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KongyanLI 2 vuotta sitten

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Make a figure illustrating the TWF stimuli.
+Created on Mon Jun  3 12:07:51 2019
+@author: jan
+import sys
+import ClickTrainLibrary as lib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+fig=plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4))
+stim.stimParams= {
+            'numClicks': 8,
+            'clickRate (Hz)' : 900,
+            'jitter (ms)': 0.04,
+            'offset (ms)': 0.08,
+            'randomSeed' : rseed,
+            'ABL (dB)' : 60,
+            'Nloop' : 1,
+            'loopInterval': 0}
+ax.set_title('honesty trial stimulus')
+fig.text(0.055,0.9,'A', fontsize=16)
+l=plt.legend(['left ear','right ear'], loc=1,fontsize='small')
+stim.stimParams= {
+            'numClicks': 8,
+            'clickRate (Hz)' : 900,
+            'jitter (ms)': 0.12,
+            'offset (ms)': 0.0,
+            'randomSeed' : rseed,
+            'ABL (dB)' : 60,
+            'Nloop' : 1,
+            'loopInterval': 0}
+ax.set_title('probe trial stimulus')
+fig.text(0.055,0.45,'B', fontsize=16)
+fig.savefig('StimulusExamples.svg', bbox_inches='tight')

Tiedoston diff-näkymää rajattu, sillä se on liian suuri
+ 22601 - 0

+ 375 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Mon May 11 16:55:37 2020
+@author: Cecilia
+Version 1: original plotting (bar plot).
+Version 2: use line plot.
+Version 3: change outlooks of the plots in version 2. 
+import statsmodels.api as sm
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
+import seaborn as sns
+import numpy as np
+## Get the path of the folder where the data csv file sits in. 
+## The results will save to this folder.   
+## path in desktop
+csv_path = r"C:\Users\Cecilia\OneDrive\Python\TWF_behaviour\behaviouralRecalculated\TWF_ITD_dataset_withoutCorrectionTrials.csv"
+if not os.path.isfile(csv_path):
+    csv_path=r"C:\jan\document\science\cityu\TWF_ITD_ILD_NormalHearingRats\figures\TWF_ITD_dataset_withoutCorrectionTrials.csv"
+if not os.path.isfile(csv_path):
+    csv_path=r"/home/jan/jan/document/science/cityu/TWF_ITD_ILD_NormalHearingRats/figures/TWF_ITD_dataset_withoutCorrectionTrials.csv"
+## path in laptop
+#csv_path = r"C:\Users\USER\OneDrive\Python\TWF_behaviour\behaviouralRecalculated\TWF_ITD_dataset_withoutCorrectionTrials.csv"
+folder_path, csv_filename = os.path.split(csv_path)
+## Load data file (without correction trials)
+dataset = pd.read_csv(csv_path,encoding='utf-8-sig', sep='\s*,\s*', engine='python').copy()
+## Get rid of the white spaces in front or at the end of collumns. If not doing so, will raise error when calling get_group() 
+dataset['animal'] = dataset['animal'].astype(str).str.strip()
+dataset.columns = dataset.columns.str.strip()
+## Only need the offset (ms) == 0 (probe) trials
+probe_data = dataset.loc[dataset['offset (ms)'] == 0]
+## Get the unique condition and animal ID
+conditions = list(probe_data['condition'].unique())
+animals = list(probe_data['animal'].unique())
+## Group data by condition and animal
+grouped_data = probe_data.groupby(['condition','animal'])
+#%% work out session boundaries and count how many sessions for each animal
+for animal in animals:
+    print('{} sessions for rat {}'.format(np.sum(sessPerAnimal==animal),animal))
+## Loop throught condition and animal
+result_df = pd.DataFrame([])
+for (condition, animal), group in grouped_data:
+        print('==========')    
+        print('Now analyzing {} {}'.format(condition, animal))      
+        probit_data = group       
+        ## Extract the ITD_values (X) and side (y) for analysis
+        ITD_values, side = probit_data.filter(regex="ITD"),probit_data['respRight']
+        # Probit Model
