORD 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|1|PUNCT,ˈɪn ən ˈdɪs ˈdɪs * ˈsteɪbl̩ ɑn ˈtɑp,ˈænd ˈænd ˈðɪs ˈðɪs * ˈsteɪbəl ˈɑn ˈtɑp,NA,NA,319875,328960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  80. this makes more stable ‹the [?]› legos . ,pro:dem|this v|make-3S adv|more v|stable det:art|the n|lego-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈdɪs meɪks ˈmɔ steɪbəl ˈdʌnː ˈleɪɡoz,ˈðɪs ˈmeɪks ˈmɔɹ ˈsteɪbəl ðə ˈlɛɡoʊz,NA,NA,328960,332916,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  81. "‹no ,› Mama make it stable . ",co|no cm|cm n:prop|Mama v|make pro:per|it n|stable .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|MOD 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈnʌ ˈmɑmə meɪk ət ˈsteɪːbəl,ˈnoʊ ˈmɑmə ˈmeɪk ˈɪt ˈsteɪbəl,NA,NA,332916,337875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  82. make it stable +/. ,v|make pro:per|it n|stable +/.,1|0|ROOT 2|3|MOD 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈmeɪk ət s,ˈmeɪk ˈɪt ˈsteɪbəl,Original Orthography: s < table >,NA,337875,342721,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  83. "‹no: ,› someone will hold it . ",co|no cm|cm pro:indef|someone mod|will v|hold pro:per|it .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,ˈnoː ˈsʌmwən wɪl ˈhold ət,ˈnoʊ ˈsʌmˌwʌn ˈwɪl ˈhoʊld ˈɪt,NA,NA,342721,346441,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  84. "it's okay , just keep going . ",pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|okay cm|cm adv|just v|keep part|go-PRESP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|LP 5|6|JCT 6|2|CJCT 7|6|COMP 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,346410,347208,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  85. keep going . ,v|keep part|go-PRESP .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|COMP 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,347208,348101,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  86. you're fine . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adj|fine .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,348101,348993,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  87. I'm pulling something . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|pull-PRESP pro:indef|something .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ˈpʊliŋ səmdɪŋ,ˈaɪm ˈpʊlɪŋ ˈsʌmθɪŋ,unsure about last ŋ,NA,348993,353638,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  88. "‹no ,› it fell down again ! ",co|no cm|cm pro:per|it v|fall&PAST adv|down adv|again !,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,ˈno ɪt fɛl ˈdaʊn əɡɛ,ˈnoʊ ˈɪt ˈfɛl ˈdaʊn əˈɡɛn,NA,NA,353638,355908,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  89. "well , it's okay . ",co|well cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|okay .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,355908,357315,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  90. we'll fix it . ,pro:sub|we~mod|will v|fix pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,357315,358410,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  91. yyy don't fix it ! ,mod|do~neg|not v|fix pro:per|it !,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈʊ ˈdoːnt fɪks ə,* ˈdoʊnt ˈfɪks ˈɪt,NA,whining,358410,360763,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  92. xxx I'm not gonna fix it ! ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S neg|not part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|fix pro:per|it !,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,* ˈaɪm ˈnɑt ɡənə ˈfɪks ət,* ˈaɪm ˈnɑt ˈɡɑnə ˈfɪks ˈɪt,NA,NA,360763,363763,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  93. "‹xxx ,› Mama: ! ",cm|cm n:prop|Mama !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OM 3|1|PUNCT,* ˈmɑmɑː,* ˈmɑmə,NA,NA,363763,368075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  94. I need you ! ,pro:sub|I v|need pro:per|you !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,aɪ ˈniːn ju,ˈaɪ ˈniːd ˈjuː,Original Orthography: nee:d,NA,368075,370410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  95. something yyy near me . ,pro:indef|something prep|near pro:obj|me .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,əˈsʊmpiŋ ˈɛ ˈniə mi,ˈsʌmθɪŋ * ˈnɪɹ ˈmiː,NA,NA,370410,374226,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  96. yyy Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,næˈmɑʔmio ˈmɑmi,* ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,374226,376553,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  97. Mommy go near me . ,n:prop|Mommy v|go prep|near pro:obj|me .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi ˈɡo ˈniʊ mi,ˈmɑmiː ˈɡoʊ ˈnɪɹ ˈmiː,NA,NA,376553,379330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  98. go near you . ,v|go prep|near pro:per|you .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈɡo ˈnir ju,ˈɡoʊ ˈnɪɹ ˈjuː,NA,END OF SEGMENT,379306,381760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  99. like what ? ,prep|like pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,later the same day,381760,382525,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  100. you did need a napkin . ,pro:per|you v|do&PAST v|need det:art|a n|napkin .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|COMP 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,382525,383578,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  101. so I will get you a napkin . ,co|so pro:sub|I mod|will v|get pro:per|you det:art|a n|napkin .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ2 6|7|DET 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,383578,385055,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  102. and you can wipe your o:wn (.) hand . ,coord|and pro:per|you mod|can v|wipe det:poss|your adj|own n|hand .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,385055,389760,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  103. on the napkin . ,prep|on det:art|the n|napkin .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,389760,391463,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  104. does that sound like a good idea ? ,mod|do&3S adv|that adj|sound prep|like det:art|a adj|good n|idea ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,391463,395863,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  105. I don't want to . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want prep|to .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|PUNCT,ˈaɪ don ˈwɑn tu,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈwɑnt ˈtuː,NA,NA,395863,397995,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  106. "well , your hand's [: hand is] messy and you're making the table +... ",n|well cm|cm det:poss|your n|hand cop|be&3S adj|mess&dn-Y coord|and pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|make-PRESP det:art|the n|table +...,1|5|JCT 2|1|LP 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PRED 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|5|CJCT 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,397995,402590,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  107. messy . ,adj|mess&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,402590,404356,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  108. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,404356,405613,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  109. "‹no ,› no . ",co|no cm|cm co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,ˈneɪo ˈno,ˈnoʊ ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,405613,408275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  110. "I'm ‹not [?] ,› ‹no [?]› . ",pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S neg|not cm|cm co|no .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|LP 5|2|COM 6|2|PUNCT,m̩ ˈnɑ ˈnʌ,ˈaɪm ˈnɑt ˈnoʊ,unsure about ʌ,NA,408275,411180,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  111. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,411180,412260,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  112. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,413548,414610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  113. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,n̩ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,414250,416721,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  114. good . ,adj|good .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,416721,427551,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  115. xxx yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,* ˈlæ dəˈlæ,* * *,NA,NA,427551,430815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  116. of (.) August . ,prep|of n:prop|August .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,430815,434506,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  117. the previous taping was from this morning so there's been a bit of a gap here . ,det:art|the adj|previous n:gerund|tape-PRESP cop|be&PAST&13S prep|from det:dem|this n|morning adv|so pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S cop|be&PASTP det:art|a n|bit prep|of det:art|a n|gap adv|here .,1|2|DET 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|10|JCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|4|CJCT 11|10|PRED 12|13|DET 13|11|PRED 14|13|NJCT 15|16|DET 16|14|POBJ 17|13|NJCT 18|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,434506,440651,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  118. would you like some juice instead of water to drink ? ,mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like qn|some n|juice adv|instead prep|of n|water prep|to n|drink ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,440651,445318,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  119. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,445318,446388,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  120. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,446388,446973,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  121. would you like +//? ,mod|will&COND pro:per|you conj|like +//?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,446973,448521,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  122. let me see what kind we have . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|see pro:int|what n|kind pro:sub|we v|have .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|5|MOD 5|3|OBJ 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|CMOD 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,448521,450631,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  123. we have grape juice and we have cranberry juice . ,pro:sub|we v|have n|grape n|juice coord|and pro:sub|we v|have n|cranberry n|juice .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|CJCT 8|9|MOD 9|7|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,450631,455173,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  124. I want cranberry juice . ,pro:sub|I v|want n|cranberry n|juice .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈɑ wənt ˈkwæ̃nbəwi dus,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈkɹænˌbɛɹiː ˈʤuːs,NA,NA,455173,456991,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  125. alrightie . ,co|alrightie .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,456991,457918,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  126. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,457918,458815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  127. alrightie . ,co|alrightie .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,458815,459951,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  128. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,459951,463666,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  129. and would you like to have some salmon or some crab ? ,coord|and mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like inf|to v|have qn|some n|salmon coord|or qn|some n|crab ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|QUANT 8|6|OBJ 9|8|CONJ 10|11|QUANT 11|9|COORD 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,463666,467228,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  130. there's crab right there . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|crab adv|right adv|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|JCT 5|3|NJCT 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,467228,468548,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  131. yes I would like to have some crab . ,co|yes pro:sub|I mod|will&COND v|like inf|to v|have qn|some n|crab .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|QUANT 8|6|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,ˈjɛð aɪ wʊd laɪk tə hæv s^m̩ ˈkwæb,ˈjɛs ˈaɪ ˈwʊd ˈlaɪk ˈtuː ˈhæv ˈsʌm ˈkɹæb,NA,NA,468548,472050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  132. it's right there on your plate . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|right adv|there prep|on det:poss|your n|plate .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|2|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,472050,473418,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  133. I would like to have salmon . ,pro:sub|I mod|will&COND v|like inf|to v|have n|salmon .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈhʌ wə laɪk də hæv ˈsæ̃mən,ˈaɪ ˈwʊd ˈlaɪk ˈtuː ˈhæv ˈsæmən,NA,NA,476180,478465,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  134. you would ? ,pro:per|you mod|will&COND ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,478465,479708,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  135. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,479708,480688,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  136. are you gonna be a little king+fisher ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to cop|be det:art|a adj|little n|+n|king+n|fisher ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|PRED 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,480528,482448,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  137. no be a little bear . ,co|no cop|be det:art|a adj|little n|bear .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,əˈno bɪʔ ə lɪɾəl ˈbeɪɜ˞,ˈnoʊ ˈbiː ə ˈlɪtəl ˈbɛɹ,NA,NA,482448,484783,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  138. "oh , that's right . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|LINK 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,484311,485611,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  139. bears do eat salmon . ,n|bear-PL mod|do v|eat n|salmon .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,485611,487508,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  140. "in fact , bears lo:ve salmon . ",prep|in n|fact cm|cm v|bear-3S n|love n|salmon .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|LP 4|1|ENUM 5|6|MOD 6|4|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,487508,490811,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  141. they do . ,pro:sub|they v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,490811,496743,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  142. where's the salmon ? ,pro:int|where~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|salmon ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,499383,505710,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  143. "oh , hey , hey , xxx . ",co|oh cm|cm co|hey cm|cm co|hey cm|cm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|LP 5|1|ENUM 6|5|LP 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,505710,507880,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  144. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈaʊʔˈki,*,unsure about i,NA,507880,513368,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  145. are you a bear zub@wp ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you det:art|a n|bear wplay|zub ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|OM 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,513368,515766,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  146. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛ,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,515766,517299,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  147. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,516925,517495,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  148. xxx yyy bear . ,n|bear .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈmɑnəˈmɑno ˈbeɪɜ˞,* * ˈbɛɹ,NA,NA,517495,521146,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  149. I'm a little ‹baby [?]› king+fisher . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a adj|little n|baby n|+n|king+n|fisher .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ə lɪə beɪ ˈkiŋfɪsɜ˞,ˈaɪm ə ˈlɪtəl ˈbeɪbiː ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃəɹ,NA,NA,521146,526215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  150. I ‹changed [?]› my mind ‹of [?]› ‹bear [?]› . ,pro:sub|I v|change-PAST det:poss|my n|mind prep|of n|bear .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ teɪn mə maɪnd əv ˈbeɪwə,ˈaɪ ˈʧeɪnʤd ˈmaɪ ˈmaɪnd ˈʌv ˈbɛɹ,NA,NA,526215,528775,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  151. "here's some salmon , little bear . ",pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S qn|some n|salmon cm|cm adj|little n|bear .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|4|LP 6|7|MOD 7|4|ENUM 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,528775,531103,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  152. "no I'm ‹a ,› I'm a little king+fisher . ",co|no pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a cm|cm pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a adj|little n|+n|king+n|fisher .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CJCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|PRED 11|3|PUNCT,ˈno m ə ˈaɪm ə lɪɾə ˈkiŋpɪθə,ˈnoʊ ˈaɪm ə ˈaɪm ə ˈlɪtəl ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃəɹ,unsure about p,NA,531103,535691,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  153. you changed your mind ? ,pro:per|you v|change-PAST det:poss|your n|mind ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,535691,536801,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  154. is that what you are telling me ? ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|that pro:int|what pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|tell-PRESP pro:obj|me ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|SUBJ 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|1|CPRED 7|6|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,536801,537751,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  155. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,537751,539825,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  156. "I'm ‹a ,› I'm a 0little [?] ‹baby [?]› king+fisher . ",pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a cm|cm pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a 0adj|little n|baby n|+n|king+n|fisher .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|LP 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CJCT 7|10|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|6|PRED 11|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ə ˈʌm jə beɪ ˈkŋ̩fɪʃɜ˞,ˈaɪm ə ˈaɪm ə ˈbeɪbiː ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃəɹ,unsure about jə,NA,539825,543321,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  157. "oh , you're a baby king+fisher . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES det:art|a n|baby n|+n|king+n|fisher .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,543321,546496,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  158. sa:lmon . ,n|salmon .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,546496,547691,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  159. this . ,pro:dem|this .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,n̩ˈdɪs,ˈðɪs,NA,NA,547691,549010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  160. that's the top of the salmon . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|top prep|of det:art|the n|salmon .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,548688,550256,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  161. that's the color of the top of the salmon . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|color prep|of det:art|the n|top prep|of det:art|the n|salmon .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,550256,552743,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  162. you can eat that too . ,pro:per|you mod|can v|eat adv|that adv|too .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,552743,557160,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  163. "okay , so my stuff is there +... ",co|okay cm|cm conj|so det:poss|my n|stuff cop|be&3S adv|there +...,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|LINK 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,557160,561213,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  164. picked out +... ,part|pick-PASTP adv|out +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,561213,562176,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  165. "and , &-um +... ",coord|and cm|cm +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,562176,564025,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  166. that includes what I'm gonna wear tomorrow . ,pro:rel|that v|include-3S pro:int|what pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|wear adv:tem|tomorrow .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|COMP 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,564025,565855,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  167. so +... ,co|so +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,565855,566546,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  168. so everything else in the other bag xxx . ,adv|so pro:indef|everything post|else prep|in det:art|the qn|other n|bag .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PQ 4|2|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|QUANT 7|4|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,566546,569288,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  169. I zipped up my little section but there's plenty of room although all those are clean . ,pro:sub|I v|zip-PAST adv|up det:poss|my adj|little n|section conj|but pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S adv|plenty prep|of n|room conj|although adv|all det:dem|those cop|be&PRES adj|clean .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|2|OBJ 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|2|CJCT 10|9|PRED 11|10|NJCT 12|11|POBJ 13|16|LINK 14|16|JCT 15|16|SUBJ 16|9|CJCT 17|16|PRED 18|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,569288,573058,FAT,Father,MAL,17,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  170. washed ? ,part|wash-PASTP ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,573058,573951,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  171. tonight ? ,adv:tem|tonight ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,573951,574835,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  172. "'cause [: because] I , I kinda [: kind of] want my jeans . ",conj|because pro:sub|I cm|cm pro:sub|I n|kind prep|of v|want det:poss|my n|jeans .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|2|ENUM 5|4|POBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,574835,576475,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  173. that's why I was gonna +... ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|why pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|go-PRESP~inf|to +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|CPRED 7|6|OM 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,576475,577646,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  174. "I don't need anything washed , but if +... ",pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|need pro:indef|anything part|wash-PASTP cm|cm conj|but comp|if +...,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|XMOD 7|6|LP 8|4|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,577646,580473,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  175. did I leave stuff out on the grass there +//? ,mod|do&PAST pro:sub|I v|leave v|stuff adv|out prep|on det:art|the n|grass adv|there +//?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|4|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,580473,590750,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  176. xxx little baby king+fisher doesn't like her salmon . ,adj|little n|baby n|+n|king+n|fisher mod|do&3S~neg|not v|like pro:obj|her n|salmon .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|6|PUNCT,* ˈeɪə beɪ ˈkeɪŋfɪdʒə ˈdʌn̩ laɪk hɜ̃ ˈsæmən,* ˈlɪtəl ˈbeɪbiː ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃəɹ ˈdʌzn̩t ˈlaɪk həɹ ˈsæmən,NA,NA,590750,597110,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  177. the little bear doesn't like her salmon ? ,det:art|the adj|little n|bear mod|do&3S~neg|not v|like pro:obj|her n|salmon ?,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,597110,598746,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  178. no I'm a little baby king+fisher . ,co|no pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a adj|little n|baby n|+n|king+n|fisher .