Naima_011107_0_4043290.csv 220 KB

  1. transcription,mor,gra,pho,mod,sit,com,segment_onset,segment_offset,speaker_id,speaker_role,speaker_type,words,raw_filename
  2. legos or what ? ,n|lego-PL coord|or pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,0,4505,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  3. yyy yyy chicken stew ! ,n|chicken n|stew !,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,mːdə ˈvoɑs ˈsɪkən ˈstuː,* * ˈʧɪkən ˈstuː,NA,NA,4505,11485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  4. that's [: that is] where you put it . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&3S pro:int|where pro:per|you v|put&ZERO pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|5|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈæs weɪ ˈju ˈpʊʔ ɪʔ,ˈðæts ˈwɛɹ ˈjuː ˈpʊt ˈɪt,NA,NA,11485,13365,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  5. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,13365,14060,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  6. xxx take me to the la la moon . ,v|take pro:obj|me prep|to det:art|the co|la co|la n|moon .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|7|DET 5|7|COM 6|7|COM 7|3|POBJ 8|1|PUNCT,* ˈdu ˈmi zi ə ˈlɑ ʔɑ ˈmumun,* ˈteɪk ˈmiː ˈtuː ðə ˈlɑː ˈlɑː ˈmuːn,CHI makes odd sound at beginning of utterance,NA,14060,17835,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  7. what . ,pro:int|what .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,17835,18595,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  8. me give me ‹sun [?]› yyy moon . ,pro:obj|me v|give pro:obj|me n|sun n|moon .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ2 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,mɪ ˈɡɪ mi sən ˈdʒaɪ ˈmuːn,ˈmiː ˈɡɪv ˈmiː ˈsʌn * ˈmuːn,NA,NA,18595,21355,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  9. la la moon . ,co|la co|la n|moon .,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,21355,22680,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  10. yyy ‹jumping [?]› yyy . ,part|jump-PRESP .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ə^ə ˈʒʊmpi ˈsɛːlɑbu,* ˈʤʌmpɪŋ *,NA,NA,22680,27340,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  11. xxx talk about take me to the la la moon yyy +/. ,n|talk prep|about v|take pro:obj|me prep|to det:art|the co|la co|la n|moon +/.,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|9|DET 7|9|COM 8|9|COM 9|5|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,* ˈtʌk əˈbʌʔ ˈteɪɡ ˈmi tu də ˈlɑ lɑ ‹ˈmun (.)› ˈɑːlˈɑːlˈɑtəˈɑtəˈtɑˈjɑjɑjɑ,* ˈtɑk əˈbaʊt ˈteɪk ˈmiː ˈtuː ðə ˈlɑː ˈlɑː ˈmuːn *,child slams high chair table at beginning of utterance . child is babbling a tune at the end of the utterance,NA,27340,38610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  12. a free little bird as I +/. ,det:art|a adj|free adj|little n|bird conj|as pro:sub|I +/.,1|4|DET 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|6|COORD 6|4|ENUM 7|4|PUNCT,ə ˈvi ˈlɪʔəl ˈbʊd i ˈaɪ,ə ˈfɹiː ˈlɪtəl ˈbʌɹd ˈæz ˈaɪ,NA,NA,38610,44770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  13. ‹chicken [?]› xxx . ,n|chicken .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈtʃɪkə *,ˈʧɪkən *,CHI chewing,NA,44770,50350,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  14. yyy I yyy have a yyy ‹splash [?]› on my ‹leg [?]› . ,pro:sub|I v|have det:art|a n|splash prep|on det:poss|my n|leg .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ˈot ˈaɪ dɪˈɡi ˈhæv əˈɑrso ə ˈspwæt ə ˈlʌ ˈleɪː,* ˈaɪ * ˈhæv ə * ˈsplæʃ ˈɑn ˈmaɪ ˈlɛɡ,NA,NA,50350,57770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  15. hm: you did yesterday . ,co|hm pro:per|you v|do&PAST adv:tem|yesterday .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,57770,59965,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  16. I'm done eating . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|do&PASTP part|eat-PRESP .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|XJCT 5|3|PUNCT,ˈhʌ ˈdʌn ˈiːʔən,ˈaɪm ˈdʌn ˈiːtɪŋ,NA,NA,59965,61995,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  17. you done eating okay I'll take take this away from you . ,pro:per|you part|do&PASTP n:gerund|eat-PRESP adj|okay pro:sub|I~mod|will v|take v|take det:dem|this adv|away prep|from pro:per|you .,1|2|SUBJ 2|8|XJCT 3|2|OBJ 4|8|SUBJ 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|CMOD 8|0|ROOT 9|10|DET 10|8|JCT 11|8|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,61995,65610,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  18. today is February twenty first it's Friday . ,adv:tem|today cop|be&3S n:prop|February det:num|twenty adv|first pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n:prop|Friday .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|SUBJ 4|5|QUANT 5|7|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|PRED 8|7|PRED 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,65610,71830,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  19. and we just finished eating some delicious what did you eat for supper ? ,coord|and pro:sub|we adv|just v|finish-PAST part|eat-PRESP qn|some adj|delicious pro:int|what mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|eat prep|for n|supper ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|COMP 6|7|QUANT 7|11|JCT 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|11|SUBJ 11|5|COMP 12|11|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,71830,77360,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  20. do you remember what did you just eat ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|remember pro:int|what mod|do&PAST pro:per|you adv|just v|eat ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|8|SUBJ 5|8|AUX 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|JCT 8|3|COMP 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,77360,81825,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  21. why should I tell you that Mom are you dumb . ,pro:int|why mod|should pro:sub|I v|tell pro:per|you comp|that n:prop|Mom cop|be&PRES pro:per|you adj|dumb .,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|COMP 9|8|PRED 10|9|POSTMOD 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,81825,88365,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  22. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI screeching,NA,88365,97220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  23. oh dear . ,co|oh co|dear .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,97220,100910,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  24. okay let's get your face cleaned . ,co|okay v|let~pro:obj|us v|get det:poss|your n|face v|clean-PAST .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,100910,112290,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  25. xxx cold ! ,n|cold !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈholʔ,* ˈkoʊld,NA,NA,112290,114120,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  26. rag is cold . ,n|rag cop|be&3S adv|cold .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,ˈwæʔ ɪs ˈkod,ˈɹæɡ ˈɪz ˈkoʊld,NA,NA,114120,116050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  27. what's cold the rag . ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S n|cold det:art|the n|rag .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,116050,117730,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  28. yeah I know but we don't hafta use it for very long . ,co|yeah pro:sub|I v|know conj|but pro:sub|we mod|do~neg|not mod|have~inf|to v|use pro:per|it prep|for adv|very adj|long .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|10|LINK 5|10|SUBJ 6|10|AUX 7|6|NEG 8|10|AUX 9|10|INF 10|3|COMP 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|14|JCT 14|12|POBJ 15|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,117730,123245,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  29. xxx yyy wet ! ,adj|wet !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈʌndədəˈvʊ ˈvɛːt,* * ˈwɛt,CHI is whining at beginning of utterance,NA,123245,128620,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  30. what's wet ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S adj|wet ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,128620,131340,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  31. the rag . ,det:art|the n|rag .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,də ˈwæːɡ,ðə ˈɹæɡ,NA,NA,131340,134390,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  32. yyy yyy yyy so use yyy the rag to +//. ,adv|so v|use det:art|the n|rag prep|to +//.,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪθɪɡkəˈwɑlədiˈɪzˈwʌ əəˈdoˈwæ təˈju ˈso ˈvu ˈɛnə də ˈwæ ˈtuz,* * * ˈsoʊ ˈjuːs * ðə ˈɹæɡ ˈtuː,NA,NA,134390,145675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  33. yyy I want to wash the doggy's spots off . ,pro:sub|I v|want prep|to n|wash det:art|the adj|dog&dn-DIM-POSS n|spot-PL adv|off .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|2|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪjuˈwʌntˈaɪwə ˈaɪ ˈwɑn tə ˈwɑ ˈsːtʌɡə əˈwɑɡɪ ˈspæts ˈɑf,* ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈwɑʃ ðə ˈdɑɡiːz ˈspɑts ˈɑf,NA,NA,145675,155340,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  34. you want to wash Doggy Woggy's spots off ? ,pro:per|you v|want prep|to n|wash n:prop|Doggy adj|Woggy&dn-POSS n|spot-PL adv|off ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|7|MOD 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|POBJ 8|2|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,155340,159975,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  35. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,jæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,159975,163275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  36. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI grunts,NA,163275,167075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  37. they're part of him aren't they ? ,pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES n|part prep|of pro:obj|him cop|be&PRES~neg|not pro:sub|they ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|ENUM 7|6|NEG 8|6|PRED 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,167075,169255,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  38. let's [: let us] go yyy put those spots on him on the wall . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|us v|go part|put&PASTP det:dem|those n|spot-PL prep|on pro:obj|him prep|on det:art|the n|wall .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|4|SRL 4|1|OBJ 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|1|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|1|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|1|PUNCT,ˈlɛ ɡo ˈjæ ˈpʊtə ˈdoz ˈspɑts ɑ ˈhɪm ɑn də ˈwɑːl,ˈlɛts ˈɡoʊ * ˈpʊt ˈðoʊz ˈspɑts ˈɑn ˈhɪm ˈɑn ðə ˈwɑl,NA,NA,169255,175875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  39. hm: those spots on him on the wall hm: . ,co|hm det:dem|those n|spot-PL prep|on pro:obj|him prep|on det:art|the n|wall co|hm .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|COM 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,175875,182760,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  40. yes ! ,co|yes !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjɛːs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,182760,183915,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  41. ‹ready [?]› it's in the wall . ,adj|ready pro:per|it~cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|wall .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈrɛzi ˈɪts ɪn də ˈbɑːl,ˈɹɛdiː ˈɪts ˈɪn ðə ˈwɑl,water pouring sound in background,NA,183915,187930,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  42. see at the wall ! ,v|see prep|at det:art|the n|wall !,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈdi ˈə ʔə ˈvɑl,ˈsiː ˈæt ðə ˈwɑl,NA,NA,187930,189570,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  43. are you talking about the scratch ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|talk-PRESP prep|about det:art|the n|scratch ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,189570,191695,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  44. yyy ‹bad [?]› that scratch over there in the yyy . ,adj|bad det:dem|that n|scratch prep|over n|there prep|in det:art|the .,1|3|MOD 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ˈdʊbu ˈbæ ˈdæt ˈskwɛtʃə ˈovə ˈdeɪ ɪn də ˈmoə,* ˈbæd ˈðæt ˈskɹæʧ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ ˈɪn ðə *,NA,NA,191695,200450,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  45. well I really don't want you make another scratch like that . ,co|well pro:sub|I adv|real&dadj-LY mod|do~neg|not v|want pro:per|you v|make qn|another n|scratch prep|like pro:dem|that .,1|6|COM 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|JCT 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|0|ROOT 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|10|QUANT 10|8|OBJ 11|8|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,200450,204760,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  46. we have all those new books that you and xxx got out from the library . ,pro:sub|we v|have qn|all det:dem|those adj|new n|book-PL pro:rel|that pro:per|you coord|and v|get&PAST adv|out prep|from det:art|the n|library .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|QUANT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|2|OBJ 7|8|LINK 8|6|CMOD 9|8|CONJ 10|9|COORD 11|10|JCT 12|10|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,204760,214120,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  47. we can find them . ,pro:sub|we mod|can v|find pro:obj|them .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈɪn də ˈfaɪːn dɛm,ˈwiː ˈkæn ˈfaɪnd ˈðɛm,NA,NA,214120,216315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  48. yeah we can find them . ,co|yeah pro:sub|we mod|can v|find pro:obj|them .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,216315,217405,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  49. were there other children at the library today ? ,cop|be&PAST adv|there qn|other n|child&PL prep|at det:art|the n|library adv:tem|today ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|QUANT 4|1|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|ENUM 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,217405,220410,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  50. xxx librarians ! ,n|librarian-PL !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈlaɪˈbreɪːriənz,* laɪˈbɹɛɹiːənz,NA,NA,220410,223895,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  51. just librarians . ,adv|just n|librarian-PL .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,223895,225955,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  52. no kids ? ,qn|no n|kid-PL ?,1|2|QUANT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,225955,227460,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  53. no other children no babies there today ? ,qn|no qn|other n|child&PL qn|no n|baby-PL adv|there adv:tem|today ?,1|3|QUANT 2|3|QUANT 3|0|INCROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|JCT 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,227460,230410,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  54. no ! ,co|no !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,noː,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,230410,231485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  55. just you and xxx and the librarians ? ,adv|just pro:per|you coord|and coord|and det:art|the n|librarian-PL ?,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|6|DET 6|4|COORD 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,231485,234655,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  56. what a quiet day at the library . ,pro:int|what det:art|a n|quiet n|day prep|at det:art|the n|library .,1|4|MOD 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,234655,238505,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  57. xxx yyy xxx 0is library . ,0cop|be&3S n|library .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|1|PUNCT,* ˈʌ * ˈlaɪbreɪri,* * * ˈlaɪˌbɹɛɹiː,large intake of breath at beginning of utternace,NA,238505,243770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  58. did you check out books ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:per|you v|check adv|out n|book-PL ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,243770,245610,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  59. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,245610,247015,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  60. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,247015,253475,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  61. yyy no ‹they're at› Mommy's desk . ,co|no pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES prep|at adj|Mommy&dn-POSS n|desk .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|MOD 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈɑː ˈno ˈdæ mə ˈdɛk,* ˈnoʊ ‹ˈðɛɹ ˈæt› ˈmɑmiːz ˈdɛsk,NA,NA,253475,257750,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  62. yeah they are at Mommy's desk . ,co|yeah pro:sub|they cop|be&PRES prep|at adj|Mommy&dn-POSS n|desk .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|MOD 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,257750,260100,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  63. but they're still in a bag but just at Mommy's desk . ,conj|but pro:sub|they~cop|be&PRES adv|still prep|in det:art|a n|bag conj|but adv|just prep|at adj|Mommy&dn-POSS n|desk .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|CONJ 9|10|JCT 10|8|COORD 11|12|MOD 12|10|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,260100,263710,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  64. yyy get them out ! ,v|get pro:obj|them adv|out !,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,də ˈɡɪʔ əm ˈaʊː,* ˈɡɛt ˈðɛm ˈaʊt,NA,NA,263710,265150,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  65. yeah we'll get them . ,co|yeah pro:sub|we~mod|will v|get pro:obj|them .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,265150,266170,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  66. xxx yyy get 0them out ! ,v|get 0pro:obj|them adv|out !,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,* mɪ ɡɪs ˈaʊ,* * ˈɡɛt ˈaʊt,NA,NA,266170,268385,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  67. yes I can tell you really want to get them out . ,co|yes pro:sub|I mod|can v|tell pro:per|you adv|real&dadj-LY v|want inf|to v|get pro:obj|them adv|out .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|7|JCT 7|4|COMP 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,268385,271105,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  68. out . ,adv|out .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈaʊd,ˈaʊt,NA,NA,271105,273120,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  69. do you wanna go to my desk and get them ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|go prep|to det:poss|my n|desk coord|and v|get pro:obj|them ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|CONJ 10|9|COORD 11|10|OBJ 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,273120,276410,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  70. and bring them to Mommy . ,coord|and v|bring pro:obj|them prep|to n:prop|Mommy .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,276410,277690,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  71. Naima wants to get them out of my yyy . ,n:prop|Naima v|want-3S inf|to v|get pro:obj|them adv|out prep|of det:poss|my .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,ˈneɪ ˈwɑnts tə ˈɡɛt ðɛm ˈaʊt ə mə ˈskeɪri,ˌnaɪˈimə ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈðɛm ˈaʊt ˈʌv ˈmaɪ *,NA,NA,277690,282015,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  72. yyy la la moon +//. ,co|la co|la n|moon +//.,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈdʊdə ˈlɑː lə ˈmun,* ˈlɑː ˈlɑː ˈmuːn,CHI grunting at beginning,NA,282015,286523,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  73. yyy la la moon yyy yyy ‹name of› +/. ,co|la co|la n|moon n|name prep|of +/.,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|NJCT 6|4|PUNCT,ˈjumiˈtudəˈləlmə ˈlɑ lə ˈmun əˈnosi ˈjɛˈdɪzɪt ˈneɪˈmo,* ˈlɑː ˈlɑː ˈmuːn * * ‹ˈneɪm ˈʌv›,"CHI singing with MOT talking over her , difficult to hear",NA,286523,298940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  74. the light of the moon . ,det:art|the n|light prep|of det:art|the n|moon .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,298940,300675,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  75. where those back boys can't never bother me or something like that . ,pro:int|where det:dem|those adj|back n|boy-PL mod|can~neg|not adv|never v|bother pro:obj|me coord|or pro:indef|something prep|like pro:dem|that .,1|8|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|8|SUBJ 5|8|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|8|JCT 8|0|ROOT 9|8|OBJ 10|8|CONJ 11|10|COORD 12|11|NJCT 13|12|POBJ 14|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,300675,307045,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  76. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,307045,308705,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  77. xxx . ,NA,NA,NA,NA,singing,NA,308705,313970,MOT,Mother,FEM,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  78. a free a little bird I be +/. ,det:art|a adv|free det:art|a adj|little n|bird pro:sub|I cop|be +/.,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|CMOD 8|2|PUNCT,ə ˈfi ə ˈlɪʔəl ˈbʊd i ˈbi,ə ˈfɹiː ə ˈlɪtəl ˈbʌɹd ˈaɪ ˈbiː,NA,NA,313970,319020,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  79. tweet tweet +//. ,v|tweet v|tweet +//.,1|0|ROOT 2|1|COMP 3|1|PUNCT,ˈtwit ˈtwit,ˈtwiːt ˈtwiːt,CHI whispering,NA,319020,319988,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  80. I have 0a birdy have a birdy make tweet tweet +//. ,pro:sub|I v|have 0det:art|a adj|bird&dn-Y v|have det:art|a adj|bird&dn-Y v|make v|tweet v|tweet +//.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|COMP 9|8|COMP 10|9|COMP 11|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈhæv ˈbʌt ˈhæv ə ˈbʌʔi ˈmeɪk ˈtwit ˈtwit,ˈaɪ ˈhæv ˈbʌɹdiː ˈhæv ə ˈbʌɹdiː ˈmeɪk ˈtwiːt ˈtwiːt,NA,NA,319988,324155,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  81. I have a little bird xxx yyy xxx tweet yyy tweet yyy tweet ! ,pro:sub|I v|have det:art|a adj|little n|bird v|tweet v|tweet v|tweet !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|COMP 7|6|COMP 8|7|COMP 9|2|PUNCT,ə ˈhæv ə ˈlɪʔəl ˈbɜ˞ * kəmˈpiə * də ˈtwitɑ ˈtwi dəˈbʌmpəˈseɪ ˈtwiːt,ˈaɪ ˈhæv ə ˈlɪtəl ˈbʌɹd * * * ˈtwiːt * ˈtwiːt * ˈtwiːt,NA,Original Orthography: bi < rd >,324155,332610,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  82. twee:t . ,v|tweet .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,332610,334500,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  83. birdy birdy . ,adj|bird&dn-Y adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈvɜ˞rdi ˈbɜ˞di,ˈbʌɹdiː ˈbʌɹdiː,NA,NA,334500,336305,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  84. twee:t . ,v|tweet .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,336305,338540,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  85. the birds . ,det:art|the n|bird-PL .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,də ˈbɜ˞rd,ðə ˈbʌɹdz,NA,NA,338540,340095,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  86. xxx yyy a black yyy (be)cause the yyy yyy +... ,det:art|a n|black conj|because det:art|the +...,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|LINK 4|5|DET 5|2|PUNCT,* ˈaɪzəˈɡɪwə ə ˈblæk wəb ˈkʌz də ˈzɛku zɛ,* * ə ˈblæk * ˈkɑz ðə * *,NA,NA,340095,348645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  87. xxx that one called ? ,det:dem|that pro:indef|one v|call-PAST ?,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,* ˈdæʔ ʊn ˈkɑd,* ˈðæt ˈwʌn ˈkɑld,NA,NA,348645,356360,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  88. okay let just let this on . ,co|okay part|let&PASTP adv|just part|let&PASTP pro:dem|this prep|on .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,356360,363865,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  89. ‹straight [?]› to the la la moon +/. ,n|straight prep|to det:art|the co|la co|la n|moon +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|6|DET 4|6|COM 5|6|COM 6|2|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,ˈtwi tu də ˈlɑ ˈlɑ ˈmun,ˈstɹeɪt ˈtuː ðə ˈlɑː ˈlɑː ˈmuːn,NA,NA,363865,366500,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  90. xxx to the la la moon . ,prep|to det:art|the co|la co|la n|moon .,1|0|INCROOT 2|5|DET 3|5|COM 4|5|COM 5|1|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,* tu də ˈlɑ ˈlɑ ˈmun,* ˈtuː ðə ˈlɑː ˈlɑː ˈmuːn,"MOT makes noise over utterance , cannot make out beginning",NA,366500,369220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  91. the la la moon I'm not sure it's about a la la moon . ,det:art|the co|la co|la n|moon pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S neg|not adj|sure pro:per|it~cop|be&3S prep|about det:art|a co|la co|la n|moon .,1|4|DET 2|4|COM 3|4|COM 4|0|INCROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|CMOD 7|6|NEG 8|6|PRED 9|10|SUBJ 10|8|CMOD 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|15|COM 14|15|COM 15|11|POBJ 16|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,369220,376445,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  92. take me home little birdy take me home . ,v|take pro:obj|me adv|home adj|little adj|bird&dn-Y v|take pro:obj|me adv|home .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|1|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,376445,382745,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  93. yyy yyy yyy yyy +/. ,NA,NA,ˈhaʊvɛ ˈhaʊˈfæv ˈtu pətəˈɑvəˈnɪnɪnənən,* * * *,bag crinkling in background,NA,382745,393230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  94. there's your koala bear . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:poss|your n|koala n|bear .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,393230,401485,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  95. yyy ‹crayon [?]› . ,n|crayon .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈlɪz ˈkræ̃nə,* ˈkɹeɪˌɑn,NA,NA,401485,408700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  96. xxx going to 0the la la moon . ,part|go-PRESP prep|to 0det:art|the co|la co|la n|moon .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|6|DET 4|6|COM 5|6|COM 6|2|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,* ˈɡoɪn tʊ ˈlɑ lə ˈmun,* ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈtuː ˈlɑː ˈlɑː ˈmuːn,CHI groans at beginning,NA,408700,417745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  97. what're these books that you got ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&PRES det:dem|these n|book-PL pro:rel|that pro:per|you v|get&PAST ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|CMOD 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,417745,422610,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  98. the microphone ! ,det:art|the n|microphone !,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,də ˈmaɪkɪˈfon,ðə ˈmaɪkɹəˌfoʊn,NA,NA,422610,431970,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  99. oh that's called Amelia Bedelia . ,co|oh pro:dem|that~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|NAME 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,431970,440510,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  100. Amelia Bedelia . ,n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia .,1|2|NAME 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,440510,445410,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  101. xxx ‹Amelia [?]› ! ,n:prop|Amelia !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* hɪˈmiləˈjɛt,* əˈmiːljə,utterance begins with loud audible breath,NA,445410,448675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  102. yyy Amelia Bedelia . ,n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia .,1|2|NAME 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ɪˈwidɛnzə bəˈmilijə bəˈdilijə,* əˈmiːljə bəˈdiːljə,NA,NA,448675,457360,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  103. okay let see what this is all about . ,co|okay part|let&PASTP v|see pro:int|what det:dem|this aux|be&3S adv|all adv|about .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|COMP 5|8|DET 6|8|AUX 7|8|JCT 8|4|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,457360,460775,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  104. Amelia Bedelia said Mrs Rogers you have been here a long time . ,n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia v|say&PAST n:prop|Mrs n:prop|Rogers pro:per|you v|have aux|be&PASTP adv|here det:art|a adj|long n|time .,1|2|NAME 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|OBJ 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|CMOD 8|7|OBJ 9|12|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|8|PRED 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,460775,466100,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  105. what's that ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,wəz ˈdæːʔ,ˈwʌts ˈðæt,NA,NA,466100,469940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  106. oh_my_goodness what's this story . ,co|oh_my_goodness pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:dem|this n|story .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,469940,473655,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  107. oh Mrs Rogers said Amelia Bedelia are you tired of me of course not said Mr Rogers . ,co|oh n:prop|Mrs n:prop|Rogers v|say&PAST n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia cop|be&PRES pro:per|you v|tire-PAST prep|of pro:obj|me prep|of n|course neg|not v|say&PAST n:prop|Mr n:prop|Rogers .,1|4|COM 2|3|NAME 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|NAME 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|PRED 10|9|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|9|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|15|NEG 15|9|COMP 16|17|NAME 17|15|OBJ 18|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,473655,480575,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  108. what's that ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌz ˈdæːʔ,ˈwʌts ˈðæt,NA,NA,480575,485760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  109. she's gonna have a party . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|have det:art|a n|party .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,485760,487805,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  110. who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈhuz ˈdæːt,ˈhuːz ˈðæt,NA,NA,487805,491850,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  111. that is Mr and Mrs Rogers . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&3S n:prop|Mr coord|and n:prop|Mrs n:prop|Rogers .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|CONJ 5|6|NAME 6|4|COORD 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,491850,497205,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  112. is that bothering you ? ,cop|be&3S comp|that part|bother-PRESP pro:per|you ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|3|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,497205,498635,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  113. here you go . ,adv|here pro:per|you v|go .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,498635,502035,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  114. who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈhuz ˈdæːt,ˈhuːz ˈðæt,NA,NA,502035,507960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  115. who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈhuz ˈdæːt,ˈhuːz ˈðæt,NA,NA,507960,514896,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  116. that is somebody that is Amelia Bedelia's momma . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&3S pro:indef|somebody pro:rel|that cop|be&3S n:prop|Amelia adj|Bedelia&dn-POSS n|momma .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|LINK 5|3|CMOD 6|8|MOD 7|8|MOD 8|5|PRED 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,514896,519280,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  117. xxx yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* jæː,* ˈjæ,NA,NA,519280,529755,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  118. who's yyy who's that named ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:rel|who~aux|be&3S adv|that part|name-PASTP ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|AUX 5|6|JCT 6|2|CJCT 7|2|PUNCT,ˈhuz əˈaɪˈaɪsɪku ˈhuz ˈdæːt ˈleɪd,ˈhuːz * ˈhuːz ˈðæt ˈneɪmd,NA,NA,529755,540590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  119. her name is Ame(lia) Amelia Bedelia . ,det:poss|her n|name cop|be&3S n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|NAME 5|6|NAME 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,540590,544205,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  120. who's yyy who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|LINK 4|2|PRED 5|4|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,ˈhuzd ˈaɪzɪk ˈhuz ˈdæːt,ˈhuːz * ˈhuːz ˈðæt,NA,NA,544205,548030,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  121. those are her friends . ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES det:poss|her n|friend-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,548030,557195,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  122. who yyy who's that who's that ? ,pro:int|who pro:rel|who~cop|be&3S adv|that pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|LINK 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|JCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PRED 8|6|PUNCT,ˈhu ˈaɪzik ˈhuz ˈdætə ˈhuz ˈdæːt,ˈhuː * ˈhuːz ˈðæt ˈhuːz ˈðæt,NA,NA,557195,561505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  123. that's ah . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S co|ah .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,561505,563485,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  124. what's that ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈdæːt,ˈwʌts ˈðæt,NA,NA,563485,567310,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  125. I think the kitty+cat and I think that's a kitty . ,pro:sub|I v|think det:art|the n|+n|kitty+n|cat coord|and pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|kitty .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|2|CJCT 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|COMP 10|11|DET 11|9|PRED 12|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk də ˈkɪdiˈkæt ənd ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk dæ ə ˈkɪdi,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ðə ‹ˈkɪtiː ˈkæt› ˈænd ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈðæts ə ˈkɪtiː,NA,NA,567310,573945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  126. I think that's a kitty . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|kitty .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈdæ ə ˈkɪdi,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈðæts ə ˈkɪtiː,NA,NA,573945,575780,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  127. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈmuf,*,CHI making odd noise,NA,575780,577940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  128. meow meow . ,v|meow v|meow .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|COMP 3|1|PUNCT,ˈmjoː ˈjoː,miːˈaʊ miːˈaʊ,NA,NA,577940,582570,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  129. if you give a pig a pancake xxx . ,conj|if pro:per|you v|give det:art|a n|pig det:art|a n|pancake .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,MOT is laughing,NA,582570,586550,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  130. I've heard about this book . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have part|hear&PASTP prep|about det:dem|this n|book .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,586550,588830,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  131. if you give a pig a pancake . ,conj|if pro:per|you v|give det:art|a n|pig det:art|a n|pancake .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,588830,592660,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  132. xxx that pig is climbing in the kitchen door . ,det:dem|that n|pig aux|be&3S part|climb-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|kitchen n|door .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,592660,595660,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  133. about to eat a pancake . ,adv|about inf|to v|eat det:art|a n|pancake .,1|3|JCT 2|3|INF 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,595660,598785,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  134. yyy ! ,NA,NA,ˈkwɪz,*,NA,NA,598785,605505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  135. I think that means maple syrup right . ,pro:sub|I v|think comp|that v|mean-3S n|maple n|syrup adj|right .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|ENUM 5|6|MOD 6|4|OBJ 7|6|POSTMOD 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,605505,608505,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  136. you'll give her some of your favorite maple syrup . ,pro:per|you~mod|will v|give det:poss|her qn|some prep|of det:poss|your adj|favorite n|maple n|syrup .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|10|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|6|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,608505,612455,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  137. she'll probably get all sticky . ,pro:sub|she~mod|will adv|probable&dadj-LY v|get qn|all n|sticky .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,612455,615700,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  138. oh look at that little pig . ,co|oh v|look prep|at det:dem|that adj|little n|pig .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,615700,618390,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  139. she's all sticky . ,pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S adv|all n|sticky .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,618390,620110,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  140. that's like when when you drink Motrin or Tylenol and it spills and it gets very sticky . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S conj|like conj|when conj|when pro:per|you v|drink n:prop|Motrin coord|or n:prop|Tylenol coord|and pro:per|it v|spill-3S coord|and pro:per|it v|get-3S adv|very n|sticky .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|7|LINK 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CPOBJ 8|7|OBJ 9|8|CONJ 10|9|COORD 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|7|CJCT 14|16|LINK 15|16|SUBJ 16|13|CJCT 17|18|JCT 18|16|OBJ 19|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,620110,626420,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  141. it's so she wants to take a bath . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S conj|so pro:sub|she v|want-3S inf|to v|take det:art|a n|bath .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CJCT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,626340,630885,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  142. ah because she's all sticky . ,co|ah conj|because pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S adv|all n|sticky .,1|4|COM 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|4|PRED 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,630885,634250,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  143. she'll ask you for some bubbles . ,pro:sub|she~mod|will v|ask pro:per|you prep|for qn|some n|bubble-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,634250,637920,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  144. that pig wants to have a bath with bubbles . ,det:dem|that n|pig v|want-3S inf|to v|have det:art|a n|bath prep|with n|bubble-PL .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,637920,641075,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  145. when you give her the bubbles she'll probably ask you for a toy . ,conj|when pro:per|you v|give pro:obj|her det:art|the n|bubble-PL pro:sub|she~mod|will adv|probable&dadj-LY v|ask pro:per|you prep|for det:art|a n|toy .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|10|CJCT 4|3|OBJ2 5|6|DET 6|3|OBJ 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|10|JCT 10|0|ROOT 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|10|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,641075,647225,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  146. you'll hafta find your rubber duck . ,pro:per|you~mod|will mod|have~inf|to v|find det:poss|your n|rubber n|duck .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,647225,649905,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  147. that girl is finding the rubber duck to give it to the pig who's taking a bath with bubbles in the bath tub . ,det:dem|that n|girl aux|be&3S part|find-PRESP det:art|the n|rubber n|duck inf|to v|give pro:per|it prep|to det:art|the n|pig pro:rel|who~aux|be&3S part|take-PRESP det:art|a n|bath prep|with n|bubble-PL prep|in det:art|the n|bath n|tub .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|9|INF 9|4|XJCT 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|16|LINK 15|16|AUX 16|13|CMOD 17|18|DET 18|16|OBJ 19|16|JCT 20|19|POBJ 21|20|NJCT 22|24|DET 23|24|MOD 24|21|POBJ 25|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,649905,662040,MOT,Mother,FEM,24,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  148. yyy . ,NA,NA,ðɪsˈlɑləksɪʒˈduɛɡzizˈduæb,*,NA,NA,656235,662040,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  149. the duck will remind her of the farm where she was born she might feel homesick and want to visit her family she want you to come too she look through your closet for a suitcase . ,det:art|the n|duck mod|will v|remind pro:obj|her prep|of det:art|the n|farm pro:rel|where pro:sub|she cop|be&PAST&13S adj|born pro:sub|she mod|might v|feel adj|+adj|home+adj|sick coord|and v|want inf|to v|visit det:poss|her n|family pro:sub|she v|want pro:per|you inf|to v|come adv|too pro:sub|she v|look prep|through det:poss|your n|closet prep|for det:art|a n|suitcase .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|CMOD 12|11|PRED 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|AUX 15|4|COMP 16|15|JCT 17|16|CONJ 18|17|COORD 19|20|INF 20|15|COMP 21|22|DET 22|20|OBJ 23|24|SUBJ 24|4|CJCT 25|27|SUBJ 26|27|INF 27|24|COMP 28|27|JCT 29|30|SUBJ 30|27|CJCT 31|30|JCT 32|33|DET 33|31|POBJ 34|30|JCT 35|36|DET 36|34|POBJ 37|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,662040,673605,MOT,Mother,FEM,36,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  150. then she'll look under your bed when she's under the bed she'll find your old tap shoes . ,adv:tem|then pro:sub|she~mod|will v|look prep|under det:poss|your n|bed conj|when pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S prep|under det:art|the n|bed pro:sub|she~mod|will v|find det:poss|your adj|old n|tap n|shoe-PL .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|16|CJCT 11|10|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|16|SUBJ 15|16|AUX 16|4|CJCT 17|20|DET 18|20|MOD 19|20|MOD 20|16|OBJ 21|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,673605,680425,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  151. she'll try them on she'll probably need something special to wear them with that pig is making a mess . ,pro:sub|she~mod|will v|try pro:obj|them prep|on pro:sub|she~mod|will adv|probable&dadj-LY v|need pro:indef|something adj|special inf|to v|wear pro:obj|them prep|with det:dem|that n|pig aux|be&3S part|make-PRESP det:art|a n|mess .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|9|SUBJ 7|9|AUX 8|9|JCT 9|5|CPOBJ 10|9|OBJ 11|10|POSTMOD 12|13|INF 13|11|XMOD 14|13|OBJ 15|13|JCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|19|AUX 19|13|XJCT 20|21|DET 21|19|OBJ 22|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,680425,687080,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  152. a pig ! ,det:art|a n|pig !,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ə ˈpɪːɡ,ə ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,687080,690690,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  153. when she's all dressed she'll ask for some music . ,conj|when pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S adv|all part|dress-PASTP pro:sub|she~mod|will v|ask prep|for qn|some n|music .,1|5|LINK 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|8|CJCT 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|0|ROOT 9|8|JCT 10|11|QUANT 11|9|POBJ 12|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,690690,696050,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  154. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈɡɪː,*,NA,NA,696050,698005,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  155. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈzæ̃ntf,*,NA,NA,698005,703275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  156. then she wants you to take her pi(c)ture . ,adv:tem|then pro:sub|she v|want-3S pro:per|you inf|to v|take det:poss|her n|picture .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|INF 6|3|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,703275,707105,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  157. otherwise known as a picture . ,adv|otherwise part|know&PASTP prep|as det:art|a n|picture .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,707105,710210,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  158. look at that dancing pig . ,v|look prep|at det:dem|that part|dance-PRESP n|pig .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|4|OBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,710210,713835,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  159. pig . ,n|pig .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈpɪɡ,ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,713835,715430,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  160. pig . ,n|pig .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈpɪŋ,ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,715430,716820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  161. pig . ,n|pig .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈpiɡ,ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,716820,718275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  162. so you'll hafta get your camera . ,adv|so pro:per|you~mod|will mod|have~inf|to v|get det:poss|your n|camera .,1|6|JCT 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|6|AUX 5|6|INF 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,718275,726140,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  163. yyy read this to read to pig what is he doing ? ,v|read&ZERO pro:dem|this inf|to v|read&ZERO inf|to n|pig pro:int|what cop|be&3S pro:sub|he part|do-PRESP ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|INF 4|1|XJCT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|8|PRED 10|9|OM 11|1|PUNCT,ˈwɪt ˈwi ˈdɪs tə ˈwid tətə ˈpɪɡ wə ˈdɪs i ˈduwæŋ,* ˈɹiːd ˈðɪs ˈtuː ˈɹiːd ˈtuː ˈpɪɡ ˈwʌt ˈɪz ˈhiː ˈduːɪŋ,NA,NA,726140,734470,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  164. and she sees the picture she'll ask you to take more she wants to send one to each of her friends she wants all those photographs . ,coord|and pro:sub|she v|see-3S det:art|the n|picture pro:sub|she~mod|will v|ask pro:per|you inf|to v|take adv|more pro:sub|she v|want-3S inf|to v|send det:num|one inf|to qn|each prep|of det:poss|her n|friend-PL pro:sub|she v|want-3S adv|all det:dem|those n|photograph-PL .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|8|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|0|ROOT 9|8|OBJ 10|11|INF 11|8|COMP 12|11|JCT 13|14|SUBJ 14|8|CJCT 15|16|INF 16|14|COMP 17|24|SUBJ 18|19|INF 19|24|XJCT 20|19|NJCT 21|22|DET 22|20|POBJ 23|24|SUBJ 24|16|COMP 25|24|JCT 26|27|DET 27|25|POBJ 28|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,734470,743485,MOT,Mother,FEM,27,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  165. you hafta give her some envelopes and stamps . ,pro:per|you mod|have~inf|to v|give pro:obj|her qn|some n|envelope-PL coord|and n|stamp-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|INF 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ2 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,743485,749250,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  166. on the way and take her to the mail box . ,prep|on det:art|the n|way coord|and v|take pro:obj|her prep|to det:art|the n|mail n|box .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,749250,756605,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  167. oh they're going with a wheelbarrow full of mail to the mailbox . ,co|oh pro:sub|they~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP prep|with det:art|a n|+n|wheel+n|barrow adj|full prep|of n|mail prep|to det:art|the n|+n|mail+n|box .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|7|POSTMOD 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|7|NJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,756605,760985,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  168. on the way she'll see a tree in your back yard she'll want to build a tree house ah . ,prep|on det:art|the n|way pro:sub|she~mod|will v|see det:art|a n|tree prep|in det:poss|your adj|back n|yard pro:sub|she~mod|will v|want inf|to v|build det:art|a n|tree n|house co|ah .,1|6|JCT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|15|CJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|AUX 15|0|ROOT 16|17|INF 17|15|COMP 18|20|DET 19|20|MOD 20|17|OBJ 21|17|COM 22|15|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,760985,770550,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  169. a tree house is a house up in the trees . ,det:art|a n|tree n|house cop|be&3S det:art|a n|house adv|up prep|in det:art|the n|tree-PL .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|6|NJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,770550,774661,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  170. you read this +/. ,pro:per|you v|read&ZERO pro:dem|this +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈju ˈrid ˈdɪs,ˈjuː ˈɹiːd ˈðɪs,NA,NA,773840,778195,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  171. there's a hammer and nails and there's lots_of wood here . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|hammer coord|and n|nail-PL coord|and pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|lots_of n|wood adv|here .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|2|CJCT 10|11|QUANT 11|9|PRED 12|11|NJCT 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,778195,782765,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  172. when the tree house is finished . ,conj|when det:art|the n|tree n|house aux|be&3S part|finish-PASTP .,1|6|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,782765,785145,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  173. the pig yyy +/. ,det:art|the n|pig +/.,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈðʌ ˈpɪɡ ˈswidəv,ðə ˈpɪɡ *,NA,NA,785145,790955,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  174. she'll ask for a wall paper and glue . ,pro:sub|she~mod|will v|ask prep|for det:art|a n|wall n|paper coord|and n|glue .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,790955,795825,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  175. when she hangs the wall paper she'll get all sticky . ,conj|when pro:sub|she v|hang-3S det:art|the n|wall n|paper pro:sub|she~mod|will v|get adv|all n|sticky .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|9|CJCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|0|ROOT 10|11|JCT 11|9|PRED 12|9|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,795825,802385,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  176. feeling sticky will remind her of your favorite maple syrup she'll probably ask for some . ,part|feel-PRESP n|sticky mod|will v|remind pro:obj|her prep|of det:poss|your adj|favorite n|maple n|syrup pro:sub|she~mod|will adv|probable&dadj-LY v|ask prep|for qn|some .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|10|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|6|POBJ 11|14|SUBJ 12|14|AUX 13|14|JCT 14|4|CJCT 15|14|JCT 16|15|POBJ 17|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,802385,809520,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  177. and chances are if she ask you for some syrup she'll want a pancake to go with it xxx . ,coord|and v|chance-3S aux|be&PRES conj|if pro:sub|she v|ask pro:per|you prep|for qn|some n|syrup pro:sub|she~mod|will v|want det:art|a n|pancake inf|to v|go prep|with pro:per|it .,1|6|LINK 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|10|QUANT 10|8|POBJ 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|6|CJCT 14|15|DET 15|13|OBJ 16|17|INF 17|15|XMOD 18|17|JCT 19|18|POBJ 20|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,809495,819490,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  178. yyy yyy +/. ,NA,NA,əˈdɛsiˈdu ˈdɛsiˈduʔæ,* *,NA,NA,819490,827470,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  179. yyy read yyy again . ,v|read&ZERO adv|again .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,əˈdʌ ˈrid dədə əˈɡɛːn,* ˈɹiːd * əˈɡɛn,NA,NA,827470,836490,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  180. there's the pig . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|pig .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,836490,840805,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  181. yyy ! ,NA,NA,ˈɪtsiˈduːˈjæ,*,NA,NA,840805,844480,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  182. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,jæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,844480,846810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  183. what does she so yyy ? ,pro:int|what v|do&3S pro:sub|she adv|so ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌ dəz ˈsi ˈduː wæ,ˈwʌt ˈdʌz ˈʃiː ˈsoʊ *,NA,NA,846810,850035,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  184. if you give a pig a pancake . ,conj|if pro:per|you v|give det:art|a n|pig det:art|a n|pancake .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,850035,853340,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  185. here piggy . ,adv|here adj|pig&dn-Y .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,853340,855660,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  186. she wants some maple syrup to go with it . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S qn|some n|maple n|syrup inf|to v|go prep|with pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|7|INF 7|5|XMOD 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,855660,860370,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  187. you'll give her some of your favorite maple syrup . ,pro:per|you~mod|will v|give det:poss|her qn|some prep|of det:poss|your adj|favorite n|maple n|syrup .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|10|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|6|POBJ 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,860370,865945,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  188. ate the pig pig . ,v|eat&PAST det:art|the n|pig n|pig .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈeɪ tə ˈpɪɡ pɪɡ,ˈeɪt ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,865945,869370,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  189. she'll probably get . ,pro:sub|she~mod|will adv|probable&dadj-LY v|get .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,869370,871215,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  190. see . ,v|see .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,si,ˈsiː,NA,NA,871215,872300,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  191. sticky . ,n|sticky .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,872300,873490,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  192. she gets sticky . ,pro:sub|she v|get-3S n|sticky .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈʃʌz ˈɡɛ ˈstɪki,ˈʃiː ˈɡɛts ˈstɪkiː,NA,NA,873490,875125,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  193. that pig is getting sticky with the syrup . ,det:dem|that n|pig aux|be&3S part|get-PRESP n|sticky prep|with det:art|the n|syrup .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,875125,877830,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  194. it's the pig . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|pig .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ɪs də ˈpɪɡ,ˈɪts ðə ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,877830,879805,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  195. what's gonna happen next . ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|happen adv|next .,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,879805,882415,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  196. ‹bath [?]› . ,n|bath .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,bəˈwæːt,ˈbæθ,NA,NA,882415,886085,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  197. bath . ,n|bath .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈbæθ,ˈbæθ,NA,NA,886085,887970,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  198. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,887970,889805,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  199. oh and what kind of bath does she want ? ,co|oh coord|and pro:int|what n|kind prep|of n|bath mod|do&3S pro:sub|she v|want ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|9|LINK 4|9|SUBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|5|POBJ 7|9|AUX 8|9|SUBJ 9|2|COORD 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,889805,892830,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  200. bubble bath . ,n|bubble n|bath .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈbʌbə ˈbæθ,ˈbʌbəl ˈbæθ,NA,NA,892830,896805,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  201. yeah +/. ,co|yeah +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,896805,901340,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  202. a rubber ducky . ,det:art|a n|rubber adj|duck&dn-Y .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|POSTMOD 4|2|PUNCT,ə ˈrʌbɜ˞r ˈdʌki,ə ˈɹʌbəɹ ˈdʌkiː,NA,NA,901340,905595,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  203. she has a rubber ducky . ,pro:sub|she v|have&3S det:art|a n|rubber adj|duck&dn-Y .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|POSTMOD 6|2|PUNCT,ˈsi ˈhæz ə ˈrʌbɜ˞r ˈdʌki,ˈʃiː ˈhæz ə ˈɹʌbəɹ ˈdʌkiː,NA,NA,905595,911908,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  204. and the dog and the cat are over ‹there [?]› . ,coord|and det:art|the n|dog coord|and det:art|the n|cat cop|be&PRES prep|over n|there .,1|7|LINK 2|3|DET 3|7|SUBJ 4|3|CONJ 5|6|DET 6|4|COORD 7|0|ROOT 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|7|PUNCT,ə də ˈdɑ æ̃n də ˈkæl əl əvə ˈðeɪr,ˈænd ðə ˈdɑɡ ˈænd ðə ˈkæt ˈɑɹ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,911908,917545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  205. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,917545,918775,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  206. duck . ,n|duck .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdʌk,ˈdʌk,NA,NA,918775,919920,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  207. that duck is in the towel over there too . ,det:dem|that n|duck cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|towel prep|over n|there adv|too .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,919920,921960,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  208. yyy yyy yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈɪˈsʌnzˈpɪ duˈwʌdəˈpɪɡɪzəˈɡɛdən ˈduwæ ˈnɛkst,* * * *,NA,NA,921960,926580,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  209. the pig is looking for some clothes I think making a mess throwing the clothes everywhere . ,det:art|the n|pig aux|be&3S part|look-PRESP prep|for qn|some n:pt|clothes pro:sub|I v|think part|make-PRESP det:art|a n|mess part|throw-PRESP det:art|the n:pt|clothes n|everywhere .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|POBJ 8|9|SUBJ 9|4|CJCT 10|4|XJCT 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|12|XMOD 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|13|OBJ 17|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,926580,932605,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  210. it's the pig the pig yyy yyy doing there . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|pig det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP adv|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|XMOD 8|7|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,ˈɪ də ˈpɪɡ də ˈpɪːɡ dəˈpɪ ˈsəmpɪ ˈduən ˈðɜ˞ː,ˈɪts ðə ˈpɪɡ ðə ˈpɪɡ * * ˈduːɪŋ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,932605,940230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  211. the pig doing there ? ,det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP adv|there ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduəŋ ˈðɜ˞ː,ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,940230,943760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  212. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,jæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,943760,948880,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  213. has to sit and +//. ,aux|have&3S inf|to v|sit coord|and +//.,1|3|AUX 2|3|INF 3|0|ROOT 4|3|CONJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈhɛs tə ˈsɪt ˈɪn,ˈhæz ˈtuː ˈsɪt ˈænd,NA,NA,948880,954250,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  214. has to has to sit and nurse . ,aux|have&3S prep|to aux|have&3S inf|to v|sit coord|and n|nurse .,1|5|AUX 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|5|PUNCT,ˈhæ̃ns təm ˈhæ̃ns tə ˈsɪt ˈɪn ˈnoəs,ˈhæz ˈtuː ˈhæz ˈtuː ˈsɪt ˈænd ˈnʌɹs,NA,NA,954250,959765,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  215. who is that ? ,pro:int|who cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈhu ɪz ˈdæːʔ,ˈhuː ˈɪz ˈðæt,NA,NA,959765,965860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  216. she wants to sit and nurse . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S inf|to v|sit coord|and n|nurse .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,965860,968015,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  217. who wants to nurse . ,pro:int|who v|want-3S prep|to n|nurse .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,968015,971585,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  218. who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈhuz ˈdæː,ˈhuːz ˈðæt,NA,NA,971585,975515,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  219. that's the Amelia Bedelia book . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia n|book .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,975515,978550,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  220. to read that +/. ,inf|to v|read&ZERO pro:dem|that +/.,1|2|INF 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈtu ˈri ˈdæʔ,ˈtuː ˈɹiːd ˈðæt,NA,NA,978550,981410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  221. hello toes hello feet . ,co|hello n|toe-PL co|hello n|foot&PL .,1|4|COM 2|4|MOD 3|4|COM 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,981410,984445,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  222. hey that looks like a good book . ,co|hey pro:rel|that v|look-3S prep|like det:art|a adj|good n|book .,1|3|COM 2|3|LINK 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,984445,988110,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  223. to read that pig book . ,inf|to v|read&ZERO det:dem|that n|pig n|book .,1|2|INF 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,tə ˈrid ˈdæt ˈpɪɡ ˈbuk,ˈtuː ˈɹiːd ˈðæt ˈpɪɡ ˈbʊk,NA,NA,988110,992370,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  224. him making the chair go up in the air ! ,pro:obj|him part|make-PRESP det:art|the n|chair v|go adv|up prep|in det:art|the n|air !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,ˈhɪm ˈmeɪkɪŋ də ˈtʃeɪ ˈɡo ˈʌb ɪn də ˈeɪː,ˈhɪm ˈmeɪkɪŋ ðə ˈʧɛɹ ˈɡoʊ ˈʌp ˈɪn ðə ˈɛɹ,NA,NA,992370,998810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  225. xxx what's the pig doing over there ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|AUX 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|PUNCT,* ˈwʌts də ˈpɪɡ ˈduɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪː,* ˈwʌts ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,998810,1004380,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  226. that pig is dancing on a tight rope it looks like . ,det:dem|that n|pig aux|be&3S part|dance-PRESP prep|on det:art|a adj|tight n|rope pro:per|it v|look-3S conj|like .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|10|SUBJ 10|4|CJCT 11|10|COMP 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1004380,1009190,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  227. yyy pig doing no what's the pig doing over there ? ,n|pig part|do-PRESP qn|no pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|XMOD 3|8|QUANT 4|8|SUBJ 5|8|AUX 6|7|DET 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,ˈstʊ ˈpɪ ˈduɪŋ ˈnowəno ˈwʌts də ˈpɪɡ ˈduɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪː,* ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈnoʊ ˈwʌts ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1009190,1014915,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  228. ah standing on the sofa . ,co|ah part|stand-PRESP prep|on det:art|the n|sofa .