+        probit_model = sm.Probit(side, ITD_val_with_const)
+        probit_result =
+        ## Get the coefficients, standar errors and p values
+        coefficient = probit_result.params.values[1:]
+        standard_error = probit_result.bse[1:]
+        p_value = probit_result.pvalues[1:]
+        ## Look at the confidence interval of each coeffecient
+        #print(probit_result.conf_int())
+        ## Add new column ['Sig'] and ['Label'] into df
+        sigs = []
+        labels = []
+        for i, value in enumerate(p_value):
+            print(i, value)
+            if value < 0.05 and value >= 0.01:
+                sigs.append(1)
+                labels.append("*")
+            if value < 0.01:
+                sigs.append(1)
+                labels.append("**")    
+            if value >= 0.05:
+                sigs.append(0)
+                labels.append(" ")
+        ## Save the coefficients, standar errors, p values and sig into datafram and csv file   
+        df = pd.DataFrame({"Condition": condition, 
+                           "Animal": animal, 
+                           "Coefficient" : coefficient, 
+                           "Standard error": standard_error, 
+                           "P value": p_value,
+                           "Sig": sigs,
+                           "Label": labels})
+        df['Click number'] = range(1,9)
+        result_df = pd.concat([result_df, df], axis = 0)
+        result_df['Number index'] = range(result_df.shape[0])
+        ## Save result_df to csv file
+        result_df.to_csv(folder_path + '/TWF_ITD_probit_results.csv')
+        ## Get the probit summary table
+        probit_result_table = probit_result.summary()    
+        ## Save the results to txt file
+        with open(folder_path + '/TWF_ITD_probit_results_summary.txt', "a") as output_file:
+              print("\n ", file = output_file)
+              print("Rat {} at {}".format(animal, condition), file = output_file)
+              print("= = = = = = = = =", file = output_file)
+              print(probit_result_table, file = output_file)
+        print("Done")
+print("All DONE")
+#%% Plot the results
+## Line plot for each rat in each condition
+## If run by loading the result csv file, uncomment this cell
+result_file = folder_path+r'/TWF_ITD_probit_results.csv'
+result_df = pd.read_csv(result_file,encoding='utf-8-sig', sep='\s*,\s*', engine='python').copy()
+result_path, result_filename = os.path.split(result_file)
+## figure 2 in TWF paper
+grouped_result = result_df.groupby(['Condition', 'Animal'])  #(['Condition', 'Animal'])
+conditions = ['20Hz', '50Hz', '300Hz', '900Hz']
+# Set the font dictionaries (for plot title, axis titles and text)
+title_font = {'size':'13',  ## 'fontname':'Arial', 'color':'black',  'size':'52'  16
+  'verticalalignment':'bottom'} # Bottom vertical alignment for more space  
+axis_font = {'size':'12'}     ## 'size':'66'     15
+text_font = {'size': '12'}    ## 'size': '66' #'weight':'bold',   14
+fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,4,sharex = True, sharey = True, squeeze = False)
+axs = axs.flatten()
+for (condition, animal), group in grouped_result:
+    i = conditions.index(condition)
+    axs[i].plot(group['Click number'], group['Coefficient'], '.-',label = animal,linewidth = 2)  
+    axs[i].set_ylim([-2,15])
+   # axs[i,0].legend(loc = 1)
+    axs[i].set_title(condition[0:-2]+' '+condition[-2:], **title_font)
+    ## add a stippled black line for y=0
+    axs[i].axhline(y=0, color='black', linestyle='dashed')
+    axs[i].set_xticks([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
+    ## rotate the x tick labels
+    # axs[i].set_xticklabels(labels = group['Click number'],rotation = 60, ha="right")