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|DET 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|PRED 8|3|PUNCT,nʊ ˈaɪm ə lɪtə beɪi ˈkiŋfəθɜ˞,ˈnoʊ ˈaɪm ə ˈlɪtəl ˈbeɪbiː ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃəɹ,NA,NA,598746,601368,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  179. "oh , the king+fisher doesn't like her salmon ? ",co|oh cm|cm det:art|the n|+n|king+n|fisher mod|do&3S~neg|not v|like pro:obj|her n|salmon ?,1|7|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|DET 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|0|ROOT 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|COMP 10|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,601255,603221,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  180. how 'bout [: about] if +//. ,pro:int|how adv|about conj|if +//.,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,603221,609880,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  181. and what do birds drink ? ,coord|and pro:int|what v|do n|bird-PL n|drink ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,æ̃n ˈwʌt duʔ ˈbɜ˞z dwiŋk,ˈænd ˈwʌt ˈduː ˈbʌɹdz ˈdɹɪŋk,NA,NA,609880,613455,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  182. birds drink water . ,n|bird-PL n|drink n|water .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,613455,615606,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  183. but the baby ‹was [?]› drinking juice instead . ,conj|but det:art|the n|baby aux|be&PAST&13S part|drink-PRESP n|juice adv|instead .,1|5|LINK 2|3|DET 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|PUNCT,‹ˈbʌt (.)› də ˈbeɪbi wə dwiŋkiŋ ˈdʒus n̩ˈstɛd,ˈbʌt ðə ˈbeɪbiː ˈwɑz ˈdɹɪŋkɪŋ ˈʤuːs ˌɪnˈstɛd,unsure about first s,NA,615606,622576,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  184. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,622576,627291,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  185. ‹<I'm a little> [?]› baby king+fisher . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a adj|little n|baby n|+n|king+n|fisher .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,həˈmɪdə beɪbi ˈkɪŋfɪʃɜ˞,‹ˈaɪm ə ˈlɪtəl› ˈbeɪbiː ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃəɹ,NA,NA,627291,629661,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  186. who's ‹eating (.)› fish . ,pro:rel|who~aux|be&3S part|eat-PRESP n|fish .,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,huz ‹ˈiŋ̩ (.)› ˈfɪʃ,ˈhuːz ‹ˈiːtɪŋ (.)› ˈfɪʃ,NA,NA,629661,632146,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  187. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,632146,650743,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  188. the little baby king+fisher ‹bird [?]› has ‹wings [?]› . ,det:art|the adj|little n|baby n|+n|king+n|fisher n|bird aux|have&3S n|wing-PL .,1|5|DET 2|5|MOD 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|0|INCROOT 8|7|PUNCT,ˈdɪ ˈlɪdl ˈbeɪbi kiŋfɪzə bɜ˞d zæzə ˈwiŋz,ðə ˈlɪtəl ˈbeɪbiː ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃəɹ ˈbʌɹd ˈhæz ˈwɪŋz,NA,NA,650743,654321,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  189. to fly . ,inf|to v|fly .,1|2|INF 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,tə ˈflaɪ,ˈtuː ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,654321,656091,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  190. king+fisher has wings for flying ? ,n|+n|king+n|fisher aux|have&3S n|wing-PL prep|for n:gerund|fly-PRESP ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,656091,658341,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  191. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,658341,659216,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  192. mm . ,co|mm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,659216,664131,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  193. what a sweet little king+fisher baby . ,pro:int|what det:art|a adj|sweet adj|little n|+n|king+n|fisher n|baby .,1|6|LINK 2|6|DET 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|0|INCROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,664131,666766,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  194. "hm: , after +... ",co|hm cm|cm adv:tem|after +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,666766,668775,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  195. I changed my mind ‹to [?]› ‹a [?]› king+fisher baby . ,pro:sub|I v|change-PAST det:poss|my n|mind prep|to det:art|a n|+n|king+n|fisher n|baby .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ teɪnd maɪ ˈmaɪn du ə ˈkiŋfɪʃə ˈbeɪbi,ˈaɪ ˈʧeɪnʤd ˈmaɪ ˈmaɪnd ˈtuː ə ˈkɪŋˌfɪʃəɹ ˈbeɪbiː,NA,NA,668775,672143,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  196. you changed your mind ? ,pro:per|you v|change-PAST det:poss|your n|mind ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,672021,673795,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  197. "‹yyy ,› I'm a little baby . ",cm|cm pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S det:art|a adj|little n|baby .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,ˈhʌ ˈaɪm ə lɪl̩ ˈbeɪbi,* ˈaɪm ə ˈlɪtəl ˈbeɪbiː,unsure about ʌ,NA,673795,677238,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  198. what baby are you again ? ,pro:int|what n|baby cop|be&PRES pro:per|you adv|again ?,1|2|MOD 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|4|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,677238,682293,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  199. "what kind of baby are you , Miss Boobahloo ? ",pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|baby cop|be&PRES pro:per|you cm|cm n:prop|Miss n:prop|Boobahloo ?,1|2|MOD 2|5|CSUBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PRED 7|6|LP 8|9|NAME 9|6|ENUM 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,682293,685151,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  200. "‹xxx ,› I'm ‹done [?]› finished . ",cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|do&PASTP part|finish-PASTP .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|COMP 6|4|PUNCT,* ˈnɑm̩ ˈdʊn ˈfɪnɛst,* ˈaɪm ˈdʌn ˈfɪnɪʃt,NA,NA,685151,688676,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  201. oops . ,co|oops .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,688676,690676,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  202. "that's not to be knocked over , Naima . ",pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not inf|to aux|be part|knock-PASTP adv|over cm|cm n:prop|Naima .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|6|INF 5|6|AUX 6|2|XJCT 7|6|JCT 8|6|LP 9|6|ENUM 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,690676,697191,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  203. "‹xxx ,› xxx it's ‹mine [?]› . ",cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S pro:poss|mine .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,* * ɪt ˈmaɪn,* * ˈɪts ˈmaɪn,NA,NA,697191,699716,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  204. you wanna take that off ? ,pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|take pro:dem|that adv|off ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,699716,701091,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  205. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,701091,701810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  206. "okay , Daddy will help . ",co|okay cm|cm n:prop|Daddy mod|will n|help .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,701810,702903,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  207. I had a yyy bracelet on . ,pro:sub|I v|have&PAST det:art|a n|bracelet adv|on .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ hæd ə ˈbleɪ ˈbweɪslɪɾ ɑn,ˈaɪ ˈhæd ə * ˈbɹeɪslət ˈɑn,NA,NA,702903,705655,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  208. "yes , that's a very nice bracelet . ",co|yes cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adv|very adj|nice n|bracelet .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|8|DET 6|7|JCT 7|8|MOD 8|4|PRED 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,705655,707661,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  209. xxx it's a hair elastic . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|hair adj|elastic .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|POSTMOD 6|2|PUNCT,* ɪts ə ˈhɛ əlæstɪkʰ,* ˈɪts ə ˈhɛɹ əˈlæstɪk,entire utterance hard to hear due to background noise,NA,707661,710921,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  210. it's a hair elastic bracelet . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|hair adj|elastic n|bracelet .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,710921,712573,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  211. "well , it's a bracelet nevertheless . ",co|well cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bracelet adv|nevertheless .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,712573,714195,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  212. you turned it into a bracelet . ,pro:per|you v|turn-PAST pro:per|it prep|into det:art|a n|bracelet .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,714195,715781,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  213. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,715781,717245,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  214. 'cause [: because] you wanted to . ,conj|because pro:per|you v|want-PAST inf|to .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,717090,718813,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  215. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,718813,722836,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  216. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,722836,724346,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  217. is Mommy wearing a mic [: microphone] ? ,cop|be&3S n:prop|Mommy part|wear-PRESP det:art|a n|microphone ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,724346,726155,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  218. "yes , I'm wearing a mic [: microphone] . ",co|yes cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|wear-PRESP det:art|a n|microphone .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,726155,727665,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  219. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,727665,731100,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  220. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,731100,731708,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  221. "xxx , I said I'm sure all that noise is really good . ",cm|cm pro:sub|I v|say&PAST pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|sure qn|all pro:dem|that n|noise cop|be&3S adv|real&dadj-LY adj|good .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|10|JCT 7|8|QUANT 8|9|DET 9|10|SUBJ 10|5|PRED 11|12|JCT 12|10|PRED 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,laughter .,731708,734891,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  222. that's just how it goes I'm afraid . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|just pro:rel|how pro:per|it v|go-3S pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adj|afraid .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CMOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|8|PRED 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,734891,738376,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  223. "so Miss Boo , what else are you eating ? ",co|so n:prop|Miss n:prop|Boo cm|cm pro:int|what post|else aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|eat-PRESP ?,1|3|COM 2|3|NAME 3|0|ROOT 4|3|LP 5|9|LINK 6|9|SUBJ 7|9|AUX 8|9|SUBJ 9|3|XJCT 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,738376,740543,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  224. what 0is that noise ? ,pro:int|what 0cop|be&3S comp|that n|noise ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌʔ dæt ˈnɔɪz,ˈwʌt ˈðæt ˈnɔɪz,NA,NA,740543,742291,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  225. "oh , Mommy's [: Mommy is] cleaning up . ",co|oh cm|cm n:prop|Mommy aux|be&3S part|clean-PRESP adv|up .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,742090,744011,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  226. she's packing up some stuff . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|pack-PRESP adv|up qn|some n|stuff .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,744011,746476,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  227. "yyy ‹Daddy [?] ,› yyy yyy that's a ‹lamp [?]› falling ‹down ,› yyy was sitting in the window . ",n:prop|Daddy cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|lamp part|fall-PRESP adv|down cm|cm aux|be&PAST&13S part|sit-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|window .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|11|SUBJ 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|6|XMOD 8|7|JCT 9|4|LP 10|11|AUX 11|0|ROOT 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|11|PUNCT,ˈɡaɪ ˈdædə ˈlɛ ˈdæ dætθ ə ˈlæ̃m fəliŋ ˈdaʊn ˈædwə wəz ˈsɪɾiŋ n̩ ə ˈwɪndo,* ˈdædiː * * ˈðæts ə ˈlæmp ˈfɑlɪŋ ˈdaʊn * ˈwɑz ˈsɪtɪŋ ˈɪn ðə ˈwɪndoʊ,NA,NA,746476,752796,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  228. o:h ! ,co|oh !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,752896,754481,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  229. is that a +//? ,cop|be&3S comp|that det:art|a +//?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|INCROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,754481,755015,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  230. "no , it's your feet . ",co|no cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:poss|your n|foot&PL .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,755015,756460,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  231. it 0is number . ,pro:per|it 0cop|be&3S v|number .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈɪt ˈnʌmbə,ˈɪt ˈnʌmbəɹ,NA,NA,756460,758418,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  232. it's number running onto the window . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S n|number part|run-PRESP prep|onto det:art|the n|window .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,ɪz ˈnʌmbə wəniŋ ɑntu də ˈwɪndo,ˈɪts ˈnʌmbəɹ ˈɹʌnɪŋ ˈɑntuː ðə ˈwɪndoʊ,NA,NA,758358,761490,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  233. it's numbe(r) ? ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S v|number ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,761490,762710,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  234. "running ‹to ,› onto the window . ",part|run-PRESP prep|to cm|cm prep|onto det:art|the n|window .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|LP 4|1|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌniŋ tə ˈɑntu ðə ˈwɪndo,ˈɹʌnɪŋ ˈtuː ˈɑntuː ðə ˈwɪndoʊ,"CHI may mean ""into"" , not ""onto""",NA,762710,764781,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  235. numbe(r) one and two onto the window ? ,v|number det:num|one coord|and det:num|two prep|onto det:art|the n|window ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|1|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,764781,766676,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  236. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,766676,768485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  237. o:h . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,767905,769048,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  238. one two one two one two one two one two . ,det:num|one det:num|two det:num|one det:num|two det:num|one det:num|two det:num|one det:num|two det:num|one det:num|two .,1|3|ENUM 2|3|DATE 3|10|DATE 4|5|DATE 5|6|DATE 6|7|DATE 7|8|DATE 8|9|DATE 9|10|DATE 10|0|ROOT 11|10|PUNCT,wn̩ tu ˈwʌn tu ˈwʌn tu ˈwʌn tu ˈwʌn tu,ˈwʌn ˈtuː ˈwʌn ˈtuː ˈwʌn ˈtuː ˈwʌn ˈtuː ˈwʌn ˈtuː,NA,NA,769048,772641,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  239. is that number one two one two one two ? ,cop|be&3S pro:dem|that v|number det:num|one det:num|two det:num|one det:num|two det:num|one det:num|two ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|CPRED 4|9|DATE 5|6|DATE 6|7|DATE 7|8|DATE 8|9|DATE 9|3|OBJ 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,772641,774368,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  240. "hey , there's a fly in this place . ",co|hey cm|cm pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|fly prep|in det:dem|this n|place .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,774368,776863,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  241. I'm doing this . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|do-PRESP pro:dem|this .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈɑm ˈduŋ ˈdɪs,ˈaɪm ˈduːɪŋ ˈðɪs,NA,NA,776863,778620,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  242. "oh , what're you doing +//? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:int|what~aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP +//?,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,778620,780516,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  243. wave it away ? ,v|wave pro:per|it adv|away ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,780516,782108,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  244. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛθ,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,782108,783896,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  245. gonna scare it off ? ,part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|scare pro:per|it adv|off ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,783896,785103,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  246. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,785103,786021,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  247. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,786021,787766,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  248. I'm gonna scare it off outside . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|scare pro:per|it adv|off adv|outside .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,ˈɑm n̩ ˈskiw əd ɑf aʊtˈsaɪd,ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈskɛɹ ˈɪt ˈɑf ˌaʊtˈsaɪd,NA,NA,787766,790633,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  249. "&-uh , y'know [: you know] that's a bit of a challenge actually . ",cm|cm pro:per|you v|know pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bit prep|of det:art|a n|challenge adv|actual&dadj-LY .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|PRED 8|7|NJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|7|NJCT 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,790633,795185,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  250. what's a ‹little [?]› bit ‹of (.)› a challenge yyy actually ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|of det:art|a n|challenge adv|actual&dadj-LY ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|NJCT 10|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ə lɪɾə bɪ ‹əv (.)› ə ˈtʃæln̩dʒ ˈæft ˈæksəˈli,ˈwʌts ə ˈlɪtəl ˈbɪt ‹ˈʌv (.)› ə ˈʧælənʤ * ˈækʧəwəliː,unsure about v,NA,795185,800548,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  251. it's a challenge to: (.) shoo that fly straight out the door . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|challenge inf|to v|shoo pro:dem|that v|fly n|straight prep|out det:art|the n|door .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|6|INF 6|4|XMOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|8|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,800548,805486,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  252. 'cause [: because] flies don't +//. ,conj|because n|fly-PL mod|do~neg|not +//.,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|3|NEG 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,805486,809261,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  253. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,809261,810678,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  254. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,810678,815476,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  255. but flies fly wherever they want . ,conj|but v|fly-3S n|fly pro:rel|wherever pro:sub|they v|want .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CMOD 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,815476,818305,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  256. there are flies on my sippy cup . ,pro:exist|there cop|be&PRES n|fly-PL prep|on det:poss|my adj|sip&dv-Y n|cup .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|NJCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ðɛ ə ˈflaɪz n̩ maɪ ˈsɪpi kəp,ˈðɛɹ ˈɑɹ ˈflaɪz ˈɑn ˈmaɪ ˈsɪpiː ˈkʌp,NA,NA,818305,820898,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  257. "xxx , is there a fly on your sippy cup ? ",cm|cm aux|be&3S adv|there det:art|a n|fly prep|on det:poss|your adj|sip&dv-Y n|cup ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|JCT 4|5|DET 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|JCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,820898,823116,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  258. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,823116,824083,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  259. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,824083,825265,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  260. "‹I'm ,› ‹I'm ,› ‹I'm ,› I'm shooing a fly away . ",pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S cm|cm pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S cm|cm pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|shoo-PRESP det:art|a n|fly adv|away .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CJCT 6|5|LP 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|ENUM 9|8|LP 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|5|CJCT 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|12|JCT 16|2|PUNCT,ˈɑm ˈɑ ˈʌʔ m̩ ˈʃuiŋ ə ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ,ˈaɪm ˈaɪm ˈaɪm ˈaɪm ˈʃuːɪŋ ə ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ,NA,NA,825265,829828,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  261. good . ,adj|good .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,829828,830890,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  262. "‹xxx ,› I'm looking to see if it's biting . ",cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|look-PRESP inf|to v|see conj|if pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|bite-PRESP .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|6|COMP 11|4|PUNCT,* aɪm ˈlʊkiŋ tə si əf əts ˈbaɪdiŋ,* ˈaɪm ˈlʊkɪŋ ˈtuː ˈsiː ˈɪf ˈɪts ˈbaɪtɪŋ,NA,NA,830890,836038,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  263. "oh , I don't think these flies bite . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think det:dem|these n|fly-PL v|bite .,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|COMP 10|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,836038,839100,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  264. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,839100,842586,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  265. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,842586,843613,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  266. that was a +//. ,pro:dem|that cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a +//.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,843613,848435,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  267. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,848435,849560,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  268. well +... ,co|well +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,849560,851175,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  269. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,the transition from the ə to w is very gradual,NA,851175,853290,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  270. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,853290,856215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  271. he was hungry . ,pro:sub|he cop|be&PAST&13S adj|hungry .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,856215,857215,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  272. why ‹was [?]› that fly xxx +..? ,pro:int|why cop|be&PAST&13S pro:dem|that v|fly +..?,1|2|SUBJ 2|4|SUBJ 3|2|PRED 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ wə ˈdæt ˈflæ *,ˈwaɪ ˈwɑz ˈðæt ˈflaɪ *,unsure about second æ,NA,857215,862185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  273. you gonna eat some more penne pasta ? ,pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|eat qn|some qn|more n|penne n|pasta ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|8|QUANT 6|7|QUANT 7|8|MOD 8|4|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,862185,864203,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  274. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,864203,865198,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  275. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,865198,866851,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  276. I think Mo:mmy: put some crab salad there too . ,pro:sub|I v|think n:prop|Mommy v|put&ZERO qn|some n|crab n|salad adv|there adv|too .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|QUANT 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|JCT 9|4|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,866851,870043,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  277. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,870043,876655,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  278. crab yyy +/. ,n|crab +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈkwæb ˈɪðə,ˈkɹæb *,NA,NA,876655,877885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  279. is it possible to know which clothes you're gonna wear tomorrow ? ,aux|be&3S pro:per|it adj|possible inf|to v|know pro:int|which n:pt|clothes pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|wear adv:tem|tomorrow ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|PRED 4|5|INF 5|3|XMOD 6|10|LINK 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|5|COMP 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|12|JCT 14|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,877885,880785,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  280. "a dip a zip a ‹zap ,› a zip a zip a zip . ",det:art|a n|dip det:art|a v|zip det:art|a v|zap cm|cm det:art|a v|zip det:art|a v|zip det:art|a v|zip .