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1014915,1022580,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  229. xxx what's the pig doing over there ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|AUX 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|PUNCT,* ˈwʌts də ˈpɪɡ ˈduɪŋ ˈov ˈdeɪː,* ˈwʌts ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,CHI groans at beginning of utterance,NA,1022580,1028175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  230. it's yyy over there . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S prep|over n|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈɪts ˈfɪɡəwɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪː,ˈɪts * ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1028175,1031615,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  231. it's holding a photograph . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|hold-PRESP det:art|a n|photograph .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈɪts ˈholdɪŋ ˈʌ ˈfotəˈɡræf,ˈɪts ˈhoʊldɪŋ ə ˈfoʊtəˌɡɹæf,NA,NA,1031615,1034165,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  232. yes she's holding a photograph . ,co|yes pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|hold-PRESP det:art|a n|photograph .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1034165,1036355,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  233. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,jæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1036355,1037835,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  234. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈjɛ əˈfsiɡeɪ,* *,NA,NA,1037835,1041115,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  235. it's on the page . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|on det:art|the n|page .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈɪts ən də ˈpeɪdz,ˈɪts ˈɑn ðə ˈpeɪʤ,NA,NA,1041115,1044075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  236. you hafta get her some envelopes and stamps . ,pro:per|you mod|have~inf|to v|get pro:obj|her qn|some n|envelope-PL coord|and n|stamp-PL .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|INF 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ2 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1044075,1055710,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  237. xxx what's the the pig is getting yyy yyy and yyy yyy turn the page we skipped a page yyy . ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|the det:art|the n|pig aux|be&3S part|get-PRESP coord|and v|turn det:art|the n|page pro:sub|we v|skip-PAST det:art|a n|page .,1|2|SUBJ 2|7|LINK 3|5|DET 4|5|DET 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|13|XJCT 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|13|SUBJ 13|0|ROOT 14|15|DET 15|13|OBJ 16|13|PUNCT,* ˈwʌts əp də ˈpɪɡɪz ɡɪz ˈɡɛʔɪŋ ˈvʌ ˈvaɪɪd ən dəˈhodəvə ˈfʌn ˈtɜ˞n də peɪ ˈwi ˈskɪp də ˈpeɪ dənˈfuˈwʌsdə,* ˈwʌts ðə ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈɪz ˈɡɛtɪŋ * * ˈænd * * ˈtʌɹn ðə ˈpeɪʤ ˈwiː ˈskɪpt ə ˈpeɪʤ *,CHI grunts at beginning,NA,1055710,1073825,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,15,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  238. oh now she's gonna build a house . ,co|oh adv|now pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|build det:art|a n|house .,1|5|COM 2|5|JCT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1073825,1077615,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  239. tree house . ,n|tree n|house .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈtwi ˈhaʊs,ˈtɹiː ˈhaʊs,NA,NA,1077615,1082080,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  240. oh there she is she's in the tree house . ,co|oh adv|there pro:sub|she cop|be&3S pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|tree n|house .,1|4|COM 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|PRED 7|6|JCT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1082080,1084550,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  241. what's that pig doing ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|pig part|do-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|XMOD 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1084550,1086875,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  242. ‹what [?]› ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈuˈvʊːt,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,1086875,1088870,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  243. what's that pig doing ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that n|pig part|do-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|XMOD 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1088870,1090510,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  244. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈuvwæ,*,NA,NA,1090510,1091575,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  245. looks like she's yelling doesn't it look like she's shouting . ,v|look-3S conj|like pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|yell-PRESP mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:per|it v|look conj|like pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|shout-PRESP .,1|0|ROOT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|1|COMP 6|9|AUX 7|6|NEG 8|9|SUBJ 9|5|CJCT 10|13|LINK 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|9|COMP 14|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1091575,1095585,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  246. I think she wants to hear one book more . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she v|want-3S inf|to v|hear det:num|one n|book pro:indef|more .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|QUANT 8|6|OBJ 9|8|POSTMOD 10|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈʃi ˈwʌ tə ˈhi ˈwʌdə ˈbuk ˈmoː,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiː ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈhɪɹ ˈwʌn ˈbʊk ˈmɔɹ,NA,NA,1095585,1100140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  247. she wants to hear one book more xxx . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S inf|to v|hear det:num|one n|book pro:indef|more .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|6|POSTMOD 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1100140,1102500,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  248. like the dinosaur . ,prep|like det:art|the n|dinosaur .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈlɪk də ˈdaɪnəˈsor,ˈlaɪk ðə ˈdaɪnəˌsɔɹ,NA,NA,1102500,1106865,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  249. xxx that's very more true . ,pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S adv|very adv|more n|true .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|5|JCT 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1106865,1112875,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  250. what's he doing over there ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|he part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈhi ˈduɪn ˈovə ˈdeɪː,ˈwʌts ˈhiː ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1112875,1115565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  251. she's using some glue on a brush . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|use-PRESP qn|some n|glue prep|on det:art|a n|brush .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1115565,1118835,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  252. and it's all sticky and it reminds her of the maple syrup . ,coord|and pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adv|all n|sticky coord|and pro:per|it v|remind-3S pro:obj|her prep|of det:art|the n|maple n|syrup .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|JCT 5|3|PRED 6|8|LINK 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CMOD 9|8|OBJ 10|9|JCT 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|10|POBJ 14|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1118835,1124320,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  253. she wants paper 0and notes . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S n|paper 0coord|and n|note-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|2|PUNCT,ˈsi ˈwɑnt ˈpeɪpə ˈnoːts,ˈʃiː ˈwɑnts ˈpeɪpəɹ ˈnoʊts,NA,NA,1124320,1127855,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  254. she wants paper and notes to glue together . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S n|paper coord|and v|note-3S inf|to v|glue adv|together .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1127855,1130715,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  255. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈkjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1130715,1133690,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  256. paint . ,n|paint .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈpeɪnt,ˈpeɪnt,NA,NA,1133690,1135440,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  257. ah she's gonna glue paint . ,co|ah pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~prep|to n|glue n|paint .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1135440,1137615,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  258. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1137615,1138920,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  259. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1138920,1144230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  260. I think she's gonna squeeze . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|squeeze .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈʃiz ˈɡʌnə ˈskwiːz,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiːz ˈɡɑnə ˈskwiːz,NA,NA,1144230,1148005,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  261. she's gonna to squeeze what's she gonna squeeze ? ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to inf|to v|squeeze pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|squeeze ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|INF 5|6|INF 6|3|COMP 7|8|SUBJ 8|6|COMP 9|8|PRED 10|9|XMOD 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1148005,1151875,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  262. yyy I think the glue . ,pro:sub|I v|think det:art|the n|glue .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,dɪs ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk də ˈɡluː,* ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ðə ˈɡluː,NA,NA,1151875,1157805,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  263. I think yyy spray her finger . ,pro:sub|I v|think n|spray det:poss|her n|finger .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈsiziŋəm ˈspeɪ ˈhʌ ˈfɪŋɜ˞,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk * ˈspɹeɪ həɹ ˈfɪŋɡəɹ,NA,NA,1157805,1164525,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  264. she's gonna do what to her finger ? ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|do pro:int|what prep|to det:poss|her n|finger ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1164525,1166290,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  265. spray the glue pad . ,v|spray det:art|the n|glue n|pad .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈspweɪʔ ə ˈɡlu ˈpæːd,ˈspɹeɪ ðə ˈɡluː ˈpæd,NA,NA,1166290,1170190,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  266. spray the glue with her finger . ,v|spray det:art|the n|glue prep|with det:poss|her n|finger .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1170190,1172565,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  267. I think she's gonna pad . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|pad .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈʃi ˈɡʌnə ˈpæː,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiːz ˈɡɑnə ˈpæd,NA,NA,1172565,1178105,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  268. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1178105,1182115,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  269. I think she's gonna make a heart . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|make det:art|a n|heart .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈʃi ˈɡʌ ˈmeɪk ə ˈhɑːrt,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiːz ˈɡɑnə ˈmeɪk ə ˈhɑɹt,NA,NA,1182115,1185165,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  270. that pig is gonna make a heart . ,det:dem|that n|pig aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|make det:art|a n|heart .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1185165,1187340,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  271. yeah yyy . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː bɪmbɪm,ˈjæ *,NA,NA,1187340,1196885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  272. you gave a valentine to xxx today didn't you ? ,pro:per|you v|give&PAST det:art|a n|valentine prep|to adv:tem|today mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:per|you ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|9|JCT 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|5|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1196885,1202500,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  273. what's the pig doing there ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP adv|there ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,ˈhu də ˈpɪɡ ˈdoən ˈdeɪː,ˈwʌts ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1202500,1205180,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  274. the pig is seems to be flying in the air in that picture the little girl is gonna to catch her . ,det:art|the n|pig cop|be&3S cop|seem-3S inf|to aux|be part|fly-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|air prep|in det:dem|that n|picture det:art|the adj|little n|girl aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to inf|to v|catch pro:obj|her .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|7|INF 6|7|AUX 7|4|XMOD 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|7|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|7|XJCT 19|21|INF 20|21|INF 21|18|COMP 22|21|OBJ 23|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1205180,1213905,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  275. xxx the pig wants to +//. ,det:art|the n|pig v|want-3S inf|to +//.,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OM 5|3|PUNCT,* də ˈpɪɡ ˈwʌnts tə,* ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈwɑnts ˈtuː,NA,NA,1213905,1220845,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  276. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,not audible . mother talking over,NA,1220845,1222075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  277. "yyy yyy I think she's ‹go(nna) [: going to] ,› what's the pig doing over there ? ",pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP prep|to cm|cm pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|12|JCT 7|6|LP 8|12|SUBJ 9|12|AUX 10|11|DET 11|12|SUBJ 12|5|COMP 13|12|JCT 14|13|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,ˈtɪns ˈsɪnθs ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋ ˈʃiʒ ˈɡʌ ˈwʌ də ˈpɪɡ ˈduɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪːə,* * ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiːz ˈɡɑ ˈwʌts ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1222075,1232115,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  278. yyy +/. ,NA,NA,ˈhaɪms,*,NA,NA,1232115,1236690,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  279. yyy I think we skipped a page . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we v|skip-PAST det:art|a n|page .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈmɔɪˈhɪ ˈaɪ ˈðɪŋ ˈwi ˈskɪpt ə ˈpeɪdz,* ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈwiː ˈskɪpt ə ˈpeɪʤ,NA,NA,1236690,1240700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  280. oh I think you're right . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES co|right .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1240700,1242240,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  281. here's the last page . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|last n|page .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1242240,1243785,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  282. she wants a pancake to go with it . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S det:art|a n|pancake inf|to v|go prep|with pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|INF 6|4|XMOD 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1243785,1249255,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  283. she wants to get sticky yyy sticky she gets sticky pig . ,pro:sub|she v|want-3S inf|to v|get n|sticky n|sticky pro:sub|she v|get-3S n|sticky n|pig .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|MOD 6|4|OBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CJCT 9|10|MOD 10|8|OBJ 11|2|PUNCT,si ˈwʌnts tə ˈɡɛt ˈstɪki təˈɡɛndədɪŋ ˈstɪki ˈsi ˈɡɛn ˈstɪki ˈpɪɡ,ˈʃiː ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈɡɛt ˈstɪkiː * ˈstɪkiː ˈʃiː ˈɡɛts ˈstɪkiː ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,1249255,1258180,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  284. I think the koala . ,pro:sub|I v|think det:art|the n|koala .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈðɪŋ də ˈkwɑlə,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ðə ˌkoʊˈwɑlə,NA,NA,1258180,1261130,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  285. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI moaning,NA,1261130,1281145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  286. that ! ,comp|that !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdæːt,ˈðæt,NA,NA,1281145,1282710,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  287. ‹there [?]› I think we skipped a page . ,adv|there pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we v|skip-PAST det:art|a n|page .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ˈdeɪ ˈaɪ ˈðɪŋ ˈwi ˈskɪpt ə ˈpeɪdʒ,ˈðɛɹ ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈwiː ˈskɪpt ə ˈpeɪʤ,NA,NA,1282710,1300186,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  288. ‹it's [?]› a little yyy +/. ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|little +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈʌs ə ˈlɪʔə ˈɡɑːˈdwɛ,ˈɪts ə ˈlɪtəl *,NA,NA,1300186,1308310,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  289. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1308310,1309790,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  290. I think she's leaping . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|leap-PRESP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1309790,1311225,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  291. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1311225,1313025,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  292. what's the pig doing over there ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|AUX 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|PUNCT,ˈdʌs də ˈpɪɡ ˈduɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪə,ˈwʌts ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪn ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1313025,1318680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  293. and the little girl is playing piano . ,coord|and det:art|the adj|little n|girl aux|be&3S part|play-PRESP n|piano .,1|6|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|6|OBJ 8|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1318680,1321230,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  294. what's that little yyy what's the little girl doing over there ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:dem|that adj|little pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the adj|little n|girl part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|10|DET 4|10|JCT 5|10|SUBJ 6|10|AUX 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|10|SUBJ 10|2|CPRED 11|10|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts æ ˈlɪl ˈslɪl ˈwʌts də ˈlɪl ˈɡɜ˞l ˈduɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪə,ˈwʌts ˈðæt ˈlɪtəl * ˈwʌts ðə ˈlɪtəl ˈɡʌɹl ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1321230,1326980,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  295. that little kid doing over there ? ,det:dem|that adj|little n|kid part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|XMOD 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈzæ ˈlɪʔl̩ ˈkɪ ˈduɪn ˈovə ˈdeɪə,ˈðæt ˈlɪtəl ˈkɪd ˈduːɪn ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1326980,1331415,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  296. where the pig at ? ,pro:int|where det:art|the n|pig prep|at ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|PUNCT 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ,ˈweɪ də ˈpɪɡ ˈæ,ˈwɛɹ ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈæt,NA,NA,1331415,1336875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  297. yyy +/. ,NA,NA,ˈhæ̃nts,*,NA,NA,1336875,1341145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  298. what is what's going on there ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&3S pro:int|what~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP prep|on n|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|AUX 5|2|CPRED 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1341145,1342670,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  299. looks like there's a big mess I think that pig's making a mess . ,v|look-3S conj|like pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|big n|mess pro:sub|I v|think adv|that n|pig~aux|be&3S part|make-PRESP det:art|a n|mess .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|1|COMP 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|PRED 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|CMOD 10|9|JCT 11|13|SUBJ 12|13|AUX 13|9|COMP 14|15|DET 15|13|OBJ 16|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1342670,1347595,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  300. xxx yyy Mom I wan(na) [: want to] choose that book . ,n:prop|Mom pro:sub|I v|want inf|to v|choose comp|that n|book .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|MOD 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,* ˈweɪˈhɛm ˈmɑm ə ˈwʌ ˈtʃuz ˈdæʔ ˈbuk,* * ˈmɑm ˈaɪ ˈwɑ ˈʧuːz ˈðæt ˈbʊk,NA,NA,1347595,1353480,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  301. oh that's that book I don't like that book I don't get what this is about Amelia Bedelia hm: . ,co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:dem|that n|book pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not co|like det:dem|that n|book pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|get pro:int|what det:dem|this cop|be&3S prep|about n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia co|hm .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|9|SUBJ 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|11|COM 10|11|DET 11|5|CMOD 12|15|SUBJ 13|15|AUX 14|13|NEG 15|11|CMOD 16|18|LINK 17|18|DET 18|22|CSUBJ 19|18|JCT 20|21|NAME 21|19|POBJ 22|15|COMP 23|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1353480,1361140,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  302. ‹let's [?]› read it ! ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|read&ZERO pro:per|it !,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈɪtə ˈwiː ˈdɛt,ˈlɛts ˈɹiːd ˈɪt,NA,NA,1361140,1362890,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  303. ah Amelia Bedelia . ,co|ah n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia .,1|3|COM 2|3|NAME 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1362890,1375910,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  304. Olly he's my nephew Olly is our catcher . ,n:prop|Olly pro:sub|he~cop|be&3S det:poss|my n|nephew n:prop|Olly cop|be&3S det:poss|our n|catch&dv-AGT .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|CMOD 8|9|DET 9|7|PRED 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1375910,1380605,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  305. what does he catch asked Mr Rogers . ,pro:int|what v|do&3S pro:sub|he v|catch part|ask-PASTP n:prop|Mr n:prop|Rogers .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|COMP 6|7|NAME 7|5|OBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1380605,1384635,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  306. ‹who [?]› ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhʊː,ˈhuː,NA,NA,1384635,1389440,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  307. who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈhuz ˈdæt,ˈhuːz ˈðæt,NA,NA,1389440,1392645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  308. her name is Amelia Bedelia . ,det:poss|her n|name cop|be&3S n:prop|Amelia n:prop|Bedelia .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|NAME 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1392645,1395950,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  309. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1395950,1397665,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  310. and she has a cat . ,coord|and pro:sub|she v|have&3S det:art|a n|cat .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1397665,1400290,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  311. who is that ? ,pro:int|who cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈhu ɪz ˈdæt,ˈhuː ˈɪz ˈðæt,NA,NA,1400290,1402025,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  312. that's her friend . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:poss|her n|friend .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1402025,1404575,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  313. xxx yawn Mommy's yawning do you know how to yawn ? ,n|yawn n:prop|Mommy~aux|be&3S part|yawn-PRESP v|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|how inf|to v|yawn ?,1|2|MOD 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|7|XJCT 5|4|OBJ 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|10|LINK 9|10|INF 10|7|COMP 11|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1404575,1409675,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  314. how do you yawn when you yawn ? ,pro:int|how mod|do pro:per|you n|yawn conj|when pro:per|you v|yawn ?,1|4|OBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|INCROOT 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|CJCT 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1409675,1412285,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  315. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,n̩ˈno,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1412285,1417140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  316. well . ,co|well .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1417140,1421965,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  317. who's that ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S pro:dem|that ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈhuz ˈdæt,ˈhuːz ˈðæt,NA,NA,1421965,1426645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  318. that's &-uh . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1426645,1428760,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  319. who ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhu,ˈhuː,NA,NA,1428760,1430020,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  320. his name is Olly . ,det:poss|his n|name cop|be&3S n:prop|Olly .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1430020,1433580,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  321. xxx yyy read the pig book . ,v|read&ZERO det:art|the n|pig n|book .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,* ˈʌsiˈwʌziɡəzɡə ˈwi də ˈpɪɡ ˈbuk,* * ˈɹiːd ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈbʊk,NA,NA,1433580,1440215,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  322. okay this is the stairway where's that pig anyway . ,co|okay pro:dem|this cop|be&3S det:art|the n|+n|stair+n|way pro:rel|where~cop|be&3S det:dem|that n|pig adv|anyway .,1|2|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|7|LINK 7|5|CMOD 8|9|DET 9|7|PRED 10|9|NJCT 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1440215,1443850,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  323. over there ! ,prep|over n|there !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈovə ˈdeɪə,ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1443850,1450580,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  324. xxx here's the girl . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|girl .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,* ˈheɪz də ˈɡɜ˞l,* ˈhɪɹz ðə ˈɡʌɹl,CHI blows into mike at beginning of utterance,NA,1450580,1453445,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  325. she's gonna go somewhere you're probably right . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|go adv|somewhere pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES adv|probable&dadj-LY co|right .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|JCT 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|8|COM 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1453445,1456000,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  326. now she's dancing and she's dancing so hard stumping that all the furniture is going up in the air . ,adv|now pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|dance-PRESP coord|and pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|dance-PRESP adv|so adj|hard part|stump-PRESP comp|that qn|all det:art|the n|furniture aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP adv|up prep|in det:art|the n|air .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|4|CJCT 9|10|JCT 10|8|JCT 11|10|XMOD 12|17|LINK 13|15|QUANT 14|15|DET 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|AUX 17|11|COMP 18|17|JCT 19|17|JCT 20|21|DET 21|19|POBJ 22|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1456000,1463005,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  327. furniture means sofas and chairs and . ,n|furniture v|mean-3S n|sofa-PL coord|and n|chair-PL coord|and .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|2|CONJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1463005,1467225,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  328. yyy what's the what's the pig doing over there ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|the pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|8|SUBJ 5|8|AUX 6|7|DET 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CPRED 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,əndətət ˈwʌt də ˈwʌt də ˈpɪɡ ˈduɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪə,* ˈwʌts ðə ˈwʌts ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1467225,1473925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  329. she's sitting on the sofa . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|sit-PRESP prep|on det:art|the n|sofa .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1473915,1477475,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  330. oh he's standing . ,co|oh pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|stand-PRESP .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈʌ ˈhiz ˈstæ̃ndɪn,ˈoʊ ˈhiːz ˈstændɪŋ,NA,NA,1477475,1481375,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  331. and she's having her picture taken . ,coord|and pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|have-PRESP det:poss|her n|picture part|take&PASTP .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|XMOD 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1481375,1486095,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  332. these 0are for their stamps and envelopes . ,pro:dem|these 0cop|be&PRES prep|for det:poss|their n|stamp-PL coord|and n|envelope-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|5|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|2|PUNCT,ˈiz ˈfo ðeɪ ˈsteɪmp æ̃ ˈɛnvɪˈlops,ˈðiːz ˈfɔɹ ˈðɛɹ ˈstæmps ˈænd ˈɛnvəˌloʊps,NA,NA,1486095,1491805,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  333. yeah she's stamping envelopes and then she's taking them to the post office in a what ? ,co|yeah pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|stamp-PRESP n|envelope-PL coord|and adv:tem|then pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|take-PRESP pro:obj|them prep|to det:art|the n|post n|office prep|in det:art|a pro:int|what ?,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|10|LINK 7|10|JCT 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|4|CJCT 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|15|DET 14|15|MOD 15|12|POBJ 16|15|NJCT 17|18|DET 18|16|POBJ 19|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1491805,1497475,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  334. a wheelbarrow . ,det:art|a n|+n|wheel+n|barrow .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ə ˈviəˈveɪrɜ˞,ə ˈwiːlˌbɛɹoʊ,NA,NA,1497475,1500620,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  335. wheelbarrow ! ,n|+n|wheel+n|barrow !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmiəˈveɪrə,ˈwiːlˌbɛɹoʊ,NA,NA,1500620,1504825,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  336. I yyy yyy . ,pro:sub|I .