Naima_020306_0_2167907.csv 139 KB

  1. transcription,mor,gra,pho,mod,sit,com,segment_onset,segment_offset,speaker_id,speaker_role,speaker_type,words,raw_filename
  2. "and you're growing ‹yyy ,› ‹growing ,› ‹growing ,› it'll be a tomato and you'll eat it xxx . ",coord|and pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|grow-PRESP cm|cm part|grow-PRESP cm|cm part|grow-PRESP cm|cm pro:per|it~mod|will cop|be det:art|a n|tomato coord|and pro:per|you~mod|will v|eat pro:per|it .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|LP 6|4|ENUM 7|6|LP 8|4|XJCT 9|8|LP 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|8|COMP 13|14|DET 14|12|PRED 15|18|LINK 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|14|CMOD 19|18|OBJ 20|4|PUNCT,ˈɪn jə ˈɡon ˈtæ ˈɡoɪn ˈɡwoɪnˈæn ˈɪdə ˈbi ə ˈtʌmeɪdə ˈæn jəl ˈit ˈɪd *,ˈænd ˈjɔɹ ˈɡɹoʊɪŋ * ˈɡɹoʊɪŋ ˈɡɹoʊɪŋ ˈɪtɫ ˈbiː ə təˈmeɪˌtoʊ ˈænd ˈjʊl ˈiːt ˈɪt *,"change in recording , technical difficulties",NA,0,599131,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  3. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,599131,600433,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  4. "and ‹you'll ,› you were using a towel in the garden . ",coord|and pro:per|you~mod|will cm|cm pro:per|you aux|be&PAST part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|towel prep|in det:art|the n|garden .,1|7|LINK 2|7|SUBJ 3|7|AUX 4|3|LP 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|0|ROOT 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|7|PUNCT,ˈæ̃ːnd ˈju ˈju ˈwɑ ˈjuzɪŋ ə ˈtraʊwəl ˈɪn də ˈɡɑdɪn,ˈænd ˈjʊl ˈjuː wəɹ ˈjuːzɪŋ ə ˈtaʊəl ˈɪn ðə ˈɡɑɹdən,NA,NA,600433,609423,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  5. "who was using it , Mommy or Naima ? ",pro:int|who aux|be&PAST&13S part|use-PRESP pro:per|it cm|cm n:prop|Mommy coord|or n:prop|Naima ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|LP 6|3|OBJ 7|6|CONJ 8|7|COORD 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,609423,611523,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  6. Naima was using it . ,n:prop|Naima aux|be&PAST&13S part|use-PRESP pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈnaɪmə ˈwʌz ˈjuzɪŋ ˈɪt,ˌnaɪˈimə ˈwɑz ˈjuːzɪŋ ˈɪt,NA,NA,611523,613100,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  7. you could say I was using a trowel in the garden . ,pro:per|you mod|could v|say pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|trowel prep|in det:art|the n|garden .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|3|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,613100,616023,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  8. I was using a towel in the garden . ,pro:sub|I aux|be&PAST&13S part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|towel prep|in det:art|the n|garden .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪ wəz ˈuzɪŋ ə ˈtaʊəl ˈɪn də ˈɡɑdɪn,ˈaɪ ˈwɑz ˈjuːzɪŋ ə ˈtaʊəl ˈɪn ðə ˈɡɑɹdən,NA,NA,616023,619296,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  9. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,619296,622688,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  10. you've been saying I more to mean Naima . ,pro:per|you~aux|have aux|be&PASTP part|say-PRESP pro:sub|I adv|more inf|to v|mean n:prop|Naima .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|JCT 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,619296,624550,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  11. this week . ,det:dem|this n|week .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,624550,627753,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  12. who yyy ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhu ˈh,ˈhuː *,NA,[ˈh] is preaspiration,627753,628613,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  13. you or I ? ,pro:per|you coord|or pro:sub|I ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,628613,629948,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  14. yyy that's heavy . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|heavy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈh ˈdæs ˈhɛˈvi,* ˈðæts ˈhɛviː,NA,[ˈh] is preaspiration,629948,636281,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  15. "what's Naima ‹watering ,› I think watering yyy a ‹garden ,› I'm watering you a garden . ",pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Naima part|water-PRESP cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think part|water-PRESP det:art|a n|garden cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|water-PRESP pro:per|you det:art|a n|garden .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|7|XJCT 5|4|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|7|COMP 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|7|LP 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|7|XJCT 15|14|OBJ 16|17|DET 17|15|OBJ 18|7|PUNCT,ˈwʌtz ˈnaɪim ˈwɪdəˈwɑdəwɪŋ ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk jəˈwɑdəwɪŋ ˈzə də ˈɡɑdɛn jə ˈwɑdəwɪŋ ˈju ə ˈɡɑdɛn,ˈwʌts ˌnaɪˈimə ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ * ə ˈɡɑɹdən ˈaɪm ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ ˈjuː ə ˈɡɑɹdən,NA,NA,636281,656095,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  16. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈji ˈʃːi,* *,NA,NA,656095,660500,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  17. what other kinds of plants are you watering in the garden ? ,pro:int|what qn|other n|kind-PL prep|of n|plant-PL cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|water-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|garden ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|6|CSUBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PRED 8|7|XMOD 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,660500,667556,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  18. I'm watering vegetables . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|water-PRESP n|vegetable-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈʌm ˈwɑdəwɪn ˈvɛtʃtəbəlz,ˈaɪm ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ ˈvɛʤtəbəlz,NA,NA,667556,671416,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  19. "mm vegetables , what kind of vegetables ? ",co|mm n|vegetable-PL cm|cm pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|vegetable-PL ?,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|MOD 5|2|ENUM 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,671416,673921,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  20. that water is coming out fast . ,det:dem|that n|water aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP prep|out n|fast .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,673921,681236,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  21. Arthur said I need to get better fast . ,n:prop|Arthur v|say&PAST pro:sub|I v|need inf|to v|get adj|good&CP n|fast .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|MOD 8|6|PRED 9|2|PUNCT,əˈɑthə ˈsɛd ˈaɪ ˈnid tə ˈɡɛt ˈbɛdə ˈfæːst,ˈɑɹθəɹ ˈsɛd ˈaɪ ˈniːd ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈbɛtəɹ ˈfæst,NA,NA,681236,696463,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  22. he needs to get better fast . ,pro:sub|he v|need-3S inf|to v|get adj|good&CP n|fast .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|MOD 6|4|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,ˈɡi ˈnidz tə ˈɡɛt ˈbɛdə ˈfæst,ˈhiː ˈniːdz ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈbɛtəɹ ˈfæst,NA,NA,696463,701581,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  23. who said you've gotta get better fast ? ,pro:rel|who v|say&PAST pro:per|you~aux|have mod|got~inf|to v|get adj|good&CP n|fast ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|7|SUBJ 4|7|AUX 5|7|AUX 6|7|INF 7|2|COMP 8|9|MOD 9|7|PRED 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,701581,711225,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  24. "‹Arthur ,› I need to get better fast . ",n:prop|Arthur cm|cm pro:sub|I v|need inf|to v|get adj|good&CP n|fast .,1|4|JCT 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|MOD 8|6|PRED 9|4|PUNCT,ˈɑːθə ˈaɪ ˈnid tə ˈɡɛt ˈbɛdə ˈfæst,ˈɑɹθəɹ ˈaɪ ˈniːd ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈbɛtəɹ ˈfæst,NA,NA,711225,715296,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  25. he wants to get better fast so he can go to the circus . ,pro:sub|he v|want-3S inf|to v|get adj|good&CP n|fast conj|so pro:sub|he mod|can v|go prep|to det:art|the n|circus .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|MOD 6|4|OBJ 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|2|CJCT 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,715296,718315,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  26. he doesn't wanna miss . ,pro:sub|he mod|do&3S~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|miss .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|4|PUNCT,ˈhi dəzɪnt wən dəˈmɪs,ˈhiː ˈdʌzn̩t ˈwɑnə ˈmɪs,NA,NA,718315,722076,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  27. "right , he doesn't wanna miss the circus . ",adv|right cm|cm pro:sub|he mod|do&3S~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|miss det:art|the n|circus .,1|2|JCT 2|6|LINK 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,722076,724786,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  28. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,724786,725918,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  29. (be)cause the circus is a fun thing to see . ,conj|because det:art|the n|circus cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|fun n|thing inf|to v|see .,1|4|LINK 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|PRED 8|9|INF 9|7|XMOD 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,725918,728913,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  30. we knew that Grandma Thora is his friend . ,pro:sub|we v|know&PAST comp|that n:prop|Grandma n:prop|Thora cop|be&3S det:poss|his n|friend .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|5|NAME 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|PRED 9|2|PUNCT,ˈwɛ nuz ˈɪz ˈɡwæ̃ndmɑ ˈsoəwə ˈɪz ˈhɪz ˈfwɛnd,ˈwiː ˈnuː ˈðæt ˈɡɹændmɑ ˈθɔɹə ˈɪz ˈhɪz ˈfɹɛnd,NA,NA,728913,738910,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  31. who is ? ,pro:int|who cop|be&3S ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,738910,740163,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  32. Grandma Thora is whose friend ? ,n:prop|Grandma n:prop|Thora cop|be&3S pro:int|whose n|friend ?,1|2|NAME 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,740163,742095,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  33. "‹yeah ,› she is . ",co|yeah cm|cm pro:sub|she cop|be&3S .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈjæːə ˈʃiˈɪ ɛz,ˈjæ ˈʃiː ˈɪz,NA,NA,742095,745810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  34. she's whose friend ? ,pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S pro:rel|whose n|friend ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|LINK 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,745810,746640,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  35. Arthur's friend . ,adj|Arthur&dn-POSS n|friend .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈɑθəz ˈfwɛnd,ˈɑɹθəɹz ˈfɹɛnd,NA,NA,746640,748110,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  36. she's his Grandma . ,pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S det:poss|his n:prop|Grandma .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,748110,749625,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  37. she's his grandma . ,pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S det:poss|his grand#n|ma .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈʃiz ˈhɪz ˈɡwæ̃ːnmə,ˈʃiːz ˈhɪz ˈɡɹændmɑ,NA,NA,749625,753386,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  38. and she's DW grandma . ,coord|and pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S n:prop|DW grand#n|ma .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|MOD 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,ˈæ̃n ˈʃiz ˈdidəbəjuz ˈɡwæ̃nmə,ˈænd ˈʃiːz ‹ˈdiː ˈdʌbəljuːz› ˈɡɹændmɑ,NA,NA,753386,757485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  39. "she's also DW's Grandma , that's right . ",pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S adv|also adj|DW&dn-POSS n:prop|Grandma cm|cm pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PRED 6|5|LP 7|8|LINK 8|5|CMOD 9|8|PRED 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,757485,760040,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  40. "you're going to yyy ‹now ,› (be)cause the plant's growing on your ‹toes ,› you water it . ",pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to adv|now cm|cm conj|because det:art|the n|plant~aux|be&3S part|grow-PRESP prep|on det:poss|your n|toe-PL cm|cm pro:per|you v|water pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|JCT 6|5|LP 7|11|LINK 8|9|DET 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|17|CJCT 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|11|LP 16|17|SUBJ 17|3|COMP 18|17|OBJ 19|3|PUNCT,ˈju ˈɡoɪŋ ˈtuʰ təˈdɪz ˈnaʊ ˈkəz də ˈpwæ̃ ˈɡwoɪŋ ˈɑn jə ˈtoz ˈju ˈwɑdəɛ ˈɪd,ˈjɔɹ ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː * ˈnaʊ ˈkɑz ðə ˈplænts ˈɡɹoʊɪŋ ˈɑn ˈjɔɹ ˈtoʊz ˈjuː ˈwɑtəɹ ˈɪt,NA,NA,760040,775526,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  41. a plant is growing on your toe . ,det:art|a n|plant aux|be&3S part|grow-PRESP prep|on det:poss|your n|toe .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,775526,777478,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  42. ‹you're [= I am]› watering it . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|water-PRESP pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,jə wədəˈwɪŋ ˈɪt,ˈjɔɹ ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ ˈɪt,NA,NA,777478,779820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  43. great . ,adj|great .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,779820,780750,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  44. "you're ‹water ,› now a seed is growing on ‹your [= my]› leg . ",pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES n|water cm|cm adv|now det:art|a n|seed aux|be&3S part|grow-PRESP prep|on det:poss|your n|leg .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|LP 5|9|JCT 6|7|DET 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|2|XJCT 10|9|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,jə wədə ˈnaʊ ˈə sid lɪŋ ˈɡwoɪŋ ˈɑn jə ˈlɛæːɡ,ˈjɔɹ ˈwɑtəɹ ˈnaʊ ə ˈsiːd ˈɪz ˈɡɹoʊɪŋ ˈɑn ˈjɔɹ ˈlɛɡ,NA,NA,780750,786305,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  45. a seedling is growing on your leg . ,det:art|a n|seedling aux|be&3S part|grow-PRESP prep|on det:poss|your n|leg .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,786305,787896,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  46. is it a cauliflower seedling ? ,aux|be&3S pro:per|it det:art|a n|cauliflower n|seedling ?,1|5|AUX 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,787896,791148,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  47. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,791148,792461,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  48. or kale seedling ? ,coord|or n|kale n|seedling ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,792461,795278,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  49. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,dəˈkiæːn wə,* *,NA,NA,795278,797186,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  50. "oh , what's growing on your chest there ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:int|what~aux|be&3S part|grow-PRESP prep|on det:poss|your n|chest adv|there ?,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|JCT 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,797186,804421,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  51. yyy beats . ,n|beat-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈh ˈbits,* ˈbiːts,NA,[ˈh] is preaspiration,804421,807821,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  52. beets are growing on your chest ? ,n|beet-PL aux|be&PRES part|grow-PRESP prep|on det:poss|your n|chest ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,807821,809883,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  53. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,‹ˈjæ ə›,ˈjæ,NA,NA,809883,813346,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  54. "mm , that looks like it feels good . ",co|mm cm|cm pro:rel|that v|look-3S prep|like pro:per|it v|feel-3S adj|good .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|LINK 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|POBJ 8|7|JCT 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,813346,820086,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  55. "‹going ,› ‹you [= I]› like that in the bath+tub with ‹you [= me]› . ",part|go-PRESP cm|cm pro:per|you co|like pro:dem|that prep|in det:art|the n|+n|bath+n|tub prep|with pro:per|you .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|3|COM 5|1|ENUM 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,ˈaɪwin ˈju ˈlaɪ zə ˈɪn də ˈbæˈstəb ˈwɪ ˈju,ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈjuː ˈlaɪk ˈðæt ˈɪn ðə ‹ˈbæθ ˈtʌb› ˈwɪθ ˈjuː,NA,NA,820086,825878,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  56. I caught that . ,pro:sub|I v|catch&PAST comp|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,825878,828300,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  57. you need to water her . ,pro:per|you v|need inf|to v|water pro:obj|her .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,jə ˈni ˈtʰ ˈwɑdə ˈhə,ˈjuː ˈniːd ˈtuː ˈwɑtəɹ həɹ,NA,NA,828300,829961,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  58. ‹you [= I]› need to water her . ,pro:per|you v|need inf|to v|water pro:obj|her .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈju ni ˈtu ˈwɑdə ˈhə,ˈjuː ˈniːd ˈtuː ˈwɑtəɹ həɹ,NA,NA,829961,832446,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  59. ‹you [= I]› watering her . ,pro:per|you part|water-PRESP pro:obj|her .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈju wədəˈɪŋ ˈə,ˈjuː ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ həɹ,NA,NA,832446,835653,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  60. oh is she taking a shower ? ,co|oh cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|take-PRESP det:art|a n|shower ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,835653,837446,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  61. she's taking . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|take-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈʃiz ˈtæɡɪŋəʃ,ˈʃiːz ˈteɪkɪŋ,NA,NA,837446,838756,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  62. the watering can shower ? ,det:art|the n:gerund|water-PRESP mod|can v|shower ?,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,838756,841461,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  63. "she's taking 0a shower with ‹it ,› she's taking a ‹shower ,› yyy yyy what are you doing ? ",pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|take-PRESP 0det:art|a n|shower prep|with pro:per|it cm|cm pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|take-PRESP det:art|a n|shower cm|cm pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|11|XJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|7|LP 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|0|ROOT 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|11|LP 15|18|SUBJ 16|18|AUX 17|18|SUBJ 18|11|XJCT 19|11|PUNCT,ˈʃiz ˈtæɡɪn ˈʃaʊwə ˈwɪd ˈɪt ˈʃiz ˈtækɪŋ ˈə ʃaʊə jə si ˈɡʌd ə ˈju ˈdoæn,ˈʃiːz ˈteɪkɪŋ ˈʃaʊəɹ ˈwɪθ ˈɪt ˈʃiːz ˈteɪkɪŋ ə ˈʃaʊəɹ * * ˈwʌt ˈɑɹ ˈjuː ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,841461,866945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  64. what am I doing ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&1S pro:sub|I part|do-PRESP ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,866945,867708,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  65. I'm putting water in there . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|put-PRESP n|water prep|in n|there .