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|CMOD 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|LP 8|9|DET 9|6|ENUM 10|11|DET 11|9|COMP 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|2|PUNCT,ə ˈdɪp ə ˈzɪp ə ˈzæp ə ˈzɪp ə ˈzɪp ə ˈzɪp,ə ˈdɪp ə ˈzɪp ə ˈzæp ə ˈzɪp ə ˈzɪp ə ˈzɪp,NA,NA,880785,885875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  281. hi ho the zip . ,co|hi co|ho det:art|the v|zip .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|DET 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈhaɪ ho də ˈzɪp,ˈhaɪ ˈhoʊ ðə ˈzɪp,NA,NA,885875,888251,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  282. hi ho the yyy zip xxx +... ,co|hi co|ho det:art|the v|zip +...,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|DET 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈhi ˈho ðə ˈlipodələ ˈzɪp *,ˈhaɪ ˈhoʊ ðə * ˈzɪp *,NA,NA,888251,892080,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  283. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,891596,895675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  284. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,895675,898263,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  285. hi ho the dippio@wp the zipper in the dell . ,co|hi co|ho det:art|the wplay|dippio det:art|the n|zip&dv-AGT prep|in det:art|the n|dell .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|DET 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,ˈhi o ðə ˈdɪpio də ˈzɪpə ˈɪn ðə ˈdɛ,ˈhaɪ ˈhoʊ ðə ‹ˈdɪpiː ˈoʊ› ðə ˈzɪpəɹ ˈɪn ðə ˈdɛl,NA,NA,898263,902281,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  286. who's in the dell ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|dell ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,902281,903510,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  287. the zipper . ,det:art|the n|zip&dv-AGT .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,də ˈzɪpɜ˞,ðə ˈzɪpəɹ,NA,NA,903510,905505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  288. the zipper in the dell . ,det:art|the n|zip&dv-AGT prep|in det:art|the n|dell .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,905505,907441,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  289. the zipper in 0the dell +... ,det:art|the n|zip&dv-AGT adv|in 0det:art|the n|dell +...,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,də ˈzɪpɜ˞r ɪn ˈdɛl,ðə ˈzɪpəɹ ˈɪn ˈdɛl,unsure about r,singing,907441,909215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  290. "hi ho the zippio@wp the yyy ‹in ,› the zipper in the dell . ",co|hi co|ho det:art|the wplay|zippio det:art|the adv|in cm|cm det:art|the n|zip&dv-AGT prep|in det:art|the n|dell .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|DET 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|JCT 7|6|LP 8|9|DET 9|6|ENUM 10|9|NJCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|4|PUNCT,ˈhi ho zə ˈzɪpio də ˈzɪpi ˈɪ ðə ˈzɪpɜ˞ ɪ nə ˈdɛːl,ˈhaɪ ˈhoʊ ðə ‹ˈzɪpiː ˈoʊ› ðə * ˈɪn ðə ˈzɪpəɹ ˈɪn ðə ˈdɛl,NA,NA,909215,916236,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  291. "that's good , the zippio@wp , the zipper's [: zipper is] in the de:ll . ",pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|good cm|cm det:art|the wplay|zippio cm|cm det:art|the n|zip&dv-AGT cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|dell .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|LP 5|6|DET 6|2|PRED 7|6|LP 8|9|DET 9|10|SUBJ 10|6|CMOD 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,916236,919418,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  292. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,919418,924308,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  293. I'm going to get you . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|get pro:per|you .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈɑm ɡoiŋ də ˈɡɛt ju,ˈaɪm ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈjuː,NA,NA,924308,926993,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  294. I got you ! ,pro:sub|I v|get&PAST pro:per|you !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,aɪ ˈɡɑt ju,ˈaɪ ˈɡɑt ˈjuː,NA,NA,926606,928350,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  295. you did . ,pro:per|you v|do&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,927880,928908,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  296. what did the rising tide say to Naima ? ,pro:int|what mod|do&PAST det:art|the n:gerund|rise-PRESP n|tide co|say prep|to n:prop|Naima ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|AUX 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|COM 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,928908,932591,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  297. "‹why ,› why the ‹rising ,› say I'm going to get you . ",pro:int|why cm|cm pro:rel|why det:art|the n:gerund|rise-PRESP cm|cm v|say pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|get pro:per|you .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|5|LINK 4|5|DET 5|1|CJCT 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|7|COMP 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|12|OBJ 14|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈwaɪ də waɪzə seɪ ˈaɪm ɡoiŋ də ˈɡɛt ju,ˈwaɪ ˈwaɪ ðə ˈɹaɪzɪŋ ˈseɪ ˈaɪm ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈjuː,NA,the last few words are almost whispered,932591,938296,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  298. "‹why ,› why ? ",pro:int|why cm|cm pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,938296,942370,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  299. "'cause [: because] that tide was coming up higher , higher , and higher and higher . ",conj|because det:dem|that n|tide aux|be&PAST&13S part|come-PRESP adv|up adj|high-CP cm|cm adj|high-CP cm|cm coord|and adj|high-CP coord|and adj|high-CP .,1|5|LINK 2|3|DET 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|ENUM 8|7|LP 9|5|ENUM 10|9|LP 11|5|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|12|CONJ 14|13|COORD 15|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,942370,943656,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  300. why the ‹rocks [?]› ‹that [?]› I was sitting yyy ‹water [?]› now ? ,pro:int|why det:art|the n|rock-PL pro:rel|that pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|sit-PRESP n|water adv|now ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|CMOD 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ də wɑks ðæ aɪ wə sɪɾiŋ əˈaɪkoldət ˈwɑɾə naʊ,ˈwaɪ ðə ˈɹɑks ˈðæt ˈaɪ ˈwɑz ˈsɪtɪŋ * ˈwɑtəɹ ˈnaʊ,NA,NA,943656,949121,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  301. because the tide was coming in . ,conj|because det:art|the n|tide aux|be&PAST&13S part|come-PRESP adv|in .,1|5|LINK 2|3|DET 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,948606,951090,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  302. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,951090,955586,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  303. and the water saw Naima and the water said I'm gonna get you ! ,coord|and det:art|the n|water n|saw n:prop|Naima coord|and det:art|the n|water v|say&PAST pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|get pro:per|you !,1|5|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|5|SUBJ 5|9|SUBJ 6|5|CONJ 7|8|DET 8|6|COORD 9|0|ROOT 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|9|COMP 13|14|INF 14|12|COMP 15|14|OBJ 16|9|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,955586,962676,FAT,Father,MAL,15,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  304. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,962676,963860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  305. 'cause [: because] the tide was rising +//. ,conj|because det:art|the n|tide aux|be&PAST&13S part|rise-PRESP +//.,1|5|LINK 2|3|DET 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,963860,967163,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  306. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,967163,969935,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  307. "why the ‹tide ,› the tide ‹rise (.)› once a day ? ",pro:int|why det:art|the n|tide cm|cm det:art|the n|tide v|rise adv|once det:art|a n|day ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|DET 3|7|JCT 4|3|LP 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|7|JCT 11|7|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ ðə ˈtaɪd də ˈtaɪd ‹waɪð (.)› ˈwʌnts ə ˈdeɪ,ˈwaɪ ðə ˈtaɪd ðə ˈtaɪd ‹ˈɹaɪz (.)› ˈwʌns ə ˈdeɪ,NA,NA,969935,974005,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  308. twice a day . ,adv|twice det:art|a n|day .,1|3|JCT 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,974005,974898,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  309. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,974898,976355,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  310. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,laughter .,976355,977626,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  311. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,977626,978416,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  312. the moon pulls the water around . ,det:art|the n|moon v|pull-3S det:art|the n|water adv|around .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,978416,981561,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  313. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,981561,982665,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  314. there's a fly in here . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|fly prep|in n|here .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,lɪð ə ˈflaɪ n̩ hiə,ˈðɛɹz ə ˈflaɪ ˈɪn ˈhɪɹ,unsure about lið,NA,982665,984545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  315. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,984545,988126,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  316. I'm shooing it away . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|shoo-PRESP pro:per|it adv|away .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,aɪm ˈθuiŋ ɪɾ əˈweɪ,ˈaɪm ˈʃuːɪŋ ˈɪt əˈweɪ,NA,NA,988126,989716,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  317. "oh , good idea . ",co|oh cm|cm adj|good n|idea .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,989716,990595,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  318. shoo it away . ,v|shoo pro:per|it adv|away .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,990595,991293,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  319. "xxx ‹no ,› it's still here . ",co|no cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|still adv|here .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,* ˈnʊ ɛt ˈstɪl ˈhiə,* ˈnoʊ ˈɪts ˈstɪl ˈhɪɹ,NA,NA,991293,993895,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  320. I'm shooing it away . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|shoo-PRESP pro:per|it adv|away .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪm θuiŋ ɪɾ əˈweɪ,ˈaɪm ˈʃuːɪŋ ˈɪt əˈweɪ,NA,NA,993895,996038,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  321. "don't worry , it's not a big deal , Boo . ",mod|do~neg|not v|worry cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a adj|big n|deal cm|cm n:prop|Boo .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|LP 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CJCT 7|6|NEG 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|6|PRED 11|10|LP 12|10|ENUM 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,996038,998415,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  322. forget the fly . ,v|forget det:art|the n|fly .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,998415,999685,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  323. it's just a fly . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|just det:art|a n|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|MOD 4|5|DET 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,999685,1002560,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  324. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1002560,1003508,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  325. I shooed it . ,pro:sub|I v|shoo-PAST pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈʃud ɪt,ˈaɪ ˈʃuːd ˈɪt,NA,NA,1003508,1005580,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  326. that yyy in yyy here . ,pro:dem|that prep|in n|here .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈdæt ˈki ˈɪn ˈhi ˈhiə,ˈðæt * ˈɪn * ˈhɪɹ,NA,NA,1005580,1009460,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  327. we could open the door and it might fly out but in fact another fly might come in instead so +/. ,pro:sub|we mod|could v|open det:art|the n|door coord|and pro:per|it mod|might v|fly adv|out conj|but prep|in n|fact qn|another n|fly n|might v|come adv|in adv|instead adv|so +/.,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|9|LINK 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|3|CJCT 10|9|JCT 11|17|LINK 12|17|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|15|QUANT 15|16|MOD 16|17|SUBJ 17|9|CJCT 18|17|JCT 19|17|JCT 20|17|JCT 21|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1009460,1013473,FAT,Father,MAL,20,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  328. Daddy ! ,n:prop|Daddy !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdæi,ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1013473,1014900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  329. "yes , Boo ? ",co|yes cm|cm n:prop|Boo ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1014670,1015310,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  330. another ‹fly is› not gonna come in . ,qn|another n|fly aux|be&3S neg|not part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|come adv|in .,1|2|QUANT 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|5|PUNCT,əˈnʌðə flaɪð ˈnɑt ɡʊnə kəm ɪn,əˈnʌðəɹ ‹ˈflaɪ ˈɪz› ˈnɑt ˈɡɑnə ˈkʌm ˈɪn,NA,NA,1015310,1017356,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  331. "‹xxx ,› there's a fly here . ",cm|cm pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|fly adv|here .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|3|PUNCT,* ˈdɛ ə ˈflaɪ hiə,* ˈðɛɹz ə ˈflaɪ ˈhɪɹ,NA,NA,1017356,1020318,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  332. "‹it ,› it's the same fly . ",pro:per|it cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|same n|fly .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,ˈɪt ɪ tə ˈseɪm ˈflaɪ,ˈɪt ˈɪts ðə ˈseɪm ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,1020318,1024800,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  333. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1024800,1026391,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  334. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1026391,1027645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  335. o:h dear . ,co|oh co|dear .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1027645,1029418,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  336. "what's ‹that [?]› ‹yyy ,› what's ‹that [?]› doing ? ",pro:int|what~cop|be&3S adv|that cm|cm pro:int|what~aux|be&3S adv|that part|do-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|LP 5|8|OBJ 6|8|AUX 7|8|JCT 8|2|CPRED 9|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌə zæʔ ˈdʊ ˈwʌə zæ ˈduɛŋ,ˈwʌts ˈðæt * ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1029418,1032126,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  337. I think that fly flew away . ,pro:sub|I v|think det:dem|that n|fly v|fly&PAST adv|away .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1032126,1034076,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  338. "there it ‹is ,› ‹yyy ,› oh ‹no ,› here it is again . ",adv|there pro:per|it cop|be&3S cm|cm cm|cm co|oh co|no cm|cm adv|here pro:per|it cop|be&3S adv|again .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|LP 5|3|LP 6|11|COM 7|11|COM 8|7|LP 9|10|JCT 10|11|SUBJ 11|3|CJCT 12|11|JCT 13|3|PUNCT,ˈdɛ ə ˈdɪz ˈnʌdɪʔ ˈo no ˈhiə ɪd ˈɪð əˈɡɛn,ˈðɛɹ ˈɪt ˈɪz * ˈoʊ ˈnoʊ ˈhɪɹ ˈɪt ˈɪz əˈɡɛn,NA,NA,1034076,1037703,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  339. "oh , I don't want to be a fly+swatter today . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want inf|to cop|be det:art|a n|+n|fly+n|swatter adv:tem|today .,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|10|DET 10|8|PRED 11|10|NJCT 12|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1037703,1040551,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  340. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1040551,1041523,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  341. "oh , it's just kinda [: kind of] boring . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|just n|kind prep|of n:gerund|bore-PRESP .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|MOD 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1041523,1043711,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  342. it's boring ! ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|bore-PRESP !,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1043711,1045045,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  343. there's a fly here . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|fly adv|here .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|2|PUNCT,ˈdɪ ə ˈflaɪ hiə,ˈðɛɹz ə ˈflaɪ ˈhɪɹ,NA,NA,1045045,1047261,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  344. yyy . ,NA,NA,aɪˈsɪwiə,*,NA,NA,1047261,1048900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  345. "just forget the fly , don't worry about it . ",adv|just v|forget det:art|the n|fly cm|cm mod|do~neg|not v|worry prep|about pro:per|it .,1|2|JCT 2|8|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|LP 6|8|AUX 7|6|NEG 8|0|ROOT 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1048900,1051480,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  346. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1051480,1052410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  347. flies aren't that important . ,n|fly-PL cop|be&PRES~neg|not det:dem|that adj|important .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|5|DET 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1052410,1054108,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  348. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1054108,1055320,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  349. they're just not very important . ,pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adv|just neg|not adv|very adj|important .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|NEG 5|6|JCT 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1054910,1056876,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  350. yyy why you can shoo sheep ? ,pro:int|why pro:per|you mod|can v|shoo n|sheep ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,ˈwʊ ˈwaɪ ˈju kn̩ ʃu ˈsːip,* ˈwaɪ ˈjuː ˈkæn ˈʃuː ˈʃiːp,NA,NA,1056876,1059951,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  351. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1059951,1060641,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  352. "&-uh , it's not that you can shoo sheep +//. ",cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not pro:rel|that pro:per|you mod|can v|shoo n|sheep +//.,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|NEG 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|3|CJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1060641,1070525,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  353. it's much harder . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|much adj|hard-CP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1070525,1071521,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  354. it takes great skill to herd a fly . ,pro:per|it v|take-3S adj|great n|skill inf|to v|herd det:art|a n|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|6|INF 6|4|XMOD 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1071521,1076295,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  355. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1076295,1077610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  356. why: ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1077610,1079918,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  357. "why ‹yyy ,› why at the ‹lake [?]› yyy get a fly bite . ",pro:int|why cm|cm pro:rel|why prep|at det:art|the n|lake v|get det:art|a n|fly n|bite .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|7|LINK 4|7|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|CMOD 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|OBJ 11|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ də ˈwaɪ æ də leɪ ˈdædæʔ ɡɪd ə ˈflaɪ baɪtʰ,ˈwaɪ * ˈwaɪ ˈæt ðə ˈleɪk * ˈɡɛt ə ˈflaɪ ˈbaɪt,NA,NA,1079918,1084695,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  358. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1084695,1088308,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  359. that was like +//. ,pro:dem|that cop|be&PAST&13S prep|like +//.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1088308,1094236,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  360. "‹yyy ,› why was it the Canadian kind of a fly ? ",cm|cm pro:rel|why cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it det:art|the n:prop|Canadian n|kind prep|of det:art|a n|fly ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|LINK 3|1|CMOD 4|7|MOD 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|3|PRED 8|7|NJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌ ˈwaɪ wəd ət də kəˈneɪdi kaɪnd əv ə ˈflaɪ,* ˈwaɪ ˈwɑz ˈɪt ðə kəˈneɪdiːən ˈkaɪnd ˈʌv ə ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,1094236,1097778,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  361. it was a Canadian kind of a biting fly . ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a n:prop|Canadian n|kind prep|of det:art|a n:gerund|bite-PRESP n|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1097778,1099763,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  362. those were the kind of flies Daddy used to get bit by all through the (.) summer when I was working in the woods . ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PAST det:art|the n|kind prep|of n|fly-PL n:prop|Daddy v|use-PAST inf|to v|get v|bite&PAST adv|by adv|all adj|through det:art|the n|summer conj|when pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|work-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|wood-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|CMOD 9|10|INF 10|8|COMP 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|14|JCT 14|10|PRED 15|16|DET 16|14|OBJ 17|20|LINK 18|20|SUBJ 19|20|AUX 20|16|CMOD 21|20|JCT 22|23|DET 23|21|POBJ 24|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1099763,1107318,FAT,Father,MAL,23,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  363. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1107318,1109186,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  364. why 0is ‹Dad [?]› Canadian ? ,pro:int|why 0cop|be&3S n:prop|Dad n:prop|Canadian ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|NAME 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ dæ kəˈneɪdiɛn,ˈwaɪ ˈdæd kəˈneɪdiːən,NA,NA,1109186,1112541,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  365. why am I Canadian ? ,pro:int|why cop|be&1S pro:sub|I n:prop|Canadian ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1112448,1113190,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  366. why Daddy yyy +/. ,pro:rel|why n:prop|Daddy +/.,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ dædi ˈkm̩,ˈwaɪ ˈdædiː *,NA,NA,1113190,1114573,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  367. they came from India . ,pro:sub|they v|come&PAST prep|from n:prop|India .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1116860,1119188,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  368. they came from India and they went to Canada . ,pro:sub|they v|come&PAST prep|from n:prop|India coord|and pro:sub|they v|go&PAST prep|to n:prop|Canada .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|CJCT 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1119188,1122308,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  369. "‹&ss ,› ‹&ss ,› &ss . ",cm|cm cm|cm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|PUNCT,tsː tsː ˈɛsʃ,ˈsː ˈsː ˈsː,NA,NA,1122308,1125290,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  370. &ss . ,NA,NA,ˈɛsː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1125290,1126323,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  371. &ss . ,NA,NA,tsːts,ˈsː,NA,NA,1126323,1127716,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  372. &ss . ,NA,NA,ˈɛθː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1127716,1129313,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  373. &ss . ,NA,NA,sː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1129313,1130845,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  374. &ss . ,NA,NA,sː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1130845,1131915,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  375. o:h . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1131915,1132818,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  376. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1132818,1135165,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  377. cats hiss . ,n|cat-PL n|hiss .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1135165,1136245,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  378. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1136245,1141725,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  379. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1141725,1142941,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  380. when Bessie Ann +//. ,conj|when n:prop|Bessie n:prop|Ann +//.,1|3|LINK 2|3|NAME 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1142941,1146040,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  381. Bessie Allen . ,n:prop|Bessie n:prop|Allen .,1|2|NAME 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1146040,1147233,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  382. "Bessie Allen and the dog and the cat came back into the house and the bears had gone , the cat looked at her bowl and she (.) hissed ! ",n:prop|Bessie n:prop|Allen coord|and det:art|the n|dog coord|and det:art|the n|cat v|come&PAST adv|back prep|into det:art|the n|house coord|and det:art|the n|bear-PL aux|have&PAST part|go&PASTP cm|cm det:art|the n|cat v|look-PAST prep|at det:poss|her n|bowl coord|and pro:sub|she v|hiss-PAST !,1|2|NAME 2|9|SUBJ 3|2|CONJ 4|5|DET 5|3|COORD 6|2|CONJ 7|8|DET 8|6|COORD 9|0|ROOT 10|9|JCT 11|9|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|18|LINK 15|16|DET 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|9|CJCT 19|18|LP 20|21|DET 21|22|SUBJ 22|18|COMP 23|22|JCT 24|25|DET 25|23|POBJ 26|28|LINK 27|28|SUBJ 28|22|CJCT 29|9|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1147233,1158151,FAT,Father,MAL,27,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  383. &ss . ,NA,NA,sː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1158151,1159525,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  384. just like that . ,adv|just prep|like pro:dem|that .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|POBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1159525,1160228,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  385. &ss . ,NA,NA,sː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1160228,1161425,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  386. &ss . ,NA,NA,sː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1161425,1163245,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  387. &ss . ,NA,NA,sː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1163245,1164375,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  388. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1164770,1165676,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  389. wha:t ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1165676,1166928,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  390. I thought you were hungry . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:per|you cop|be&PAST adj|hungry .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1166928,1168185,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  391. I'm not hungry . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S neg|not adj|hungry .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,aɪm ˈnɑd hənɡwi,ˈaɪm ˈnɑt ˈhʌŋɡɹiː,NA,NA,1168185,1169378,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  392. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1169378,1171746,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  393. would you like some salty cheese ? ,mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like qn|some adj|salt&dn-Y n|cheese ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1171746,1174373,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  394. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1174373,1175226,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  395. xxx yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈjɛθ,* ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1175226,1176483,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  396. "‹xxx ,› more pasta . ",cm|cm qn|more n|pasta .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|QUANT 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,* mɔ ˈpɑstə,* ˈmɔɹ ˈpɑstə,NA,NA,1176483,1178916,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  397. there's pasta right there . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|pasta adv|right adv|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|JCT 5|3|NJCT 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1178916,1180060,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  398. I see plenty of pasta . ,pro:sub|I v|see adv|plenty prep|of n|pasta .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1180060,1181195,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  399. "‹xxx ,› I just need more salty cheese . ",cm|cm pro:sub|I adv|just v|need adv|more adj|salt&dn-Y n|cheese .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,* aɪ ˈdʒɪs nid mɔːə ˈsɑlti tʃiz,* ˈaɪ ˈʤʌst ˈniːd ˈmɔɹ ˈsɑltiː ˈʧiːz,NA,NA,1181195,1184725,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  400. "okay , let's get you some sa:lty chee:se , Booboo . ",co|okay cm|cm v|let~pro:obj|us v|get pro:per|you qn|some adj|salt&dn-Y n|cheese cm|cm n:prop|Booboo .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|OBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ2 7|9|QUANT 8|9|MOD 9|5|OBJ 10|9|LP 11|9|ENUM 12|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1184725,1190153,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  401. Booboo needs some sal:ty: chee:se . ,n:prop|Booboo v|need-3S qn|some adj|salt&dn-Y n|cheese .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1190153,1195348,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  402. "okay , salty cheese , coming right up . ",co|okay cm|cm adj|salt&dn-Y n|cheese cm|cm part|come-PRESP adv|right adv|up .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|LP 6|4|ENUM 7|8|JCT 8|6|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1195348,1198785,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  403. why 0did Daddy say coming right up ? ,pro:int|why 0mod|do&PAST n:prop|Daddy co|say n:gerund|come-PRESP adj|right adv|up ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|5|CSUBJ 4|5|COM 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|JCT 8|5|PUNCT,ˈwʊ ˈdaɪd seɪ ˈkʌmɪŋ waɪd ˈʌp,ˈwaɪ ˈdædiː ˈseɪ ˈkʌmɪŋ ˈɹaɪt ˈʌp,NA,NA,1198785,1203543,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  404. 'cause [: because] it's coming right up ! ,conj|because pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP adv|right adv|up !,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1203180,1205386,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  405. here it comes ! ,adv|here pro:per|it v|come-3S !,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1205386,1206458,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  406. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1206458,1208166,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  407. "oh , you love the salty cheese , don't you ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you v|love det:art|the adj|salt&dn-Y n|cheese cm|cm mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|LP 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|4|OBJ 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1208166,1211020,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  408. it is deli:ciou:s . ,pro:per|it cop|be&3S adj|delicious .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1211020,1213241,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  409. "‹xxx ,› ‹deli(cious) ,› gebicious@c . ",cm|cm adj|delicious cm|cm chi|gebicious .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POSTMOD 3|2|LP 4|2|ENUM 5|1|PUNCT,* diˈlɪθ ɡiˈbɪʃəs,* dəˈlɪ ɡəˈbɪʃəs,Original Orthography: delic < ious >,NA,1213241,1217515,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  410. it i:s delicious reggiano@s:ita ! ,pro:per|it cop|be&3S adj|delicious L2|reggiano !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1217196,1221830,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  411. it is deli:ciou:s . ,pro:per|it cop|be&3S adj|delicious .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1221830,1223948,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  412. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1223948,1224825,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  413. yummy yummy yumuh:@wp . ,adj|yum&dn-Y adj|yum&dn-Y wplay|yumuh .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1224825,1226208,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  414. salty cheese . ,adj|salt&dn-Y n|cheese .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1226208,1227563,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  415. Daddy had no idea when he was a kid +... ,n:prop|Daddy v|have&PAST qn|no n|idea conj|when pro:sub|he cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a n|kid +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|CJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|PRED 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1227563,1230918,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  416. this was so: good . ,pro:dem|this cop|be&PAST&13S adv|so adj|good .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1230918,1232916,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  417. did you not like it as a kid ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you neg|not prep|like pro:per|it adv|as det:art|a n|kid ?,1|8|AUX 2|8|SUBJ 3|2|NEG 4|2|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|8|COORD 7|8|DET 8|0|INCROOT 9|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1232916,1236075,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  418. "no , I mean , you know , I had Kraft . ",co|no cm|cm pro:sub|I v|mean cm|cm pro:per|you v|know cm|cm pro:sub|I v|have&PAST n:prop|Kraft .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|ENUM 8|7|LP 9|10|SUBJ 10|4|CJCT 11|10|OBJ 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1236075,1238045,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  419. I had this sort of +... ,pro:sub|I v|have&PAST det:dem|this n|sort prep|of +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1238045,1239371,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  420. that +/. ,comp|that +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1239371,1240883,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  421. that stuff . ,det:dem|that n|stuff .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1240883,1242475,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  422. yep [: yes] . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1242475,1243241,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  423. it was before the explosion of gourmet thinking in the country . ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S conj|before det:art|the n|explosion prep|of n|gourmet part|think-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|country .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|XMOD 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1243241,1248143,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  424. I had quite a lot of Cheez_Whiz in my time . ,pro:sub|I v|have&PAST adv|quite det:art|a n|lot prep|of n:prop|Cheez_Whiz prep|in det:poss|my n|time .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|NJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1248143,1250741,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  425. Chee:z_Whi:z . ,n:prop|Cheez_Whiz .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1250741,1254020,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  426. "yeah , I'm sure . ",co|yeah cm|cm pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adj|sure .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1254020,1254891,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  427. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1254891,1256760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  428. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1256760,1259041,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  429. "oh , Cheez_Whiz and ketchup , oh . ",co|oh cm|cm n:prop|Cheez_Whiz coord|and n|ketchup cm|cm co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|3|LP 7|1|ENUM 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1259041,1260551,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  430. isn't it awful ? ,cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:per|it adj|awful ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|NEG 3|1|PRED 4|3|OM 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1260551,1270076,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  431. there's a ‹hair [?]› on my plate . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|hair prep|on det:poss|my n|plate .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,n̩ˈdɛz ə ˈhi ɑn maɪ ˈplitʰ,ˈðɛɹz ə ˈhɛɹ ˈɑn ˈmaɪ ˈpleɪt,NA,NA,1270076,1273183,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  432. what's +//? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S +//?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1273183,1275545,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  433. waiter ! ,n|waiter !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1275545,1276308,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  434. "okay , it's out . ",co|okay cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|out .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1276308,1283473,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  435. xxx xxx xxx ‹you [?]› yyy ‹you [?]› yyy . ,pro:per|you pro:per|you .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,* * * ˈjuə ˈdlɛtθ ˈjuə ˈdɛnˈʃɑ,* * * ˈjuː * ˈjuː *,NA,singing,1283473,1288846,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  436. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1288846,1290876,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  437. the New England Journal meets on Fridays . ,det:art|the n:prop|New n:prop|England n:prop|Journal v|meet-3S prep|on n:prop|Fridays .,1|2|DET 2|5|SUBJ 3|2|APP 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1290876,1294838,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  438. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1294838,1295848,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  439. xxx I wanna ‹follow [?]› yyy ‹follow [?]› yyy . ,pro:sub|I v|want~inf|to v|follow v|follow .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|COMP 6|2|PUNCT,* ˈʊ wənə ˈfɑlə ˈdʊ ˈfɑlo ˈðæ,* ˈaɪ ˈwɑnə ˈfɑloʊ * ˈfɑloʊ *,NA,NA,1295848,1299215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  440. xxx what am I doing ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&1S pro:sub|I part|do-PRESP ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,* ˈwon ɑm naɪ ˈduɛŋ,* ˈwʌt ˈæm ˈaɪ ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1299215,1302625,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  441. what are you doing ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1302625,1304080,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  442. I'm eating . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|eat-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈʌm ˈdidɛn,ˈaɪm ˈiːtɪŋ,NA,NA,1304080,1305760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  443. o:h . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1305760,1306515,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  444. you're eating salty cheese and pasta . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|eat-PRESP adj|salt&dn-Y n|cheese coord|and n|pasta .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|OBJ 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1306560,1309615,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  445. I need more tomato sauce . ,pro:sub|I v|need qn|more n|tomato n|sauce .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈʌ ni mɔə təˈmeɪɾo sɑs,ˈaɪ ˈniːd ˈmɔɹ təˈmeɪˌtoʊ ˈsɑs,NA,NA,1309615,1312831,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  446. "oh my gosh , you need more tomato sauce ! ",co|oh det:poss|my co|gosh cm|cm pro:per|you v|need qn|more n|tomato n|sauce !,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|6|COM 4|3|LP 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|8|QUANT 8|9|MOD 9|6|OBJ 10|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1312831,1315576,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  447. why didn't Daddy think of that ? ,pro:int|why mod|do&PAST~neg|not n:prop|Daddy v|think prep|of pro:dem|that ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1315576,1318211,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  448. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1318211,1321450,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  449. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1321450,1324563,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  450. and that means we need a spoon . ,coord|and pro:dem|that v|mean-3S pro:sub|we v|need det:art|a n|spoon .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1324563,1330281,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  451. "‹no ,› I'm still using a fork . ",co|no cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S adv|still part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|fork .,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|JCT 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|PUNCT,ˈno ˈaɪm sɪl əjuiŋ ə ˈfɔəkʰ,ˈnoʊ ˈaɪm ˈstɪl ˈjuːzɪŋ ə ˈfɔɹk,NA,NA,1330281,1332678,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  452. "I know , but I need a spoon for the tomato sauce . ",pro:sub|I v|know cm|cm conj|but pro:sub|I v|need det:art|a n|spoon prep|for det:art|the n|tomato n|sauce .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|CJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1332678,1334538,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  453. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1334538,1335796,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  454. 'cause [: because] sauce is better spooned out than forked out . ,conj|because n|sauce cop|be&3S adj|good&CP v|spoon-PAST adv|out prep|than part|fork-PASTP adv|out .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|5|CJCT 4|3|PRED 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|8|JCT 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1335796,1339363,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  455. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1339363,1340976,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  456. 'cause [: because] it's more liquidy +//. ,conj|because pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|more adj|liquid-Y +//.,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1340976,1348080,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  457. I need a spoon also . ,pro:sub|I v|need det:art|a n|spoon adv|also .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ niɾ ə spun ˈɑlso,ˈaɪ ˈniːd ə ˈspuːn ˈɑlsoʊ,NA,NA,1348080,1350105,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  458. "oh dear , you need a spoon too ? ",co|oh co|dear cm|cm pro:per|you v|need det:art|a n|spoon adv|too ?,1|5|COM 2|5|COM 3|2|LP 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1350105,1351723,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  459. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1351723,1352193,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  460. I thought you needed a fork . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:per|you v|need-PAST det:art|a n|fork .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1352193,1353941,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  461. I don't need a fork . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|need det:art|a n|fork .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈhaɪ on nid ə ˈfɔə,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈniːd ə ˈfɔɹk,NA,NA,1353941,1356586,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  462. you don't ? ,pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1356106,1357151,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  463. you gonna use your fingers ? ,pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|use det:poss|your n|finger-PL ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1357151,1359191,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  464. mm mm . ,co|mm co|mm .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1359191,1389941,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  465. "wow , already packed , huh ? ",co|wow cm|cm adv|already part|pack-PASTP cm|cm co|huh ?,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|LP 6|4|COM 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1389941,1398675,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  466. "so , Boo +... ",adv|so cm|cm n:prop|Boo +...,1|3|JCT 2|1|LP 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1398675,1400708,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  467. did you have a good day ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|have det:art|a adj|good n|day ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1400708,1402313,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  468. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1402313,1403333,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  469. "you were very upset earlier , weren't you ? ",pro:per|you cop|be&PAST adv|very adj|upset adj|early-CP cm|cm cop|be&PAST~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|4|PRED 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|7|NEG 9|7|SUBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1403333,1406553,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  470. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1406553,1407948,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  471. "I think 'cause [: because] you hadn't had a nap and you were really , really tired . ",pro:sub|I v|think conj|because pro:per|you aux|have&PAST~neg|not part|have&PASTP det:art|a n|nap coord|and pro:per|you cop|be&PAST adv|real&dadj-LY cm|cm adv|real&dadj-LY v|tire-PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|LINK 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|2|CJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|12|LINK 11|12|SUBJ 12|7|CJCT 13|12|JCT 14|13|LP 15|16|JCT 16|12|CPRED 17|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1407948,1412161,FAT,Father,MAL,15,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  472. d'you [: do you] remember ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|remember ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1412161,1412973,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  473. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæʃ,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1412973,1413611,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  474. you were really +//. ,pro:per|you cop|be&PAST adv|real&dadj-LY +//.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1413611,1416700,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  475. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1416700,1417526,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  476. remember you were asking what's a tantrum ? ,v|remember pro:per|you cop|be&PAST n:gerund|ask-PRESP pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|tantrum ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|PRED 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|PRED 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1417526,1419910,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  477. "remember , we read that book and those alligators were having a tantrum ? ",v|remember cm|cm pro:sub|we v|read&ZERO pro:dem|that n|book coord|and det:dem|those n|alligator-PL aux|be&PAST part|have-PRESP det:art|a n|tantrum ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|CJCT 5|6|DET 6|11|SUBJ 7|6|CONJ 8|9|DET 9|7|COORD 10|11|AUX 11|4|COMP 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1419910,1425511,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  478. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1425511,1428426,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  479. what you were having today was a tantrum . ,pro:int|what pro:per|you cop|be&PAST n:gerund|have-PRESP adv:tem|today cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a n|tantrum .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|PRED 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1428426,1431633,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  480. "you just couldn't control yourself , you were so upset . ",pro:per|you adv|just mod|could~neg|not v|control pro:refl|yourself cm|cm pro:per|you cop|be&PAST adv|so adj|upset .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|5|COMP 10|11|JCT 11|9|PRED 12|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1431633,1434625,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  481. xxx why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈwaɪ,* ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1434625,1436100,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  482. I think you hadn't had enough sleep . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you aux|have&PAST~neg|not part|have&PASTP adj|enough n|sleep .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|2|COMP 7|8|MOD 8|6|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1436100,1438186,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  483. I: ‹want [?]› to go up to the restaurant . ,pro:sub|I v|want inf|to v|go adv|up prep|to det:art|the n|restaurant .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪə wɑn tə ɡo ˈʌp tə də ˈwɛstəwɑntʰ,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ˈʌp ˈtuː ðə ˈɹɛstəɹˌɑnt,NA,NA,1438186,1441388,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  484. you did ? ,pro:per|you v|do&PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1441388,1442290,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  485. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈʌˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1442290,1443258,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  486. you didn't . ,pro:per|you mod|do&PAST~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1443258,1444073,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  487. "you didn't want to go to the restaurant , I know . ",pro:per|you mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|want inf|to v|go prep|to det:art|the n|restaurant cm|cm pro:sub|I v|know .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|LP 11|12|SUBJ 12|4|CJCT 13|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1444073,1447043,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  488. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1447043,1448366,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  489. but Mommy and Daddy +... ,conj|but n:prop|Mommy coord|and n:prop|Daddy +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COORD 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1448366,1450628,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  490. wanted to get a little tea . ,v|want-PAST inf|to v|get det:art|a adj|little n|tea .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|COMP 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1450628,1453178,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  491. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1453178,1454610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  492. well we felt like it was getting a bit chilly and we wanted a little tea . ,co|well pro:sub|we v|feel&PAST conj|like pro:per|it aux|be&PAST&13S part|get-PRESP det:art|a n|bit adj|chill&dn-Y coord|and pro:sub|we v|want-PAST det:art|a adj|little n|tea .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|CJCT 8|9|DET 9|10|JCT 10|7|PRED 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|10|CMOD 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|13|OBJ 17|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1454610,1463310,FAT,Father,MAL,16,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  493. "you really didn't want to go to the restaurant , I know . ",pro:per|you adv|real&dadj-LY mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|want inf|to v|go prep|to det:art|the n|restaurant cm|cm pro:sub|I v|know .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|JCT 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|5|LP 12|13|SUBJ 13|5|CJCT 14|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1463310,1467663,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  494. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1467663,1471900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  495. "we:ll , I +//. ",co|well cm|cm pro:sub|I +//.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1471900,1483895,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  496. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1483895,1490095,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  497. "xxx why'd ‹xxx ,› why'd the alligator walk away from her ‹daddy ,› yyy ? ",pro:rel|why~mod|genmod cm|cm pro:rel|why~mod|genmod det:art|the n|alligator n|walk adv|away prep|from det:poss|her n|daddy cm|cm ?,1|8|LINK 2|8|AUX 3|2|LP 4|8|JCT 5|8|AUX 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|0|ROOT 9|8|JCT 10|8|NJCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|8|LP 14|8|PUNCT,* ˈwʌdə * ˈwaɪ di æləɡeɪ^ɛ ˈwɑk əˈweɪ fm hɜ˞ ˈdædi ˈwʊtwən,* ˈwaɪd * ˈwaɪd ðə ˈæləˌɡeɪtəɹ ˈwɑk əˈweɪ ˈfɹʌm həɹ ˈdædiː *,NA,NA,1490095,1498681,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  498. "oh my ‹gosh ,› ‹yyy ,› going away from her daddy . ",co|oh det:poss|my co|gosh cm|cm cm|cm part|go-PRESP adv|away prep|from det:poss|her n|daddy .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|LP 5|3|LP 6|3|ENUM 7|6|JCT 8|6|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,ˈo maɪ ɡoθ ˈwʌtwəðə ɡəŋ əˈweɪ vwəm hɜ˞ ˈdæɾi,ˈoʊ ˈmaɪ ˈɡɑʃ * ˈɡoʊɪŋ əˈweɪ ˈfɹʌm həɹ ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1498681,1503050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  499. mm . ,co|mm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1502833,1503558,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  500. oh my gosh what ? ,co|oh det:poss|my co|gosh pro:int|what ?,1|4|COM 2|3|DET 3|4|COM 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1503533,1505058,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  501. she walks away from her daddy ? ,pro:sub|she v|walk-3S adv|away prep|from det:poss|her n|daddy ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1505058,1506650,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  502. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1506650,1509051,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  503. "xxx ‹yyy ,› yyy why he's having a tantrum . ",cm|cm pro:rel|why pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|have-PRESP det:art|a n|tantrum .,1|0|INCROOT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|1|CMOD 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,* n̩ˈdædə ˈdæ waɪ hiz hæviŋ ə ˈtæ̃ntəm,* * * ˈwaɪ ˈhiːz ˈhævɪŋ ə ˈtæntɹəm,NA,NA,1509051,1513090,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  504. "oh , the alligator baby +/. ",co|oh cm|cm det:art|the n|alligator n|baby +/.,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1513090,1515373,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  505. you think that's why that other +//. ,pro:per|you v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|why pro:dem|that qn|other +//.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|5|OM 7|6|OM 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1515373,1518118,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  506. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈɡjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1518118,1519780,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  507. huh . ,co|huh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1520121,1520841,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  508. why is that ? ,pro:int|why cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1520841,1522505,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  509. I'm ‹moving [?]› the crab out of the way . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|move-PRESP det:art|the n|crab adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|way .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,aɪm ˈɪn ðə ˈkwæb aʊ əd ə weɪ,ˈaɪm ˈmuːvɪŋ ðə ˈkɹæb ˈaʊt ˈʌv ðə ˈweɪ,NA,NA,1522505,1527001,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  510. "o:h , you don't want the crab , huh ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|want det:art|the n|crab cm|cm co|huh ?,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|8|LP 10|8|ENUM 11|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1527001,1529313,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  511. ‹moving [?]› the salmon too . ,part|move-PRESP det:art|the n|salmon post|too .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|JCT 5|1|PUNCT,ˈm̩n̩ də ˈsæ̃mən ˈtu,ˈmuːvɪŋ ðə ˈsæmən ˈtuː,NA,NA,1531216,1532920,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  512. "hm: , we don't have any yogurt . ",co|hm cm|cm pro:sub|we mod|do~neg|not v|have qn|any n|yogurt .,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|QUANT 8|6|OBJ 9|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1532893,1537493,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  513. I wonder what else Naima would like to eat . ,pro:sub|I v|wonder pro:int|what post|else n:prop|Naima mod|will&COND v|like inf|to v|eat .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|LINK 4|3|PQ 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|2|COMP 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1537493,1539885,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  514. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1539885,1543911,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  515. "Naima Boo , there's more applesauce +... ",n:prop|Naima n:prop|Boo cm|cm pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|more n|+n|apple+n|sauce +...,1|2|NAME 2|5|SUBJ 3|2|LP 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|PRED 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1543911,1547565,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  516. there's soy milk +... ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|soy n|milk +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1547565,1549101,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  517. "oh , soy milk might be nice . ",co|oh cm|cm n|soy n|milk n|might cop|be adj|nice .,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PRED 8|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1549101,1554446,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  518. there's smoothie . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1554446,1557143,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  519. "o:h , Naima +... ",co|oh cm|cm n:prop|Naima +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1557143,1559706,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  520. yes ! ,co|yes !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛθ,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1559706,1560676,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  521. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1560676,1562970,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  522. "xxx not yyy yyy ‹xxx ,› I don't ‹want ,› I'm moving my sippy cup out of the way . ",neg|not cm|cm pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|move-PRESP det:poss|my adj|sip&dv-Y v|cup adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|way .,1|6|NEG 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|6|LP 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|6|XJCT 11|12|DET 12|13|SUBJ 13|10|COMP 14|13|JCT 15|13|JCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|6|PUNCT,* ˈnɑt ˈɑ ˈɑ * ˈaɪ dont ˈwɑnʔ ˈaɪ mon maɪ ˈsɪpi kəp aʊ ə də ˈweɪ,* ˈnɑt * * * ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈwɑnt ˈaɪm ˈmuːvɪŋ ˈmaɪ ˈsɪpiː ˈkʌp ˈaʊt ˈʌv ðə ˈweɪ,NA,NA,1562970,1569128,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  523. "okay , you can move it out of the way . ",co|okay cm|cm pro:per|you mod|can v|move pro:per|it adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|way .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1569128,1570888,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  524. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1570888,1572686,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  525. this is all that's left of the smoothie . ,pro:dem|this cop|be&3S adv|all pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|left prep|of det:art|the n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|PRED 6|5|PRED 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1572686,1577540,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  526. mm . ,co|mm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1577540,1583546,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  527. you didn't try all of these yet . ,pro:per|you mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|try pro:indef|all prep|of pro:dem|these adv|yet .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|4|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1583546,1585040,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  528. "this one is incredible , I think . ",pro:dem|this pro:indef|one cop|be&3S in#adj|credible cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|4|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CJCT 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1585040,1586746,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  529. which one ? ,pro:rel|which pro:indef|one ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1586746,1587355,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  530. "&-um , the one you didn't have . ",cm|cm det:art|the pro:indef|one pro:per|you mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|have .,1|7|LINK 2|3|DET 3|7|SUBJ 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|0|ROOT 8|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1587355,1589570,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  531. "oh , it just looked like sticky caramel . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|it adv|just v|look-PAST prep|like n|sticky n|caramel .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|8|MOD 8|6|POBJ 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1589570,1593036,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  532. "oh , oh I see . ",co|oh cm|cm co|oh pro:sub|I v|see .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|COM 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1593036,1595480,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  533. I see . ,pro:sub|I v|see .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1595480,1596360,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  534. it's not caramel . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not n|caramel .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1596360,1597855,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  535. liqueur or something ? ,n|liqueur coord|or pro:indef|something ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1597855,1599445,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  536. I don't know what . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|what .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,MOT's line above is not entirely clear,NA,1599445,1601416,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  537. it's really good . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|real&dadj-LY adj|good .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1601416,1603733,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  538. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈɛsdɛməˈtu,*,NA,NA,1603733,1607448,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  539. xxx told me but I forgot . ,v|tell&PAST pro:obj|me conj|but pro:sub|I v|forget&PAST .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|1|CJCT 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1607448,1609623,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  540. "see , it's not caramel at all . ",v|see cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not n|caramel prep|at pro:indef|all .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|COMP 5|4|NEG 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1609623,1613813,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  541. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1613813,1618220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  542. what did Daddy yyy see that was sticky ? ,pro:int|what mod|do&PAST n:prop|Daddy co|see adv|that aux|be&PAST&13S n|sticky ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|7|SUBJ 4|3|COM 5|7|JCT 6|7|AUX 7|0|INCROOT 8|7|PUNCT,ˈwʌt dɪd dæɾi s ˈsi dæt wəs ˈstɪki,ˈwʌt ˈdɪd ˈdædiː * ˈsiː ˈðæt ˈwɑz ˈstɪkiː,NA,NA,1618220,1621693,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  543. what did I see that was sticky ? ,pro:int|what mod|do&PAST pro:sub|I v|see adv|that aux|be&PAST&13S n|sticky ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|6|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1621693,1625103,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  544. "mm , mm mm mm mm mm . ",co|mm cm|cm co|mm co|mm co|mm co|mm co|mm .,1|7|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|COM 4|6|COM 5|6|COM 6|7|COM 7|0|INCROOT 8|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1625103,1628013,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  545. I don't know . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1628013,1629363,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  546. I'm not sure what you're talking about . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S neg|not adj|sure pro:int|what pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|talk-PRESP adv|about .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|PRED 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|CMOD 9|8|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1629363,1632573,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  547. no yyy +... ,co|no +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno ˈɑʔ,ˈnoʊ *,NA,NA,1632573,1635086,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  548. I know . ,pro:sub|I v|know .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈhaɪ no,ˈaɪ ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1635086,1636183,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  549. I know I know . ,pro:sub|I v|know pro:sub|I v|know .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,aɪ ˈno aɪ ˈno,ˈaɪ ˈnoʊ ˈaɪ ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1636183,1637636,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  550. you know ? ,pro:per|you v|know ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1637636,1638085,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  551. I don't know what you're talking about . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|what pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|talk-PRESP adv|about .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1638085,1639651,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  552. what did Daddy see that was sticky ? ,pro:int|what mod|do&PAST n:prop|Daddy co|see adv|that aux|be&PAST&13S n|sticky ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|7|SUBJ 4|3|COM 5|7|JCT 6|7|AUX 7|0|INCROOT 8|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1639651,1643543,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  553. what Daddy ‹thought [?]› that was sticky ? ,pro:int|what n:prop|Daddy n|thought adv|that aux|be&PAST&13S n|sticky ?,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|6|PRED 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|0|INCROOT 7|6|PUNCT,ˈwʌt dæə sɑt dæt wə ˈstɪki,ˈwʌt ˈdædiː ˈθɑt ˈðæt ˈwɑz ˈstɪkiː,NA,NA,1643543,1646165,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  554. what did I think was sticky ? ,pro:int|what mod|do&PAST pro:sub|I v|think cop|be&PAST&13S n|sticky ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|COMP 6|5|PRED 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1646165,1647401,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  555. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌt,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,1647401,1648213,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  556. you mean the caramel ? ,pro:per|you v|mean det:art|the n|caramel ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1648213,1649745,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  557. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1649745,1651175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  558. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1651175,1652258,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  559. "oh , Mommy bought some chocolate that I thought was sticky . ",co|oh cm|cm n:prop|Mommy v|buy&PAST qn|some n|chocolate pro:rel|that pro:sub|I v|think&PAST cop|be&PAST&13S n|sticky .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|CMOD 10|9|COMP 11|10|PRED 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1651941,1655810,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  560. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1655810,1657238,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  561. xxx you want to take this smoked salmon with us ? ,pro:per|you v|want inf|to v|take det:dem|this part|smoke-PASTP n|salmon prep|with pro:obj|us ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|5|XMOD 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1657238,1660886,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  562. I don't . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1660886,1661625,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  563. it's old enough +... ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|old adv|enough +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1661625,1662973,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  564. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,1662973,1665783,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  565. it's not fabulous . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not adj|fabulous .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1665783,1670963,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  566. I mean basically +... ,pro:sub|I v|mean adv|basic&dadj-AL-LY +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1670963,1672076,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  567. and then +... ,coord|and adv:tem|then +...,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1672076,1673065,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  568. "&-uh , we're gonna have breakfast here +//? ",cm|cm pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|have n|breakfast adv|here +//?,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1673065,1674611,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  569. you wanna have breakfast here ? ,pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|have n|breakfast adv|here ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1674611,1675901,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  570. "well , we talked about having breakfast out , but +... ",co|well cm|cm pro:sub|we v|talk-PAST adv|about part|have-PRESP n|breakfast adv|out cm|cm conj|but +...,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|6|LP 10|4|OM 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1675901,1678925,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  571. I know . ,pro:sub|I v|know .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1678925,1679685,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  572. "I mean for me , you know , there's a smidge of cereal which I can finish . ",pro:sub|I v|mean prep|for pro:obj|me cm|cm pro:per|you v|know cm|cm pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|smidge prep|of n|cereal pro:rel|which pro:sub|I mod|can v|finish .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|ENUM 8|7|LP 9|10|SUBJ 10|2|CJCT 11|12|DET 12|10|PRED 13|12|NJCT 14|13|POBJ 15|18|LINK 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|14|CMOD 19|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1679685,1684146,FAT,Father,MAL,16,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  573. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1684146,1690090,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  574. "‹yyy ,› clean ‹up [?] ,› there's a hair on my hands too . ",cm|cm adj|clean adv|up cm|cm pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|hair prep|on det:poss|my n|hand-PL adv|too .,1|6|LINK 2|6|JCT 3|2|JCT 4|2|LP 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|PRED 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|8|NJCT 13|6|PUNCT,ˈnɑ ˈklin ə ðɛ ðə ˈhi ə maɪ ˈhæ̃nz ˈtu,* ˈkliːn ˈʌp ˈðɛɹz ə ˈhɛɹ ˈɑn ˈmaɪ ˈhændz ˈtuː,NA,NA,1690090,1695136,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  575. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈdædɪəjə,*,NA,NA,1695136,1698285,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  576. here . ,adv|here .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhiə,ˈhɪɹ,NA,NA,1698285,1699458,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  577. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1699458,1701918,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  578. "oh , I didn't get it . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|get pro:per|it .,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|6|OBJ 8|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1701918,1702930,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  579. hold on . ,n|hold adv|on .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1702930,1703478,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  580. where is it ? ,pro:int|where cop|be&3S pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1703478,1704213,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  581. here . ,adv|here .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhiɜ˞,ˈhɪɹ,NA,NA,1704213,1705503,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  582. "oh ‹oh ,› here . ",co|oh co|oh cm|cm adv|here .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|LP 4|2|ENUM 5|2|PUNCT,ˈoʔ o ˈhiɜ˞,ˈoʊ ˈoʊ ˈhɪɹ,NA,NA,1705503,1708246,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  583. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1708246,1709805,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  584. that's a nice long hair . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|nice adj|long n|hair .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1709805,1711059,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  585. I wonder +//. ,pro:sub|I v|wonder +//.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1711059,1712788,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  586. "I think we'll feed her Oaty_Os , blueberries , and soy milk . ",pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we~mod|will v|feed pro:obj|her n:prop|Oaty_Os cm|cm n|blueberry-PL cm|cm coord|and n|soy n|milk .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|9|SUBJ 8|7|LP 9|6|ENUM 10|9|LP 11|5|CONJ 12|13|MOD 13|11|COORD 14|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1712788,1716851,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  587. oh my god . ,co|oh det:poss|my n|god .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1716851,1717928,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  588. no I don't want that . ,co|no pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want pro:dem|that .