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈɡwoˈtɛp pəˈnɛps,ˈaɪ * *,NA,NA,1504825,1527350,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  337. what is she yyy what's the ‹pig [//]› the pig doing over there ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&3S pro:sub|she pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|9|SUBJ 5|9|AUX 6|8|DET 7|8|DET 8|9|SUBJ 9|3|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌ ˈsɪ ˈʃi ˈdu ˈwʌ də ˈpɪ sə ˈpɪɡ ˈduɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪə,ˈwʌt ˈɪz ˈʃiː * ˈwʌts ðə ˈpɪɡ ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,Original Orthography: pi < g@l >,1527350,1534990,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  338. she's in the tree house but she's jumping out of the tree house that's a big tree house . ,pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the n|tree n|house conj|but pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|jump-PRESP adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|tree n|house pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|big n|tree n|house .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|10|LINK 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|2|CJCT 11|10|JCT 12|10|JCT 13|15|DET 14|15|MOD 15|12|POBJ 16|17|LINK 17|15|CMOD 18|21|DET 19|20|MOD 20|21|MOD 21|17|PRED 22|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1534990,1543260,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  339. that's a house that she built up on a tree . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|house pro:rel|that pro:sub|she v|build&PAST adv|up prep|on det:art|a n|tree .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|CMOD 8|7|JCT 9|7|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1543260,1546280,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  340. I think she wants to walk up the tree and see what's going 0on in that house . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she v|want-3S inf|to v|walk prep|up det:art|the n|tree coord|and v|see pro:int|what~aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP 0adv|on prep|in det:dem|that n|house .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|6|CONJ 11|10|COORD 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|11|COMP 15|14|JCT 16|14|JCT 17|18|DET 18|16|POBJ 19|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈsɪŋk ˈʃi wən tə ˈwɑk ˈʌp də ˈtwi æ̃n ˈsi ˈwʌt ˈɡoən ɪn ˈdæt ˈhaʊs,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiː ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈwɑk ˈʌp ðə ˈtɹiː ˈænd ˈsiː ˈwʌts ˈɡoʊɪŋ ˈɪn ˈðæt ˈhaʊs,NA,NA,1546280,1552375,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,18,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  341. she's getting sticky over there . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|get-PRESP n|sticky prep|over n|there .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈti ˈɡɛn ˈstiki ˈovə ˈdeɪə,ˈʃiːz ˈɡɛtɪŋ ˈstɪkiː ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,1552375,1557230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  342. she's getting sticky . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|get-PRESP n|sticky .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈʃi ˈɡɛn ˈstiki,ˈʃiːz ˈɡɛtɪŋ ˈstɪkiː,NA,NA,1557230,1559020,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  343. she is getting sticky . ,pro:sub|she aux|be&3S part|get-PRESP n|sticky .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1559020,1560275,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  344. pig ! ,n|pig !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈpɪɡ,ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,1560275,1561545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  345. pig . ,n|pig .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1561545,1563545,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  346. do want to yyy xxx I think the little girl 0is gonna clean her off . ,mod|do v|want prep|to pro:sub|I v|think det:art|the adj|little n|girl 0aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|clean pro:obj|her prep|off .,1|2|AUX 2|0|ROOT 3|5|JCT 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CJCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|5|COMP 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|12|OBJ 14|12|JCT 15|2|PUNCT,ˈdu wən tə ˈkɪ * ˈaɪ θɪŋk ə ˈɡlɪl̩ ˈɡɜ˞l ɡənə ˈklin hɜ˞ ˈɑːf,ˈduː ˈwɑnt ˈtuː * * ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ðə ˈlɪtəl ˈɡʌɹl ˈɡɑnə ˈkliːn həɹ ˈɑf,NA,NA,1563545,1572465,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  347. oh you think the little girl's gonna help to clean her up what's the little girl have in this picture ? ,co|oh pro:per|you v|think det:art|the adj|little adj|girl&dn-POSS part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|help inf|to v|clean pro:obj|her prep|up pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|little n|girl aux|have prep|in det:dem|this n|picture ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PUNCT 7|6|XMOD 8|9|INF 9|7|COMP 10|11|INF 11|9|COMP 12|11|OBJ 13|11|JCT 14|15|SUBJ 15|13|CPOBJ 16|18|DET 17|18|MOD 18|15|PRED 19|18|ROOT 20|19|JCT 21|22|DET 22|20|POBJ 23|19|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1572465,1577570,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  348. a rake ! ,det:art|a n|rake !,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ə ˈweɪːk,ə ˈɹeɪk,NA,NA,1577570,1579295,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  349. looks like she's raking up all the letters . ,v|look-3S conj|like pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|rake-PRESP adv|up qn|all det:art|the n|letter-PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|1|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|9|QUANT 8|9|DET 9|5|OBJ 10|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1579295,1583570,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  350. yyy raking leaves . ,part|rake-PRESP n|leaf-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈsɪnsə ˈweɪkə ˈliːvz,* ˈɹeɪkɪŋ ˈliːvz,NA,NA,1583570,1588270,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  351. this 0is a wheelbarrow . ,pro:dem|this 0cop|be&3S det:art|a n|+n|wheel+n|barrow .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈdɪs ə ˈwiəˈbeɪwo,ˈðɪs ə ˈwiːlˌbɛɹoʊ,NA,NA,1588270,1591380,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  352. this 0is a wheelbarrow ! ,pro:dem|this 0cop|be&3S det:art|a n|+n|wheel+n|barrow !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ðɪs ə ˈwiəˈbeɪwo,ˈðɪs ə ˈwiːlˌbɛɹoʊ,NA,NA,1591380,1594550,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  353. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1594520,1596510,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  354. now turn the turn the page xxx . ,adv|now v|turn det:art|the n|turn det:art|the n|page .,1|2|JCT 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,nə ˈtɜ˞ də ˈtɜ˞n də p *,ˈnaʊ ˈtʌɹn ðə ˈtʌɹn ðə ˈpeɪʤ *,CHI stuttering over final word,Original Orthography: p@l < age >,1596510,1603095,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  355. oh is that bothering you ? ,co|oh cop|be&3S comp|that part|bother-PRESP pro:per|you ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1603095,1606940,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  356. I think we can finish this for today . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we mod|can v|finish det:dem|this conj|for adv:tem|today .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|8|DET 7|8|LINK 8|5|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1606940,1609790,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  357. let's take off the microphone . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|take prep|off det:art|the n|microphone .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1609790,1612930,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  358. xxx what the pig doing ? ,pro:int|what det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP ?,1|3|MOD 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|XMOD 5|3|PUNCT,* ˈwʊ dɑ ˈpɪɡ ˈduɛn,* ˈwʌt ðə ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ,CHI groaning at beginning of utterance,NA,1612930,1622130,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  359. what's the pig doing ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S det:art|the n|pig part|do-PRESP ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1622130,1623730,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  360. little pig doing over ? ,adj|little n|pig part|do-PRESP adv|over ?,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|XMOD 4|3|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,ˈlɪʔəl ˈpɪɡ ˈduɪŋ ˈovə,ˈlɪtəl ˈpɪɡ ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ,NA,NA,1623730,1625445,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  361. that's a very silly pig if you ask me . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adv|very adj|silly n|pig conj|if pro:per|you v|ask pro:obj|me .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|5|JCT 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|2|CJCT 10|9|OBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1625445,1627890,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  362. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1627890,1637700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  363. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈnaʊwʊ,*,NA,NA,1637700,1639410,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  364. what you saying ? ,pro:int|what pro:per|you part|say-PRESP ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1639410,1640545,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  365. now was missing yyy door fell . ,adv|now aux|be&PAST&13S part|miss-PRESP n|door v|fall&PAST .,1|3|JCT 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|3|PUNCT,ˈnaʊ wəz ˈmɪsɪŋ ɪmzɪm ˈdoə ˈfɛl,ˈnaʊ ˈwɑz ˈmɪsɪŋ * ˈdɔɹ ˈfɛl,NA,NA,1640545,1644160,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  366. what fell ? ,pro:int|what v|fall&PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1644160,1645255,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  367. the door fell . ,det:art|the n|door v|fall&PAST .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈðʌ ˈdoə ˈfɛl,ðə ˈdɔɹ ˈfɛl,NA,NA,1645255,1647925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  368. the door fell ! ,det:art|the n|door v|fall&PAST !,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈðʌ ˈdoə ˈfɛl,ðə ˈdɔɹ ˈfɛl,NA,NA,1647925,1651880,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  369. what door ? ,pro:int|what n|door ?,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1651880,1653100,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  370. yyy kitchen yyy door . ,n|kitchen n|door .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,kɪnˈdʌfə kikə ˈklɑʃ voə,* ˈkɪʧən * ˈdɔɹ,NA,NA,1653100,1657605,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  371. kitchen yyy door . ,n|kitchen n|door .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈkikɛn ˈklɑ ˈdoə,ˈkɪʧən * ˈdɔɹ,NA,NA,1657605,1660790,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  372. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,NA,NA,1660790,1687170,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  373. probably we're going to read the goat and the rug book yes I I told you xxx porridge . ,adv|probable&dadj-LY pro:sub|we~aux|be&PRES part|go-PRESP inf|to v|read&ZERO det:art|the n|goat coord|and det:art|the n|rug n|book co|yes pro:sub|I pro:sub|I v|tell&PAST pro:per|you n|porridge .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|CONJ 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|COORD 13|16|COM 14|16|SUBJ 15|16|SUBJ 16|12|CMOD 17|18|SUBJ 18|16|OBJ 19|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1687170,1694030,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  374. yyy making ? ,part|make-PRESP ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,mə ˈmeɪki,* ˈmeɪkɪŋ,NA,NA,1694030,1696640,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  375. xxx +/. ,NA,NA,*,*,MOT speaks over CHI and utterance inaudible,NA,1696640,1701550,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  376. bear bear . ,n|bear n|bear .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈbeɪə ˈbeɪə,ˈbɛɹ ˈbɛɹ,NA,NA,1701550,1705060,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  377. you're my little baby bear cub I think that . ,pro:per|you~cop|be&PRES det:poss|my adj|little n|baby n|bear n|cub pro:sub|I v|think pro:dem|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|DET 4|7|MOD 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|2|PRED 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|CMOD 10|9|OBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1705060,1709715,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  378. I think yyy yyy said ‹best [?]› yeah . ,pro:sub|I v|think v|say&PAST v|best co|yeah .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|COMP 4|3|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈðɪnk ˈtu pɛˈnonɛmiəˈvʌzdəvə ˈsɛ ˈbɛs ˈjæ,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk * * ˈsɛd ˈbɛst ˈjæ,NA,NA,1709715,1718075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  379. the baby bear what ? ,det:art|the n|baby n|bear pro:int|what ?,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1718075,1719680,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  380. the baby bear said ‹best [?]› xxx . ,det:art|the n|baby n|bear v|say&PAST adj|good&SP .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,ðə ˈveɪbiˈbi ˈbeɪ ˈsɛ ˈbɛs *,ðə ˈbeɪbiː ˈbɛɹ ˈsɛd ˈbɛst *,CHI giggles at end,NA,1719680,1724010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  381. what was the baby bear doing ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&PAST&13S det:art|the n|baby n|bear part|do-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|XMOD 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1724010,1726705,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  382. break the chair 0to bits . ,v|break det:art|the n|chair 0prep|to n|bit-PL .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈbweɪk ə ˈtʃeɪ ˈbɪts,ˈbɹeɪk ðə ˈʧɛɹ ˈbɪts,NA,NA,1726705,1732230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  383. that's what Goldilocks does . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what n:prop|Goldilocks v|do&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1732230,1734980,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  384. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,1734980,1739880,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  385. oh dear . ,co|oh co|dear .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1739880,1742020,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  386. oh dear . ,co|oh co|dear .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1742020,1745105,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  387. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,lot of background noise makes utterance inaudible,NA,1745105,1749930,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  388. yyy yyy may need the want tray on . ,mod|may v|need det:art|the v|want n|tray adv|on .,1|2|AUX 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|4|OBJ 6|2|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,ˈmɑi ˈdɛd ˈmeɪ ˈnidi də ˈwʌnt ˈtweɪdə ˈɑn,* * ˈmeɪ ˈniːd ðə ˈwɑnt ˈtɹeɪ ˈɑn,NA,NA,1749930,1759275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  389. you want the tray back on you have the tray on . ,pro:per|you v|want det:art|the n|tray adv|back prep|on pro:per|you v|have det:art|the n|tray adv|on .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|8|JCT 7|8|SUBJ 8|2|CJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|8|JCT 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1759275,1762630,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  390. yyy ‹Daddy [?]› me and you had the bowl back . ,n:prop|Daddy pro:obj|me coord|and pro:per|you v|have&PAST det:art|the n|bowl adv|back .,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|OBJ2 3|1|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|5|PUNCT,ˈdædənt ˈdædju ˈmi æ̃n ˈju ˈhæ də ˈboldə ˈbæ,* ˈdædiː ˈmiː ˈænd ˈjuː ˈhæd ðə ˈboʊl ˈbæk,NA,NA,1762630,1768300,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  391. yes I'm gonna give you the bowl back . ,co|yes pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|give pro:per|you det:art|the n|bowl adv|back .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ2 8|9|DET 9|6|OBJ 10|6|JCT 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1768300,1771560,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  392. xxx bowl back on . ,n|bowl adv|back adv|on .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|NJCT 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,* ˈbol ˈbæk ˈɑn,* ˈboʊl ˈbæk ˈɑn,"MOT talking over CHI at beginning , CHI inaudible",NA,1771560,1776890,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  393. xxx the bowl back on . ,det:art|the n|bowl adv|back adv|on .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,* də ˈbol ˈbæk ˈɑn,* ðə ˈboʊl ˈbæk ˈɑn,CHI kicking the highchair,NA,1776890,1781675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  394. yes I'm making the porridge I'm gonna put back on . ,co|yes pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|make-PRESP det:art|the n|porridge pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to part|put&PASTP adv|back adv|on .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|6|CMOD 10|11|INF 11|9|COMP 12|11|JCT 13|11|JCT 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1781675,1785700,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  395. it is hot yep [: yes] . ,pro:per|it cop|be&3S adj|hot co|yes .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|COM 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1785700,1788540,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  396. hm: . ,co|hm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1788540,1790020,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  397. yyy cool 0it down . ,adj|cool 0pro:per|it adv|down .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|2|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,ˈnɑnə ˈkuːl ˈdaʊn,* ˈkuːl ˈdaʊn,NA,NA,1790020,1794900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  398. yyy ‹Mom [?]› the baby wants to fix the chair . ,n:prop|Mom det:art|the n|baby v|want-3S inf|to v|fix det:art|the n|chair .,1|4|LINK 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,ˈnʌ ˈnʌm də ˈbeɪbi ˈwʌnʔ ə ˈfɪks ə ˈtʃeɪ,* ˈmɑm ðə ˈbeɪbiː ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈfɪks ðə ˈʧɛɹ,NA,NA,1794900,1803540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  399. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,"MOT talking over CHI , inaudible",NA,1803540,1806810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  400. yeah no the broken chair no the broken xxx . ,co|yeah co|no det:art|the part|break&PASTP n|chair qn|no det:art|the part|break&PASTP .,1|5|COM 2|5|COM 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|8|QUANT 7|8|DET 8|5|CMOD 9|5|PUNCT,ˈjɛˈhʌ ˈno də ˈbwokən ˈtʃeɪ ˈno hə ˈbwokən *,ˈjæ ˈnoʊ ðə ˈbɹoʊkən ˈʧɛɹ ˈnoʊ ðə ˈbɹoʊkən *,NA,NA,1806810,1813890,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  401. xxx that bowl yyy bunny rabbit xxx . ,det:dem|that n|bowl n|bunny n|rabbit .,1|4|DET 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,* ˈðæt ˈbol ˈwɑnə ˈbʌni ˈwæbə *,* ˈðæt ˈboʊl * ˈbʌniː ˈɹæˌbɪt *,CHI whining,NA,1813890,1824005,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  402. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1824005,1825110,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  403. mm porridge yum . ,co|mm n|porridge n|yum .,1|3|COM 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1825110,1829785,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  404. okay this is the last baby yogurt that we have . ,co|okay pro:dem|this cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|last n|baby n|yogurt pro:rel|that pro:sub|we v|have .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|DET 5|6|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|PRED 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|CMOD 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1829785,1834355,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  405. this is the last baby yogurt . ,pro:dem|this cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|last n|baby n|yogurt .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1834355,1840300,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  406. baby yogurt and porridge yum yum yum . ,n|baby n|yogurt coord|and n|porridge n|yum n|yum n|yum .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|CONJ 4|7|MOD 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|COORD 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1840300,1844585,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  407. yyy . ,NA,NA,nɪkəˈneɪk,*,NA,NA,1844585,1847510,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  408. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈtwidɛs,*,difficult to hear CHI because MOT talking over her,NA,1847510,1849330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  409. xxx and this yogurt should've made it cool I'll taste it okay . ,coord|and det:dem|this n|yogurt mod|should~aux|have v|make&PAST pro:per|it adj|cool pro:sub|I~mod|will v|taste pro:per|it co|okay .,1|6|LINK 2|3|DET 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|AUX 6|0|ROOT 7|6|OBJ 8|6|JCT 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|8|CMOD 12|11|OBJ 13|11|COM 14|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1849330,1854425,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  410. I'm gonna check . ,pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|check .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1854425,1855825,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  411. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈkuː,*,NA,NA,1855825,1857640,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  412. hm: oh that's scrumptious . ,co|hm co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|scrumptious .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1858565,1861565,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  413. that's a hundred scrumptious lumps of porridge is what it is . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a det:num|hundred adj|scrumptious n|lump-PL prep|of n|porridge cop|be&3S pro:int|what pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|9|SUBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PRED 10|12|LINK 11|12|SUBJ 12|9|PRED 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1861565,1866675,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  414. it's a hundred scrumptious lumps of porridge and there's a bird at the feeder . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a det:num|hundred adj|scrumptious n|lump-PL prep|of n|porridge coord|and pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bird prep|at det:art|the n|feed&dv-AGT .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|2|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|2|CJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|PRED 14|13|NJCT 15|16|DET 16|14|POBJ 17|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1866675,1873225,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  415. you're having breakfast with the bird . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|have-PRESP n|breakfast prep|with det:art|the n|bird .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1873225,1876675,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  416. bird . ,n|bird .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈbɜ˞d,ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,1876675,1878185,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  417. and there's a bird . ,coord|and pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bird .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,æ̃n ˈdeɪz ə ˈbɜ˞d,ˈænd ˈðɛɹz ə ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,1878185,1881580,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  418. yyy yyy tweet . ,v|tweet .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈpwi ˈneɪ ˈtwit,* * ˈtwiːt,NA,NA,1881580,1885140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  419. tweet . ,v|tweet .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈtwi,ˈtwiːt,NA,NA,1885140,1887160,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  420. yeah like a boink yyy . ,co|yeah prep|like det:art|a v|boink .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː ˈlaɪk ə ˈbɔɪə ˈbi,ˈjæ ˈlaɪk ə ˈbɔɪŋk *,NA,NA,1887160,1891175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  421. do you want to doink@o that with something ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|want prep|to on|doink pro:dem|that prep|with pro:indef|something ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|5|OM 7|6|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1891175,1893380,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  422. wheat . ,n|wheat .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,wuˈhit,ˈwiːt,NA,NA,1893380,1894820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  423. with some wheat okay . ,prep|with qn|some n|wheat adj|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|QUANT 3|1|POBJ 4|3|POSTMOD 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1894820,1896220,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  424. where 0is the wheat ? ,pro:int|where 0cop|be&3S det:art|the n|wheat ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈweɪ də ˈwit,ˈwɛɹ ðə ˈwiːt,NA,NA,1896220,1897480,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  425. where's the wheat . ,pro:int|where~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|wheat .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1897480,1899010,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  426. here's some wheat . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S qn|some n|wheat .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1899010,1908090,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  427. yyy no the baby bear wants fix the the baby bear's chair . ,qn|no det:art|the n|baby n|bear v|want-3S v|fix det:art|the det:art|the n|baby adj|bear&dn-POSS n|chair .,1|4|QUANT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|COMP 7|11|DET 8|9|DET 9|11|MOD 10|11|MOD 11|6|OBJ 12|5|PUNCT,nːˈnʌ ˈno də ˈbeɪbi ˈbeɪə ˈuːˈwɑts ˈfɪks də də ˈbeɪbi ˈbeɪ ˈseɪə,* ˈnoʊ ðə ˈbeɪbiː ˈbɛɹ ˈwɑnts ˈfɪks ðə ðə ˈbeɪbiː ˈbɛɹz ˈʧɛɹ,NA,NA,1908090,1920325,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  428. xxx baby bear wants what ? ,n|baby n|bear v|want-3S pro:int|what ?,1|2|MOD 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1920325,1923080,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  429. I want a broken broken chair . ,pro:sub|I v|want det:art|a part|break&PASTP part|break&PASTP n|chair .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|DET 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|2|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ə ˈwɑnt ə ˈbwokəm ˈbwokən ˈtʃeɪ,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ə ˈbɹoʊkən ˈbɹoʊkən ˈʧɛɹ,NA,NA,1923080,1928890,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  430. I want to fix it with a yyy wants a yyy hammer . ,pro:sub|I v|want inf|to v|fix pro:per|it prep|with det:art|a v|want-3S det:art|a n|hammer .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|10|DET 10|8|OBJ 11|2|PUNCT,ə ˈwʌn tə ˈfɪks ˈɪt ˈwɪθ ə ˈsɪzi ˈwʌnts ə ˈhæ̃mədɪn ˈhæ̃mɜ˞,ˈaɪ ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈfɪks ˈɪt ˈwɪθ ə * ˈwɑnts ə * ˈhæməɹ,NA,NA,1928890,1935655,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  431. doink@o doink@o a boink . ,on|doink on|doink det:art|a v|boink .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|DET 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1935655,1940340,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  432. what about with a screwdriver . ,pro:int|what adv|about prep|with det:art|a n|+n|screw+n|driver .,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|0|INCROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1940340,1944810,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  433. no . ,co|no .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnoːə,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,1944810,1946740,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  434. with a hammer not a screwdriver . ,prep|with det:art|a n|hammer neg|not det:art|a n|+n|screw+n|driver .,1|6|JCT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|6|NEG 5|6|DET 6|0|INCROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1946740,1950900,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  435. maybe you could fix it with a wrench . ,adv|maybe pro:per|you mod|could v|fix pro:per|it prep|with det:art|a v|wrench .,1|4|JCT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1950900,1954155,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  436. no the hammer . ,qn|no det:art|the n|hammer .,1|3|QUANT 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈno də ˈhæ̃mɜ˞,ˈnoʊ ðə ˈhæməɹ,NA,NA,1954155,1959475,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  437. that red hammer . ,pro:dem|that adj|red n|hammer .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1959475,1961455,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  438. I've gotta get a little ‹kitten [?]› . ,pro:sub|I~aux|have mod|got~inf|to v|get det:art|a adj|little n|kitten .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|5|PUNCT,ə ˈɡʌtə ɡɪt ə ˈlɪ ˈkɪtɛn,ˈaiv ‹ˈɡɑt ˈtuː› ˈɡɛt ə ˈlɪtəl ˈkɪtən,NA,NA,1961455,1967450,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  439. there there's more yogurt in there . ,adv|there pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|more n|yogurt prep|in n|there .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|PRED 6|3|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1967450,1971275,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  440. oh dear okay . ,co|oh co|dear co|okay .,1|3|COM 2|3|COM 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1971275,1973410,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  441. oh okay . ,co|oh co|okay .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,1973410,2031580,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  442. &-um you have a green spoon and the yellow spoon . ,pro:per|you v|have det:art|a adj|green n|spoon coord|and det:art|the adj|yellow n|spoon .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|5|CONJ 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|COORD 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2031580,2035025,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  443. and here is a green plate and a yellow plate . ,coord|and adv|here cop|be&3S det:art|a n|green n|plate coord|and det:art|a n|yellow n|plate .,1|3|LINK 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|6|CONJ 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|COORD 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2035025,2042090,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  444. we might hafta put more seeds on those bird feeders . ,pro:sub|we mod|might mod|have~inf|to part|put&PASTP qn|more n|seed-PL prep|on det:dem|those n|bird n|feed&dv-AGT-PL .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|AUX 3|5|AUX 4|5|INF 5|0|ROOT 6|7|QUANT 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|11|DET 10|11|MOD 11|8|POBJ 12|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2042090,2047835,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  445. xxx bowl . ,n|bowl .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈbol,* ˈboʊl,CHI humming while eating,NA,2047835,2056145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  446. you want plain yogurt in a bowl . ,pro:per|you v|want adj|plain n|yogurt prep|in det:art|a n|bowl .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2056145,2058190,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  447. plain yogurt in another bowl . ,adj|plain n|yogurt prep|in qn|another n|bowl .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|NJCT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈpleɪn ˈjoɡət ɪn əˈnʌdɑ ˈbol,ˈpleɪn ˈjoʊɡəɹt ˈɪn əˈnʌðəɹ ˈboʊl,NA,NA,2058190,2060330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  448. will you eat this yogurt ? ,mod|will pro:per|you v|eat det:dem|this n|yogurt ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2060330,2062020,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  449. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2062020,2064885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  450. mix the porridge . ,v|mix det:art|the n|porridge .