datacite.yml 1.1 KB

  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: Behrad
  4. lastname: Noudoost
  5. affiliation: 'University of Utah'
  6. -
  7. firstname: Tirin
  8. lastname: Moore
  9. affiliation: 'Stanford University'
  10. title: 'FEF MGS with V4 stim'
  11. description: "FEF recordings during an MGS task \nwith electrical stimulation of V4 "
  12. keywords:
  13. - Neuroscience
  14. - 'working memory'
  15. - prefrontal
  16. - FEF
  17. - collision
  18. license:
  19. name: 'Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International'
  20. url: ''
  21. funding:
  22. - 'NIH, R01EY014924'
  23. - 'NIH, R01EY02694'
  24. - 'NIH, R01NS113073'
  25. - 'NIH, R01MH121435'
  26. references:
  27. -
  28. id:
  29. reftype: IsSupplementTo
  30. citation: 'Behrad Noudoost, Kelsey L. Clark, Tirin Moore. Working Memory Gates Visual Input to Primate Prefrontal Neurons. BioRxiv 2020.'
  31. -
  32. id: 'doi: 10.1038/ncomms15041'
  33. reftype: IsSupplementTo
  34. citation: 'Merrikhi Y, Clark K, Albarran E, Parsa M, Zirnsak M, Moore T, Noudoost B. Spatial working memory alters the efficacy of input to visual cortex. 2017. Nature Communications. 8:15041.'
  35. resourcetype: Dataset
  36. templateversion: 1.2