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,ˈno ˈaɪ dont ˈwɑnʔ dæ,ˈnoʊ ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈwɑnt ˈðæt,NA,NA,1717928,1720575,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  589. I don't like that . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|like pro:dem|that .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ont ˈlaɪk dæ,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈlaɪk ˈðæt,NA,NA,1720575,1722593,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  590. I don't like that I'm not a little ‹bear [?]› . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not co|like adv|that pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S neg|not det:art|a adj|little n|bear .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|7|COM 5|7|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|7|NEG 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|7|PRED 12|7|PUNCT,ˈaɪ dont laɪk æt ˈɑm ˈnɑ ə lɪɾə bɛ,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈlaɪk ˈðæt ˈaɪm ˈnɑt ə ˈlɪtəl ˈbɛɹ,NA,NA,1722593,1726190,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  591. well +... ,co|well +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1725896,1737283,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  592. we have very little room for things that need refrigerating . ,pro:sub|we v|have adv|very adj|little n|room prep|for n|thing-PL pro:rel|that n|need part|refrigerate-PRESP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|10|LINK 9|10|MOD 10|7|CMOD 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1737283,1742195,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  593. like practically none . ,prep|like adv|practical&dadj-LY pro:indef|none .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|JCT 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1742195,1744848,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  594. xxx more tomato sauce . ,qn|more n|tomato n|sauce .,1|2|QUANT 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,* mɔ təˈmeɪɾo ʃɑθ,* ˈmɔɹ təˈmeɪˌtoʊ ˈsɑs,NA,NA,1744848,1747358,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  595. "hey , and you're out of pasta +//. ",co|hey cm|cm coord|and pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adv|out prep|of n|pasta +//.,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1747358,1751430,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  596. "&-um , no , that was the end of it actually . ",cm|cm qn|no cm|cm pro:rel|that cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|the n|end prep|of pro:per|it adv|actual&dadj-LY .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|QUANT 3|1|LP 4|5|LINK 5|1|CMOD 6|7|DET 7|5|PRED 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|7|JCT 11|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1751430,1755030,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  597. xxx there's rice . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|rice .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1755030,1758711,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  598. there's no more pasta . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|no qn|more n|pasta .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈðɪ no mɔ ˈpɑstə,ˈðɛɹz ˈnoʊ ˈmɔɹ ˈpɑstə,NA,NA,1758711,1760078,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  599. and there's cheese . ,coord|and pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|cheese .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1760078,1761178,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  600. there's rice and cheese . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|rice coord|and n|cheese .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1761178,1762628,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  601. and (.) zucchini . ,coord|and n|zucchini .,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1762628,1764978,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  602. you want some zucchini ? ,pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|zucchini ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1764978,1765785,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  603. "you want some zucchini , Boo ? ",pro:per|you v|want qn|some n|zucchini cm|cm n:prop|Boo ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|4|LP 6|4|ENUM 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1765785,1766821,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  604. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnowə,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1766821,1768388,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  605. rice ? ,n|rice ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1768388,1769306,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  606. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnoːwə,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1769306,1770460,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  607. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnoː,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1770460,1772650,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  608. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1772650,1774148,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  609. loud and clear . ,adj|loud coord|and adv|clear .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1774148,1790030,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  610. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1790030,1794743,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  611. Daddy Daddy more tomato yyy . ,n:prop|Daddy n:prop|Daddy qn|more n|tomato .,1|2|NAME 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈdædi dædi ˈmɔ səˈmeɪdo ˈplɑsˈlo,ˈdædiː ˈdædiː ˈmɔɹ təˈmeɪˌtoʊ *,NA,NA,1794743,1798776,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  612. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1798776,1802381,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  613. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1802381,1803430,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  614. you mean you just want tomato sauce ? ,pro:per|you v|mean pro:per|you adv|just v|want n|tomato n|sauce ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|5|JCT 5|2|COMP 6|7|MOD 7|5|OBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1803430,1805641,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  615. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1805641,1806611,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  616. "I'm gonna ‹dip ,› ‹the ,› the ‹piece ,› this piece . ",pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~prep|to n|dip cm|cm det:art|the cm|cm det:art|the n|piece cm|cm det:dem|this n|piece .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|LP 7|10|DET 8|7|LP 9|10|DET 10|5|ENUM 11|10|LP 12|13|DET 13|5|ENUM 14|3|PUNCT,ɑm ˈɡʊnə dɪp ˈðʊʔ də ˈpi ˈdɪs ˈpis,ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈdɪp ðə ðə ˈpiːs ˈðɪs ˈpiːs,"Original Orthography: [I'm] [gonna] [dip ,] [the ,] [the] [pie < ce > ,] [this] [piece .]",NA,1806611,1810681,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  617. xxx yyy . ,NA,NA,* ˈɑni,* *,NA,NA,1810681,1815030,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  618. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1815030,1815810,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  619. I +... ,pro:sub|I +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈaɪʔ,ˈaɪ,NA,NA,1815810,1817343,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  620. a lot . ,det:art|a n|lot .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ə ˈlɑtʰ,ə ˈlɑt,NA,NA,1817343,1818626,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  621. you want a lot of sauce ? ,pro:per|you v|want det:art|a n|lot prep|of n|sauce ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1818626,1820130,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  622. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛθ,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1820130,1821375,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  623. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1820843,1821728,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  624. &ss . ,NA,NA,sː,ˈsː,NA,NA,1821728,1824920,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  625. is that a lot ? ,cop|be&3S comp|that det:art|a n|lot ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|4|DET 4|2|OM 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1824920,1825961,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  626. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1825961,1826663,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  627. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1826663,1827940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  628. oh dear . ,co|oh co|dear .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1827940,1828465,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  629. is that a lot ? ,cop|be&3S comp|that det:art|a n|lot ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|4|DET 4|2|OM 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1828465,1829476,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  630. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1829476,1830506,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  631. I thought so . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST adv|so .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1830506,1831440,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  632. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1831440,1832076,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  633. "well we're not gonna take the tomato sauce anyway , are we ? ",co|well pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES neg|not part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|take det:art|the n|tomato n|sauce adv|anyway cm|cm cop|be&PRES pro:sub|we ?,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|OBJ 11|13|JCT 12|11|LP 13|5|COMP 14|13|PRED 15|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1832076,1836886,FAT,Father,MAL,13,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  634. "no , of course not . ",co|no cm|cm prep|of n|course neg|not .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1836886,1837965,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  635. so +... ,co|so +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1837965,1838476,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  636. that's good . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|good .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1838476,1844413,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  637. "Daddy what is pasta that's on my ‹plate [?] ,› yyy pasta . ",n:prop|Daddy pro:int|what cop|be&3S n|pasta pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S prep|on det:poss|my n|plate cm|cm n|pasta .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|6|LINK 6|4|CMOD 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|9|LP 11|9|ENUM 12|3|PUNCT,ˈdædi ˈwʌɾ ɪz ˈpɑstə dætθ ɑn maɪ pleɪʔ ˈfaʊn ˈpɑstə,ˈdædiː ˈwʌt ˈɪz ˈpɑstə ˈðæts ˈɑn ˈmaɪ ˈpleɪt * ˈpɑstə,Original Orthography: pla < te >,NA,1844413,1849216,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  638. "Naima , do you want some fresh apple ? ",n:prop|Naima cm|cm v|do pro:per|you v|want qn|some adj|fresh n|apple ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|8|QUANT 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1849216,1853506,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  639. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1853506,1855423,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  640. ah . ,co|ah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1855423,1856175,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  641. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,laughter .,1856175,1857403,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  642. d'you [: do you] want fresh apple with almond butter ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want adj|fresh n|apple prep|with n|almond n|butter ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|MOD 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1857403,1859558,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  643. xxx yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈjɛs,* ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1859558,1861466,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  644. that's a combination . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|combination .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1861466,1878476,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  645. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,1878476,1895186,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  646. I'm peeling an apple for you . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|peel-PRESP det:art|a n|apple prep|for pro:per|you .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1895186,1897893,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  647. "xxx , would you like any apple ? ",cm|cm mod|will&COND pro:per|you v|like qn|any n|apple ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1897893,1900486,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  648. "&-uh , no thanks . ",cm|cm co|no co|thanks .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|COM 3|1|COM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1900486,1902063,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  649. "oh , actually I might have a smidge . ",co|oh cm|cm adv|actual&dadj-LY pro:sub|I mod|might v|have det:art|a n|smidge .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|6|JCT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|1|ENUM 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1902063,1903915,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  650. do we have +//? ,mod|do pro:sub|we v|have +//?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1903915,1907065,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  651. "okay , honey . ",co|okay cm|cm n|honey .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1907065,1908686,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  652. "yyy I'm smushing ‹and ,› xxx . ",pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|smush-PRESP coord|and cm|cm .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|3|PUNCT,ˈæbə aɪm ˈsmʊθiŋ ən *,* ˈaɪm ˈsmʊʃɪŋ ˈænd *,NA,NA,1908686,1913188,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  653. why don't you give me that . ,pro:int|why mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you v|give pro:obj|me comp|that .,1|5|LINK 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|OBJ 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1913188,1915091,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  654. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1915091,1917548,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  655. you could even dip this apple right into the +... ,pro:per|you mod|could adv|even v|dip det:dem|this n|apple adv|right prep|into det:art|the +...,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|8|JCT 8|4|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1917548,1923820,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  656. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌtʰ,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,1923820,1924736,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  657. I'm gonna give you some almond butter . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|give pro:per|you qn|some n|almond n|butter .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ2 7|9|QUANT 8|9|MOD 9|5|OBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1924736,1926918,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  658. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1926918,1928820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  659. "yyy ‹nursie ,› yyy Mommy yyy . ",n|nurse-DIM cm|cm n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,əˈɡweɪɡlɪt ˈnɜ˞si əˈɡweɪdɪtʰ ˈmɑmi ˈnim̩n̩ˈdɑp,* ˈnʌɹsiː * ˈmɑmiː *,NA,NA,1928820,1943818,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  660. there's some almond butter . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|some n|almond n|butter .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1943818,1947036,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  661. you can dip that right in . ,pro:per|you mod|can v|dip det:dem|that n|right adv|in .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1947036,1958210,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  662. that's the last xxx smoothie . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|last n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈdæts ə læ * ˈsmudi,ˈðæts ðə ˈlæst * ˈsmuːðiː,NA,NA,1958210,1960710,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  663. "oh , that's the last of the smoothie . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|last prep|of det:art|the n|smooth&dadj-DIM .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1960710,1963256,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  664. all gone . ,post|all part|go&PASTP .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1963256,1965440,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  665. you ate it a:ll up . ,pro:per|you v|eat&PAST pro:per|it adv|all adv|up .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|5|JCT 5|2|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1965440,1970713,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  666. a:ll up . ,post|all adv|up .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1970713,1973573,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  667. "oh , I see . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:sub|I v|see .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1973573,1975976,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  668. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈaɪvɪŋɡɪt ˈaɪː,* *,NA,NA,1975976,1979210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  669. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1979210,1991088,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  670. and then the other thing which I tried +... ,coord|and adv:tem|then det:art|the qn|other n|thing pro:rel|which pro:sub|I v|try-PAST +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COORD 3|5|DET 4|5|QUANT 5|2|OM 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CMOD 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1991088,1993730,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  671. it'll be good . ,pro:per|it~mod|will cop|be adj|good .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1997383,1998196,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  672. it's got bourbon in it . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|get&PASTP n|bourbon prep|in pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1998196,1999451,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  673. I actually bought some of those . ,pro:sub|I adv|actual&dadj-LY v|buy&PAST qn|some prep|of pro:dem|those .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1999451,2004210,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  674. "mm , very good . ",co|mm cm|cm adv|very adj|good .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|JCT 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2004210,2009246,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  675. I've had my fat quota for the year though . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have part|have&PASTP det:poss|my adj|fat n|quota prep|for det:art|the n|year adv|though .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|3|JCT 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2009246,2012075,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  676. some apple . ,qn|some n|apple .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2012075,2016516,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  677. "I don't mean with these , I mean with this whole vacation . ",pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|mean prep|with det:dem|these cm|cm pro:sub|I v|mean prep|with det:dem|this adj|whole n|vacation .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|4|CJCT 10|9|JCT 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|10|POBJ 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2016516,2018966,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  678. I know . ,pro:sub|I v|know .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2018966,2019648,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  679. me too . ,pro:obj|me adv|too .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2019648,2020275,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  680. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2020275,2022745,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  681. "Shark Cove Road , okay . ",n:prop|Shark n:prop|Cove n:prop|Road cm|cm adj|okay .,1|2|NAME 2|3|NAME 3|0|ROOT 4|3|LP 5|3|ENUM 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2022745,2025313,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  682. I see exactly where it is . ,pro:sub|I v|see adv|exact&dadj-LY pro:int|where pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|COMP 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2025313,2027160,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  683. here . ,adv|here .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2027160,2028445,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  684. thank you . ,v|thank pro:per|you .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2028445,2029928,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  685. mhm . ,co|mhm=yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2029928,2052021,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  686. I guess we should all eat these blueberries tomorrow . ,pro:sub|I v|guess pro:sub|we mod|should post|all v|eat det:dem|these n|blueberry-PL adv:tem|tomorrow .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|PQ 6|2|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|8|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2052021,2055085,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  687. morning . ,co|morning .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2055085,2057321,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  688. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2057321,2059706,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  689. xxx in here . ,prep|in n|here .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2059706,2119976,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  690. yyy you are broken to bits ! ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL !,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈɑ juː ɑ ˈbʌɡn̩ tə bɪtθ,* ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2119976,2123343,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  691. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,laughter .,2123343,2124853,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  692. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,laughter .,2124853,2125856,FAT,Father,MAL,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  693. br:oken to bits . ,part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2125856,2128991,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  694. are you done or are you still eating that apple ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do&PASTP coord|or cop|be&PRES pro:per|you adv|still part|eat-PRESP comp|that n|apple ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|5|PRED 7|8|JCT 8|6|XMOD 9|10|MOD 10|8|OBJ 11|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2128991,2130836,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  695. it looks really good . ,pro:per|it v|look-3S adv|real&dadj-LY adj|good .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2130836,2134845,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  696. I don't like the apple Mommy . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|like det:art|the n|apple n:prop|Mommy .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|APP 8|4|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ɾon laɪk di ˈæpl̩ mɑmi,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈlaɪk ðə ˈæpəl ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2134845,2136745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  697. you don't like it ? ,pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|like pro:per|it ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2136745,2138021,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  698. "okay , you don't hafta eat it , honey . ",co|okay cm|cm pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not mod|have~inf|to v|eat pro:per|it cm|cm n|honey .,1|8|COM 2|1|LP 3|8|SUBJ 4|8|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|8|AUX 7|8|INF 8|0|ROOT 9|8|OBJ 10|8|LP 11|8|ENUM 12|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2138021,2139755,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  699. yyy you are broken to bits ! ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL !,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈʌ ju ə ˈbrʌɡɪ tə bɪts,* ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2139755,2143181,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  700. you are broken to bits . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈju ə ˈboɡə də bɪts,ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2143181,2145653,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  701. I'm ‹doing [?]