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈmʌ də ˈpowɪdʒ,ˈmɪks ðə ˈpɔɹəʤ,NA,NA,2064885,2070590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  451. are you gonna mix that porridge ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|mix det:dem|that n|porridge ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|XMOD 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2070590,2073770,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  452. oh there's the birds again . ,co|oh pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|bird-PL adv|again .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|5|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2073770,2076635,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  453. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI humming,NA,2076635,2083645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  454. you have a runny nose let's get you a tissue . ,pro:per|you v|have det:art|a adj|run&dv-Y n|nose v|let~pro:obj|us v|get pro:per|you det:art|a n|tissue .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|6|COMP 9|8|OBJ2 10|11|DET 11|8|OBJ 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2083645,2088360,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  455. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈdædɪˈbolɛˈbolɡɛ,*,CHI playing with food in bowl,NA,2088360,2097160,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  456. you've got two spoons and two bowls . ,pro:per|you~aux|have part|get&PASTP det:num|two n|spoon-PL coord|and det:num|two n|bowl-PL .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|QUANT 5|3|OBJ 6|5|CONJ 7|8|QUANT 8|6|COORD 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2097160,2132850,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  457. but you only have one mouth right . ,conj|but pro:per|you adv|only v|have det:num|one n|mouth adj|right .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|6|POSTMOD 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2132850,2138395,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  458. there's only one mouth over there on you . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S qn|only det:num|one n|mouth prep|over n|there prep|on pro:per|you .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2138395,2141675,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  459. one mouth two bowls two spoons . ,det:num|one n|mouth det:num|two n|bowl-PL det:num|two n|spoon-PL .,1|2|QUANT 2|6|MOD 3|4|QUANT 4|6|MOD 5|6|QUANT 6|0|INCROOT 7|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2141675,2147235,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  460. you have one mouth . ,pro:per|you v|have det:num|one n|mouth .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|QUANT 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2147235,2150020,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  461. yyy eating wheat . ,part|eat-PRESP n|wheat .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈdɛ ˈitɪŋ ˈwit,* ˈiːtɪŋ ˈwiːt,NA,NA,2150020,2154145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  462. is it good ? ,aux|be&3S pro:per|it adj|good ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|PRED 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2154145,2158300,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  463. there's a bird at the feeder chickadee bird . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bird prep|at det:art|the n|feed&dv-AGT n|chickadee n|bird .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|9|DET 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|5|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2158300,2187060,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  464. yyy yyy I think Mom 0is gonna read the goat and 0the rug . ,pro:sub|I v|think n:prop|Mom 0aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|read&ZERO det:art|the n|goat coord|and 0det:art|the n|rug .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|9|CONJ 11|12|DET 12|10|COORD 13|2|PUNCT,ˈɛdəmɑ ˈneɪkəˈnʊn ˈaɪ di ˈmaɪ ˈɡʌn ˈwi də ˈɡʊt ədə ˈwʌːɡ,* * ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈmɑm ˈɡɑnə ˈɹiːd ðə ˈɡoʊt ˈænd ˈɹʌɡ,NA,NA,2187060,2193100,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  465. oh I did say I'll read the goat and the rug didn't I okay . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|do&PAST co|say pro:sub|I~mod|will v|read&ZERO det:art|the n|goat coord|and det:art|the n|rug mod|do&PAST~neg|not pro:sub|I co|okay .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|COM 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|9|CONJ 11|12|DET 12|16|SUBJ 13|16|AUX 14|13|NEG 15|16|SUBJ 16|10|COORD 17|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2193100,2196275,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  466. let's do it let's do ‹it [?]› +/. ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|do pro:per|it v|let~pro:obj|us v|do pro:per|it +/.,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|1|PUNCT,mə ˈdu ˈɪtʃ mə ˈdu ɪɪ,ˈlɛts ˈduː ˈɪt ˈlɛts ˈduː ˈɪt,NA,NA,2196275,2201660,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  467. here it is . ,adv|here pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2201660,2202385,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  468. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈɪndələl,*,NA,NA,2202385,2205195,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  469. Mom sit in the chair . ,n:prop|Mom v|sit prep|in det:art|the n|chair .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈmʌmʊ ˈsɪt ˈɪn də ˈtʃeɪə,ˈmɑm ˈsɪt ˈɪn ðə ˈʧɛɹ,NA,NA,2205195,2211225,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  470. pig wants to go over there . ,n|pig v|want-3S inf|to v|go prep|over n|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈpɪɡ ˈwʌ zə ˈɡo ˈovə ˈdeɪə,ˈpɪɡ ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2211225,2216590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  471. the pig book is going to go over there . ,det:art|the n|pig n|book aux|be&3S part|go-PRESP inf|to v|go prep|over n|there .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|7|INF 7|5|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|8|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2216590,2218770,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  472. here's goat and the rug . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S n|goat coord|and det:art|the n|rug .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|CONJ 5|6|DET 6|4|COORD 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2218770,2221040,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  473. pig pig pig pig +/. ,n|pig n|pig n|pig n|pig +/.,1|4|MOD 2|4|MOD 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,ˈpɪɡ ˈpɪɡ ˈpɪɡ ˈpɪɡ,ˈpɪɡ ˈpɪɡ ˈpɪɡ ˈpɪɡ,NA,NA,2221040,2223675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  474. Glenmae and the goat . ,n:prop|Glenmae coord|and det:art|the n|goat .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|4|DET 4|2|COORD 5|1|PUNCT,‹ˈun ˈmeɪ› æ̃n də ˈɡot,ˌɡlɛnˈmeɪ ˈænd ðə ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,2223675,2225528,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  475. and the goat ! ,coord|and det:art|the n|goat !,1|3|LINK 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈæ̃n də ˈɡot,ˈænd ðə ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,2225528,2228735,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  476. and what's the goat's name ? ,coord|and pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|goat&dn-POSS n|name ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2228735,2231320,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  477. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,m̩ˈbæːk ˈvæː,* *,NA,NA,2231320,2235235,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  478. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈmæ,*,NA,NA,2235235,2238425,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  479. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈʊˈneɪbi,*,NA,NA,2238425,2241850,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  480. Geraldine . ,n:prop|Geraldine .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2241850,2246620,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  481. Geraldine . ,n:prop|Geraldine .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdʒeɪwəˈdiːn,ʤɛɹəlˈdiːn,NA,NA,2246620,2250175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  482. mm my name is Geraldine look there she is wearing her bell . ,co|mm det:poss|my n|name cop|be&3S n:prop|Geraldine v|look adv|there pro:sub|she aux|be&3S part|wear-PRESP det:poss|her n|bell .,1|4|COM 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|4|CPRED 7|6|JCT 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|6|COMP 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2250175,2259805,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  483. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2259805,2261050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  484. wearing her bell and she's who does she have next to her ? ,part|wear-PRESP det:poss|her n|bell coord|and pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S pro:rel|who v|do&3S pro:sub|she aux|have adv|next prep|to pro:obj|her ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|1|CJCT 7|8|LINK 8|6|CPRED 9|10|SUBJ 10|8|COMP 11|12|JCT 12|10|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2261050,2265805,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  485. oh sorry . ,co|oh co|sorry .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2265805,2270640,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  486. who does she have next to her ? ,pro:int|who v|do&3S pro:sub|she aux|have adv|next prep|to pro:obj|her ?,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|6|JCT 6|2|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2270640,2273395,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  487. who ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhuː,ˈhuː,NA,NA,2273395,2275605,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  488. ‹Glenmae [?]› 0is over there . ,n:prop|Glenmae 0aux|be&3S prep|over n|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈuɡˈmeɪn ˈovə ˈdeɪ,ˌɡlɛnˈmeɪ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2275605,2277900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  489. Glenmae is over there . ,n:prop|Glenmae cop|be&3S prep|over n|there .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2277900,2279175,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  490. Glenmae is wearing something around her neck . ,n:prop|Glenmae aux|be&3S part|wear-PRESP pro:indef|something prep|around det:poss|her n|neck .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2279175,2281985,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  491. do you know what it is ? ,mod|do pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what pro:per|it cop|be&3S ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2281985,2284450,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  492. yyy necklace . ,n|necklace .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,əˈaɪɪvɪː ˈnɛkəlɛsə,* ˈnɛkləs,NA,NA,2284450,2287315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  493. she's wearing a necklace . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|wear-PRESP det:art|a n|necklace .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2287315,2289005,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  494. they all have necklaces well the goat is wearing a bell around her neck Glenmae is wearing a necklace around her neck . ,pro:sub|they post|all v|have n|necklace-PL co|well det:art|the n|goat aux|be&3S part|wear-PRESP det:art|a n|bell prep|around det:poss|her n|neck n:prop|Glenmae aux|be&3S part|wear-PRESP det:art|a n|necklace prep|around det:poss|her n|neck .,1|3|SUBJ 2|1|PQ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|9|COM 6|7|DET 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|3|COMP 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|9|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|AUX 17|9|XJCT 18|19|DET 19|17|OBJ 20|17|JCT 21|22|DET 22|20|POBJ 23|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2289005,2295995,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  495. necklace yyy goat . ,n|necklace n|goat .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈnɛkəˈlɪs hə ˈɡot,ˈnɛkləs * ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,2295995,2300050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  496. oh what's Glenmae doing here . ,co|oh pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Glenmae part|do-PRESP adv|here .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2300050,2303130,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  497. yyy Geraldine big goat . ,n:prop|Geraldine adj|big n|goat .,1|3|MOD 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈvuˈkɪndəˈvuk ˈdeɪvɪˈdin ˈbɪ ˈɡot,* ʤɛɹəlˈdiːn ˈbɪɡ ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,2303130,2306965,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  498. she's carrying Geraldine he's a big goat she must be heavy don't you think ? ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|carry-PRESP n:prop|Geraldine pro:sub|he~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|big n|goat pro:sub|she mod|must cop|be adj|heavy mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you v|think ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CJCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|PRED 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|9|CMOD 13|17|JCT 14|17|AUX 15|14|NEG 16|17|SUBJ 17|12|PRED 18|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2306965,2312320,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  499. yyy I think she want to have because she's little . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she v|want inf|to v|have conj|because pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S adj|little .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|2|CJCT 10|9|PRED 11|2|PUNCT,ˈʃim ˈaɪ ˈðɪnk ˈʃi ˈwɑn zə ˈhæv ˈbiˈkʌz ˈʃiz ˈlɪˈʔəl,* ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiː ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈhæv bɪˈkɑz ˈʃiːz ˈlɪtəl,CHI makes odd breathing noise at beginning of utterance,NA,2312320,2318245,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  500. she's watching her because she's little ah . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|watch-PRESP pro:obj|her conj|because pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S adj|little co|ah .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|7|LINK 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|CJCT 8|7|PRED 9|7|COM 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2318245,2321805,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  501. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2321805,2322845,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  502. what's she watching her do ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|watch-PRESP pro:obj|her v|do ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|XMOD 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2322845,2324755,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  503. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈvwæs,*,NA,NA,2324755,2326160,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  504. she's sharpening her scissors . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|sharpen-PRESP det:poss|her n|scissors .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2326160,2328090,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  505. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2328090,2329005,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  506. on a machine . ,prep|on det:art|a n|machine .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2329005,2330420,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  507. oh there's a gold finch at the bird feeder see the yellow bird . ,co|oh pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|gold n|finch prep|at det:art|the n|bird n|feed&dv-AGT v|see det:art|the n|yellow n|bird .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|PRED 7|11|LINK 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|11|SUBJ 11|6|CMOD 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|11|OBJ 15|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2330420,2333825,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  508. oh they ran away oh they ran away . ,co|oh pro:sub|they v|run&PAST adv|away co|oh pro:sub|they v|run&PAST adv|away .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|COM 6|7|SUBJ 7|3|COMP 8|7|JCT 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2333825,2337120,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  509. yyy flew away . ,v|fly&PAST adv|away .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,ˈɡɑdɪsə ˈfju əˈweɪ,* ˈfluː əˈweɪ,NA,NA,2337120,2341940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  510. they did fly away . ,pro:sub|they v|do&PAST n|fly adv|away .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2341940,2343745,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  511. I think yyy yyy on the tree . ,pro:sub|I v|think prep|on det:art|the n|tree .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈðɪnk ˈnoˈnʌnd ˈɑfrɪn ˈɑn də ˈtwiː,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk * * ˈɑn ðə ˈtɹiː,NA,NA,2343745,2348565,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  512. eating insects . ,part|eat-PRESP n|insect-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈitɪŋ ˈɪnsɛkt,ˈiːtɪŋ ˈɪnˌsɛkts,NA,NA,2348565,2356285,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  513. oh ‹but [?]› insects . ,co|oh conj|but n|insect-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,ˈo ˈbʌ ˈɪnsɛts,ˈoʊ ˈbʌt ˈɪnˌsɛkts,NA,NA,2356285,2359765,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  514. oh ‹but [?]› insects . ,co|oh conj|but n|insect-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|1|PUNCT,ˈo ˈbʌʔ ˈɪnsɛts,ˈoʊ ˈbʌt ˈɪnˌsɛkts,NA,NA,2359765,2362300,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  515. the birds are eating insects ? ,det:art|the n|bird-PL aux|be&PRES part|eat-PRESP n|insect-PL ?,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2362300,2364715,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  516. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2364715,2366530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  517. these birds are eating our seeds . ,det:dem|these n|bird-PL aux|be&PRES part|eat-PRESP det:poss|our n|seed-PL .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2366530,2369265,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  518. there's the gold finch again see it's yellow . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|gold n|finch adv|again v|see pro:per|it~cop|be&3S adj|yellow .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|7|JCT 7|5|CMOD 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|COMP 10|9|PRED 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2369265,2373460,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  519. see the yellow bird . ,v|see det:art|the n|yellow n|bird .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2373460,2375350,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  520. in there the yellow bird . ,prep|in n|there det:art|the n|yellow n|bird .,1|5|JCT 2|1|POBJ 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,ˈɪn ˈdeɪ də ˈjɛlo ˈbɜ˞d,ˈɪn ˈðɛɹ ðə ˈjɛloʊ ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,2375350,2378245,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  521. this one ‹has [?]› black . ,pro:dem|this pro:indef|one v|have&3S n|black .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,ˈis ə ˈkæz ˈblæːk,ˈðɪs ˈwʌn ˈhæz ˈblæk,NA,NA,2378245,2383485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  522. and that's the chickadee . ,coord|and pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|chickadee .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2383485,2386080,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  523. go yyy bird . ,v|go n|bird .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈɡo ˈleɪlɪnz ˈbɜ˞d,ˈɡoʊ * ˈbʌɹd,NA,NA,2386080,2389145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  524. go yyy birdy . ,v|go adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,ˈɡo ˈleɪlinz ˈbɑdi,ˈɡoʊ * ˈbʌɹdiː,NA,NA,2389145,2393160,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  525. are you finished eating ? ,cop|be&PRES pro:per|you v|finish-PAST part|eat-PRESP ?,1|3|CJCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|COMP 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2393160,2394410,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  526. no I'll read this one . ,co|no pro:sub|I~mod|will v|read&ZERO det:dem|this pro:indef|one .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈnː aɪːəld ˈni ˈdɪs ˈwʌn,ˈnoʊ ˈaɪl ˈɹiːd ˈðɪs ˈwʌn,NA,NA,2394410,2397300,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  527. okay . ,co|okay .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2397300,2399160,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  528. she's naked ! ,pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S adj|naked !,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈʃiz nːəˈneɪkɪd,ˈʃiːz ˈneɪkəd,NA,NA,2399160,2404090,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  529. she does(n't) have her wool . ,pro:sub|she mod|do&3S~neg|not v|have det:poss|her n|wool .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈʃi ˈdʌz ˈhæv hə ˈwʊː,ˈʃiː ˈdʌz ˈhæv həɹ ˈwʊl,NA,NA,2404090,2406060,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  530. why doesn't she have her wool what did Glenmae do ? ,pro:int|why mod|do&3S~neg|not pro:sub|she v|have det:poss|her n|wool pro:int|what mod|do&PAST n:prop|Glenmae v|do ?,1|5|JCT 2|5|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|11|OBJ 9|11|AUX 10|11|SUBJ 11|5|COMP 12|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2406060,2409510,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  531. yyy cut her wool . ,v|cut&ZERO det:poss|her n|wool .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,wə ˈkʌt hə ˈwʊl,* ˈkʌt həɹ ˈwʊl,NA,NA,2409510,2412225,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  532. yes Glenmae cut her wool that's right that's what she's doing in this picture she's using her scissors to cut the wool and she's up side down isn't she ? ,co|yes n:prop|Glenmae v|cut&ZERO det:poss|her n|wool pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S adj|right pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|what pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|do-PRESP prep|in det:dem|this n|picture pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|use-PRESP det:poss|her n|scissors inf|to v|cut&ZERO det:art|the n|wool coord|and pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S adv|up adj|side adv|down cop|be&3S~neg|not pro:sub|she ?,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|7|LINK 7|5|CMOD 8|10|JCT 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|PRED 11|14|LINK 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|10|CPRED 15|14|JCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|20|SUBJ 19|20|AUX 20|14|XJCT 21|22|DET 22|20|OBJ 23|24|INF 24|20|XJCT 25|26|DET 26|24|OBJ 27|29|LINK 28|29|SUBJ 29|24|CJCT 30|31|JCT 31|29|PRED 32|33|JCT 33|29|CJCT 34|33|NEG 35|33|PRED 36|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2412230,2422425,MOT,Mother,FEM,35,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  533. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2422425,2426660,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  534. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ɡəjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2426660,2427560,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  535. like a hair cut . ,prep|like det:art|a n|hair v|cut&ZERO .,1|4|LINK 2|3|DET 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2427560,2428705,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  536. yes yeah . ,co|yes co|yeah .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈjɛs ˈjæ,ˈjɛs ˈjæ,NA,NA,2428705,2431015,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  537. yyy xxx wool cut . ,n|wool v|cut&ZERO .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈtiɡən * ˈwʊːl ˈkʌt,* * ˈwʊl ˈkʌt,NA,NA,2431015,2433700,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  538. wool cut . ,n|wool v|cut&ZERO .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈwʊl ˈkʌt,ˈwʊl ˈkʌt,NA,NA,2433700,2437155,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  539. oh the first thing Glenmae did was chop up roots from my yucca plant . ,co|oh det:art|the adj|first n|thing n:prop|Glenmae v|do&PAST aux|be&PAST&13S v|chop adv|up n|root-PL prep|from det:poss|my n|yucca n|plant .,1|6|COM 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|6|SUBJ 5|4|APP 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|0|ROOT 9|8|JCT 10|9|POBJ 11|10|NJCT 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|11|POBJ 15|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2437155,2445705,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  540. the roots made a soapy rich lather with when she mixed with water . ,det:art|the n|root-PL v|make&PAST det:art|a adj|soap&dn-Y adj|rich n|lather prep|with pro:int|when pro:sub|she v|mix-PAST prep|with n|water .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|7|DET 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|OBJ 8|3|JCT 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|CPOBJ 12|11|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2445705,2450640,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  541. yyy goat do ‹that [?]› . ,n|goat v|do pro:dem|that .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈnɪɡtə ˈɡo ˈtuʔ æ,* ˈɡoʊt ˈduː ˈðæt,NA,NA,2450640,2453140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  542. goat doing over there ? ,n|goat part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|XMOD 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈɡo ˈduɪŋ ˈovə ˈdeɪːə,ˈɡoʊt ˈduːɪŋ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2453140,2456380,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  543. the goat is peeking over Glenmae's shoulder while she's pounding the roots with that mallet . ,det:art|the n|goat aux|be&3S part|peek-PRESP adv|over adj|Glenmae&dn-POSS n|shoulder conj|while pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|pound-PRESP det:art|the n|root-PL prep|with det:dem|that n|mallet .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|11|LINK 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|4|CJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|11|JCT 15|16|DET 16|14|POBJ 17|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2456380,2463855,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  544. that's a mallet it's a little bit like what you use to play drum . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|mallet pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|like pro:int|what pro:per|you v|use prep|to n|play n|drum .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|CMOD 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|PRED 10|9|NJCT 11|13|LINK 12|13|SUBJ 13|10|CPOBJ 14|13|JCT 15|16|MOD 16|14|POBJ 17|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2463855,2467820,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  545. it looks a little bit like a drum stick or a mallet . ,pro:per|it v|look-3S det:art|a adj|little n|bit prep|like det:art|a n|drum n|stick coord|or det:art|a n|mallet .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|5|CONJ 11|12|DET 12|10|COORD 13|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2467820,2471715,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  546. did we use a mallet yesterday ? ,mod|do&PAST pro:sub|we v|use det:art|a n|mallet adv:tem|yesterday ?,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2471715,2473705,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  547. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2473705,2474770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  548. yeah (re)member those drums they were lollipop drums . ,co|yeah v|remember det:dem|those n|drum-PL pro:sub|they cop|be&PAST n|lollipop n|drum-PL .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|CMOD 7|8|MOD 8|6|PRED 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2474770,2478260,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  549. in the music class . ,prep|in det:art|the n|music n|class .,1|0|INCROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2478260,2480675,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  550. we hit the drums with the sticks xxx xxx xxx xxx . ,pro:sub|we v|hit&ZERO det:art|the n|drum-PL prep|with det:art|the n|stick-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,drum sounds,NA,2480675,2485560,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  551. what those a little ‹play [?]› ? ,pro:int|what det:dem|those det:art|a adj|little n|play ?,1|5|LINK 2|5|DET 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,ˈwʌ dod ə ˈlɪʔəl ˈpleɪː,ˈwʌt ˈðoʊz ə ˈlɪtəl ˈpleɪ,NA,NA,2485560,2491140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  552. the little play . ,det:art|the adj|little n|play .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,də ˈlɪʔəl ˈpleɪː,ðə ˈlɪtəl ˈpleɪ,NA,NA,2491140,2496350,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  553. yyy play . ,n|play .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌmnə ˈpleɪː,* ˈpleɪ,NA,NA,2496350,2498815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  554. see that bird over there ? ,v|see comp|that n|bird prep|over n|there ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2498815,2501255,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  555. see that green tree ? ,v|see adv|that adj|green n|tree ?,1|0|ROOT 2|3|JCT 3|4|MOD 4|1|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2501255,2502890,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  556. there's a bird in the tree . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|bird prep|in det:art|the n|tree .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|4|NJCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2502890,2505475,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  557. yeah they had it in the snow . ,co|yeah pro:sub|they v|have&PAST pro:per|it prep|in det:art|the n|snow .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,əˈjæ ˈdeɪ ˈhæd ɪd ɪn də ˈsno,ˈjæ ˈðeɪ ˈhæd ˈɪt ˈɪn ðə ˈsnoʊ,NA,NA,2505475,2509405,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  558. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2509405,2510020,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  559. there ! ,adv|there !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdeɪə,ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2510020,2512695,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  560. I can see it very well cause I don't have my glasses on . ,pro:sub|I mod|can v|see pro:per|it adv|very adv|well n|cause pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|have det:poss|my n|glass-PL adv|on .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|JCT 6|3|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|3|COMP 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|11|JCT 15|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2512695,2517485,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  561. ‹over [?]› there . ,prep|over n|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈho ˈdeɪə,ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2517485,2519885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  562. hm: it's hiding in the tree I think . ,co|hm pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|hide-PRESP prep|in det:art|the n|tree pro:sub|I v|think .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|9|SUBJ 9|4|CJCT 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2519885,2524375,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  563. yeah there it is . ,co|yeah adv|there pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|4|COM 2|4|JCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2524375,2526985,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  564. yyy there ! ,adv|there !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈʊz ˈdeɪə,* ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2526985,2529260,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  565. that is a ah . ,pro:dem|that cop|be&3S det:art|a co|ah .