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈə ˈpʊdɪŋ wəd ə ˈneɪə,ˈaɪm ˈpʌtɪŋ ˈwɑtəɹ ˈɪn ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,867708,870125,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  66. in a cup ? ,prep|in det:art|a n|cup ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,870125,871090,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  67. ‹you're [= I am]› watering her eyes . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|water-PRESP det:poss|her n|eye-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,jə ˈwɑdəˈwɪ ˈhə ˈaɪz,ˈjɔɹ ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ həɹ ˈaɪz,NA,NA,871090,879320,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  68. "I 0am thinking about red ‹dress ,› red dress . ",pro:sub|I 0aux|be&1S part|think-PRESP prep|about n|red n|dress cm|cm adj|red n|dress .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|MOD 6|4|POBJ 7|3|LP 8|9|MOD 9|3|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈaɪməm ˈwɛd ˈdwɛs ˈwɛd ˈdwɛs,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋkəŋ əˈbaʊt ˈɹɛd ˈdɹɛs ˈɹɛd ˈdɹɛs,NA,NA,879320,888093,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  69. she has a red dress . ,pro:sub|she v|have&3S det:art|a adj|red n|dress .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,888093,890065,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  70. are you thinking about that song about the red dress ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|think-PRESP prep|about det:dem|that n|song prep|about det:art|the adj|red n|dress ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|JCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,890065,892693,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  71. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,‹ˈjæ ə›,ˈjæ,NA,NA,892693,893966,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  72. how does that go ? ,pro:int|how mod|do&3S adv|that v|go ?,1|4|JCT 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,893966,894991,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  73. "Sally , Sally get your red dress , red dress , red dress . ",n:prop|Sally cm|cm n:prop|Sally v|get det:poss|your n|red n|dress cm|cm adj|red n|dress cm|cm adj|red n|dress .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|7|LP 9|10|MOD 10|7|ENUM 11|10|LP 12|13|MOD 13|7|ENUM 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,894991,899455,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  74. something like that ? ,pro:indef|something prep|like pro:dem|that ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,899455,900560,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  75. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,‹ˈjæ ə›,ˈjæ,NA,NA,900560,901941,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  76. Sally get your red dress . ,n:prop|Sally v|get det:poss|your n|red n|dress .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,901941,904391,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  77. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,904391,905343,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  78. all day long . ,qn|all n|day post|long .,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|POSTMOD 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,905343,906815,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  79. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,906815,908320,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  80. "where'd you get your butter from , butter from , butter from ? ",pro:rel|where~mod|genmod pro:per|you v|get det:poss|your n|butter prep|from cm|cm n|butter prep|from cm|cm n|butter prep|from ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|7|LP 9|7|POBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|10|LP 12|10|POBJ 13|12|NJCT 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,908320,911586,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  81. where'd you get your butter from all day long ? ,pro:rel|where~mod|genmod pro:per|you v|get det:poss|your n|butter prep|from qn|all n|day post|long ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|9|QUANT 9|7|POBJ 10|4|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,911586,915211,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  82. I think the other plant is sinking 0in her garden . ,pro:sub|I v|think det:art|the qn|other n|plant aux|be&3S part|sink-PRESP 0prep|in det:poss|her n|garden .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|QUANT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|2|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈsɪnk də ˈʌdə ˈpwæ̃nt ˈɪz ˈsɪnkɪn ˈhə ˈɡɑdɪn,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ðə ˈʌðəɹ ˈplænt ˈɪz ˈsɪŋkɪŋ həɹ ˈɡɑɹdən,NA,NA,915211,925500,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  83. she planted something . ,pro:sub|she v|plant-PAST pro:indef|something .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,925500,926921,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  84. did she use a trowel ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:sub|she v|use det:art|a n|trowel ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,926921,929211,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  85. what tools did she use ? ,pro:int|what n|tool-PL mod|do&PAST pro:sub|she v|use ?,1|2|MOD 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,929211,931163,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  86. I thought we should use a hoe for tomato plants . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:sub|we mod|should v|use det:art|a n|hoe prep|for n|tomato n|plant-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|10|MOD 10|8|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈsɑ və də ˈdɪɡ ˈə ho ˈfə təmædo ˈpwæ̃ns,ˈaɪ ˈθɑt ˈwiː ˈʃʊd ˈjuːs ə ˈhoʊ ˈfɔɹ təˈmeɪˌtoʊ ˈplænts,NA,NA,931163,936878,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  87. &-uh huh . ,co|huh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,936878,937763,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  88. "she got it from ‹there ,› we got lemon ‹balm ,› she's going to get lemon balm . ",pro:sub|she v|get&PAST pro:per|it prep|from n|there cm|cm pro:sub|we v|get&PAST n|lemon n|balm cm|cm pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|get n|lemon n|balm .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|LP 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CJCT 9|10|MOD 10|14|JCT 11|10|LP 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|8|COMP 15|16|INF 16|14|COMP 17|18|MOD 18|16|OBJ 19|2|PUNCT,ˈʃi ˈɡɑ dɛ ˈfwəm ˈdæ ˈwi ˈɡɑ ˈlɛmən ˈbɑm ˈʃiz ˈɡoɪn tə ˈɡɛd ˈlɛmən ˈbɑm,ˈʃiː ˈɡɑt ˈɪt ˈfɹʌm ˈðɛɹ ˈwiː ˈɡɑt ˈlɛmən ˈbɑm ˈʃiːz ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈlɛmən ˈbɑm,NA,NA,937763,945571,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  89. is she gonna plant her lemon balm ? ,cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|plant det:poss|her n|lemon n|balm ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,945571,947283,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  90. yyy yyy 0what she is . ,0pro:int|what pro:sub|she cop|be&3S .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈh jəˈʃi ˈʃi ˈiəz,* * ˈʃiː ˈɪz,NA,[ˈh] is preaspiration,947283,951316,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  91. she is going to plant her lemon balm . ,pro:sub|she aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|plant det:poss|her n|lemon n|balm .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,ˈʃi ˈɪz ˈɡon tə ˈplæ̃nt ˈhə ˈlɛmən ˈbɑm,ˈʃiː ˈɪz ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈplænt həɹ ˈlɛmən ˈbɑm,NA,NA,951316,955635,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  92. is she gonna make a teepee for her tomatoes ? ,cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|make det:art|a n|teepee prep|for det:poss|her n|tomato-PL ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,955635,959090,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  93. she is . ,pro:sub|she cop|be&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈʃi ˈɪz,ˈʃiː ˈɪz,NA,NA,959090,960635,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  94. "water in ‹there ,› I think I think 0that where'd she her shoes ‹from ,› shoes from . ",n|water prep|in n|there cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|I v|think 0adv|that pro:int|where~mod|genmod pro:sub|she det:poss|her n|shoe-PL prep|from cm|cm n|shoe-PL prep|from .,1|6|JCT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|LP 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|8|INCROOT 11|19|AUX 12|19|SUBJ 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|14|NJCT 16|15|LP 17|15|POBJ 18|17|NJCT 19|10|PUNCT,jəˈwɑdə ˈwɪŋ ə ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈaɪ ˈθɪnkˈwi ˈwʌd ˈʃi ˈɡɛdə ˈʃuz ˈfwəm ˈʃuz ˈfwəm,ˈwɑtəɹ ˈɪn ˈðɛɹ ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈwɛɹd ˈʃiː həɹ ˈʃuːz ˈfɹʌm ˈʃuːz ˈfɹʌm,NA,NA,960635,970796,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  95. that's in the song too . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|song adv|too .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,970796,973160,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  96. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,973160,974128,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  97. "where'd you get your shoes from , shoes from , shoes from ? ",pro:rel|where~mod|genmod pro:per|you v|get det:poss|your n|shoe-PL prep|from cm|cm n|shoe-PL prep|from cm|cm n|shoe-PL prep|from ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|7|LP 9|7|POBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|10|LP 12|10|POBJ 13|12|NJCT 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,974128,977541,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  98. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,977541,981146,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  99. "got (th)em from the grocery , grocery , grocery . ",v|get&PAST pro:obj|them prep|from det:art|the n|grocery cm|cm n|grocery cm|cm n|grocery .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|LP 7|1|ENUM 8|7|LP 9|7|ENUM 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,981146,985508,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  100. got (th)em from the grocery all day long . ,v|get&PAST pro:obj|them prep|from det:art|the n|grocery qn|all n|day post|long .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|7|QUANT 7|1|JCT 8|7|POSTMOD 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,985508,989543,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  101. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,989543,990851,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  102. "Sally wore a red dress , red dress , red dress . ",n:prop|Sally v|wear&PAST det:art|a n|red n|dress cm|cm adj|red n|dress cm|cm adj|red n|dress .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|5|LP 7|8|MOD 8|5|ENUM 9|8|LP 10|11|MOD 11|5|ENUM 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,990851,995021,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  103. "I think Sally was a red ‹bird ,› red bird . ",pro:sub|I v|think n:prop|Sally cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a adj|red n|bird cm|cm adj|red n|bird .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|PRED 8|7|LP 9|10|MOD 10|7|ENUM 11|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈsɪnk ˈsæli ˈwʌz ə ˈwɛd bəd ˈwɛd bəd,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈsæliː ˈwɑz ə ˈɹɛd ˈbʌɹd ˈɹɛd ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,995021,998511,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  104. oh that's a good line . ,co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|line .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,998511,1001105,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  105. Sally was a red bird . ,n:prop|Sally cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a adj|red n|bird .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1001105,1003016,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  106. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1003016,1003678,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  107. "Sally was a red bird , red bird , red bird . ",n:prop|Sally cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|a adj|red n|bird cm|cm adj|red n|bird cm|cm adj|red n|bird .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|LP 7|8|MOD 8|5|ENUM 9|8|LP 10|11|MOD 11|5|ENUM 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1003678,1006856,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  108. we can make up lots_of words to that song . ,pro:sub|we mod|can v|make adv|up qn|lots_of n|word-PL prep|to det:dem|that n|song .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|QUANT 6|3|OBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1006856,1009838,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  109. I do . ,pro:sub|I v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈduː,ˈaɪ ˈduː,NA,NA,1009838,1010720,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  110. what else ? ,pro:int|what post|else ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PQ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1010720,1012238,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  111. "Naima took her bath today , bath today , bath today . ",n:prop|Naima v|take&PAST det:poss|her n|bath adv:tem|today cm|cm n|bath adv:tem|today cm|cm n|bath adv:tem|today .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|7|NJCT 9|8|LP 10|11|MOD 11|8|JCT 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1012238,1018443,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  112. Naima took her bath today all night long . ,n:prop|Naima v|take&PAST det:poss|her n|bath adv:tem|today qn|all n|night post|long .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|POSTMOD 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|7|POSTMOD 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1018443,1021683,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  113. "what ‹are you doing ,› ‹you're [= I am]› watering Liza . ",pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|water-PRESP n:prop|Liza .,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|LP 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|XJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|4|PUNCT,ˈud oæ̃ŋɡ ˈju ˈwɑdəɪŋ ˈlaɪzə,ˈwʌt ‹ˈɑɹ ˈjuː ˈduːɪŋ› ˈjɔɹ ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ ˈlaɪzə,NA,NA,1021683,1027810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  114. and where ‹you [= me]› watering Liza ? ,coord|and pro:int|where pro:per|you part|water-PRESP n:prop|Liza ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,ˈæ̃n ˈweɪə ˈju ˈwɑdəwɪŋ ˈlaɪzə,ˈænd ˈwɛɹ ˈjuː ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ ˈlaɪzə,NA,NA,1027810,1030641,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  115. is dunking now . ,aux|be&3S part|dunk-PRESP adv|now .,1|2|AUX 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,ˈɪz ˈdʌnˈkɛn ˈnaʊ,ˈɪz ˈdʌŋkɪŋ ˈnaʊ,NA,NA,1030641,1032091,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  116. "oh , you're dunking her . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|dunk-PRESP pro:obj|her .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1032091,1033290,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  117. now dunking in water with yyy yyy yyy yyy watering Liza . ,adv|now part|dunk-PRESP prep|in n|water prep|with part|water-PRESP n:prop|Liza .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|OBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ˈnaʊ ˈdʌnkɪŋ də ˈwɑdə ˈwɪ ˈdʌm ˈpʊdɪŋ ˈwɑdə ˈɪ ˈwɑdəwɪŋ ˈlaɪzə,ˈnaʊ ˈdʌŋkɪŋ ˈɪn ˈwɑtəɹ ˈwɪθ * * * * ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ ˈlaɪzə,NA,NA,1033290,1038565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  118. ‹you're [= I am]› having a nice time . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|have-PRESP det:art|a adj|nice n|time .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,jə ˈhævɪŋ ˈə naɪs ˈtaɪm,ˈjɔɹ ˈhævɪŋ ə ˈnaɪs ˈtaɪm,NA,NA,1038565,1043388,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  119. "Oh , I'm glad you're having a nice time . ",n:prop|Oh cm|cm pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adj|glad pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|have-PRESP det:art|a adj|nice n|time .,1|4|LINK 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|5|CMOD 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|OBJ 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1043388,1045968,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  120. a nice soothing bath ? ,det:art|a adj|nice n:gerund|soothe-PRESP n|bath ?,1|4|DET 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1045968,1050145,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  121. I think . ,pro:sub|I v|think .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈzɛə,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk,NA,NA,1050145,1054516,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  122. what do you think ? ,pro:int|what mod|do pro:per|you v|think ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1054516,1057578,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  123. ‹you [= I]› want to blow bubbles . ,pro:per|you v|want prep|to n|blow n|bubble-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|MOD 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈmɑnt də ˈblo ˈbʌbəlz,ˈjuː ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈbloʊ ˈbʌbəlz,NA,NA,1057578,1063368,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  124. "want me to blow bubbles , okay . ",v|want pro:obj|me prep|to n|blow n|bubble-PL cm|cm adj|okay .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|5|MOD 5|3|POBJ 6|1|LP 7|1|JCT 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1063368,1065575,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  125. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1065575,1066425,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  126. lemme [: let me] see if there is some left . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|see conj|if adv|there cop|be&3S qn|some v|leave&PAST .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|1|CJCT 7|8|QUANT 8|6|PRED 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1066425,1067951,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  127. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1067951,1069730,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  128. "I don't know if there are some , but I'll look . ",pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know comp|if adv|there cop|be&PRES qn|some cm|cm conj|but pro:sub|I~mod|will v|look .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|7|PRED 9|8|LP 10|13|LINK 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|4|CJCT 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1069730,1072018,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  129. Mommy . ,n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmɑmiː,ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,1072018,1074485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  130. lemme [: let me] check . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me n|check .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1074485,1075728,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  131. yyy yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈhənə ˈmiməmə ˈmiməmə,* * *,NA,NA,1075728,1080413,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  132. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈh məˈmimə,* *,NA,[ˈh] is preaspiration,1080413,1084583,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  133. "whoops , not that one . ",co|whoops cm|cm neg|not adv|that pro:indef|one .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|NEG 4|5|JCT 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1084583,1086570,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  134. "yyy why 0was 0that yyy like that ‹one ,› why ? ",pro:int|why 0cop|be&PAST&13S 0pro:rel|that co|like adv|that det:num|one cm|cm pro:rel|why ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|COM 5|6|JCT 6|2|PRED 7|6|LP 8|6|ENUM 9|2|PUNCT,ˈin ˈwaɪ ddəˈbɔɪ ˈlaɪ ˈdæ wən ˈwaɪ,* ˈwaɪ * ˈlaɪk ˈðæt ˈwʌn ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1086570,1090443,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  135. and it's coming right to ya [: you] . ,coord|and pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP adv|right prep|to pro:per|you .