› Daddy broken to bits . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|do-PRESP n:prop|Daddy part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|XMOD 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ɑm ˈduŋ ˈdædi brəɡə ðə ˈvɪtθ,ˈaɪm ˈduːɪŋ ˈdædiː ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,unsure about the r,NA,2145653,2149023,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  702. you are broken to bits . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈjoː ə ˈboɡə tə bɪʔ,ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2149023,2151645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  703. br:oken to bits ! ,part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2151645,2153286,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  704. you 0are broken to bits . ,pro:per|you 0cop|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈvʌɡə də bɪ,ˈjuː ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2153286,2155476,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  705. &ss . ,NA,NA,sˈʌ,ˈsː,NA,NA,2155476,2156695,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  706. I'm broken to bits . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2156695,2157683,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  707. oh no ! ,co|oh co|no !,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2157683,2158986,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  708. "Naima , I'm broken to bits , oh no ! ",n:prop|Naima cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL cm|cm co|oh co|no !,1|5|JCT 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|LP 9|10|COM 10|5|COM 11|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2158986,2162470,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  709. "oh no , oh no ! ",co|oh co|no cm|cm co|oh co|no !,1|5|COM 2|5|COM 3|2|LP 4|5|COM 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2162470,2163998,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  710. "no , not that ! ",co|no cm|cm neg|not pro:rel|that !,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2163998,2169820,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  711. hm: . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2169820,2176373,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  712. "xxx , what's in these now ? ",cm|cm pro:int|what~cop|be&3S adv|in det:dem|these adv|now ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2176373,2178726,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  713. pastries ? ,n|pastry-PL ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2178726,2182211,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  714. figs . ,n|fig-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2182211,2183076,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  715. lemon . ,n|lemon .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2183076,2185468,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  716. &ss &ss &ss . ,NA,NA,s s s,ˈsː ˈsː ˈsː,NA,NA,2185468,2186546,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  717. "okay , so +... ",co|okay cm|cm adv|so +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2186546,2187645,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  718. "yeah , if you like that sort of thing . ",co|yeah cm|cm conj|if pro:per|you co|like det:dem|that n|sort prep|of n|thing .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|7|LINK 4|7|SUBJ 5|4|COM 6|7|DET 7|1|ENUM 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2187645,2189373,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  719. huh ! ,co|huh !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2189373,2190298,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  720. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,laughter .,2190298,2191031,FAT,Father,MAL,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  721. I think I'll slice up this bread so that it's all sliced . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|I~mod|will v|slice adv|up det:dem|this n|bread adv|so pro:rel|that pro:per|it~aux|be&3S adv|all part|slice-PASTP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|14|JCT 10|14|LINK 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|14|JCT 14|5|XJCT 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2191031,2196246,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  722. &-um . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2196246,2198306,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  723. this must be it . ,pro:dem|this mod|must aux|be pro:per|it .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2198306,2199380,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  724. Sullivan Harbor . ,n:prop|Sullivan n:prop|Harbor .,1|2|NAME 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2199380,2200483,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  725. Crab Tree Neck . ,n:prop|Crab n:prop|Tree n:prop|Neck .,1|2|NAME 2|0|ROOT 3|2|APP 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2200483,2201550,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  726. that's gotta be it . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S mod|got~inf|to cop|be pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PRED 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2201550,2209841,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  727. "that's Crab Tree Neck , that's Hancock Point . ",pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S n:prop|Crab n:prop|Tree n:prop|Neck cm|cm pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S n:prop|Hancock n:prop|Point .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|NAME 4|5|NAME 5|2|PRED 6|5|LP 7|8|LINK 8|5|CMOD 9|10|NAME 10|8|PRED 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2209841,2212488,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  728. oy oy oy oy oy . ,co|oy co|oy co|oy co|oy co|oy .,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|5|COM 4|5|COM 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2212488,2215771,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  729. there's no such road . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|no qn|such n|road .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2215771,2216851,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  730. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2216851,2217345,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  731. ‹you [?]› ‹you [?]› Mommy . ,pro:per|you pro:per|you n:prop|Mommy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈju ˈjʊʔ ˈmɑmi,ˈjuː ˈjuː ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2217345,2220155,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  732. Mommy you are broken to bits . ,n:prop|Mommy pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi ju ɑ ˈvoɡə də bɪts,ˈmɑmiː ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,unsure about vog,NA,2220155,2222220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  733. you're broken to bits ! ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL !,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈjʌ ˈvʌɡ də bɛtθ,ˈjɔɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,Original Orthography: brok < en >,NA,2222220,2223970,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  734. xxx you are broken to bits . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,* ho ɑ ˈboɡə də bɪʔ,* ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,unsure about h and bogə,NA,2223970,2228545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  735. xxx you are broken to bits ! ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL !,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,* ˈju ɑː ˈvʌɡə tə bɛdz,* ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2228545,2231993,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  736. you are broken to bits . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈju ɑ ˈbʌɡə də vɪts,ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2231993,2233648,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  737. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2233648,2234218,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  738. "‹Mommy ,› someone's [: someone is] ‹serious [?]› . ",n:prop|Mommy cm|cm pro:indef|someone cop|be&3S adj|serious .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,ˈmɑi ˈsʌmwən ˈsiːwiə,ˈmɑmiː ˈsʌmˌwʌnz ˈsɪɹiːəs,NA,NA,2234218,2238861,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  739. someone's [: someone is] looking very serious . ,pro:indef|someone aux|be&3S part|look-PRESP adv|very adj|serious .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2238861,2240638,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  740. I'll be serious too . ,pro:sub|I~mod|will cop|be adj|serious post|too .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2240526,2241876,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  741. "xxx , are you being serious , Naima ? ",cm|cm aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|be-PRESP adj|serious cm|cm n:prop|Naima ?,1|7|SUBJ 2|7|AUX 3|7|SUBJ 4|7|XJCT 5|4|PRED 6|4|LP 7|0|ROOT 8|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,the xxx above represents a gasping noise .,2241876,2243046,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  742. "you are broken to ‹bits ,› you're broken to bits . ",pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|LP 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|3|XJCT 10|9|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,ˈju ɑ ˈbokə tə bɪ jə ˈbʌɡɪ tə bɪ,ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts ˈjɔɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,unsure about ətəbɪ since there's background noise,NA,2243046,2247106,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  743. "‹you're ,› you're broken to bits . ",pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|6|CJCT 3|2|LP 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|6|PUNCT,ˈjʌhʊ jə ˈbrʌɡə tə bɪtθ,ˈjɔɹ ˈjɔɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,unsure about br and tθ,NA,2247158,2249575,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  744. you are broken to bits . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈju ə ˈbokəɾ ə bəkʰ,ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,unsure about kʰ,NA,2249575,2251441,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  745. you're broken to bits . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈjoəː ˈbrokɪ tə bɪʔ,ˈjɔɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2251441,2254471,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  746. you are broken to bits . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈju ə ˈbrokə də bɪ,ˈjuː ˈɑɹ ˈbɹoʊkən ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2254471,2256653,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  747. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,laughter .,2256653,2257945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  748. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,laughter .,2257945,2259551,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  749. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,laughter .,2259551,2262493,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  750. xxx broken 0to bits song . ,part|break&PASTP 0prep|to n|bit-PL n|song .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|MOD 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,* ˈbʌɡəɾəɡ wəts ˈsɑŋ,* ˈbɹoʊkən ˈbɪts ˈsɑŋ,NA,NA,2262493,2265616,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  751. yyy sing the Goldilocks song Mommy . ,v|sing det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|OBJ 5|4|APP 6|1|PUNCT,ˈɑ zi nə ˈɡoldilɑks sɑŋ mɑmi,* ˈsɪŋ ðə ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsɑŋ ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2265616,2268610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  752. "oh , that +//. ",co|oh cm|cm pro:rel|that +//.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2268610,2270546,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  753. I don't want to . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want prep|to .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|PUNCT,ˈaɪ on ˈwɑn tu,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈwɑnt ˈtuː,NA,NA,2270546,2271821,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  754. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2271821,2273166,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  755. I yyy I yyy it now . ,pro:sub|I pro:sub|I pro:per|it adv|now .,1|0|INCROOT 2|5|SUBJ 3|2|OBJ 4|3|JCT 5|1|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈʊ ˈaɪ n̩siŋˈʌndəw ˈɪt ˈnaʊ,ˈaɪ * ˈaɪ * ˈɪt ˈnaʊ,unsure about both yyy's,NA,2273166,2275953,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  756. "oh , well , &-um +... ",co|oh cm|cm n|well cm|cm +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|LP 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2275953,2278213,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  757. what d'you [: do you] want to do right now ? ,pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|want inf|to v|do adv|right adv|now ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|JCT 8|6|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2278213,2279500,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  758. she wants to sing the Goldilocks (.) song . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S inf|to v|sing det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2279500,2282523,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  759. yyy yyy sing ‹it [?]› broke to bits . ,v|sing pro:per|it v|break&PAST prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈɑ ˈɑd ˈsiŋ ɪt ˈbwok ˈtʌ ˈbɪtʰ,* * ˈsɪŋ ˈɪt ˈbɹoʊk ˈtuː ˈbɪts,NA,NA,2284185,2287076,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  760. "it's broken to bits , xxx . ",pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|break&PASTP prep|to n|bit-PL cm|cm .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|LP 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,laughter .,2287076,2289843,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  761. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2289843,2293633,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  762. "yyy ‹yyy ,› Daddy sing the Goldilocks song to me . ",cm|cm n:prop|Daddy v|sing det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song prep|to pro:obj|me .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,ˈɛ ə ˈdæə siŋ nə ˈɡodilɑk sɑŋ tə mi,* * ˈdædiː ˈsɪŋ ðə ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsɑŋ ˈtuː ˈmiː,NA,NA,2293633,2297016,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  763. the Goldilocks song ? ,det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song ?,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2297016,2300000,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  764. I don't know xxx . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2300000,2305098,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  765. Naima's [: Naima is] thinking of when Mommy was telling (.) the Goldilocks story +... ,n:prop|Naima aux|be&3S part|think-PRESP prep|of conj|when n:prop|Mommy aux|be&PAST&13S part|tell-PRESP det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|story +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|POBJ 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|OBJ 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2305098,2310373,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  766. mhm . ,co|mhm=yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2310373,2311226,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  767. yyy I want . ,pro:sub|I v|want .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈm̩ʔ ˈaɪ wɑnʔ,* ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt,NA,NA,2311226,2312836,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  768. and I'll never live it down . ,coord|and pro:sub|I~mod|will adv|never v|live pro:per|it adv|down .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2312836,2314433,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  769. xxx I xxx . ,pro:sub|I .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈaɪʔ *,* ˈaɪ *,NA,NA,2314433,2317885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  770. Daddy Goldilocks song I need . ,n:prop|Daddy n:prop|Goldilocks n|song pro:sub|I v|need .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|CMOD 6|3|PUNCT,ˈdæi ˈɡoldilɑks ˈstɑŋ aɪ nid,ˈdædiː ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsɑŋ ˈaɪ ˈniːd,NA,NA,2317885,2327013,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  771. I don't know the Goldilocks song . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2327013,2328316,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  772. Mommy did that . ,n:prop|Mommy v|do&PAST comp|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2328316,2329825,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  773. xxx Mommy the Goldilocks song . ,n:prop|Mommy det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song .,1|4|MOD 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,* ˈmɑmi də ˈɡodilɑk ˈsɑŋ,* ˈmɑmiː ðə ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsɑŋ,NA,NA,2329825,2332886,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  774. the Goldilocks song ‹cause [: because] [?]› ‹Daddy [?]› . ,det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song conj|because n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,də ˈɡoilɑk sɑŋ kə ˈdæɾi,ðə ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsɑŋ ˈkɑz ˈdædiː,the second k may be f,NA,2332886,2339106,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  775. Daddy ‹do [?]› the Goldilocks song . ,n:prop|Daddy v|do det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈdæ du ðə ˈɡoldilɑk sɑŋ,ˈdædiː ˈduː ðə ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsɑŋ,NA,NA,2339106,2341588,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  776. Mommy Mommy ‹do [?]› the Goldilocks song . ,n:prop|Mommy n:prop|Mommy v|do det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song .,1|2|NAME 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi mɑmi du ðə ˈɡoldilɑk sɑŋ,ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː ˈduː ðə ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsɑŋ,NA,NA,2341588,2345986,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  777. are you gonna have a ba:th tonight ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|have det:art|a n|bath adv:tem|tonight ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|JCT 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2345986,2348846,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  778. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2348846,2350186,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  779. how delicious ! ,pro:int|how adj|delicious !,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2349848,2351061,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  780. xxx you xxx xxx . ,pro:per|you .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈju * *,* ˈjuː * *,NA,NA,2351061,2356971,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  781. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2356971,2358585,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  782. "what were you gonna say , sweetie ? ",pro:int|what cop|be&PAST pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|say cm|cm co|sweetie ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|LP 8|4|OM 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2358585,2359713,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  783. Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi,ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2359713,2362813,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  784. ‹do [?]› the Goldilocks song . ,v|do det:art|the n:prop|Goldilocks n|song .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈdʊʔ də ˈɡodilɑks ˈsɑŋ,ˈduː ðə ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsɑŋ,NA,NA,2362813,2366175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  785. tonight . ,adv:tem|tonight .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2365888,2367743,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  786. "yyy ‹no ,› not at bedtime . ",co|no cm|cm neg|not prep|at n|+n|bed+n|time .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈnʊʔ ˈno ˈnɑt æd bɛdtaɪ,* ˈnoʊ ˈnɑt ˈæt ˈbɛdˌtaɪm,NA,NA,2367743,2370920,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  787. ‹now [?]› ‹Ma [?]› xxx ! ,adv|now n:prop|Ma !,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈnaʊː ˈmɑ *,ˈnaʊ ˈmɑ *,aʊ may be o,NA,2370920,2373970,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  788. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2373970,2377890,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  789. "xxx ‹no ,› that's not a bedtime song . ",co|no cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a n|+n|bed+n|time n|song .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|NEG 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|4|PRED 9|4|PUNCT,* ˈno ðæz ˈnɑɾ ə bɛdtaɪm sɑŋ,* ˈnoʊ ˈðæts ˈnɑt ə ˈbɛdˌtaɪm ˈsɑŋ,NA,NA,2377890,2380953,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  790. I'm yyy shooing flies away . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|shoo-PRESP n|fly-PL adv|away .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,ˈɑm ˈnuə ˈʃuiŋ ˈflaɪz əweɪ,ˈaɪm * ˈʃuːɪŋ ˈflaɪz əˈweɪ,NA,NA,2380953,2383616,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  791. xxx ‹we [?]› ‹have [?]› another fly . ,pro:sub|we v|have qn|another n|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,* ˈi əf əˈnʌdɜ˞ ˈflaɪ,* ˈwiː ˈhæv əˈnʌðəɹ ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,2383618,2387856,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  792. oh another fly . ,co|oh qn|another n|fly .,1|3|COM 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈo əˈnʌɾə ˈfːlaɪ,ˈoʊ əˈnʌðəɹ ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,2387856,2390836,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  793. oh another fly . ,co|oh qn|another n|fly .,1|3|COM 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈo ənədɜ˞ ˈflaɪ,ˈoʊ əˈnʌðəɹ ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,2390836,2392663,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  794. 0I want Mommy to get that fly away . ,0pro:sub|I v|want n:prop|Mommy inf|to v|get det:dem|that n|fly adv|away .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|INF 5|2|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,ˈʌn mɑmi də ˈɡɛd dæt ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ,ˈwɑnt ˈmɑmiː ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈðæt ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ,NA,NA,2392663,2395883,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  795. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2395996,2397950,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  796. "‹no ,› no the fly xxx +... ",co|no cm|cm qn|no det:art|the n|fly +...,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|QUANT 4|5|DET 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,ˈnʌ ˈno də ˈflaɪ *,ˈnoʊ ˈnoʊ ðə ˈflaɪ *,NA,NA,2397950,2400318,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  797. "‹xxx ,› yyy ‹poor [?]› mister fly doesn't want to bite . ",cm|cm adj|poor n|mister n|fly mod|do&3S~neg|not v|want prep|to n|bite .,1|4|MOD 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|0|ROOT 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|7|PUNCT,* ˈɑ ˈpɔ mɪsə flaɪ dən̩ wən tə ˈbaɪtʰ,* * ˈpʊɹ ˈmɪstəɹ ˈflaɪ ˈdʌzn̩t ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈbaɪt,NA,NA,2400318,2404398,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  798. poor mister fly ? ,adj|poor n|mister n|fly ?,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2404398,2405891,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  799. "‹xxx ,› yyy a fly in here . ",cm|cm det:art|a n|fly prep|in n|here .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,* ˈni ə ˈflaɪ ɪn hiə,* * ə ˈflaɪ ˈɪn ˈhɪɹ,NA,NA,2405891,2409711,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  800. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2409711,2412410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  801. 0I want Mommy to get the fly away . ,0pro:sub|I v|want n:prop|Mommy inf|to v|get det:art|the n|fly adv|away .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|INF 5|2|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,ˈʌn mɑmi də ˈɡɪt də ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ,ˈwɑnt ˈmɑmiː ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ðə ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ,NA,NA,2412410,2416720,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  802. Mommy get the fly away xxx +... ,n:prop|Mommy v|get det:art|the n|fly adv|away +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi ɡɪt də ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ *,ˈmɑmiː ˈɡɛt ðə ˈflaɪ əˈweɪ *,NA,NA,2416720,2419045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  803. yyy another fly another fly . ,qn|another n|fly qn|another n|fly .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈdoʔ əˈnʌɾə flaɪ ənəðə ˈflaɪ,* əˈnʌðəɹ ˈflaɪ əˈnʌðəɹ ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,2419045,2421590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  804. fly +... ,n|fly +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈflaɪʔ,ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,2421475,2424335,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  805. "oh , another fly , another fly . ",co|oh cm|cm qn|another n|fly cm|cm qn|another n|fly .