+    ## Add significant marks (solid circle)
+    ## Create a list of index to mark in the lineplot
+    mark_index = [] 
+    for index, p_value in enumerate(group["P value"]):
+        if p_value < 0.05:
+            mark_index.append(index)
+    axs[i].plot(group['Click number'],group['Coefficient'],markevery = mark_index, ls = "", marker = "*", markersize = 8, c = "k") #, label="points"
+    handles, labels = axs[0].get_legend_handles_labels()
+# Place the legend outside of the subplots
+leg=fig.legend(handles, labels, loc = 'center right',  ncol=1,  bbox_to_anchor = (0.96,0.7), title = 'Rat')  # bbox_to_anchor = (0.95,0.88)
+# add a big axis, hide frame
+fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False)
+# hide tick and tick label of the big axis
+plt.tick_params(labelcolor='none', top=False, bottom=False, left=False, right=False)
+plt.rc('font', **text_font)
+plt.gcf().set_size_inches(8, 4)
+plt.ylabel('Weight β ($ms^{-1}$)',va = 'bottom', **axis_font)  
+plt.xlabel('Click #', **axis_font)
+# Save the figure
+plt.savefig(folder_path + '/TWF_ITD_lineplot_for_individual_rat_v3.svg')
+# figure 2 in TWF paper
+## Plot mean ± sem line plot for rats in each condition
+fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+## add a stippled black line for y=0
+ax.axhline(y=0, color='black', linestyle='dashed')
+sns.pointplot(x= "Click number", 
+             y= "Coefficient", 
+             hue = "Condition",
+             style = "Condition",
+             data = result_df,
+             hue_order = ['20Hz', '50Hz', '300Hz', '900Hz'],
+            # estimator = None,
+             # ci = 95, 
+              ci = 68, # shows the standard error of the mean
+             n_boot = 1000, # number of bootstrapping to calculate the confidence interval
+             errwidth =1.5,
+             capsize=.1,
+             dodge=True)  # to avoid overlaapping of the mean points         
+plt.ylabel('Weight ($ms^{-1}$)',va = 'bottom', **axis_font)  
+plt.xlabel('click #', **axis_font)
+plt.rc('font', **text_font)
+# Save figure
+plt.savefig(result_path + '/TWF_ITD_pointplot_v3.svg')
+#%% Compute bootstrap distributions of probit parameters for each condition, pooling across animals
+## Group data by condition and animal
+poolAnimals_groupConditions = probe_data.groupby(['condition'])
+## Loop throught condition and animal
+for i in range(8):
+    for cond in [20,50,300,900]:
+        x['click{}_{}Hz'.format(i,cond)]=[]
+boot_result_df = pd.DataFrame(x)
+for condition, group in poolAnimals_groupConditions:
+        print('==========')    
+        print('Now analyzing {} '.format(condition))      
+        probit_data = group       
+        ## Extract the ITD_values (X) and side (y) for analysis
+        ITD_values, side = probit_data.filter(regex="ITD"),probit_data['respRight']
+        side=np.array(side)    
+        # Probit Model
+        ITD_val_with_const=np.array(
+        Ntrials=len(side)
+        #% now do the bootstrap
+        for t in range(NbootTrials):
+            bootSample=np.floor(np.random.uniform(low=0,high=Ntrials,size=Ntrials)).astype(int)
+            probit_model = sm.Probit(side[bootSample], ITD_val_with_const[bootSample,:])
+            probit_result =
+            boot_results[t,:] = probit_result.params[1:]
+            if np.mod(t,100)==99:
+                print('   Bootstrap step {}'.format(t+1))
+        #% save the bootstrap results to the dataframe
+        for i in range(8):
+            nextCond='click{}_{}'.format(i,condition)
+            print('saving boot results for {}'.format(nextCond))
+            boot_result_df[nextCond]=boot_results[:,i]
+# save bootstrap results to CSV      
+boot_result_df.to_csv(folder_path + '/BootstrapResult.csv')
+#%% read bootstrap results if needed. 