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1090443,1092183,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  136. "I wanted 0to yyy say ‹oops ,› that's not the one . ",pro:sub|I v|want-PAST 0inf|to v|say co|oops cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|the pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|8|COM 6|5|LP 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|COMP 9|8|NEG 10|11|DET 11|8|PRED 12|2|PUNCT,ˈɪhˈiˈaɪ wən ˈdimaɪ ˈseɪ ˈwups ˈdæts ˈnɑt də ˈwʌn,ˈaɪ ˈwɑntəd * ˈseɪ ˈuːps ˈðæts ˈnɑt ðə ˈwʌn,NA,NA,1092183,1099143,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  137. "whoops , that's not the one . ",co|whoops cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|the pro:indef|one .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|NEG 6|7|DET 7|4|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1099143,1102848,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  138. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1102848,1103641,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  139. bubble solution has been watered down . ,n|bubble n|solution aux|have&3S aux|be&PASTP part|water-PASTP adv|down .,1|2|MOD 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1103641,1105928,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  140. "this is really bubble+bath and it's gotten some water in the jar , so . ",pro:dem|this cop|be&3S adv|real&dadj-LY n|+n|bubble+n|bath coord|and pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|get&PASTP qn|some n|water prep|in det:art|the n|jar cm|cm adv|so .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|2|CJCT 9|10|QUANT 10|8|OBJ 11|10|NJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|10|LP 15|8|JCT 16|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1105928,1110393,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  141. we may not blow very many bubbles . ,pro:sub|we mod|may neg|not v|blow adv|very qn|many n|bubble-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1110393,1113248,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  142. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1113248,1114031,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  143. (be)cause it's been watered down . ,conj|because pro:per|it~aux|be&3S aux|be&PASTP part|water-PASTP adv|down .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1114031,1115973,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  144. what's Mommy do ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S n:prop|Mommy v|do ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CPRED 5|2|PUNCT,‹ˈh ˈwowəz› ˈmɑmi ˈdu,ˈwʌts ˈmɑmiː ˈduː,NA,ˈh is preaspiration,1115973,1121543,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  145. there's one . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S pro:indef|one .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1121543,1122446,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  146. oh it went behind you . ,co|oh pro:per|it v|go&PAST prep|behind pro:per|you .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1122446,1127618,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  147. it did . ,pro:per|it v|do&PAST .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈɪ ˈdɪ,ˈɪt ˈdɪd,NA,NA,1127618,1128703,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  148. it was running away from you . ,pro:per|it aux|be&PAST&13S part|run-PRESP adv|away prep|from pro:per|you .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1128703,1129921,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  149. "I think (be)cause ‹it ,› you ‹did ,› 0I 0think it did wanna be ‹catched [= caught] ,› it did wanna be ‹catched [= caught]› . ",pro:sub|I v|think conj|because pro:per|it cm|cm pro:per|you v|do&PAST cm|cm 0pro:sub|I 0v|think pro:per|it v|do&PAST v|want~inf|to aux|be part|catch-PASTP cm|cm pro:per|it v|do&PAST v|want~inf|to aux|be part|catch-PASTP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|LINK 4|7|SUBJ 5|4|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|10|CJCT 8|7|LP 9|10|SUBJ 10|2|COMP 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|12|COMP 14|16|INF 15|16|AUX 16|19|XJCT 17|16|LP 18|19|SUBJ 19|13|COMP 20|19|COMP 21|23|INF 22|23|AUX 23|20|COMP 24|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈkəz ɪ ˈju ˈdɪ ˈɪt ˈdɪd ˈwɑnə ˈbi ˈkætʃt ˈɪt ˈdɪ ˈwɑnə ˈbi ˈcætʃt,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈkɑz ˈɪt ˈjuː ˈdɪd ˈɪt ˈdɪd ˈwɑnə ˈbiː ˈkæʧt ˈɪt ˈdɪd ˈwɑnə ˈbiː ˈkæʧt,NA,NA,1129921,1136175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,20,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  150. "it didn't wanna be caught , yeah . ",pro:per|it mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|want~inf|to aux|be part|catch&PASTP cm|cm co|yeah .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|INF 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|7|LP 9|7|ENUM 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1136175,1137580,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  151. "‹yeah ,› it did want . ",co|yeah cm|cm pro:per|it mod|do&PAST v|want .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,ˈjæ ˈɪ ˈdɪd ˈwɑ,ˈjæ ˈɪt ˈdɪd ˈwɑnt,NA,NA,1137580,1140683,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  152. it caught you . ,pro:per|it v|catch&PAST pro:per|you .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1140683,1142353,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  153. "‹you're [= I am]› shaking a bubble ‹off ,› you're looking for bubbles . ",pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|shake-PRESP det:art|a n|bubble adv|off cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|look-PRESP prep|for n|bubble-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|LP 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|3|XJCT 11|10|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,jə ˈʃeɪkɪ ˈə bʌbəl ˈɑf jə ˈlʊkɪ ˈfə ˈbʌbəlz,ˈjɔɹ ˈʃeɪkɪŋ ə ˈbʌbəl ˈɑf ˈjɔɹ ˈlʊkɪŋ ˈfɔɹ ˈbʌbəlz,NA,NA,1142353,1148518,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  154. "that's going that ‹way ,› ‹yyy ,› why did Mommy say ‹&woopsie ,› why did Mommy say that ? ",pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S n:gerund|go-PRESP adv|that adv|way cm|cm cm|cm pro:rel|why mod|do&PAST n:prop|Mommy co|say cm|cm pro:rel|why mod|do&PAST n:prop|Mommy v|say comp|that ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|3|LP 7|2|LP 8|10|LINK 9|10|AUX 10|2|CJCT 11|10|ENUM 12|11|LP 13|16|LINK 14|16|AUX 15|16|SUBJ 16|10|CMOD 17|16|OBJ 18|2|PUNCT,ˈdæs ˈɡoɪ ˈdæt wən ɛnd ˈwaɪ ˈdɪ ˈmɑmi ˈseɪ ˈwʊpsi ˈwaɪ ˈdɪd ˈmɑmi ˈseɪ ˈdæt,ˈðæts ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈðæt ˈweɪ * ˈwaɪ ˈdɪd ˈmɑmiː ˈseɪ ˈwʊpsiː ˈwaɪ ˈdɪd ˈmɑmiː ˈseɪ ˈðæt,NA,NA,1148518,1160361,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  155. I don't remember what happened to make me say that . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|remember pro:int|what v|happen-PAST inf|to v|make pro:obj|me v|say comp|that .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|8|COMP 11|10|OBJ 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1160361,1163021,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  156. "I ‹think ,› I think ‹if ,› I ‹think ,› I think ‹that ,› I ‹think ,› I ‹think ,› I ‹think ,› I think the bubbles were watered down . ",pro:sub|I v|think cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think comp|if cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think adv|that cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think det:art|the n|bubble-PL aux|be&PAST part|water-PASTP adv|down .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CJCT 6|9|LINK 7|6|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|5|COMP 10|9|LP 11|12|SUBJ 12|19|XJCT 13|12|JCT 14|12|LP 15|16|SUBJ 16|12|ENUM 17|16|LP 18|19|SUBJ 19|5|CJCT 20|19|LP 21|22|SUBJ 22|19|ENUM 23|22|LP 24|25|SUBJ 25|19|CJCT 26|27|DET 27|29|SUBJ 28|29|AUX 29|25|COMP 30|29|JCT 31|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ɪ ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈdæt ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈaɪ ˈθɪnkˈh aɪ ˈθɪnkˈh ˈhˈaɪ ˈθɪnk də ˈbʌbz wə ˈwɑdəd ˈdaʊn,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈɪf ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈðæt ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ðə ˈbʌbəlz wəɹ ˈwɑtəɹd ˈdaʊn,NA,ˈh is preaspiration in [ˈθɪnkˈh] and [ˈhˈaɪ],1163021,1178046,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,23,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  157. the bubbles have been watered down . ,det:art|the n|bubble-PL aux|have aux|be&PASTP part|water-PASTP adv|down .,1|2|DET 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1178046,1179981,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  158. "‹what ,› yeah . ",pro:int|what cm|cm co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,wə ˈjæ,ˈwʌt ˈjæ,NA,NA,1179981,1181078,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  159. that means some water has gotten into the bottle . ,pro:rel|that v|mean-3S qn|some n|water aux|have&3S part|get&PASTP prep|into det:art|the n|bottle .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1181078,1185293,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  160. looks like Daddy maybe put some water in there . ,v|look-3S conj|like n:prop|Daddy adv|maybe v|put&ZERO qn|some n|water prep|in n|there .,1|0|ROOT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|JCT 5|1|COMP 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1185293,1188381,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  161. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1188381,1189440,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  162. I put some in just now too . ,pro:sub|I v|put&ZERO qn|some adv|in adv|just adv|now adv|too .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|JCT 5|6|JCT 6|2|JCT 7|2|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1189440,1191276,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  163. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1191276,1195808,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  164. here it comes . ,adv|here pro:per|it v|come-3S .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1195808,1201258,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  165. "oh , that one went away quickly . ",co|oh cm|cm adv|that pro:indef|one v|go&PAST adv|away adv|quick&dadj-LY .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1201258,1204366,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  166. "what went away ‹quickly ,› what went away ? ",pro:int|what v|go&PAST adv|away adv|quick&dadj-LY cm|cm pro:int|what v|go&PAST adv|away ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|2|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈwɛnt ˈəweɪ ˈkwɪkəli ˈwʌt ˈwɛnt ˈəweɪ,ˈwʌt ˈwɛnt əˈweɪ ˈkwɪkliː ˈwʌt ˈwɛnt əˈweɪ,NA,NA,1204366,1212185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  167. I think we're going to need to do some actual washing here Naima . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|need inf|to v|do qn|some adj|actual n:gerund|wash-PRESP adv|here n:prop|Naima .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|11|QUANT 11|9|JCT 12|11|ENUM 13|12|JCT 14|13|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1212185,1217510,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  168. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1217510,1218575,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  169. of you . ,prep|of pro:per|you .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1218575,1219635,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  170. don't want . ,mod|do~neg|not v|want .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈdo ˈwʌnt,ˈdoʊnt ˈwɑnt,NA,NA,1219635,1226040,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  171. "alright , I guess we better pause this . ",co|alright cm|cm pro:sub|I v|guess pro:sub|we adv|good&CP v|pause pro:dem|this .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|JCT 7|4|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,end of recording for that day .,NA,1226040,1229906,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  172. "just wanna close it , okay . ",adv|just v|want~inf|to v|close pro:per|it cm|cm adj|okay .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|5|LP 7|4|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1229906,1232108,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  173. want to read again . ,v|want inf|to v|read&ZERO adv|again .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|1|PUNCT,ˈwɑn tə ˈwid ˈəɡɛːn,ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈɹiːd əˈɡɛn,NA,NA,1232108,1233628,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  174. let's read it again . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|read&ZERO pro:per|it adv|again .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1233628,1234635,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  175. is Maisey in the house ? ,cop|be&3S n:prop|Maisey prep|in det:art|the n|house ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1234635,1236775,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  176. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnːo,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1236775,1237878,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  177. xxx xxx xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,inaudible words,NA,1237878,1239078,FAT,Father,MAL,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  178. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1239078,1240193,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  179. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1240193,1241161,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  180. is Maisey in the boat ? ,cop|be&3S n:prop|Maisey prep|in det:art|the n|boat ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1241161,1244315,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  181. "oh , there's a boat and a bird . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|boat coord|and det:art|a n|bird .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|6|CONJ 8|9|DET 9|7|COORD 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1244315,1248885,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  182. what's Naima doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Naima part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌs ˈnaɪimə ˈdoæ̃ŋ,ˈwʌts ˌnaɪˈimə ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1248885,1253921,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  183. what's Naima doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Naima part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌs ˈnaɪimə ˈdoɪn,ˈwʌts ˌnaɪˈimə ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1253921,1256971,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  184. "that's lawn+mower ‹noise ,› that's ‹lawn+mower ,› that's a lawn+mower . ",pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S n|+n|lawn+n|mower n|noise cm|cm pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S n|+n|lawn+n|mower cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|+n|lawn+n|mower .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|LP 6|7|LINK 7|11|CJCT 8|7|PRED 9|8|LP 10|11|SUBJ 11|2|CJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|PRED 14|2|PUNCT,ˈdɪs ˈlɑnmoə ˈdɔɪʒ ˈdæs ˈlɑnmoə ˈdæts ə ˈlɑnmoənə,ˈðæts ‹ˈlɑn ˈmoʊəɹ› ˈnɔɪz ˈðæts ‹ˈlɑn ˈmoʊəɹ› ˈðæts ə ‹ˈlɑn ˈmoʊəɹ›,NA,NA,1256971,1264308,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  185. "oh , is that a lawn+mower noise ? ",co|oh cm|cm aux|be&3S comp|that det:art|a n|+n|lawn+n|mower n|noise ?,1|7|COM 2|1|LP 3|7|AUX 4|7|LINK 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|0|INCROOT 8|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1264308,1266115,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  186. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjiæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1266115,1266988,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  187. I don't hear it . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|hear pro:per|it .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1266988,1267811,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  188. a lawn+mower noise . ,det:art|a n|+n|lawn+n|mower n|noise .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈə lɑnˈmoə ˈnɔɪz,ə ‹ˈlɑn ˈmoʊəɹ› ˈnɔɪz,NA,NA,1267811,1269970,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  189. how do you know it's not an airplane ? ,pro:int|how mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a n|airplane ?,1|4|JCT 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|NEG 8|9|DET 9|6|PRED 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1269970,1273840,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  190. it's a airplane . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|airplane .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈɪz ə ˈeɪəˈpleɪn,ˈɪts ə ‹ˈɛɹ ˈpleɪn›,NA,NA,1273840,1277230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  191. maybe it's an airplane . ,adv|maybe pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|airplane .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1277230,1278481,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  192. "knock_knock who's ‹there ,› it's Maisey . ",n|knock&DUP pro:rel|who~cop|be&3S adv|there cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n:prop|Maisey .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|LINK 3|1|CMOD 4|3|JCT 5|3|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|PRED 8|7|PRED 9|1|PUNCT,ˈnɑnɑk ˈhuz ˈdæə ˈɪz ˈmeɪzi,‹ˈnɑk ˈnɑk› ˈhuːz ˈðɛɹ ˈɪts ˈmeɪziː,NA,NA,1278481,1283026,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  193. "it's Maisey , how do you spell Maisey ? ",pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n:prop|Maisey cm|cm pro:rel|how mod|do pro:per|you v|spell n:prop|Maisey ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|LP 5|8|LINK 6|8|AUX 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|CMOD 9|8|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1283026,1285963,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  194. wait coming out of the house and wait outside . ,v|wait n:gerund|come-PRESP adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|house coord|and v|wait adv|outside .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|CONJ 8|7|COORD 9|8|JCT 10|1|PUNCT,ˈænweɪ ˈkʌmɪŋ ˈaʊd əv də ˈhaʊs ˈæn ˈweɪ ˈaʊtˈsaɪd,ˈweɪt ˈkʌmɪŋ ˈaʊt ˈʌv ðə ˈhaʊs ˈænd ˈweɪt ˌaʊtˈsaɪd,NA,NA,1285963,1288873,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  195. where's she going ? ,pro:int|where~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|go-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1288873,1289581,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  196. I think she's going down the hill . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP prep|down det:art|the n|hill .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈʃiz ˈɡoɪŋ ˈdaʊn də ˈhɪəl,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiːz ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈdaʊn ðə ˈhɪl,NA,NA,1289581,1292286,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  197. "oh , what's down the hill ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:int|what~cop|be&3S prep|down det:art|the n|hill ?,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1292286,1294016,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  198. what's she gonna do down the hill ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|do prep|down det:art|the n|hill ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1294016,1295210,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  199. and she's going to see poop at the play+ground . ,coord|and pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|see n|poop prep|at det:art|the n|+n|play+n|ground .