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2529260,2531780,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  566. hah it's just hopping around hop hop hop . ,co|hah pro:per|it~aux|be&3S adv|just part|hop-PRESP prep|around n|hop n|hop n|hop .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2531780,2537100,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  567. yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,əˈhʌn ˈvuduˈɡæː,* *,NA,NA,2537100,2543620,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  568. oh it's hiding in the other tree . ,co|oh pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|hide-PRESP prep|in det:art|the qn|other n|tree .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|8|DET 7|8|QUANT 8|5|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2543620,2548260,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  569. yyy birdy birdy . ,adj|bird&dn-Y adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ənˈkuv ˈbɜ˞ˈdi ˈbɜ˞ʔi,* ˈbʌɹdiː ˈbʌɹdiː,NA,NA,2548260,2552315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  570. birdy birdy . ,adj|bird&dn-Y adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈbɜ˞di ˈbɜ˞di,ˈbʌɹdiː ˈbʌɹdiː,NA,NA,2552315,2555820,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  571. I think there's a cardinal in the ‹bottom [?]› of 0the fence . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|cardinal prep|in det:art|the n|bottom prep|of 0det:art|the n|fence .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|PRED 7|6|NJCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|9|NJCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈðɪnk ˈdeɪz ə ˈkɑd ˈɪn də ˈbodən ə ˈfɛns,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈðɛɹz ə ˈkɑɹdənəl ˈɪn ðə ˈbɑtəm ˈʌv ˈfɛns,NA,Original Orthography: card < inal >,2555820,2559415,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  572. really . ,adv|real&dadj-LY .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2559415,2560540,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  573. let me see . ,v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|see .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2560540,2561780,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  574. there's 0a cardinal . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S 0det:art|a n|cardinal .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,ˈðeɪz ˈkɑdnəl,ˈðɛɹz ˈkɑɹdənəl,NA,NA,2561780,2566005,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  575. yyy I think xxx yyy . ,pro:sub|I v|think .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈkɑ ˈaɪː ˈðɪnk * ˈhʊˈweɪ,* ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk * *,NA,NA,2566005,2570930,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  576. everybody's in the other tree . ,adj|everybody&dn-POSS prep|in det:art|the qn|other n|tree .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|QUANT 5|2|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈɛʔiˈbʌdiz ɪn də ˈʌd ˈtwi,ˈɛvɹiːˌbɑdiːz ˈɪn ðə ˈʌðəɹ ˈtɹiː,NA,NA,2570930,2574530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  577. xxx there are so many birds today . ,pro:exist|there cop|be&PRES adv|so qn|many n|bird-PL adv:tem|today .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|JCT 4|5|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|2|JCT 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2574530,2580005,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  578. look everybody's in the other tree yyy yyy . ,co|look adj|everybody&dn-POSS prep|in det:art|the qn|other n|tree .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|DET 5|6|QUANT 6|3|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈlʊ ˈɛviˈbʌdiz ɪn də ˈʌdə ˈtwi ˈɛsɪzəm ˈbɪ,ˈlʊk ˈɛvɹiːˌbɑdiːz ˈɪn ðə ˈʌðəɹ ˈtɹiː * *,NA,NA,2580005,2584340,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  579. and then the big and then the big birdy wants to go 0to the little tree . ,coord|and adv:tem|then det:art|the adj|big coord|and adv:tem|then det:art|the adj|big adj|bird&dn-Y v|want-3S inf|to v|go 0prep|to det:art|the adj|little n|tree .,1|10|LINK 2|10|JCT 3|4|DET 4|10|JCT 5|4|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|10|SUBJ 10|0|ROOT 11|12|INF 12|10|COMP 13|12|JCT 14|16|DET 15|16|MOD 16|13|POBJ 17|10|PUNCT,ɛn ˈdɛn də ˈbɪ ɛ ˈdɛn də ˈbɪ ˈbɜ˞di ˈwɑ də ˈɡo də ˈlɪdə ˈtwi,ˈænd ˈðɛn ðə ˈbɪɡ ˈænd ˈðɛn ðə ˈbɪɡ ˈbʌɹdiː ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ðə ˈlɪtəl ˈtɹiː,NA,NA,2584340,2589485,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  580. you think another big bird wants to go in a little tree ah: . ,pro:per|you v|think qn|another adj|big n|bird v|want-3S inf|to v|go prep|in det:art|a adj|little n|tree co|ah .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|MOD 5|6|SUBJ 6|2|COMP 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|POBJ 13|8|COM 14|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2589485,2593925,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  581. yyy wants to go over there 0to the big tree next to that yyy big tree . ,v|want-3S inf|to v|go prep|over n|there 0prep|to det:art|the adj|big n|tree adv|next prep|to det:dem|that adj|big n|tree .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|COMP 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|JCT 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|POBJ 10|3|JCT 11|3|JCT 12|14|DET 13|14|MOD 14|11|POBJ 15|1|PUNCT,ˈdo ˈwʌnts tə ˈɡo ˈovə ˈdeɪ də ˈbɪɡ ˈtwi ˈnɛks tu ˈdæt pəzən ˈbɪɡ ˈtwi,* ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ ðə ˈbɪɡ ˈtɹiː ˈnɛkst ˈtuː ˈðæt * ˈbɪɡ ˈtɹiː,NA,NA,2593925,2600080,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  582. next to that big tree . ,adv|next prep|to det:dem|that adj|big n|tree .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2600080,2601565,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  583. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,2601565,2602900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  584. hm: I don't see that bird it might still be in there hm: . ,co|hm pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|see comp|that n|bird pro:per|it mod|might adv|still cop|be prep|in n|there co|hm .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|3|NEG 5|0|ROOT 6|11|LINK 7|11|SUBJ 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|11|JCT 11|5|COMP 12|11|JCT 13|12|POBJ 14|5|COM 15|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2602900,2608905,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  585. peak yyy wants to go to the +... ,n|peak v|want-3S inf|to v|go prep|to det:art|the +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈpik ɪntə ˈwʌns tə ˈɡo tu di,ˈpiːk * ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ˈtuː ðə,NA,NA,2608905,2611640,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  586. birdy to go the little birdy feather . ,adj|bird&dn-Y inf|to v|go det:art|the adj|little adj|bird&dn-Y n|feather .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|XMOD 4|7|DET 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|3|OBJ 8|1|PUNCT,ˈbɜ˞di ˈtʊdə ˈɡo də ˈlɪʔəl ˈbɜ˞di ˈfɛdə,ˈbʌɹdiː ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ðə ˈlɪtəl ˈbʌɹdiː ˈfɛðəɹ,NA,NA,2611640,2616860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  587. 0he wants to go 0on the little birdy feather . ,0pro:sub|he v|want-3S inf|to v|go 0prep|on det:art|the adj|little adj|bird&dn-Y n|feather .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|9|DET 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|5|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,ˈdʊn də ˈɡo də ˈlɪʔəl ˈbɜ˞di ˈfɛdə,ˈwɑnts ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ðə ˈlɪtəl ˈbʌɹdiː ˈfɛðəɹ,NA,NA,2616860,2623245,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  588. ‹tweet [x 3]› bird yyy xxx . ,v|tweet n|bird .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈtwit ˈbɜ˞ˈd æ̃n *,ˈtwiːt ˈbʌɹd * *,CHI says something inaudible at end of utternace,NA,2623245,2627590,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  589. no ! ,co|no !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈnoː,ˈnoʊ,NA,NA,2627590,2629955,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  590. we can still read the book even if you're done eating . ,pro:sub|we mod|can adv|still v|read&ZERO det:art|the n|book adv|even conj|if pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|do&PASTP part|eat-PRESP .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|JCT 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|11|LINK 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|4|CJCT 12|11|COMP 13|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2629955,2632655,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  591. ‹let's [?]› read a book . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|read&ZERO det:art|a n|book .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ɪtə ˈwid ə ˈbʊk,ˈlɛts ˈɹiːd ə ˈbʊk,NA,NA,2632655,2634080,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  592. alright . ,co|alright .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2634080,2634695,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  593. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈɜ˞aʊ,*,NA,NA,2634695,2640605,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  594. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2640605,2643945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  595. hey look at those beautiful nothing there yet . ,co|hey v|look prep|at det:dem|those adj|beautiful pro:indef|nothing adv|there adv|yet .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|POBJ 7|2|JCT 8|2|JCT 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2643945,2648590,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  596. not oh that one came through . ,neg|not co|oh det:dem|that pro:indef|one v|come&PAST adv|through .,1|2|NEG 2|5|COM 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2648590,2650985,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  597. and there's that one come down even more . ,coord|and pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:dem|that pro:indef|one v|come adv|down adj|even pro:indef|more .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|CPRED 7|6|JCT 8|9|MOD 9|6|OBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2650985,2654590,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  598. yeah you have some new teeth don't you . ,co|yeah pro:per|you v|have qn|some adj|new n|tooth&PL mod|do~neg|not pro:per|you .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|QUANT 5|6|MOD 6|9|SUBJ 7|9|AUX 8|7|NEG 9|3|COMP 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2654590,2657330,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  599. where are your new teeth ? ,pro:int|where cop|be&PRES det:poss|your adj|new n|tooth&PL ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2657330,2659080,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  600. there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdeɪə,ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2659080,2660555,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  601. yeah you know where they are huh right there . ,co|yeah pro:per|you v|know pro:int|where pro:sub|they cop|be&PRES co|huh adv|right adv|there .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|LINK 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|9|COM 8|9|JCT 9|6|JCT 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2660555,2663500,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  602. over there . ,prep|over n|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈovə ˈdeɪə,ˈoʊvəɹ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2663500,2665540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  603. that's it that's right that's where it is . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:per|it pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adj|right pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S pro:int|where pro:per|it cop|be&3S .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|PRED 6|8|JCT 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|PRED 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|PRED 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2665540,2667550,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  604. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2667550,2670025,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  605. xxx ‹do [?]› read . ,mod|do v|read&ZERO .,1|2|AUX 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,* də ˈwid,* ˈduː ˈɹiːd,CHI makes odd sound at beginning of utterance,NA,2670025,2673300,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  606. what's the what's Geraldine have in her mouth here ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|the pro:int|what~cop|be&3S n:prop|Geraldine v|have prep|in det:poss|her n|mouth adv|here ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|CPRED 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|7|JCT 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2673300,2676450,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  607. a watering can ! ,det:art|a n:gerund|water-PRESP mod|can !,1|3|DET 2|3|XMOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ə ˈwɑdəwɪn ˈkæ̃n,ə ˈwɑtəɹɪŋ ˈkæn,NA,NA,2676450,2678915,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  608. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2684020,2688420,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  609. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2688420,2692275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  610. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2692275,2694605,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  611. aft(er) oh_my_goodness . ,prep|after co|oh_my_goodness .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2694605,2698250,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  612. yyy yyy stand goat ! ,n|stand n|goat !,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈɪvəɪzənə ˈslɪ ˈstæ̃n ˈɡot,* * ˈstænd ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,2698250,2703315,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  613. Glenmae is standing on a boat I mean xxx Glenmae is standing on the goat . ,n:prop|Glenmae aux|be&3S part|stand-PRESP prep|on det:art|a n|boat pro:sub|I v|mean n:prop|Glenmae aux|be&3S part|stand-PRESP prep|on det:art|the n|goat .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|8|XJCT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|8|COMP 12|11|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2703315,2710700,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  614. standing Geraldine . ,part|stand-PRESP n:prop|Geraldine .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈstæ̃nˈdɪn ˈdʒeɪwəˈdin,ˈstændɪŋ ʤɛɹəlˈdiːn,NA,NA,2710700,2714685,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  615. yyy is standing on Geraldine . ,aux|be&3S part|stand-PRESP prep|on n:prop|Geraldine .,1|2|AUX 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,dəˈwidɪs ɪ ˈstæ̃ndɪn ɑn ˈdʒeɪwɪˈsin,* ˈɪz ˈstændɪŋ ˈɑn ʤɛɹəlˈdiːn,NA,NA,2714685,2725595,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  616. I'm in a pail of wool . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S prep|in det:art|a n|pail prep|of n|wool .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,əˈaɪm ɪn ə peɪə vː ˈwʊl,ˈaɪm ˈɪn ə ˈpeɪl ˈʌv ˈwʊl,NA,NA,2725590,2731575,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  617. I'm in a pail of wool . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S prep|in det:art|a n|pail prep|of n|wool .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪm ɪn ə ˈpeɪ əv ˈwʊl,ˈaɪm ˈɪn ə ˈpeɪl ˈʌv ˈwʊl,NA,NA,2731575,2733790,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  618. a what of wool ? ,det:art|a pro:int|what prep|of n|wool ?,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2733790,2735110,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  619. a pail . ,det:art|a n|pail .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ə ˈpeɪl,ə ˈpeɪl,NA,NA,2735110,2737275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  620. a pail of wool yeah it's a pail of wool . ,det:art|a n|pail prep|of n|wool co|yeah pro:per|it~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|pail prep|of n|wool .,1|2|DET 2|7|SUBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|POBJ 5|7|COM 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|9|DET 9|7|PRED 10|9|NJCT 11|10|POBJ 12|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2737275,2740520,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  621. yyy see what's a yyy yyy goat yyy yyy xxx her white ‹wool [?]› . ,co|see pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|goat det:poss|her adj|white n|wool .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,no ˈsi ˈwʊs ə ˈsteɪɑm ˈnʌdə ˈɡotə əˈhæ̃ndˈʌpə du * hə ˈwaɪt ˈwɛl,* ˈsiː ˈwʌts ə * * ˈɡoʊt * * * həɹ ˈwaɪt ˈwʊl,NA,NA,2740520,2750085,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  622. she's hanging up the white wool that's right . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|hang-PRESP prep|up det:art|the adj|white n|wool pro:rel|that~cop|be&3S co|right .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|POBJ 8|9|LINK 9|7|CMOD 10|9|PRED 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2750085,2752855,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  623. those are pails or buckets you can call them either a pail or a bucket . ,pro:dem|those cop|be&PRES n|pail-PL coord|or n|bucket-PL pro:per|you mod|can v|call pro:obj|them coord|either det:art|a n|pail coord|or det:art|a n|bucket .,1|2|SUBJ 2|8|CJCT 3|2|PRED 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|0|ROOT 9|8|OBJ 10|8|CONJ 11|12|DET 12|10|COORD 13|12|CONJ 14|15|DET 15|13|COORD 16|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2752855,2758610,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  624. a pail ! ,det:art|a n|pail !,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ə ˈpeɪːl,ə ˈpeɪl,NA,NA,2758610,2761680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  625. yyy pail . ,n|pail .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈkæ̃ntə ˈpeɪl,* ˈpeɪl,NA,NA,2761680,2764370,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  626. oh hey what is Glenmae is wearing on her head now ? ,co|oh co|hey pro:int|what cop|be&3S n:prop|Glenmae aux|be&3S part|wear-PRESP prep|on det:poss|her adj|head adv|now ?,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|4|CPRED 8|7|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|10|JCT 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2764370,2770415,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  627. xxx yyy yyy making yarn out of wool . ,part|make-PRESP n|yarn adv|out prep|of n|wool .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|1|PUNCT,* ˈʌːt dɪdəˈfɪndəə ˈmeɪkɪŋ ˈjɑdə ˈdɪ dɪn ˈwʊd,* * * ˈmeɪkɪŋ ˈjɑɹn ˈaʊt ˈʌv ˈwʊl,CHI makes blowing sound at beginning of utterance,NA,2770415,2780685,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  628. that's right she's making yarn out of the wool she's spinning . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S adv|right pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|make-PRESP n|yarn adv|out prep|of det:art|the n|wool pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|spin-PRESP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|JCT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|CPRED 7|14|JCT 8|7|NJCT 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|6|COMP 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2780685,2784260,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  629. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2784260,2786875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  630. she's turn the page . ,pro:sub|she~cop|be&3S v|turn det:art|the n|page .,1|2|SUBJ 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈsiz ˈtɜ˞n də ˈpeɪːdʒ,ˈʃiːz ˈtʌɹn ðə ˈpeɪʤ,NA,NA,2786875,2791220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  631. oh you want but look what the goat is doing there . ,co|oh pro:per|you v|want conj|but v|look pro:int|what det:art|the n|goat aux|be&3S part|do-PRESP adv|there .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|10|LINK 7|8|DET 8|10|SUBJ 9|10|AUX 10|5|COMP 11|10|JCT 12|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2791220,2794325,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  632. she's ‹taking [?]› the yarn . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|take-PRESP det:art|the n|yarn .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ˈʃiz ˈtɜ˞dɪŋ də ˈjɑn,ˈʃiːz ˈteɪkɪŋ ðə ˈjɑɹn,NA,NA,2794325,2802110,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  633. oh looks like Glenmae has a list in this picture . ,co|oh v|look-3S conj|like n:prop|Glenmae v|have&3S det:art|a n|list prep|in det:dem|this n|picture .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2802110,2807410,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  634. that's a list . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a n|list .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2807410,2808745,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  635. what is yyy doing o(ver) there ? ,pro:int|what aux|be&3S part|do-PRESP prep|over n|there ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,ʊːˈwʌt ɪz ˈdɪzi ˈduɪn ˈo ˈdeɪə,ˈwʌt ˈɪz * ˈduːɪn ˈoʊ ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2808745,2812625,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  636. what is Geraldine doing in this picture . ,pro:int|what aux|be&3S n:prop|Geraldine part|do-PRESP prep|in det:dem|this n|picture .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2812625,2814835,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  637. oh he's trying to tickle yyy Glenmae . ,co|oh pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|try-PRESP prep|to n|tickle n:prop|Glenmae .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|MOD 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,ˈo ɪʒ ˈtwaɪɪn tə ˈtɪkəl ðə ˈdweɪ,ˈoʊ ˈhiːz ˈtɹaɪɪŋ ˈtuː ˈtɪkəl * ˌɡlɛnˈmeɪ,NA,NA,2814835,2819225,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  638. I think she is trying to tickle Glenmae she's sticking her nose up in the back of her shirt . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she aux|be&3S part|try-PRESP prep|to n|tickle n:prop|Glenmae pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|stick-PRESP det:poss|her n|nose adv|up prep|in det:art|the adv|back prep|of det:poss|her n|shirt .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|JCT 7|8|MOD 8|6|POBJ 9|11|SUBJ 10|11|AUX 11|5|XJCT 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|11|JCT 15|11|JCT 16|17|DET 17|15|POBJ 18|17|JCT 19|20|DET 20|18|POBJ 21|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2819225,2824765,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  639. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,2824765,2827460,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  640. silly goat . ,co|silly n|goat .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈsɪli ˈɡot,ˈsɪliː ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,2827460,2829220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  641. silly goat . ,co|silly n|goat .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,kəˈsɪli ˈɡot,ˈsɪliː ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,2829220,2832170,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  642. and Glenmae is picking some leaves here in this picture . ,coord|and n:prop|Glenmae aux|be&3S part|pick-PRESP qn|some n|leaf-PL adv|here prep|in det:dem|this n|picture .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|QUANT 6|4|OBJ 7|4|JCT 8|4|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2832170,2836150,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  643. oh he's eating the flowers . ,co|oh pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|eat-PRESP det:art|the n|flower-PL .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|4|PUNCT,ˈo ˈhiz ˈitɪŋ də ˈflaʊˈwʌz,ˈoʊ ˈhiːz ˈiːtɪŋ ðə ˈflaʊəɹz,NA,NA,2836150,2843445,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  644. goat . ,n|goat .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈɡot,ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,2843445,2845450,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  645. and here's the goat lying on her back . ,coord|and pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|goat part|lie-PRESP prep|on det:poss|her n|back .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|PRED 6|5|XMOD 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2845450,2848740,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  646. oh he's eating yyy those plants that Glenmae collected . ,co|oh pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|eat-PRESP det:dem|those n|plant-PL pro:rel|that n:prop|Glenmae v|collect-PAST .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|9|LINK 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|CMOD 10|4|PUNCT,ˈo ˈhiz ˈitɪŋ ˈnɪn dʒoz ˈpæ̃nt dæ ˈlɛnˈmeɪ ˈkoˈlɛktəd,ˈoʊ ˈhiːz ˈiːtɪŋ * ˈðoʊz ˈplænts ˈðæt ˌɡlɛnˈmeɪ kəˈlɛktəd,NA,NA,2848740,2861560,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  647. can you see the red birds the red cardinal birds . ,mod|can pro:per|you v|see det:art|the n|red n|bird-PL det:art|the n|red n|cardinal n|bird-PL .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|10|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|6|APP 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2861560,2864590,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  648. there . ,adv|there .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈdeɪə,ˈðɛɹ,NA,NA,2864590,2865680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  649. there's two or three of them in the in the back yard now . ,pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:num|two coord|or det:num|three prep|of pro:obj|them prep|in det:art|the prep|in det:art|the adj|back n|yard adv|now .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|CONJ 5|4|COORD 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|JCT 9|14|DET 10|14|JCT 11|13|DET 12|13|MOD 13|10|POBJ 14|8|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2865680,2868680,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  650. I ‹wonder [?]› flew away . ,pro:sub|I v|wonder v|fly&PAST adv|away .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈwʌndə ˈflu əˈweɪ,ˈaɪ ˈwʌndəɹ ˈfluː əˈweɪ,NA,NA,2868680,2870810,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  651. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2870810,2871330,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  652. yyy flew away . ,v|fly&PAST adv|away .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,ˈdætʊ ˈflu əˈweɪ,* ˈfluː əˈweɪ,NA,NA,2871330,2876145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  653. ‹under [?]› the tree . ,prep|under det:art|the n|tree .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈʊ də ˈtwi,ˈʌndəɹ ðə ˈtɹiː,NA,NA,2876145,2877505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  654. yyy birdy yyy tweet tweet tweet tweet yyy that says the birdy yyy tweety tweety . ,adj|bird&dn-Y v|tweet v|tweet v|tweet v|tweet pro:dem|that v|say-3S det:art|the adj|bird&dn-Y adj|tweet&dv-Y adj|tweet&dv-Y .,1|2|MOD 2|7|CJCT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|OBJ 5|4|OBJ 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|11|DET 9|11|MOD 10|11|MOD 11|7|OBJ 12|7|PUNCT,ˈoˈʌndədə ˈbɜ˞d dənəs ˈdwi ˈtwit ˈtwit ˈtwit ˈaɪdɪdoˈtwit ˈdə sɛz də ˈbɜ˞ˈdi ˈælɪdiˈdwidi ˈdwidi ˈdwidi,* ˈbʌɹdiː * ˈtwiːt ˈtwiːt ˈtwiːt ˈtwiːt * ˈðæt ˈsɛz ðə ˈbʌɹdiː * ˈtwiːtiː ˈtwiːtiː,NA,NA,2877505,2889870,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  655. bird feather . ,n|bird n|feather .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈbɜ˞d ˈfɛθɜ˞,ˈbʌɹd ˈfɛðəɹ,NA,NA,2889870,2892290,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  656. bird feather . ,n|bird n|feather .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2892290,2893280,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  657. a tweet little birdy . ,det:art|a v|tweet adj|little adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|2|DET 2|0|ROOT 3|4|MOD 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,ə ˈtif ˈdɪʔəl ˈbɜ˞di,ə ˈtwiːt ˈlɪtəl ˈbʌɹdiː,NA,NA,2893280,2895125,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  658. tweet little birdy . ,v|tweet adj|little adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|MOD 3|1|JCT 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2895125,2896785,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  659. ‹tweet [x 5]› xxx . ,v|tweet .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈtwit *,ˈtwiːt *,CHI whining at end,NA,2896785,2901150,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  660. we still gonna read we still gonna read the book but I think you're finished eating this . ,pro:sub|we adv|still part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|read&ZERO pro:sub|we adv|still part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|read&ZERO det:art|the n|book conj|but pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|finish-PASTP part|eat-PRESP pro:dem|this .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|JCT 3|0|ROOT 4|5|INF 5|3|COMP 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|JCT 8|5|COMP 9|10|INF 10|8|COMP 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|15|LINK 14|15|SUBJ 15|3|CJCT 16|18|SUBJ 17|18|AUX 18|15|COMP 19|18|XJCT 20|19|OBJ 21|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2901150,2907350,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  661. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI whining,NA,2907350,2918510,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  662. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI whining,NA,2918510,2922090,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  663. hey weren't you snapped into that ? ,co|hey cop|be&PAST~neg|not pro:per|you v|snap-PAST prep|into pro:dem|that ?,1|2|COM 2|5|JCT 3|2|NEG 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2922090,2924275,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  664. you mean you didn't have your seat your belt on all this time sheesh . ,pro:per|you v|mean pro:per|you mod|do&PAST~neg|not v|have det:poss|your n|seat det:poss|your n|belt prep|on qn|all det:dem|this n|time co|sheesh .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|SUBJ 4|6|AUX 5|4|NEG 6|2|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|10|DET 10|6|OBJ 11|10|NJCT 12|14|QUANT 13|14|DET 14|11|POBJ 15|14|COM 16|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2924275,2931550,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  665. xxx can Mommy clean your hands so you don't get the book messy please . ,mod|can n:prop|Mommy v|clean det:poss|your n|hand-PL conj|so pro:per|you mod|do~neg|not v|get det:art|the n|book adj|mess&dn-Y co|please .,1|3|AUX 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|10|LINK 7|10|SUBJ 8|10|AUX 9|8|NEG 10|3|CJCT 11|12|DET 12|10|OBJ 13|14|MOD 14|12|CMOD 15|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2931550,2935905,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  666. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI making odd noises,NA,2935905,2940675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  667. come here little messy handed girl . ,v|come adv|here adj|little adj|mess&dn-Y adj|handed n|girl .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|JCT 3|6|MOD 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|1|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2940675,2946190,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  668. yyy yyy cold . ,n|cold .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ɪˈlɛl ˈʌː ˈkod,* * ˈkoʊld,NA,NA,2946190,2950475,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  669. well you'll live . ,co|well pro:per|you~mod|will v|live .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2950475,2952845,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  670. there are so many birds there's the cardinal birds up there come sit up here . ,pro:exist|there cop|be&PRES adv|so qn|many n|bird-PL pro:exist|there~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|cardinal n|bird-PL prep|up n|there v|come v|sit prep|up n|here .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|JCT 4|5|QUANT 5|2|PRED 6|7|SUBJ 7|5|CMOD 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|14|SUBJ 11|10|NJCT 12|11|POBJ 13|14|SRL 14|7|COMP 15|14|JCT 16|15|POBJ 17|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2952845,2960165,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  671. a cardinal birdy . ,det:art|a adj|cardinal adj|bird&dn-Y .