+boot_result_df = pd.read_csv(folder_path + '/BootstrapResult.csv')
+boot_result_df = boot_result_df.loc[:, ~boot_result_df.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')]
+#%% plot bootstrap distributions
+clickRates=['  20','  50',300,900]
+for clkIdx in range(8):
+    for HzIdx in range(4):
+        violin_parts=ax.violinplot(boot_result_df[columns[ii]], positions=[pos],showextrema = True, showmedians = True)
+        xTicks.append(pos)
+        xTickLabels.append('click {}:{} Hz'.format(clkIdx+1,clickRates[HzIdx]))
+        for partname in ('cbars','cmins','cmaxes','cmedians'):
+            vp = violin_parts[partname]
+            vp.set_edgecolor(colors[ii])
+            vp.set_linewidth(1)
+        # Make the violin body blue with a red border:
+        for vp in violin_parts['bodies']:
+            vp.set_facecolor(colors[ii])
+            vp.set_edgecolor(colors[ii])
+            vp.set_linewidth(1)
+            vp.set_alpha(0.5)
+        ii+=1
+        pos+=1
+    pos+=1
+plt.ylabel('Probit Coefficients')
+# v['bodies'][0].set_edgecolor('r')
+# v['bodies'][0].set_facecolor('r')
+plt.title('Bootstrapped confidence intervals for probit coefficients')
+# Save figure 
+plt.savefig(result_path + '/TWF_ITD_bootstrapWeights.svg')
+plt.savefig(result_path + '/Figure3.tif', dpi=300)
+#%% output some descriptive statistics for the bootstrap distributions
+# Fron click 3 to 7, what are the medians?
+for clkIdx in range(3,8):
+    for HzIdx in range(4):
+        print(' click {} at {} Hz - median weight: {}'.format(clkIdx,clickRates[HzIdx],\
+                                    np.median(boot_result_df['click{}_{}Hz'.format(clkIdx,clickRates[HzIdx])])))

+ 72 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Created on Mon May 11 16:55:37 2020
+@author: Cecilia
+Summerize the behavioral data (the table in TWF manuscript) and 
+import os
+import pandas as pd
+import numpy as np
+## Get the path of the folder where the data csv file sits in. 
+## The results will save to this folder.   
+#csv_path = r"C:\Users\Cecilia\OneDrive\Python\TWF_behaviour\behaviouralRecalculated\TWF_ITD_dataset_withoutCorrectionTrials.csv"
+csv_path = r"C:\Users\USER\OneDrive\Python\TWF_behaviour\behaviouralRecalculated\TWF_ITD_dataset_withoutCorrectionTrials.csv"
+folder_path, csv_filename = os.path.split(csv_path)
+## Load data file (without correction trials)
+dataset = pd.read_csv(csv_path,encoding='utf-8-sig', sep='\s*,\s*', engine='python').copy()
+## Get rid of the white spaces in front or at the end of collumns. If not doing so, will raise error when calling get_group() 
+dataset['animal'] = dataset['animal'].astype(str).str.strip()
+dataset.columns = dataset.columns.str.strip()
+## Get the unique condition and animal ID
+conditions = list(dataset['condition'].unique())
+animals = list(dataset['animal'].unique())
+#%% How many probe trials in each condition for each rat
+## Extract the offset (ms) == 0 (probe) trials
+probe_data = dataset.loc[dataset['offset (ms)'] == 0].copy()
+## Group data by condition and animal
+grouped_probe_data = probe_data.groupby(['condition','animal'])
+## Print out the number of trials in each conditon
+for (probe_condition, probe_animal), probe_group in grouped_probe_data:
+    print("The total number of probe trials in group {} {} is {}".format(probe_condition, probe_animal, probe_group.shape[0] ))
+#%% How is the performance in honesty trial in each condition for each rat
+## calculate the honesty trial correct rate in each condition
+honesty_data = dataset.loc[np.abs(dataset['offset (ms)'])>dataset['jitter (ms)']].copy()
+## Group data by condition and animal
+grouped_honesty_data = honesty_data.groupby(['condition','animal'])
+for (honesty_condition, honesty_animal), honesty_group in grouped_honesty_data:
+    # The number of correct trials in each group
+    honesty_correct=sum(honesty_group['correct'])
+    print('Honesty trials in group {} {} :- Total:{} Correct: {} ({}%)'.format(honesty_condition, honesty_animal, len(honesty_group),honesty_correct,honesty_correct*100/len(honesty_group)))