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|QUANT 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|LP 6|7|QUANT 7|4|ENUM 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2424335,2426120,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  806. "xxx ‹no ,› there 0is a fly yyy +... ",co|no cm|cm adv|there 0cop|be&3S det:art|a n|fly +...,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|4|PUNCT,* ˈno ˈdɛɾ ə flaɪ ˈʌ,* ˈnoʊ ˈðɛɹ ə ˈflaɪ *,unsure about n and ɾ,NA,2426120,2431098,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  807. "on ‹the ,› on the yyy . ",prep|on det:art|the cm|cm prep|on det:art|the .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|LP 4|1|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈɑ nə ə nə ˈwaɪ,ˈɑn ðə ˈɑn ðə *,there may be a d@l at the end of the yyy,NA,2431098,2433676,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  808. "yyy a ‹fly ,› a ‹fly ,› ‹Daddy [?]› another fly . ",det:art|a n|fly cm|cm det:art|a n|fly cm|cm n:prop|Daddy qn|another n|fly .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|DET 5|2|ENUM 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|9|QUANT 9|7|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,ˈnæɡɪd ə ˈflʌʔ ə ˈflaɪəf ˈdæɾi əˈnʌdə flaɪ,* ə ˈflaɪ ə ˈflaɪ ˈdædiː əˈnʌðəɹ ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,2433676,2438143,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  809. where ? ,pro:rel|where ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2438143,2440663,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  810. on the cabinet . ,prep|on det:art|the n|cabinet .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈɑ nə ˈkæbɪnɛtʰ,ˈɑn ðə ˈkæbənət,NA,NA,2440663,2442411,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  811. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2442411,2443426,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  812. thank you . ,v|thank pro:per|you .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2443426,2444130,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  813. yyy . ,NA,NA,n̩ˈʌ,*,ʌ may be o,NA,2444130,2445063,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  814. are we still recording ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:sub|we adv|still part|record-PRESP ?,1|0|ROOT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|1|CPRED 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2444823,2446550,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  815. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2446550,2460031,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  816. why +... ,pro:rel|why +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2460031,2461030,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  817. nothing from the New England Journal but +... ,pro:indef|nothing prep|from det:art|the n:prop|New n:prop|England n:prop|Journal conj|but +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|4|DET 4|6|NAME 5|6|NAME 6|2|POBJ 7|1|OM 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2461030,2465818,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  818. I've been getting spammed by Herb Chambers ever since I sent a +... ,pro:sub|I~aux|have aux|be&PASTP part|get-PRESP part|spam-PASTP prep|by n:prop|Herb n:prop|Chambers adv|ever prep|since pro:sub|I v|send&PAST det:art|a +...,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|AUX 4|12|LINK 5|12|XJCT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|7|APP 9|5|JCT 10|12|JCT 11|12|SUBJ 12|0|ROOT 13|14|DET 14|12|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2465818,2472155,FAT,Father,MAL,13,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  819. &-uh . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2472155,2472445,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  820. innocent inquiry three months ago . ,adj|innocent n|inquiry det:num|three n|month-PL post|ago .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|APP 5|4|POSTMOD 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2472445,2474701,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  821. and they're always like +... ,coord|and pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adv|always co|like +...,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|COM 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2474701,2477380,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  822. media rich files so they just clog everything up . ,n|media adj|rich n|file-PL conj|so pro:sub|they adv|just v|clog pro:indef|everything adv|up .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|JCT 7|3|CJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2477380,2480523,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  823. hm: . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2480523,2483198,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  824. I hope they xxx . ,pro:sub|I v|hope pro:sub|they .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2483198,2491196,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  825. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2491196,2492101,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  826. is Naima gonna take a bath ? ,cop|be&3S n:prop|Naima part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|take det:art|a n|bath ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2492101,2494190,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  827. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2494190,2496365,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  828. you've been trying to tell me ? ,pro:per|you~aux|have aux|be&PASTP part|try-PRESP inf|to v|tell pro:obj|me ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2496365,2498263,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  829. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2498263,2500906,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  830. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2500906,2501226,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  831. &-uh . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2501226,2501415,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  832. "Naima , 0are you gonna take a bath ? ",n:prop|Naima cm|cm 0aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|take det:art|a n|bath ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2501415,2502986,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  833. Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑmim,ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2502986,2504481,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  834. Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi,ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2504481,2505943,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  835. "yyy ‹Mommy ,› a fly a fly . ",n:prop|Mommy cm|cm det:art|a n|fly det:art|a n|fly .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|4|DET 4|1|ENUM 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑ ˈmɑmi ə ˈflaɪ ə ˈflaɪ,* ˈmɑmiː ə ˈflaɪ ə ˈflaɪ,NA,NA,2505943,2508620,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  836. I know there's a fly . ,pro:sub|I v|know pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2508620,2510885,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  837. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2510885,2512768,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  838. "‹no ,› Daddy got a fly bite . ",co|no cm|cm n:prop|Daddy v|get&PAST det:art|a n|fly n|bite .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,ˈno ˈdæi ɡɑd ə ˈflaɪ baɪtʰ,ˈnoʊ ˈdædiː ˈɡɑt ə ˈflaɪ ˈbaɪt,NA,NA,2512768,2517891,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  839. he di(d) +//? ,pro:sub|he v|do&PAST +//?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2517891,2520276,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  840. it's not the same kind that's flying around in here right now . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|the adj|same n|kind pro:rel|that~aux|be&3S part|fly-PRESP adv|around prep|in adv|here adv|right adv|now .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|9|LINK 8|9|AUX 9|6|CMOD 10|9|JCT 11|9|JCT 12|14|JCT 13|14|JCT 14|11|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2520276,2522893,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  841. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2522893,2523780,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  842. that's a different kind of fly . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|different n|kind prep|of n|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2523780,2525093,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  843. these little flies don't bite . ,det:dem|these adj|little n|fly-PL mod|do~neg|not v|bite .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2525093,2526846,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  844. that was a (.) mangy Canadian fly . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a adj|mangy n:prop|Canadian n|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2526846,2534720,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  845. "okay , let's see here . ",co|okay cm|cm v|let~pro:obj|us v|see adv|here .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|OBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2534720,2537908,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  846. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,2537908,2540808,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  847. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2540808,2542891,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  848. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2542891,2544180,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  849. "yes , I know . ",co|yes cm|cm pro:sub|I v|know .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2544180,2544890,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  850. you knew that ? ,pro:per|you v|know&PAST comp|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2544890,2545613,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  851. I didn't know that . ,pro:sub|I mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|know pro:dem|that .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2545613,2546843,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  852. "‹yyy ,› yyy ‹yyy ,› ‹what ,› what Canadian fly was it Dad ? ",cm|cm cm|cm pro:int|what cm|cm pro:int|what n:prop|Canadian n|fly cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it n:prop|Dad ?,1|8|LINK 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|LP 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|8|PRED 10|9|OM 11|8|PUNCT,dəˈwʌduˈwʌdu əˈwaɪʔ ˈwʊʔ ˈwʌtʰ ˈwʌd kəˈneɪn̩ flaɪ ˈwʌz ət dæ,* * * ˈwʌt ˈwʌt kəˈneɪdiːən ˈflaɪ ˈwɑz ˈɪt ˈdæd,NA,NA,2546843,2553353,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  853. which Canadian fly was it ? ,pro:rel|which n:prop|Canadian n|fly cop|be&PAST&13S pro:per|it ?,1|4|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2553353,2554950,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  854. I don't know . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2554950,2556235,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  855. it was a dag_nab_it@wp New Brunswick Canadian fly . ,pro:per|it cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a wplay|dag_nab_it n:prop|New n:prop|Brunswick n:prop|Canadian n|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|8|MOD 5|6|NAME 6|8|MOD 7|8|MOD 8|2|PRED 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2556235,2561016,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  856. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2561016,2564235,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  857. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2564235,2565445,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  858. "it might be a little early , but +... ",pro:per|it mod|might cop|be det:art|a adj|little adj|early cm|cm conj|but +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|6|LP 8|3|OM 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2565445,2566806,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  859. it's a little early . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|little adj|early .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2566806,2568015,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  860. it's a wee bit early . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|wee n|bit adv|early .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2568015,2570040,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  861. just a wee . ,adv|just det:art|a n|wee .,1|3|JCT 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2570040,2572051,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  862. since she had a late nap . ,conj|since pro:sub|she v|have&PAST det:art|a adj|late n|nap .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2572051,2573980,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  863. "yeah , that's true . ",co|yeah cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|true .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2573980,2575443,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  864. what time did you start this recording ? ,pro:int|what n|time mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|start det:dem|this part|record-PRESP ?,1|2|MOD 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|COMP 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2575443,2580210,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  865. "oh , I don't know . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2580210,2581915,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  866. start of the tape +//? ,v|start prep|of det:art|the n|tape +//?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2581915,2583010,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  867. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2583010,2583595,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  868. "Goldilocks ‹Goldilocks ,› &ss . ",n:prop|Goldilocks n:prop|Goldilocks cm|cm .,1|2|NAME 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|2|PUNCT,ˈɡodilɑks ˈɡʌldilɑks ˈʌʔsʃ,ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈɡoʊldiːˌlɑks ˈsː,NA,NA,2583595,2586565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  869. &ss . ,NA,NA,tsː,ˈsː,NA,NA,2586565,2588635,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  870. &ss . ,NA,NA,s,ˈsː,NA,NA,2589258,2591085,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  871. "‹Mama ,› that's not the way the words . ",n:prop|Mama cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|the n|way det:art|the n|word-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|NEG 6|7|DET 7|4|PRED 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|4|PUNCT,ˈmɑmə ˈdæs nət də weɪ də ˈwɜ˞dz,ˈmɑmə ˈðæts ˈnɑt ðə ˈweɪ ðə ˈwʌɹdz,NA,NA,2591085,2594796,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  872. only Mommy can do it . ,adv|only n:prop|Mommy mod|can v|do pro:per|it .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2594796,2596323,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  873. I don't even re(member) +//. ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not adv|even v|remember +//.,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2596323,2599965,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  874. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2599925,2602370,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  875. did I really +//? ,mod|do&PAST pro:sub|I adv|real&dadj-LY +//?,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|SUBJ 3|2|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2602370,2604368,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  876. "‹yeah ,› in the car . ",co|yeah cm|cm prep|in det:art|the n|car .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ ɪ nə ˈkʌɑ,ˈjæ ˈɪn ðə ˈkɑɹ,NA,NA,2604368,2607028,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  877. "oh ‹oh ,› yes . ",co|oh co|oh cm|cm co|yes .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|2|LP 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,o ˈo ˈjɛs,ˈoʊ ˈoʊ ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2607028,2609276,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  878. I did ? ,pro:sub|I v|do&PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2609276,2610610,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  879. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2610610,2611635,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  880. yes Mommy . ,co|yes n:prop|Mommy .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈjɛs mɑmi,ˈjɛs ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,2611635,2613091,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  881. xxx ‹did [?]› . ,v|do&PAST .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈdɪʔ,* ˈdɪd,NA,NA,2613091,2614035,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  882. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,laughter .,2614035,2615395,FAT,Father,MAL,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  883. caught out . ,v|catch&PAST adv|out .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2615395,2616396,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  884. I think Naima's [: Naima is] [?] +//. ,pro:sub|I v|think n:prop|Naima cop|be&3S +//.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2616396,2619480,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  885. I did xxx car . ,pro:sub|I v|do&PAST n|car .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2619480,2621081,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  886. "I think it's , it's , it's a reasonable (.) supposition that Naima's memory is better than ours on these things . ",pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|it~cop|be&3S cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|reason&dv-ABLE n|supposition det:dem|that adj|Naima&dn-POSS n|memory cop|be&3S adv|good&CP prep|than pro:poss|ours prep|on det:dem|these n|thing-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|COMP 8|7|LP 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|CJCT 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|10|PRED 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|17|SUBJ 17|13|CMOD 18|17|JCT 19|17|JCT 20|19|POBJ 21|20|JCT 22|23|DET 23|21|POBJ 24|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2621081,2627506,FAT,Father,MAL,21,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  887. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2627506,2628451,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  888. "hey , are you ready to come down ? ",co|hey cm|cm aux|be&PRES pro:per|you adj|ready inf|to v|come adv|down ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|PRED 5|4|PRED 6|7|INF 7|5|XMOD 8|7|JCT 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2628451,2630341,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  889. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2630341,2631255,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  890. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,2631255,2632126,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  891. no yyy come down . ,co|no v|come adv|down .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,ˈno ˈwʌn̩tə ˈkʌm ˈdaʊn,ˈnoʊ * ˈkʌm ˈdaʊn,NA,NA,2632126,2633828,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  892. "‹yyy ,› xxx . ",cm|cm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnʌ *,* *,NA,NA,2633828,2636618,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  893. and so:me +/. ,coord|and qn|some +/.,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2636618,2640716,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  894. I don't want to eat . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want inf|to v|eat .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|4|PUNCT,ˈʊ nən ˈwɑn tə it,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈiːt,NA,NA,2640716,2642298,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  895. "oh , you don't ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2642298,2643433,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  896. even though it's nice al:mond butter with apples ? ,adv|even adv|though pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|nice n|almond n|butter prep|with n|apple-PL ?,1|2|JCT 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|4|PRED 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2643433,2647763,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  897. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛθ,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2647763,2650766,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  898. just for you ! ,adv|just prep|for pro:per|you !,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|POBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2650766,2655001,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  899. "‹yyy ,› I'm ready to take a bath . ",cm|cm pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adj|ready inf|to v|take det:art|a n|bath .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|6|INF 6|4|XMOD 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,n̩ˈdaɪʔ ˈʌm wɛiʔ də teɪk ə ˈbæθ,* ˈaɪm ˈɹɛdiː ˈtuː ˈteɪk ə ˈbæθ,unsure about wɛiʔ and θ,NA,2655001,2658986,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  900. "okay , well +... ",co|okay cm|cm adv|well +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2658986,2660545,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  901. Daddy get all that stuff off . ,n:prop|Daddy v|get qn|all pro:dem|that v|stuff adv|off .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,ˈdæɾi ɡɪt ˈɑl ðæt ˈstʌf ɑf,ˈdædiː ˈɡɛt ˈɑl ˈðæt ˈstʌf ˈɑf,NA,NA,2660545,2663350,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  902. Daddy'll [: Daddy will] get all that stuff off of you . ,n:prop|Daddy mod|will v|get qn|all pro:dem|that v|stuff adv|off prep|of pro:per|you .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2663350,2665521,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  903. I'm gonna get all the +... ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|get qn|all det:art|the +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ɡʊnə ɡɛt ˈɑl də,ˈaɪm ˈɡɑnə ˈɡɛt ˈɑl ðə,NA,NA,2665521,2668330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  904. yyy the almond butter . ,det:art|the n|almond n|butter .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈnʊdstəf də ˈɑlmən bədə,* ðə ˈɑlmənd ˈbʌtəɹ,NA,NA,2668330,2671008,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  905. you wanna get all that stuff off now ? ,pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|get qn|all pro:dem|that v|stuff adv|off adv|now ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|QUANT 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|7|JCT 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2671008,2673110,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  906. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæθ,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2673110,2674143,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  907. "no ‹xxx ,› right now . ",co|no cm|cm adv|right adv|now .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|JCT 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈno * waɪt ˈnaʊ,ˈnoʊ * ˈɹaɪt ˈnaʊ,NA,NA,2674143,2675811,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  908. "okay , I think that's a good idea . ",co|okay cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|idea .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|PRED 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2675811,2677263,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  909. "just take your own off , forget xxx +//. ",adv|just v|take det:poss|your adj|own prep|off cm|cm v|forget +//.,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2677263,2681010,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  910. ‹I want› Daddy to +... ,pro:sub|I v|want n:prop|Daddy inf|to +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,ˈʌn dæə tu,‹ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt› ˈdædiː ˈtuː,NA,NA,2681010,2682598,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  911. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2682598,2683695,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  912. "‹Dad ,› take ‹this [?] ,› make sure ‹that ,› no +... ",n:prop|Dad cm|cm v|take det:dem|this cm|cm v|make adj|sure comp|that cm|cm co|no +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|LP 6|4|ENUM 7|6|PRED 8|7|OM 9|8|LP 10|8|ENUM 11|3|PUNCT,ˈdæʔ ˈteɪk ɪs ˈmeɪk θɜ˞ dæt ˈnʌ,ˈdæd ˈteɪk ˈðɪs ˈmeɪk ˈʃʊɹ ˈðæt ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,2683695,2687343,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020515.cha
  913. "‹no ,› yyy make sure that the water doesn't get on your ‹shirt ,› so take your shirt +... ",co|no cm|cm v|make adj|sure comp|that det:art|the n|water mod|do&3S~neg|not v|get prep|on det:poss|your n|shirt cm|cm adv|so v|take det:poss|your n|shirt +...,1|16|COM 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|ENUM 5|10|LINK 6|7|DET 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|4|CMOD 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|4|LP 15|16|JCT 16|0|ROOT 17|18|DET 18|16|OBJ 19|16|PUNCT,ˈnʌ ˈmʊ meɪk ˈʃɜ˞ dæt ə ˈwɑə dən̩ ɡɛt ɑn jɜ˞ ˈʃɜ˞ to ˈteɪk jə ʃɜ˞ʔ,ˈnoʊ * ˈmeɪk ˈʃʊɹ ˈðæt ðə ˈwɑtəɹ ˈdʌzn̩t ˈɡɛt ˈɑn ˈjɔɹ ˈʃʌɹt ˈsoʊ ˈteɪk ˈjɔɹ ˈʃʌɹt,NA,NA,2687343,2694415,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020515.cha