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,ˈɪ ˈʃiz ˈɡoæn tə ˈsi ˈpup æ də ˈpleɪˈɡwaʊnd,ˈænd ˈʃiːz ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈsiː ˈpuːp ˈæt ðə ‹ˈpleɪ ˈɡɹaʊnd›,NA,NA,1295210,1298616,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  200. she's gonna do what ? ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|do pro:int|what ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1298616,1299695,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  201. they poop at the play+ground . ,pro:sub|they v|poop prep|at det:art|the n|+n|play+n|ground .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈθeɪ tʃˈpup ˈæt də ˈpleɪˈɡwaʊnd,ˈðeɪ ˈpuːp ˈæt ðə ‹ˈpleɪ ˈɡɹaʊnd›,NA,NA,1299695,1302128,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  202. she's gonna poop at the play+ground ? ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|poop prep|at det:art|the n|+n|play+n|ground ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1302128,1303658,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  203. she's going to see some . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to co|see qn|some .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|6|COM 6|3|COMP 7|3|PUNCT,ˈʃi ˈɡon tə ˈsi ˈsə,ˈʃiːz ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈsiː ˈsʌm,NA,NA,1303658,1305093,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  204. she's gonna go see some poop at the play+ground . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|go co|see qn|some n|poop prep|at det:art|the n|+n|play+n|ground .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|COM 7|8|QUANT 8|5|OBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1305093,1308083,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  205. you mean bird poop ? ,pro:per|you adj|mean n|bird n|poop ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1308083,1308966,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  206. she is . ,pro:sub|she cop|be&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈʃi ˈɪz,ˈʃiː ˈɪz,NA,NA,1308966,1310278,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  207. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1310278,1311015,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  208. and what color will the bird poop be ? ,coord|and pro:int|what n|color mod|will det:art|the n|bird n|poop cop|be ?,1|8|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|8|SUBJ 4|8|AUX 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1311015,1312978,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  209. brown and white ! ,adj|brown coord|and adj|white !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,ˈbwaʊn ˈæn ˈdwaɪt,ˈbɹaʊn ˈænd ˈwaɪt,NA,NA,1312978,1315681,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  210. brown and ? ,adj|brown coord|and ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1315681,1317363,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  211. white . ,adj|white .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪt,ˈwaɪt,NA,NA,1317363,1318078,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  212. white . ,adj|white .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1318078,1318881,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  213. how come there's bird poop at the play+ground ? ,pro:int|how v|come pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S n|bird n|poop prep|at det:art|the n|+n|play+n|ground ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|MOD 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1318881,1322416,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  214. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1322416,1323500,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  215. (be)cause a bird's in the sky and the poop is coming down . ,conj|because det:art|a n|bird~cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|sky coord|and det:art|the n|poop aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP adv|down .,1|4|LINK 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|12|LINK 9|10|DET 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|4|CJCT 13|12|JCT 14|4|PUNCT,ˈkɑz ˈə ‹bʌd ˈɪz› ˈɪn də ˈskə ˈæ̃n də ˈpup ˈɪz ˈkʌmɪŋ ˈdaʊn,ˈkɑz ə ˈbʌɹdz ˈɪn ðə ˈskaɪ ˈænd ðə ˈpuːp ˈɪz ˈkʌmɪŋ ˈdaʊn,NA,NA,1323500,1327646,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  216. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1327646,1328743,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  217. that's why . ,pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S pro:rel|why .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈæts ˈwaɪ,ˈðæts ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1328743,1329475,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  218. oh you mean birds just poop when they fly ? ,co|oh pro:per|you v|mean n|bird-PL adj|just n|poop conj|when pro:sub|they v|fly ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|3|CJCT 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1329475,1332370,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  219. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1332370,1333596,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  220. I guess they do . ,pro:sub|I v|guess pro:sub|they v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1333596,1334626,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  221. they don't hafta sit on the potty do they ? ,pro:sub|they mod|do~neg|not mod|have~inf|to v|sit prep|on det:art|the adj|pot&dn-Y mod|do pro:sub|they ?,1|6|SUBJ 2|6|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|6|AUX 5|6|INF 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|11|DET 9|11|MOD 10|11|AUX 11|7|POBJ 12|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1334626,1337786,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  222. I think a bird potty will . ,pro:sub|I v|think det:art|a n|bird adj|pot&dn-Y mod|will .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|MOD 6|4|ENUM 7|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈə bʌd ˈpɑdi ˈwɪ,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ə ˈbʌɹd ˈpɑtiː ˈwɪl,NA,NA,1337786,1340166,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  223. a bird potty ? ,det:art|a n|bird adj|pot&dn-Y ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|POSTMOD 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1340166,1341743,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  224. bird potty . ,n|bird adj|pot&dn-Y .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POSTMOD 3|1|PUNCT,ˈbɛəd ˈpɑdi,ˈbʌɹd ˈpɑtiː,NA,NA,1341743,1343275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  225. I've never seen a bird potty . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|never part|see&PASTP det:art|a n|bird adj|pot&dn-Y .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|POSTMOD 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1343275,1345046,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  226. "it's a ‹birds ,› a bird potty for birds . ",pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bird-PL cm|cm det:art|a n|bird adj|pot&dn-Y prep|for n|bird-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|LP 6|7|DET 7|4|ENUM 8|7|POSTMOD 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,ˈɪ fˈə bədz ˈə bʌd ˈpɑdi ˈfə bədz,ˈɪts ə ˈbʌɹdz ə ˈbʌɹd ˈpɑtiː ˈfɔɹ ˈbʌɹdz,NA,NA,1345046,1348528,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  227. "a bird potty for birds , that's a good idea but I've never seen one . ",det:art|a n|bird adj|pot&dn-Y prep|for n|bird-PL cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|idea conj|but pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|never part|see&PASTP pro:indef|one .,1|2|DET 2|8|SUBJ 3|2|POSTMOD 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|LP 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|PRED 12|16|LINK 13|16|SUBJ 14|16|AUX 15|16|JCT 16|8|CJCT 17|16|OBJ 18|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1348528,1351623,FAT,Father,MAL,16,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  228. I think they just poop while they fly . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|they adj|just n|poop conj|while pro:sub|they v|fly .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CJCT 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1351623,1353943,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  229. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,1353943,1355465,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  230. "bird ‹pot ,› a bird pot . ",n|bird n|pot cm|cm det:art|a n|bird n|pot .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|LP 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|2|APP 7|2|PUNCT,ˈbʌd ˈpɑd ˈə bə pə,ˈbʌɹd ˈpɑt ə ˈbʌɹd ˈpɑt,NA,NA,1355465,1360893,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  231. what a great idea Naima . ,pro:int|what det:art|a adj|great n|idea n:prop|Naima .,1|4|MOD 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|APP 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1360893,1362731,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  232. a bird pot . ,det:art|a n|bird n|pot .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈhə ˈəmər ˈpɑd,ə ˈbʌɹd ˈpɑt,NA,NA,1362731,1365210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  233. "a bird pot , but there isn't any . ",det:art|a n|bird n|pot cm|cm conj|but adv|there cop|be&3S~neg|not qn|any .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|LP 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CMOD 8|7|NEG 9|7|PRED 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1365210,1366920,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  234. "I've never seen one , I think the birds just poop wherever they are . ",pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|never part|see&PASTP det:num|one cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think det:art|the n|bird-PL adj|just n|poop pro:rel|wherever pro:sub|they cop|be&PRES .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|8|XJCT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|LP 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|12|MOD 12|10|APP 13|15|LINK 14|15|SUBJ 15|12|CMOD 16|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1366920,1370091,FAT,Father,MAL,14,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  235. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1370091,1371193,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  236. "but people don't , people use potties . ",conj|but n|person&PL mod|do~neg|not cm|cm n|person&PL v|use n|pot-DIM-PL .,1|7|LINK 2|7|SUBJ 3|7|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|3|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|7|OBJ 9|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1371193,1373421,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  237. (be)cause people just are different . ,conj|because n|person&PL adj|just cop|be&PRES adj|different .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1373421,1377211,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  238. people just be birds . ,n|person&PL adj|just aux|be n|bird-PL .,1|4|MOD 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,pəl ˈjʌst ˈbi ˈəbədz,ˈpiːpəl ˈʤʌst ˈbiː ˈbʌɹdz,NA,NA,1377211,1379343,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  239. "oh , people just be birds ? ",co|oh cm|cm n|person&PL adj|just aux|be n|bird-PL ?,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|MOD 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|0|INCROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1379343,1381141,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  240. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ̃ə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1381141,1381793,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  241. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1381793,1383130,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  242. was . ,cop|be&PAST&13S .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌz,ˈwɑz,NA,NA,1383130,1383898,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  243. what kind of bird are you ? ,pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|bird cop|be&PRES pro:per|you ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PRED 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1383898,1385351,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  244. ‹you're [= I am]› eagle . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES n|eagle .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈjʌ ˈiːɡəl,ˈjɔɹ ˈiːɡəl,NA,NA,1385351,1387078,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  245. "you're an eagle , oh . ",pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES det:art|a n|eagle cm|cm co|oh .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|LP 6|4|ENUM 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1387078,1389243,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  246. a strong bird . ,det:art|a adj|strong n|bird .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈɪ ˈstwɑːŋ ˈbʌd,ə ˈstɹɑŋ ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,1389243,1391061,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  247. "you're a very strong bird , I see that . ",pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES det:art|a adv|very adj|strong n|bird cm|cm pro:sub|I v|see comp|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|9|CJCT 3|6|DET 4|5|JCT 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|0|ROOT 10|9|OBJ 11|9|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1391061,1393436,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  248. yyy you're rolling after the rolling pin . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|roll-PRESP prep|after det:art|the n:gerund|roll-PRESP n|pin .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ˈiːz ˈjʌ ˈwɔlɪn ˈæfˈtʌ də wolɪn ˈpɪn,* ˈjɔɹ ˈɹoʊlɪŋ ˈæftəɹ ðə ˈɹoʊlɪŋ ˈpɪn,NA,NA,1393436,1396880,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  249. "oh , you're rolling like a rolling pin . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|roll-PRESP conj|like det:art|a n:gerund|roll-PRESP n|pin .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1396880,1399706,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  250. "oh , what are you making ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|make-PRESP ?,1|6|COM 2|1|LP 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1399706,1401215,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  251. "you ‹make ,› you ‹make ,› it's making a noise . ",pro:per|you v|make cm|cm pro:per|you v|make cm|cm pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|make-PRESP det:art|a n|noise .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|ENUM 6|5|LP 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|2|CJCT 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|2|PUNCT,ˈju meɪk ˈjumə aɪ ˈɪz ˈmeɪkn ə ˈnɔɪz,ˈjuː ˈmeɪk ˈjuː ˈmeɪk ˈɪts ˈmeɪkɪŋ ə ˈnɔɪz,NA,NA,1401215,1407478,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  252. it's making noise ? ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|make-PRESP n|noise ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1407478,1408760,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  253. oh yeah it is . ,co|oh co|yeah pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1408760,1410211,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  254. yyy wanna hold Daddy's hand ? ,v|want~prep|to n|hold adj|Daddy&dn-POSS n|hand ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,nəho ˈwɑn ˈhol ˈdæˈiz ˈhæ̃n,* ˈwɑnə ˈhoʊld ˈdædiːz ˈhænd,NA,NA,1410211,1413711,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  255. wanna hold Daddy's hand ? ,v|want~prep|to n|hold adj|Daddy&dn-POSS n|hand ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1413711,1414891,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  256. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1414891,1416015,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  257. that's good . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|good .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1416015,1417331,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  258. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1417331,1419543,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  259. you're going to put flour in it . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|put&ZERO n|flour prep|in pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,ˈju ˈɡon də ˈpʊt ˈflaʊ əˈɪn ˈɪt,ˈjɔɹ ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈpʊt ˈflaʊəɹ ˈɪn ˈɪt,NA,NA,1419543,1422586,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  260. "oh , are you gonna make something with flour ? ",co|oh cm|cm aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|make pro:indef|something prep|with n|flour ?,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|8|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1422586,1425038,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  261. are you gonna bake something ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|bake pro:indef|something ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1425038,1426293,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  262. I'm going to bake cookies . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|bake n|cookie-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈɑ ɡon tə ˈbeɪk ˈkʊkˈiz,ˈaɪm ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈbeɪk ˈkʊkiːz,NA,NA,1426293,1428881,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  263. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1428881,1429661,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  264. rolling of the cookie dough . ,part|roll-PRESP prep|of det:art|the n|cookie n|dough .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈwolin ˈʌf də ˈkʊki ˈdo,ˈɹoʊlɪŋ ˈʌv ðə ˈkʊkiː ˈdoʊ,NA,NA,1429661,1432353,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  265. "you're rolling the cookie dough , that's good . ",pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|roll-PRESP det:art|the n|cookie n|dough cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|good .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|3|CJCT 10|9|PRED 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1432353,1434745,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  266. and what kind of cookies do you wanna make ? ,coord|and pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|cookie-PL v|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|make ?,1|6|LINK 2|3|MOD 3|6|CSUBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|10|INF 10|8|COMP 11|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1434745,1438776,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  267. oatmeal cookie . ,n|oatmeal n|cookie .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈotˈmɪl ˈkʊˈki,‹ˈoʊt ˈmiːl› ˈkʊkiː,NA,NA,1438776,1440793,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  268. oatmeal cookies . ,n|oatmeal n|cookie-PL .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1440793,1441946,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  269. are you gonna put some raisins in them ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|put&ZERO qn|some n|raisin-PL prep|in pro:obj|them ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1441946,1443503,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  270. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1443503,1444645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  271. are you gonna put some walnuts in them ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|put&ZERO qn|some n|walnut-PL prep|in pro:obj|them ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1444645,1446608,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  272. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1446608,1447456,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  273. what else ? ,pro:int|what post|else ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PQ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1447456,1449110,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  274. "well that's plenty , I guess . ",co|well pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|plenty cm|cm pro:sub|I v|guess .