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ə ˈkɑdɪnəl ˈboːdi,ə ˈkɑɹdənəl ˈbʌɹdiː,NA,NA,2960165,2963540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  672. yeah you can just call them a cardinal you know . ,co|yeah pro:per|you mod|can adj|just n|call pro:obj|them det:art|a n|cardinal pro:per|you v|know .,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|MOD 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|OBJ2 7|8|DET 8|5|OBJ 9|10|SUBJ 10|8|CMOD 11|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2963540,2967280,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  673. cardinals . ,n|cardinal-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2967280,2969315,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  674. yyy sit against the stool very closely . ,v|sit prep|against det:art|the n|stool adv|very adv|close&dadj-LY .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|6|JCT 6|1|JCT 7|1|PUNCT,ˈɡɪˈɡu ˈsɪʔ əˈɡɛn də ˈstoleɪ ˈveɪwi ˈklosli,* ˈsɪt əˈɡɛnst ðə ˈstuːl ˈvɛɹiː ˈkloʊsliː,NA,NA,2969315,2974760,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  675. you're sitting on the stool doing what ? ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|sit-PRESP prep|on det:art|the n|stool part|do-PRESP pro:int|what ?,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|XJCT 8|7|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2974760,2977245,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  676. very closely . ,adv|very adv|close&dadj-LY .,1|2|JCT 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈveɪi ˈkloːsli,ˈvɛɹiː ˈkloʊsliː,NA,NA,2977245,2980240,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  677. and do ‹the [?]› closely . ,coord|and v|do det:art|the adv|close&dadj-LY .,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|JCT 5|2|PUNCT,æ̃n ˈdu də ˈkloːsi,ˈænd ˈduː ðə ˈkloʊsliː,NA,NA,2980240,2983940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  678. I'm I'm snuggling up to you very closely while I'm cleaning your hands . ,pro:sub|I~cop|be&1S pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|snuggle-PRESP adv|up prep|to pro:per|you adv|very adv|close&dadj-LY conj|while pro:sub|I~aux|be&1S part|clean-PRESP det:poss|your n|hand-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|PRED 6|5|JCT 7|5|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|10|JCT 10|5|JCT 11|14|LINK 12|14|SUBJ 13|14|AUX 14|2|CJCT 15|16|DET 16|14|OBJ 17|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2983940,2989900,MOT,Mother,FEM,16,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  679. yyy says trying 0to spin you . ,v|say-3S part|try-PRESP 0inf|to v|spin pro:per|you .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|COMP 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈm̃n sɛz ˈtwaɪɪn ˈspɪn ˈju,* ˈsɛz ˈtɹaɪɪŋ ˈspɪn ˈjuː,NA,NA,2989900,2993220,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  680. oh you want me to spin you xxx . ,co|oh pro:per|you v|want pro:obj|me inf|to v|spin pro:per|you .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|INF 6|3|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,2993220,3000105,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  681. yyy spin you . ,v|spin pro:per|you .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈwʊːs ˈspɪn ˈju,* ˈspɪn ˈjuː,NA,NA,3000105,3001875,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  682. okay xxx let's get your mouth chin and cheeks here . ,co|okay v|let~pro:obj|us v|get det:poss|your n|mouth n|chin coord|and n|cheek-PL adv|here .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|COMP 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|9|NJCT 11|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3001875,3007035,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  683. mouth chin and cheeks mouth chin and cheeks . ,n|mouth n|chin coord|and n|cheek-PL n|mouth n|chin coord|and n|cheek-PL .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|CONJ 4|6|MOD 5|6|MOD 6|3|COORD 7|2|CONJ 8|7|COORD 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3007035,3010820,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  684. oh dear you wanna spin again . ,co|oh co|dear pro:per|you v|want~inf|to v|spin adv|again .,1|4|COM 2|4|COM 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|INF 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3010820,3015100,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  685. ready to spin . ,adj|ready inf|to v|spin .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|XMOD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3015100,3017715,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  686. xxx wow . ,co|wow .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3017715,3022250,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  687. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,"CHI mumbling with MOT talking over , inaudible",NA,3022250,3026010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  688. down we go . ,n|down pro:sub|we v|go .,1|0|INCROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|CMOD 4|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3026010,3027340,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  689. want to go try them on yyy . ,v|want inf|to v|go v|try pro:obj|them adv|on .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|INF 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|4|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|1|PUNCT,ˈwɑn tə ˈɡo ˈtwaɪ ʔɛm ˈɑn ˈmaɪdɪˈhɪm,ˈwɑnt ˈtuː ˈɡoʊ ˈtɹaɪ ˈðɛm ˈɑn *,NA,NA,3027340,3031940,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  690. ‹work [?]› outside . ,n|work adv|outside .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,ʊˈwʊk ˈaʊˈsaɪd,ˈwʌɹk ˌaʊtˈsaɪd,NA,NA,3031940,3035105,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  691. it's ‹Saturday [?]› she do yyy . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n:prop|Saturday pro:sub|she v|do .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|CMOD 6|2|PUNCT,ˈɪs ˈsæɜ˞deɪ ˈsi ˈduː ˈwæ,ˈɪts ˈsætəɹdiː ˈʃiː ˈduː *,NA,NA,3035105,3042190,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  692. yyy rug . ,n|rug .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈlætɪsˈdoˈwʊnɪndɪdə ˈwʌɡ,* ˈɹʌɡ,NA,NA,3042190,3048295,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  693. xxx yyy yyy what's she doing yyy ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|do-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,* ˈdaʊʔu tʃɪˈdaʊ ˈwʌz hi ˈdoɪŋ ɪˈneɪjə,* * * ˈwʌts ˈʃiː ˈduːɪŋ *,odd loud noise at beginning,NA,3048295,3053805,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  694. she do xxx +/. ,pro:sub|she v|do +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈsi ˈdu *,ˈʃiː ˈduː *,"MOT speaking over CHI , makes most of utterance inaudible",NA,3053805,3059090,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  695. yeah [: yes] yyy the rug . ,co|yes det:art|the n|rug .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈjɪ ˈɛʔˈn̩ˈʌˈoːdəˈmeɪbiˈstɪˈʌndəˈdɪ də ˈwʌɡ,ˈjæ * ðə ˈɹʌɡ,NA,Original Orthography: ye < ah >,3059090,3066080,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  696. yyy yyy Mommy yyy helping the goat see the rug . ,n:prop|Mommy part|help-PRESP det:art|the n|goat v|see det:art|the n|rug .,1|5|SUBJ 2|5|XJCT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|PUNCT,ˈnaʊn̩ ˈnaʊdɪ ˈnʌˈnʌ məmeɪə hə ˈɡʌnə ˈɡo ˈsi də ˈwʌɡ,* * ˈmɑmiː * ˈhɛlpɪŋ ðə ˈɡoʊt ˈsiː ðə ˈɹʌɡ,NA,NA,3066080,3081530,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  697. yap [: yes] she's holding up one end of it . ,co|yes pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|hold-PRESP adv|up det:num|one n|end prep|of pro:per|it .,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|QUANT 7|4|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3079080,3082010,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  698. so that she can see it . ,adv|so pro:rel|that pro:sub|she mod|can v|see pro:per|it .,1|0|INCROOT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|1|CMOD 6|5|OBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3082010,3083830,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  699. please don't climb up on it okay . ,co|please mod|do~neg|not v|climb adv|up prep|on pro:per|it co|okay .,1|4|COM 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|4|COM 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3083830,3086860,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  700. xxx holding she's holding up the wool . ,part|hold-PRESP pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|hold-PRESP prep|up det:art|the n|wool .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|4|PUNCT,* ˈhodi ˈhi ˈhodi ˈnʌp ə ˈwʌ,* ˈhoʊldɪŋ ˈʃiːz ˈhoʊldɪŋ ˈʌp ðə ˈwʊl,CHI making odd noises at beginning,NA,3086860,3093080,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  701. she's holding up the wool yeah . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|hold-PRESP prep|up det:art|the n|wool co|yeah .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|3|COM 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3093080,3096255,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  702. his yyy she do that . ,pro:poss|his pro:sub|she v|do pro:dem|that .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,hɪz ˈsæp ˈʃi ˈdu ɾæʔ,ˈhɪz * ˈʃiː ˈduː ˈðæt,NA,NA,3096255,3100655,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  703. xxx she's wearing yyy the wool . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|wear-PRESP det:art|the n|wool .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|PUNCT,* ˈʃi ˈweɪwɪn dəˈɡo də ˈwʊl,* ˈʃiːz ˈwɛɹɪŋ * ðə ˈwʊl,"CHI softly mumbling something at beginning , inaudible",NA,3100655,3107685,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  704. ‹he's [?]› measuring the goat's wool . ,pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|measure-PRESP det:art|the adj|goat&dn-POSS n|wool .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈhiz ˈwɛdəˈwɪŋ də ˈɡots ˈwʊl,ˈhiːz ˈmɛʒəɹɪŋ ðə ˈɡoʊts ˈwʊl,NA,NA,3107685,3111210,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  705. she's measuring 0the goat's wool . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|measure-PRESP 0det:art|the adj|goat&dn-POSS n|wool .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈʃi ˈwɛdɪŋ ˈɡots ˈwʊl,ˈʃiːz ˈmɛʒəɹɪŋ ˈɡoʊts ˈwʊl,NA,NA,3111210,3114390,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  706. she's measuring the goat's wool . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|measure-PRESP det:art|the adj|goat&dn-POSS n|wool .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3114390,3116105,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  707. measuring . ,part|measure-PRESP .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3116105,3117315,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  708. and what's she using special tool to look at the goat there ? ,coord|and pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|use-PRESP adj|special n|tool inf|to v|look prep|at det:art|the n|goat adv|there ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|4|XMOD 6|7|MOD 7|5|OBJ 8|9|INF 9|7|XMOD 10|9|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|9|JCT 14|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3117315,3120760,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  709. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈɡwuˈæt,*,NA,NA,3120760,3121675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  710. what kind of a tool is that remember what I said that was ? ,pro:int|what n|kind prep|of det:art|a n|tool cop|be&3S comp|that v|remember pro:int|what pro:sub|I v|say&PAST adv|that cop|be&PAST&13S ?,1|2|MOD 2|6|SUBJ 3|2|NJCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|8|LINK 8|6|CPRED 9|11|LINK 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|COMP 12|13|JCT 13|11|COMP 14|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3121675,3125410,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  711. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,momentary audio problems,NA,3125410,3130625,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  712. a magnifying glass . ,det:art|a n:gerund|magnify-PRESP n|glass .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3130625,3133040,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  713. yyy yyy sneaking sneaking what's 0she gonna do next ? ,part|sneak-PRESP part|sneak-PRESP pro:int|what~cop|be&3S 0pro:sub|she part|go-PRESP~inf|to v|do adv|next ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|XJCT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|PRED 6|5|XMOD 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|1|PUNCT,ˈbaʊzaʊˈneɪə sːneɪ ˈstikɛn ˈsnikɛnwə ˈwʌts ˈɡʌnə ˈdu ˈnekst,* * ˈsniːkɪŋ ˈsniːkɪŋ ˈwʌts ˈɡɑnə ˈduː ˈnɛkst,NA,NA,3133040,3139385,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  714. you're thinking about what's oh you mean Glenmae's thinking about what to do next . ,pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|think-PRESP prep|about pro:int|what~cop|be&3S co|oh pro:per|you v|mean n:prop|Glenmae~aux|be&3S part|think-PRESP prep|about pro:int|what inf|to v|do adv|next .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|JCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|9|COM 8|9|SUBJ 9|6|CPRED 10|12|SUBJ 11|12|AUX 12|9|COMP 13|12|JCT 14|16|LINK 15|16|INF 16|13|CPOBJ 17|16|JCT 18|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3139385,3144570,MOT,Mother,FEM,17,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  715. xxx now Glenmae has still yyy rug gets made . ,adv|now n:prop|Glenmae aux|have&3S adv|still n|rug v|get-3S v|make&PAST .,1|6|JCT 2|6|SUBJ 3|6|AUX 4|6|JCT 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|6|COMP 8|6|PUNCT,* ˈnaʊ nɪˈmeɪ ˈhæz ˈstɪl əˈɡotə ˈwʌɡ ˈɡɛtsə ˈmeɪd,* ˈnaʊ ˌɡlɛnˈmeɪ ˈhæz ˈstɪl * ˈɹʌɡ ˈɡɛts ˈmeɪd,NA,NA,3144570,3150275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  716. she's showing the goat the rug that she made . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|show-PRESP det:art|the n|goat det:art|the n|rug pro:rel|that pro:sub|she v|make&PAST .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|10|LINK 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|CMOD 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3150275,3152455,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  717. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,CHI makes odd sound,NA,3152455,3155460,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  718. what is that she's using a tool ? ,pro:int|what cop|be&3S comp|that pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|tool ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|CPRED 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ɪz ˈdæ ˈtɪz ˈjudɪŋ ə ˈtuɛl,ˈwʌt ˈɪz ˈðæt ˈʃiːz ˈjuːzɪŋ ə ˈtuːl,NA,NA,3155460,3158925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  719. she's using a tool called a magnifying glass and . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|tool v|call-PAST det:art|a n:gerund|magnify-PRESP n|glass coord|and .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|3|COMP 7|9|DET 8|9|MOD 9|6|OBJ 10|9|CONJ 11|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3158925,3162540,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  720. yyy jump out jump xxx . ,v|jump prep|out n|jump .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈhʌːm ˈdʒʌmp ˈaʊt əˈdʒʌmp *,* ˈʤʌmp ˈaʊt ˈʤʌmp *,"CHI running away , losing microphone , speech becomes inaudible",NA,3162540,3166230,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  721. wow xxx the microphone the microphone the microphone fell off of her shirt . ,co|wow det:art|the n|microphone det:art|the n|microphone det:art|the n|microphone v|fall&PAST adv|off prep|of det:poss|her n|shirt .,1|3|COM 2|3|DET 3|0|INCROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|7|DET 7|8|SUBJ 8|5|CMOD 9|8|JCT 10|8|JCT 11|12|DET 12|10|POBJ 13|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3166230,3176145,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  722. the microphone fell off of your shirt . ,det:art|the n|microphone v|fall&PAST adv|off prep|of det:poss|your n|shirt .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3176145,3179825,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  723. and everything is falling off everything . ,coord|and pro:indef|everything aux|be&3S part|fall-PRESP adv|off pro:indef|everything .,1|4|LINK 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3179825,3182805,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  724. dear me . ,adj|dear pro:obj|me .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3182805,3185095,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  725. xxx yyy tool . ,adj|tool .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈseɪwə ˈtwuɛl,* * ˈtuːl,NA,NA,3185095,3189455,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  726. she had a tool yyy . ,pro:sub|she v|have&PAST det:art|a n|tool .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈsi ˈhæd ə ˈtuɛl əˈkeɪwæd,ˈʃiː ˈhæd ə ˈtuːl *,NA,NA,3189455,3191660,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  727. she has a tool yyy +/. ,pro:sub|she v|have&3S det:art|a n|tool +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ˈhi hæd ə ˈtuɛl kə,ˈʃiː ˈhæz ə ˈtuːl *,NA,NA,3191660,3195575,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  728. what 0did she have 0a tool called ? ,pro:int|what 0mod|do&PAST pro:sub|she v|have 0det:art|a n|tool v|call-PAST ?,1|4|LINK 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|4|PUNCT,ˈwʌz i ˈhæ ˈtul ˈkɑːd,ˈwʌt ˈʃiː ˈhæv ˈtuːl ˈkɑld,NA,NA,3195575,3198170,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  729. is a magnifying glass . ,cop|be&3S det:art|a n:gerund|magnify-PRESP n|glass .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|1|PRED 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3198170,3199665,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  730. xxx jumping around +/. ,part|jump-PRESP adv|around +/.,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,* ˈdzʌmpi əˈwaʊ,* ˈʤʌmpɪŋ əˈɹaʊnd,"CHI jumping , screeching , and running from camera , make dfficult to hear",cannot hear final consonant,3199665,3206900,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  731. he used it for the ‹goat [?]› . ,pro:sub|he v|use-PAST pro:per|it prep|for det:art|the n|goat .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,di ˈjud ə ˈfo də ˈɡo,ˈhiː ˈjuːzd ˈɪt ˈfɔɹ ðə ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,3206705,3209040,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  732. ‹he [?]› used it for the goat . ,pro:sub|he v|use-PAST pro:per|it prep|for det:art|the n|goat .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈi ˈjud ɪ ˈfo də ˈɡot,ˈhiː ˈjuːzd ˈɪt ˈfɔɹ ðə ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,3209040,3211945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  733. let's see if we can take the camera with us into the other room . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|see conj|if pro:sub|we mod|can v|take det:art|the n|camera prep|with pro:obj|us prep|into det:art|the qn|other n|room .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|7|LINK 5|7|SUBJ 6|7|AUX 7|3|COMP 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|7|JCT 11|10|POBJ 12|7|JCT 13|15|DET 14|15|QUANT 15|12|POBJ 16|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3211945,3215170,MOT,Mother,FEM,15,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  734. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,microphone not working properly,NA,3215170,3219888,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  735. tool yyy . ,adj|tool .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈtul ˈkæk,ˈtuːl *,NA,NA,3219888,3222985,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  736. the tool's [: tool is] called a magnifying glass . ,det:art|the n|tool aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP det:art|a n:gerund|magnify-PRESP n|glass .,1|2|DET 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|4|OBJ 8|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3221030,3222985,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  737. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,"CHI making odd noise , moving to other room",NA,3222985,3226170,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  738. yyy yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈoˈɪdəˈkæ ˈɪdəkæ ˈɪdəkæz,* * *,"moving to other room , difficult to hear",NA,3226170,3234960,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  739. yyy xxx . ,NA,NA,ˈɡɪsɪz *,* *,CHI groaning at end,NA,3234960,3239625,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  740. who's in that book ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S prep|in det:dem|that n|book ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3239625,3241580,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  741. who's in that book ? ,pro:int|who~cop|be&3S prep|in det:dem|that n|book ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3241580,3244015,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  742. what's in the xxx what is the tool called ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S prep|in det:art|the pro:int|what aux|be&3S det:art|the n|tool part|call-PASTP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|8|SUBJ 6|8|AUX 7|8|DET 8|3|POBJ 9|8|XMOD 10|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌts ˈɪn də * ˈwʌs ɪ də ˈjudəˈtʊ ˈkæ,ˈwʌts ˈɪn ðə * ˈwʌt ˈɪz ðə ˈtuːl ˈkɑld,NA,NA,3244015,3248830,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  743. she's using a tool called a . ,pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|tool v|call-PAST det:art|a .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|6|LINK 4|5|DET 5|6|SUBJ 6|0|ROOT 7|8|DET 8|6|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3248830,3251695,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  744. what's it called ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:per|it v|call-PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CPRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3251695,3254150,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  745. what's it called ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:per|it v|call-PAST ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CPRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3254150,3256215,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  746. put them yyy head . ,v|put&ZERO pro:obj|them n|head .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|SUBJ 3|1|COMP 4|1|PUNCT,ˈpʊt əm ˈɡɪni ˈhɛd,ˈpʊt ˈðɛm * ˈhɛd,NA,NA,3256215,3258420,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  747. I see that you're putting the book on your head . ,pro:sub|I v|see adv|that pro:per|you~aux|be&PRES part|put-PRESP det:art|the n|book prep|on det:poss|your n|head .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|JCT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|6|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3258420,3261540,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  748. what see you +... ,pro:int|what v|see pro:per|you +...,1|2|LINK 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈsɪ ˈju,ˈwʌt ˈsiː ˈjuː,CHI falls,NA,3261540,3264463,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  749. see you that yyy go . ,v|see pro:per|you pro:rel|that v|go .,1|0|ROOT 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|LINK 4|1|COMP 5|1|PUNCT,ˈsi ˈjuː dæ ˈbeɪ ˈɡo,ˈsiː ˈjuː ˈðæt * ˈɡoʊ,NA,NA,3264463,3267780,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  750. see you that ‹let's [?]› see you that let's see you that . ,v|see pro:per|you adv|that v|let~pro:obj|us v|see pro:per|you adv|that v|let~pro:obj|us v|see pro:per|you pro:dem|that .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|1|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|OBJ 8|9|JCT 9|6|COMP 10|9|OBJ 11|9|COMP 12|11|OBJ 13|11|OBJ 14|1|PUNCT,ˈsi ˈjuː ˈdæ ɛ ˈsi ˈjuː ˈdæ ˈlɛt ˈsi ˈju ˈdæ,ˈsiː ˈjuː ˈðæt ˈlɛts ˈsiː ˈjuː ˈðæt ˈlɛts ˈsiː ˈjuː ˈðæt,NA,NA,3267780,3273035,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  751. a magnifying glass . ,det:art|a n:gerund|magnify-PRESP n|glass .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3273035,3274500,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  752. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,3274500,3277285,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  753. what's she have yyy what's she have it here goat ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she v|have pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she v|have pro:per|it adv|here n|goat ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CPRED 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|8|SUBJ 8|4|COMP 9|8|OBJ 10|11|JCT 11|8|JCT 12|2|PUNCT,ˈwʌt ˈsi ˈhæ ˈwʌ ˈwʌ ˈsi ˈhæv ɪ ˈhiə ˈɡot,ˈwʌts ˈʃiː ˈhæv * ˈwʌts ˈʃiː ˈhæv ˈɪt ˈhɪɹ ˈɡoʊt,microphone hard to hear,NA,3277285,3282720,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  754. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,cannot hear because of microphone and MOT talking over CHI,NA,3282720,3289010,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  755. what's she use xxx yyy tool what ‹does she› what yyy ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she v|use adj|tool pro:int|what v|do&3S pro:sub|she pro:int|what ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CPRED 5|7|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|9|SUBJ 9|7|COMP 10|2|PUNCT,ˈdwʊt ˈsi ˈiˈjuz * ˈkɛl ˈtuɛl ˈɡwʌʔ ‹dɪs əz› ˈwʌt ˈsɪtəlˈkɑː,ˈwʌts ˈʃiː ˈjuːs * * ˈtuːl ˈwʌt ‹ˈdʌz ˈʃiː› ˈwʌt *,NA,NA,3289010,3297925,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  756. it's called a magnifying glass . ,pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP det:art|a n:gerund|magnify-PRESP n|glass .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3297925,3300660,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  757. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,"CHI goes down slide , hard to hear",NA,3300660,3305795,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  758. yyy xxx yyy yyy yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,həˈwideɪˈdeɪˈwɑndəˈdːwʌːɡə * ˈpæpəˈpæpəˈnaʊˈdaʊdaʊ ˈnʊːbədeɪ ˈpæpɪ dəˈwo,* * * * * *,NA,NA,3305795,3316680,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  759. yyy wrapping around wool . ,part|wrap-PRESP prep|around n|wool .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈdudɪˈpaʊ əˈwæpɪŋ əˈwaʊnd ˈwʊl,* ˈɹæpɪŋ əˈɹaʊnd ˈwʊl,NA,NA,3316680,3321855,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  760. wrapping around the wool wrapping around the wool ! ,part|wrap-PRESP prep|around det:art|the n|wool part|wrap-PRESP prep|around det:art|the n|wool !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|XJCT 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|1|PUNCT,ˈræpɪŋ əˈwʊhə də ˈwʊl əˈræpɪŋ əˈwaʊn də ˈwʊl,ˈɹæpɪŋ əˈɹaʊnd ðə ˈwʊl ˈɹæpɪŋ əˈɹaʊnd ðə ˈwʊl,NA,NA,3321855,3329850,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  761. yyy wrapping ‹down [?]› yyy . ,part|wrap-PRESP adv|down .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|1|PUNCT,ˈtʊː ˈræpɪŋ ˈdaʊn ˈdiə,* ˈɹæpɪŋ ˈdaʊn *,NA,NA,3329850,3332545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  762. wrapping down the slide . ,part|wrap-PRESP prep|down det:art|the n|slide .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈwæpuŋ ˈɡaʊnə də ˈslaɪd,ˈɹæpɪŋ ˈdaʊn ðə ˈslaɪd,NA,NA,3332545,3335050,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  763. I don't want you go down on your belly I want you to sit down on your bottom . ,pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want pro:per|you v|go adv|down prep|on det:poss|your n|belly pro:sub|I v|want pro:per|you inf|to v|sit adv|down prep|on det:poss|your n|bottom .,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|6|JCT 8|6|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|12|SUBJ 12|4|CJCT 13|15|SUBJ 14|15|INF 15|12|COMP 16|15|JCT 17|15|JCT 18|19|DET 19|17|POBJ 20|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3335050,3341130,MOT,Mother,FEM,19,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  764. sit on your bottom please . ,v|sit prep|on det:poss|your n|bottom co|please .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|COM 6|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3341130,3345110,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  765. thank you . ,v|thank pro:per|you .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3345110,3347265,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  766. yyy yyy xxx yyy xxx yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈʌ ˈɪsiˈdɪsi * ˈdɪsˈhi * ˈdɪsˈi ˈdɪsˈdəˈmaɪˈunzə,* * * * * * *,CHI mumbling and making whining sound,NA,3347265,3354840,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  767. what's Glenmae using ? ,pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Glenmae part|use-PRESP ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3354840,3356795,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  768. Glenmae using a tool called Glenmae using a tool called . ,n:prop|Glenmae part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|tool v|call-PAST n:prop|Glenmae part|use-PRESP det:art|a n|tool v|call-PAST .,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|XMOD 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|OBJ 7|5|XJCT 8|9|DET 9|10|SUBJ 10|7|COMP 11|5|PUNCT,ˈɡlɛnˈmeɪː ˈjuzɪŋ ə ˈtuɛl ˈkɪ ˈɡlɛnˈmeɪ ˈjuzɪn ə ˈtul ˈkæ,ˌɡlɛnˈmeɪ ˈjuːzɪŋ ə ˈtuːl ˈkɑld ˌɡlɛnˈmeɪ ˈjuːzɪŋ ə ˈtuːl ˈkɑld,NA,NA,3356795,3365075,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  769. called what no not on your belly please . ,part|call-PASTP pro:int|what co|no neg|not prep|on det:poss|your n|belly co|please .,1|0|INCROOT 2|8|LINK 3|8|COM 4|3|NEG 5|3|JCT 6|7|DET 7|5|POBJ 8|1|COBJ 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3365075,3368455,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  770. xxx yyy go on the tummy . ,v|go prep|on det:art|the n|tum-DIM .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,* ˈnɪˈtɔɪdɪ ˈɡo ɛn eɪ ˈtʌmi,* * ˈɡoʊ ˈɑn ðə ˈtʌmiː,CHI large exhale at beginning,NA,3368455,3373280,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  771. I know but I don't want you to go on tummy I want you to sit on your bottom . ,pro:sub|I v|know conj|but pro:sub|I mod|do~neg|not v|want pro:per|you inf|to v|go prep|on n|tum-DIM pro:sub|I v|want pro:per|you inf|to v|sit prep|on det:poss|your n|bottom .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|LINK 4|7|SUBJ 5|7|AUX 6|5|NEG 7|2|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|10|INF 10|7|COMP 11|10|JCT 12|11|POBJ 13|14|SUBJ 14|2|CJCT 15|17|SUBJ 16|17|INF 17|14|COMP 18|17|JCT 19|20|DET 20|18|POBJ 21|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3373280,3376750,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  772. Mommy and Daddy decided you need to go on your bottom . ,n:prop|Mommy coord|and n:prop|Daddy v|decide-PAST pro:per|you v|need inf|to v|go prep|on det:poss|your n|bottom .,1|4|SUBJ 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|0|ROOT 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|COMP 7|8|INF 8|6|COMP 9|8|JCT 10|11|DET 11|9|POBJ 12|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3376750,3381130,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  773. yyy yyy a tool ‹kit [?]› . ,det:art|a adj|tool n|kit .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈstæfəˈnɪbəˈnɪbəˈnɪbəˈstæfˈtæfˈdæfəˈdæfəˈdæf ˈwʌtsəˈnɪbeɪ ə ˈtul ˈkæt,* * ə ˈtuːl ˈkɪt,NA,NA,3381130,3389860,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  774. a tool called a magnifying glass . ,det:art|a n|tool v|call-PAST det:art|a n:gerund|magnify-PRESP n|glass .,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|DET 5|6|MOD 6|3|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3389860,3392920,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  775. yyy yyy yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈʌˈdiɡʊ əˈtʊmiɪˈdæ ˈædɪˈdædɪˈdaʊdəˈtaʊnˈaʊtɛˈaʊ ˈdonəˈtaʊnəˈdontˈsɛˈdaʊnəˈdaʊnəˈtaʊnə,* * * *,NA,NA,3392920,3408525,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  776. xxx yyy yyy yyy . ,NA,NA,* ˈnʊdʒˈlɑ ˈɡɛtˈsæk ɪˈlɛhɪtəˈbeɪəd,* * * *,NA,NA,3408525,3416415,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  777. oh and you need a tissue let's come down for a minute . ,co|oh coord|and pro:per|you v|need det:art|a n|tissue v|let~pro:obj|us v|come adv|down prep|for det:art|a n|minute .,1|4|COM 2|4|LINK 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|7|COMP 10|9|JCT 11|9|JCT 12|13|DET 13|11|POBJ 14|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3416415,3420425,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  778. come down here for a minute . ,v|come prep|down n|here prep|for det:art|a n|minute .