This repository contains the ephys data related to the article "Reorganization of adolescent prefrontal cortex circuitry is required for mouse cognitive maturation"

Jastyn Anne Pöpplau 1afccfb9da Upload files to 'Data_head-fixed' 11 months ago
Data_freely-moving 4fa37ab35f Delete 'Data_freely-moving/' 11 months ago
Data_head-fixed 1afccfb9da Upload files to 'Data_head-fixed' 11 months ago
LICENSE 9bb79b59b4 Initial commit 11 months ago 7c0b2587bb Update '' 11 months ago
Recording summary of chronically recorded mice.docx a91d972e54 Upload files to '' 11 months ago
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Reorganization of adolescent prefrontal cortex circuitry is required for mouse cognitive maturation

This repository contains the ephys data related to the article "Reorganization of adolescent prefrontal cortex circuitry is required for mouse cognitive maturation". ". We provide in vivo recordings from L2/3 of the prefrontal cortex of 26 chronically recorded head-fixed mice (LFP, n=195 recordings; SUA, n=7230 units) and 4 chronically recorded freely-moving mice (LFP, n=130). Following the structure of the article, the dataset is structured according to the mouse ID. An overview of recordings can be found in the table "Recording summary of chronically recorded mice". The main data folders are packaged as .zip files

Head-fixed recordings: Each mouse ID folder contains data of analyzed LFP periods (broadband 0.1-9000 Hz, LFP.dat file), timestamps of analyzed LFP data (Timestamps_LFP_Baseline.mat file), movement of the mouse (Movement_Baseline.mat file), and sorted single unit information and timestamps (SUA.mat file). Note, for LFP-SUA analysis single unit timestamps corresponding to the LFP timestamps have to be used. Head-fixed LFP data have a sampling rate of 32000 Hz and movement is a logical vector with a sampling rate of 1 Hz. Spike sorting has been done using klusta (, and manually curated with Phy ( The SUA.mat structure provides following information for every sorted unit:

  • ClusterID: ID of the unit
  • Channel: The channel on which the unit has been detected
  • Timestamps: Timestamps of detected action potential with a sampling frequency of 32000 Hz
  • Waveform: the average waveform of the unit

Freely moving recordings: Each mouse ID folder contains data of analyzed LFP periods (broadband 0.1-9000 Hz, LFP.dat file) and movement of the mouse (Movement_Baseline.mat file. Freely-moving LFP data have a sampling rate of 32552 Hz and movement is a vector of the distance moved (in pixel) with a sampling rate of 201 Hz. No spike sorting was performed for freely-moving data.

**Electrode channels: ** All recordings were recorded with a 16 channel Neuronexus 1x16 1-shank electrode with a channel interspace of 100 µm. Channel 1 is the most superficial (closer to brain surface), and 16 the deepest. The position of electrodes has been post-mortem histologycally reconstructed.

For every question and/or further data request, please don't hesitate in contacting me (

Title This repository contains the ephys data related to the article -Reorganization of adolescent prefrontal cortex circuitry is required for mouse cognitive maturation-
Authors Pöpplau,Jastyn A.;Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, Hamburg Center of Neuroscience (HCNS), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany;ORCID:0000-0002-4350-3164
Schwarze,Timo;Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, Hamburg Center of Neuroscience (HCNS), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany;ORCID:0000-0001-8328-2901
Dorofeikova,Mariia;Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, Hamburg Center of Neuroscience (HCNS), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany;ORCID:0000-0002-2181-2281
Pochinok,Irina;Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, Hamburg Center of Neuroscience (HCNS), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany;ORCID:0009-0004-0479-3260
Günther,Anne;Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, Hamburg Center of Neuroscience (HCNS), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany;ORCID:0000-0001-8081-9275
Marquardt,Annette;Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, Hamburg Center of Neuroscience (HCNS), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany;ORCID:0000-0001-5435-3790
Hanganu-Opatz,Ileana L.;Institute of Developmental Neurophysiology, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, Hamburg Center of Neuroscience (HCNS), University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany;ORCID:0000-0002-4787-1765
Description 195 electrophysiological recordings from layer 2/3 of the prefrontal cortex of 26 chronically recorded head-fixed mice, including 7230 sorted single units. 130 electrophysiological recordings from layer 2/3 of the prefrontal cortex of 4 chronically recorded freely-moving mice.
License Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication (
Funding DFG; Ha4466/11-1
DFG; SFB 936 B5
DFG; FOR5159 TP1
ERC; ERC-2015-CoG
EU; Horizon 2020 DEEPER
Keywords Neuroscience
Cognitive dysfunction
Prefrontal cortex
Resource Type Dataset