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|LP 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CJCT 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1449110,1450655,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  275. "‹no ,› you're going to put flour in it . ",co|no cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|put&ZERO n|flour prep|in pro:per|it .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|7|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|5|PUNCT,ˈno ˈjʌ ˈɡon ˈdʌ ˈpʊt ˈflaʊwə ˈɪn ˈɪt,ˈnoʊ ˈjɔɹ ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈpʊt ˈflaʊəɹ ˈɪn ˈɪt,NA,NA,1450655,1454455,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  276. "flour , good . ",n|flour cm|cm adj|good .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1454455,1455953,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  277. I think they'll be delicious . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|they~mod|will cop|be adj|delicious .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1455953,1458286,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  278. you're going to eat it . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|eat pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈju ˈɡə ntə ˈid ˈɪt,ˈjɔɹ ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈiːt ˈɪt,NA,NA,1458286,1461543,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  279. I will . ,pro:sub|I mod|will .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1461543,1462576,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  280. "&-um , am I gonna eat it ? ",cm|cm aux|be&1S pro:sub|I part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|eat pro:per|it ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1462576,1463883,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  281. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæːp,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1463883,1464586,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  282. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1464586,1465561,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  283. "and how (a)bout you , will you eat it ? ",coord|and pro:int|how prep|about pro:per|you cm|cm mod|will pro:per|you v|eat pro:per|it ?,1|8|LINK 2|8|LINK 3|8|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|4|LP 6|8|AUX 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|8|OBJ 10|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1465561,1470906,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  284. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæə,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1470906,1471688,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  285. oh . ,co|oh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1471688,1472556,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  286. and Mommy will eat it . ,coord|and n:prop|Mommy mod|will v|eat pro:per|it .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,ˈæ̃n ˈmɑmi ˈwɪl ˈid ɪ,ˈænd ˈmɑmiː ˈwɪl ˈiːt ˈɪt,NA,NA,1472556,1474225,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  287. Mommy will eat it too ? ,n:prop|Mommy mod|will v|eat pro:per|it adv|too ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1474225,1475560,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  288. what is Maisey doing ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&3S n:prop|Maisey part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈʌd ˈɪz ˈmeɪzi ˈdoɪn,ˈwʌt ˈɪz ˈmeɪziː ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1475560,1477318,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  289. what is Maisey doing ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&3S n:prop|Maisey part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1477318,1478596,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  290. I think she's coming out of the house . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|come-PRESP adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|house .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈʃiz ˈkʌmɪŋ ˈaʊd əv də ˈhaʊs,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiːz ˈkʌmɪŋ ˈaʊt ˈʌv ðə ˈhaʊs,NA,NA,1478596,1482168,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  291. where's she going ? ,pro:int|where~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|go-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1482168,1483990,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  292. yyy she's going down the hill and he sees somebody biting . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP prep|down det:art|the n|hill coord|and pro:sub|he v|see-3S pro:indef|somebody part|bite-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|3|CJCT 10|9|OBJ 11|10|XMOD 12|3|PUNCT,ˈsi ˈsiz ˈɡoɛ ˈdaʊn də ˈhɪl ˈæ̃n ˈʃi ˈhi ˈsəmbədi ˈbeɪdɪŋ,* ˈʃiːz ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈdaʊn ðə ˈhɪl ˈænd ˈhiː ˈsiːz ˈsʌmˌbɑdiː ˈbaɪtɪŋ,NA,NA,1483990,1488416,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  293. somebody ? ,pro:indef|somebody ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1488416,1490281,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  294. who ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1490281,1490850,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  295. I think you mean something that will bite at the play+ground . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you v|mean pro:indef|something adv|that mod|will v|bite prep|at det:art|the n|+n|play+n|ground .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|8|JCT 7|8|AUX 8|4|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈju mi ˈsəmtɪŋ ˈdæt ˈwɪl ˈbaɪt ˈæt də ˈpleɪˈɡwaʊnd,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈjuː ˈmiːn ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈðæt ˈwɪl ˈbaɪt ˈæt ðə ‹ˈpleɪ ˈɡɹaʊnd›,NA,NA,1490850,1495356,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  296. "oh , what things bite at the play+ground ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:int|what n|thing-PL n|bite prep|at det:art|the n|+n|play+n|ground ?,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|0|ROOT 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1495356,1497225,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  297. I think something will come out of the wood chips . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:indef|something mod|will v|come adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|wood n|chip-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈsəmθɪŋ ˈwɪl ˈkʌm ˈaʊd ə də ˈwʊd ˈtʃɪps,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈsʌmθɪŋ ˈwɪl ˈkʌm ˈaʊt ˈʌv ðə ˈwʊd ˈʧɪps,NA,NA,1497225,1500086,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  298. "oh , do things come out of the wood chips and bite ? ",co|oh cm|cm v|do n|thing-PL v|come adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|wood n|chip-PL coord|and n|bite ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|10|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1500086,1503125,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  299. have you ever been bitten by something out of the wood chips ? ,v|have pro:per|you adv|ever cop|be&PASTP part|bite&PASTP prep|by pro:indef|something adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|wood n|chip-PL ?,1|0|ROOT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|1|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1503125,1506191,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  300. what comes out of a wood chip to bite ? ,pro:int|what v|come-3S adv|out prep|of det:art|a n|wood n|chip prep|to n|bite ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1506191,1508900,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  301. I've never had a bite from something out of the wood chips . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|never part|have&PASTP det:art|a n|bite prep|from pro:indef|something adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|wood n|chip-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|4|JCT 10|9|JCT 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|10|POBJ 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1508900,1511675,FAT,Father,MAL,13,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  302. but I know what does bite ! ,conj|but pro:sub|I v|know pro:int|what mod|do&3S n|bite !,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|MOD 5|6|AUX 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1511675,1513808,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  303. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌt,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,1513808,1514713,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  304. mosquitos . ,n|mosquito-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1514713,1516453,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  305. I don't want mosquitos . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want n|mosquito-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈdo ˈwʌn məsˈkidoz,ˈaɪ ˈdoʊnt ˈwɑnt məsˈkiːtoʊz,NA,NA,1516453,1518478,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  306. I dunno [: don't know] which ones . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|which pro:indef|one-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|LINK 6|4|COMP 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1518478,1520158,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  307. I think you mean bugs . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you adj|mean n|bug-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|MOD 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪɡ ˈju ˈmin ˈbʌɡs,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈjuː ˈmiːn ˈbʌɡz,NA,NA,1520158,1523586,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  308. "bugs , I suppose bugs could bite . ",n|bug-PL cm|cm pro:sub|I v|suppose n|bug-PL mod|could v|bite .,1|4|JCT 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1523586,1525543,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  309. flies . ,n|fly-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈfləˈaɪz,ˈflaɪz,NA,NA,1525543,1526861,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  310. "flies could bite , spiders could bite . ",n|fly-PL mod|could n|bite cm|cm n|spider-PL mod|could v|bite .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|LP 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|ENUM 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1526861,1529453,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  311. "then you get little itchy , itchy little boo_boos you hafta scratch them (be)cause there so itchy . ",adv:tem|then pro:per|you v|get adj|little adj|itch&dv-Y cm|cm adj|itch&dv-Y adj|little n|boo&DUP-PL pro:per|you mod|have~inf|to v|scratch pro:obj|them conj|because adv|there adv|so adj|itch&dv-Y .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|9|MOD 5|9|MOD 6|5|LP 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|3|PRED 10|13|SUBJ 11|13|AUX 12|13|INF 13|9|CMOD 14|13|OBJ 15|18|LINK 16|18|JCT 17|18|JCT 18|3|CJCT 19|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1529453,1534076,FAT,Father,MAL,17,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  312. I hate that . ,pro:sub|I v|hate pro:dem|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1534076,1535776,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  313. I don't like that . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|like pro:dem|that .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1535776,1539113,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  314. what's Naima doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Naima part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌs ˈnaɪimə ˈduə,ˈwʌts ˌnaɪˈimə ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1539113,1541703,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  315. what's Naima doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Naima part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1541703,1542943,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  316. yyy yyy you're going to land on Daddy . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|land prep|on n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,jə ˈə jə ˈɡoɪ tə ˈlæ̃nd ˈɑn ˈdædi,* * ˈjɔɹ ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈlænd ˈɑn ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1542943,1547295,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  317. don't land on Daddy . ,mod|do~neg|not v|land prep|on n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1547295,1548811,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  318. what 0are they trying to do ? ,pro:int|what 0aux|be&PRES pro:sub|they part|try-PRESP inf|to v|do ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌd ˈdeɪ ˈtwaɪŋ tə ˈdu,ˈwʌt ˈðeɪ ˈtɹaɪɪŋ ˈtuː ˈduː,NA,NA,1548811,1550521,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  319. don't try to land on Daddy . ,mod|do~neg|not v|try inf|to v|land prep|on n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1550521,1552248,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  320. trying to do . ,part|try-PRESP inf|to v|do .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,ˈtwaɪŋ tə ˈdu,ˈtɹaɪɪŋ ˈtuː ˈduː,NA,NA,1552248,1553485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  321. what are you trying to do ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|try-PRESP inf|to v|do ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1553485,1554618,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  322. it's trying to see yyy yyy 0if the cookies are made . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|try-PRESP inf|to v|see 0comp|if det:art|the n|cookie-PL aux|be&PRES part|make&PASTP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|10|LINK 7|8|DET 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|5|COMP 11|3|PUNCT,ˈɪt ˈtwaɪŋ tə təsʰ də ˈdæ də ˈcʊkiz ˈə meɪd,ˈɪts ˈtɹaɪɪŋ ˈtuː ˈsiː * * ðə ˈkʊkiːz ˈɑɹ ˈmeɪd,NA,NA,1554618,1561500,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  323. oh are they ? ,co|oh cop|be&PRES pro:sub|they ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1561500,1562350,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  324. so it's time to eat them now . ,adv|so pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n|time inf|to v|eat pro:obj|them adv|now .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|6|INF 6|4|XMOD 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1562350,1563763,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  325. do you wanna let them cool down a little bit ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|let&ZERO pro:obj|them v|cool prep|down det:art|a adj|little n|bit ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|POBJ 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1563763,1566748,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  326. the raisins . ,det:art|the n|raisin-PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,də ˈweɪːˈzɪnz,ðə ˈɹeɪˌzɪnz,NA,NA,1566748,1569828,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  327. "oh , the raisins yeah . ",co|oh cm|cm det:art|the n|raisin-PL co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|4|DET 4|1|ENUM 5|4|COM 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1569828,1570883,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  328. you're gonna let the raisins cool down a little bit ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|let&ZERO det:art|the n|raisin-PL adj|cool prep|down det:art|a adj|little n|bit ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|7|POSTMOD 9|5|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1570883,1573746,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  329. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ̃,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1573746,1574706,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  330. that's a good idea . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|good n|idea .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1574706,1576616,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  331. yyy the cookies on the paper sheets . ,det:art|the n|cookie-PL prep|on det:art|the n|paper n|sheet-PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈsimə də ˈcʊkiz ˈɑn də ˈpeɪpə ˈʃidz,* ðə ˈkʊkiːz ˈɑn ðə ˈpeɪpəɹ ˈʃiːts,NA,NA,1576616,1580081,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  332. on the paper sheets just like Mommy . ,prep|on det:art|the n|paper n|sheet-PL adj|just co|like n:prop|Mommy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|POBJ 5|7|MOD 6|7|COM 7|4|CMOD 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1580081,1583675,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  333. "boy , you're gonna be baking cookies soon I think . ",co|boy cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to aux|be part|bake-PRESP n|cookie-PL adj|soon pro:sub|I v|think .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|8|INF 7|8|AUX 8|5|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|9|POSTMOD 11|12|SUBJ 12|10|CMOD 13|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1583675,1587475,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  334. "yyy we're putting them in the ‹oven ,› we're opening 0it and putting them in there . ",pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|put-PRESP pro:obj|them prep|in det:art|the n|oven cm|cm pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|open-PRESP 0pro:per|it coord|and part|put-PRESP pro:obj|them prep|in n|there .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|LP 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|3|CJCT 12|11|OBJ 13|11|CONJ 14|13|COORD 15|14|OBJ 16|14|JCT 17|16|POBJ 18|3|PUNCT,də ˈwɛə ˈpʊdin ˈdɛm ˈɪn də ˈʌvɛn jə ˈopɛnɪn ˈʌm ˈpudɪn ˈdɛm ˈɪn ˈdeɪdə,* ˈwʌɹ ˈpʌtɪŋ ˈðɛm ˈɪn ðə ˈʌvən ˈwʌɹ ˈoʊpənɪŋ ˈænd ˈpʌtɪŋ ˈðɛm ˈɪn ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1587475,1596168,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  335. I think it smells like a daddy . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|it v|smell-3S prep|like det:art|a n|daddy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪ ˈɪt ˈsmɛlz ˈlaɪ ˈkə ˈdædi,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈɪt ˈsmɛlz ˈlaɪk ə ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1596168,1599941,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  336. smells like a daddy ? ,n|smell-PL prep|like det:art|a n|daddy ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1599941,1602016,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  337. you mean Daddy smells a special smell . ,pro:per|you v|mean n:prop|Daddy v|smell-3S det:art|a n|special n|smell .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1602016,1605108,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  338. "I ‹think ,› I think you mean that daddy . ",pro:sub|I v|think cm|cm pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you adj|mean comp|that n|daddy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CJCT 6|9|MOD 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|5|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈju ˈmi ˈnæ ˈdædi,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈjuː ˈmiːn ˈðæt ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1605108,1608173,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  339. "oh , you mean me ? ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you v|mean pro:obj|me ?,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1608173,1610318,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  340. "talking about me , Naima ? ",part|talk-PRESP prep|about pro:obj|me cm|cm n:prop|Naima ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|LP 5|1|ENUM 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1610318,1613030,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  341. yyy you're touching Daddy . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|touch-PRESP n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈizˈmː jə ˈtʌtʃɛ ˈdædi,* ˈjɔɹ ˈtʌʧɪŋ ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1613030,1615876,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  342. you are touching Daddy in different places . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|touch-PRESP n:prop|Daddy prep|in adj|different n|place-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1615876,1618596,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  343. where are you touching me ? ,pro:int|where aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|touch-PRESP pro:obj|me ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1618596,1619691,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  344. you're touching Daddy . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|touch-PRESP n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1619691,1622898,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  345. where are you touching me ? ,pro:int|where aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|touch-PRESP pro:obj|me ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1622898,1624018,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  346. &-um and &-uhhh mustache . ,coord|and n|mustache .,1|2|LINK 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,tə ˈæ̃n ə ˈmʌsˈtæʃ,ˈʌm ˈænd ˈʌ ˈmʌsˌtæʃ,NA,NA,1624018,1626616,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  347. "yeah , and where else ? ",co|yeah cm|cm coord|and pro:int|where post|else ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|4|PQ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1626616,1628121,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  348. and &-uh and Daddy's beard . ,coord|and coord|and adj|Daddy&dn-POSS n|beard .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|4|MOD 4|2|COORD 5|1|PUNCT,ˈæ̃n ə ˈæ̃n ˈdæiz ˈbijəd,ˈænd ˈʌ ˈænd ˈdædiːz ˈbɪɹd,NA,NA,1628121,1631178,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  349. beard . ,n|beard .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1631178,1632150,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  350. that sounds like an airplane . ,det:dem|that n|sound-PL prep|like det:art|a n|airplane .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1632150,1633410,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  351. it doesn't sound like one . ,pro:per|it mod|do&3S~neg|not v|sound prep|like pro:indef|one .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈɪt ˈdʌzntə ˈsaʊnd ˈlaɪk wən,ˈɪt ˈdʌzn̩t ˈsaʊnd ˈlaɪk ˈwʌn,NA,NA,1633410,1636640,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  352. what does it sound like ? ,pro:int|what mod|do&3S pro:per|it v|sound prep|like ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1636640,1638595,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  353. it sounds like a car . ,pro:per|it v|sound-3S prep|like det:art|a n|car .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈɪ ˈsaʊnz ˈlaɪk ə ˈcɑə,ˈɪt ˈsaʊndz ˈlaɪk ə ˈkɑɹ,NA,NA,1638595,1640278,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  354. it's not a car . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a n|car .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|5|DET 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1640278,1641818,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  355. I think you know it's not a car . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you v|know pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a n|car .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|NEG 8|9|DET 9|6|PRED 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1641818,1645176,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  356. it's a car . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|car .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈɪz ə ˈcɑə,ˈɪts ə ˈkɑɹ,NA,NA,1645176,1646571,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  357. "no , it's not a car . ",co|no cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a n|car .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|NEG 6|7|DET 7|4|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1646571,1647623,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  358. it's a yyy it's a car . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|car .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|PRED 6|7|DET 7|5|PRED 8|2|PUNCT,ˈɪs ə k ɪs ə ˈkɑə,ˈɪts ə * ˈɪts ə ˈkɑɹ,NA,NA,1647623,1651170,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  359. "no , it's not a car . ",co|no cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a n|car .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|NEG 6|7|DET 7|4|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1651170,1652930,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  360. "a ‹car ,› it is a car . ",det:art|a n|car cm|cm pro:per|it cop|be&3S det:art|a n|car .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CMOD 6|7|DET 7|5|PRED 8|2|PUNCT,ˈə kɑ ˈɪd ˈɪz ˈə kɑə,ə ˈkɑɹ ˈɪt ˈɪz ə ˈkɑɹ,NA,NA,1652930,1655350,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  361. it is not a car . ,pro:per|it cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a n|car .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|5|DET 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1655350,1656428,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  362. "car yyy yyy it's a ‹car ,› it's a ‹car ,› it's a lawn+mower . ",n|car pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|car cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|car cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|+n|lawn+n|mower .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|5|LP 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CMOD 9|10|DET 10|8|PRED 11|10|LP 12|13|SUBJ 13|10|CMOD 14|15|DET 15|13|PRED 16|3|PUNCT,ˈzɪˈkɑə ˈhəːˈɪzɪ ˈkiə ˈɪz ə ˈkɑə ˈɪz ə ˈkɑəː ˈɪzəˈɪs ə ˈlɑnˈmoə,ˈkɑɹ * * ˈɪts ə ˈkɑɹ ˈɪts ə ˈkɑɹ ˈɪts ə ‹ˈlɑn ˈmoʊəɹ›,NA,NA,1656428,1667386,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  363. "no , it's a bicycle . ",co|no cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a bi#n|cycle .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1667386,1668996,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  364. it's a motorcycle . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|motorcycle .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈɪˈɪz ə ˈmoːdəˈsaɪkˈɛl,ˈɪts ə ‹ˈmoʊtəɹ ˈsaɪkəl›,NA,NA,1668996,1672218,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  365. "no , it's a +... ",co|no cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a +...,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1672218,1675698,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  366. it's a +... ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1675698,1678078,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  367. car . ,n|car .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈkɑəː,ˈkɑɹ,NA,NA,1678078,1678991,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  368. car . ,n|car .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1678991,1679560,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  369. it's a truck . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|truck .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1679560,1680411,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  370. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈiːə ˈʌhəː,* *,NA,NA,1680411,1685290,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  371. it's a wagon . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|wagon .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1685290,1686920,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  372. it's a mommy . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|mommy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈɪt ˈsə ˈmɑːˈmi,ˈɪts ə ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,1686920,1688795,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  373. it's not a mom ! ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S neg|not det:art|a n|mom !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|NEG 4|5|DET 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1688795,1690511,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  374. I think it's a mommy pushing a wagon . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|it~aux|be&3S det:art|a n|mommy part|push-PRESP det:art|a n|wagon .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|SUBJ 4|7|AUX 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈɪs ə ˈmɑmi ˈpʊʰʃɪŋ ˈə ˈwæɡən,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈɪts ə ˈmɑmiː ˈpʊʃɪŋ ə ˈwæɡən,NA,NA,1690511,1692778,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  375. "oh , it's a mommy pushing a wagon . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|it~aux|be&3S det:art|a n|mommy part|push-PRESP det:art|a n|wagon .,1|7|COM 2|1|LP 3|7|SUBJ 4|7|AUX 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1692778,1694363,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  376. "oh , that's an interesting idea . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|interesting n|idea .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1694363,1696286,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  377. "‹no ,› a toddler pushing a wagon pushing it pushing it down the pushing it down the hill getting newspapers . ",co|no cm|cm det:art|a n|toddle&dv-AGT part|push-PRESP det:art|a n|wagon part|push-PRESP pro:per|it part|push-PRESP pro:per|it adv|down det:art|the n:gerund|push-PRESP pro:per|it adv|down det:art|the n|hill part|get-PRESP n|newspaper-PL .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|XJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|5|XJCT 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|14|DET 14|10|OBJ 15|14|OBJ 16|14|JCT 17|18|DET 18|16|POBJ 19|18|XMOD 20|19|OBJ 21|5|PUNCT,ˈno ˈə tɑdlə ˈpʊtsɪŋ ˈə wæɡɛn ˈpʊd ɪ ˈpʊdɪŋ ˈɪ ˈdaʊn də ˈduɪŋ ˈɪt ˈdaʊn də ˈhɪl ˈɡɛdɪ ˈnuːzˈpeɪpəz,ˈnoʊ ə ˈtɑdləɹ ˈpʊʃɪŋ ə ˈwæɡən ˈpʊʃɪŋ ˈɪt ˈpʊʃɪŋ ˈɪt ˈdaʊn ðə ˈpʊʃɪŋ ˈɪt ˈdaʊn ðə ˈhɪl ˈɡɛtɪŋ ‹ˈnuːz ˈpeɪpəɹz›,NA,NA,1696286,1705888,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,19,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  378. "oh , there's a xxx xxx pushing it down the hill to get newspapers . ",co|oh cm|cm pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n:gerund|push-PRESP pro:per|it adv|down det:art|the n|hill inf|to v|get n|newspaper-PL .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|JCT 9|10|DET 10|6|OBJ 11|12|INF 12|10|XMOD 13|12|OBJ 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,indecipherable word .,NA,1705888,1709436,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  379. I see . ,pro:sub|I v|see .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1709436,1710680,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  380. how many newspapers will there be down there ? ,pro:int|how qn|many n|newspaper-PL mod|will adv|there cop|be prep|down n|there ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1710680,1712865,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  381. it's doing it with the daddy . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|do-PRESP pro:per|it prep|with det:art|the n|daddy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ˈɪz ˈdu ɪ ˈwɪt də ˈdæːˈdi,ˈɪts ˈduːɪn ˈɪt ˈwɪθ ðə ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1712865,1716590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  382. with the Daddy ? ,prep|with det:art|the n:prop|Daddy ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1716590,1718015,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  383. are you talking about Naima and Daddy ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|talk-PRESP prep|about n:prop|Naima coord|and n:prop|Daddy ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1718015,1721545,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  384. "‹no ,› being with the daddy . ",co|no cm|cm part|be-PRESP prep|with det:art|the n|daddy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,ˈno ˈbiə ˈwɪ dəˈhdə ˈdæːdi,ˈnoʊ ˈbiːɪŋ ˈwɪθ ðə ˈdædiː,NA,ˈh is preaspiration in [dəˈhdə],1721545,1725185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  385. you are being with daddy . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|be-PRESP prep|with n|daddy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1725185,1726085,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  386. "and I'm very , very happy to be with you my boo . ",coord|and pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adv|very cm|cm adv|very adj|happy inf|to cop|be prep|with pro:per|you det:poss|my n|boo .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|LP 6|7|JCT 7|3|PRED 8|9|INF 9|7|XMOD 10|9|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1726085,1728761,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  387. being with Daddy . ,part|be-PRESP prep|with n:prop|Daddy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈbiæŋ ˈwɪ ˈdædi,ˈbiːɪŋ ˈwɪθ ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1728761,1729981,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  388. "I'm happy to be with you , my boo . ",pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S adj|happy inf|to cop|be prep|with pro:per|you cm|cm det:poss|my n|boo .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|INF 5|3|XMOD 6|5|JCT 7|10|SUBJ 8|7|LP 9|10|DET 10|6|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1729981,1732175,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  389. lying . ,part|lie-PRESP .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈlaɪˈæŋ,ˈlaɪɪŋ,NA,NA,1732175,1732860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  390. you're lying down . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|lie-PRESP adv|down .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1732860,1734165,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  391. smells like a daddy . ,n|smell-PL prep|like det:art|a n|daddy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈsmɛlz ˈlaɪ ˈkə ˈdædi,ˈsmɛlz ˈlaɪk ə ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1734165,1735811,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  392. smells like a daddy ? ,n|smell-PL prep|like det:art|a n|daddy ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1735811,1736998,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  393. "what kind of smell is that , I wonder . ",pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|smell cop|be&3S comp|that cm|cm pro:sub|I v|wonder .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|9|LINK 7|6|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|5|CPRED 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1736998,1738786,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  394. I think I think Daddy daddy . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|I v|think n:prop|Daddy n|daddy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|MOD 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈdædi ˈnːjæˈdi,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈdædiː ˈjædiː,NA,"[ˈjædiː] is a play on words for ""daddy""",1738786,1743856,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  395. daddy . ,n|daddy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1743856,1744650,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  396. "niki@b niki@b ‹naddy@b ,› nika@b nika@b naddy@b . ",bab|niki bab|niki bab|naddy cm|cm bab|nika bab|nika bab|naddy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|3|LP 5|3|ENUM 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|1|PUNCT,ˈnɪki ˈnɪki ˈniædi ˈnɪkə ˈniɪkə ˈnædi,ˈnɪkiː ˈnɪkiː ˈnædiː ˈnɪkə ˈnɪkə ˈnædiː,NA,NA,1744650,1749101,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  397. nika@b nika@b naddy@b . ,bab|nika bab|nika bab|naddy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1749101,1750841,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  398. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈənɪk ˈniæː,* *,NA,NA,1750841,1753436,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  399. tika@b toddler . ,bab|tika n|toddle&dv-AGT .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1753436,1755011,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  400. "tika@b tika@b ‹taddy@b ,› tika@b tika@b ‹Daddy ,› tika@b ‹Daddy ,› tika@b Daddy . ",bab|tika bab|tika bab|taddy cm|cm bab|tika bab|tika n:prop|Daddy cm|cm bab|tika n:prop|Daddy cm|cm bab|tika n:prop|Daddy .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|2|POBJ 4|3|LP 5|3|ENUM 6|5|POBJ 7|6|ENUM 8|7|LP 9|6|NJCT 10|9|POBJ 11|10|LP 12|13|MOD 13|10|APP 14|1|PUNCT,ˈtɪkə ˈtɪkə ˈtiæːdi ˈtɪkə ˈtɪkə ˈdæːdi ˈtɪkə ˈdædi ˈtɪkə ˈdædi,ˈtɪkə ˈtɪkə ˈtædiː ˈtɪkə ˈtɪkə ˈdædiː ˈtɪkə ˈdædiː ˈtɪkə ˈdædiː,NA,NA,1755011,1761330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  401. what's Naima doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Naima part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈɡəs ˈnaɪmə ˈduɪŋ,ˈwʌts ˌnaɪˈimə ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1761330,1763143,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  402. I don't know . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1763143,1764563,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  403. you looking . ,pro:per|you part|look-PRESP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈlʊki,ˈjuː ˈlʊkɪŋ,NA,NA,1764563,1766825,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  404. Naima looking at the book . ,n:prop|Naima part|look-PRESP prep|at det:art|the n|book .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|XMOD 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈnaɪ ˈlʊkɪŋ ˈæ də ˈbʊk,ˌnaɪˈimə ˈlʊkɪŋ ˈæt ðə ˈbʊk,NA,NA,1766825,1771950,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  405. "you can look at the book , I just wanna put the microphone on . ",pro:per|you mod|can v|look prep|at det:art|the n|book cm|cm pro:sub|I adv|just v|want~inf|to v|put&ZERO det:art|the n|microphone adv|on .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|LP 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|JCT 10|3|CJCT 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|12|JCT 16|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1771950,1774778,FAT,Father,MAL,14,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  406. what's Naima doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Naima part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ɡəsnə ˈwʊsˈnaɪimə ˈdu,ˈwʌts ˌnaɪˈimə ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1774778,1782565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  407. "okay , what's the book say ? ",co|okay cm|cm pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|book v|say ?,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|PRED 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1782565,1784515,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  408. let's start from the beginning . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|start prep|from det:art|the n|beginning .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1784515,1787113,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  409. "‹no ,› Naima doesn't . ",co|no cm|cm n:prop|Naima mod|do&3S~neg|not .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|ENUM 5|4|NEG 6|1|PUNCT,ˈno ˈnaɪi ˈdʌzˈɛnt,ˈnoʊ ˌnaɪˈimə ˈdʌzn̩t,NA,NA,1787113,1788558,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  410. no Naima doesn't ? ,co|no n:prop|Naima mod|do&3S~neg|not ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1788558,1790516,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  411. doesn't what ? ,mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:int|what ?,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1790516,1791358,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  412. Naima doesn't what ? ,n:prop|Naima mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:int|what ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1791358,1793451,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  413. "want to start from ‹beginning ,› no doesn't wanna start from the beginning . ",v|want inf|to v|start prep|from n|beginning cm|cm qn|no mod|do&3S~neg|not v|want~inf|to v|start prep|from det:art|the n|beginning .