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|2|POBJ 4|1|JCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3420425,3422475,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  779. oh let's go find a box of tissues . ,co|oh v|let~pro:obj|us v|go v|find det:art|a n|box prep|of n|tissue-PL .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|5|SRL 5|2|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|7|NJCT 9|8|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3422475,3425235,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  780. you come with Mommy ? ,pro:per|you v|come prep|with n:prop|Mommy ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3425235,3426610,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  781. xxx doctor doc(tor) +/. ,n|doctor n|doctor +/.,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,* ˈdɑktə ˈdɑk,* ˈdɑktəɹ ˈdɑk,odd noise at beginning,NA,3426610,3429440,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  782. xxx . ,NA,NA,*,*,"microphone making odd noise , CHI inaudible",NA,3429440,3438745,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  783. here's the tissues . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|tissue-PL .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3438745,3440480,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  784. Glenmae use a a tool xxx . ,n:prop|Glenmae n|use det:art|a det:art|a n|tool .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|DET 5|2|OBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈɡlɛnˈmeɪ ˈjuz ə ə ˈtul *,ˌɡlɛnˈmeɪ ˈjuːs ə ə ˈtuːl *,NA,NA,3440480,3443145,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  785. find the goat . ,v|find det:art|the n|goat .,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈfaɪ də ˈɡoʔ,ˈfaɪnd ðə ˈɡoʊt,NA,NA,3443145,3444825,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  786. a tool called what ? ,det:art|a n|tool v|call-PAST pro:int|what ?,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3444825,3446860,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  787. yyy ! ,NA,NA,ˈʌːˈæts,*,NA,NA,3446860,3448545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  788. a tool called what ? ,det:art|a n|tool v|call-PAST pro:int|what ?,1|2|DET 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3448545,3450170,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  789. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈwʌɪˈneɪˈmʌnəˈtʌnəˈwʌʔɪ,*,NA,NA,3450170,3453350,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  790. you want me to tell you what's called ? ,pro:per|you v|want pro:obj|me inf|to v|tell pro:per|you pro:int|what~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|5|INF 5|2|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|9|LINK 8|9|AUX 9|5|COMP 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3453350,3455660,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  791. you know what's called . ,pro:per|you v|know pro:int|what~aux|be&3S part|call-PASTP .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|LINK 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3455660,3458160,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  792. xxx yyy and May yyy and May yyy and May doing the goat yyy and May doing the goat . ,coord|and n:prop|May coord|and n:prop|May coord|and n:prop|May part|do-PRESP det:art|the n|goat coord|and n:prop|May part|do-PRESP det:art|the n|goat .,1|7|LINK 2|7|SUBJ 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|2|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|0|ROOT 8|9|DET 9|7|OBJ 10|12|LINK 11|12|SUBJ 12|9|CMOD 13|14|DET 14|12|OBJ 15|7|PUNCT,* ˈmæ̃ æ̃nd ˈmeɪ ˈwiən æ̃nd ˈmeɪ ˈwiən æ̃nd ˈmeɪ ˈduɪn də ˈɡot ˈwiən æ̃nd ˈmeɪ ˈduɪn də ˈɡot,* * ˈænd ˈmeɪ * ˈænd ˈmeɪ * ˈænd ˈmeɪ ˈduːɪŋ ðə ˈɡoʊt * ˈænd ˈmeɪ ˈduːɪŋ ðə ˈɡoʊt,"microphone making odd sounds , hard to hear",NA,3458160,3472705,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  793. what book is this you have ? ,pro:int|what n|book cop|be&3S pro:dem|this pro:per|you v|have ?,1|2|MOD 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PRED 5|6|SUBJ 6|4|OM 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3472705,3477005,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  794. this is the funny part xxx . ,pro:dem|this cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|fun&dn-Y n|part .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3477005,3490505,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  795. that's a xxx . ,pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,ˈdæs ə *,ˈðæts ə *,additional noise makes it difficult to hear,NA,3490505,3491975,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  796. who else is there ? ,pro:int|who post|else aux|be&3S adv|there ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PQ 3|1|ENUM 4|3|JCT 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3491975,3493295,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  797. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈeɪwɪnz,*,NA,NA,3493295,3494885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  798. mm . ,co|mm .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3494885,3496100,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  799. who else ? ,pro:int|who post|else ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PQ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈhu ˈɛltʃ,ˈhuː ˈɛls,NA,NA,3496100,3497830,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  800. who else is there Naima ? ,pro:int|who post|else aux|be&3S adv|there n:prop|Naima ?,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|PQ 3|5|AUX 4|5|JCT 5|0|INCROOT 6|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3497830,3501075,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  801. his crown ! ,det:poss|his n|crown !,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈhɪz ˈkwaʊːn,ˈhɪz ˈkɹaʊn,NA,NA,3501075,3502855,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  802. here Rapunzel has a crown on . ,adv|here n:prop|Rapunzel v|have&3S det:art|a n|crown adv|on .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3502855,3507375,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  803. who else is there ? ,pro:int|who post|else aux|be&3S adv|there ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PQ 3|1|ENUM 4|3|JCT 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3507375,3509615,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  804. who ? ,pro:rel|who ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈhu,ˈhuː,NA,NA,3509615,3510885,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  805. Curly Shirley . ,n:prop|Curly n:prop|Shirley .,1|2|NAME 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3510885,3512695,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  806. where's she ? ,pro:int|where~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3512695,3513760,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  807. yyy hair brush . ,n|hair n|brush .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈwiskəˈdɛndˈkwɪsˈsʊˈhæ̃ˈbʊ ˈheɪ ˈbwʌθ,* ˈhɛɹ ˈbɹʌʃ,NA,NA,3513760,3519205,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  808. the space cadet is there and Curly Shirley has a hair brush because Ruby is xxx combing her hair . ,det:art|the n|space n|cadet cop|be&3S adv|there coord|and n:prop|Curly n:prop|Shirley v|have&3S det:art|a n|hair n|brush conj|because n:prop|Ruby aux|be&3S part|comb-PRESP det:poss|her n|hair .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|4|CONJ 7|6|COORD 8|9|SUBJ 9|4|CPRED 10|12|DET 11|12|MOD 12|9|OBJ 13|16|LINK 14|16|SUBJ 15|16|AUX 16|4|CJCT 17|18|DET 18|16|OBJ 19|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3519205,3525985,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  809. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈpeɪə,*,NA,NA,3525985,3527380,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  810. in fact Ruby has a comb and the brush for Curly Shirley . ,prep|in n|fact n:prop|Ruby v|have&3S det:art|a n|comb coord|and det:art|the n|brush prep|for n:prop|Curly n:prop|Shirley .,1|4|JCT 2|1|POBJ 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|6|CONJ 8|9|DET 9|7|COORD 10|9|NJCT 11|12|NAME 12|10|POBJ 13|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3527380,3531645,MOT,Mother,FEM,12,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  811. &-uh I can see brushing her hair . ,pro:sub|I mod|can v|see n:gerund|brush-PRESP det:poss|her n|hair .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|AUX 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,ˈʌ ˈaɪ kən ˈsi ˈbwʌðɪŋ ə ˈheɪə,ˈʌ ˈaɪ ˈkæn ˈsiː ˈbɹʌʃɪŋ həɹ ˈhɛɹ,NA,NA,3531645,3539915,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  812. I I think she's brush(ing) her hair . ,pro:sub|I pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|brush-PRESP det:poss|her n|hair .,1|3|SUBJ 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|3|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|OBJ 9|3|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈaɪ ˈðɪnk ˈʃi ˈbwʌʃ ˈhʌ ˈheɪə,ˈaɪ ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈʃiːz ˈbɹʌʃ həɹ ˈhɛɹ,NA,NA,3539915,3543660,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  813. yep [: yes] . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3543660,3544905,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  814. I yyy Max . ,pro:sub|I n:prop|Max .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈspɛd ˈmæːks,ˈaɪ * ˈmæks,NA,NA,3544905,3547155,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  815. space siren . ,n|space n|siren .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈspeɪs ˈsaɪrən,ˈspeɪs ˈsaɪɹən,in unison with MOT,NA,3547155,3556045,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  816. space siren . ,n|space n|siren .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,spleɪs ˈsaɪrən,ˈspeɪs ˈsaɪɹən,NA,NA,3556045,3559990,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  817. what ? ,pro:int|what ?,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈwʌt,ˈwʌt,NA,NA,3559990,3561675,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  818. you need to turn the page . ,pro:per|you v|need inf|to v|turn det:art|the n|page .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|OBJ 7|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3561675,3563090,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  819. oh I think we skipped something . ,co|oh pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|we v|skip-PAST pro:indef|something .,1|3|COM 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|SUBJ 5|3|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3563090,3570210,MOT,Mother,FEM,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  820. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈuˈʌˈhunz,*,NA,NA,3570210,3572690,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  821. let's a read that . ,v|let~pro:obj|us det:art|a v|read&ZERO pro:dem|that .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|4|DET 4|1|COMP 5|4|OBJ 6|1|PUNCT,ˈʌt ə ˈwi ˈdæ,ˈlɛts ə ˈɹiːd ˈðæt,NA,NA,3572690,3574300,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  822. Ruby put all the guests in their chairs one two three four five six seven stuffed guests Max said Ruby . ,n:prop|Ruby part|put&PASTP qn|all det:art|the n|guest-PL prep|in det:poss|their n|chair-PL det:num|one det:num|two det:num|three det:num|four det:num|five det:num|six det:num|seven v|stuff-PAST n|guest-PL n:prop|Max v|say&PAST n:prop|Ruby .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|QUANT 4|5|DET 5|2|OBJ 6|2|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|16|QUANT 10|12|DATE 11|12|DATE 12|13|DATE 13|14|DATE 14|15|DATE 15|16|SUBJ 16|2|CJCT 17|16|OBJ 18|19|SUBJ 19|16|COMP 20|19|OBJ 21|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3574635,3581350,MOT,Mother,FEM,20,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  823. let's read this . ,v|let~pro:obj|us v|read&ZERO pro:dem|this .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|COMP 4|3|OBJ 5|1|PUNCT,ˈɛtə ˈwi ˈdɪst,ˈlɛts ˈɹiːd ˈðɪs,NA,NA,3581350,3584815,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  824. into ‹that [?]› . ,prep|into pro:dem|that .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|POBJ 3|1|PUNCT,ˈɪntu ˈdæt,ˌɪnˈtuː ˈðæt,NA,NA,3584815,3589240,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  825. Ruby went to get where's your microphone oh that's a weird for it place to be . ,n:prop|Ruby v|go&PAST inf|to v|get pro:rel|where~cop|be&3S det:poss|your n|microphone co|oh pro:dem|that~cop|be&3S det:art|a adj|weird prep|for pro:per|it v|place inf|to cop|be .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|INF 4|2|XJCT 5|6|LINK 6|4|COMP 7|8|DET 8|6|PRED 9|11|COM 10|11|SUBJ 11|8|CMOD 12|13|DET 13|11|PRED 14|16|JCT 15|16|SUBJ 16|13|CMOD 17|18|INF 18|16|COMP 19|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3589240,3594790,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  826. okay let me take this off for a minute . ,co|okay v|let&ZERO pro:obj|me v|take det:dem|this adv|off prep|for det:art|a n|minute .,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|6|DET 6|4|JCT 7|4|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3594790,3598010,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  827. who is the empty chair for ? ,pro:int|who cop|be&3S det:art|the adj|empty n|chair prep|for ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|PRED 6|5|NJCT 7|2|PUNCT,təˈhut ɪz ˈdæt ˈɛmpti ˈtʃeɪfə ˈfo,ˈhuː ˈɪz ðə ˈɛmptiː ˈʧɛɹ ˈfɔɹ,NA,NA,3598010,3602545,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  828. I think it's for yyy what +/. ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:per|it~cop|be&3S prep|for pro:int|what +/.,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈsɪŋk ɪˈʌf ˈfʊ ˈwʌfˈfə ˈwʌt,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈɪts ˈfɔɹ * ˈwʌt,NA,NA,3602545,3610770,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  829. maybe that empty chair for the space cadet . ,adv|maybe pro:rel|that adj|empty n|chair prep|for det:art|the n|space n|cadet .,1|4|JCT 2|3|LINK 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|NJCT 6|8|DET 7|8|MOD 8|5|POBJ 9|4|PUNCT,ˈmeɪbi ˈdæʔ ˈɛmp ˈtiˈtseɪ ˈfo də ˈspeɪs ˈkʌˈdɛnt,ˈmeɪbiː ˈðæt ˈɛmptiː ˈʧɛɹ ˈfɔɹ ðə ˈspeɪs kəˈdɛt,NA,NA,3610770,3620140,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  830. space cadet . ,n|space n|cadet .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3620140,3621765,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  831. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæ,ˈjæ,NA,NA,3621765,3623505,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  832. hey what's Max doing in that picture ? ,co|hey pro:int|what~aux|be&3S n:prop|Max part|do-PRESP prep|in det:dem|that n|picture ?,1|5|COM 2|5|SUBJ 3|5|AUX 4|5|SUBJ 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3623505,3626835,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  833. yyy . ,NA,NA,ɡəˈwæː,*,NA,NA,3626835,3627750,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  834. Max took the crown and wig off Rapunzel and put them on his spider xxx . ,n:prop|Max v|take&PAST det:art|the n|crown coord|and n|wig prep|off n:prop|Rapunzel coord|and v|put&ZERO pro:obj|them prep|on det:poss|his n|spider .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|CONJ 6|5|COORD 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|CONJ 10|9|COORD 11|10|OBJ 12|10|JCT 13|14|DET 14|12|POBJ 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3627750,3635885,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  835. xxx yyy xxx . ,NA,NA,* ˈslip *,* * *,NA,NA,3635885,3639445,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  836. Ruby filled the favor baskets with kisses she did not notice the spider . ,n:prop|Ruby v|fill-PAST det:art|the n|favor n|basket-PL prep|with n|kiss-PL pro:sub|she mod|do&PAST neg|not v|notice det:art|the n|spider .,1|2|SUBJ 2|11|CJCT 3|5|DET 4|5|MOD 5|2|OBJ 6|2|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|11|SUBJ 9|11|AUX 10|9|NEG 11|0|ROOT 12|13|DET 13|11|OBJ 14|11|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3639445,3645240,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  837. chairs . ,n|chair-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈtʃeɪə,ˈʧɛɹz,NA,NA,3645240,3653550,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  838. xxx Mad Max fetched his . ,n:prop|Mad n:prop|Max v|fetch-PAST det:poss|his .,1|2|NAME 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3653550,3658310,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  839. kisses yyy +... ,n|kiss-PL +...,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈkɪzɪz ˈslɪ,ˈkɪsəz *,NA,NA,3658310,3659690,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  840. can't sit up slug . ,mod|can~neg|not v|sit adv|up n|slug .,1|3|AUX 2|1|NEG 3|0|ROOT 4|3|JCT 5|4|POBJ 6|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3659690,3662160,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  841. he put the tooth fairy's magic wand and wings on the +... ,pro:sub|he v|put&ZERO det:art|the n|tooth adj|fairy&dn-POSS n|magic n|wand coord|and n|wing-PL prep|on det:art|the +...,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|7|MOD 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|2|OBJ 8|7|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|9|NJCT 11|10|POBJ 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3662160,3667510,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  842. xxx slug ! ,n|slug !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,* ˈslʌɡ,* ˈslʌɡ,NA,NA,3667510,3669740,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  843. xxx then he sat the slug in the tooth fairy's seat and moved the tooth fairy to another seat . ,adv:tem|then pro:sub|he v|sit&PAST det:art|the n|slug prep|in det:art|the n|tooth adj|fairy&dn-POSS n|seat coord|and v|move-PAST det:art|the n|tooth n|fairy prep|to qn|another n|seat .,1|3|JCT 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|5|DET 5|3|OBJ 6|3|JCT 7|8|DET 8|10|MOD 9|10|MOD 10|6|POBJ 11|3|CONJ 12|11|COORD 13|15|DET 14|15|MOD 15|12|OBJ 16|15|NJCT 17|18|QUANT 18|16|POBJ 19|3|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3669740,3676995,MOT,Mother,FEM,18,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  844. oh dear . ,co|oh co|dear .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3676995,3680080,MOT,Mother,FEM,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  845. Max . ,n:prop|Max .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈmæks,ˈmæks,NA,NA,3680080,3682510,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  846. what Max do yyy ? ,pro:int|what n:prop|Max v|do ?,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ˈwʌ ˈmæks ˈdu æ̃nd,ˈwʌt ˈmæks ˈduː *,NA,NA,3682510,3685500,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  847. looks like he's lifting the slug in the chair . ,v|look-3S conj|like pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|lift-PRESP det:art|the n|slug prep|in det:art|the n|chair .,1|0|ROOT 2|5|LINK 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|1|COMP 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|5|JCT 9|10|DET 10|8|POBJ 11|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3685500,3688380,MOT,Mother,FEM,10,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  848. is he carrying that slug in the chair ? ,cop|be&3S pro:sub|he n:gerund|carry-PRESP adv|that n|slug prep|in det:art|the n|chair ?,1|0|ROOT 2|1|PRED 3|2|NJCT 4|5|JCT 5|3|POBJ 6|5|NJCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3688380,3691330,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  849. I think he's moving it to an yyy . ,pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|move-PRESP pro:per|it prep|to det:art|a .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|5|SUBJ 4|5|AUX 5|2|COMP 6|5|OBJ 7|5|JCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,ˈaɪ ˈθɪnk ˈhi ˈmuvɪŋ ɪ tu ən ˈsəhit,ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈhiːz ˈmuːvɪŋ ˈɪt ˈtuː ˈæn *,NA,NA,3691330,3694930,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  850. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3694930,3695945,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  851. and I think he moving the yyy another yyy . ,coord|and pro:sub|I v|think pro:sub|he part|move-PRESP det:art|the qn|another .,1|3|LINK 2|3|SUBJ 3|0|ROOT 4|3|OBJ 5|4|XMOD 6|7|DET 7|5|OBJ 8|3|PUNCT,ənd ˈaɪ ˈsɪŋk ˈhi ˈmuv^ˈvɪŋ dɪ ˈtufeɪtud əˈnʌdə ˈsid,ˈænd ˈaɪ ˈθɪŋk ˈhiː ˈmuːvɪŋ ðə * əˈnʌðəɹ *,NA,NA,3695945,3702620,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  852. yeah he's moving it to +... ,co|yeah pro:sub|he~aux|be&3S part|move-PRESP pro:per|it prep|to +...,1|4|COM 2|4|SUBJ 3|4|AUX 4|0|ROOT 5|4|OBJ 6|4|JCT 7|4|PUNCT,ˈjæ ˈhiz ˈmuvɪŋ ɪt ˈtu,ˈjæ ˈhiːz ˈmuːvɪŋ ˈɪt ˈtuː,NA,NA,3702620,3707580,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,6,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  853. what happens next ? ,pro:int|what v|happen-3S adv|next ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3707580,3713890,MOT,Mother,FEM,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  854. do that one ! ,v|do det:dem|that pro:indef|one !,1|0|ROOT 2|3|DET 3|1|OBJ 4|1|PUNCT,ˈdu ˈdæt ˈwʌn,ˈduː ˈðæt ˈwʌn,NA,NA,3713890,3716395,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  855. Max took his ear splitter space cadet and dressed him in Mrs Quacks . ,n:prop|Max v|take&PAST det:poss|his n|ear n|split&dv-AGT n|space n|cadet coord|and v|dress-PAST pro:obj|him prep|in n:prop|Mrs n:prop|Quacks .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|7|DET 4|7|MOD 5|7|MOD 6|7|MOD 7|2|OBJ 8|2|CONJ 9|8|COORD 10|9|OBJ 11|9|JCT 12|13|NAME 13|11|POBJ 14|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3716395,3723855,MOT,Mother,FEM,13,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  856. a sun ‹hat [?]› . ,det:art|a n|sun n|hat .,1|3|DET 2|3|MOD 3|0|INCROOT 4|3|PUNCT,ə ˈsʊm ˈkæ,ə ˈsʌn ˈhæt,NA,NA,3723855,3725540,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  857. sun hat and veil xxx then he put the space cadet into . ,n|sun n|hat coord|and n|veil adv:tem|then pro:sub|he v|put&ZERO det:art|the n|space n|cadet prep|into .,1|2|MOD 2|7|SUBJ 3|2|CONJ 4|3|COORD 5|7|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|0|ROOT 8|10|DET 9|10|MOD 10|7|OBJ 11|7|JCT 12|7|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3725540,3728185,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  858. Grandma's seat . ,adj|Grandma&dn-POSS n|seat .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈɡwæ̃mə ˈsi,ˈɡɹændmɑz ˈsiːt,NA,NA,3730790,3731995,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  859. Grandma's seat oh dear . ,adj|Grandma&dn-POSS n|seat co|oh co|dear .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|COM 4|2|COM 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3731995,3736150,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  860. Max and Ruby are talking in that picture right . ,n:prop|Max coord|and n:prop|Ruby aux|be&PRES part|talk-PRESP prep|in det:dem|that n|picture adj|right .,1|5|SUBJ 2|1|CONJ 3|2|COORD 4|5|AUX 5|0|ROOT 6|5|JCT 7|8|DET 8|6|POBJ 9|8|POSTMOD 10|5|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3736150,3740615,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  861. how many people at this table Max said Ruby one three two said Max there're ten guests now said Ruby suddenly . ,pro:int|how qn|many n|person&PL prep|at det:dem|this n|table n:prop|Max v|say&PAST n:prop|Ruby det:num|one det:num|three det:num|two v|say&PAST n:prop|Max pro:exist|there~cop|be&PRES det:num|ten n|guest-PL adv|now v|say&PAST n:prop|Ruby adv|sudden&dadj-LY .,1|3|LINK 2|3|QUANT 3|7|CSUBJ 4|3|NJCT 5|6|DET 6|4|POBJ 7|8|SUBJ 8|0|ROOT 9|13|SUBJ 10|11|QUANT 11|12|QUANT 12|13|QUANT 13|8|COMP 14|13|OBJ 15|16|SUBJ 16|14|COMP 17|18|QUANT 18|16|PRED 19|16|JCT 20|16|CPRED 21|20|OBJ 22|21|JCT 23|8|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3740615,3751745,MOT,Mother,FEM,22,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  862. Grandma knocks on the door . ,n:prop|Grandma v|knock-3S prep|on det:art|the n|door .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|JCT 4|5|DET 5|3|POBJ 6|2|PUNCT,ˈɡwæ̃m ˈnæk ˈæt də ˈdoə,ˈɡɹændmɑ ˈnɑks ˈɑn ðə ˈdɔɹ,NA,Original Orthography: [Gran < dma > ] [knock < s > ] [on] [the] [door .],3751745,3753945,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  863. Max introduced grandma to the jelly ball shooter spider and the ear splitter space . ,n:prop|Max v|introduce-PAST grand#n|ma prep|to det:art|the n|jelly n|ball n|shoot&dv-AGT n|spider coord|and det:art|the n|ear n|split&dv-AGT n|space .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|OBJ 4|3|JCT 5|9|DET 6|7|MOD 7|9|MOD 8|9|MOD 9|4|POBJ 10|9|CONJ 11|14|DET 12|14|MOD 13|14|MOD 14|10|COORD 15|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3753945,3757420,MOT,Mother,FEM,14,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  864. cadets ! ,n|cadet-PL !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,kəˈdɛts,kəˈdɛts,NA,NA,3764075,3765520,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  865. cadet . ,n|cadet .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3765520,3766710,MOT,Mother,FEM,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  866. they can't sit up slug did what ? ,pro:sub|they mod|can~neg|not v|sit adv|up n|slug v|do&PAST pro:int|what ?,1|4|SUBJ 2|4|AUX 3|2|NEG 4|0|ROOT 5|4|JCT 6|7|SUBJ 7|4|COMP 8|7|OBJ 9|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3766710,3770760,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  867. slugged 0in the chair . ,v|slug-PAST 0prep|in det:art|the n|chair .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,kəˈslʌv də ˈtʃeɪə,ˈslʌɡd ðə ˈʧɛɹ,NA,Original Orthography: slug < ged >,3770760,3772645,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  868. slugged in his chair . ,v|slug-PAST prep|in det:poss|his n|chair .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|JCT 3|4|DET 4|2|POBJ 5|1|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3772645,3774610,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  869. guest Grandma . ,n|guest n:prop|Grandma .,1|2|MOD 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈɡɛs ˈɡwæ̃mə,ˈɡɛst ˈɡɹændmɑ,NA,NA,3774610,3780175,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  870. what's Grandma have . ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S n:prop|Grandma v|have .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|SUBJ 4|2|CPRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3780175,3781625,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  871. yyy . ,NA,NA,ˈwæt,*,NA,NA,3781625,3783845,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,0,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  872. what's she carrying ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|carry-PRESP ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|3|OM 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3783845,3785120,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  873. oh umbrella and a bag . ,co|oh n|umbrella coord|and det:art|a n|bag .,1|2|COM 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|CONJ 4|5|DET 5|3|COORD 6|2|PUNCT,o ˈʌmˈbwɛlə æ̃ ə ˈbæɡ,ˈoʊ əmˈbɹɛlə ˈænd ə ˈbæɡ,NA,NA,3785120,3787310,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  874. mhm is that a purse ? ,co|mhm=yes cop|be&3S comp|that det:art|a n|purse ?,1|2|COM 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|5|DET 5|3|OM 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3787310,3788705,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  875. yeah ! ,co|yeah !,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,3788705,3790360,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  876. what else what's she wearing on her head ? ,pro:int|what post|else pro:int|what~cop|be&3S pro:sub|she part|wear-PRESP prep|on det:poss|her n|head ?,1|4|LINK 2|1|PQ 3|4|SUBJ 4|0|ROOT 5|4|PRED 6|5|XMOD 7|6|JCT 8|9|DET 9|7|POBJ 10|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3790360,3792785,MOT,Mother,FEM,9,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  877. a hat a hat . ,det:art|a n|hat det:art|a n|hat .,1|2|DET 2|0|INCROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|PUNCT,ə ˈhæ ə ˈhæt,ə ˈhæt ə ˈhæt,NA,Original Orthography: ha < t >,3792785,3796015,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  878. what's the hat have on it ? ,pro:int|what~cop|be&3S det:art|the n|hat v|have prep|on pro:per|it ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|5|SUBJ 5|2|CPRED 6|5|JCT 7|6|POBJ 8|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3796015,3797785,MOT,Mother,FEM,7,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  879. berries . ,n|berry-PL .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈbeɪwiz,ˈbɛɹiːz,NA,NA,3797785,3799920,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  880. xxx she has a hat with berries on it . ,pro:sub|she v|have&3S det:art|a n|hat prep|with n|berry-PL prep|on pro:per|it .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|DET 4|2|OBJ 5|2|JCT 6|5|POBJ 7|6|NJCT 8|7|POBJ 9|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3799920,3802945,MOT,Mother,FEM,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  881. yeah . ,co|yeah .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæː,ˈjæ,NA,NA,3802945,3804475,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  882. yes . ,co|yes .,1|0|INCROOT 2|1|PUNCT,ˈjæs,ˈjɛs,NA,NA,3804475,3806370,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,1,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  883. I wonder if it's raining she's carrying an umbrella . ,pro:sub|I v|wonder comp|if pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|rain-PRESP pro:sub|she~aux|be&3S part|carry-PRESP det:art|a n|umbrella .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|6|LINK 4|6|SUBJ 5|6|AUX 6|2|COMP 7|9|SUBJ 8|9|AUX 9|6|COMP 10|11|DET 11|9|OBJ 12|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3806370,3810290,MOT,Mother,FEM,11,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  884. you think is raining outside ? ,pro:per|you v|think aux|be&3S part|rain-PRESP adv|outside ?,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|AUX 4|2|COMP 5|4|JCT 6|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3810290,3812675,MOT,Mother,FEM,5,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  885. yyy put it on her because it's raining yyy . ,v|put&ZERO pro:per|it prep|on pro:obj|her conj|because pro:per|it~aux|be&3S part|rain-PRESP .,1|0|ROOT 2|1|OBJ 3|1|JCT 4|3|POBJ 5|8|LINK 6|8|SUBJ 7|8|AUX 8|1|CJCT 9|1|PUNCT,ˈdʊz ˈpʊd ə ˈaʊn ˈhʌ ˈbiˈkʌz ˈɪts ˈweinɪŋ ˈɡɛn,* ˈpʊt ˈɪt ˈɑn həɹ bɪˈkɑz ˈɪts ˈɹeɪnɪŋ *,NA,NA,3812675,3819375,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,8,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  886. Grandma made sure that the uninvited quests had all their snappers and their candy kisses and their favorite flavors of ice+cream . ,n:prop|Grandma v|make&PAST adj|sure comp|that det:art|the un#part|invite-PASTP n|quest-PL v|have&PAST qn|all det:poss|their n|snapper-PL coord|and det:poss|their n|candy n|kiss-PL coord|and det:poss|their n|favorite v|flavor-3S prep|of n|+n|ice+n|cream .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|2|PRED 4|8|LINK 5|7|DET 6|7|MOD 7|8|SUBJ 8|3|CMOD 9|11|QUANT 10|11|DET 11|8|OBJ 12|11|CONJ 13|15|DET 14|15|MOD 15|12|COORD 16|19|LINK 17|18|DET 18|19|SUBJ 19|8|CJCT 20|19|JCT 21|20|POBJ 22|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3819375,3829150,MOT,Mother,FEM,21,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  887. what a nice grandma . ,pro:int|what det:art|a adj|nice grand#n|ma .,1|4|LINK 2|4|DET 3|4|MOD 4|0|INCROOT 5|4|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3829150,3831445,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  888. yyy it's Curly Shirley . ,pro:per|it~cop|be&3S n:prop|Curly n:prop|Shirley .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|NAME 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,kə ˈɪs ˈkɜ˞li ˈsæːli,* ˈɪts ˈkʌɹliː ˈʃʌɹliː,NA,NA,3831445,3835330,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  889. here's Curly Shirley . ,pro:exist|here~cop|be&3S n:prop|Curly n:prop|Shirley .,1|2|SUBJ 2|0|ROOT 3|4|NAME 4|2|PRED 5|2|PUNCT,NA,NA,NA,NA,3835330,3837555,MOT,Mother,FEM,4,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  890. curly ‹girly [?]› . ,adj|curl&dv-Y adj|girl&dn-Y .,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈkɜ˞li ˈɡɜ˞li,ˈkʌɹliː ˈɡʌɹliː,NA,NA,3837555,3840840,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  891. curly girly ! ,adj|curl&dv-Y adj|girl&dn-Y !,1|2|MOD 2|0|INCROOT 3|2|PUNCT,ˈkɜ˞li ˈɡɜ˞li,ˈkʌɹliː ˈɡʌɹliː,NA,NA,3840840,3844275,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,2,Naima/Naima_011107.cha
  892. Shirley Curly Shirley . ,n:prop|Shirley n:prop|Curly n:prop|Shirley .,1|2|NAME 2|0|ROOT 3|2|APP 4|2|PUNCT,ˈsæːli ˈkɜ˞li ˈsæːli,ˈʃʌɹliː ˈkʌɹliː ˈʃʌɹliː,video continues to earlier recording,NA,3844275,3849560,CHI,Target_Child,CHI,3,Naima/Naima_011107.cha