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|LP 7|10|QUANT 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|1|COMP 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|12|JCT 14|15|DET 15|13|POBJ 16|1|PUNCT,ˈwɑn ˈtu ˈstɑt ˈfwəm ˈbiɡɪˈnɪn nə dəz ˈwɑnə ˈstɑ ˈfwʌm də ˈbiˈɡɪnˈɪn,ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈstɑɹt ˈfɹʌm bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ ˈnoʊ ˈdʌzn̩t ˈwɑnə ˈstɑɹt ˈfɹʌm ðə bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ,NA,NA,1793451,1798678,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  414. where do you wanna start from ? ,pro:int|where mod|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|start prep|from ?,1|4|JCT 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1798678,1799680,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  415. is Maisey in the closet ? ,cop|be&3S n:prop|Maisey prep|in det:art|the n|closet ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1799680,1802276,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  416. "oops , not here . ",co|oops cm|cm neg|not adv|here .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1802276,1804413,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  417. who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1804413,1805023,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  418. Talulah . ,n:prop|Talulah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,təˈlulə,tɑˈluːlə,NA,NA,1805023,1806321,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  419. Talulah Chicken . ,n:prop|Talulah n:prop|Chicken .,1|2|NAME 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1806321,1808180,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  420. is Maisey in the tree ? ,cop|be&3S n:prop|Maisey prep|in det:art|the n|tree ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1808180,1809745,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  421. "yyy blue+bird blue+bird fly through my ‹window ,› blue+bird blue+bird fly through my ‹window ,› ‹blue+bird ,› who's there ? ",n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|fly prep|through det:poss|my n|window cm|cm n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|fly prep|through det:poss|my n|window cm|cm n|+adj|blue+n|bird cm|cm pro:rel|who~cop|be&3S adv|there ?,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|10|MOD 4|3|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|LP 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|0|ROOT 11|10|NJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|10|LP 15|10|ENUM 16|10|LP 17|18|LINK 18|10|CMOD 19|18|JCT 20|10|PUNCT,ˈhədə ˈbluˈbʌd ˈbluˈbʌ ˈfə θ mə ˈwɪndo ˈbluˈbʌd ˈbluˈbʌd ˈfwə ˈθu mə ˈwɪndo ˈblubə ˈhuz ˈdeɪə,* ‹ˈbluː ˈbʌɹd› ‹ˈbluː ˈbʌɹd› ˈflaɪ ˈθɹuː ˈmaɪ ˈwɪndoʊ ‹ˈbluː ˈbʌɹd› ‹ˈbluː ˈbʌɹd› ˈflaɪ ˈθɹuː ˈmaɪ ˈwɪndoʊ ‹ˈbluː ˈbʌɹd› ˈhuːz ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1809745,1819586,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  422. that's Maisey . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S n:prop|Maisey .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1819586,1821778,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  423. "blue+bird blue+bird fly through my window , blue+bird blue+bird fly through my window . ",n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|fly prep|through det:poss|my n|window cm|cm n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|fly prep|through det:poss|my n|window .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|10|MOD 4|3|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|LP 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|0|ROOT 11|10|NJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|10|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1821778,1827285,FAT,Father,MAL,12,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  424. blue+bird blue+bird fly through my window . ,n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|+adj|blue+n|bird n|fly prep|through det:poss|my n|window .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|ROOT 4|3|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1827285,1830790,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  425. you do . ,pro:per|you v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈdu,ˈjuː ˈduː,NA,NA,1830790,1831761,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  426. buy molasses candy . ,n|buy n|molasses n|candy .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1831761,1834876,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  427. yyy yyy what is the microphone doing ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&3S det:art|the n|microphone part|do-PRESP ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,ˈdæ ˈdæ ˈwʌd ˈɪs də ˈmaɪkwəˈfon ˈdoæ̃ŋ,* * ˈwʌt ˈɪz ðə ˈmaɪkɹəˌfoʊn ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,1834876,1838381,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  428. what are you doing to the microphone ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP prep|to det:art|the n|microphone ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1838381,1840036,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  429. do you do . ,mod|do pro:per|you v|do .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈdu ˈju ˈduː,ˈduː ˈjuː ˈduː,NA,NA,1840036,1841315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  430. you took off the whatever that's called +... ,pro:per|you v|take&PAST prep|off det:art|the pro:int|whatever pro:rel|that~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|8|LINK 7|8|AUX 8|5|CMOD 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1841315,1844716,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  431. "I think it's called a baffle , I don't know what it's called . ",pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP det:art|a v|baffle cm|cm pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|what pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|LP 9|12|SUBJ 10|12|AUX 11|10|NEG 12|2|CJCT 13|16|LINK 14|16|SUBJ 15|16|AUX 16|12|COMP 17|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1844716,1847328,FAT,Father,MAL,15,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  432. it generally kills the wind . ,pro:per|it adv|general&dadj-LY v|kill-3S det:art|the n|wind .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1847328,1849686,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  433. "here , here , here boo_boo . ",adv|here cm|cm adv|here cm|cm adv|here n|boo&DUP .,1|3|JCT 2|1|LP 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|LP 5|6|JCT 6|3|ENUM 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1849686,1851745,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  434. Naima girl . ,n:prop|Naima n|girl .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1851745,1853750,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  435. you Baby_o . ,pro:per|you n:prop|Baby_o .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1853750,1856523,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  436. Naima . ,n:prop|Naima .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1856523,1858225,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  437. what are you doing ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1858225,1860151,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  438. you Baby_o . ,pro:per|you n:prop|Baby_o .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1860151,1863046,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  439. we like to keep our microphone properly +... ,pro:sub|we v|like inf|to v|keep det:poss|our n|microphone adv|proper&dadj-LY +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1863046,1868460,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  440. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,1868460,1869325,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  441. because we wanna get Naima's voice . ,conj|because pro:sub|we v|want~inf|to v|get adj|Naima&dn-POSS n|voice .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|MOD 7|5|PRED 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1869325,1873123,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  442. we wanna listen to Naima's voice on the +... ,pro:sub|we v|want~inf|to v|listen prep|to adj|Naima&dn-POSS n|voice prep|on det:art|the +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|5|POBJ 8|4|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1873123,1877346,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  443. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈbuæ,*,NA,NA,1877346,1878650,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  444. on the recorder . ,prep|on det:art|the n|record&dv-AGT .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1878650,1879888,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  445. "‹no ,› on the ‹radido [: radio] [* p:n]› . ",co|no cm|cm prep|on det:art|the n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈno ˈɑn də ˈweɪˈdiˈdo,ˈnoʊ ˈɑn ðə ‹ˈɹɑdiː ˈduː›,NA,NA,1879888,1882523,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  446. on the radio . ,prep|on det:art|the n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1882523,1883911,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  447. "no , not on the radio . ",co|no cm|cm neg|not prep|on det:art|the n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|4|NEG 4|1|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1883911,1885170,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  448. "‹do ,› ‹radido [: radio] [* p:n]› . ",mod|do cm|cm n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,ˈdoːə ˈweɪˈdiˈdoː,ˈduː ‹ˈɹɑdiː ˈduː›,NA,NA,1885170,1889648,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  449. radido@c ? ,chi|radido ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1889648,1890508,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  450. I've never heard of a radido@c . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|never part|hear&PASTP prep|of det:art|a chi|radido .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1890508,1893745,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  451. ‹radido [: radio] [* p:n]› . ,n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈweɪdˈiˈdæː,‹ˈɹɑdiː ˈduː›,NA,NA,1893745,1895926,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  452. "oh my God , a radido@c . ",co|oh det:poss|my n:prop|God cm|cm det:art|a chi|radido .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|ROOT 4|3|LP 5|6|DET 6|3|ENUM 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1895926,1898020,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  453. ‹radido [: radio] [* p:n]› . ,n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈweɪˈdiˈdo,‹ˈɹɑdiː ˈduː›,NA,NA,1898020,1899050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  454. do you wanna listen to the radido@c ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|listen prep|to det:art|the chi|radido ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1899050,1901308,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  455. you do . ,pro:per|you v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈdu,ˈjuː ˈduː,NA,NA,1901308,1902531,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  456. I don't think we have a radido@c . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:sub|we v|have det:art|a chi|radido .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1902531,1904355,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  457. you do have a radio . ,pro:per|you v|do v|have det:art|a n|radio .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|COMP 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈdu ˈtwəd ə ˈweɪˈdio,ˈjuː ˈduː ˈhæv ə ˈɹeɪdiːˌoʊ,NA,NA,1904355,1905886,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  458. oh the radio . ,co|oh det:art|the n|radio .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1905886,1907646,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  459. you do . ,pro:per|you v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈdo,ˈjuː ˈduː,NA,NA,1907646,1908893,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  460. oh the radio . ,co|oh det:art|the n|radio .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1908893,1910346,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  461. I do . ,pro:sub|I v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ zijə,ˈaɪ ˈduː,NA,NA,1910346,1910988,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  462. I thought you said radido@c . ,pro:sub|I v|think&PAST pro:per|you v|say&PAST chi|radido .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1910988,1913108,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  463. ‹radido [: radio] [* p:n]› . ,n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈweɪˈdiˈdo,‹ˈɹɑdiː ˈduː›,NA,NA,1913108,1914530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  464. radido@c . ,chi|radido .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1914530,1916033,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  465. radio . ,n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈweɪˈjoː,ˈɹeɪdiːˌoʊ,NA,NA,1916033,1917383,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  466. radio . ,n|radio .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1917383,1919243,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  467. radido@c . ,chi|radido .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1919243,1920680,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  468. you going to runaway from the Mommy . ,pro:per|you part|go-PRESP prep|to n|runaway prep|from det:art|the n:prop|Mommy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈɡoɪŋ tə ˈwʌnˈəweɪ ˈfwʌm də ˈmɑːmi,ˈjuː ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈɹʌnəˌweɪ ˈfɹʌm ðə ˈmɑmiː,NA,NA,1920680,1927050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  469. why are you trying to run away from the Mommy ? ,pro:int|why aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|try-PRESP inf|to v|run adv|away prep|from det:art|the n:prop|Mommy ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|6|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1927050,1929423,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  470. you be with Dadda . ,pro:per|you cop|be prep|with n:prop|Dadda .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈɡəˈju ˈbi ˈwɪ ˈdædæ,ˈjuː ˈbiː ˈwɪθ ˈdæˌdæ,NA,NA,1929423,1934486,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  471. you're being with Dadda Daddy . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|be-PRESP prep|with n:prop|Dadda n:prop|Daddy .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|NAME 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1934486,1937183,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  472. Daddy's happy to be with you . ,adj|Daddy&dn-POSS adj|happy inf|to cop|be prep|with pro:per|you .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PRED 3|4|INF 4|2|XMOD 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1937183,1938450,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  473. that . ,comp|that .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdɛɑːt,ˈðæt,NA,NA,1938450,1939745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  474. that's a microphone . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|microphone .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1939745,1941428,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  475. Naima's microphone . ,adj|Naima&dn-POSS n|microphone .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈnaɪˈiməz ˈmaɪkəˈfon,ˌnaɪˈiməz ˈmaɪkɹəˌfoʊn,NA,NA,1941428,1943016,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  476. it's Naima's microphone . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|Naima&dn-POSS n|microphone .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1943016,1943910,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  477. and you're playing with it . ,coord|and pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|play-PRESP prep|with pro:per|it .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1943910,1945483,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  478. yyy yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈlʊki ˈdɑki ˈlu,* * *,NA,NA,1945483,1947480,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  479. it's better not to play with the microphone . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|good&CP neg|not prep|to n|play prep|with det:art|the n|microphone .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|NEG 5|2|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1947480,1949955,FAT,Father,MAL,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  480. "not trying ‹to ,› you do it try . ",neg|not part|try-PRESP prep|to cm|cm pro:per|you v|do pro:per|it v|try .,1|2|NEG 2|0|ROOT 3|6|JCT 4|3|LP 5|6|SUBJ 6|8|CJCT 7|6|OBJ 8|2|COMP 9|2|PUNCT,ˈnɑit ˈtwaɪŋ də ˈju ˈdo ˈɪt ˈtwaɪ,ˈnɑt ˈtɹaɪɪŋ ˈtuː ˈjuː ˈduː ˈɪt ˈtɹaɪ,NA,NA,1949955,1954318,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  481. what are you doing with the microphone ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&PRES pro:per|you part|do-PRESP prep|with det:art|the n|microphone ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1954318,1956220,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  482. oh Naima . ,co|oh n:prop|Naima .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1956220,1957748,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  483. ‹you're [= I am]› trying to be . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|try-PRESP inf|to cop|be .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|3|PUNCT,jə ˈtwaɪŋ tə ˈbiə,ˈjɔɹ ˈtɹaɪɪŋ ˈtuː ˈbiː,NA,NA,1957748,1960013,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  484. you are being naughty . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|be-PRESP adj|naughty .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1960013,1962766,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  485. yyy being naughty . ,part|be-PRESP adj|naughty .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PRED 3|1|PUNCT,ˈonoə ˈbi ˈnɑˈi,* ˈbiːɪŋ ˈnɑtiː,NA,NA,1962766,1964483,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  486. that's being naughty . ,pro:dem|that~aux|be&3S part|be-PRESP adj|naughty .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,technical difficulties . (032:45.513-033:12.920),NA,1964483,1965513,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  487. there's no such thing as a radido@c . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|no qn|such n|thing prep|as det:art|a chi|radido .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1992920,2000410,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  488. "a ‹radido [: radio] [* p:n]› you ‹yyy ,› a ‹radido [: radio] [* p:n]› going to buy a radio at the store . ",det:art|a n|radio pro:per|you cm|cm det:art|a n|radio part|go-PRESP inf|to v|buy det:art|a n|radio prep|at det:art|the n|store .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|LP 5|6|DET 6|3|OBJ 7|6|XMOD 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|9|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,ˈə weɪːˈdido jə ˈkə ˈə weɪːjə ˈɡon tə ˈbaɪ ˈə weɪˈdido ˈæt də ˈstoə,ə ‹ˈɹɑdiː ˈduː› ˈjuː * ə ‹ˈɹɑdiː ˈduː› ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈbaɪ ə ˈɹeɪdiːˌoʊ ˈæt ðə ˈstɔɹ,NA,NA,2000410,2007121,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  489. a radido@c at the store . ,det:art|a chi|radido prep|at det:art|the n|store .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2007121,2008656,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  490. "they're gonna say , there's no such thing as a radido@c , I've never heard of a radido@c . ",pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|say cm|cm pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|no qn|such n|thing prep|as det:art|a chi|radido cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|have adv|never part|hear&PASTP prep|of det:art|a chi|radido .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|3|LP 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|COMP 9|11|QUANT 10|11|QUANT 11|8|PRED 12|14|COORD 13|14|DET 14|11|ENUM 15|8|LP 16|19|SUBJ 17|19|AUX 18|19|JCT 19|8|XJCT 20|19|JCT 21|22|DET 22|20|POBJ 23|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2008656,2013385,FAT,Father,MAL,20,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  491. yyy they are . ,pro:sub|they cop|be&PRES .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈwi ˈdeɪ ˈɑə,* ˈðeɪ ˈɑɹ,NA,NA,2013385,2015358,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  492. they are ? ,pro:sub|they cop|be&PRES ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2015358,2016555,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  493. they are going to say that . ,pro:sub|they aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|say comp|that .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈdeɪ ˈɑː ˈɡon tə ˈseɪ ˈdæt,ˈðeɪ ˈɑɹ ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈseɪ ˈðæt,NA,NA,2016555,2018815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  494. "they are gonna say that , I agree . ",pro:sub|they aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|say comp|that cm|cm pro:sub|I v|agree .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|9|LINK 7|6|LP 8|9|SUBJ 9|5|COMP 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2018815,2020985,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  495. yyy you were supposed to going through that opening . ,pro:per|you aux|be&PAST part|suppose-PASTP inf|to n:gerund|go-PRESP adj|through adv|that part|open-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|PRED 7|8|JCT 8|6|XMOD 9|3|PUNCT,ˈjuə ˈnɛ wə ˈspos tə ˈɡɛ wə ˈnæt ˈopɛnɪn,* ˈjuː wəɹ səˈpoʊzd ˈtuː ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈθɹuː ˈðæt ˈoʊpənɪŋ,NA,NA,2020985,2025181,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  496. "oh , you're gonna go through ow +... ",co|oh cm|cm pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|go adv|through co|ow +...,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|7|COM 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2025181,2026410,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  497. you're gonna go through that opening ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|go adv|through adv|that part|open-PRESP ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|5|XJCT 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2026410,2027876,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  498. "you ‹were ,› you ‹were ,› yyy yyy Daddy . ",pro:per|you cop|be&PAST cm|cm pro:per|you cop|be&PAST cm|cm n:prop|Daddy .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|LP 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|PRED 6|5|LP 7|5|ENUM 8|2|PUNCT,ˈju wə ˈju wə ˈiə i ˈdædi,ˈjuː wəɹ ˈjuː wəɹ * * ˈdædiː,NA,NA,2027876,2033045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  499. you're gonna go through that opening my boo ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|go adv|through adv|that part|open-PRESP det:poss|my n|boo ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|5|XJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2033045,2034980,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  500. "‹you ,› ‹you ,› you throwing your microphone . ",pro:per|you cm|cm pro:per|you cm|cm pro:per|you part|throw-PRESP det:poss|your n|microphone .,1|3|SUBJ 2|1|LP 3|0|ROOT 4|3|LP 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|XJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,ˈju ˈju ˈju ˈθroɪŋ jə ˈmaɪkrəfo,ˈjuː ˈjuː ˈjuː ˈθɹoʊɪŋ ˈjɔɹ ˈmaɪkɹəˌfoʊn,NA,NA,2034980,2041221,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  501. "yeah , well that's not allowed anymore . ",co|yeah cm|cm adv|well pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S neg|not part|allow-PASTP adv|anymore .,1|5|COM 2|1|LP 3|5|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|NEG 7|5|XJCT 8|7|JCT 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2041221,2043011,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  502. that's just not allowed anymore . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|just neg|not part|allow-PASTP adv|anymore .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|NEG 5|2|XJCT 6|5|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2043011,2046283,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  503. "it's ‹naughty ,› it's naughty . ",pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|naughty cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|naughty .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|LP 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|PRED 7|6|PRED 8|2|PUNCT,ˈɪs ˈnɑˈdi ɪs ˈnɑːdi,ˈɪts ˈnɑtiː ˈɪts ˈnɑtiː,NA,NA,2046283,2050429,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  504. "it is naughty , you are being naughty . ",pro:per|it cop|be&3S adj|naughty cm|cm pro:per|you aux|be&PRES part|be-PRESP adj|naughty .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|LP 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|2|CPRED 8|7|PRED 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2050429,2052518,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  505. "yyy yyy where's ‹Mommy ,› Mommy ‹yyy ,› ‹you [= I]› want ‹Mommy ,› Mommy yyy . ",pro:int|where~cop|be&3S n:prop|Mommy cm|cm n:prop|Mommy cm|cm pro:per|you v|want n:prop|Mommy cm|cm n:prop|Mommy .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|LP 5|2|ENUM 6|5|LP 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CPRED 9|8|OBJ 10|9|LP 11|9|ENUM 12|2|PUNCT,ˈwiəˈɡuwə waɪə ˈɪz ˈmɑmi ˈmɑmi ˈɪŋ ˈju ˈwɑnt ˈmɑmi ˈmɑ mi,* * ˈwɛɹz ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː * ˈjuː ˈwɑnt ˈmɑmiː ˈmɑmiː *,NA,NA,2052518,2060488,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  506. you want mommy mommy ? ,pro:per|you v|want n|mommy n|mommy ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2060488,2061675,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  507. I don't know where she is . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|know pro:int|where pro:sub|she cop|be&3S .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2061675,2062876,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  508. you're going around and around ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP adv|around coord|and adv|around ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2062876,2065225,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  509. you're going through that opening . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP adv|through adv|that part|open-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|JCT 6|3|XJCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2065225,2067876,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  510. you go through the opening . ,pro:per|you v|go adv|through det:art|the n:gerund|open-PRESP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈɡo ˈtʃru ə ‹ˈopə ɛ›,ˈjuː ˈɡoʊ ˈθɹuː ðə ˈoʊpənɪŋ,NA,NA,2067876,2072376,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  511. I can't believe it you're going through that opening . ,pro:sub|I mod|can~neg|not v|believe pro:per|it pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP adv|through adv|that part|open-PRESP .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|11|JCT 11|8|XJCT 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2072376,2074460,FAT,Father,MAL,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  512. again and again and again and again . ,adv|again coord|and adv|again coord|and adv|again coord|and adv|again .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2074460,2077036,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  513. and again and again and again and again and again and yyy yyy . ,coord|and adv|again coord|and adv|again coord|and adv|again coord|and adv|again coord|and adv|again coord|and .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|6|CONJ 8|7|COORD 9|8|CONJ 10|11|JCT 11|9|COORD 12|1|PUNCT,ˈænd ˈəɡɛn ˈæn ˈəɡɛn ˈæn ˈəɡɛn ˈæn ˈəɡɛn ˈæn ˈəɡɛn ˈæn ˈəɡɛ h,ˈænd əˈɡɛn ˈænd əˈɡɛn ˈænd əˈɡɛn ˈænd əˈɡɛn ˈænd əˈɡɛn ˈænd * *,NA,[h] is preaspiration,2077036,2081083,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  514. and again and again and again . ,coord|and adv|again coord|and adv|again coord|and adv|again .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|COORD 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2081083,2082821,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  515. Mommy going to find . ,n:prop|Mommy part|go-PRESP inf|to v|find .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑmi ˈɡoɪn tə ˈfaɪ,ˈmɑmiː ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈfaɪnd,NA,NA,2082821,2085155,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  516. is Mommy gonna find you ? ,cop|be&3S n:prop|Mommy part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|find pro:per|you ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2085155,2086578,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  517. you're going through that opening again ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP adv|through adv|that part|open-PRESP adv|again ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|JCT 6|3|XJCT 7|6|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2086578,2090396,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  518. and again . ,coord|and adv|again .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,ˈmː ˈəɡɛn,ˈænd əˈɡɛn,NA,NA,2090396,2091811,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  519. and again . ,coord|and adv|again .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2091811,2093010,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  520. and again . ,coord|and adv|again .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2093010,2095076,FAT,Father,MAL,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  521. "you got a hair+cut yesterday , Miss Baby_o . ",pro:per|you v|get&PAST det:art|a n|+n|hair+n|cut adv:tem|yesterday cm|cm n:prop|Miss n:prop|Baby_o .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|5|LP 7|8|NAME 8|4|APP 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2095076,2098160,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  522. you're holding . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|hold-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,jə ˈholni,ˈjɔɹ ˈhoʊldɪŋ,NA,NA,2098160,2099878,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  523. "well , it's okay if you hold that . ",co|well cm|cm pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|okay conj|if pro:per|you v|hold pro:dem|that .,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|CJCT 9|8|OBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2099878,2102516,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  524. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2102516,2103565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  525. but you should also keep the mark +... ,conj|but pro:per|you mod|should adv|also v|keep det:art|the n|mark +...,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2103565,2105630,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  526. yeah ? ,co|yeah ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2105630,2106188,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  527. "&-um: , I'm making myself a salad sandwich +... ",cm|cm pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|make-PRESP pro:refl|myself det:art|a n|salad n|sandwich +...,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ2 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|4|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2106188,2109585,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  528. yup [: yes] . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2109585,2110375,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  529. would you like a +... ,mod|will&COND pro:per|you conj|like det:art|a +...,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2110375,2111746,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  530. please leave it there Boo . ,co|please v|leave pro:per|it adv|there n:prop|Boo .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2111746,2112656,FAT,Father,MAL,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  531. why ? ,pro:rel|why ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwaɪ,ˈwaɪ,NA,NA,2112656,2113783,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  532. would I like what ? ,mod|will&COND pro:sub|I v|like pro:int|what ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2113783,2116211,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  533. he's taking it . ,pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|take-PRESP pro:per|it .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈhiz ˈtækɪn ˈəm,ˈhiːz ˈteɪkɪŋ ˈɪt,NA,NA,2116211,2117610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  534. with hummus or egg salad or both ? ,prep|with n|hummus coord|or n|egg n|salad coord|or qn|both ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|2|CONJ 4|5|MOD 5|3|COORD 6|1|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2117610,2119298,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  535. not egg salad &-uhhh +... ,neg|not n|egg n|salad +...,1|2|NEG 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2119298,2120970,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  536. I don't think it's gonna work +... ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|think pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|work +...,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|COMP 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2120970,2122391,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  537. "it's not gonna work , she's been playing around with it . ",pro:per|it~aux|be&3S neg|not part|go-PRESP~prep|to n|work cm|cm pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S aux|be&PASTP part|play-PRESP adv|around prep|with pro:per|it .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|LP 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|11|AUX 11|4|CJCT 12|11|JCT 13|11|JCT 14|13|POBJ 15|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2122391,2125565,FAT,Father,MAL,13,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  538. "&-uh , Miss naughty baby . ",cm|cm n:prop|Miss adj|naughty n|baby .,1|4|MOD 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2125565,2129881,FAT,Father,MAL,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  539. you're being a naughty toddler . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES n:gerund|be-PRESP det:art|a adj|naughty n|toddle&dv-AGT .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2129881,2131425,FAT,Father,MAL,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  540. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈəwæː,*,end that scene of recording,NA,2131425,2132081,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  541. I would love to do that . ,pro:sub|I mod|will&COND v|love inf|to v|do pro:dem|that .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2132081,2132878,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  542. "yeah , let us know . ",co|yeah cm|cm v|let&ZERO pro:obj|us v|know .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|OBJ 5|3|COMP 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2132878,2133918,FAT,Father,MAL,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  543. I like the idea of sort of doing repeated things with her . ,pro:sub|I v|like det:art|the n|idea prep|of n|sort prep|of n:gerund|do-PRESP v|repeat-PAST n|thing-PL prep|with pro:obj|her .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|8|OBJ 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2133918,2136715,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  544. like so that she would start to remember . ,prep|like adv|so pro:rel|that pro:sub|she mod|will&COND v|start inf|to v|remember .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|CMOD 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2136715,2138730,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  545. uhhuh . ,co|uhhuh .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2138730,2139551,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  546. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2139551,2140501,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  547. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2140501,2141768,FAT,Father,MAL,1,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  548. so she can get balls so that she can start to +... ,co|so pro:sub|she mod|can v|get n|ball-PL conj|so pro:rel|that pro:sub|she mod|can v|start prep|to +...,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|10|LINK 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|4|CJCT 11|10|JCT 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2141768,2144323,ADU,Adult,NA,11,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  549. "to stop going , yeah . ",inf|to v|stop part|go-PRESP cm|cm co|yeah .,1|2|INF 2|0|ROOT 3|2|COMP 4|3|LP 5|3|ENUM 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2144323,2146475,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  550. you're gonna go up this way ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|go adv|up pro:dem|this adv|way ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|7|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2146475,2148880,FAT,Father,MAL,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  551. those are a few things she would enjoy doing anyway . ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES det:art|a qn|few n|thing-PL pro:sub|she mod|will&COND v|enjoy part|do-PRESP adv|anyway .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|5|CMOD 9|8|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2148880,2150900,ADU,Adult,NA,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  552. so you know +... ,co|so pro:per|you v|know +...,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2150900,2152065,ADU,Adult,NA,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  553. "well actually I would , I mean I certainly +... ",co|well adv|actual&dadj-LY pro:sub|I mod|will&COND cm|cm pro:sub|I adj|mean pro:sub|I adv|certain&dadj-LY +...,1|6|COM 2|6|JCT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|LP 6|0|ROOT 7|6|POSTMOD 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|JCT 10|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2152065,2153823,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  554. "yes , so why not ? ",co|yes cm|cm adv|so pro:rel|why neg|not ?,1|4|COM 2|1|LP 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|NEG 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2153823,2155311,ADU,Adult,NA,4,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  555. "yeah , yeah . ",co|yeah cm|cm co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2155311,2157616,ADU,Adult,NA,2,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  556. can we go for a walk now ? ,mod|can pro:sub|we v|go prep|for det:art|a n|walk adv|now ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2157616,2159253,FAT,Father,MAL,7,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  557. "yes , let's do that . ",co|yes cm|cm v|let~pro:obj|us v|do pro:dem|that .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|LP 3|1|ENUM 4|3|OBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2159253,2160766,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  558. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈuˈu ˈɡɛˈitˈdaʊˈɡi,* *,NA,NA,2160766,2164080,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  559. "we'll go in the car , we're gonna +... ",pro:sub|we~mod|will v|go prep|in det:art|the n|car cm|cm pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP~inf|to +...,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|10|CJCT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|LP 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|0|ROOT 11|10|OM 12|10|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2164080,2165563,FAT,Father,MAL,10,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  560. on the beach ? ,prep|on det:art|the n|beach ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2165563,2166253,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_020306.cha
  561. let's go because we could do a +... ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|go conj|because pro:sub|we mod|could v|do det:art|a +...,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|1|CJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2166253,2167907,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_020306.cha